March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1444-1455 Trust and development of education and science
by Vyacheslav Volchik & Elena Maslyukova - 1456-1467 Biomass blockchain as a factor of energetical sustainability development
by Emilia Krajnakova & Mantas Švažas & Valentinas Navickas - 1468-1484 Conflict resolution approaches towards smart sustainability of internal relations
by Rastislav Kazanský & Vladimír Andrassy - 1485-1496 Local wisdom in rural microfinance: a descriptive study on villagers of East Sumba
by Like Soegiono & Apriani Dorkas Rambu Atahau & Harijono & Andrian Dolfriandra Huruta - 1497-1511 Theoretical approach to the internationalization of SMEs: future research prospects based on bibliometric analysis
by Monika Bužavaitė & Deniss Ščeulovs & Renata Korsakienė - 1512-1527 The perceived value of social media marketing: an empirical study of online word-of-mouth in Saudi Arabian context
by Ahmed S. Ajina - 1528-1535 Industry 4.0 and national security: the phenomenon of disruptive technology
by Tadas Limba & Andrius Stankevičius & Antanas Andrulevičius - 1536-1545 Food security as a prelude to sustainability: a case study in the agricultural sector, its impacts on the Al Kharj community in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
by Mohammad Rishad Faridi & M. M. Sulphey
December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 480-488 State aid and investment: case of Slovakia
by Michal Fabuš & Marek Csabay - 489-502 Smart management of technologies: predictive maintenance of industrial equipment using wireless sensor networks
by Andrey I. Vlasov & Pavel V. Grigoriev & Aleksey I. Krivoshein & Aleksey I. Krivoshein & Vadim A. Shakhnov & Sergey S. Filin & Sergey S. Filin & Vladimir S. Migalin - 503-516 Teamwork management in Creative industries: factors influencing productivity
by Jūratė Černevičiūtė & Rolandas Strazdas - 517-537 Intentions to adopt ecopreneurship: moderating role of collectivism and altruism
by Farida Saleem & Ahmad Adeel & Rizwan Ali & Shabir Hyder - 538-547 Peculiarities of housing market: dynamics of housing availability in Ukraine
by Valerii O. Omelchuk - 548-557 Towards the Silk Road economic zone initiative: historical perspective
by Ayula Zhylankozova - 558-576 Efficiency of using agricultural land in Kazakhstan
by Aigul Yerseitova & Sara Issakova & Leila Jakisheva & Almara Nauryzbekova & Altynay Moldasheva - 577-590 Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial management in high-technology industries
by Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy & Natalya S. Efimova & Vyacheslav D. Kalachanov & Elena G. Semenova & Alena V. Fomina & Viktor M. Balashov - 591-602 Analysis of the development terms of the radio market in The Slovak Republic
by Michal Fabuš & Marcel Lincényi - 603-619 The process of individualisation of punishment in insolvency crimes
by Jozef Čentéš & Michal Mrva & Michal Krajčovič - 620-635 Second pension pillar participants' behaviour: the Lithuanian case
by Teodoras Medaiskis & Tadas Gudaitis & Jaroslav Mečkovski - 636-648 The ability of listed companies to optimize their capital structure, shape their distribution policy and fight hostile takeovers by repurchasing their own shares
by Daniel Schwarz - 649-661 The doctrine of apparent authority as a precondition for sustainable business
by Vaidas Jurkevičius & Vaidas Jurkevičius & Yuliia Pokhodun - 662-676 An overview of business models in the Czech chemical industry: a sustainable multiple value creation perspective
by Peter Kita & Iveta Šimberová - 677-691 Identification of the factors of competitiveness of industrial company based on the module approach
by Boris Nikiforovich Gerasimov & Vera Ansarovna Vasyaycheva & Kirill Borisovich Gerasimov - 692-710 Population in the shadow market: petty corruption and unpaid taxes
by Gennady Vasilievich Osipov & Vladimir Ivanovich Glotov & Svetlana Gennadievna Karepova - 711-728 Intellectual input of development by knowledge-based economy: problems of measuring in countries with developing markets
by Rimma Sagiyeva & Aziza Zhuparova & Rashid Ruzanov & Raigul Doszhan & Askar Askerov - 729-753 Low-Low (LL) high human capital clusters in public administration employment - predictor for digital infrastructure public investment priority - Romania case study
by Cristina Lincaru & Speranta Pîrciog & Adriana Grigorescu & Gabriela Tudose - 754-766 Innovation security of cross-border innovative milieu
by Andrey S. Mikhaylov & Anna A. Mikhaylova & Oksana V. Savchina - 767-780 The investment climate in Latvia's, Lithuania's and Belarus's cross-border regions: the subjective-objective assessment
by Alina Ohotina & Olga Lavrinenko & Jevgenij Gladevich & Dainis Lazdans - 782-798 Flexible forms of employment, an opportunity or a curse for the modern economy? Case study: banks in Poland
by Jerzy Kaźmierczyk & Jerzy Kaźmierczyk & Aleksandra Chinalska - 799-819 Towards quality assurance of the study process using the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method
by Rimvydas Labanauskis & Aurelija Kasparavičiūtė & Vida Davidavičienė & Dovilė Deltuvienė - 820-829 Acceptance criterion of state coercion in contemporary society
by Olga Finogentova & Vasiliy Tokarev & Mikhail Petrenko & Tatyana Primak - 830-839 The tax mechanism of managing the process of formation of information economy in modern Russia
by Olga Vandina & Zoya Mkrtychan & Igor Denisov & Yelena Vechkinzova - 840-853 Possibilities of Blitz-Psychograms as a tool for human resource management in the supporting system of hardiness of company
by Tatyana Pritvorova & Bysuly Tasbulatova & Yelena Petrenko - 854-871 Factors influencing student entrepreneurship intentions: the case of Lithuanian and South Korean universities
by Živilė Baubonienė & Kyong Ho Hahn & Andrius Puksas & Eglė Malinauskienė - 871-889 Options simulation toolkit for strategic evaluation of corporations' financial potential
by Viktoriya Valeryevna Manuylenko & Marina Aleksandrovna Loktionova & Nina Vladimirovna Lipchiu & Natalia Vladimirovna Sobchenko & Tatyana Andreyevna Sadovskaya - 890-911 Impact of spatial development on sustainable entrepreneurship
by Elena Petrovna Kiselitsa & Natalia Nikolaevna Shilova & Irina Aleksandrovna Liman & Egor Evgenyevich Naumenko - 912-926 Improving the system of labor incentives and stimulation in oil companies
by Vera Vladimirovna Plenkina & Irina Vladimirovna Osinovskaya - 927-938 Analyzing regional differences in the condition and development of trade in Russia
by Albina Nikolaevna Mayorova & Svetlana Viktoronva Panasenko & Alexander Fedorovich Nikishin & Gennady Gennadjevich Ivanov & Elena Aleksandrovna Mayorova - 939-957 Urban inequalities in Italy: a comparison between Rome, Milan and Naples
by Keti Lelo & Salvatore Monni & Federico Tomassi - 958-967 The investment component in a nation’s economic security: the case of the Russian Federation
by Marina Gennadievna Nikitina & Viktoriya Viktorovna Pobirchenko & Elena Alekseevna Shutaieva & Anna Ivanovna Karlova - 968-978 Relationship of gender to the position of Slovak University students on the socio-economic determinants of the business environment and the development of entrepreneurship
by Jaroslav Belas & Beata Gavurova & Martin Cepel & Anna Kotaskova - 979-1000 Migration and the economic crisis in the European Union member states: cluster analysis
by Lorena Škuflić & Mira Krpan & Berislav Žmuk - 1001-1017 Developmental review program impact on enhancing the effectiveness of "Teaching and Learning" in accounting program: a case study in a Saudi University
by Nabil Ahmed Mareai Senan - 1018-1027 Strategies of interaction with a consumer within the marketing product policy
by Oleksandra Stoian & Tetiana Polozova & Evgen Didenko & Oleksandra Storozhenko & Olena Moskvichova - 1028-1040 Sustainable economic development and post-economy of artificial intelligence
by Oktay Mamedov & Yuri Tumanyan & Oksana Ishchenko-Padukova & Irina Movchan - 1041-1052 Sustainability issues of territorial power systems in market conditions
by Evgeny Lisin & Galina Kurdiukova & Natalya Ketoeva & Joana Katina
September 2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 10-22 Problems and solutions of accounting and evaluation of biological assets in Latvia
by Iluta Arbidane & Iveta Mietule - 23-24 An analysis of crowdfunded projects: KPI’s to success
by Ieva Astrauskaitė & Arvydas Paškevičius - 35-43 Measurement of information in the subsystem of internal control of the controlling system of organizations of the agro-industrial complex
by Svetlana Mikhailovna Bychkova & Nadezhda Nikolaevna Makarova & Elena Anatolyevna Zhidkova - 44-59 Behavior of the Lithuanian investors at the period of economic growth
by Egidijus Bikas & Vitalija Saponaitė - 60-76 Historical cost vs fair value in forest accounting: the case of Lithuania
by Ramunė Budrionytė & Lionius Gaižauskas - 77-86 The methodology of the statement of comprehensive income and its impact on profitability: the case of Latvia
by Inga Būmane - 87-99 Integral assessment of developmental stability: cases of Lithuania and Ukraine
by Liliya Filipishyna & Svetlana Bessonova & Gerda Venckeviciute - 100-114 The waves of enterprises bankruptcy and the factors that determine them: the case of Latvia and Lithuania
by Jonas Mackevičius & Ruta Šneidere & Daiva Tamulevičienė - 115-124 Differentiation of performance materiality in audit based on business needs
by Audrius Masiulevičius & Vaclovas Lakis - 125-138 Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods
by Judita Narkunienė & Aurelija Ulbinaitė - 139-175 Evaluation of accounting regulation evolution in selected countries
by Rasa Subačienė & Lehte Alver & Inta Brūna & Mirjana Hladika & Daša Mokošová & Jan Molín - 176-189 Performance measurement issues in central banks
by Deimantė Teresienė - 190-210 Information support of the circular economy: the objects of accounting at recycling technological cycle stages of industrial waste
by Svetlana Vegera & Alena Malei & Ina Sapeha & Volha Sushko - 211-225 Accounting development of natural resources in organizations carrying out the disposal of municipal waste and biogas extraction in the context of the "green" economy
by Svetlana Vegera & Alena Malei & Renata Trubovich - 226-252 Structured literature review on business process performance analysis and evaluation
by Jolanta Žemgulienė & Mantas Valukonis - 253-267 Destructive motivation of personnel: a case study of Russian commercial companies
by Alexander Borisov & Diana Narozhnaia & Elena Tarando & Alexey Vorontsov & Nikolay Pruel & Olga Nikiforova - 268-282 Science and innovation policies in North African Countries: Exploring challenges and opportunities
by Amr Radwan - 289-310 Quality management system for improvement of quality and efficiency of food production: case of dairy products enterprise
by Saule Ospandiyarovna Akhmetova & Mariya Shayahmetovna Suleimenova - 311-328 Conficuration of enterprise networks
by Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy & Pavel A. Kalachikhin & Elena G. Semenova & Yury F. Telnov & Alena V. Fomina & Viktor M. Balashov - 329-341 Sustainable regional development policy formation: role of industrial ecology and logistics
by Yevhen Mishenin & Inna Koblianska & Viktoriia Medvid & Yuliia Maistrenko - 342-355 The impact of outsourcing implementation on service companies
by Rima Žitkienė & Ugnė Dudė - 356-370 Student satisfaction and perceived skills: any link to employability?
by Ovidiu Niculae Bordean & Adrian Sonea - 371-397 Methodological provision for the assessment of audit risk during the audit of tax reporting
by Victoria I. Tarasova & Yuri V. Mezdrykov & Svetlana B. Efimova & Elena S. Fedotova & Dmitry A. Dudenkov & Regina V. Skachkova - 398-410 Impact of production and transaction costs on companies’ performance according assessments of experts
by Yelena Petrenko & Sergey Pizikov & Nurlan Mukaliev & Anuar Mukazhan - 411-428 Socio-economic sustainable development and the precariat: a case study of three Russian cities
by Vyacheslav Volchik & Liudmila Klimenko & Oxana Posukhova - 429-445 Entrepreneurial assessment of sustainable development technologies for power energy sector
by Andrey Rogalev & Ivan Komarov & Vladimir Kindra & Olga Zlyvko - 446-455 Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry
by Kanat Tireuov & Salima Mizanbekova & Bakhyt Kalykova & Gulmira Nurmanbekova - 456-471 Financial, organisational and informative involvement of the society in social innovation processes in Latvia
by Karine Oganisjana & Svetlana Surikova & Konstantins Kozlovskis & Anna Svirina
June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 712-723 Hydroelectric projects and territorial governance in regions of The State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon
by Gilberto de Miranda Rocha & Marjorie Barros Neves - 724-735 Exploring the key issues and stakeholders associated with the application of rainwater systems within the Amazon Region
by Pedro Pablo Cardoso & Andrew Swan & Ronaldo Mendes - 736-747 Economic aspects of the creation of mobile units providing everyday services in off-road conditions in Western Siberia
by Oksana Viktorovna Shumakova & Marina Nikolaevna Gapon & Oleg Anatolyevich Blinov & Vitaly Yuryevich Epanchintsev & Yury Ivanovich Novikov - 748-760 Sustainable entrepreneurship: agrarian policy in South Korea
by Svetlana Ivanova & Artyom Latyshov - 761-779 Towards sustainability: allowance rights for using water resources in Amazonas State of Brazil
by Jéssica Muniz & Maria da Gloria Gonçalves de Melo & Maria Astrid Rocha Liberato & Ingo Wahnfried & Gil Vieira - 780-794 The effect of clusters on the innovation performance of enterprises: traditional vs new industries
by Miroslav Žižka & Vladimíra Hovorková Valentová & Natalie Pelloneová & Eva Štichhauerová - 795-811 Start-ups in the field of social and economic development of the region: a cognitive model
by Ludmila Orlova & Galina Gagarinskaya & Yuliya Gorbunova & Olga Kalmykova - 812-826 Water as freedom in the Brazilian Amazon
by Salvatore Monni & Martina Iorio & Alessio Realini - 827-845 Internal factors influencing the cost of equity capital
by Natalia Mokhova & Marek Zinecker & Tomáš Meluzín - 846-857 Models for the interaction between space services providers and manufacturers of space vehicles
by Dmitry Ivanov & Elena Belyaeva & Anastasia Kurilova & Elena Popkova - 858-874 Specifics of strategic managerial decisions-making in Russian oil companies
by Vera Vladimirovna Plenkina & Irina Andronova & Elena Deberdieva & Olga Lenkova & Irina Vladimirovna Osinovskaya - 875-889 Peculiarities of anonymous comments’ management: a case study of Lithuanian news portals
by Tadas Limba & Aurimas Šidlauskas - 890-898 Perspectives of solving the problems of regional development with the help of new internet technologies
by Yulia V. Ragulina & Elena I. Semenova & Irina A. Zueva & Elena V. Kletskova & Elena N. Belkina - 899-913 Economic development of community by entrepreneurship: an investigation of the entrepreneurial intent and the institutional support to the local community in Al-Kharj region
by Mohammad Naushad & Mohammad Rishad Faridi & Abdul Malik Syed - 914-928 Evaluation of investment projects under uncertainty: multi-criteria approach using interval data
by Olga A. Shvetsova & Elena A. Rodionova & Michael Z. Epstein - 929-942 Banking performance of China and Pakistan
by Jia Xin Xu & Naiwen Li & Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad - 943-955 Reputational risks, value of losses and financial sustainability of commercial banks
by Natalia Kunitsyna & Igor Britchenko & Igor Kunitsyn - 957-966 Perception of private telecom employees towards unfair HRM practices: an empirical investigation
by Nasser Saad Al-Kahtani - 967-991 Dark triad characteristics between economics & business students in Croatia & Slovakia: what can be expected from the future employees?
by Mario Bogdanović & Milota Vetráková & Stanislav Filip - 992-1007 Impact of labour migration on entrepreneurship ecosystem: case of Eurasian Economic Union
by Georgi N. Todorov & Anna V. Kalinina & Anna I. Rybakova - 1008-1019 Intra group compliance agreement as a tool to manage the risks in the daughter companies
by Marek Kordík & Lucia Kurilovská - 1020-1030 Socio-spatial dynamics, networks and modelling of regional milieu
by Andrey S. Mikhaylov - 1031-1042 Sustainability of organization performance via management techniques
by Vladimír Kubeš & Jan Rančák - 1043-1053 Approach towards female African migrant entrepreneurship research
by Jane Njaramba & Hilary Whitehouse & Darren Lee-Ross - 1054-1068 Barriers and challenges experienced by migrant African women entrepreneurs in North Queensland, Australia
by Jane Njaramba & Philemon Chigeza & Hilary Whitehouse - 1069-1083 Quantitative analysis of the competitiveness of Benelux countries
by Antonín Korauš & Michal Mazák & Ján Dobrovič
March 2018, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 412-437 Influence of existing social and economic interactions on sustainable territory development: the case of Iceland
by Vera Komarova & Jelena Lonska & Olga Lavrinenko & Vladimir Menshikov - 438-451 The Brazilian Amazon: a resource curse or renewed colonialism?
by Martina Iorio & Salvatore Monni & Barbara Brollo - 452-466 Innovation activities of gazelles in business services as a factor of sustainable growth in the Slovak Republic
by Dana Benešová & Viera Kubičková & Anna Michálková & Monika Krošláková - 467-479 Industrial cooperation and its influence on sustainable economic growth
by Alena V. Fomina & Oksana N. Berduygina & Alexander A. Shatsky - 480-492 Relevance analysis of factors enhancing coaching interactions in organizations
by Angelina Rosha & Natalja Lace - 493-501 Public administration for safe and secure environment: case of Slovak Republic
by Jozef Kuril - 502-513 Percolation approach to simulation of a sustainable network economy structure
by Mira A. Kantemirova & Mira A. Kantemirova & Zaur L. Dzakoev & Zara R. Alikova & Sergei R. Chedgemov & Sergei R. Chedgemov & Zarina V. Soskieva & Zarina V. Soskieva - 514-527 Sectoral integration and investment diversification opportunities: evidence from Colombo Stock Exchange
by Awais Ahmed & Rizwan Ali & Abdullah Ejaz & Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad - 528-541 Secure personal data administration in the social networks: the case of voluntary sharing of personal data on the Facebook
by Tadas Limba & Aurimas Šidlauskas - 542-554 Knowledge management process model
by Jurgita Raudeliūnienė & Vida Davidavičienė & Artūras Jakubavičius - 555-564 Market peculiarities of natural gass: case of the Pacific Region
by Larisa Shakhovskaya & Yelena Petrenko & Alexandr Dzhindzholia & Victoria Timonina - 565-580 The impact of credit availability on small and medium companies
by Bogdan Włodarczyk & Marek Szturo & George H. Ionescu & Daniela Firoiu & Ramona Pirvu & Roxana Badircea - 581-599 Competitiveness and sustainable growth analysis of the EU countries with the use of Global Indexes' methodology
by Dana Kiseľáková & Beáta Šofranková & Veronika Čabinová & Erika Onuferová - 600-617 A study on the antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions among Saudi students
by Mohammad Naushad - 618-633 Model based on qualitative criteria for internet marketing development
by Tadas Limba & Mindaugas Kiškis & Gintarė Gulevičiūtė & Andrius Stasiukynas & Tomas Plėta & Ieva Juozapavičiūtė - 634-647 Peculiarities of illegal immigrant’s intrusions into road freight transport units in the France - UK corridor
by Margarita Marija Lietuvnikė & Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas & Virgilija Vasilienė-Vasiliauskienė & Jolanta Sabaitytė - 648-658 Relationship between admission grades and academic achievement
by M. M. Sulphey & Nasser Saad Al-Kahtani & Abdul Malik Syed - 659-671 Security of the business organizations as a result of the economic crisis
by Nadežda Jankelová & Andrea Jankurová & Martina Beňová & Zuzana Skorková - 672-681 Financial and economic mechanisms of promoting innovative activity in the context of the digital economy formation
by Mikhail Yakovlevich Veselovsky & Tatiana Vitalievna Pogodina & Raisa Vasilyevna Ilyukhina & Tatyana Anatolyevna Sigunova & Nina Fedorovna Kuzovleva - 682-692 Entrepreneurship and information technology businesses in economic crisis
by Syed Ali Abbas - 693-702 Visualization of expressing culinary experience in social network, memetic approach
by Krzysztof Stepaniuk
December 2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 178-189 New information technologies use for Latvian stock companies financial health evaluation
by Sergejs Hilkevics & Galina Hilkevica - 190-203 Entrepreneurial environment at regional level: the case of Polish path towards sustainable socio-economic development
by Michał Barnard Pietrzak & Adam P. Balcerzak & Artur Gajdos & Łukasz Arendt - 204-211 Review of Egypt Science and Technology System: SWOT analysis
by Amr Radwan & Mahmoud M. Sakr - 212-222 Management team development opportunities: a case of Lithuanian furniture company
by Algirdas Giedraitis & Rimantas Stašys & Rita Skirpstaitė - 223-230 Sustainable marketing communication strategies of Russian companies under the import substitution policy
by Veronika Yu. Chernova & Alexander M. Zobov & Vasily S. Starostin & Galina V. Butkovskaya - 231-242 Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and sustainable development: China’s cultural industries clusters
by Jianfei Yang & Jūratė Černevičiūtė - 243-262 Protection of the national financial system from the money laundering and terrorism financing
by Marek Kordík & Lucia Kurilovská - 263-282 Problems of corruption and tax evasion in construction sector in Belarus
by Anastasiya Luzgina - 283-296 Through economic growth to the viability of rural space
by Baiba Rivza & Maiga Kruzmetra - 297-314 Userfocus - tool for criminality control of social networks at both the local and international level
by Stanislav Šišulák - 315-329 An evaluation of knowledge management system's components and its financial and non-financial implications
by André Luhn & Sergey Aslanyan & Christian Leopoldseder & Pamela Priess - 330-344 The impact on the population on the sustainable urban economic development
by Inesa Pavlova & Maija Šenfelde - 345-356 Effects of contractor and employer's obligations in buy back contracts: case study of oil exporting country
by Farzam Ardalan & Farzam Ardalan & Nejad Ali Almasi & Nejad Ali Almasi & Mansour Atasheneh & Mansour Atasheneh - 357-367 Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia
by Marcel Lincényi - 368-402 Peculiarities of cyber security management in the process of internet voting implementation
by Tadas Limba & Konstantin Agafonov & Linas Paukštė & Martynas Damkus & Tomas Plėta
September 2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 9-22 Engaging universities in social innovation research for understanding sustainability issues
by Karine Oganisjana & Anna Svirina & Svetlana Surikova & Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte & Konstantins Kozlovskis - 23-35 Creativity as one of the core competencies of studying knowledge workers
by Aneta Sokół & Irena Figurska - 36-42 Unlocking digital entrepreneurship through technical business process
by Fahim Akhter - 43-57 Cluster performance: an attempt to evaluate the Lithuanian case
by Salvatore Monni & Francesco Palumbo & Manuela Tvaronavičienė - 58-71 The impact of financial management on innovation
by Marcus Illmeyer & Dietmar Grosch & Maria Kittler & Pamela Priess - 72-90 Towards sustainable business relationships: ratification doctrine in the case of unauthorised agency
by Vaidas Jurkevičius & Raimonda Bublienė & Raimonda Bublienė - 91-104 Economic trends of business actors on daily newspaper market: case of the Slovak Republic
by Marcel Lincényi & Michal Fabuš - 105-115 Ecosystem of entrepreneurship: risks related to loss of trust in stability of economic environment in Kazakhstan
by Yelena Petrenko & Nurlan Iskakov & Oleg Metsik & Tatyana Khassanova - 116-126 Diversity of employee incentives from the perspective of banks employees in Poland - empirical approach
by Vladimir Davydenko & Jerzy Kaźmierczyk & Gulnara Fatykhovna Romashkina & Elżbieta Żelichowska - 127-137 Current development of business environment in Slovakia and Czech Republic
by Michal Fabuš - 138-149 Utilization of labour resources through matching professional and famility roles
by Natalia Rimashevskaya & Marina Malysheva & Marina Pisklakova-Parker - 140-156 Networking of small cities to gain sustainability
by Zhanna A. Mingaleva & Marina Sheresheva & Matvey Oborin & Tatyana Gvarliani - 157-168 Economic success and sustainability in pharmaceutical sector: a case of Indian SMEs
by José Niño-Amézquita & Fedor Legotin & Oleg Barbakov
June 2017, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 400-420 The measurement of the innovativeness of health tourism services using an adequacy matrix title of the article
by Eugenia Panfiluk & Elżbieta Szymańska - 421-431 On sustainable production networks for Industry 4.0
by Gunnar Prause & Gunnar Prause & Sina Atari - 432-440 Technologies for sustainable circular business: using crushing device for used tires
by Ina Tetsman & Kristina Bazienė & Gintas Viselga - 441-459 The assessment of corporate social responsibility: approaches analysis
by Miriam Jankalová & Radoslav Jankal - 460-476 Towards sustainable logistics: study of alternative delivery facets
by Christian Otter & Christian Watzl & Daniel Schwarz & Pamela Priess - 477-488 Tackling projects on sustainability: a Lithuanian case study
by Nomeda Dobrovolskienė & Manuela Tvaronavičienė & Rima Tamošiūnienė - 489-501 Evaluation of resilience impact on socio-economic inequality
by Aistė Dirzytė & Ona Gražina Rakauskienė & Vaida Servetkienė - 502-515 Intellectual capital as a driving force of internationalization: a case of Lithuanian SMEs
by Renata Korsakienė & Aušra Liučvaitienė & Aušra Liučvaitienė & Monika Bužavaitė & Agnė Šimelytė - 516-525 Acquisition based dynamic capabilities and reinvention of business models: bridging two perspectives together
by Andrejs Čirjevskis & Andrejs Čirjevskis - 526-539 Workers' buyout: the Italian experience, 1986-2016
by Salvatore Monni & Giulia Novelli & Laura Pera & Alessio Realini - 540-558 The comparative analysis of technology transfer models
by Sergejs Hilkevics & Aleksejs Hilkevics - 559-573 Cyber security management model for critical infrastructure
by Tadas Limba & Tomas Plėta & Konstantin Agafonov & Martynas Damkus - 574-590 A new approach to measuring green GDP: a cross-country analysis
by Saša Stjepanović & Daniel Tomić & Marinko Škare - 591-600 Economic sustainability of energy systems and prices in the EU
by Wadim Strielkowski & Wadim Strielkowski & Wadim Strielkowski & Wadim Strielkowski & Evgeny Lisin & Evgeny Lisin & Elena Astachova - 601-610 Performance implications of entrepreneurial orientation at public research and technology institutions
by Ali Khanagha & Ali Mobini Dehkordi & Mohammad Reza Zali & S. Reza Hejazi
March 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 243-256 Towards sustainability through energy efficient buildings design: semantic labels
by Roberto Traversari & Martjan Den Hoed & Roberto Di Giulio & Freek Bomhof - 257-270 Testing innovative technologies for retrofitting: Coventry University as a living lab
by Abdullahi Ahmed & Danny McGough & Monica Mateo-Garcia - 271-281 Demand response in blocks of buildings: opportunities and requirements
by Tracey Crosbie & Michael Short & Muneeb Dawood & Richard Charlesworth - 282-293 Innovative time series forecasting: auto regressive moving average vs deep networks
by Anthony Mouraud - 294-309 Towards innovative district energy management: a case study with stochastic renewable generators
by Stefano Barberis & Francesco Roncallo & Alberto Traverso - 310-318 Energy efficiency facets: innovative district cooling systems
by Francesco Passerini & Raymond Sterling & Marcus Keane & Krzysztof Klobut & Andrea Costa - 319-327 Towards sustainable historic cities: mitigation climate change risks
by Alessandra Gandini & Leire Garmendia & Rosa San Mateos - 328-338 Towards smarter and more sustainable regenerative cities: the REMOURBAN model
by Miguel Á. García-Fuentes & Cristina de Torre - 339-350 Towards sustainable water networks: automated fault detection and diagnosis
by Domenico Perfido & Massimiliano Raciti & Chiara Zanotti & Niall Chambers & Niall Chambers & Louise Hannon & Louise Hannon & Marcus Keane & Marcus Keane & Eoghan Clifford & Eoghan Clifford & Andrea Costa - 351-363 Energy balancing accross cities: Virtual Power Plant prototype and iURBAN case studies
by Michael Oates & Aidan Melia & Valeria Ferrando - 364-379 Data-driven development in the smart city: Generative design for refugee camps in Luxembourg
by Elie Daher & Sylvain Kubicki & Annie Guerriero - 380-391 Business model strategies: Flexibility trade in emerging low voltage distribution networks
by Patrick Lynch & Jamie Power & Richard Hickey & Thomas Messervey
December 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 108-128 Service Innovation Commercialization Factors in the Fast Food Industry
by Mindaugas Laužikas & Mindaugas Laužikas & Aistė Miliūtė & Aistė Miliūtė & Lukas Tranavičius & Emilis Kičiatovas - 129-145 Management decisions for sustainable development: medical software case study
by Laura Baronienė & Vytautas Žirgutis - 146-158 The management by objectives in banks: the Polish case
by Jerzy Kaźmierczyk & Jerzy Kaźmierczyk & Mateusz Aptacy - 159-173 Camels+t approach for banks’ assessment: evidence from the Baltics
by Daiva Jurevičienė & Viktorija Skvarciany - 174-182 Preconditions of sustainable ecosystem: cyber security policy and strategies
by Darius Štitilis & Paulis Pakutinskas & Inga Malinauskaitė - 183-197 Level and sectors of digital shadow economy: the case of Lithuania
by Ligita Gasparėnienė & Rita Remeikienė & Alius Sadeckas & Romualdas Ginevičius - 198-210 Household income and satisfaction with life: cognitive – emotional impact paradox
by Aistė Dirzytė & Ona Gražina Rakauskienė & Vaida Servetkienė - 211-219 Sustainability of community’s entrepreneurship: case of floating market at Ladmayom
by Supawadee Boonyachut - 220-227 Transparent lobbying for sustainability: case of Lithuania
by Andrius Stankevičius & Asta Lukšaitė - 221-234 Business value of Intellectual Property in Biotech SMEs: case studies of Lithuanian and Arizona’s (US) firms
by Mindaugas Kiškis & Tadas Limba & Gintarė Gulevičiūtė - 228-239 Towards sustainable entrepreneurship: role of nonverbal communication in business negotiations
by Kęstutis Peleckis & Valentina Peleckienė & Kęstutis Peleckis & Tatjana Polajeva
September 2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 9-16 Entrepreneurship, sustainability, and solar distributed generation
by Wadim Strielkowski - 17-24 Some aspects of criminal environment impact on sustainable entrepreneurship activities
by Jānis Teivāns-Treinovskis & Jeļena Amosova - 25-38 Sustainable development in higher education through service quality and price fairness: empirical evidence from private universities in Syria
by Serene Dalati & Salah Eddin Al Hamwi - 39-52 Ecosystem for sustainable entrepreneurship: towards smart public procurement review procedures
by Agnė Tvaronavičienė & Gintarė Žemaitaitienė & Tatjana Bilevičienė - 53-63 Methodology of complex analysis of companies’ profitability
by Daiva Tamulevičienė - 64-73 Mobile phones' social impacts on sustainable human development: case studies, Morocco and Italy
by Kaoutar Allabouche & Omar Diouri & Ahmed Gaga & Najiba El Amrani El Idrissi - 74-82 Entrepreneurship and energy consumption patterns: case of hoseholds in selected countries
by Manuela Tvaronavičienė - 83-99 Innovation and entrepreneurship in Sultanate of 0man – an empirical study
by Alexandrina Maria Pauceanu
June 2016, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 307-318 Innovation magnitude of manufacturing industry in Egypt with particular focus on SMEs
by Mohamed Ramadan A. Rezk & Haiam Helmy Ibrahim & Amr Radwan & Mahmoud M. Sakr & Manuela Tvaronavičienė & Manuela Tvaronavičienė & Leonardo Piccinetti - 319-327 Promotion of renewable energy in Morocco
by Agnė Šimelytė & Galina Ševčenko-Kozlovska & Galina Ševčenko-Kozlovska & Najiba El Amrani El Idrissi & Salvatore Monni - 329-349 The internet entrepreneurship: opportunities and problems
by Kristina Samašonok & Margarita Išoraitė & Birutė Leškienė-Hussey