January 2022, Volume 159, Issue 1
- 431-432 Publisher Correction to: The Indicator of a Happy, Long and Sustainable Life
by Renaud Gaucher & Issaka Dialga & Coralie Vennin
December 2021, Volume 158, Issue 3
- 801-838 Structural Changes in Economic Growth and Well-Being: The Case of Italy’s Parabola
by Maurizio Pugno & Francesco Sarracino - 839-861 A New Generalized Variance Approach for Measuring Multidimensional Inequality and Poverty
by Ottó Hajdu - 863-887 Subjective Poverty, Material Deprivation Indices and Psychological Distress Among Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Social Capital and Usage of Online Social Networks
by Netta Achdut & Tehila Refaeli & Talia Meital Schwartz Tayri - 889-925 Does Financial Inclusion Diminish Poverty and Inequality? A Panel Data Analysis for Latin American Countries
by Eduardo Polloni-Silva & Naijela da Costa & Herick Fernando Moralles & Mario Sacomano Neto - 927-946 The Impact of Social Capital on Household Well-being in Pakistan
by Anam Rani & Abdul Quddoos & Muhammad Rizwan Yaseen & Sana Tabassum & Aisha Asif - 947-990 A Multifaceted Intervention with Savings Incentives to Reduce Multidimensional Child Poverty: Evidence from the Bridges Study (2012–2018) in Rural Uganda
by Julia Shu-Huah Wang & Bilal Malaeb & Fred M. Ssewamala & Torsten B. Neilands & Jeannie Brooks-Gunn - 991-1011 Sustainable Tourism as a Driving force of the Tourism Industry in a Post-Covid-19 Scenario
by Beatriz Palacios-Florencio & Luna Santos-Roldán & Juan Manuel Berbel-Pineda & Ana María Castillo-Canalejo - 1013-1044 The Role of Catchment Areas on School Segregation by Economic, Social and Cultural Characteristics
by Claudia Prieto-Latorre & Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez & Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo - 1045-1064 Two Latent Groups Influencing Subjective Social Status: Middle Class Tendency and Clear Class Consciousness
by Naoki Sudo - 1065-1086 Mobile Internet Use and Multidimensional Poverty: Evidence from A Household Survey in Rural China
by Long Yang & Haiyang Lu & Sangui Wang & Meng Li - 1087-1103 Social Tolerance and Economic Development
by Sanghoon Lee - 1105-1125 The Different Faces of Social Tolerance: Conceptualizing and Measuring Respect and Coexistence Tolerance
by Evi Velthuis & Maykel Verkuyten & Anouk Smeekes - 1127-1151 Gender Equality in Europe: The Development of the Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 Illustrated by Exemplary Cases
by Lars Carlsen & Rainer Bruggemann - 1153-1178 A Multidimensional Approach to Precarious Employment Among Young Workers in EU-28 Countries
by Guillermo Orfao & Alberto Rey & Miguel Á. Malo - 1179-1198 A Poset-Generalizability Method for Human Development Indicators
by Flavio Comim - 1199-1199 Correction to: A Poset‑Generalizability Method for Human Development Indicators
by Flavio Comim
December 2021, Volume 158, Issue 2
- 377-407 How does Inequality Hamper Subjective Well-being? The Role of Fairness
by Zeynep B. Ugur - 409-438 Exploring Differences in Financial Literacy Across Countries: The Role of Individual Characteristics and Institutions
by Andrej Cupák & Pirmin Fessler & Maria Silgoner & Elisabeth Ulbrich - 439-457 Modelling Socio-Spatial Change: Istanbul, Kadıköy Case
by Aslı Ulubaş Hamurcu & Fatih Terzi - 459-483 Economic Gender gap in the Global South: How Public Institutions Matter
by Elena Bárcena-Martín & Samuel Medina-Claros & Salvador Pérez-Moreno - 485-506 Radical Distrust: Are Economic Policy Attitudes Tempered by Social Trust?
by Hans Pitlik & Martin Rode - 507-538 The Future Path To China’s Poverty Reduction—Dynamic Decomposition Analysis With The Evolution Of China’s Poverty Reduction Policies
by Yingfeng Fang & Fen Zhang - 539-562 New Measures of Economic Insecurity Reveal its Expansion Into EU Middle Classes and Welfare States
by Costanzo Ranci & Jason Beckfield & Laura Bernardi & Andrea Parma - 563-593 Dynamics of HDI Index: Temporal Dependence Based on D-vine Copulas Model for Three-Way Data
by Marta Nai Ruscone & Daniel Fernández - 595-635 The Salience of Perceived Societal Conflict in Europe: A 27 Country Study on the Development of a Measure for Generalized Conflict Thinking
by Yaël Drunen & Bram Spruyt & Filip Droogenbroeck - 637-666 The Multidimensional Conception of Social Exclusion and the Aggregation Dilemma: A Solution Proposal Based on Multiple Correspondence Analysis
by Miguel Laparra & Nerea Zugasti Mutilva & Ignacio García Lautre - 667-697 Can Women Empowerment Explain Cross-Country Differences in Inequality? A Global Perspective
by Cong Wang & Amjad Naveed - 699-725 Does ranking stimulate government performance? Evidence from China’s key environmental protection cities
by Lei Liu & Zhaotian Yang & Suqin Song - 727-750 Centrality and Dimensionality of 14 Indicators of Mental Well-Being in Four Countries: Developing an Integrative Framework to Guide Theorizing and Measurement
by Mohsen Joshanloo - 751-773 Income inequality and intragenerational income mobility in Sweden from 1983 to 2010: Following two birth cohorts
by Birgitta Jansson - 775-798 Intergenerational Conflict or Solidarity in Hong Kong? A Survey of Public Attitudes Toward Social Spending
by Alfred M. Wu & Kee-Lee Chou - 799-799 Correction to: Intergenerational Conflict or Solidarity in Hong Kong? A Survey of Public Attitudes Toward Social Spending
by Alfred M. Wu & Kee‑Lee Chou
November 2021, Volume 158, Issue 1
- 1-22 Estimating Diversity Effects in the Neighborhood: On the Role of Ethnic Diversity and Out-group Size and their Associations with Neighborhood Cohesion and Fear of Crime
by Iris Glas & Roel Jennissen & Godfried Engbersen - 23-44 The Multi-dimensional Effect of Household Debt on Urban Individual Well-Being in Klang Valley Malaysia
by Yunchao Cai & Selamah Abdullah Yusof & Ruzita Bt Mohd Amin & Mohd Nahar Mohd Arshad - 45-57 How Family Policy Context Shapes Mental Wellbeing of Mothers and Fathers
by Mikael Nordenmark - 59-80 Does Public Investment Promote Intergenerational Mobility? Who Really Benefits?
by Lijie Song - 81-106 So Close, So Far. The Cultural Distance of Foreigners in Italy
by Gustavo De Santis & Mauro Maltagliati & Alessandra Petrucci - 107-141 A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Quality of Employment (QoE) Deprivation in Six Central American Countries
by Pablo González & Kirsten Sehnbruch & Mauricio Apablaza & Rocío Méndez Pineda & Veronica Arriagada - 143-176 Does Internet Connectedness Disconnect Marriage? A Micro Empirical Analysis
by Qingyan Tong & Chi-Yang Chu & Dong Zhou & Yulei Feng - 177-196 Deprivation: Endowment and Discrimination?
by Ensar Yılmaz & Ibrahim Engin Kılıç - 197-215 COVID Health Structure Index: The Vulnerability of Brazilian Microregions
by Diogo Ferraz & Enzo Barberio Mariano & Patricia Regina Manzine & Herick Fernando Moralles & Paulo César Morceiro & Bruno Guimarães Torres & Mariana Rodrigues Almeida & João Carlos Soares de Mello & Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto - 217-240 An Empirical Investigation on Regional Disparities in Public Expenditures: Province Level Evidence from Turkey
by Sedat Alataş & Erkam Sarı - 241-265 Restarting “Normal” Life after Covid-19 and the Lockdown: Evidence from Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy
by Cristiano Codagnone & Francesco Bogliacino & Camilo Gómez & Frans Folkvord & Giovanni Liva & Rafael Charris & Felipe Montealegre & Francisco Lupiañez Villanueva & Giuseppe A. Veltri - 267-295 Are Happier Nations More Responsible? Examining the Link Between Happiness and Sustainability
by Yomna M. Sameer & Suzanna Elmassah & Charilaos Mertzanis & Lujain El-Maghraby - 297-317 Depletion Effect of Work-Leisure Conflict: A Daily Diary Study
by Wendian Shi & Feng Wang & Xiujun Li - 319-371 Energy Poverty and Low Carbon Just Energy Transition: Comparative Study in Lithuania and Greece
by Dalia Streimikiene & Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos & Vidas Lekavicius & Indre Siksnelyte-Butkiene - 373-373 Correction to: Are Happier Nations More Responsible? Examining the Link Between Happiness and Sustainability
by Yomna M. Sameer & Suzanna Elmassah & Charilaos Mertzanis & Lujain El‑Maghraby - 375-375 Correction to: Mapping Welfare State Development in (post) Neoliberal Latin America
by Gibrán Cruz‑Martínez
October 2021, Volume 157, Issue 3
- 817-839 Assessing Socio-ecological Systems Using Social Media Data: An Approach for Forested Landscapes in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
by Alejandro Huertas Herrera & Mónica Toro Manríquez & Rosina Soler & Cristian Lorenzo & María Vanessa Lencinas & Guillermo Martínez Pastur - 841-862 Welfare States and the Health Impact of Social Capital: Focusing on the Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Perspectives
by Naoki Akaeda - 863-897 The Impact of Social Capital on Organ Donation: Evidence from the Netherlands
by Hans Schmeets & Floris Peters - 899-928 Subjective Well-Being at the Macro Level—Empirics and Future Scenarios
by Johannes Emmerling & Paula Navarro & Matthew R. Sisco - 929-953 Correcting the Underestimation of Capital Incomes in Inequality Indicators: with an Application to the UK, 1997–2016
by Tahnee Christelle Ooms - 955-976 Aligning the Real Sector Production with Human Development: Exploring Role of Multi-sector Collaboration
by Rukhsana Kalim & Noman Arshed & Waqas Ahmad - 977-999 Does Unpaid Caregiving Erode Working Hours Among Middle-Aged Chinese Adults?
by Huamin Chai & Rui Fu & Peter C. Coyte - 1001-1019 Human Values and Retirement Experiences: a Longitudinal Analysis of Norwegian Data
by Morten Blekesaune & Thomas Hansen - 1021-1045 Assessing the Between-Group Inequality Through Alternative Measures of Grouping: An Indian Evidence
by Madhabendra Sinha & Anjan Ray Chaudhury - 1047-1078 Composite Indicators to Measure Quality of Working Life in Europe: A Systematic Review
by Elena Stefana & Filippo Marciano & Diana Rossi & Paola Cocca & Giuseppe Tomasoni - 1079-1087 Fuzzy Version of Gini’s Index
by Besma Belhadj & Firas Kaabi & Mejda Bouanani - 1089-1109 Explaining the Factors Shaping the Likelihood of Poverty Among Working Families by Using a Concurrent Mixed Method Design
by Asaf Levanon & Einat Lavee & Roni Strier - 1111-1130 Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Village Abandonment in the Mountainous Areas of China
by Chengchao Wang & Yuan Wang & Ying Tian & Shanshan Chen - 1131-1153 What We (Don't) Know so Far About Tolerance Towards Corruption in European Democracies: Measurement Approaches, Determinants, and Types
by Gustavo Gouvêa Maciel - 1155-1177 Personal Social Capital in Organizations: A New Scale to Assess Internal and External Personal Social Capital in Organizations
by Batia Ben-Hador & Eyal Eckhaus & Galit Klein - 1179-1201 Measuring Social Vulnerability in an Urban Space Through Multivariate Methods and Models
by Cristina Davino & Marco Gherghi & Silvia Sorana & Domenico Vistocco
September 2021, Volume 157, Issue 2
- 417-442 Income Inequality and Financial Disturbances: Does Income Inequality Engender Financial Crises?
by Omar Osman - 443-500 The Human Development Index with Multiple Data Envelopment Analysis Approaches: A Comparative Evaluation Using Social Network Analysis
by Enzo Barberio Mariano & Diogo Ferraz & Simone Cristina Oliveira Gobbo - 501-521 Material Security as a Measure of Poverty: A Validation Study with People Who Use Drugs
by Jenna van Draanen & Kanna Hayashi & M.-J. Milloy & Ekaterina Nosova & Hennady Shulha & Cameron Grant & Lindsey Richardson - 523-541 Toward a Better Understanding of Perceptions of Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Rural and Urban Places
by Eileen E. Avery & Joan M. Hermsen & Danielle C. Kuhl - 543-562 Composite Index Ranking of Economic Well-Being in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: How Prevalent are Rank Anomalies?
by Justin Ehrlich & Simon Medcalfe & Shane Sanders - 563-579 Effects of Government Characteristics on the Quality of Life
by Chae-jeong Lee - 581-601 Managing for Stakeholders Using Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques
by Carlos Serrano-Cinca & Yolanda Fuertes-Callén & Beatriz Cuellar-Fernández - 603-629 Who Cares About Environmental Quality in the MENA Region?
by Ghassan Dibeh & Ali Fakih & Walid Marrouch & Ghida Matar - 631-651 Examining Wealth Trends in Kombewa, Kenya
by Alizée McLorg & Kennedy Omolo & Peter Sifuna & Andrea Shaw & Bhavneet Walia & David A. Larsen - 653-670 Promoting work Engagement in the Accounting Profession: a Machine Learning Approach
by Jose Joaquin Pozo-Antúnez & Horacio Molina-Sánchez & Antonio Ariza-Montes & Francisco Fernández-Navarro - 671-688 Effect of Retirement on Work Hours: Evidence From China
by Lin Xie & Yuan-yang Wu & Ying-xi Shen & Wen-chao Zhang & An-qi Zhang & Xue-yu Lin & Shi-ming Ti & Yi-tong Yu & Hua-lei Yang - 689-707 Not Simply ‘Counting Heads’: A Gender Diversity Index for the Team Level
by Anne Laure Humbert & Elisabeth Anna Guenther & Jörg Müller - 709-747 Measuring Corruption: A Critical Analysis of the Existing Datasets and Their Suitability for Diachronic Transnational Research
by José-Miguel Bello y Villarino - 749-781 What School Factors are Associated with the Success of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students? An Empirical Investigation Using PISA Data
by Tommaso Agasisti & Francesco Avvisati & Francesca Borgonovi & Sergio Longobardi - 783-802 Determinants of Declining School Belonging 2000–2018: The Case of Sweden
by Björn Högberg & Solveig Petersen & Mattias Strandh & Klara Johansson - 803-815 A New Measure of 19th Century US Suicides
by Christoph Kronenberg
August 2021, Volume 157, Issue 1
- 1-7 Sustainable Development: Actual Trends on Synthetic Indicators, Non-aggregative and Configurational Approaches
by Norat Roig-Tierno & Alberto Arcagni - 9-27 Knowledge Drivers, Business Collaboration and Competitiveness in Rural and Urban Regions
by Jose-Maria Garcia-Alvarez-Coque & Norat Roig-Tierno & Mercedes Sanchez-Garcia & Francisco Mas-Verdu - 29-42 What Type of Entrepreneurship Leads to Sustainable Development? A Configurational Approach
by Alicia Mas-Tur & Maria Guijarro & Agustín Carrilero - 43-56 Stakeholders’ Opinions: Food Sustainability as an Exemplary Case
by Lars Carlsen & Rainer Bruggemann - 57-75 Targeting Policies for Multidimensional Poverty and Social Fragility Relief Among Migrants in Italy, Using F-FOD Analysis
by Stefania M. L. Rimoldi & Alberto Arcagni & Marco Fattore & Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso - 77-99 Synthesis of Multi-indicator System Over Time: A Poset-based Approach
by Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo & Alberto Arcagni & Marco Fattore & Filomena Maggino - 101-122 Measuring Sustainable Development by Non-aggregative Approach
by Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo & Andrea Ciacci & Enrico Ivaldi - 123-138 Analysis of Sustainability Propensity of Bike-Sharing Customers Using Partially Ordered Sets Methodology
by Paolo Maranzano & Roberto Ascari & Paola Maddalena Chiodini & Giancarlo Manzi - 139-174 Between Social Sustainability and Subjective Well-being: The Role of Decent Work
by Paola Conigliaro - 175-201 Mapping Welfare State Development in (post) Neoliberal Latin America
by Gibrán Cruz-Martínez - 203-223 Deservingness for "Family 500 +" Benefit in Poland: Qualitative Study of Internet Debates
by Piotr Michoń - 225-246 Social and Economic Convergence Across Brazilian States Between 1990 and 2010
by Rubiane Daniele Cardoso Almeida & Philipp Ehrl & Tito Belchior Silva Moreira - 247-282 Temporal and Spatial Evolution of China's Human Development Index and Its Determinants: An Extended Study Based on Five New Development Concepts
by Chengjun Liu & Fuqiang Nie & Dong Ren - 283-296 Crime Costs to the Public in Hong Kong
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Wing Hong Chui - 297-333 Modelling Bourdieusian Social Reproduction Theory
by Shahzad Farid & Saif Ur Rehman Saif Abbasi & Qaisar Khalid Mahmood - 335-360 Risk and Vulnerability Differences Across the European Union Based on an Accidental-Injury Proneness Index
by Mercedes Camarero - 361-392 Economic Analysis of Portuguese Public Hospitals Through the Construction of Quality, Efficiency, Access, and Financial Related Composite Indicators
by Rita Matos & Diogo Ferreira & Maria Isabel Pedro - 393-415 Social Study Resources and Social Wellbeing Before and During the Intelligent COVID-19 Lockdown in The Netherlands
by Llewellyn Ellardus Zyl
August 2021, Volume 156, Issue 2
- 339-340 Data Science and Its Applications to Social Research
by Corrado Crocetta & Maurizio Carpita & Paola Perchinunno - 341-362 A Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting Higher Education Dropouts
by Paola Perchinunno & Massimo Bilancia & Domenico Vitale - 363-388 Assessment of the University Reputation Through the Analysis of the Student Mobility
by S. Bacci & B. Bertaccini - 389-407 A Framework for Detecting Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis
by Angela M. D’Uggento & Francesco D. d’Ovidio & Ernesto Toma & Rosa Ceglie - 409-427 Restricted Common Component and Specific Weight Analysis: A Constrained Explorative Approach for the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation
by Pietro Amenta & Antonio Lucadamo & Antonello D’Ambra - 429-447 Assessing the Risk of Car Crashes in Road Networks
by Riccardo Borgoni & Andrea Gilardi & Diego Zappa - 449-479 Statistical Model-Based Composite Indicators for Tracking Coherent Policy Conclusions
by Carlo Cavicchia & Maurizio Vichi - 481-497 Pooling Rankings to Obtain a Set of Scores for a Composite Indicator of Erasmus + Mobility Effects
by Luigi Fabbris & Manuela Scioni - 499-513 A Longitudinal Analysis of Riskiness Indicators After the 2008 and 2011 Economic Crises: The Case of Italian Manufacturing
by Lucio Masserini & Matilde Bini & Alessandro Zeli - 515-531 Data Integration Techniques for the Identification of Poverty Profiles
by Francesco D. d’Ovidio & Paola Perchinunno & Laura Antonucci - 533-562 Mapping Poverty of Latin American and Caribbean Countries from Heaven Through Night-Light Satellite Images
by Maria Simona Andreano & Roberto Benedetti & Federica Piersimoni & Giovanni Savio - 563-586 Spatial Distribution of Multidimensional Educational Poverty in Italy using Small Area Estimation
by Monica Pratesi & Luciana Quattrociocchi & Gaia Bertarelli & Alessandro Gemignani & Caterina Giusti - 587-599 Assessing Social Interest in Burnout Using Google Trends Data
by Ana Maria Aguilera & Francesca Fortuna & Manuel Escabias & Tonio Di Battista - 601-630 Social Media and Twitter Data Quality for New Social Indicators
by Camilla Salvatore & Silvia Biffignandi & Annamaria Bianchi - 631-649 A Network-Based Indicator of Travelers Performativity on Instagram
by Giuseppe Giordano & Ilaria Primerano & Pierluigi Vitale - 651-667 Professional Profiles and Job Requirements in Labour Demand: An Analysis of the Italian Information Technology Sector
by Paolo Mariani & Andrea Marletta & Mauro Mussini & Mariangela Zenga - 669-688 Emerging Topics in Brexit Debate on Twitter Around the Deadlines
by Emiliano del Gobbo & Sara Fontanella & Annalina Sarra & Lara Fontanella - 689-699 Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Disclose Action and Information in “U.N. 2030 Agenda” Social Media Data
by Andrea Sciandra & Alessio Surian & Livio Finos - 701-723 Methodological PLS-PM Framework for SDGs System
by Rosanna Cataldo & Corrado Crocetta & Maria Gabriella Grassia & Natale Carlo Lauro & Marina Marino & Viktoriya Voytsekhovska - 725-738 Spatial Performance Indicators and Graphs in Basketball
by Paola Zuccolotto & Marco Sandri & Marica Manisera - 739-759 Multidimensional Clustering of EU Regions: A Contribution to Orient Public Policies in Reducing Regional Disparities
by Pasquale Pavone & Francesco Pagliacci & Margherita Russo & Simone Righi & Anna Giorgi - 761-781 A Spatio-Temporal Indicator for City Users Based on Mobile Phone Signals and Administrative Data
by Rodolfo Metulini & Maurizio Carpita - 783-799 Investigating the Judges Performance in a National Competition of Sport Dance
by Laura Anderlucci & Alessandro Lubisco & Stefania Mignani - 801-813 Comparing Goal-Based and Result-Based Approaches in Modelling Football Outcomes
by Leonardo Egidi & Nicola Torelli - 815-830 Players’ Role-Based Performance Composite Indicators of Soccer Teams: A Statistical Perspective
by Maurizio Carpita & Enrico Ciavolino & Paola Pasca
July 2021, Volume 156, Issue 1
- 1-19 Weighting the Dimensions of the Multidimensional Poverty Index: Findings from Sri Lanka
by N. P. Ravindra Deyshappriya & Simon Feeny - 21-45 Equivalence Scale and Income Poverty: Two Approaches to Estimate Country-specific Scale for the Czech Republic
by Martina Mysíková & Tomáš Želinský & Michaela Jirková & Jiří Večerník - 47-69 Financial Development, Technological Innovation and Income Inequality: Time Series Evidence from Turkey
by Murat Cetin & Harun Demir & Selin Saygin - 71-89 Women Decision Making Autonomy as a Facilitating Factor for Contraceptive Use for Family Planning in Pakistan
by Muhammad Nadeem & Muhammad Irfan Malik & Mumtaz Anwar & Sobia Khurram - 91-110 Mind the Job: The Role of Occupational Characteristics in Explaining Gender Discrimination
by Clara Cortina & Jorge Rodríguez & M. José González - 111-136 Impact of the Intra-household Education Gap on Wives’ and Husbands’ Well-Being: Evidence from Cross-Country Microdata
by Xiangdan Piao & Xinxin Ma & Shunsuke Managi - 137-165 How Gender-Based Disparities affect Women’s Job Satisfaction? Evidence from Euro-Area
by Adolfo C. Fernández Puente & Nuria Sánchez-Sánchez - 167-199 Vulnerability to Food Insecurity: A Decomposition Exercise for Rural India using the Expected Utility Approach
by Mousumi Das - 201-221 Developing a Social Index for Measuring the Public Opinion Regarding the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals
by Raejung Lee & Jinho Kim - 223-246 Tolerance for Sustainable Peace Culture in a Divided Society: The effect of Peace Education on Tolerance Tendency and Human Values
by Sevda Serin Tanyel & F. Sülen Şahin Kıralp - 247-270 Spatial Mechanisms of Regional Innovation Mobility in China
by Xing Gao & Keyu Zhai - 271-287 Measuring Non-electoral Political Participation: Bi-factor Model as a Tool to Extract Dimensions
by Piotr Koc - 289-309 Does Social Capital Affect Voter Turnout? Evidence from Italy
by Nadia Fiorino & Emma Galli & Nicola Pontarollo - 311-337 Effects of Public Healthcare Budget Cuts on Life Satisfaction in Spain
by Iban Ortuzar & Gemma Renart & Angels Xabadia
June 2021, Volume 155, Issue 3
- 771-788 Time-Varying Predictability of Labor Productivity on Inequality in United Kingdom
by David Gabauer & Rangan Gupta & Jacobus Nel & Woraphon Yamaka - 789-803 Economic Inequality is Associated with Lower Internet Use: A Nationally Representative Study
by Hongfei Du & Nan Zhou & Hongjian Cao & Jintao Zhang & Anli Chen & Ronnel B. King - 805-835 A Distributional Analysis of Uni-and Multidimensional Poverty and Inequalities in Ethiopia
by Mekonnen Bersisa & Almas Heshmati - 837-864 When Opportunity Knocks: Confronting Theory and Empirics About Dynamics of Gender Wage Inequality
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Lucas Augusto van der Velde - 865-884 Rising Female Labor Force Participation and Gender Wage Gap: Evidence From Turkey
by Altan Aldan - 885-913 What Does Really Drive Consumer Confidence?
by Simona Malovaná & Martin Hodula & Jan Frait - 915-937 Two-Way, One-Way or Dead-End Streets? Financial and Social Causes and Consequences of Generalized Trust
by Stefan Leenheer & Maurice Gesthuizen & Michael Savelkoul - 939-958 (Re)Constructing the European Economic Sentiment Indicator: An Optimization Approach
by Zrinka Lukac & Mirjana Cizmesija - 959-981 Changes in Social Trust: Evidence from East German Migrants
by Seong Hee Kim - 983-994 In Sizing Civil Society, Wording and Format Matter
by Karl D. Jackson & Giovanna Maria Dora Dore - 995-1043 Clustering of the Italian Regions Based on Their Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being Indicators: A Three-Way Approach
by Laura Bocci & Pierpaolo D’Urso & Vincenzina Vitale - 1045-1076 The Impact of Socio-economic and Environmental Sustainability on CO2 Emissions: A Novel Framework for Thirty IEA Countries
by Irfan Khan & Fujun Hou - 1077-1117 Measuring Youth Living Conditions in Europe: A Multidimensional Cross-Country Approach
by Helena Corrales-Herrero & Beatriz Rodriguez-Prado - 1119-1136 Determinants of Middle School Students’ Participation in Shadow Education in Japan
by Naomi Takashiro - 1137-1157 The Role of Financial Fragility and Financial Control for Well-Being
by Piotr Bialowolski & Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska & Eileen McNeely
June 2021, Volume 155, Issue 2
- 389-410 Composite Measures for Assessing Multidimensional Social Exclusion in Later Life: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges
by Sinéad Keogh & Stephen O’Neill & Kieran Walsh - 411-453 The Intercultural Dialogue Index (ICDI): An Index for Assessing Intercultural Relations
by Fethi Mansouri & Amanuel Elias - 455-478 Using the Market Basket Measure to Discuss Income Inequality from the Perspective of Basic Needs
by Mathieu Dufour & Vivian Labrie & Simon Tremblay-Pepin - 479-503 Visualizing Health and Well-Being Inequalities Among Older Europeans
by Aurea Grané & Irene Albarrán & Qi Guo - 505-522 The Influence of Human Capital and Social Capital on the Gendered Division of Labor in Peasant Family in Sichuan, China
by Yue Shui & Dingde Xu & Yi Liu & Shaoquan Liu - 523-561 Beyond Wage Gap, Towards Job Quality Gap: The Role of Inter-Group Differences in Wages, Non-Wage Job Dimensions, and Preferences
by Marko Ledić & Ivica Rubil - 563-581 Fractional persistence in income poverty in Africa
by Sakiru Adebola Solarin & Luis A. Gil-Alana & Maria Jesus Gonzalez-Blanch - 583-599 Socio-economic Drivers of Food Security among Rural Households in Nigeria: Evidence from Smallholder Maize Farmers
by Adebayo Isaiah Ogunniyi & Samuel Opeyemi Omotoso & Kabir Kayode Salman & Abiodun Olusola Omotayo & Kehinde Oluseyi Olagunju & Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu - 601-624 Trends and Determinants of Income-Oriented Livelihood Transitions in Rural China
by Rui Sun & Jianing Mi & Shu Cao & Tianyi Zhang - 625-645 New Model for Measuring Job Quality: Developing an European Intrinsic Job Quality Index (EIJQI)
by María Cascales Mira - 647-674 Social Capital, the State’s Structural Intervention and Donors’ Choice Among Charitable Causes: Evidence from China
by Xiaochen Gong & Shihua Ye - 675-696 How Self-Rated is Self-Rated Health? Exploring the Role of Individual and Institutional Factors in Reporting Heterogeneity in Russia
by Valerii Baidin & Christopher J. Gerry & Maria Kaneva - 697-724 Social Exclusion and Anti-Immigration Attitudes in Europe: The mediating role of Interpersonal Trust
by Valerio Pellegrini & Valeria De Cristofaro & Marco Salvati & Mauro Giacomantonio & Luigi Leone - 725-743 Cross-Sectional Model-Building for Research on Subjective Well-Being: Gaining Clarity on Control Variables
by David Bartram - 745-767 Education as a Positional Good? Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel
by Alessa K. Durst - 769-769 Correction to: The Intercultural Dialogue Index (ICDI): An Index for Assessing Intercultural Relations
by Fethi Mansouri & Amanuel Elias
May 2021, Volume 155, Issue 1
- 1-25 How to Articulate Beyond GDP and Businesses’ Social and Environmental Indicators?
by Olivier E. Malay - 27-46 A VEA Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model for the HDI
by Panagiotis Ravanos & Giannis Karagiannis - 47-72 Conceptualisation and Operationalisation of a Holistic Indicator of Health for Older Inuit: Results of a Sequential Mixed-Methods Project
by Marie Baron & Mylène Riva & Christopher Fletcher & Melody Lynch & Marie-Claude Lyonnais & Elhadji A. Laouan Sidi - 73-95 The Construction of an Asset Index at Household Level and Measurement of Economic Disparities in Punjab (Pakistan) by using MICS-Micro Data
by Tanveer Ahmed Naveed & David Gordon & Sami Ullah & Mary Zhang - 97-116 Intersectional Indicators: A Race and Sex-Specific Analysis of the Carbon Intensity of Well-Being in the United States, 1998–2009
by Michael D. Briscoe & Jennifer E. Givens & Madeleine Alder - 117-155 What Drives Cross-Country Health Inequality in the EU? Unpacking the Role of Socio-economic Factors
by Gintare Mazeikaite & Cathal O’Donoghue & Denisa M. Sologon - 157-185 Poverty Implications of Household Headship and Food Consumption Economies of Scales: A Case Study from Sri Lanka
by Maneka Jayasinghe & Christine Smith - 187-210 Assessing Food Poverty, Vulnerability and Food Consumption Inequality in the Context of COVID-19: A Case of Bangladesh
by Sayema Haque Bidisha & Tanveer Mahmood & Md. Biplob Hossain - 211-258 Multidimensional Energy Poverty in Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Household Level Micro Data
by Abre-Rehmat Qurat-ul-Ann & Faisal Mehmood Mirza - 259-279 What Contributes to Gendered Work Time Inequality? An Australian Case Study
by Tinh Doan & Peter Thorning & Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Lyndall Strazdins - 281-314 What Explains Gender Gaps in Household Food Security? Evidence from Maize Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia
by Girma Gezimu Gebre & Hiroshi Isoda & Yuichiro Amekawa & Dil Bahadur Rahut & Hisako Nomura & Takaaki Watanabe - 315-333 Place Attachment and the Neighborhood: A Case Study of Israel
by H. Casakin & C. Ruiz & B. Hernández - 335-354 Postmaterialism and the Perceived Quality of Elections: A Study of the Moderation Effect of a Critical Event
by Gary Tang & Edmund W. Cheng - 355-370 Voter Classification Based on Susceptibility to Persuasive Strategies: A Machine Learning Approach
by Mehmet Özer Demir & Biagio Simonetti & Murat Alper Başaran & Sezgin Irmak - 371-387 Assessing the Quality of Service of Water Companies: a ‘Benefit of the Doubt’ Composite Indicator
by Ramon Sala-Garrido & Manuel Mocholí-Arce & María Molinos-Senante
April 2021, Volume 154, Issue 3
- 755-765 Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators
by Sandra Fachelli & Pedro López-Roldán - 767-787 Being Poor and Feeling Rich or Vice Versa? The Determinants of Unequal Income Positions in Old Age Across Europe
by Bettina Isengard & Ronny König - 789-813 Social Capital and Subjective Social Status: Heterogeneity within East Asia
by Ji Hye Kim & Claire Seungeun Lee - 815-834 European Identity: An Analysis of Measurement Equivalence Across Countries and Mode of Data Collection in the European Values Survey 2017/2018
by Malina Voicu & Ioana Ramia - 835-856 Drivers of Youth Labour Market Integration Across European Regions
by Rosario Scandurra & Ruggero Cefalo & Yuri Kazepov - 857-892 Measuring labour market segmentation for a comparative analysis among countries
by Pedro López-Roldán & Sandra Fachelli - 893-915 Comparing Precarious Employment Across Countries: Measurement Invariance of the Employment Precariousness Scale for Europe (EPRES-E)
by Eva Padrosa & Mireia Bolíbar & Mireia Julià & Joan Benach - 917-942 So Far, so Similar? Labour Market Feminization in Italy and Chile
by Renata Semenza & Giorgio Boccardo & Simone Sarti - 943-968 Back to the Future: a Sensitivity Analysis to Predict Future Fertility Rates Considering the Influence of Family Policies—The Cases of Spain and Norway
by Vicente Díaz Gandasegui & Begoña Elizalde-San Miguel & Maria T. Sanz - 969-998 Gender Gaps in Care Work: Evidences from Argentina, Chile, Spain and Uruguay
by Màrius Domínguez-Amorós & Karina Batthyány & Sol Scavino - 999-1030 Lead and Lag Times of Countries in a Gentler World
by Oliver Nahkur & Rein Taagepera - 1031-1053 Proposal for a Dynamic Composite Indicator: Application in a Comparative Analysis of Trends in the EU Member States Towards the Europe 2020 Strategy
by M. Isabel Landaluce-Calvo & Mariola Gozalo-Delgado - 1055-1076 Antipoverty Effects of Various Social Transfers and Income Taxes Across Countries
by Koen Caminada & Kees Goudswaard & Chen Wang & Jinxian Wang - 1077-1096 Determinants of the Fear of Crime in Argentina and Brazil: A Cross-Country Comparison of Non-Criminal and Environmental Factors Affecting Feelings of Insecurity
by Riccardo Valente & Mattia Vacchiano