- 812 Crime and the transition to teenage parenthood
by Carine Øien-Ødegaard & Torbjørn Skardhamar - 811 A common base answer to "Which country is most redistributive?"
by Peter J. Lambert & Runa Nesbakken & Thor O. Thoresen - 810 Partner choice and timing of first marriage among children of immigrants in Norway and Sweden
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Jennifer A. Holland - 809 Optimal indirect taxation and the uniformity debate: A review of theoretical results and empirical contributions
by Odd E. Nygård & John T. Revesz - 808 Child care before age two and the development of language and numeracy. Evidence from a lottery
by Nina Drange & Tarjei Havnes - 807 Labour Supply models
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino - 806 CO2-emissions form Norwegian oil and gas extraction
by Ekaterina Gavenas & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Terje Skjerpen - 805 Targeted carbon tariffs. Carbon leakage and welfare effects
by Christoph Böhringer & Brita Bye & Taran Fæhn & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 804 Estimating occupational mobility with covariates
by Jørgen Modalsli - 803 Earnings, disposable income, and consumption of allowed and rejected disability insurcance applicants
by Andreas Ravndal Kostøl & Magne Mogstad - 802 The effect of childhood family size on fertility in adulthood. New evidence form IV estimation
by Sara Cools & Rannveig Kaldager Hart - 801 The innovative input mix. Assessing the importance of R&D and ICT investments for firm performance in manufacturing and services
by Marina Rybalka - 800 Can a cash transfer to families change fertility behaviour?
by Synøve N. Andersen & Nina Drange & Trude Lappegård - 799 Promoting integration of immigrants. Effects of free child care on child enrollment and parental employment
by Nina Drange & Kjetil Telle - 798 Intergenerational mobility in Norway, 1865-2011
by Jørgen Modalsli - 797 Micro-level dynamics of social assistance receipt. Evidence from 4 European countries
by Sebastian Königs - 796 The Norwegian productivity puzzle - not so puzzling after all?
by Thomas von Brasch - 795 Indentifying the sector bias of technical change
by Thomas von Brasch - 794 Field of study, earnings and self-selection
by Lars J. Kirkebøen & Edwin Leuven & Magne Mogstad
- 793 Political uncertainty and household savings
by Rolf Aaberge & Kai Liu & Yu Zhu - 792 Multidimensional poverty and inequality
by Rolf Aaberge & Andrea Brandolini - 791 Desistance from crime. How much can be explained by life course transitions?
by Torbjørn Skardhamar & Kjersti N. Aase - 790 Why are there so few female entrepreneurs? An examination of gender differences in entrepreneurship using Norwegian registry data
by Arvid Raknerud & Marit Rønsen - 789 The entrepreneurial earnings puzzle. Evidence from matched person-firm data
by Arvid Raknerud & Mirjam van Praag - 788 The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance. A firm level study of temporary and persistent effects
by Brita Bye & Marit E. Klemetsen - 787 The relationship between earnings and first birth probability among Norwegian men and women 1994-2008
by Rannveig V. Kaldager - 786 Labor supply as a discrete choice among latent jobs: Unobserved heterogeneity and identification
by John K. Dagsvik & Zhiyang Jia - 785 The fiscal incentive of GHG cap and trade. Permits may be too cheap and developed countries may abate too little
by Jørgen Juel Andersen & Mads Greaker - 784 Women's wages and fertility revisited. Evidence from Norway
by Tom Kornstad & Marit Rønsen - 783 Output-based rebating of carbon taxes in the neighbor's backyard. Competitiveness, leakage and welfare
by Christoph Böhringer & Brita Bye & Taran Fæhn & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 782 Family welfare cultures
by Gordon B. Dahl & Andreas Ravndal Kostøl & Magne Mogstad - 781 Differences in childbearing by time frame of fertility intention. A study using survey and register data from Norway
by Lars Dommermuth & Jane Klobas & Trude Lappegård - 780 Characteristics of parents with shared residence and father sole custody. Evidence from Norway 2012
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Jan Lyngstad - 779 The equilibrium relationship between public and total employment. The importance of endogenous non-labour income
by Erling Holmøy - 778 A comparison of the global warming effects of wood fuels and fossil fuels taking albedo into account
by Bjart Holtsmark - 777 Education and cancer risk
by Edwin Leuven & Erik Plug & Marte Rønning - 776 The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to cancer risk and cancer mortality in Norway
by Edwin Leuven & Erik Plug & Marte Rønning - 775 Calculating the real return of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global by alternative measures of the deflator
by Andreas Benedictow & Pål Boug - 774 Is universal child care leveling the playing field?
by Tarjei Havnes & Magne Mogstad - 773 Adjusting maternal mortality data for international comparisons. The case of vital registration systems
by Susie Jentoft & Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen & Dag Roll-Hansen - 772 Pick a number. Mapping recidivism measures and their consequences
by Synøve Nygaard Andersen & Torbjørn Skardhamar - 771 Time aggregation and state dependence in welfare receipt
by Manudeep Bhuller & Christian N. Brinch & Sebastian Königs - 770 Taxes on the internet. Deterrence effects of public disclosure
by Erlend E. Bø & Joel Slemrod & Thor O. Thoresen - 769 Income mobility as an equalizer of permanent income
by Rolf Aaberge & Magne Mogstad - 768 Diffusion of climate technologies in the presence of commitment problems
by Taran Fæhn & Elisabeth Thuestad Isaksen - 767 The intergenerational transfer of the employment gender gap
by Venke Furre Haaland & Mari Rege & Kjetil Telle & Mark Votruba
- 766 Pro-cyclical mortality. Evidence from Norway
by Venke Furre Haaland & Kjetil Telle - 765 Distributional benchmarking in tax policy evaluations
by Thor O. Thoresen & Zhiyang Jia & Peter J. Lambert - 764 Are closely-held firms tax shelters?
by Annette Alstadsæter & Wojciech Kopczuk & Kjetil Telle - 763 A theory for ranking distribution functions
by Rolf Aaberge & Tarjei Havnes & Magne Mogstad - 762 The ins and outs of top income mobility
by Rolf Aaberge & Anthony B. Atkinson & Jørgen Modalsli - 761 U.S. versus Sweden. The effect of alternative in-work tax credit policies on labour supply of single mothers
by Rolf Aaberge & Lennart Flood - 760 Becoming "We" instead of "I". Identity management and incentives in the workplace
by Jocelyn Donze & Trude Gunnes - 759 Gender equality in the family and childbearing
by Lars Dommermuth & Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott & Trude Lappegård - 758 Asset market participation and portfolio choice over the life-cycle
by Andreas Fagereng & Charles Gottlieb & Luigi Guiso - 757 Does parenthood imply less specialization than before? Tales from the Norwegian time use surveys 1980-2010
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen - 756 Self-reinforcing effects between housing prices and credit: an extended version
by André K. Anundsen & Eilev S. Jansen - 755 Prices vs. quantities with endogenous cost structure
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 754 Can non-market regulations spur innovations in environmental technologies? A study on firm level patenting
by Marit E. Klemetsen & Brita Bye & Arvid Raknerud - 753 Does more involved fathering imply a double burden for fathers in Norway?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen - 752 Household affiliation of young adults in Italy and Norway. The significance of gender, sociocultural background, work and money
by Tindara Addabbo & Randi Kjeldstad - 751 The cost-of-living index with trade barriers
by Thomas von Brasch - 750 Childhood residential mobility and adult outcomes
by Marianne Tønnessen & Kjetil Telle & Astri Syse - 749 The median as watershed
by Rolf Aaberge & A B Atkinson - 748 Is the relationship between schooling and disability pension receipt causal?
by Taryn Ann Galloway & Christian N. Brinch - 747 Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country. Demand versus supply side policies
by Taran Fæhn & Cathrine Hagem & Lars Lindholt & Ståle Mæland & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 746 The distributional impact of public services in
by Rolf Aaberge & Audun Langørgen & Petter Lindgren - 745 Biofuel mandate versus favourable taxation of electric cars. The case of Norway
by Geir H. Bjertnæs - 744 Comparing mothers' and fathers' reports on the non-resident father's contact with his children
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Jan Lyngstad - 743 Are tax exemptions for electric cars an efficient climate policy measure?
by Geir H. Bjertnæs - 742 The relations between bank-funding costs, retail rates, and loan volumes. Evidence form Norwegian microdata
by Arvid Raknerud & Bjørn Helge Vatne - 741 Assimilation effects on infant mortality among immigrants in Norway
by Jonas Minet Kinge & Tom Kornstad - 740 Returns to public R&D grants and subsidies
by Ådne Cappelen & Arvid Raknerud & Marina Rybalka - 739 Home with Mom: The effects of stay-at-home parents on children's long-run educational outcomes
by Eric Bettinger & Torbjørn Hægeland & Mari Rege - 738 Validation of structural labor supply model by the elasticity of taxable income
by Thor O. Thoresen & Trine E. Vattø - 737 How do investments in heat pumps affect household energy consumption?
by Bente Halvorsen & Bodil Merethe Larsen - 736 Residential end-use electricity demand. Development over time
by Hanne Marit Dalen & Bodil M. Larsen - 735 Access to treatment and educational inequalities in cancer survival
by Jon H. Fiva & Torbjørn Hægeland & Marte Rønning & Astri Syse - 734 Inequality and growth in the very long run: Inferring inequality from data on social groups
by Jørgen Modalsli - 733 Short run effects of bleaker prospects for oligopolistic producers of a non-renewable resource
by Kristine Grimsrud & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten & Marina Tsygankova - 732 The tug-of-war between resource depletion and technological change in the global oil industry 1981 - 2009
by Lars Lindholt - 731 The importance of the distribution sector for exchange rate pass-through in a small open economy. A large scale macroeconometric modelling approach
by Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Torbjørn Eika - 730 Immigrant skills and employment. Cross-country evidence from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey
by Bernt Bratsberg & Torbjørn Hægeland & Oddbjørn Raaum
- 729 Estimating the additionality of R&D subsidies using proposal evaluation data to control for firms' R&D intentions
by Morten S. Henningsen & Torbjørn Hægeland & Jarle Møen - 728 Age at immigration and crime. Findings for male immigrants in Norway
by Synøve Nygaard Andersen & Torbjørn Skardhamar - 727 The family - a barrier or motivation for female entrepreneurship?
by Marit Rønsen - 726 Inequality in current and lifetime income
by Rolf Aaberge & Magne Mogstad - 725 Preferences for lifetime earnings, earnings risk and nonpecuniary attributes in choice of higher education
by Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen - 724 The capital constraining effects of the norwegian wealth tax
by Chris Edson - 723 Divorce in norwegian same-sex marriages 1993-2011
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Ane Seierstad & Turid Noack - 722 Classroom grade composition and pupil achievement
by Edwin Leuven & Marte Rønning - 721 Political motives in climate and energy policy
by Annegrete Bruvoll & Hanne Marit Dalen & Bodil M.Larsen - 720 Does a renewable fuel standard for biofuels reduce climate costs?
by Mads Greaker & Michael Hoel & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 719 Emissions trading with offset markets and free quota allocations
by Knut Einar Rosendahl & Jon Strand - 718 A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change
by Mads Greaker & Per Espen Stoknes & Knut H. Alfsen & Torgeir Ericson - 717 Labour supply effects of early retirement provision
by Ola Lotherington Vestad - 716 Does employment contribute to desistance? Offending trajectories of crime-prone men around the time of job entry
by Torbjørn Skardhamar & Jukka Savolainen - 715 A structural approach for analyzing fiscal equalization
by Audun Langørgen - 714 Financial incentives and study duration in higher education
by Trude Gunnes & Lars J. Kirkebøen & Marte Rønning - 713 A Comment on the Environment and Directed Technical Change
by Mads Greaker & Tom-Reiel Heggedal - 712 Socioeconomic variation in the relationship between obesity and life expectancy
by Jonas Minet Kinge & Stephen Morris - 711 Homework assignment and student achievement in OECD countries
by Torberg Falch & Marte Rønning - 710 Making Sen's capability approach operational. A random scale framework
by John K. Dagsvik - 709 Labor supply as a discrete choice among latent jobs
by John K. Dagsvik & Zhiyang Jia - 708 Emissions leakage and subsidies for pollution abatement. Pay the polluter or the supplier of the remedy?
by Carolyn Fischer & Mads Greaker & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 707 The financing of young firms. How persistent are borrowing constraints?
by Erik Fjærli & Diana Iancu - 706 Exit dynamics of start-up firms. Does profit matter?
by Rolf Golombek & Arvid Raknerud - 705 Mechanism design for refunding emissions payment
by Cathrine Hagem & Bjart Holtsmark & Thomas Sterner - 704 Optimal harvest age considering multiple carbon pools - a comment
by Bjart Holtsmark & Michael Hoel & Katinka Holtsmark - 703 Beyond LATE with a discrete instrument. Heterogeneity in the quantity-quality interaction of children
by Christian N. Brinch & Magne Mogstad & Matthew Wiswall - 702 Entry into work following childbirth among mothers in Norway. Recent trends and variation
by Marit Rønsen & Ragni Hege Kitterød - 701 Faustmann and the Climate
by Michael Hoel & Bjart Holtsmark & Katinka Holtsmark - 700 A counting approach for measuring multidimensional deprivation
by Rolf Aaberge & Eugenio Peluso - 699 Testing for co-non-linearity
by Håvard Hungnes - 698 Labor supply on the eve of retirement. Disparate effects of immediate and postponed rewards to working
by Christian N. Brinch & Erik Hernæs & Zhiyang Jia - 697 The effect of pension wealth on private savings. Results from an extended life cycle model
by Zhiyang Jia & Weizhen Zhu - 696 Understanding rig rates
by Petter Osmundsen & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Terje Skjerpen - 695 Kindergarten for all: Long run effects of a universal intervention
by Nina Drange & Tarjei Havnes - 694 Innovative and absorptive capacity effects of education in a small open economy
by Brita Bye & Taran Fæhn - 693 International emissions trading in a noncooperative climate policy game
by Bjart Holtsmark & Dag Einar Sommervoll - 692 Theoretical and practical arguments for modeling labor supply as a choice among latent jobs
by John K. Dagsvik & Zhiyang Jia & Tom Kornstad & Thor O. Thoresen - 691 The double dividend in the presence of abatement technologies and local external effects
by Geir H. Bjertnæs & Marina Tsygankova & Thomas Martinsen - 690 Sick leave before, during and after pregnancy
by Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck & Kjetil Telle - 689 The division of housework. Does regional context matter?
by Trude Lappegård & Randi Kjeldstad & TorbjørnSkarðhamar - 688 Behavioral multistate duration models. What should they look like?
by John K. Dagsvik - 687 Immigration to Norway 1969-2010. Effects of policies and EEA membership
by Ådne Cappelen & Terje Skjerpen - 686 Promotion rat race and public policy
by Geir H. Bjertnæs - 685 How financial incentives induce disability insurance recipients to return to work
by Andreas Ravndal Kostøl & Magne Mogstad - 684 The effect of working conditions on teachers'sickness absence
by Marte Rønning - 683 How do gender values and household practices cohere? Value-practice configurations in a gender egalitarian context
by Randi Kjeldstad & Trude Lappegård - 682 Alternative designs for tariffs on embodied carbon. A global cost-effectiveness analysis
by Christoph Böhringer & Brita Bye & Taran Fæhn & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 681 Variation in the quality of regional child welfare services
by Morten Henningsen & Tom Kornstad - 680 Monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations. Lessons from a natural field experiment in Norway
by Kjetil Telle - 679 Cash-on-Hand and the duration of job search. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
by Christoph Basten & Andreas Fagereng & Kjetil Telle - 678 Crime and the transition to marriage. The roles of gender and partner's criminal involvement
by Christian Weisæth Monsbakken & Torkild Hovde Lyngstad & Torbjørn Skardhamar - 677 Prices vs. quantities: Technology choice, uncertainty and welfare
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 676 Official forecasts and management of oil windfalls
by Torfinn Harding & Frederick van der Ploeg - 675 Macroeconomic shocks and the probability of being employed
by Tom Kornstad & Ragnar Nymoen & Terje Skjerpen - 674 Optimal control and the Fibonacci sequence
by Thomas von Brasch & Johan Byström & Lars Petter Lystad - 673 Crime and the transition to parenthood. The role of sex and relationship context
by Christian Weisæth Monsbakken & Torbjørn Skardhamar & Torkild Hovde Lyngstad - 672 Saving and portfolio allocation before and after job loss
by Christoph Basten & Andreas Fagereng & Kjetil Telle - 671 Modelling the heuristic dynamics of the wage and price curve model of equilibrium unemployment
by Dag Kolsrud & Ragnar Nymoen
- 670 Working hours in dual-earner couples: Does one partner work less when the other works more?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen & Ane Seierstad - 669 Norwegian pension reform Defined benefit versus defined contribution
by Dennis Fredriksen & Nils Martin Stølen - 668 The Financial Accelerator and the real economy. Self-reinforcing feedback loops in a core macro econometric model for Norway
by Roger Hammersland & Cathrine Bolstad Træe - 667 Using the Helmert-transformation to reduce dimensionality in a mixed model: An application to a wage equation with worker and firm heterogeneity
by Øivind A. Nilsen & Arvid Raknerud & Terje Skjerpen - 666 Life-cycle bias and the returns to schooling in current and lifetime earnings
by Manudeep Bhuller & Magne Mogstad & Kjell G.Salvanes - 665 How do banks' funding costs affect interest margins?
by Arvid Raknerud & Bjørn Helge Vatne & Ketil Rakkestad - 664 Cost-effective unilateral climate policy design: Size Matters
by Christoph Böhringer & Carolyn Fischer & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 663 The inequality effects of a dual income tax system
by Peter J. Lambert & Thor O. Thoresen - 662 Should economists listen to educational psychologists? Some economics of student motivation
by Jocelyn Donze & Trude Gunnes - 661 Price and welfare effects of emission quota allocation
by Rolf Golombek & Sverre A.C. Kittelsen & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 660 Untraditional caring arrangements among parents living apart. The case of Norway
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Jan Lyngstad - 659 Housewives in a dual-earner society. Who is a housewife in contemporary Norway?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen - 658 Mobilising female labour market reserves: What promotes women's transitions from part-time to full-time work?
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Marit Rønsen & AneSeierstad - 657 Causal effects of paternity leave on children and parents
by Sara Cools & Jon H. Fiva & Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen - 656 A conceptual note on the aggregation of international prices using index numbers
by Andreas Benedictow & Pål Boug - 655 Initiation into crime: An analysis of Norwegian register data on five birth cohorts
by Taryn Ann Galloway & Stephen Pudney - 654 Sectoral and regional expansion of emissions trading
by Christoph Böhringer & Bouwe Dijkstra & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 653 Socioeconomic differentials in multi-partner fertility among men
by Trude Lappegård & Marit Rønsen - 652 The new Keynesian Phillips curve: Does it fit Norwegian data?
by Pål Boug & Ådne Cappelen & Anders R. Swensen - 651 Self-reinforcing effects between housing prices and credit. Evidence from Norway
by André K. Anundsen & Eilev S. Jansen - 650 Type, number, and incidence. Recent patterns and differentials in relationship careers in Norway
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Lars Dommermuth - 649 On the meaning and measurement of redistribution in cross-country comparisons
by Peter J. Lambert & Runa Nesbakken & Thor O. Thoresen - 648 Evaluating the redistributional effects of tax policy changes: with an application to the 2006 Norwegian tax reform
by Thor O. Thoresen & Erlend E. Bø & Erik Fjærli & Elin Halvorsen - 647 Horizontal inequity under a dual income tax system: principles and measurement
by Erlend E. Bø & Peter J. Lambert & Thor O. Thoresen - 646 Credit conditions indices: Controlling for regime shifts in the Norwegian credit market
by Eilev S. Jansen & Tord S. H. Krogh - 645 The role of the Arctic in future global petroleum supply
by Lars Lindholt & Solveig Glomsrød - 644 Output-based allocation and investment in clean technologies
by Knut Einar Rosendahl & Halvor Briseid Storrøsten - 643 Price versus tradable quantity regulation. Uncertainty and endogenous technology choice
by Halvor Briseid Storrøsten
- 642 Labor force participation and the discouraged worker effect
by John K. Dagsvik & Tom Kornstad & Terje Skjerpen - 641 Transitions to disability and rehabilitation
by Leif Andreassen & Tom Kornstad - 640 Evaluation of the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme
by Ådne Cappelen & Erik Fjærli & Frank Foyn & Torbjørn Hægeland & Jarle Møen & Arvid Raknerud & Marina Rybalka - 639 Cutting Costs of Catching Carbon. Intertemporal effects under imperfect climate policy
by Michael Hoel & Svenn Jensen - 638 Cartelization in gas markets. Studying the potential for a "Gas OPEC"
by Steve A. Gabriel & Knut Einar Rosendahl & Ruud G. Egging & Hakob Avetisyan & Sauleh Siddiqui - 637 Use of wood fuels from boreal forests will create a biofuel carbon debt with a long payback time
by Bjart Holtsmark - 636 A typology of work-family arrangements among dual-earner couples in Norway
by Ragni Hege Kitterød & Trude Lappegård - 635 Knowledge spillovers and the timing of R&D policy
by Geir H. Bjertnæs & Tom-Reiel Heggedal & Karl Jacobsen - 634 The Global Effects of Subglobal Climate Policies
by Christoph Böhringer & Carolyn Fischer & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 633 Relationship quality in Europe
by Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik & Trude Lappegård & Renske Keizer - 632 What makes full-time employed women satisfied with their working hours?
by Marit Rønsen & Ragni Hege Kitterød - 631 The effect of preschool on the school performance of children from immigrant families. Results from an introduction of free preschool in two districts in Oslo
by Nina Drange & Kjetil Telle - 630 Implementing the EU renewable target through green certificate markets
by Finn Roar Aune & Hanne Marit Dalen & Cathrine Hagem - 629 The effects of transport regulation on the oil market. Does market power matter?
by Snorre Kverndokk & Knut Einar Rosendahl - 628 Why children of college graduates outperform their schoolmates. A study of cousins and adoptees
by Torbjørn Hægeland & Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen & Oddbjørn Raaum & Kjell G. Salvanes - 627 Effects of norms and policy incentives on household recycling. An international comparison
by Bente Halvorsen - 626 International emissions trading with endogenous taxes
by Odd Godal & Bjart Holtsmark - 625 Macroeconomic stability or cycles? The role of the wage-price spiral
by Dag Kolsrud & Ragnar Nymoen - 624 Mother's employment and fertility in Norway
by Mette Gerster & Trude Lappegård - 623 Robust Inequality Comparisons
by Rolf Aaberge & Magne Mogstad - 622 On the measurement of long-term income inequality and income mobility
by Rolf Aaberge & Magne Mogstad - 621 The distributional impact of public services when needs differ
by Rolf Aaberge & Manudeep Bhuller & Audun Langørgen & Magne Mogstad - 620 Measuring long-term inequality of opportunity
by Rolf Aaberge & Magne Mogstad & Vito Peragine - 619 Accounting for Family Background when Designing Optimal Income Taxes. A Microeconometric Simulation Analysis
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino - 618 Markets where buyers also are sellers. How realized home equity may work as an accelerator of house prices
by Erling Røed Larsen - 617 Oil dependency of the Russian economy: an econometric analysis
by Andreas Benedictow & Daniel Fjærtoft & Ole Løfsnæs - 616 Wealth effects on consumption in financial crises: the case of Norway
by Eilev S. Jansen - 615 Strategic investment in climate friendly technologies: the impact of permit trade
by Mads Greaker & Cathrine Hagem