- 418 Effects of demographic development, labour supply and pension reforms on the future pension burden
by Dennis Fredriksen & Nils Martin Stølen - 417 Macroeconomic effects of proposed pension reforms in Norway
by Dennis Fredriksen & Kim Massey Heide & Erling Holmøy & Ingeborg Foldøy Solli - 416 Are high oil prices profitable for OPEC in the long run?
by Finn Roar Aune & Solveig Glomsrød & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 414 An Expenditure Based Estimate of Britain's Black Economy Revisited
by Knut R. Wangen - 413 Is Norway immune to Dutch Disease? CGE Estimates of Sustainable Wage Growth and De-industrialisation
by Erling Holmøy & Kim Massey Heide - 412 Modeling Concentration and Dispersion in Multiple Regression
by Rolf Aaberge & Steinar Bjerve & Kjell Doksum - 411 Consequences of the IPPC-directive's BAT requirements for abatement costs and emissions
by Jan Larsson & Kjetil Telle - 410 Can a carbon permit system reduce Spanish unemployment?
by Taran Fæhn & Antonio G. Gómez-Plana & Snorre Kverndokk - 409 Choice under Uncertainty and Bounded Rationality
by John K. Dagsvik - 408 Region-Specific versus Country-specific Poverty Lines in Analysis of Poverty
by Magne Mogstad & Audun Langørgen & Rolf Aaberge - 407 The elasticity of substitution of superlative price indices
by Petter Frenger - 406 Spousal Influence on Early Retirement Behavior
by Zhiyang Jia - 405 Retirement Behavior of Working Couples in Norway. A Dynamic Programming Approach
by Zhiyang Jia - 404 Labor Supply of Retiring Couples and Heterogeneity in Household Decision-Making Structure
by Zhiyang Jia - 403 Profitability of different instruments in international climate policies
by Finn Roar Aune & Snorre Kverndokk & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 402 Asymptotic Distribution Theory of Empirical Rank-dependent Measures of Inequality
by Rolf Aaberge - 401 Heterogeneity, productivity and selection: an empirical study of Norwegian manufacturing firms
by Tor Jakob Klette & Arvid Raknerud
- 400 Accounting for differences in choice opportunities in analyses of energy expenditure
by Bente Halvorsen & Runa Nesbakken - 399 When subsidized R&D-firms fail, do they still stimulate growth? Tracing knowledge by following employees across firms
by Jarle Møen - 398 Environmental risk and the precautionary principle. "Late lessons from early warnings" applied to genetically modified plants
by Iulie Aslaksen & Bent Natvig & Inger Nordal - 397 Pupil achievement, school resources and family backgr
by Torbjørn Hægeland & Oddbjørn Raaum & Kjell G. Salvanes - 396 The Social Cost of Government Spending in an Economy with Large Tax Distortions. A CGE Decomposition for Norway
by Erling Holmøy & Birger Strøm - 395 House ownership and taxes
by Torfinn Harding & Haakon O. Aa. Solheim & Andreas Benedictow - 394 "It pays to be green" - a premature conclusion?
by Kjetil Telle & Iulie Aslaksen & Terje Synnestvedt - 393 Explaining experience curves for LNG liquefaction costs: Competition matter more than learning
by Mads Greaker & Eirik Lund Sagen - 392 Combining CGE and microsimulation models: Effects on equality of VAT reforms
by Turid Åvitsland & Jørgen Aasness - 391 Liquidity provision in the overnight foreign exchange market
by Geir Høidal Bjønnes & Dagfinn Rime & Haakon O. Aa. Solheim - 390 Are the Dixit-Pindyck and the Arrow-Fisher-Henry-Hanemann Option Values Equivalent?
by Iulie Aslaksen & Terje Synnestvedt - 389 Effects of norms, warm-glow and time use on household recycling
by Bente Halvorsen - 388 Sectoral Labor Supply, Choice Restrictions and Functional Form
by John K. Dagsvik & Steinar Strøm - 387 Energy Taxation in a Small, Open Economy: Efficiency Gains under Political Restraints
by Geir H. Bjertnæs & Taran Fæhn - 386 Empirical errors and predicted errors in fertility, mortality and migration forecasts in the European Economic Area
by Nico Keilman & Dinh Quang Pham - 385 The market power of OPEC 1973-2001
by Petter Vegard Hansen & Lars Lindholt - 384 Transboundary environmental policy effects: Markets and emission leakages
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Taran Fæhn - 383 Two-Stage Sampling from a Prediction Point of View
by Jan F. Bjørnstad & Elinor Ytterstad - 382 To What Extent Is a Transition into Employment Associated with an Exit from Poverty
by Taryn Ann Galloway - 381 Effects of inspections on plants' regulatory and environmental performance - evidence from Norwegian manufacturing industries
by Kjetil Telle - 380 Local government preferences, individual needs, and the allocation of social assistance
by Audun Langørgen & Dag Rønningen - 379 The Future European Natural Gas Market - are lower gas prices attainable?
by Eirik Lund Sagen & Finn Roar Aune - 378 Mortality, fertility and old age care in a two-sex growth model
by Leif Andreassen - 377 Escaping the Resource Curse and the Dutch Disease? When and Why Norway Caught up with and Forged ahead of Its Neighbors
by Erling Røed Larsen - 376 Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol without Russian participation
by Bjart J. Holtsmark & Knut H. Alfsen - 375 Some Fundamental Problems in Becker, Grossman and Murphy's Implementation of Rational Addiction Theory
by Knut R. Wangen - 374 Do environmental regulations hamper productivity growth? How accounting for improvements of firms' environmental performance can change the conclusion
by Kjetil Telle & Jan Larsson - 373 Estimating Energy Demand Elasticities for OECD Countries. A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
by Gang Liu - 372 Does oilrig activity react to oil price changes? An empirical investigation
by Guro Børnes Ringlund & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Terje Skjerpen - 371 Industrial Competitiveness and Diffusion of New Pollution Abatement Technology - a new look at the Porter-hypothesis
by Mads Greaker - 370 Agricultural Production with Uncertain Water Supply
by John K. Dagsvik & Astrid L. Mathiassen - 369 The dynamic factor model revisited: the identification problem remains
by Terje Skjerpen - 368 Does the CPI Mirror Costs-of-Living? Engel's Law Suggests Not in Norway
by Erling Røed Larsen - 367 Population ageing and fiscal sustainability: An integrated micro-macro analysis of required tax changes
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Erling Holmøy & Birger Strøm & Tom Wennemo - 366 PPP-correction of the IPCC emission scenarios - does it matter?
by Bjart J. Holtsmark & Knut H. Alfsen
- 364 Technology, Trade and Inequality
by Roger Bjørnstad & Terje Skjerpen - 363 Rising Inequality of Housing? Evidence from Segmented Housing Price Indices
by Erling Røed Larsen & Dag Einar Sommervoll - 362 Are Rich Countries Immune to the Resource Curse? Evidence from Norway's Management of Its Oil Riches
by Erling Røed Larsen - 361 Financial Deregulation and Household Saving. The Norwegian Experience Revisited
by Elin Halvorsen - 360 Mean-Spread-Preserving Transformations
by Rolf Aaberge - 359 Indirect Social Sanctions from Monetarily Unaffected Strangers in a Public Good Game
by Mari Rege & Kjetil Telle - 358 A Stochastic Model for the Utility of Income
by John K. Dagsvik & Steinar Strøm & Zhiyang Jia - 357 Technological changes in the pulp and paper industry and the role of uniform versus selective environmental policy
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Torstein Bye & Jan Larsson & Kjetil Telle - 356 Coal cleaning: A viable strategy for reduced carbon emissions and improved environment in China?
by Solveig Glomsrød & Wei Taoyuan - 355 Corporate environmental protection under uncertainty
by Iulie Aslaksen & Terje Synnestvedt - 354 A Cohort Analysis of Household Saving in Norway
by Elin Halvorsen - 353 A Theory-Based Measure of the Output of the Education Sector
by Astrid Oline Ervik & Erling Holmøy & Torbjørn Hægeland - 352 Aggregate Industry Behaviour in a Monopolistic Competition Model with Heterogeneous Firms
by Erling Holmøy - 351 On the Price and Volume Effects from Green Certificates in the Energy Market
by Torstein Bye - 350 Testing the Multiproduct Hypothesis on Norwegian Aluminium Industry Plants
by Jan Larsson - 349 The Kyoto Protocol without USA and Australia - with the Russian Federation as a strategic permit seller
by Bjart Holtsmark - 348 More on Testing Exact Rational Expectations in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models: Restricted Drift Terms
by Søren Johansen & Anders Rygh Swensen - 347 Possibility for hedging from price increases in residential energy demand
by Bente Halvorsen & Bodil M. Larsen - 346 How to quantify household electricity end-use consumption
by Bodil M. Larsen & Runa Nesbakken - 345 A linear demand system within a Seemingly Unrelated Time Series Equation framework
by Arvid Raknerud & Terje Skjerpen & Anders Rygh Swensen - 344 Analyzing Labor Supply Behavior with Latent Job Opportunity Sets and Institutional Choice Constraints
by John K. Dagsvik & Steinar Strøm - 343 Welfare effects of VAT reforms: A general equilibrium analysis
by Brita Bye & Birger Strøm & Turid Åvitsland - 342 Parametric Aggregation of Random Coefficient Cobb-Douglas Production Functions: Evidence from Manufacturing Industries
by Erik Biørn & Terje Skjerpen & Knut Reidar Wangen - 341 Quantifying Central Hypotheses on Environmental Kuznets Curves for a Rich Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Study
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Taran Fæhn & Birger Strøm - 340 The importance of interest rates for forecasting the exchange rate
by Hilde C. Bjørnland & Håvard Hungnes - 339 Measuring the Benefits from Public Services The Effects of Local Government Spending on the Distribution of Income in Norway
by Rolf Aaberge & Audun Langørgen
- 338 A conflict of interests in electricity taxation? A micro econometric analysis of household behaviour
by Bente Halvorsen & Runa Nesbakken - 337 Greenhouse gas emissions in Norway Do carbon taxes work?
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Bodil Merethe Larsen - 336 Price formation in monopolistic markets with endogenous diffusion of trading information: An experimental approach
by Morten Søberg - 335 Reduced Tax Progressivity in Norway in the Nineties The Effect from Tax Changes
by Thor O. Thoresen - 334 Willingness to Pay for Dental Fear Treatment. Is Supplying Fear Treatment Socially Beneficial?
by Bente Halvorsen & Tiril Willumsen - 333 Small continuous surveys and the Kalman filter
by Jo Thori Lind - 332 Eco-labels, Production Related Externalities and Trade
by Mads Greaker - 331 Labor Market Modeling Recognizing Latent Job Attributes and Opportunity Constraints An Empirical Analysis of Labor Market Behavior of Eritrean Women
by Marie W. Arneberg & John K. Dagsvik & Zhiyang Jia - 330 Identification, Estimation and Testing in Panel Data Models with Attrition: The Role of the Missing at Random Assumption
by Arvid Raknerud - 329 The Duhem-Quine thesis and experimental economics. A reinterpretation
by Morten Søberg - 328 Voting rules and endogenous trading institutions: An experimental study
by Morten Søberg - 327 A laboratory stress-test of bid, double and offer auctions
by Morten Søberg - 326 Fundamental determinants of the long run real exchange rate: The case of Norway
by Hilde Christiane Bjørnland & Håvard Hungnes - 325 Consumption Inequality in Norway in the 80s and 90s
by Erling Røed Larsen - 324 Estimating Latent Total Consumption in a Household
by Erling Røed Larsen - 323 Searching for Basic Consumption Patterns Is the Engel Elasticity of Housing Unity?
by Erling Røed Larsen - 322 The Political Economy of Global Warming. From Data to Decisions
by Erling Røed Larsen - 321 Distributional and Environmental Effects of Taxes on Transportation
by Jørgen Aasness & Erling Røed Larsen - 320 How and why do Firms differ?
by Tor Jakob Klette & Arvid Raknerud - 319 Characterization and Measurement of Duration Dependence in Hazard Rate Models
by Rolf Aaberge - 318 Energy Flexibility and Technological Progress with Multioutput Production Application on Norwegian Pulp and Paper Industries
by Øystein Døhl - 317 Aggregation and Aggregation Biases in Production Functions: A Panel Data Analysis of Translog Models
by Erik Biørn & Terje Skjerpen - 316 On the value of households' recycling efforts
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Karine Nyborg - 315 A Discrete Choice Model for Labor Supply and Child Care
by Tom Kornstad & Thor O. Thoresen - 314 Cost-effective environmental policy: Implications of induced technological change
by Knut Einar Rosendahl
- 313 Optimal Combinations of Income Tax and Subsidies for Education
by Geir Haakon Bjertnæs - 312 Prevalence and substitution effects in tobacco consumption: A discrete choice analysis of panel data
by Knut R. Wangen & Erik Biørn - 311 A method of weighting adjustment for survey data subject to nonignorable nonresponse
by Li-Chun Zhang - 310 An Experimental Investigation of Social Norms
by Mari Rege & Kjetil Telle - 309 Estimating and Restricting Growth Rates and Cointegration Means With Applications to Consumption and Money Demand
by Håvard Hungnes - 308 Are Predicted Lifetime Consumption Profiles Robust with respect to Model Specifications?
by Tom Kornstad - 307 Equality of Opportunity versus Equality of Outcome in Analysing Optimal Income Taxation Empirical Evidence based on Italian Data
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & John E. Roemer - 306 The welfare effects of housing taxation in a distorted economy: A general equilibrium analysis
by Brita Bye & Turid Åvitsland - 305 Revealing Demand for Nature Experience Using Purchase Data of Equipment and Lodging
by Erling Røed Larsen - 304 Job Creation, Heterogeneous Workers and Technical Change: Matched Worker/Plant Data Evidence from Norway
by Kjell G. Salvanes & Svein Erik Førre - 303 Learned Helplessness, Discouraged Workers, and Multiple Unemployment Equilibria in a Search Model
by Roger Bjørnstad - 302 Changing Returns to Education Across Cohorts: Selection, School System or Skills Obsolescence?
by Torbjørn Hægeland - 301 Experience and Schooling: Substitutes or Complements?
by Torbjørn Hægeland - 300 Does Public Policy Crowd Out Private Contributions to Public Goods?
by Karine Nyborg & Mari Rege - 299 Compensated Variation in Random Utility Models
by John K. Dagsvik - 298 Trade Liberalisation and Effects on Pollutive Emissions and Waste A General Equilibrium Assessment for Norway
by Taran Fæhn & Erling Holmøy - 297 Modeling Binary Panel Data with Nonresponse
by Jan F. Bjørnstad & Dag Einar Sommervoll - 296 Tout est au mieux dans ce meilleur des ménages possibles The Pangloss critique of equivalence scales
by Jo Thori Lind - 295 A State Space Approach for Estimating VAR Models for Panel Data with Latent Dynamic Components
by Arvid Raknerud - 294 Individual Heterogeneity and Price Responses in Tobacco Consumption: A Two-Commodity Analysis of Unbalanced Panel Data
by Knut R. Wangen & Erik Biørn
- 293 Explaining the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing
by Kjersti-Gro Lindquist & Terje Skjerpen - 292 Heterogeneity in Returns to Scale: A Random Coefficient Analysis with Unbalanced Panel Data
by Erik Biørn & Kjersti-Gro Lindquist & Terje Skjerpen - 291 Exit Dynamics with Rational Expectations
by Arvid Raknerud & Rolf Golombek - 290 An Economic Model of Moral Motivation
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Snorre Kverndokk & Karinen Nyborg - 289 Testing for long-run homogeneity in the Linear Almost Ideal Demand System An application on Norwegian quarterly data for non-durables
by Terje Skjerpen & Anders Rygh Swensen - 288 Revealed Standards for Distributing Public Home-Care on Clients
by Audun Langørgen - 287 An Econometric Analysis of Exports of Metals: Product Differentiation and Limited Output Capacity
by Andreas Benedictow - 286 Gas power generation in Norway: Good or bad for the climate? Revised version
by Finn Roar Aune & Torstein Bye & Tor Arnt Johnsen - 285 On dispersion preserving estimation of the mean of a binary variable from small areas
by Li-Chun Zhang - 284 Tax Reforms, Dividend Policy and Trends in Income Inequality Empirical Evidence based on Norwegian Data
by Erik Fjærli & Rolf Aaberge - 283 Expectations in Export Price Formation Tests using Cointegrated VAR Models
by Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Anders R. Swensen - 282 Networking Strategy: Cooperate Today in Order to Meet a Cooperator Tomorrow
by Mari Rege - 281 On Natural Resource Rent and the Wealth of a Nation A Study Based on National Accounts in Norway 1930-95
by Lars Lindholt - 280 Imperfect competition, sequential auctions, and emissions trading: An experimental evaluation
by Morten Søberg - 279 The Evolution of Considerate Smoking Behavior
by Karine Nyborg & Mari Rege - 278 The Importance of Definitions of Data and Observation Frequen-cies for Job and Worker Flows - Norwegian Experiences 1996-1997
by Harald Dale-Olsen & Dag Rønningen - 277 Valuation of Social Capital and Environmental Externalities
by Iulie Aslaksen & Kjell Arne Brekke - 276 "Birds of a Feather Flock Together" The Impact of Choice of Spouse on Family Labor Income Inequality
by Iulie Aslaksen & Tom Wennemo & Rolf Aaberge - 275 Factoring the environmental Kuznets curve Evidence from Norway
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Hege Medin - 274 Markov Chain Generated Profile Likelihood Inference under Generalized Proportional to Size Non-ignorable Non-response
by Ib Thomsen & Li-Chun Zhang & Joseph Sexton - 273 The Effect of Using Administrative Registers in Economic Short Term Statistics: The Norwegian Labour Force Survey as a Case Study
by Ib Thomsen & Li-Chun Zhang - 272 To what Extent do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities for Income Acquisition Among citizens?
by John E. Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P. Jenkins & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus SanSegundo & Torben Tranaes & Gert G.Wagner & Ignacio Zubiri - 271 Ranking Intersecting Lorenz Curves
by Rolf Aaberge - 270 The Effect of Skill Mismatch on Wages in a small open Economy with Centralized Wage Setting: The Norwegian Case
by Roger Bjørnstad - 269 Child Care in the Welfare State A critique of the Rosen model
by Iulie Aslaksen & Charlotte Koren - 268 Micro Data On Capital Inputs: Attempts to Reconcile Stock and Flow Information
by Erik Biørn & Kjersti-Gro Lindquist & Terje Skjerpen - 267 Stabilisation of CO2 concentrations: Mitigation scenarios using the Petro model
by Snorre Kverndokk & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendal - 266 Aggregate Productivity and Heterogeneous Firms
by Erling Holmøy & Torbjørn Hægeland - 265 Modeling the Choice of Working when the Set of Job Opportunities is Latent
by Yun Li - 264 Multinomial Choice and Selectivity
by John K. Dagsvik
- 263 Public Policies and the Employment Dynamics among new Mothers - A Comparison of Finland, Norway and Sweden
by Marit Rønsen & Marianne Sundström - 262 Means-testing the Child Benefit
by Tom Kornstad & Thor O. Thoresen - 261 The Welfare Effects of Carbon Policies: Grandfathered Quotas versus Differentiated Taxes
by Brita Bye & Karine Nyborg - 260 Income Responses to Tax Changes - Evidence from the Norwegian Tax Reform
by Thor O. Thoresen & Karl Ove Aarbu - 259 Wage and Profitability: Norwegian Manufacturing 1967-1998
by Roger Bjørnstad & Ragnar Nymoen - 258 Beyond Kyoto: CO2 permit prices and the markets for fossil fuels
by Lars Lindholt - 257 Social Norms and Private Provision of Public Goods: Endogenous Peer Groups
by Mari Rege - 256 The Demand for Labour and the Lucas Critique. Evidence from Norwegian Manufacturing
by Pål Boug - 255 Changes in the Pattern of Household Electricity Demand over Time
by Bente Halvorsen & Bodil M. Larsen - 254 A Structural Approach for Measuring Fiscal Disparities
by Audun Langørgen & Rolf Aaberge - 253 Female labour participation rates in Norway - trends and cycles
by Ingvild Svendsen - 252 Samling Errors and Cross-Country Comparisons of Income Inequality
by Rolf Aaberge - 251 Welfare Effects of Trade Liberalisation in Distorted Economies A Dynamic General Equilibrium Assessment for Norway
by Taran Fæhn & Erling Holmøy - 249 Maize Trade Liberalization vs. Fertilizer Subsidies in Tanzania: A CGE Model Analysis with Endogenous Soil Fertility
by Sverre Grepperud & Henrik Wiig & Finn Roar Aune - 248 Asymmetric Information and International Tradable Quota Treaties. An experimental evaluation
by Morten Søberg - 247 The Dynamics of a Behavioral Two-Sex Demographic Model
by Rune Johansen & John K. Dagsvik - 246 Is the Distribution of Income Compatible with a Stable Distribution?
by John K. Dagsvik & Bjørn H. Vatne - 245 Optimal Oil Exploration under Climate Treaties
by Elin Berg & Snorre Kverndokk & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 244 ECM-algorithms that converge at the rate of EM
by Joe Sexton & Anders Rygh Swensen - 243 Modelling the Demand for Imports and Domestic Output
by Bjørn E. Naug
- 242 Labour Market Rigidities and Environmental Tax Reforms: Welfare Effects of Different Regimes
by Brita Bye - 241 The Assumption of Equal Marginal Utility of Income: How Much Does it Matter?
by Hege Medin & Karine Nyborg & Ian Bateman - 240 Status Preferences and Economic Growth
by Richard B. Howarth & Kjell Arne Brekke - 239 Are there Social Limits to Growth?
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Richard B. Howarth & Karine Nyborg - 238 A Behavioral Two-Sex Marriage Model
by John K. Dagsvik & Ane S. Flaatten & Helge Brunborg - 237 The Response by the Norwegian Aluminium Industry to Changing Market Structure
by Kjersti-Gro Lindquist - 236 Material Accounting in a Macroeconomic Framework Forecast of waste generated in manufacturing industries in Norway
by Karin Ibenholt - 235 Random Coefficients and Unbalanced Panels: An Application on Data from Norwegian Chemical Plants
by Erik Biørn & Kjersti-Gro Lindquist - 234 Price Indexes for Elementary Aggregates Derived from Behavioral Assumptions
by John K. Dagsvik & Leif Brubakk - 233 Uncertainty and International Negotiations on Tradable Quota Treaties
by Morten Søberg - 232 Price Sensitivity of Residential Energy Consumption in Norway
by Runa Nesbakken - 231 Residential Energy Consumption for Space Heating in Norwegian Households A Discrete-Continuous Choice Approach
by Runa Nesbakken - 230 Social Evaluation of Individual Welfare Effects from Income Taxation Empirical Evidence Based on Italian Data for Married Couples
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino - 229 A Framework for Empirical Modelling of Consumer Demand with Latent Quality Attributes
by John K. Dagsvik & Yu Zhu & Rolf Aaberge - 228 Do Models Improve Fishery Management? Empirical Evidence from a Experimental Study
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Erling Moxnes - 227 The Social Contingency of Wants Implications for Growth and the Environment
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Richard B. Howarth - 226 Rational Expectations in Price Setting. Tests Based on Norwegian Export Prices
by Ingvild Svendsen - 224 A General Equilibrium Evaluation of Aggregate Welfare Effects from Improved Sectoral Efficiency . Empirical Evidence for Norway
by Erling Holmøy - 223 Consumer Demand and Unobservable Product Attributes
by Leif Brubakk & John K. Dagsvik - 222 Nonparametric Identification of Discrete Choice Models
by John K. Dagsvik - 221 Choice among Lotteries when Preferences are Stochastic
by John K. Dagsvik - 220 Synthetic Graphical Modelling of Binary Panel Data Subject to Non-response A Case Study
by Li-Chun Zhang - 219 From Growth Theory to Technology Policy - Coordination Problems in Theory and Practice
by Tor Jakob Klette & Jarle Møen - 218 A Note on Post-stratification when Analyzing Binary Survey Data Subject to Non-response
by Li-Chun Zhang - 217 The Pattern of Household Savings during a Hyperinflation The Case of Urban China in the Late 1980s
by Rolf Aaberge & Yu Zhu