June 2020, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 232-238 Dis-ease of experience – a critically reflexive account of practice
by Kathryn Winterburn - 239-239 Re-framing theory and practice in current and future organisational contexts
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & George Boak - 240-241 Theorizing in organization studies: insights from key thinkers
by David Coghlan - 241-244 Hubristic leadership
by John Edmonstone - 245-250 Management and business research
by Bernadette McDonald - 250-252 Stop the rot: reframing governance for directors and politicians
by Jim Stewart - 252-255 Doing action research in your own organisation
by Edel Roddy
January 2020, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-9 On social action
by Mike Pedler - 10-23 Practising change together – where nothing is clear, and everything keeps changing
by Cathy Sharp - 24-33 Participatory action research as political education
by Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi - 34-47 The transformative potential of action learning in community-based research for social action
by Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt & Lesley Wood & Judith Kearney - 48-61 Action learning and action research to alleviate poverty
by George Boak & Jeff Gold & David Devins - 62-71 Carbon management and community-based action learning: a theory to work experience
by Annie L. Booth & Kyle Aben & Barbara Otter & Todd Corrigall & Christie Ray & Sinead Earley - 72-83 Using participatory action learning to Empower the active citizenship of young people
by Anna Jarkiewicz - 84-99 Social action learning: applicability to comrades in adversity in Nigeria
by Adrian Ogun & Reginald Braggs & Jeff Gold - 100-107 Action learning in the service of food security and poverty alleviation in Mozambique
by Armando Machevo Ussivane & Paul Ellwood - 108-124 Developing the circular economy in Tasmania
by Genevieve Cother - 125-137 Exploring the challenges of system leadership in the voluntary and community sector
by Stephen Moss - 138-147 Using action learning to tackle food insecurity in Scotland
by Chelsea Marshall & Ruth Cook - 148-154 Developing empowered and connected leaders in the social sector: the Rank Foundation's engagement with Action Learning
by Sam Anderson & Caroline Broadhurst & Siobhan Edwards & Michelle Smith - 155-165 DIAL: the rise of cafe-based, drop-in action learning
by Paul Levy & David Knowles
September 2019, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 203-204 A call to act through action!
by David Higgins - 205-222 Improving teamworking competence through action learning. Experiences in operations management education
by Cristina Garcia-Palao & Maria J. Oltra-Mestre & Paul Coughlan - 223-237 Is action learning culture bound? An exploration
by John Edmonstone - 238-253 Origins of the ethos of action learning
by Tom Bourner & Asher Rospigliosi - 254-255 Action learning: extending the reach
by Kath Aspinwall & Kathryn Winterburn & Christine Abbott & Chandana Sanyal - 256-265 An anger management programme as an action learning set
by Gary Shepherd - 266-279 How do facilitators most effectively support CAL?: an account of practice of a facilitator’s research project
by Daniel Scott - 280-294 The action learning organisation – an account of practice
by Genevieve June Cother & Robert Fletcher Cother & William Stanley Woodworth & Leslie John Souster & Daniel Moriarty & Luke Miller & Roxanne Chugg & Christine Sophia Cother - 295-303 Account of practice: using action learning to develop and educate undergraduate management degree apprentices
by Becky Quew Jones & Cheryl Brook - 304-305 Reconnecting with context and community
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 306-309 Studying leadership: traditional and critical approaches
by Stephen Brookes - 309-311 Fostering critical thinking through collaborative group work: insights from Hong Kong
by Robin Stanley Snell - 311-314 The complete handbook of coaching: third edition
by Mary Holmes - 314-317 Systems leadership in health and social care
by Sue Pritchard - 317-321 Action learning and action research: genres and approaches
by Cathy Sharp - 322-322 Correction
by The Editors
May 2019, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 105-106 Have leaders got the questioning habit?
by Cheryl Brook - 107-122 How to ask better questions? Dewey's theory of ecological psychology in encouraging practice of action learning
by Rasmus Pedanik - 123-135 Deriving an affinity for collective leadership: below the surface of action learning
by Joseph A. Raelin - 136-148 Beyond critical action learning?: Action learning’s place in the world
by John Edmonstone - 149-150 Facilitating action learning; an assumed norm?
by Kathryn Winterburn & Christine Abbott & Kath Aspinwall & Chandana Sanyal - 151-158 Becoming a midwife to wisdom: a retrospective account of practice of an action learning facilitator
by Daniel Scott - 159-165 Integration of the practice of mindfulness within action learning as an added component within a post graduate leadership programme: an account of practice
by Chandana Sanyal - 166-177 How to create an action learning environment that makes self and social awareness business-like
by Dorte Sandager & Kirsten Bragh & Lotte Svalgaard - 178-186 A double win: practice and participation in an action learning facilitators’ set
by Nicola Wilson & Caragh Dewis - 187-188 Finding new insights in the action and the learning
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 189-192 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about cross-cultural management
by John Edmonstone - 192-196 The Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers
by Yury Boshyk - 196-198 The story cookbook: practical recipes for change
by Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt - 198-200 Conducting action research for business and management students
by Bernadette McDonald - 200-202 Learn how to fold a stingray!
by Mike Pedler
January 2019, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 What can action learning offer a troubled world?
by Clare Rigg - 3-4 Action learning for social action
by Mike Pedler & Sonja Antell - 5-22 Examining the development of action learning practice in South Korea
by Yonjoo Cho & Hyeon-Cheol Bong & Hyeong-Sook Kim - 23-36 What can be learned from action learning coaching? Learnings of novice action learners and their coach
by Angela Danielle Carter - 37-51 Leadership development, wicked problems and action learning: provocations to a debate
by John Edmonstone & Aileen Lawless & Mike Pedler - 52-53 Trust and collaboration build new futures
by Christine Abbott & Kath Aspinwall & Kathryn Winterburn & Chandana Sanyal - 54-61 ‘Once, there was a life, a life that someone could not enjoy’: Learning and development in an action research project
by Sara Csillag - 62-67 Creating a path out of bankruptcy through action learning
by Mark Chrystal - 68-76 Building high-performance teams through action learning
by Peter Cauwelier - 77-86 An account of practice: employing drawings and stories to enable reflective learning
by Jane Robertson & Heidi le Sueur & Nicky Terblanche - 87-87 Speaking with different voices for a new way of living
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 88-92 The John Maynard Keynes of the 21st century?
by Mike Pedler - 92-94 An introduction to coaching skills: a practical guide
by Mary Holmes - 95-97 Executive Team Leadership in the Global Economic and Competitive Environment
by Richard Hale - 97-100 Global leadership perspectives – insights and analysis
by Jean-Anne Stewart - 100-104 A University Education
by Tom Bourner
September 2018, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 207-209 Scholarly practice: re-connecting the l, p and q
by Aileen Lawless & Jim Stewart & Lynn Nichol - 210-223 Yes we can: towards assurance of learning by scholarly academics through a praxeology of the scholarship of teaching
by David Coghlan & Paul Coughlan - 224-234 Becoming a scholarly practitioner: as a teacher in higher education ‘how do I improve my practice’?
by Mary Hartog - 235-248 Action learning through radio: exploring conceptual views and lived experiences of women entrepreneurs
by Loliya Agbani Akobo - 249-257 Categorical entanglements of scholarly practice – re-connecting ‘L’, ‘P’ and ‘Q’ in new ways
by Paul Ellwood - 258-266 Can business schools increase student employability by embedding action learning into undergraduate management education? An account of practice
by Catherine J. Groves & Gabrielle D. Orbaek White & Fuangfa Panya & Jim Stewart - 267-275 The role of Action Learning in supporting cross-cultural adaptation of international students
by Helen Collins & David Callaghan - 276-286 North West Cross Institutional Action Learning developing women's leadership
by Meriel Box & Tracy Ellis - 287-291 Academic–practitioner relationships: developments, complexities and opportunities
by Julie Davies - 291-293 Action learning in health, social and community care principles, practice and resources
by Paul Taylor
May 2018, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 87-89 Management education in action – observations, reflections and ways forward
by David Higgins - 90-101 Reflective practice or poetic mindfulness: a role for social poetics in constructing and performing futures
by Caroline Ramsey - 102-125 Energising critique in action and in learning: The GNOSIS 4R Framework
by Elena Antonacopoulou - 126-138 Action learning in East Africa: new encounters or impossible challenges?
by Ulrike Burger & Kiran Trehan - 139-150 A blended learning curriculum for training peer researchers to conduct community-based participatory research
by Andrew D. Eaton & Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco & Shelley L. Craig & Soo Chan Carusone & Michael Montess & Gordon A. Wells & Galo F. Ginocchio - 151-153 Action learning: from individual learning to organisational development
by Kath Aspinwall & Christine Abbott & Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn - 154-167 From nurturing the H in HR to developing the D in OD – systemic benefits where action learning and organisational development combine
by Richard Hale & Carolyn Norgate & James Traeger - 168-181 Report on some action research in the implementation of social prescription in Crawley. Paths to greater wellbeing: ‘sometimes you have to be in it to get it’
by Danny Chesterman & Malcolm Bray - 182-188 Account of practice: transferring the ‘drawer of nonsense’ from a DBA-program to daily professional practice
by Gido Englisch - 189-189 The potential of powerful learning
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 190-193 Applications of action learning, a practical guide / Empowering change through facilitation – become a facilitator. Help others to help themselves
by Mike Bloodworth - 193-197 Conferences as sites of learning and development: using participatory action learning and action research approaches
by John Edmonstone - 197-200 Action research: all you need to know
by Maeve O’Grady - 200-202 Doing research in the business world
by Steve Marshall - 202-206 Human resource management, strategic and international perspectives
by Neil O’Sullivan
January 2018, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-2 Past, present and future – how do we know what we know in action learning?
by Clare Rigg - 3-17 Learning, action and solutions in action learning: investigation of facilitation practice using the concept of living theories
by Chandana Sanyal - 18-27 Collaborative knowledge and intellectual property: an action learning conundrum
by Tish Elliott & Mike Pedler - 28-37 The Nurses Memorandum of 1938: a first step in the development of action learning?
by Tom Bourner & Cheryl Brook & Mike Pedler - 38-39 An invitation to reflect on facilitation and evaluation within action learning
by Kathryn Winterburn & Sue Smith & Christine Abbott & Kath Aspinwall - 40-51 Leadership development through virtual action learning: an evaluation
by Kath Aspinwall & Mike Pedler & Phil Radcliff - 52-60 A new facilitator in action and on action
by Greta Hofman - 61-67 Making facilitation work: the challenges on an international DBA action learning set
by Jack OFarrell - 68-68 Emphasing and enriching both episteme and techne
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 69-72 Managing change, creativity and innovation
by John Edmonstone - 72-73 Lead and disrupt – How to solve the innovator's dilemma
by Annie Yeadon-Lee - 73-78 Paradox regained
by Mike Pedler - 78-81 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations
by Deborah M. Humphreys - 81-83 How to Coach Your Team – Release team potential and hit peak performance
by Wyn Owen - 84-86 Understanding social enterprise 2nd edition
by Christine Abbott
September 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 213-215 Developing a sense of appreciation for inquiry
by David Higgins - 216-229 The innovation paradox: a selective review of the literature on action learning and innovation
by Mike Pedler & Cheryl Brook - 230-242 Assessing the value of action learning for social enterprises and charities
by Sue Smith & Laurie Smith - 243-255 Navigating with inner knowing and awakened presence: an approach to leading in a complex world
by Katharina C. Sell - 256-257 Impacts and effects of action learning in practice
by Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn & Kath Aspinwall & Christine Abbot - 258-268 An action learning approach to the question: are ambulance response time targets achievable?
by Alan Slater - 269-274 Delivering Australian vocational qualifications through action learning
by Robert Cother & Genevieve Cother - 275-285 Using action learning sets to support students managing transition into the clinical learning environment in a UK medical school
by Anne McKee & Sharon Markless - 286-286 A refreshed focus for a new reality
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 287-288 Managing & organizations: an introduction to theory and practice (4th edition)
by Jim Stewart - 288-292 The Routledge companion to reinventing management education
by Jeff Gold - 292-295 Reflexive leadership
by George Boak - 295-298 A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about human resource management
by Margaret Nicholson - 298-301 Qualitative methods in business research
by Liz Yeomans
May 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 103-103 Translation across multiple boundaries
by Clare Rigg - 104-119 Bourdieu’s habitus and field: implications on the practice and theory of critical action learning
by Rob Warwick & Janet McCray & Douglas Board - 120-135 Enhancing postgraduate learning and development: a participatory action learning and action research approach through conferences
by Lesley Wood & Ina Louw & Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt - 136-155 Western practices in Chinese governance: a case study of the implementation of action learning
by Miklós Horváth - 156-157 On being curiously safe
by Christine Abbott & Kathryn Winterburn & Kath Aspinwall & Sue Smith - 158-166 Business Action Learning Tasmania (BALT) – an account of practice
by Genevieve Cother & Robert F. Cother - 167-173 Action learning as an element within an assessed and supported year in employment for newly qualified social workers: a three-role perspective
by Carol Wells & Ikedola Animashaun & Anneliese Gibb - 174-184 Weaving action learning into the fabric of manufacturing: the impact of humble inquiry and structured reflection in a cross-cultural context
by Elizabeth A. Luckman - 185-196 Safe or unsafe? The paradox of action learning
by Jane Robertson & Diane Bell - 197-197 New questions for learning
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 198-202 The return of the learning organisation?
by Mike Pedler - 202-205 A critical introduction to coaching and mentoring
by Mary Holmes - 205-209 Homo prospectus
by Tom Bourner - 209-211 Universities and global human development: theoretical and empirical insights for social change
by Elaine Clarke - 211-212 Inside organizations: exploring organizational experiences
by Craig Johnson
January 2017, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-2 Finding and developing voice: enabling action through scholarly practice
by David Higgins - 3-17 Turning to case studies as a mechanism for learning in action learning
by Denise O’Leary & Paul Coughlan & Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 18-28 Challenges of adopting constructive alignment in action learning education
by Björn Remneland Wikhamn - 29-49 From real life to real life: bringing ‘double awareness’ from Action Learning programmes into organisational reality
by Lotte Svalgaard - 50-52 Crafting action learning to the context?
by Kath Aspinwall & Chris Abbott & Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn - 53-61 Critical action learning: a method or strategy for peer supervision of coaching practice
by Arthur Turner & David Tee & Sally Crompton - 62-71 Enhancing care for older people living in nursing homes in rural Australia using action learning as a catalyst for change
by Wendy Penney & Julienne Meyer & Penny Cash & Lisa Clinnick & Louise Martin - 72-82 Virtual action learning: a pilot in building leadership capacity
by Phil Radcliff - 83-95 Action learning in postgraduate research training
by Trevor Marchand - 96-99 Writing and doing action research
by Genevieve Cother - 99-102 Responsible leadership: realism and romanticism
by Taposh Kumar Roy
September 2016, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 199-200 Conscious unlearning, unconscious unlearning and forgetfulness – a plea to record our action learning experiences
by Clare Rigg - 201-203 Action learning and action research – revisiting similarities, differences, complementarities and whether it matters
by Clare Rigg & David Coghlan - 204-218 Procuring a sustainable future: an action learning approach to the development and modelling of ethical and sustainable procurement practices
by George Boak & Peter Watt & Jeff Gold & David Devins & Robert Garvey - 219-234 Action learning sets and social capital: ameliorating the burden of clergy isolation in one rural diocese
by Judith A. Muskett & Andrew Village - 235-236 Art, reflection and transformation in action learning
by Kathryn Winterburn & Kath Aspinwall & Sue Smith & Christine Abbott - 237-251 Learning through artful knowing
by Pleuntje van Meer - 252-262 Developing deep group reflection within a Critical Reflection Action Learning set
by Gary Shepherd - 263-271 What am I to action learning and what is action learning to me?
by Daniel Doherty - 272-280 Action learning in postgraduate executive management education: an account of practice
by Meadbh Ruane - 281-282 Integration: challenges and opportunities
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 283-285 Action research: principles and practice
by Mark Robson - 285-287 Organizational change and strategy: an interlevel dynamics approach (2nd Edition)
by Giles A. Hindle - 287-290 Teaming: how organisations learn, innovate and compete in the knowledge economy
by Daniel Doherty - 290-293 Leadership-as-practice: theory and application
by Jean Kellie - 294-298 A guide to professional doctorates in business and management
by Tom Bourner
July 2016, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 99-100 Nurturing the seeds of action learning: protecting the wild garden
by Aileen Lawless - 101-117 Enabling team learning in healthcare
by George Boak - 118-138 Using action research and action learning for entrepreneurial network capability development
by Helen McGrath & Thomas O’Toole - 139-147 Action learning, performativity and negative capability
by John Edmonstone - 148-150 Reflections of embedded action learning in the learning and transformational processes
by Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn & Christine Abbott & Kath Aspinwall - 151-159 Action learning in virtual higher education: applying leadership theory
by Joseph Curtin - 160-167 Reflections of a ‘late-career’ early-career researcher: an account of practice
by Catherine J. Groves - 168-175 Enhancing the practice of social work
by Ruth King - 176-183 First time facilitator’s experience: designing and facilitating an action learning programme in China
by Jinshuai Wang & Mike Bloodworth - 184-185 Champions of change
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 186-187 Realising critical HRD. Stories of reflecting, voicing and enacting critical practice
by Carole Elliott - 187-190 Feminism in community: adult education for transformation
by Maeve O’Grady - 190-192 The sage encyclopedia of action research
by Cathy Sharp - 192-193 Dialogue in organizations, developing relational leadership
by Clare Rigg - 194-196 The Routledge companion to critical management studies
by Rachel Peacock - 196-198 Perspectives on change: what academics, consultants and managers really think about change
by John Edmonstone
March 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-2 Action learning -- making a ‘research turn’
by Clare Rigg - 3-9 Embodied generosity -- the ethics of doing action research in the places where we work
by James Traeger - 10-22 How multi-levels of individual and team learning interact in a public healthcare organisation: a conceptual framework
by Louise Doyle & Felicity Kelliher & Denis Harrington - 23-37 Place-based learning: action learning in MA program for educational practitioners
by Amnon Glassner & Yael Eran-Zoran - 38-40 Accounts of practice
by Kath Aspinwall & Christine Abbott & Sue Smith & Kathryn Winterburn - 41-49 Doing different things or doing things different: exploring the role of action learning in innovation
by Christine Abbott & Michael Weiss - 50-59 Staying mindful in action: the challenge of ‘double awareness’ on task and process in an Action Lab
by Lotte Svalgaard - 60-68 Critical action learning -- rituals and reflective spaces
by Pamela Heneberry & Arthur Turner - 69-78 How a small family run business adopted Critical Reflection Action Learning using hand drawn images to initiate organisational change
by Gary Shepherd - 79-80 Macro- and micro-level perspectives of learning
by Judith Breen & Mike Pedler & John Edmonstone & Brian Milsom - 81-84 Creating a learning society: a new approach to growth, development, and social progress
by Mike Pedler - 84-87 Turning learning into action
by Jane Dowson - 87-89 Complex adaptive leadership: embracing paradox and uncertainty
by John Edmonstone - 90-92 Leadership team coaching in practice: developing high-performing teams
by Mary Holmes - 92-94 Great solutions through action learning -- success every time
by Eileen Henderson - 94-97 Telling the story -- the heart and soul of successful leadership
by Thomas Hoyland
September 2015, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 381-381 Corrigendum
by The Editors