Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 1020 Innovation outcomes of public R&D support. A new approach to identifying output additionality
by Eric Iversen & Arvid Raknerud & Marit Klemetsen & Brita Bye
- 1019 Hedonic regression models for housing tax valuation
by Erlend Eide Bø & Odd Erik Nygård & Thor Olav Thoresen - 1018 Getting Back on Track. Forecasting After Extreme Observations
by Pål Boug & Håvard Hungnes & Takamitsu Kurita - 1016 The Role of Oil Prices in Norwegian Petroleum Investments. An Empirical Study
by Julia Skretting - 1015 Identifying Demand Elasticity via Heteroscedasticity. A Panel GMM Approach to Estimation and Inference
by Thomas von Brasch & Arvid Raknerud & Trond C. Vigtel - 1014 Macroeconomic and Industry Effects of Supply-Side Climate Policy. Dutch disease in reverse?
by Ådne Cappelen & Marek Jasinski & Håvard Hungnes & Julia Skretting - 1011 Assessing fire hazard in coastal heathlands. Predicted impacts of weather, land use and management
by Bente Halvorsen & Kristine Grimsrud - 1010 Micro and macro evidence of the relationship between income mobility and taxation
by Ådne Cappelen & Aurora G. Hattrem & Thor O. Thoresen
- 1009 The LOTTE system of tax microsimulation models
by Zhiyang Jia & Bodil M. Larsen & Bård Lian & Runa Nesbakken & Odd E. Nygård & Thor O. Thoresen & Trine E. Vattø - 1008 Emission pricing and CO2 compensation in the EU. The optimal compensation to the power-intensive and trade-exposed industries for increased electricity prices
by Kevin R. Kaushal & Lars Lindholt & Hidemichi Yonezawa - 1007 To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?
by John K. Dagsvik & Sigmund H. Moen - 1006 Long-run effects of school spending. Evidence from exiting cohort size variation
by Audun Langørgen & Sturla A. Løkken - 1005 A new approach to estimating private returns to R&D
by Ådne Cappelen & Pierre Mohnen & Arvid Raknerud & Marina Rybalka - 1004 Reconciling estimates of the long-term earnings effect of fertility
by Simon Bensnes & Ingrid Huitfeldt & Edwin Leuven - 1003 Emission regulation. Prices, quantities and hybrids with endogenous technology choice
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 1002 Taxation of the rich and the cost of raising tax revenue
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 1000 Controlling for fixed effects in studies of income underreporting
by Odd E. Nygård & Thor O. Thoresen - 999 Moving beyond expectations. From cohort-component to microsimulation projections
by Zhiyang Jia & Stefan Leknes & Sturla A. Løkken - 998 The importance of escape clauses. Firm response to thin capitalization rules
by Martin Eckhoff Andresen & Lars Thorvaldsen - 996 A probabilistic forecast of the immigrant population of Norway
by Nico Keilman - 995 Can the acceptance of a carbon tax be increased?. The effect of tax revenue recycling and redistribution among households and companies
by Anders Dugstad & Kristine M. Grimsrud & Henrik Lindhjem
- 994 Internalizing negative environmental impacts from wind power production. Coasian bargaining, offsetting schemes and environmental taxes
by Mads Greaker & Cathrine Hagem & Andreas Skulstad - 993 The cash-for-care reform and immigrant fertility. Fewer babies of poorer families?
by Lars Dommermuth & Adrian Farner Rogne & Astri Syse - 992 Spatial trade-offs in national land-based wind power production in times of biodiversity and climate crises
by Kristine Grimsrud & Cathrine Hagem & Kristina Haaskjold & Henrik Lindhjem & Megan Nowell - 991 Directed technical change and the resource curse
by Mads Greaker & Tom-Reiel Heggedal & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 990 Mountains of trouble. Accounting for environmental costs in local benefit-driven tourism development
by Endre Kildal Iversen & Kristine Grimsrud & Henrik Lindhjem & Ståle Navrud - 989 Social security pension generosity and the effect on household saving
by Elin Halvorsen & Zhiyang Jia & Herman Kruse & Trond C. Vigtel - 988 Gender or class – What determines voting? Lessons from expanding the suffrage in early 1900s Norway
by Edda Torsdatter Solbakken - 987 Structural break in the Norwegian LFS due to the 2021 redesign
by Håvard Hungnes & Terje Skjerpen & Jørn Ivar Hamre & Xiaoming Chen Jansen & Dinh Quang Pham & Ole Sandvik - 986 Dynamics of first-time patenting firms
by Øyvind A. Nilsen & Arvid Raknerud - 985 Early retirement provision for elderly displaced workers
by Herman Kruse & Andreas Myhre - 984 Fiscal policy, macroeconomic performance and industry structure in a small open economy
by Pål Boug & Thomas von Brasch & Ådne Cappelen & Roger Hammersland & Håvard Hungnes & Dag Kolsrud & Julia Skretting & Birger Strøm & Trond C. Vigtel - 983 Can the child penalty be reduced?. Evaluating multiple policy interventions
by Martin Eckhoff Andresen & Emily Nix - 982 Do funds for more teachers improve student outcomes?
by Nicolai T. Borgen & Lars J. Kirkebøen & Andreas Kotsadam & Oddbjørn Raaum - 981 Why has the Norwegian krone exchange rate been persistently weak?. A fully simultaneous VAR approach
by Andreas Benedictow & Roger Hammersland - 980 Policies for electrification of the car fleet in the short and long run. Subsidizing electric vehicles or subsidizing charging stations?
by Cathrine Hagem & Snorre Kverndokk & Eric Nævdal & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 979 Understanding the positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s fertility in Norway
by Trude Lappegård & Tom Kornstad & Lars Dommermuth & Axel Peter Kristensen - 978 Compensated discrete choice and the Slutsky equation
by John K. Dagsvik - 977 A european equivalence scale for public in-kind transfers
by Rolf Aaberge & Audun Langørgen & Petter Y. Lindgren - 976 Identifying the elasticity of substitution between capital and labour. A pooled GMM panel estimator
by Thomas von Brasch & Arvid Raknerud & Trond C. Vigtel - 975 Public disclosure of tax information. Compliance tool or social network?
by Daniel Reck & Joel Slemrod & Trine Vattø
- 973 Marriage before children?. First family formation among the children of immigrants in Norway
by Jennifer A. Holland & Kenneth Aa. Wiik - 972 The road to a low emission society. Costs of interacting climate regulations
by Brita Bye & Kevin R. Kaushal & Orvika Rosnes & Karen Turner & Hidemichi Yonezawa - 970 School value-added and longterm student outcomes
by Lars J. Kirkebøen - 969 Alternatives to paying child benefit to the rich. means testing or higher tax?
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees & Thor O. Thoresen & Trine E. Vattø - 968 Origin and residential influences on the first partnership choices of the children of immigrants in Norway
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Jennifer A. Holland - 967 The empirical modelling of house prices and debt revisited. A policy-oriented perspective
by Pål Boug & Håvard Hungnes & Takamitsu Kurita - 966 Empirical modelling of internal migration and commuting flows for economic regions in Norway
by Tom Kornstad & Terje Skjerpen & Lasse S. Stambøl - 965 Green technology policies versus carbon pricing. An intergenerational perspective
by Sebastian Rausch & Hidemichi Yonezawa - 964 Endogenous preferences and environmental policy
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 963 Time to spare and too much care. Congestion and overtreatment at the maternity ward
by Simon Bensnes - 962 The resource rent in Norwegian aquaculture 1984-2020. Calculations applying the National Accounts
by Mads Greaker & Lars Lindholt - 961 Internal labor markets. A worker flow approach
by Ingrid Huitfeldt & Andreas R. Kostøl & Jan Nimczik & Andrea Weber - 960 A wealth tax at work
by Thor O. Thoresen & Marius A. K. Ring & Odd E. Nygård & Jon Epland - 959 Welfare effects of tax policy change when there are choice restrictions on labour supply
by Zhiyang Jia & Thor O. Thoresen - 958 Plausible futures for the Norwegian Offshore Energy Sector. Business as Usual, Harvest or Rebuild?
by Per Espen Stoknes & Iulie Aslaksen & Ulrich Goluke & Jørgen Randers & Per Arild Garnåsjordet - 957 Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics. Results from a randomized controlled trial
by Lars J. Kirkebøen & Trude Gunnes & Lena Lindenskov & Marte Rønning - 956 Emission targets and coalition options for a small, ambitious country. An analysis of welfare costs and distributional impacts for Norway
by Taran Fæhn & Hidemichi Yonezawa - 955 Corporate taxes, investment and the self-financing rate. The effect of location decisions and exports
by Thomas von Brasch & Ivan Frankovic & Eero Tölö - 954 Family composition and transitions into long-term care services among the elderly
by Astri Syse & Alyona Artamonova & Michael Thomas & Marijke Veenstra - 953 Flexible empirical Bayes estimation of local fertility schedules. reducing small area problems and preserving regional variation
by Stefan Leknes & Sturla A. Løkken - 952 Altruist talk may (also) be cheap. Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference studies
by Endre Kildal Iversen & Kristine Grimsrud & Yohei Mitani & Henrik Lindhjem - 951 A two-stage pooled panel data estimator of demand elasticities
by Thomas von Brasch & Arvid Raknerud - 950 College as a Marriage Market
by Lars Kirkebøen & Edwin Leuven & Magne Mogstad - 949 Taxation of fuel and vehicles when emissions are constrained
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 948 The accuracy of Statistics Norway’s national population projections
by Rebecca F. Gleditsch & Adrian F. Rogne & Astri Syse & Michael Thomas - 947 Do employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards?
by Christine Blandhol & Magne Mogstad & Peter Nilsson & Ola L. Vestad - 946 Broadband internet and the stock market investments of individual investors
by Hans K. Hvide & Tom G. Meling & Magne Mogstad & Ola L. Vestad - 944 An exact additive decomposition of the weighted arithmetic mean
by Thomas von Brasch & Håkon Grini & Magnus Berglund Johnsen & Trond Christian Vigtel
- 945 Assessing income tax perturbations
by Vidar Christiansen & Zhiyang Jia & Thor O. Thoresen - 943 Do audits improve future tax compliance in the absence of penalties? Evidence from random Audits in Norway
by Shafik Hebous & Zhiyang Jia & Knut Løyland & Thor O. Thoresen & Arnstein Øvrum - 942 Scope elasticity and economic significance in discrete choice experiments
by Anders Dugstad & Kristine Grimsrud & Gorm Kipperberg & Henrik Lindhjem & Ståle Navrud - 941 Urban Green. Integrating ecosystem extent and condition as a basis for ecosystem accounts. Examples from the Oslo region
by Per Arild Garnåsjordet & Margrete Steinnes & Zofie Cimburova & Megan Nowell & David N. Barton & Iulie Aslaksen - 940 Are carbon prices redundant in the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package?
by Finn Roar Aune & Rolf Golombek - 939 Explaining residential clustering of fertility
by Janna Bergsvik & Sara Cools & Rannveig K. Hart - 938 Efficient spatial allocation of wind power plants given environmental externalities due to turbines and grids
by Kristine Grimsrud & Cathrine Hagem & Arne Lind & Henrik Lindhjem - 937 Work less but stay longer. Mature worker response to a flexibility reform
by Erik Hernæs & Zhiyang Jia & John Piggott & Trond Christian Vigtel - 936 Capturing Key Energy and Emission Trends in CGE models. Assessment of Status and Remaining Challenges
by Taran Fæhn & Gabriel Bachner & Robert Beach & Jean Chateau & Shinichiro Fujimori & Madanmohan Ghosh & Meriem Hamdi-Cherif & Elisa Lanzi & Sergey Paltsev & Toon Vandyck & Bruno Cunha & Rafael Garaffa & Karl Steininger - 935 Who and how many can work from home in Norway?. Evidence from task descriptions
by Henning Holgersen & Zhiyang Jia & Simen Svenkerud - 934 Predicting the exchange rate path. The importance of using up-to-date observations in the forecasts
by Håvard Hungnes - 933 Acceptance of national wind power development and exposure. A case-control choice experiment approach
by Anders Dugstad & Kristine Grimsrud & Gorm Kipperberg & Henrik Lindhjem & Ståle Navrud - 932 Distance and choice of field. Evidence from a Norwegian college expansion reform
by Tora K. Knutsen & Jørgen Modalsli & Marte Rønning - 931 Equal predictability test for multi-step-ahead system forecasts invariant to linear transformations
by Håvard Hungnes - 930 Marginal compensated effects and the slutsky equation for discrete choice models
by John K. Dagsvik - 929 Ways to project fertility in Europe. Perceptions of current practices and outcomes
by Rebecca Folkman Gleditsch & Astri Syse - 928 Estimating long-run income inequality from mixed tabular data. Empirical evidence from Norway, 1875-2017
by Rolf Aaberge & Jørgen Modalsli & Anthony B. Atkinson - 927 Modeling R&D spillovers to productivity. The effects of tax policy
by Thomas von Brasch & Ådne Cappelen & Håvard Hungnes & Terje Skjerpen - 926 Estimating the elasticity of taxable income when earnings responses are sluggish
by Trine Engh Vattø - 925 The marginal (opportunity) cost of public funds
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 924 Revisions in the Norwegian National Accounts. Accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency in preliminary figures
by Magnus Kvåle Helliesen & Håvard Hungnes & Terje Skjerpen - 923 What can we learn about household consumption expenditure from data on income and assets?
by Lasse Eika & Magne Mogstad & Ola L. Vestad - 922 Effects of policy on fertility. A systematic review of (quasi)experiments
by Janna Bergsvik & Agnes Fauske & Rannveig K. Hart - 921 Does health influence fertility?
by Astri Syse & Lars Dommermuth & Rannveig K. Hart
- 920 Smart hedging against carbon leakage
by Christoph Böhringer & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 919 Impacts of hospital wait time on patient health and labor supply
by Anna Godøy & Venke Furre Haaland & Ingrid Huitfeldt & Mark Votruba - 918 Imperfect competition, compensating differentials and rent sharing in the U.S. labor market
by Thibaut Lamadon & Magne Mogstad & Bradley Setzler - 917 First union formation among the children of immigrants in Norway. Timing and choice of union type
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik - 916 Improving educational pathways to social mobility. Evidence from Norway’s “Reform 94”
by Marianne Bertrand & Magne Mogstad & Jack Mountjoy - 915 Trade-offs between carbon sequestration, landscape aesthetics and biodiversity in a cost-benefit analysis of land use options in Norway
by Endre Kildal Iversen & Kristine Grimsrud & Henrik Lindhjem & Jette Bredahl Jacobsen - 914 Evaluating multilateral price indices in a dynamic item universe
by Li-Chun Zhang & Ingvild Johansen & Ragnhild Nygaard - 913 Gambling with the family silver. Household consumption and saving responses to fiscal uncertainty
by Oddmund Berg - 912 Heterogeneity and persistence in returns to wealth
by Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Davide Malacrino - 911 The impact of public R&D support on firms' patenting
by Brita Bye & Marit Klemetsen & Arvid Raknerud - 910 For whom are cities good places to live?
by Fredrik Carlsen & Stefan Leknes - 909 Public acceptance and willingness to pay cost-effective taxes on red meat and road traffic in Norway
by Kristine Grimsrud & Henrik Lindhjem & Ingvild Vestre Sem & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 908 The costs of taxation in the presence of inequality
by Åsmund Sunde Valseth & Katinka Holtsmark & Bjart Holtsmark - 907 The paradox of the unhappy, growing city: reconciling evidence
by Fredrik Carlsen & Stefan Leknes - 905 Efficient taxation of fuel and road use
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 904 The consumption Euler equation or the Keynesian consumption function?
by Anders Rygh Swensen & Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Eilev S. Jansen - 903 Vehicle-to-Grid. Impacts on the electricity market and consumer cost of electric vehicles
by Stef Proost & Mads Greaker & Cathrine Hagem - 902 What Causes the Child Penalty? Evidence from Same Sex Couples and Policy Reforms
by Emily Nix & Martin Eckhoff Andresen - 901 Labour market institutions, shocks and the employment rate
by Kristine Wika Haraldsen & Ragnar Nymoen & Victoria Sparrman - 900 Challenges in predicting poverty trends using survey to survey imputation. Experiences from Malawi
by Astrid Mathiassen & Bjørn K. Wold - 899 Effects of extended paternity leave on union stability and fertility
by Rannveig K. Hart & Synøve N. Andersen & Nina Drange - 898 Linking neighbors’ fertility. Third births in Norwegian neighborhoods
by Janna Bergsvik - 897 Spillover bias in multigenerational income regressions
by Kelly Vosters & Jørgen Modalsli - 896 Buy to let. Investment buyers in a housing search model
by Erlend Eide Bø - 895 Robustness of the Norwegian wage formation system and free EU labour movement. Evidence from wage data for natives
by Ragnar Nymoen & Victoria Sparrman & Bjorn Dapi - 894 High school dropout for marginal students. Evidence from randomized exam form
by Martin Eckhoff Andresen & Sturla A. Løkken - 893 Is the marginal cost of public funds equal to one?
by Bjart Holtsmark - 892 Effects of higher required rates of return on the tax take in an oil province
by Lars Lindholt
- 891 Collusive tax evasion by employers and employees. Evidence from a randomized fi eld experiment in Norway
by Marie Bjørneby & Annette Alstadsæter & Kjetil Telle - 890 Regional variation in healthcare utilization and mortality
by Anna Godøy & Ingrid Huitfeldt - 889 Spending the night?. Provider incentives, capacity constraints and patient outcomes
by Ingrid Huitfeldt - 888 Local governments, in-kind transfers, and economic inequality
by Magne Mogstad & Rolf Aaberge & Lasse Eika & Audun Langørgen - 887 Transitions from first unions among immigrants and their descendants. The role of partner choice
by Jennifer A. Holland & Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Lars Dommermuth - 886 Social networks and tax avoidance. Evidence from a well-defined Norwegian tax shelter
by Annette Alstadsæter & Wojciech Kopczuk & Kjetil Telle - 885 An up-to-date joint labor supply and child care choice model
by Thor O. Thoresen & Trine E. Vattø - 884 Mortality shifts and mortality compression. The case of Norway, 1900-2060
by Nico Keilman & Dinh Q. Pham & Astri Syse - 883 On the effects of linking voluntary cap-and-trade systems for CO2 emissions
by Martin L. Weitzman & Bjart Holtsmark - 882 Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence. Findings from employees in child care centers
by Trude Gunnes & Nina Drange & Kjetil Telle - 880 Universal child care and inequality of opportunity. Descriptive findings from Norway
by Nina Drange & Kjetil Telle - 879 The marginal cost of public funds in large welfare state countries
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 878 Public R&D Support and Firms’ Performance. A Panel Data Study
by Arvid Raknerud & Diana-Cristina Iancu & Øivind A. Nilsen - 877 Structural Labour Supply Models and Microsimulation
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino - 876 From Classes to Copulas: Wages, capital, and top incomes
by Rolf Aaberge & Anthony B. Atkinson & Sebastian Königs - 875 Aggregate behavior in matching markets with flexible contracts and non-transferable representations of preferences
by John K. Dagsvik & Zhiyang Jia - 874 Who benefited from industrialization? The local effects of hydropower technology adoption
by Stefan Leknes & Jørgen Modalsli - 873 Parenthood and couples’ relative earnings in Norway 2005-2014
by Janna Bergsvik & Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Ragni Hege Kitterød - 872 Productivity growth, firm turnover and new varieties
by Thomas von Brasch & Diana-Cristina Iancu & Arvid Raknerud - 871 Encompassing tests for evaluating multi-step system forecasts invariant to linear transformations
by Håvard Hungnes
- 870 Child care center staff composition and early child development
by Nina Drange & Marte Rønning - 869 Productivity dispersion and measurement errors
by Thomas von Brasch & Diana-Cristina Iancu & Terje Skjerpen - 868 Exact and inexact decompositions of international price indices
by Pål Boug - 867 The efficient combination of taxes on fuel and vehicles
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs - 866 Churning in thick labor markets. Evidence of heterogeneous responses along the skill and experience gradients
by Stefan Leknes - 865 Match quality in housing transactions. What can we learn from comparing buyers and sellers?
by Erlend Eide Bø - 864 Regulation in the presence of adjustment costs and resource scarcity. Transition dynamics and intertemporal effects
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 863 Tony Atkinson and his legacy
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan & Thomas Piketty & Walter J. Radermacher & Timothy M. Smeeding & Nicholas H. Stern & Joseph Stiglitz & Holly Sutherland - 862 Optimal location of renewable power
by Henrik Bjørnebye & Cathrine Hagem & Arne Lind - 861 Identifying fertility contagion using random fertility shocks
by Rannveig Kaldager Hart & Sara Cools - 860 Immigration and the Dutch disease. A counterfactual analysis of the Norwegian resource boom 2004-2013
by Ådne Cappelen & Torbjørn Eika - 859 Life expectancy and claiming behavior in a flexible pension system
by Dennis Fredriksen & Christian N. Brinch & Ola L. Vestad - 858 Long term impacts of class size in compulsory school
by Edwin Leuven & Sturla A. Løkken - 857 Labor supply analysis with non-convex budget sets without the Hausman approach
by John K. Dagsvik & Steinar Strøm - 856 Phasing out coal and phasing in renewables – good or bad news for arctic gas producers?
by Lars Lindholt & Solveig Glomsrød - 855 Closing the gender gap in pensions. A microsimulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system
by Elin Halvorsen & Axel West Pedersen
- 854 The path of labor supply adjustment. Sources of lagged responses to tax-benefit reforms
by Zhiyang Jia & Trine E. Vattø - 853 Heterogeneity of the Carnegie Effect
by Erlend E. Bø & Elin Halvorsen & Thor O. Thoresen - 852 MPC heterogeneity and household balance sheets
by Andreas Fagereng & Martin B. Holm & Gisle J. Natvik - 851 Problematic response margins in the estimation of the elasticity of taxable income
by Kristoffer Berg & Thor O. Thoresen - 850 Multigenerational persistence. Evidence from 146 years of administrative data
by Jørgen Modalsli - 849 Using common factors to identify substitution possibilities in a factor demand system with technological changes
by Håvard Hungnes - 848 Carbon dynamics related to tree planting on new areas in Norway
by Bjart Holtsmark - 847 On the measurement of long-run income inequality. Empirical evidence from Norway, 1875-2013
by Rolf Aaberge & Anthony B Atkinson & Jørgen Modalsli - 846 Oil consumption subsidy removal in OPEC and other Non-OECD countries. Oil market impacts and welfare effects
by Finn Roar Aune & Kristine Grimsrud & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 845 Discouraged worker effects and barriers against employment for immigrant and non-immigrant women
by John K. Dagsvik & Tom Kornstad & Terje Skjerpen - 844 Electronic monitoring and recidivism. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
by Synøve N. Andersen & Kjetil Telle - 843 Modelling OPEC behaviour. Theory and evidence
by Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Anders Rygh Swensen - 842 The regional dispersion of income inequality in nineteenth-century Norway
by Jørgen Modalsli - 841 Children as family commuters. The geographical distance between nonresident parents and children in Norway
by Lars Dommermuth - 840 Expected service lives and depreciation profiles for capital assets. Evidence based on a survey of Norwegian firms
by Terje Skjerpen & Nina Barth & Ådne Cappelen & Steinar Todsen & Thom Åbyholm - 839 Fuel efficiency improvements - feedback mechanisms and distributional effects in the oil market
by Finn Roar Aune & Ann Christin Bøeng & Snorre Kverndokk & Lars Lindholt & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 838 Fractionality and co-fractionality between Government Bond yields
by Håvard Hungnes - 837 Accounting for business income in measuring top income shares. Integrated accrual approach using individual and firm data from Norway
by Annette Alstadsæter & Martin Jacob & Wojciech Kopczuk & Kjetil Telle - 836 Supply versus demand-side policies in the presence of carbon leakage and the green paradox
by Cathrine Hagem & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 835 The lost generation: Effects of youth labor market opportunities on long-term labor market outcomes
by Venke Furre Haaland - 834 Back to background risk?
by Andreas Fagereng & Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri - 833 The impacts of the EU ETS on Norwegian plants' environmental and economic performance
by Marit E. Klemetsen & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Anja Lund Jakobsen
- 832 Modelling and forecasting rig rates on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
by Terje Skjerpen & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Petter Osmundsen - 831 Imputing consumption from Norwegian income and wealth registry data
by Andreas Fagereng & Elin Halvorsen - 830 The effects of innovation policies on firm level patenting
by Marit E. Klemetsen - 829 Taxation of housing. Killing several birds with one stone
by Erlend Eide Bø - 828 Effects of income and the cost of children on fertility. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
by Taryn Ann Galloway & Rannveig Kaldager Hart - 827 Resource Rent in Norwegian Fisheries. Trends and policies
by Kristine Grimsrud & Lars Lindholt & Mads Greaker - 826 Labor Market Institutions and Wage Inequality in the OECD countries
by Victoria Sparrman & Ellen Marie Rossvoll - 825 Life time pension benefits relative to life time contributions
by Dennis Fredriksen & Nils Martin Stølen - 824 Have inflation targeting and EU labour immigration changed the system of wage formation in Norway?
by Marit Linnea Gjelsvik & Victoria Sparrman & Ragnar Nymoen - 823 Union dissolution and childlessness. New insights from sequence analysis
by Rannveig Kaldager Hart - 822 Smart hedging against carbon leakage
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten & Christoph Böhringer & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 821 Fiscal effects of the Norwegian pension reform. A micro-macro assessment
by Dennis Fredriksen & Erling Holmøy & Birger Strøm & Nils Martin Stølen - 820 The dual approach for measuring. Multidimesional deprivation and poverty
by Rolf Aaberge & Eugenio Peluso & Henrik Sigstad - 819 On measuring the contribution from firm turnover to aggregate productivity growth. Selection on profitability and not productivity
by Thomas von Brasch - 818 Understanding the productivity slowdown. The importance of entry and exit of workers
by Thomas von Brasch & Ådne Cappelen & Diana-Cristina Iancu - 817 Residental energy efficiency and European carbon policies A CGE-analysis with bottom-up information on energy efficiency technologies
by Brita Bye & Taran Fæhn & Orvika Rosnes - 816 A stylized satellite account for human capital
by Gang Liu - 815 School accountability Incentives or sorting?
by Hege Marie Gjefsen & Trude Gunnes - 814 Increasingly stable or more stressful? Children and union dissolution across four decades Evidence from Norway
by Elina Vinberg & Rannveig Kaldager Hart & Torkild H. Lyngstad - 813 Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?
by Andreas Fagereng & Magne Mogstad & Marte Rønning