December 2000, Volume 97, Issue 1
- 249-262 Decision support method for cost-effective emission control on a regional scale
by Piotr Holnicki & Andrzej Kałuszko - 265-286 Simulating economic transition processes by genetic programming
by Shu-Heng Chen & Chia-Hsuan Yeh - 287-311 Indicator space configuration for early warning of violent political conflicts by genetic algorithms
by Petya Ivanova & Todor Tagarev - 337-355 Means and their applications
by Stanisława Ostasiewicz & Walenty Ostasiewicz - 357-378 The nearest adjoining order method for pairwise comparisons in the form of difference of ranks
by Leszek Klukowski - 379-388 Short-run and long-run efficiency measures for multiplant firms
by Chiang Kao
November 2000, Volume 96, Issue 1
- 1-16 Assigning students to course sections using tabu search
by Ramon Alvarez-Valdes & Enric Crespo & Jose Tamarit - 17-38 Solving a chemical batch scheduling problem by local search
by Peter Brucker & Johann Hurink - 39-60 A permutation flow-shop scheduling problem with convex models of operation processing times
by T.C.E. Cheng & A. Janiak - 61-74 A statistical analysis of simulated annealing applied to the p-median problem
by Fernando Chiyoshi & Roberto Galvão - 75-95 A polyhedral approach to a production planning problem
by Miguel Constantino - 97-124 Cyclic scheduling in robotic flowshops
by Y. Crama & V. Kats & J. van de Klundert & E. Levner - 125-147 Optimization of a high-speed placement machine using tabu search algorithms
by Peter Csaszar & Thomas Tirpak & Peter Nelson - 149-166 Scheduling the flying squad nurses of a hospital using a multi-objective programming model
by Viviane Gascon & Sophie Villeneuve & Philippe Michelon & Jacques Ferland - 167-189 Unit commitment in power generation – a basic model and some extensions
by Ralf Gollmer & Matthias Nowak & Werner Römisch & Rüdiger Schultz - 191-208 Planar Weber location problems with barriers and block norms
by Horst Hamacher & Kathrin Klamroth - 209-220 The Euclidean Steiner tree problem in R n : A mathematical programming formulation
by Nelson Maculan & Philippe Michelon & Adilson Xavier - 221-236 Approximability of hard combinatorial optimization problems: an introduction
by Francesco Maffioli & Giulia Galbiati - 237-243 A probabilistic quality of service constraint for a location model of switches in ATM communications networks
by Vladimir Marianov & Miguel Ríos - 245-254 A comparative numerical analysis for the guillotine two-dimensional cutting problem
by Victor Parada & Rodrigo Palma & Daniel Sales & Arlindo Gómes - 255-269 k-server problems with bulk requests: an application to tool switching in manufacturing
by Caroline Privault & Gerd Finke - 271-285 Forest management models and combinatorial algorithms: analysis of state of the art
by Andres Weintraub & Richard Church & Alan Murray & Monique Guignard - 287-315 Real-time dispatch of trams in storage yards
by Thomas Winter & Uwe Zimmermann - 317-337 The deterministic multi-item dynamic lot size problem with joint business volume discount
by Jiefeng Xu & Leonard Lu & Fred Glover
January 2000, Volume 95, Issue 1
- 3-18 Forest planning at the tactical level
by Richard Church & Alan Murray & Klaus Barber - 19-40 Interactive planning for sustainable forest management
by Geir Hasle & Johan Haavardtun & Oddvar Kloster & Arne Løkketangen - 41-66 The impact of environmental constraints on short term harvesting: Use of planning tools and mathematical models
by Andrés Weintraub & Rafael Epstein & Glen Murphy & Bruce Manley - 67-81 Direct spatial optimization in natural resource management: Four linear programming examples
by John Hof & Michael Bevers - 83-92 A fractional algorithm for optimal cutting of lumber into dimension parts
by Celso Carnieri & Guillermo Mendoza - 93-113 Usage of 3D geometry descriptions and transformation techniques in log bucking and curve sawing
by Mikael Rönnqvist & Christine Todoroki & Toby Allsopp - 115-129 A new harvest operation cost model to evaluate forest harvest layout alternatives
by Mark Clark & Russell Meller & Timothy McDonald & Chao Ting - 117-203 Sequential Gaussian simulation vs. simulated annealing for locating pockets of high-value commercial trees in Pennsylvania
by Susan King - 131-158 Linking strategic and tactical forestry planning decisions
by Christian Cea & Alejandro Jofré - 159-175 Even-aged restrictions with sub-graph adjacency
by T.M. Barrett & J.K. Gilless - 205-215 Generating beta random rate variables from probabilistic estimates of fireline production times
by J. Gilless & Jeremy Fried - 217-228 Optimal sequential forestry decisions under risk
by Peter Lohmander - 229-250 Timber harvest scheduling with price uncertainty using Markowitz portfolio optimization
by Laurence Reeves & Robert Haight - 251-267 Nonlinear programming and genetic search application for production scheduling in coal mines
by Parag Pendharkar & James Rodger - 269-284 Modelling to optimise consumptive use of game
by John Hearne & Jan Korrûbel & Kathryn Koch - 285-312 Noncompliant oligopolistic firms and marketable pollution permits: Statics and dynamics
by Anna Nagurney & Kanwalroop Dhanda - 313-339 WARSYP: a robust modeling approach for water resources system planning under uncertainty
by L.F. Escudero - 341-364 MOIRA: A decision support system for decision making on aquatic ecosystems contaminated by radioactive fallout
by D. Ríos Insua & E. Gallego & A. Mateos & S. Ríos-Insua
January 2000, Volume 94, Issue 1
- 11-35 An empirical bioeconomic investigation of efficiency in the insecticide regulatory process
by Richard Kazmierczak - 37-55 Competitiveness of biomass‐fueled electrical power plants
by Bruce McCarl & Darius Adams & Ralph Alig & John Chmelik - 57-68 Risk programming for agricultural resource allocation: A multidimensional risk approach
by Carlos Romero - 69-89 Multi‐level hierarchic Markov processes as a framework for herd management support
by Anders Kristensen & Erik Jørgensen - 91-103 Modelling the trade‐offs between farm income and the reduction of erosion and nitrate pollution
by M. Mimouni & S. Zekri & G. Flichman - 105-123 A mathematical programming model applied to the study of water markets within the Spanish agricultural sector
by Alberto Garrido - 125-138 Modeling voluntary participation in a cost‐sharing agricultural water quality management program
by Henglun Sun & Jack Houston & Daniel Thomas - 139-162 SHADOC: a multi‐agent model to tackle viability of irrigated systems
by Olivier Barreteau & François Bousquet - 163-179 A three‐phase procedure for designing an irrigation system's water distribution network
by Graça Gonçalves & Margarida Vaz Pato - 183-196 The management of high seas fisheries
by Trond Bjørndal & Veijo Kaitala & Marko Lindroos & Gordon Munro - 197-217 Economic and biological risk analysis of the Norwegian spring‐spawning herring fishery
by S. Touzeau & M. Lindroos & V. Kaitala & J. Ylikarjula - 219-230 Endogenous optimization fisheries models
by Ragnar Arnason - 231-257 Open access fisheries utilization with an endogenous regulatory structure: An expanded analysis
by Lee Anderson - 259-273 Multiple criterion management of a sequential fishery
by Keith Criddle & Andrei Streletski - 275-294 Individual transferable vessel quotas and efficient restructuring of the primary harvesting sector
by Diane Dupont - 295-320 Harvesting in a pelagic fishery: The case of Northern Chile
by Julio Peña‐Torres & Michael Basch - 321-342 Resource allocation in the North Sea demersal fisheries: A goal programming approach
by Simon Mardle & Sean Pascoe & Mehrdad Tamiz & Dylan Jones - 343-355 Layoff costs and underutilization of labour in fisheries
by Leif Sandal & Stein Steinshamn - 357-373 Synergetic Approach and modeling of fish population dynamics
by Vyacheslav Navrotsky
January 2000, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 0 Preface
by J. MacGregor Smith & Stanley Gershwin & Chrissoleon Papadopoulos - 1-14 Tandem queues in bulk port operations
by Tayfur Altiok - 15-40 AMVA‐based solution procedures for open queueing networks with population constraints
by Ronald Buitenhek & Geert‐Jan van Houtum & Henk Zijm - 41-69 Comparison among three pull control policies: kanban, base stock, and generalized kanban
by C. Duri & Y. Frein & M. Di Mascolo - 71-90 The multiple server effect: Optimal allocation of servers to stations with different service‐time distributions in tandem queueing networks
by Kenichi Futamura - 91-115 A decomposition method for analyzing inhomogeneous assembly/disassembly systems
by Stanley Gershwin & Mitchell Burman - 117-144 Efficient algorithms for buffer space allocation
by Stanley Gershwin & James Schor - 145-176 Production systems with interruptions, arbitrary topology and finite buffers
by Surendra Gupta & Ayse Kavusturucu - 177-216 Simulation optimization of buffer allocations in production lines with unreliable machines
by Gül Gürkan - 217-243 Approximate analysis of unreliable transfer lines with splits in the flow of material
by Stefan Helber - 245-264 Sensitivity analysis and decomposition of unreliable production lines with blocking
by Vassilis Kouikoglou - 265-297 A robust decomposition method for the analysis of production lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers
by Hervé Le Bihan & Yves Dallery - 299-324 Production variability in manufacturing systems: Bernoulli reliability case
by Jingshan Li & Semyon Meerkov - 325-355 A unified framework for pull control mechanisms in multi‐stage manufacturing systems
by George Liberopoulos & Yves Dallery - 357-372 A two‐level queueing network model with blocking and non‐blocking messages
by S. Ramesh & H.G. Perros - 373-384 A simulated annealing approach for buffer allocation in reliable production lines
by Diomidis Spinellis & Chrissoleon Papadopoulos - 385-403 Asymptotic variance rate of the output in production lines with finite buffers
by Barış Tan - 405-421 Modeling and analysis of multi‐stage transfer lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers
by Sheng Yang & Cheng Wu & S. Hu - 423-446 Capacity analysis of an automated kit transportation system
by W.H.M. Zijm & I.J.B.F. Adan & R. Buitenhek & G.J. van Houtum
January 1999, Volume 92, Issue 0
- 1-18 A linear programming approach to stability, optimisationand performance analysis for Markovian multiclassqueueing networks
by K.D. Glazebrook & J. Niño‐Mora - 19-43 Almost optimal policies for stochastic systemswhich almost satisfy conservation laws
by K.D. Glazebrook & R. Garbe - 45-63 Heuristic algorithms for job‐shop scheduling problemswith stochastic precedence constraints
by K. Neumann & W.G. Schneider - 65-86 An algorithm for minimum wait drainingof two‐station fluid re‐entrant line
by G. Weiss - 87-105 Scheduling multi‐operation jobs on a single machine
by A.E. Gerodimos & C.A. Glass & C.N. Potts & T. Tautenhahn - 107-123 Single‐machine scheduling to minimize maximumtardiness with minimum number of tardy jobs
by J.N.D. Gupta & A.M.A. Hariri & C.N. Potts - 125-142 The setup polytope of N‐sparse posets
by R. Schrader & G. Wambach - 143-164 Recovering cyclic schedules from delay
by R. Wegner - 165-183 A new lower bound for the open‐shop problem
by C. Guéret & C. Prins - 185-210 A polynomial algorithm for the three‐machineopen shop with a bottleneck machine
by I.G. Drobouchevitch & V.A. Strusevich - 211-239 When difference in machine loads leadsto efficient scheduling in open shops
by A. Kononov & S. Sevastianov & I. Tchernykh - 241-263 On the set of solutions of the open shop problem
by H. Bräsel & M. Harborth & T. Tautenhahn & P. Willenius - 265-279 On the hardness of the classical job shop problem
by H. Bräsel & M. Harborth & T. Tautenhahn & P. Willenius - 281-304 Shop‐scheduling problems with fixed and non‐fixedmachine orders of the jobs
by N.V. Shakhlevich & N. Sotskov & F. Werner - 305-333 Satisfiability tests and time‐bound adjustmentsfor cumulative scheduling problems
by Ph. Baptiste & C. Le Pape & W. Nuijten - 335-348 Cardinality constrained bin‐packing problems
by H. Kellerer & U. Pferschy - 349-361 Scheduling a round robin tennis tournamentunder courts and players availability constraints
by F. Della Croce & R. Tadei & P.S. Asioli - 363-380 Scheduling chicken catching ‐ An investigationinto the success of a genetic algorithm on areal‐world scheduling problem
by E. Hart & P. Ross & J.A.D. Nelson - 381-401 The simultaneous determination of the assignment ofitems to resources, the cycle times, and the reorderintervals in repetitive PCB assembly
by J.I. van Zante-de Fokkert & A.G. de Kok
January 1999, Volume 91, Issue 0
- 1-10 Reliability and maintenance in production control ‐ an introduction
by Z. Sinuany-Stern - 11-24 Achieving growth in reliability
by J. Ansell & L. Walls & J. Quigley - 25-40 A simple suboptimal algorithm for system maintenanceunder partial observability
by I. David & L. Friedman & Z. Sinuany‐Stern - 41-47 Throughput‐dependent periodic maintenance policiesfor general production units
by E. Iakovou & C.M. Ip & C. Koulamas - 49-62 Optimal control of assembling complexes underpredetermined maintenance conditions
by K. Kogan & E. Levner - 63-82 On replacement policies for additive systemswith several working levels
by Mallor & Azcárate - 83-104 Selecting a quality control attribute sample:An information‐economics method
by N. Margaliot - 105-122 A Bayesian Dynamic Programming approach tooptimal maintenance combined with burn‐in
by E. Nicolato & W.J. Runggaldier - 123-136 Inventory models with unreliable suppliersin a random environment
by S. Özekici & M. Parlar - 137-161 Optimal Stress Screening strategies formulti‐component systems sold under warranty:The case of phase‐type lifetimes
by E.A. Pohl & D.L. Dietrich - 163-198 Group replacement policies for parallel systems whosecomponents have phase distributed failure times
by E. Popova & J.G. Wilson - 191-204 Stochastic modeling of fatigue crack damagefor information‐based maintenance
by A. Ray & S. Phoha - 205-225 Optimal capacity and operation of deterioratingchemical production service facilities
by E. Shemesh & G. Rabinowitz & A. Mehrez - 227-250 A general ordering policy with number‐dependentminimal repair and random lead time
by s.‐H. Sheu - 251-261 A general solution of the preventive maintenanceproblem when data are right‐censored
by H. Shore - 263-280 A general hazard regression modelfor accelerated life testing
by H.‐-J Shyur & E.A. Elsayed & J.T. Luxhøj - 281-287 Optimal surveillance of a failure system
by W. Stadje & D. Zuckerman - 289-304 Control of production processes subjectto random shocks
by E. Collani - 305-318 Some maintenance models and availability withimperfect maintenance in production systems
by H. Wang & H. Pham - 319-337 Modeling diminishing marginal returns in ahierarchical inventory system of reparable spare parts
by W.L. Zorn & R.F. Deckro & L.J. Lehmkuhl
January 1999, Volume 90, Issue 0
- 1-17 On the best search strategy in parallel branch‐and‐bound:Best‐First Search versus Lazy Depth‐First Search
by J. Clausen & M. Perregaard - 19-43 Computational experience with parallel mixed integerprogramming in a distributed environment
by R.E. Bixby & W. Cook & A. Cox & E.K. Lee - 45-63 The parallel search bench ZRAM and its applications
by A. Brüngger & A. Marzetta & K. Fukuda & J. Nievergelt - 65-86 A parallel branch‐and‐bound methodfor cluster analysis
by L.S. Iyer & J.E. Aronson - 87-129 Scalable parallel computations forlarge-scale stochastic programming
by H. Vladimirou & S.A. Zenios - 131-160 A parallel computation approach for solvingmultistage stochastic network problems
by L.F. Escudero & J.L. De La Fuente & C. García & F.J. Prieto - 161-184 EVPI‐based importance sampling solution proceduresfor multistage stochastic linear programmeson parallel MIMD architectures
by M.A.H. Dempster & R.T. Thompson - 185-202 Parallel local search for Steiner trees in graphs
by M.G.A. Verhoeven & M.E.M. Severens - 203-219 Experiences with fine‐grainedparallel genetic algorithms
by U. Kohlmorgen & H. Schmeck & K. Haase - 221-246 Scheduling parallel tasks withsequential heads and tails
by M. Drozdowski & W. Kubiak - 247-270 Parallel proximal decomposition algorithmsfor robust estimation
by M.L. Bougeard & C.D. Caquineau - 271-291 A parallel algorithm for the global minimizationof Gibbs free energy
by S. Berner & K.I.M. McKinnon & C. Millar - 293-322 Distributed‐ and shared‐memory parallelizationsof assignment‐based data association formultitarget tracking
by R.L. Popp & K.R. Pattipati & Y. Bar-Shalom
January 1999, Volume 89, Issue 0
- 3-19 Economic models and the relevance of “chaotic regions”:An application to Goodwin's growth cycle model
by S. Sordi - 21-34 Adaptively evolving expectations in models of monetarydynamics‐ The fundamentalists forward looking
by C. Chiarella & P. Khomin - 35-59 Keynesian monetary growth dynamicsin open economies
by C. Chiarella & P. Flaschel - 61-73 Asymptotic growth ratesin knowledge‐exchanging economies
by V.F. Borisov & G. Hutschenreiter & A.V. Kryazhimskii - 75-87 Investment and finance: A theoretical approach
by T. Asada - 89-100 The Kaldor‐Kalecki business cycle model
by A. Krawiec & M. Szydlowski - 101-123 Preferable disequilibrium in a nonlinearcobweb economy
by A. Matsumoto - 125-148 Modelling chaotic behaviour in agricultural pricesusing a discrete deterministic nonlinear price model
by Z. Bacsi & B. Vizvári - 149-164 Price adjustment models in a production economy
by C. Weddepohl - 165-173 Nonlinear dynamics in the Cournot modelwithout full information
by D. Léonard & K. Nishimura - 177-194 Dynamic externalities:Comparing conditions for Hopf bifurcationunder laissez‐faire and planning
by F. Wirl - 195-214 Local dynamics for optimal control problemsof three‐dimensional ODE systems
by P.M.B. Brito - 215-230 Markov Perfect Equilibria for a classof capital accumulation games
by E.J. Dockner & M. Plank & K. Nishimura - 233-251 The spatially dominant equilibrium of a game
by J. Hofbauer - 252-271 Symmetry‐breaking bifurcations and representativefirm in dynamic duopoly games
by G.‐I. Bischi & M. Gallegati & A. Naimzada - 273-295 On the dynamics of word of mouth learningwith and without anticipations
by H. Dawid - 297-318 Genetic engineering via negative fitness:Evolutionary dynamics for global optimization
by I.M. Bomze & V. Stix - 319-328 An improved Ant System algorithm for theVehicle Routing Problem
by B. Bullnheimer & R.F. Hartl & C. Strauss
January 1999, Volume 88, Issue 0
- 3-14 Sufficient conditions and sensitivity analysisfor economic control problems
by H. Maurer - 15-29 Optimal advertising with a continuum of goods
by E. Barucci & F. Gozzi - 31-45 A multiperiod production and advertising problemfor a seasonal product
by D. Favaretto & B. Viscolani - 47-64 Fiscal policy in a Lucasian general equilibrium modelwith productive government spending
by D.A. Wöhrmann - 65-79 An endogenous growth model with public capitaland government borrowing
by A. Greiner & W. Semmler - 81-98 Optimal firm investment in security
by P.M. Kort & J.L. Haunschmied & G Feichtinger - 99-117 Optimal investment facing possible accidents
by R.F. Hartl & P.M. Kort & A.J. Novak - 121-137 Optimal consumption and exploration: A case studyin piecewise‐deterministic Markov modelling
by M. Farid & M.H.A. Davis - 139-159 Application of the impulsive control of piecewisedeterministic processes to multi‐item single machinestochastic scheduling
by A. Jean-Marie & M.M. Tidball - 161-171 Almost sure optimality and optimality in probabilityfor stochastic control problems over aninfinite time horizon
by P. Dai Pra & G.B. Di Masi & B. Trivellato - 173-182 Sustainability in small open economiesunder uncertainty
by S. Katayama & H. Ohta - 183-197 Fractal steady states instochastic optimal control models
by L. Montrucchio & F. Privileggi - 199-214 On one aspect of science policy based onan uncertain model
by C.S. Lee & G. Leitmann - 217-232 Optimal open loop cheating in dynamic reversedLinear ‐ Quadratic Stackelberg games
by T. Vallée & Ch. Deissenberg & T. Basar - 233-249 Dynamic games of fiscal and monetary policiesfor Austria
by R. Neck - 251-273 The (in)finite horizon open‐loop Nash LQ game:An application to EMU
by J.C. Engwerda & B. Aarle & J.E.J. Plasmans - 275-289 Inter‐ and intragenerational renewableresource extraction
by S. Jørgensen & D.W.K. Yeung - 291-307 The dynamics of the strategic capital accumulation
by C. Figuières & P. Gardères & P. Michel & F. Rychen - 309-336 Capital accumulation subject to pollution control:Open‐loop versus feedback investment strategies
by M. Stimming - 337-359 Control synthesis in grid schemesfor Hamilton‐Jacobi equations
by A.M. Tarasyev - 361-377 Dynamics in divide the money game with bribing
by V. Pasetta
April 1999, Volume 87, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by Liming Liu & Shouyang Wang & Shaohui Zheng - 3-30 Sequential quality control in batch manufacturing
by D.D. Yao & S. Zheng - 31-47 A review and interpretations of process capability indices
by K. Palmer & K.-L. Tsui - 49-71 Impact of dynamic decision making on hub‐and‐spoke freight transportationnetworks
by R.K. Cheung & B. Muralidharan - 73-85 Estimation of the most likely equilibrium traffic queueing pattern in a capacityconstrained network
by H. Yang & S.C. Wong - 87-101 Optimal pacing in an assembly-based multi-stage production system
by J.J. Liu & H. Chen - 103-116 A discrete‐time model for perishable inventory systems
by Z. Lian & L. Liu - 117-126 Fuzzy criterion models for inventory systems with partial backorders
by B. Liu - 129-140 A comparison of unconstrained and constrained OLS for the combination ofdemand forecasts: A case study of the ordering and stocking of bank printed forms
by C.K. Chan & B.G. Kingsman & H. Wong - 141-152 Modeling Shanghai stock market volatility
by J. Xu - 153-164 An econometric analysis of development dynamics in modern Chinese industry
by A.B. Hammer - 165-176 Logical analysis of Chinese labor productivity patterns
by A.B. Hammer & P.L. Hammer & I. Muchnik - 177-189 Modelling and forecasting the money demand in China: Cointegration and non‐linearanalysis
by S. Deng & B. Liu - 191-198 A forecasting method for manpower requirement and related optimal decisions
by Y. Guo & D. Pan & L. Zheng - 199-212 Decision modelling of diversified project selection
by K.K. Lai & J. Xue - 213-232 Estimating the performance of Sino‐Hong Kong joint ventures using neuralnetwork ensembles
by M.Y. Hu & M.S. Hung & B.E. Patuwo & M.S. Shanker - 233-234 Measuring the timing ability of mutual fund managers
by Y. Yan - 247-261 A decomposition approximation for assembly‐disassembly queueing networkswith finite buffer and blocking
by N. Asadathorn & X. Chao - 263-272 On performance potentials and conditional Monte Carlo for gradient estimationfor Markov chains
by X.-R. Cao & M.C. Fu & J.-Q. Hu - 273-303 Basic adjoint relation for transient and stationary analysis of some Markovprocesses
by H. Chen - 305-317 Revisiting the state transition frequency formula
by D. Shi - 319-332 Busy periods of two‐stage tandem service systems and their algorithmic implementation
by X.-M. Yuan - 333-350 A multi‐class cyclic arrival queue with a single server
by H. Zhang - 353-362 A generalized projection quasi‐Newton method for nonlinear optimization problems
by Y. Lai & Z. Gao & G. He - 363-382 A unified limited column generation approach for facility location problems ontrees
by D.X. Shaw - 383-391 A class of constraint qualifications in nonsmooth optimization
by G. Tian & X. Li & T. Zhao - 393-406 On quadratic convergence of the $$O\left( {\sqrt {nL} } \right)$$ -iteration homogeneous and self‐duallinear programming algorithm
by F. Wu & S. Wu & Y. Ye