- 216 Post-Stratification and Calibration - A Synthesis
by Li-Chun Zhang - 215 Economic Fluctuations in a Small Open Economy - Real versus Nominal Shocks
by Hilde C. Bjørnland - 214 Non-Verifiable Emissions, Voluntary Agreements, and Emission Taxes
by Karine Nyborg - 213 "EPA's new Emissions Trading Mechanism: A Laboratory Evaluation" - A Comment
by Morten G. Søberg - 212 UMP Unbiased Tests for Multiparameter Testing Problems with Restricted Alternatives
by Rolf Aaberge - 211 Why some Corporations Pay More Tax than Necessary
by Karl Ove Aarbu & Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason - 210 Did Norway Gain from the 1979-85 Oil Price Shock?
by Torbjørn Eika & Knut A. Magnussen - 209 Optimal Climate Policy under the Possibility of a Catastrophe
by Jon Gjerde & Sverre Grepperud & Snorre Kverndokk
- 208 Do Higher Wages Reflect Higher Productivity? Education, Gender and Experience Premiums in a Matched Plant-Worker Data Set
by Torbjørn Hægeland & Tor Jakob Klette - 207 The Norwegian Tax Reform; Distributional Effects and the High-income Response
by Karl Ove Aarbu & Thor Olav Thoresen - 206 Modeling and Estimation Methods for Household Size in the Presence of Nonresponse Applied to The Norwegian Consumer Expenditure Survey
by Liv Belsby & Jan F. Bjørnstad - 205 Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Democratic Ideal
by Karine Nyborg & Inger Spangen - 204 Change in Regime and Markov Models
by Anders Rygh Swensen - 203 Estimation of Time Series of Latent Variables in an Accounting System Petrol Consumption of Norwegian Households 1973-1995
by Jørgen Aasness & Liv Belsby - 202 Estimation of Price Elasticities from Norwegian Household Survey Data
by Leif Brubakk - 201 Unemployment Shocks and Income Distribution How Did the Nordic Countries Fare During their Crises?
by Rolf Aaberge & Anders Björklund & Markus Jäntti & Peder J. Pedersen & Nina Smith & Tom Wennemo - 200 Estimating Core Inflation - The Role of Oil Price Shocks and Imported Inflation
by Hilde Christiane Bjørnland - 199 Norwegian Gas Sales and the Impacts on European CO2 Emissions
by Elin Berg & Pål Boug & Snorre Kverndokk - 198 Aggregate Productivity Effects of Technology Shocks in a Model of Heterogeneous Firms: The Importance of Equilibrium Adjustments
by Erling Holmøy & Torbjørn Hægeland - 197 Air Pollution and Sick-leaves - is there a Connection? A Case Study using Air Pollution Data from Oslo
by Anett C. Hansen & Harald K. Selte - 196 Fiscal and Spending Behavior of Local Governments: An Empirical Analysis Based on Norwegian Data
by Rolf Aaberge & Audun Langørgen - 195 Non-Tariff Barriers - the Achilles' Heel of Trade Policy Analyses
by Taran Fæhn - 194 Wage and Employment Effects of Payroll Taxes and Investment Subsidies
by Frode Johansen & Tor Jacob Klette - 193 Structural Adjustments and Deforestation in Nicaragua
by Solveig Glomsrød & Maria Dolores Monge A. & Haakon Vennemo - 192 Incomes Policies and the Norwegian Economy 1973-93
by Einar Bowitz & Ådne Cappelen - 191 Primary Schooling in Zambia Squeezed at Community and Household Level
by Liv Belsby & Bjørn K. Wold - 190 Panel Data with Errors-in-Variables: A Note on Essential and Redundant Orthogonality Conditions in GMM-estimation
by Erik Biørn & Tor Jakob Klette - 189 Structural Adjustment and Soil Degration in Tanzania: A CGE-model Approach with Endogenous Soil Productivity
by Jens Aune & Solveig Glomsrød & Vegard Iversen & Henrik Wiig - 188 Empirical Patterns of Firm Growth and R&D Investment: A Quality Ladder Model Interpretation
by Tor Jakob Klette & Zvi Griliches - 187 Has Growth in Supply of Educated Persons Been Important for the Composition of Employment?
by Nils Martin Stølen & Turid Åvitsland - 186 Soil Depletion Choices under Production and Price Uncertainty
by Sverre Grepperud
- 185 Environmental Tax Reform and Producer Foresight: An Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Brita Bye - 184 Accumulation of R&D Capital and Dynamic Firm Performance: A Not-so-fixed Effect Model
by Tor Jakob Klette & Frode Johansen - 183 Taxation, Unemployment and Growth: Dynamic Welfare Effects of "Green" Policies
by Brita Bye - 182 Decomposition of the Gini Coefficient by Income Components: Various Types of Applications and Interpretations
by Rolf Aaberge & Iulie Aslaksen - 181 Gains from Cartelisation in the Oil Market
by Elin Berg & Snorre Kverndokk & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 180 The Political Man and Contingent Valuation: Motives Do Count
by Karine Nyborg - 179 Sources of Business Cycles in Energy Producing Economies - The case of Norway and United Kingdom
by Hilde Christiane Bjørnland - 178 Business cycles and fiscal policy: Norway 1973-93
by Einar Bowitz & Stein Inge Hove - 177 Counterfactual Analyses of Oil Price Shocks using a World Model
by Ray Barrell & Knut A. Magnussen - 176 Recent Leaps Towards Free Trade - The Impact on Norwegian Industry and Trade Patterns
by Taran Fæhn & Leo A. Grünfeld - 175 Future Waste Generation - Forecasts Based on a Macroeconomic Model
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Karin Ibenholt - 174 The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand, Supply and Oil Price Shocks
by Hilde Christiane Bjørnland - 173 Aggregation in Matching Markets
by John K. Dagsvik - 172 Dynamic Choice, Multistate Duration Models and Stochastic Structure
by John K. Dagsvik - 171 Welfare Effects of Proportional Taxation: Empirical Evidence from Italy, Norway and Sweden
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Steinar Strøm - 170 Market Power, International CO2 Taxation and Petroleum Wealth
by Elin Berg & Snorre Kverndokk & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 169 Some Norwegian Politicians' Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Karine Nyborg - 168 Income Inequality and Income Mobility in the Scandinavian Countries Compared to the United States
by Rolf Aaberge & Anders Björklund & Markus Jäntti & Mårten Palme & Peder J. Pedersen & Nina Smith & Tom Wennemo - 167 Consumer Demand with Unobservable Product Attributes - Part II: Inference
by John K. Dagsvik - 166 Consumer Demand with Unobservable Product Attributes - Part I: Theory
by John K. Dagsvik - 165 Potential Demand for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
by John K. Dagsvik & Dag G. Wetterwald & Rolf Aaberge - 164 Soil Wealth in Tanzania
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Vegard Iversen & Jens Aune - 163 Soil Conservation as an Investment in Land
by Sverre Grepperud - 162 Poverty, Land Degradation and Climatic Uncertainty
by Sverre Grepperud - 161 Monopolistic Competition, Resource Allocation and the Effects of Industrial Policy
by Torbjørn Hægeland
- 160 Noisy signals in target zone regimes Theory and Monte Carlo experiments
by Steinar Holden & Dag Kolsrud & Birger Vikøren - 159 Innovation and Job Creation in a Small Open Economy Evidence from Norwegian Manufacturing Plants 1982-92
by Tor Jakob Klette & Svein Erik Førre - 158 Choosing Measures of Inequality for Empirical Applications
by Rolf Aaberge - 157 Import Price Formation and Pricing to Market: A Test on Norwegian Data
by Bjørn E. Naug & Ragnar Nymoen - 156 Financial Deregulation and Consumer Behavior: the Norwegian Experience
by Pål Boug & Knut Anton Mork & Trond Tjemsland - 155 Some Issues About the Norwegian Capital Income Imputation Model
by Karl Ove Aarbu - 154 Returns to Publicly Owned Transport Infrastructure Investment . A Cost Function/Cost Share Approach for Norway, 1971-1991
by Torstein Bye & Alexandra Katz - 153 On the Simultaneous Determination of Current Expenditure, Real Capital, Fee Income, and Public Debt in Norwegian Local Government
by Audun Langørgen - 152 Forward- and Backward Looking Models for Norwegian Export Prices
by Ingvild Svendsen - 151 Dynamic Modelling of Domestic Prices with Time-varying Elasticities and Rational Expectations
by Ingvild Svendsen - 150 Transitory Adjustment Costs and Long Term Welfare Effects of an EU-membership - The Norwegian Case
by Einar Bowitz & Taran Fæhn & Leo A. Grünfeld & Knut Moum - 149 Distribution of Preferences and Measurement Errors in a Disaggregated Expenditure System+
by Jørgen Aasness & Erik Biørn & Terje Skjerpen - 148 Welfare Effects of Emission Taxes in Norway
by Jørgen Aasness & Torstein Bye & Hans Terje Mysen - 147 Effective Rates of Assistance for Norwegian Industries
by Erling Holmøy & Torbjørn Hægeland - 146 The Distributional Impact of the Norwegian Tax Reform Measured by Disproportionality
by Thor Olav Thoresen - 145 A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of a Carbon Tax
by Brita Bye - 144 Prospects for a Common, Deregulated Nordic Electricity Market
by Torstein Bye & Tor Arnt Johnsen - 143 The environmental drag on long- term economic performance: Evidence from Norway
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Solveig Glomsrød & Haakon Vennemo - 142 Maternal Employment in Norway A parity-specific analysis of the return to full-time and part-time work after birth
by Marit Rønsen - 141 Probabilistic Choice Models for Uncertain Outcomes
by John K. Dagsvik - 140 Is there a Business Cycle Component in Norwegian Macroeconomic Quarterly Time Series?
by Terje Skjerpen - 139 Aggregation when Markets do not Clear
by Leif Andreassen - 138 A Framework for Estimating Disequilibrium Models with Many Markets
by Leif Andreassen - 137 Project Evaluations and Decision Processes
by Karine Nyborg - 136 Job Creation, Job Destruction and Plant Turnover in Norwegian Manufacturing
by Tor Jakob Klette & Astrid Mathiassen - 135 Distributional and Behavioural Effects of Child Care Subsidies
by Thor Olav Thoresen
- 134 Adjusting NNP for instrumental or defensive expenditures. An analytical approach
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Hanne A. Gravningsmyhr - 133 R&D, Spillovers and Performance among Heterogenous Firms. An Empirical Study Using Microdata
by Tor Jakob Klette - 132 Testing for Market Power in the Norwegian Primary Aluminium Industry
by Kjersti-Gro Lindquist - 131 Monetary Aspects of Business Cycles in Norway. An Exploratory Study Based on Historical Data
by Leo Andreas Grünfeld - 130 Estimating Price- Cost Margins and Scale Economies from a Panel of Microdata
by Tor Jakob Klette - 129 Testing Rational Expectations in Vector Autoregressive Models
by Søren Johansen & Anders Rygh Swensen - 128 Carbon Taxes and the Petroleum Wealth
by Knut Einar Rosendahl - 127 The Inconsistency of Common Scales Estimators when Output Prices are Unobserved and Endogenous
by Tor Jakob Klette & Zvi Griliches - 126 Do Norwegian Firms Form Exptrapolative Expectations?
by Ingvild Svendsen - 125 Errors in Variables and Panel Data: The Labour Demand Response to Permanent Changes in Output
by Erik Biørn & Tor Jakob Klette - 124 Criminometrics, Latent Variables, Panel Data, and Different Types of Crime
by Jørgen Aasness & Erling Eide & Terje Skjerpen - 123 On Equity and Public Pricing in Developing Countries
by Klaus Mohn - 122 Effective Rates of Assistance for Norwegian Industries
by Erling Holmøy & Torbjørn Hægeland & Øystein Olsen - 121 A Generalization of Hall's Specification of the Consumption function
by Yngve Willassen - 120 R&D, Scope Economies and Company Structure: A "Not-so-Fixed Effect" Model of Plant Performance
by Tor Jakob Klette - 119 Sufficient Welfare Indicators Allowing Disagreement in Evaluations of Social Welfare
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Hilde Lurås & Karine Nyborg - 118 Utilitarism, Equivalence Scales and Logarithmic Utility
by Kjell Arne Brekke - 117 A Macromodel of Local Government Spending Behaviour in Norway
by Audun Langørgen - 116 Car ownership decisions in Norwegian households
by Anne Brendemoen - 115 The Future Burden of Public Pension Benefits A Microsimulation Study
by Leif Andreassen & Dennis Fredriksen & Olav Ljones - 114 Does Improved Environmental Policy Enhance Economic Growth? Endogenous Growth Theory Applied to Developing Countries
by Knut Einar Rosendahl - 113 Car Ownership and Private Car Use A Microeconometric Analysis Based on Norwegian Data
by Dag G. Wetterwald - 112 Correlated Measurement Errors, Bounds on Parameters, and a Model of Producer Behavior
by Yngve Willassen & Tor Jakob Klette - 111 Foreign Control and Norwegian Manufacturing Performance
by Margaret J. Simpson - 110 The Volatility of Oil Wealth under Uncertainty about Parameter Values
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Pål Børing - 109 Investment and Financial Constraints An Empirical Analysis of Norwegian Firms
by Frode Johansen - 108 Precautionary Saving and Old-Age Pensions
by Knut A. Magnussen - 107 Depletion of Fossil Fuels and the impact of Global Warming
by Snorre Kverndokk
- 1013 Measures against carbon leakage. Combining output-based allocation with consumption taxes
by Christoph Böhringer & Knut Einar Rosendah & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 1001 Taxation of the rich and incentives for investments. The case of Norway
by Geir H. M. Bjertnæs