August 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 231-252 Concentric collaboration: a model of leadership development for healthcare organizations
by Cynthia Roberts & David Coghlan
July 2011, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 89-91 Leadership, risk and the imposter syndrome
by Mike Pedler - 147-147 Editorial
by David Coghlan & Clare Rigg - 173-174 Action learning in schools: reframing teacher's professional development
by Kath Aspinwall - 174-178 Action learning: history and evolution
by Tom Bourner - 178-180 A manager's guide to leadership
by Kai Peters - 180-181 Action learning: history and evolution
by Clare Rigg
March 2011, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 93-102 Action learning and organisation development: overlapping fields of practice
by John Edmonstone - 117-127 Developing self-managed action learning (SMAL)
by Tom Bourner - 129-146 The role of the blended action learning facilitator: an enabler of learning and a trusted inquisitor
by Kate Thornton & Pak Yoong - 149-157 Renewing professional organizations and action learning
by Carol A. Mullen - 159-164 Action learning -- an experience working with executives at the IBM corporation
by Marianne Tracy
April 2011, Volume 8, Issue 2
2011, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 165-172 Blending Q and P: incorporating action learning in a Master's programme
by George Boak
2011, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-13 Reflective practice: origins and interpretations
by Michael Reynolds - 15-26 Systemic action and learning in public services
by Clare Rigg - 27-39 How can action learning contribute to social capital?
by Mike Pedler & Margaret Attwood - 43-56 Action learning over time: an ipsative enquiry
by Tom Bourner - 57-64 Building better futures: leveraging action learning at Kentz Engineers & Constructors
by Takis Karallis & Eric Sandelands - 65-68 Action learning as invigoration
by Terence Chivers
March 2011, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-4 Cultivating foresight and innovation in action learning: reflecting ourselves; reflecting with others
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 41-41 Editorial
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 69-72 Corporate responsibility: a critical introduction
by Paul Abbott - 72-74 Human resource development: theory and practice
by Sue Spiers - 74-76 Participatory practice: community-based action for transformative change
by Julia Calver - 77-78 Seeds for change
by Sue Pritchard - 79-82 Work-based learning: bridging knowledge and action in the workplace
by Barbara Longmore - 82-84 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about qualitative research
by Vasiliki Georgiou - 84-86 Complexity and organizational reality: uncertainty and the need to rethink management after the collapse of investment capitalism
by Chris Rodgers
November 2010, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 165-172 Blending Q and P: incorporating action learning in a Master's programme
by George Boak
November 2010, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 27-39 How can action learning contribute to social capital?
by Mike Pedler & Margaret Attwood
December 2010, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-13 Reflective practice: origins and interpretations
by Michael Reynolds - 15-26 Systemic action and learning in public services
by Clare Rigg
September 2010, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 43-56 Action learning over time: an ipsative enquiry
by Tom Bourner - 57-64 Building better futures: leveraging action learning at Kentz Engineers & Constructors
by Takis Karallis & Eric Sandelands - 65-68 Action learning as invigoration
by Terence S. Chivers
July 2010, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 253-266 The narrative turn in action learning practices: from restitution to quest
by Mandy Chivers & Alan Yates - 297-301 Sowing the seeds of change: action learning in Merseytravel
by Andy Thornton - 303-314 Reflections and learning from using action learning sets in a healthcare education setting
by Liz Dunphy & Gillian Proctor & Ruth Bartlett & Mark Haslam & Chris Wood
November 2010, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 237-238 Evaluation, impact and actionable knowledge: assessing the value?
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 285-286 What is an account of practice, why write one and why does the journal publish them?
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 315-316 Doing and writing action research
by Brendon Harvey & Clare Rigg - 317-318 Doing action research in your own organization
by Mark N.K. Saunders - 319-321 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations
by Jamie Callahan
August 2010, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 239-251 Evaluating action learning: a critical realist complex network theory approach
by John G. Burgoyne - 267-283 A framework for the ethical practice of action learning
by Craig Johnson
July 2010, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 117-119 Evaluating action learning
by Mike Pedler & Kiran Trehan - 205-205 Introduction To Accounts Of Practice
by David Coghlan & Clare Rigg
March 2010, Volume 7, Issue 2
April 2010, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 121-136 The evidence for the effectiveness of action learning
by H. Skipton Leonard & Michael J. Marquardt - 137-150 Identifying balanced action learning: cases of South Korean practices
by Yonjoo Cho & Hyeon-Cheol Bong - 151-166 Learning in the wild
by James Conklin - 167-179 An action learning method for increased innovation capability in organisations
by Annika Olsson & Carl Wadell & Per Odenrick & Margareta Norell Bergendahl - 193-203 Notes toward a philosophy of action learning research
by David Coghlan & Paul Coughlan - 207-211 Women reaching women: change in action -- using action learning to help address seemingly intractable and large scale social issues
by Dawn Langley & Richard Watts - 213-219 Leading change in tissue viability best practice: an action learning programme for link nurse practitioners
by Jean Kellie & Eileen Henderson & Brian Milsom & Hayley Crawley - 221-227 Team Challenge and action learning
by Mary Holmes - 229-235 Practising virtual action learning at university
by Bernhard Hauser
March 2010, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Research and evaluation in assessing outcomes and impacts in action learning
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 73-73 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTS OF PRACTICE: Facing the challenges within
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 99-110 Book Reviews
by Judith Breen & Danny Chesterman & David Coghlan & Alyson Learmonth & John Oliver & Kai Peters & Jim Stewart - 111-116 Opening Space to the community: action learning at a community level
by Stephen Gibbs & Jeff Gold & Michael Cuthbert & Stephen Young & Pauline Doyle
October 2009, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 287-295 From practise to practice: action learning to support Transforming Derby
by Olwen Wilson
July 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 83-87 Introducing action learning in local government: a new facilitator's experience
by Kirsty Lowe
March 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 41-57 Qualities and practices of professional social work leadership in an interdisciplinary mental health service: an action learning approach
by David McNabb & Michael Webster - 75-81 Steps to Leadership action learning sets: ‘make it challenging but not too challenging’
by Derek Hughes
February 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-16 Business simulation exercises in small business management education: using principles and ideas from action learning
by Jonas Gabrielsson & Joakim Tell & Diamanto Politis - 17-28 The influence on an action learning set of affective and organizational cultural factors
by Paul Gentle
October 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 89-97 When action learning doesn't ‘take’: reflections on the DALEK programme
by John Edmonstone
April 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 29-40 The STAR project: teaching as a learning experience
by Fernando Rodriguez-Valls
August 2009, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 305-318 Critical by design: enacting critical action learning in a small business context
by Monder Ram & Kiran Trehan
March 2009, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 265-288 Entrepreneurial learning through action: a case study of the Six-Squared program
by Luke Pittaway & Caroline Missing & Nigel Hudson & Dean Maragh
November 2009, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 201-208 Leadership development in small- and medium-sized enterprises: the case for action learning
by Richard Thorpe & Jason Cope & Monder Ram & Mike Pedler - 209-227 Meeting the development needs of owner managed small enterprise: a discussion of the centrality of action learning
by Allan Gibb
June 2009, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 229-242 Conversations outside the comfort zone: identity formation in SME manager action learning
by Lisa Anderson & Jeff Gold - 243-263 Leadership development in SMEs: an action learning approach
by Claire M. Leitch & Christel McMullan & Richard T. Harrison - 289-303 Connecting entrepreneurial and action learning in student-initiated new business ventures: the case of SPEED
by David Rae - 319-328 Agrisgôp: action learning for Welsh farmers
by Eirwen Williams - 329-334 Learning about learning: action learning in times of organisational change
by Robyn Hill - 335-341 Experiences of action leaning in two SME business support programmes
by Laurie Smith - 343-348 Leadership and learning in the arts
by Di Bligh & Clare Chacksfield & Ruth Sapsed - 349-355 Action learning in an SME: appetite comes with eating
by Bernhard Hauser
July 2009, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-107 Unravelling diversity and collaboration in individual and organisational action learning
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 163-163 Accounts of practice
by David Coghlan & Clare Rigg - 177-195 Book Reviews
by Ian Lovegrove & Jeff Gold & Otmar Donnenberg & Lutz von Rosenstiel & John Lawler & Eugene Sadler-Smith & Chris Blantern - 197-200 North West Employers' Conference
by Joanne Meehan & Kelli Pickford & Aileen Lawless
March 2009, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-3 Management learning in a post-capitalist society
by Mike Pedler & Kiran Trehan - 51-51 Accounts of practice
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 77-86 Book Reviews
by Paul Iles & Phil Radcliff & Mike Pedler - 87-87 Action learning: developing networks of practice
by Kiran Trehan - 89-95 Exploring action learning: how to use and promote ‘learning through action’ in challenging times
by John Heywood - 97-100 Action learning: developing innovative networks of practice … for ideas worth sharing
by Brendon Harvey - 101-103 Launch of Revans Academy for Action Learning and Research
by Elaine Clark
November 2008, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 59-72 Virtual action learning: practices and challenges
by Mollie Dickenson & John Burgoyne & Mike Pedler
December 2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 171-176 An extreme case of action learning at BAT Niemeyer
by Emiel Eckstein & Gert Veenhoven & Ivo De Loo
May 2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 165-169 Action learning in ActionAid Nepal: a case study
by Patricia Lustig & Deep Ranjani Rai
July 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 35-49 Animating critical action learning: process-based leadership and management development
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 71-76 The compatibility of action learning with inner game coaching
by Andy Aitkenhead
March 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
August 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 17-24 Seeking conceptual clarity in the action modalities
by Joe Raelin
October 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 63-70 Relevant and timely learning for busy leaders
by Julia Claxton & Jeff Gold & Claire Edwards & Gary Coope
June 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 53-61 Implementing blended self-managed action learning for digital entrepreneurs in higher education
by Simon Shurville & Asher Rospigliosi
May 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
November 2008, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 203-205 Action learning, organisational research and the ‘wicked’ problems
by Mike Pedler & Kiran Trehan - 237-237 Accounts of Practice
by David Coghlan
July 2008, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 91-92 Action learning: practices, problems & prospects
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler & Kiran Trehan & David Coghlan & Sue Pritchard & Jeff Gold & Helen James
March 2008, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-19 Participating in a Collaborative Action Learning Set (CAL): beginning the journey
by Brendan Mccormack & Elizabeth Henderson & Christine Boomer & Ita Collin & David Robinson - 21-38 Developing healthcare practice through action learning: individual and group journeys
by Valerie Wilson & Brendan Mccormack & Glenice Ives - 39-54 Codifying implementation guidelines for a collaborative improvement initiative
by Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan - 57-63 Learning action learning: a journey
by Brad Ceely & Anne Maree Davis & Natalie Hooke & Margaret Kelly & Peter Lewis & Claudia Watson - 65-77 Using an action learning set (ALS) to support the nurse and allied health professional consultant role
by Janet Richardson & Roberta Ainsworth & Rhoda Allison & Jo Billyard & Reine Corley & Jane Viner - 79-83 Reflections on a failed action learning intervention
by John Oliver
September 2007, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 109-119 Reconciling market requirements and operations resources: an opportunity for action learning
by Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan - 131-148 Evaluation of an action learning programme for leadership development of SME leaders in the UK
by Jean-Anne Stewart
August 2007, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 121-130 To act and learn: a Bakhtinian exploration of action learning
by Jeff Gold & Lisa Anderson & Jean Clarke & Richard Thorpe - 149-161 Issues in action learning: a critical realist interpretation
by John Burgoyne
December 2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 239-248 Action learning in the BBC
by Eversley Felix & Joan Keevill
September 2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 207-220 TransFormers in knowledge production: building science--practice collaborations
by Anne-Charlotte Hoes & Barbara J. Regeer & Joske F.G. Bunders - 221-235 The development of critical being? Reflection and reflexivity in an action learning programme for health promotion practitioners in the Netherlands
by Gaby C. Jacobs
October 2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 249-253 What do set facilitators bring to the party? (And do we need them?)
by Mary Holmes
July 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 185-192 Bringing Action Reflection Learning into action learning
by Isabel Rimanoczy & Carole Brown
June 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 149-158 Action learning enabled strategy making
by John Oliver
September 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 105-116 Action learning for organizational and systemic development: towards a ‘both-and’ understanding of ‘I’ and ‘we’
by Clare Rigg - 117-129 Action learning as legitimate peripheral participation
by Aileen Lawless - 131-147 Cooperative inquiry for learning and connectedness
by Sonia Ospina & Waad El Hadidy & Amparo Hofmann-Pinilla - 161-165 The Nokia story of using action learning
by Timo Ropponen - 167-172 Don't just do something … stand there: using action learning to help organisations work with anxiety
by Jane Linklater & Kamil Kellner - 173-184 Action learning as a core process for SME business support
by James A. Powell & Jane Houghton
November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
2007, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 115-118 The problem of action in action learning
by The Editors - 119-135 Doers of the Word? An enquiry into the nature of action in action learning
by John Rooke & Caroline Altounyan & Angela Young & Steve Young - 137-152 Action learning: facilitating real change for part-time occupational therapy students
by Susan Walsh & Colette Fegan - 153-171 Writing it down—writing it out—writing it up: researching our practice through action learning
by Pete Mann & Davina Clarke - 173-187 What action learning is not in the twenty-first century
by Penny Simpson & Tom Bourner - 189-189 Accounts of Practice
by The Editors - 191-198 Challenging from the margins into the mainstream—improving renal services in a collaborative and entrepreneurial spirit
by Margaret Attwood - 199-209 A flexible friend: action learning in the context of a multi-agency organisation development programme
by John Edmonstone & Hugh Flanagan - 211-218 Mindset change in a cross-cultural context
by Martin Loeve - 219-228 Book Reviews
by The Editors
April 2007, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 SPECIAL ISSUE: Lean thinking and action learning
by Mike Pedler - 3-8 SPECIAL ISSUE: Lean and learning: reshaping working and learning in organizations
by Ivo De Loo & Otmar Donnenberg & Urs Baldegger & Steve Briault & Ad Krijnen & Rhetta Moran - 9-24 Systems thinking, lean production and action learning
by John Seddon & Simon Caulkin - 25-43 Learning from Toyota: how action learning can foster competitive advantage in new product development (NPD)
by Barbara Fuchs - 45-59 Transformation to a customer-oriented perspective through action learning in product and service development
by Annika Olsson - 61-68 Integrated learning with international banking executives
by Sabine Zinke & Steve Briault - 69-75 Count me in: the role of action learning in making learning and skills provision more inclusive
by Gill O'toole - 77-86 Case study: planning as learning
by Peter A. C. Smith - 87-94 Culture and commitment: the key to the creation of an action learning organization
by Matthew Hind & John Koenigsberger - 95-104 Action learning as relational practice
by Tom Boydell & Chris Blantern - 105-106 Lean thinking, banish waste and create wealth in your corporation
by Allard Droste - 107-108 Freedom from command and control: a better way to make the work work
by David Binnerts - 109-111 The Toyota way: 14 management principles from the world's greatest manufacturer
by Ad Krijnen
September 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 123-126 The limits to ‘knowledge management’ or inventing the wheel of our own practice
by Mike Pedler - 127-139 Action learning dissertations: structure, supervision and examination
by David Coghlan & Mike Pedler - 141-159 Virtual action learning: experiences from a study of an SME e-learning programme
by Jean-Anne Stewart & Gillian Alexander - 161-173 Where should the action be—inside the classroom or outside the classroom? A comparison of the action-learning outcomes in Singapore, China, Korea, New Zealand and Australia
by Jens Mueller & Tan Wee Liang & Hu Hanjun & John Thornton - 175-186 Action Learning—a learning and teaching method in the preparation programme for supervisors of midwives
by Marianne Mead & Carole Yearley & Chris Lawrence & Cathy Rogers
2006, Volume 3, Issue 01
- 1-4 Action learning for change?
by The Editors - 5-29 Where's the action? The concept of action in action learning
by Sam Ashton - 31-44 Action learning: avoiding conflict or enabling action
by Aileen Corley & Ann Thorne - 45-67 Developmental action learning: Toward collaborative change
by Joseph Raelin & Jonathan Raelin - 69-76 Action learning: nothing so practical as a good theory
by Alan Mumford - 77-77 Accounts of practice
by The Editors - 79-87 Developing citizen leaders through action learning
by Dolores Foley - 89-96 Action learning from a participant's perspective
by N. Lee - 97-105 Action learning guided by Tao for lifelong learning
by Sam Kong San - 107-122 Book reviews
by The Editors
September 2004, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 149-165 Reflections on working with critical action learning
by Clare Rigg & Kiran Trehan - 167-184 Facilitating organizational development through action learning—some practical and theoretical considerations
by Otmar Donnenberg & Ivo De Loo - 185-202 The power of learning in action learning: a conceptual analysis of how the five schools of adult learning theories are incorporated within the practice of action learning
by Michael Marquardt & Deborah Waddill - 203-218 Enhancing action learning with student feedback
by Garry F. Hoban
April 2004, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 11-27 Inspecting cases against Revans' ‘gold standard’ of action learning
by Verna J. Willis - 29-42 The practice of self-managed action learning
by Suzanne O'Hara & Tom Bourner & Trix Webber - 43-61 Action learning: towards a framework in inter-organisational settings
by Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan - 63-78 Action learning and organizational learning: power, politics and emotion in organizations1
by Russ Vince - 81-89 Using action learning to support individual and organisational reflection in an international development and relief agency
by Nick Wright - 91-99 Using action learning to consolidate coaching skills
by Clare Norman1 & Anne Powell2 - 101-107 Tackling work related stress in a National Health Service Trust
by Donna Vick & Hilary Whyatt - 109-116 Action learning with young carers
by Elaine Clark