November 2015, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 259-260 Mistrust, secrecy and suspicion
by Clare Rigg - 261-275 Psychological climates in action learning sets: a manager's perspective
by Annie Yeadon-Lee - 276-292 Invisible practices; innovative outcomes: intrapreneurship within the academy
by Ken Dovey & Michael Rembach - 293-313 Linking action learning and inter-organisational learning: the learning journey approach
by Thomas Schumacher - 314-316 Action learning experiences
by Sue Smith & Kath Aspinwall & Kathryn Winterburn - 317-324 Insider research as part of a master's programme: opportunities lost and found within action learning sets
by Chloe Milano & Aileen Lawless & Elaine Eades - 325-333 Action learning in China
by Michael J. Marquardt - 334-343 Student accounts of action learning on a DBA programme: learning inaction
by Roger Mendonça & Anthony Parker & Uwem Udo & Catherine Groves - 344-355 Leaders learning from leaders as an emergent action learning strategy
by Carol A. Mullen & Mariela A. Rodríguez & Tawannah G. Allen - 356-357 Thinking differently for deeper action
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 358-366 Dialogic organization development: the theory and practice of transformational change
by Chris Blantern - 367-369 Reflective practice
by Julia Claxton - 369-373 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about management research
by Jean Kellie - 373-380 Action research for sustainability: social imagination between citizens and scientists
by Mike Pedler
July 2015, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 127-130 Action learning and the new leadership as a practice
by Joe Raelin & Kiran Trehan - 131-145 The Challenge of Evaluating Action Learning
by John Edmonstone - 146-165 Beyond you and me: stories for collective action and learning? Perspectives from an action research project
by Margaret Gearty - 166-194 Lessons learnt from applying action research to support strategy formation processes in long-term care networks
by Hendrik Cramer & Geert Dewulf & Hans Voordijk - 195-196 Problem, culture and education
by Kathryn Winterburn & Kath Aspinwall & Sue Smith - 197-207 A safe place to stay sharp: action learning meets cooperative inquiry in the service of NHS OD capacity building
by James Traeger & Carolyn Norgate - 208-214 'Cast your net widely': three steps to expanding and refining your problem before action learning application
by Simon R. Reese - 215-223 Action learning: cultural differences
by Gillian Stevens & Manuel de Vera - 224-234 'The Peer Groups' - the formation and facilitation of Action Learning Sets within the HE community of an FE college
by Mark Joesbury - 235-236 Shining a light
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 237-241 Doing action research in your own organization
by Anne Graham Cagney - 241-244 Reseaching organisations. The practice of organisational field work
by Mandy Chivers - 244-247 Work-applied learning for change
by Jim Stewart - 247-250 The unfinished leader: balancing contradictory answers to unsolvable problems
by Phil Radcliffe - 250-254 Participative transformation learning and development in practising change
by Cathy Sharp - 254-258 Lifelong action learning for community development: learning and development for a better world
by Brian Milsom
January 2015, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-2 Problem solving or learning – which is priority?
by Clare Rigg
March 2015, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-21 Incorporating a transformational learning perspective in action learning sets
by Pamela Ajoku - 22-36 Understanding the causal path between action, learning, and solutions: maximizing the power of action learning to achieve great results
by H. Skipton Leonard - 37-51 Action learning and executive education: achieving credible personal, practitioner and organisational learning
by Simon Stephens & Michael Margey - 52-53 Action Learning and Organisational Learning: A Climate of Welcome?
by Kath Aspinwall & Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn - 54-64 Action learning, the tool for problem-solving in universities; Uganda Martyrs Nkozi, Makerere and Nkumba universities
by Jacinta Bwegyeme & John C. Munene - 65-77 'Scaffolding' of action learning within a part-time management development module
by Mark Joesbury - 78-84 'Knowing is not enough; we must apply': reflections on a failed action learning application
by Simon Reese - 85-98 Exploring the challenges in scaling up the delivery of action learning facilitator training within a global organisation
by Sonja Antell & John Heywood - 99-100 Reflecting back to the future
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 101-106 Capital in the twenty-first century
by John Edmonstone - 106-112 American pragmatism and organisation: issues and controversies
by Mike Pedler - 112-115 Occupy management! Inspirations and ideas for self-organization and self-management
by Nicholas Snowden - 115-117 Leading with questions: how leaders find the right solutions by knowing what to ask
by Annie Yeadon-Lee - 117-121 The Leadership Shadow: how to recognise and avoid derailment, hubris and overdrive
by Mary Holmes - 121-125 Leadership: a critical introduction
by Neil O'Sullivan
November 2014, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 261-263 Creating, maintaining and disrupting action learning: gaps and openings across the world
by Clare Rigg - 264-277 Revans reversed: focusing on the positive for a change
by Jeffrey Gold - 278-295 Developing an action learning design model
by Hyeon-Cheol Bong & Yonjoo Cho & Hyung-Sook Kim - 296-310 Unlearning, critical action learning and wicked problems
by Mike Pedler & Shih-wei Hsu - 311-329 Innovation development - an action learning programme for medical scientists and engineers
by Lee Beniston & Paul Ellwood & Jeff Gold & James Roberts & Richard Thorpe - 330-332 Action learning as a cost-effective organisational development tool
by Sue Smith & Kath Aspinwall & Cheryl Brook & Kathryn Winterburn - 333-351 Nurturing the H in HR: using action learning to build organisation development capability in the UK Civil Service
by Richard Hale & Martin Saville - 352-360 Moving from opportunism to expediency when introducing action learning into an organisation
by Mike Bloodworth - 361-374 Action learning on the edge: contributing to a master's programme in Human Resources for Health
by John Edmonstone & Jean Robson - 375-376 Challenging and questioning insights
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 377-380 Humble inquiry: the gentle art of asking instead of telling
by Michael Marquardt - 380-385 Learning at work in a tiger economy
by Bob MacKenzie - 385-388 Cross-cultural management: a transactional approach
by John Edmonstone - 388-392 Review of 'The Routledge companion to Alternative Organization'
by Paul Iles - 393-395 Steward leadership: a maturational perspective
by John Lawler - 395-399 Beyond goals: effective strategies for coaching and mentoring
by Mary Holmes - 399-402 Research methods for human resource management
by Cheryl Brook & Cherry Hood - 403-404 Erratum
by Kiran Trehan
September 2014, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-1 Argyris and Revans on ‘holding meaningful conversations’
by Nancy Dixon
July 2014, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 125-130 Editorial
by Kiran Trehan - 131-166 Action learning: how learning transfers from entrepreneurs to small firms
by Karen Jones & Sally A. Sambrook & Luke Pittaway & Andrew Henley & Heather Norbury - 167-178 Leading change as a professional: working across boundaries
by Pauline Joyce & Paula Kinnarney - 179-197 Leaders behaving badly: using power to generate undiscussables in action learning sets
by Paul Jeffrey Donovan - 198-200 Building actionable knowledge for individuals and organisations
by Kath Aspinwall & Cheryl Brook & Sue Smith - 201-214 Using participatory action research to address absenteeism
by Elizabeth W. Ferrell & Cara N. Nance & Amanda L. Torres & Selina M. Torres - 215-224 Solving wicked problems through action learning
by Liselore Crul - 225-232 'I have no English friends': some observations on the practice of action learning with international business students
by Cheryl Brook & Christopher Milner - 233-234 The importance of content and context
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone - 235-236 Action learning for change: a practical guide for managers
by John Edmonstone - 237-238 Action learning in social work
by Anne Llewellyn - 238-240 The dark side of transformational leadership: a critical perspective
by Michael Walton - 241-243 Organization development: a practitioner's guide for OD and HR
by Jane Keep - 243-245 Goal-focused coaching: theory and practice
by David Megginson - 246-248 Learning in the workplace: a toolkit for facilitating learning and assessment in health and social care settings
by Elaine Clark - 249-252 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about management research
by Orna O'Brien - 252-259 ABC of action learning
by Yury Boshyk
March 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-3 What places are there in organisations for action learning?
by Kiran Trehan - 4-24 Exploring criticality in management education through action learning
by Judith Breen - 25-41 On the nature of problems in action learning
by John Edmonstone - 42-61 Exploring the development of competence in Lean management through action learning groups: a study of the introduction of Lean to a facilities management function
by Paul Wyton & Robin Payne - 62-63 Accounts of Practice -- action learning in differing contexts
by Cheryl Brook & Kath Aspinwall - 64-71 Action learning: developing leaders and supporting change in a healthcare context
by Louise Doyle - 72-80 Action learning for professionals: a new approach to practice
by Christine Abbott & Cathy Mayes - 81-87 Using learning sets to support UK delivery of off-shore learning in Africa
by Michelle Blackburn - 88-97 Reflections on working with virtual action learning
by Mike Pedler & Bernhard Hauser & Ghislaine Caulat - 98-100 Connecting our worlds: the theory practice continuum
by Mike Pedler & Aileen Lawless - 101-103 Facilitating action learning: a practitioner's guide
by Brian Milsom - 103-104 Action research for business, nonprofit and public administration: a tool for complex times
by David Coghlan - 104-106 Action research for business, nonprofit and public administration: a tool for complex times
by Kevin Quinn - 106-109 Action research in education
by Anna Foster - 109-111 Group dynamics for teams
by Sue Williams - 111-113 Strategic leadership in the public services
by Mike Rowe - 113-118 Ethics for managers: philosophical foundations and business realities
by Ian Lovegrove - 118-119 Real social science: applied phronesis
by David Coghlan - 120-123 Unlearning or how not to be governed
by Mike Pedler
November 2013, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 211-213 The paradox of facilitation in action learning
by Kiran Trehan & Clare Rigg - 214-229 Doing right in business: can action learning develop moral sensitivity and promote ethical behaviour?
by Cheryl Brook & Gill Christy - 230-243 Action learning and constructivist grounded theory: powerfully overlapping fields of practice
by Jane Rand - 244-245 Creative activities and action learning
by Cheryl Brook & Kath Aspinwall - 246-253 Developing an action learning way of working within a leadership context in higher education: barriers and enablers
by John Trantom - 254-263 An action learning approach to partnership in community development: a reflection on the research process
by Janet Richardson & Jane Grose - 264-275 Resistance in action learning: struggling with self-efficacy and the social Self -- and what about the set advisor?
by Ulrike Burger - 276-277 Editorial
by Jeff Gold - 278-281 Action learning: Workbook mit Praxistipps, Anleitungen und Hintergrundwissen für Trainer, Berater und Facilitators
by Otmar Donnenberg - 281-284 You and your action research project
by Yusra Mouzughi - 284-287 Creative teaching approaches in the lifelong learning sector
by Ann Sears - 287-290 Making sense of management: a critical introduction
by Heather Short
July 2013, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 105-106 Knowledge through and on action learning
by Clare Rigg & Kiran Trehan - 107-123 Playful reflection: an investigation into the kindergarten project ‘Play in physiotherapy with children’
by Nina Foss & Ase Bardsen - 124-147 Walking a thin line? Connecting ethical theory and practice: a co-operative inquiry with human resource management practitioners
by Sára Csillag - 148-157 Learning in action: creating a community of inquiry in a healthcare organisation
by Edwina Dunne & Felicity Kelliher - 158-159 Brief thoughts on facilitating action learning
by Cheryl Brook & Kath Aspinwall - 160-167 Integrating action learning in an organisational development process: facilitating members of an ‘expert culture’ in an industrial organisation in Germany
by Sabine Wegner-Kirchhoff - 168-177 Building capacity in social care: an evaluation of a national programme of action learning facilitator development
by Christine Abbott & Liz Burtney & Cheryl Wall - 178-187 The leadership crisis -- can Action Learning Questions provide any answers?
by Richard Hale - 188-191 Action learning in practice 4th edition
by Jean Kellie - 191-195 Virtual leadership: learning to lead differently
by Mary Holmes - 195-199 The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice
by Maeve O'Grady - 199-203 Gossip and organizations
by Ali Abington - 204-207 Research methods in human resource management (2nd edition)
by Frances Boylan - 207-209 Rocking your role: the how-to guide to success for female breadwinners
by Philip Whiteley
February 2013, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-3 Action learning -- reach, range and evolution
by Clare Rigg & Kiran Trehan - 4-24 Why are we using action learning and in what contexts?
by Sunyoung Park & Ingu Kang & Taryn R. Valencic & Yonjoo Cho - 25-38 Action learning and the creative industries: the efficacy of an action learning set in building collaboration between a university and creative industries
by Julia Calver & Jeff Gold & Jim Stewart - 39-53 Action learning: the possibility of differing hierarchies in learning sets
by Annie Yeadon-Lee - 54-57 Action learning research? Reflections from the colloquium at the Third International Conference on Action Learning
by David Coghlan - 58-60 In general
by Cheryl Brook & Kath Aspinwall - 61-68 The impact of action learning: what difference are we making in the world?
by Arthur Turner & Pamela Heneberry - 69-74 Leadership and engagement in South Cambridgeshire District Council
by Jean Hunter - 75-76 How reviews add value to the journal
by Judith Breen & Aileen Lawless & Mike Pedler - 77-79 Breakthrough problem solving with action learning: concepts and cases
by Mary Holmes - 79-83 Leading, managing and developing people
by Denise F. O'Leary - 83-90 Human resource development as we know it: speeches that have shaped the field
by Jim Bray - 90-94 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about Coaching and Mentoring
by Jenny Garrett - 94-98 Understanding identity and organizations
by John Trantom - 98-103 Ethics in qualitative research: controversies and contexts
by Chloe Roberts
November 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 207-208 The impact of action learning: what difference are we making?
by Kiran Trehan & Clare Rigg - 297-298 Editorial
by Cheryl Brook & Kath Aspinwall - 317-319 Rethinking school bullying: towards an integrated model
by Veronica Droser - 319-320 Managing the future: a guide to forecasting and strategic planning in the 21st century
by Danny Chesterman - 320-324 Doing business research: a guide to theory and practice
by Scott Foster
June 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 225-246 The impact of a dual-project action learning program: a case of a large IT manufacturing company in South Korea
by Hyung Joon Yoon & Yonjoo Cho & Hyeon-Cheol Bong - 299-305 Action learning, team learning and co-operation in the Czech Republic
by Sláva Kubátová - 307-315 A mirror in which to practice -- using action learning to change end-of-life care
by Kathryn Winterburn & Fiona Hicks
March 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 275-295 Enacting change through action learning: mobilizing and managing power and emotion
by James Conklin & Rochelle Cohen-Schneider & Beth Linkewich & Emma Legault
July 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 219-224 Critical action learning: extending its reach
by Monder Ram - 247-258 Understanding insight in the context of Q
by David Coghlan - 259-273 Crafting research from the liminal space
by Stuart Burns
August 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 209-218 The contradictions of impact: action learning and power in organizations
by Russ Vince
July 2012, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 107-109 Critical reflection -- opportunities for action learning
by Kiran Trehan & Clare Rigg - 165-165 Conditions for learning
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 191-194 Doing research in business and management: An essential guide to planning your project
by John Reed - 195-196 All you need to know about action research
by Karen Turner - 196-199 Collaborative strategic improvement through network action learning: The path to sustainability
by Dieter H. Frueauff - 200-201 Action learning in healthcare: A practical handbook
by Michelle Laing - 201-203 The failure files: Perspectives on failure
by Ayiesha Russell - 204-205 Systems thinking for curious managers: With 40 new management f -Laws
by David Hancock
April 2012, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 111-123 The impact of being part of an action learning set for new lecturers: a reflective analysis
by Mark P. Haith & Katrina A. Whittingham - 125-143 The role of action research in the development of learning networks for entrepreneurs
by Valerie Brett & Martina Mullally & Bill O'Gorman & Nerys Fuller-Love - 145-164 Differences and impacts through action learning
by Joanna Kozubska & Bob MacKenzie - 167-176 Tension, risk and conflict: action-learning journeys with four public-sector partnership teams
by Martin Willis - 183-190 Study of a self-managed action learning set: what makes it last 14 years?
by Christopher Yates
March 2012, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 177-182 Working with negative emotions in sets
by Alison Hillman
2012, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 29-36 Action learning – a process which supports organisational change initiatives
by Pauline Joyce - 37-44 LEAD at lunch: inquiry, learning, and action
by Cynthia Roberts - 45-50 A partnership approach to action learning within a masters educational programme
by Patricia Harrison & Carys Edwards - 51-61 Action learning drives the Emerald Academy
by Sarah Nalborczyk & Luke Sandelands
March 2012, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-3 Action learning: critical accounts of practice
by David Coghlan & Clare Rigg & Kiran Trehan - 5-28 All in a knot of one another's labours: self-determination, network organising and learning
by Mike Pedler - 63-64 The John Seddon method for public sector transformation -- self-enlightenment, enforced coercion, or both?, an essay review by Ben Taylor
by Mike Pedler - 65-82 The John Seddon method for public sector transformation -- self-enlightenment, coercion, or both?
by Ben Taylor - 83-87 Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research
by Mike Pedler - 88-89 Learning with colleagues: an action guide for peer consultation
by Mary Holmes - 90-92 Mind-ful consulting
by Clare Rigg - 93-98 The leaderful fieldbook: strategies and activities for developing leadership in everyone
by Ian Lovegrove - 98-100 Entrepreneurial learning: conceptual frameworks and applications
by Chris Mason
December 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 37-44 LEAD at lunch: inquiry, learning, and action
by Cynthia Roberts - 45-50 A partnership approach to action learning within a masters educational programme
by Patricia Harrison & Carys Edwards
November 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 29-36 Action learning -- a process which supports organisational change initiatives
by Pauline Joyce
June 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 51-61 Action learning drives the Emerald Academy
by Sarah Nalborczyk & Luke Sandelands
May 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 255-259 Franchisees in crisis: using action learning to self-organise
by Carol O'Donoghue
November 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 183-186 Action learning and its impact
by Kiran Trehan & Mike Pedler - 253-254 When is the right time?
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 279-281 Management for social enterprise
by Andy Thornton - 281-283 A guide to practitioner research in education
by Anna J. Foster - 283-285 Learning and talent development
by Sue Williams - 285-289 The development of higher education in the UK since 1945
by Tom Bourner - 289-291 Systems thinking: from heresy to practice
by Craig Johnson
June 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
July 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 261-266 A contribution to the discussion on participant readiness for action learning
by Catherine Breathnach & Frances Stephenson - 267-277 The impact of action learning on analysis of occupation
by Elizabeth Fain
August 2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 211-230 Action learning and critical thinking: a synthesis of two models
by Stephen M. Soffe & Michael J. Marquardt & Enoch Hale