2002, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 641-658 Connecting to global markets in the Internet age: The case of South African wooden furniture producers
by Sagren Moodley - 659-679 Internet-enabled supply chain integration: Prospects and challenges for the South African automotive industry
by Sagren Moodley - 681-697 Perceptions of economic and financial conditions of households in 2000
by Meshack Khosa - 699-717 Sources of successful cost recovery for water: Evidence from a national survey of South African municipalities
by Rod Alence - 719-734 Does South Africa need trade promotion organisations?
by Imraan Valodia & Richard Goode & Cecil Macheke - 735-750 Credit guarantee schemes as an instrument to promote access to finance for small and medium enterprises: An analysis of Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd's individual credit guarantee scheme
by Morne Nigrini & Andrie Schoombee
2002, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 441-454 The implications of South Africa's skills migration policy for country competitiveness
by Albert Wocke & Saul Klein - 455-466 Barriers that disconnect homeless people and make homelessness difficult to interpret
by Olusola Olufemi - 467-481 'Don't owe, won't pay!': A critical analysis of the Jubilee SA position on South African government debt
by Richard Walker & Nicoli Nattrass - 483-501 A poverty indicator system for local government
by Leanne Scott - 503-529 Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: Is there a new role for contract farming?
by Johann Kirsten & Kurt Sartorius - 531-543 Combating poverty in South Africa
by Boyboy Motloung & Ronald Mears - 545-560 Poverty: Deprivations in terms of basic needs
by Alfred Ngwane & Venkata Yadavalli & Francois Steffens - 561-572 The determinants of rural and urban household poverty in the North West province of South Africa
by Philip Serumaga-Zake & Willem Naude - 573-581 Unemployment, marginalisation and survival in Greater East London
by Richard Haines & Geoffrey Wood
2002, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 369-387 Water, energy and sustainable economic development in South Africa
by Mike Goldblatt & Glynn Davies - 389-403 Economic reforms and the prospect for sustainable development in Tanzania
by Kassim Kulindwa - 405-418 Zambia: Structural adjustment, rural livelihoods and sustainable development
by Guy Scott - 419-430 Short-term effects of policy reform on tourism and the macroeconomy in Zimbabwe: Applied CGE analysis
by Ramos Mabugu
2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 221-237 A survey of the adoption of cleaner technology by South African firms
by Raewyn Peart - 239-259 Integration and intra-industry trade adjustment in South Africa
by Lennart Petersson - 261-271 Video evidencing and palmtop computer technology to support the formalisation of land rights
by Michael Barry & Lani Roux & Glynnis Barodien & Ian Bishop - 273-288 From past to present: The historical context of environmental and coastal management in Tanzania
by Elin Torell - 289-306 Differentiation in black education
by Servaas van der Berg & Louise Wood & Neil le Roux - 307-327 Land use and extension services at Wovwe Rice Scheme, Malawi
by Wiseman Chijere Chirwa - 329-355 The utilisation of engineering services bulk infrastructure components in integrated development planning
by Sharon Biermann & Martin Landre
2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 7-28 Tourism development in the SADC region: The opportunities and challenges
by Robert Cleverdon - 29-59 Tourism, business linkages and small enterprise development in South Africa
by Marie kirsten & Christian Rogerson - 61-82 Making tourism work for the poor: Strategies and challenges in southern Africa
by Caroline Ashley & Dilys Roe - 83-103 The impacts of tourism investment on rural communities: Three case studies in South Africa
by Karin Mahony & Jurgens Van Zyl - 105-121 Development of preliminary tourism satellite accounts for Namibia
by Helen Suich - 123-141 Satellite and resource accounting as tools for tourism planning in southern Africa
by Daneswar Poonyth & Jonathan Barnes & Helen Suich & Mokgadi Monamati - 143-167 Tourism and local economic development: The case of the Highlands Meander
by Christian Rogerson - 169-190 Urban tourism in the developing world: The case of Johannesburg
by Christian Rogerson - 191-212 Information communication technologies and the potential for rural tourism SMME development: The case of the Wild Coast
by France Bourgouin
2001, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 541-552 Using group ratings to assess household food security: Empirical evidence from southern Africa
by Calogero Carletto & Charles Masangano & Gilles Bergeron & Saul Morris - 553-579 Changes in poverty in Zimbabwe between 1990 and 1996: Worsening outcomes under adverse conditions
by Jeffrey Alwang & Lire Ersado & Nelson Taruvinga - 581-604 The role of land-based strategies in rural livelihoods: The contribution of arable production, animal husbandry and natural resource harvesting in communal areas in South Africa
by Charlie Shackleton & Sheona Shackleton & Ben Cousins - 605-624 A project management approach to the implementation of development programmes within the local government sphere: An empirical analysis
by Heather Nel - 625-633 A cost-benefit analysis of landmine clearance in Mozambique
by Gareth Elliot & Geoff Harris - 635-650 Urban agriculture, gender and empowerment: An alternative view
by Rachel Slater - 651-670 Who are the heads of household, what do they do, and is the concept of headship useful? An analysis of headship in South Africa
by Dorrit Posel - 671-682 Labour market discrimination in the North West province of South Africa
by Philip AE Serumaga-Zake & Willem Naude
2001, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 405-421 Resource shifts in South African schools after the political transition
by Servaas van der Berg - 423-441 Energy use in the Namibian economy from 1995 to 1998
by Jesper Stage & Florette Fleermuys - 443-455 Domestic tourist spending and economic development: The case of the North West Province
by Melville Saayman & Andrea Saayman & Juliet Rhodes - 457-469 First steps in the desegregation of South African towns and cities, 1991-6
by Anthony Christopher - 471-491 Trade and the structure of South African production, 1984-97
by Lawrence Edwards - 493-511 Changing factor market conditions in South Africa: The capital market - a sectoral description of the period 1970-97
by Johannes Fedderke & John Kayemba & Simon Henderson & Martine Mariotti & Prabhat Vaze - 513-523 Contributing to the African Renaissance vision: The role of South African higher education institutions
by Stephanus PT Malan - 525-535 The historical evolution of demographic data compilation, evaluation and use in South Africa
by Zanele Mfono
2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 261-278 An analysis of the determinants of labour force participation and unemployment in South Africa's North-West province
by Willem Naude & Philip Serumaga-Zake - 279-293 Clearing the ground in the Spatial Development Initiatives (SDIs): Analysing 'process' on South Africa's Wild Coast
by Thembela Kepe - 295-308 Relationship between the mode of land redistribution, tenure security and agricultural credit use in KwaZulu-Natal
by Andrew Graham & Mark AgDarroch - 309-325 Determinants of animal traction adoption in traditional agriculture: An application of the multivariate probit procedure to the case of Lesotho
by James Mbata - 327-346 Rural afforestation programmes for sustainable rural development: How realist conceptualisation can help
by Solomon Yirenkyi-Boateng - 347-363 Transaction costs and crop marketing in the communal areas of Impendle and Swayimana, KwaZulu-Natal
by Pierre Matungul & Michael Lyne & Gerald Ortmann - 365-376 Social exclusion and rural transport: Gender aspects of a road improvement project in Tshitwe, Northern Province
by Sabina Mahapa & Mac Mashiri - 377-393 Rural schools and educational technology: A case study of rural schools in the Molopo district, Mafikeng
by Monde Ndandani
2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-140 Working with community health workers to improve nutrition in rural KwaZulu-Natal
by Myra Taylor & Champaklal Jinabhai - 141-168 Environmental and socio-economic factors behind food security policy strategies in Botswana
by Cleophas Lado - 169-187 Hazardous waste management in South African mining - a CGE analysis of the economic impacts
by Manfred Wiebelt - 189-199 Similarities and differences between male and female entrepreneurial attributes in manufacturing firms in the informal sector in the Transkei
by Darma Mahadea - 201-215 Poverty in South Africa - a statistical analysis
by Alfred Ngwane & Venkata Yadavalli & Francois Steffens - 217-238 Monitoring quality of life in cities: The Durban case
by Valerie Møller - 239-252 An appraisal of the Vulamehlo Handcraft Project
by Sonja Kruger & Riaan Verster
2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-17 A quantitative determination of the food security status of rural farming households in the Northern Province of South Africa
by Jef Leroy & Johan van Rooyen & Luc D'Haese & Anne-Marie de Winter - 19-30 Maphephethe rural electrification (photovoltaic) programme: The constraints on the adoption of solar home systems
by J Maryann Green & Merridy Wilson & Will Cawood - 31-44 The quest for affordable urban housing: A study of approaches and results in Harare, Zimbabwe
by Amin Kamete - 45-56 Gender equality rights versus traditional practices: Struggles for control and change in Swaziland
by John Daly - 57-77 Defence and development: Some thematic issues
by Rocky Williams - 79-92 The challenges of globalisation for development in southern Africa
by Andrec Jordaan - 93-106 Supply response under market liberalisation: A case study of Malawian agriculture
by Kumaresan Govindan & Suresh Chandra Babu - 107-114 Upgrading and low-income housing initiatives: Indicating their value to the people of Freedom Square, Bloemfontein
by Nicolaas van Rensburg & Lucius Botes & Maryna de Wet
2000, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 641-665 Government-induced teacher failure in South Africa - causes and analysis1
by S. G. Hosking - 667-686 Against the odds: Health care in an informal settlement in Durban
by Prisilla Cunnan & Brij Maharaj - 687-716 Successful SMEs in South Africa: The case of clothing producers in the Witwatersrand
by Christian Rogerson - 717-735 The case for social security in South Africa: An economic perspective
by Theo van der Merwe - 737-749 The impact of globalisation on local government in South Africa
by Harry Ballard & Erwin Schwella - 751-767 Getting South African banks to serve micro-entrepreneurs: An analysis of policy options
by Andrie Schoombee - 769-790 Macroeconomic policies and their impact on health in Zimbabwe in the 1980s and 1990s: An analysis of the prevalence of diarrhoea, malnutrition, maternal mortality and access to health services
by Neddy Matshalaga - 791-805 Public expenditure and poverty alleviation: Simulations for South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat - 807-819 A creative multidisciplinary approach towards the development of food gardening
by Wimpie Nell & Basie Wessels & Jo Mokoka & Sophy Machedi
2000, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 489-499 Cereal producers and the structural adjustment programme (SAP) in Ghana: A welfare analysis of the first decade of SAP
by Ivy Drafor & Glen Filson & Ellen Goddard - 501-518 Beyond community participation? Alternative routes to civil engagement and development in South Africa
by Tony Emmett - 519-534 Decentralisation and local governance theory and the practice in Botswana
by Kempe Ronald Hope - 535-566 Road construction and small enterprise development: The experience of the N4 Maputo corridor
by Christian Rogerson - 567-581 KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) 1993-98: A longitudinal household database for South African policy analysis
by Julian May & Michael Carter & Lawrence Haddad & John Maluccio - 583-602 The effect of rural inequality on fertility and migration: A literature review
by Johann Kirsten & Marie Kirsten - 603-619 Who received what, where in the Free State? An assessment of post-apartheid housing delivery and policy (1994-98)
by Lochner Marais & Skip Krige - 621-628 DEVELOPMENT DEBATE AND PRACTICE: A situational appraisal of demographic data utilisation in planning in the Eastern Cape province
by Z. N. Mfono
2000, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 285-287 Editorial
by Claudia Manning & Rashad Cassim - 289-305 Foreign direct investment, cost competitiveness and the transformation of the Irish economy
by Frank Barry - 307-337 Industry restructuring and regulation: Building a base for sustainable growth - lessons from Latin America
by Ian Alexander & Antonio Estache - 339-356 Regulatory change and competition in the South African electricity supply industry
by Christopher Hansen - 357-371 Competition policy and regulation: A case study of telecommunications
by Rossana Achterberg - 373-387 Liberalising communication services in South Africa
by James Hodge - 389-400 Foreign direct investment in South Africa (1994-9) - confronting globalisation
by Karen Heese - 401-415 Changing lanes: The political economy of the South African automotive value chain
by Justin Barnes - 417-435 Industrial participation, investment and growth: The case of South Africa's defence-related industry
by Peter Batchelor & Paul Dunne - 437-466 The impact of trade and structural changes on sectoral employment in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat
2000, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 165-174 Resources, household decision making and organisation of labour in food production among small-scale farmers in southern Zambia
by Thomson Kalinda & Glenn Filson & James Shute - 175-188 An economic evaluation of tourism: A case study of accommodation facilities in southern Maputaland
by George Oldham & Geert Creemers & Taryn Rebeck - 189-200 Rural settlement and retail trade business in the Eastern Cape
by Tabukeli Ruhiiga - 201-219 Mobile entrepreneurship: Informal sector cross-border trade and street trade in South Africa
by Sally Peberdy - 221-234 Feminisation of poverty among the street homeless women in South Africa
by Olusola Olufemi - 235-248 Carting in the Northern Province: Structural and geographical change
by Sabina Mahapa - 249-262 Asymmetrical devolution
by Joachim H-G Wehner - 263-276 Development Debate and Practice Revisiting the South African magisterial districts of 1999
by Manie Geyer & Mark Orkin & Pali Lehohla & John Kahimbaara
2000, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 7-22 Regional food security and agricultural policy in southern Africa: A challenge of policy conversion in diverse settings
by Johan Van Rooyen - 23-51 The impact of economic fundamentals on stock markets in southern Africa
by Keith Jefferis & Charles Okeahalam - 53-63 The estimation of intra-industry trade in South Africa
by Alan Isemonger - 65-73 Monitoring and evaluation of women's rural development extension services in South Africa
by Sazile Mtshali - 75-85 The influence of family management on attendance and successful completion of skills training courses in KwaZulu-Natal
by Sheryl Hendriks & J Maryann Green - 87-104 Post-apartheid urban geography: A case study of Greater Johannesburg's Rapid Land Development Programme
by Lindsay Bremner - 105-116 Education and the labour market in Botswana
by Happy Siphambe - 117-134 'We want to live a better life like other people': Self-assessed development needs of rural women in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu-Natal
by Ayanda Sotshongaye & Valerie Moller - 135-148 Nature-based tourism on communal land: The Mavhulani experience
by Johan Viljoen & Kamal Naicker - 149-156 Identification and prioritisation of access problems in rural areas
by Ashoke Sarkar & Dipak Ghosh
1999, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-4 Editorial
by James Leigland & Rosalind Thomas - 551-563 South Africa's infrastructure service delivery needs: The role and challenge for public-private partnerships
by Barry Jackson & Monhla Hlahla - 565-583 The municipal infrastructure investment unit: The government's PPP-enabling strategy
by Monhla Hlahla - 585-606 Regulation and facilitation of public-private partnerships: The MSP policy framework
by Michael Sinclair - 607-622 National and provincial PPPs: Issues of supervision and accountability
by Chris Heymans & Michael Schur - 623-648 Nelspruit and Dolphin Coast: Lessons from the first concession contracts
by Roelf Kotze & Andrew Ferguson & James Leigland - 649-667 Johannesburg's strategic plan for municipal service partnerships
by Prem Govender & James Aiello - 669-689 Privatisation of a municipal enterprise through competitive sale: The case of Metro Gas
by Peter Coetzee & Jan van der Schyff - 691-705 Public-private partnerships for waste management: Challenges for policies and procedures
by James Dohrman & James Aiello - 707-728 Financing municipal BOOTs in South Africa: The lenders' perspective
by Karen Breytenbach & Claudia Manning - 729-750 Municipal bonds as alternatives to PPPs: Facilitating direct municipal access to private capital
by James Leigland & Rosalind Thomas
1999, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Snowy Khoza Molosankwe - 375-401 When 'community' is not enough: Managing common property natural resources in rural South Africa
by Andrew Ainslie - 403-414 Grazing into the future: Policy making for South African communal rangelands
by Peter Scogings & Theunis de Bruyn & Susanne Vetter - 415-433 The problem of defining 'community': Challenges for the land reform programme in rural South Africa
by Thembela Kepe - 435-445 Land redistribution in KwaZulu-Natal: An analysis of farmland transactions in 1997
by Andrew Graham & Michael Lyne - 447-454 A historical irony in the making? State, private sector and land reform in the South African wine industry
by Johann Hamman & Joachim Ewert - 455-466 Towards developing financial management strategies for land reform beneficiaries in the Bloem-fontein/Thaba Nchu area of the Free State province of South Africa
by Wilhelm Nell & Machiel Viljoen & Michael Lyne - 467-488 Women and empowerment through the 'economy of affection' in KwaZulu-Natal: Its significance for sustainable development
by Anand Singh - 489-500 The role of home economics in agricultural extension
by Sheryl Hendriks & J Maryann Green - 501-518 Participation in research and development at the Tshikonelo agricultural project, Northern province
by Naude Malan - 519-530 Geographic information system concepts for land management
by Theo Kleynhans & Pol Coppin & Lloyd Queen - 531-546 Trade policy, productivity and learning: Evidence in South Africa
by Imraan Valodia - 547-550 Project management for strategic change and upliftment (by Gerrit van der Waldt & Andre Knipe)
by Petal Thring
1999, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 197-219 Patterns of poverty in South Africa
by Debbie Budlender - 221-237 Solar (photovoltaic) systems, energy use and business activities in Maphephethe, KwaZulu-Natal
by J Maryann Green & Su Erskine - 239-258 Juggling central control and provincial fiscal autonomy in South Africa
by Albert van Zyl & Laura Walker - 259-275 The Botswana Development Corporation: Divestiture policy and citizen participation in the private sector
by Jonathan Kaunda - 277-289 Local economic development: Policy and practice in South Africa
by Etienne Nel & Graham Humphrys - 291-297 Non-governmental organisations and financial sustainability
by Hennie Conradie - 299-318 Invisible capital: The contribution of communal rangelands to rural livelihoods in South Africa
by Ben Cousins - 319-333 The use and management of draught animals by smallholder farmers in the former Ciskei and Transkei
by David O'Neill & John Sneyd & Nkosi Mzileni & Lulamile Mapeyi & Moses Njekwa & Stanley Israel - 335-344 Small-family farm types: Examples from Northern Namibia and implications for agrarian reform in South Africa
by Allan Low & Penny Akwenye & Kaatry Kamwi - 345-356 The significance of geographical information systems for development planning
by John Williams - 357-369 Youth and development in Southern Africa: Achievements and challenges for the social sciences
by Pempelani Mufune - 371-373 Government and politics in the new South Africa: An introductory reader to its institutions, processes and policies (edited by A Venter)
by Meshack Khosa
1999, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Chris Heymans - 3-35 Levels, trends and consistency of employment and unemployment figures in South Africa
by Stephan Klasen & Ingrid Woolard - 37-54 A comparison of poverty in South Africa's nine provinces
by Murray Leibbrandt & Ingrid Woolard - 55-67 Understanding South African social security through recent household surveys: New opportunities and continuing gaps
by Frances Lund - 69-88 Indian Ocean Rim: Assessing the prospects for cooperation and integration
by Willie Breytenbach - 89-105 A review of trade trends: South Africa and the Indian Ocean Rim
by Merle Holden & Alan Isemonger - 107-124 SMME development in Johannesburg's Southern Metropolitan Local Council: An assessment
by Henry Rwigema & Peter Karungu - 125-140 A supply-response analysis of Botswana's livestock and sorghum: An error-correction approach
by Oludele Akinboade - 141-155 The relative importance of liquidity and other constraints inhibiting the growth of small-scale farming in KwaZulu-Natal
by Louise Fenwick & Mike Lyne - 157-162 Distinguishing between individual-and household-level poverty
by Haroon Bhorat - 163-168 The economic development approach to legal reform for rural women: A methodological alternative
by Carol Leutner - 169-181 Effective strategies for reaching the poor
by Anton Simanowitz - 183-193 The challenge of local government delivery
by John Harris - 195-196 Gandhi's vision and values: The moral quest for change in Indian agriculture (by V Pinto )
by Charles Machethe
1998, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 2-4 Editorial
by Stephen Gelb & Claudia Manning - 717-725 Spatial development initiatives (SDIs) - the official view
by Paul Jourdan - 727-755 SDIs: Infrastructure, agglomeration and the region in industrial policy
by David Lewis & Robin Bloch - 757-769 The Maputo Development Corridor: A case study of the SDI process in Mpumalanga
by Jonathan Mitchell - 771-785 The impact of the Saldanha Steel Project on the West Coast economy
by Amanda Fitschen - 787-808 The Fish River SDI: New hope for industrial regeneration in the Eastern Cape?
by Amanda Driver - 809-826 SDIs, tourism-led growth and the empowerment of local communities in South Africa
by Eddie Koch & Geoff de Beer & Sean Elliffe - 829-849 Why Richards Bay grew as an industrial centre: Lessons for SDIs
by Jayanthi Aniruth & Justin Barnes - 851-873 The Midrand area: An emerging high-technology cluster?
by James Hodge - 875-905 High-technology clusters and infrastructure development: international and South African experiences
by Christian Rogerson - 907-915 International perspectives on tourism-led development: some lessons for the SDIs
by Eddie Koch & Geoff de Beer & Sean Elliffe - 917-942 Investment-led entrepreneurship development
by Christian Rogerson
1998, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 499-517 Masakhane case studies
by Jeremy Timm & Omar Jadwat - 519-536 Assessing housing management in terms of development objectives
by Johan Burger & Fanie Cloete - 537-554 The impact of state legislation on the organisation of trade unions: The case of the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) in Botswana
by Monageng Mogalakwe & Pempelani Mufune & Patrick Molutsi - 555-572 Cattle numbers, biomass, productivity and land degradation in the commercial farming sector of Namibia, 1915-95
by Glenn-Marie Lange & Jonathan Barnes & Daniel Motinga - 573-587 Determining the contribution of agricultural production to household nutritional status in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Johann Kirsten & Robert Townsend & Chris Gibson - 589-608 Access to agricultural extension, credit and markets among small-scale farmers in southern Zambia
by Thomson Kalinda & James Shute & Glen Filson - 609-620 Tenure security and productivity in small-scale agriculture in Zimbabwe: Implications for South Africa
by Graham Moor & W Lieb Nieuwoudt - 621-634 Developing an understanding of problems being experienced by traditional healers living on the western border of the Kruger National Park: Foundations for an integrated conservation and development programme
by Jenny Botha - 635-659 Constructing migration: Infrastructure, poverty and development in KwaZulu-Natal
by Catherine Cross & Tobias Mngadi & Themba Mbhele - 661-668 Infrastructure: A foundation for development - key points from the DBSA Development Report 1998
by Chris Heymans & Janine Thome-Erasmus - 669-677 What does a rural destination area look like? Institutions and livelihoods in KwaDumisa
by Themba Mbhele - 679-687 Race and gender in local government employment
by Debbie Budlender - 689-701 Debate 1: Debating the South African minerals-energy complex: A response to Bell and Farrell
by Ben Fine & Zavareh Rustomjee - 703-714 Debate 2: The minerals-energy complex and South African industrialisation: A rejoinder
by Trevor Bell - 715-716 Greening at the grassroots: Alternative forestry strategies in India, By Eva Cheung Robinson
by Jessica Wilson
1998, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 323-343 Restructuring the electricity distribution industry: An analysis of the proposed ownership and governance structures of regional electricity distributors
by Conrad Barberton - 345-360 Restructuring the electricity distribution sector: Implications for local government
by Justine Keswell-Burns