April 1999, Volume 87, Issue 0
- 407-418 Trust region dogleg path algorithms for unconstrained minimization
by J.-Z. Zhang & C.-X. Xu
January 1999, Volume 86, Issue 0
- 0 Foreword
by Y.M. Sharaiha & J.E. Beasley - 3-21 A simulated annealing code for general integer linear programs
by D. Abramson & M. Randall - 23-38 Simulated Jumping
by S. Amin - 39-51 Introduction of a new class of variables to discrete and integer programmingproblems
by M.T. Hajian & R. Rodosek & B. Richards - 53-62 On accuracy of solutions for discrete optimization problems with perturbed coefficientsof the objective function
by M. Libura - 63-87 A new approach to integrating mixed integer programming and constraint logicprogramming
by R. Rodosek & M.G. Wallace & M.T. Hajian - 91-103 A tabu search approach to the uncapacitated facility location problem
by K.S. Al‐Sultan & M.A. Al‐Fawzan - 105-115 Logical reduction tests for the p‐problem
by P. Avella & A. Sforza - 117-140 Upper and lower bounds for the two‐level simple plant location problem
by P. Chardaire & J.‐L. Lutton & A. Sutter - 141-159 Solution algorithms for the capacitated single allocation hub location problem
by A.T. Ernst & M. Krishnamoorthy - 161-177 Analysis of fault location in a network
by C.J. Hoelting & D.A. Schoenefeld & R.L. Wainwright - 179-198 Applying Lagrangian relaxation to the resolution of two‐stage location problems
by A. Marín & B. Pelegrín - 199-219 Exact sequential choice of locations in a network
by G.R. Mateus & J.‐M. Thizy - 221-235 Locating a facility on a network with multiple median‐type objectives
by R.M. Ramos & M.T. Ramos & M. Colebrook & J. Sicilia - 239-257 Optimisation of irregular multiprocessor computer architectures using geneticalgorithms
by C.J. Burgess & A.G. Chalmers - 259-270 A surrogate constraint tabu thresholding implementation for the frequency assignmentproblem
by D. Castelino & N. Stephens - 271-294 The Capacitated Minimal Spanning Tree Problem: An experiment with a hop‐indexedmodel
by L. Gouveia & P. Martins - 295-319 Minimal cost linkages in graphs
by S.A. Harrison & V.J. Rayward‐Smith - 321-345 The Steiner tree problem with hop constraints
by S. Voß - 347-371 Genetic algorithms and network ring design
by A.R.P. White & J.W. Mann & G.D. Smith - 375-391 Scheduling maintenance services to three machines
by S. Anily & C.A. Glass & R. Hassin - 393-415 Minimizing total completion time subject to release dates and sequence‐dependentprocessing times
by L. Bianco & P. Dell'Olmo & S. Giordani - 417-439 A heuristic algorithm for two‐machine re‐entrant shop scheduling
by I.G. Drobouchevitch & V.A. Strusevich - 441-453 A search space analysis of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
by D.C. Mattfeld & C. Bierwirth & H. Kopfer - 455-472 On the minimum number of processors for scheduling problems with communicationdelays
by A. Moukrim - 473-490 Landscapes, operators and heuristic search
by C.R. Reeves - 491-506 On‐line approximation algorithms for scheduling tasks on identical machines withextendable working time
by M.G. Speranza & Zs. Tuza - 507-526 Minimizing maximum absolute lateness and range of lateness under generalizeddue dates on a single machine
by K. Tanaka & M. Vlach - 529-558 New classes of efficiently solvable generalized Traveling Salesman Problems
by E. Balas - 559-568 An exact algorithm for a milk tanker scheduling and sequencing problem
by C. Basnet & L.R. Foulds & J.M. Wilson - 569-584 New optimality cuts for a single‐vehicle stochastic routing problem
by C. Hjorring & J. Holt - 585-607 A parallel algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time window constraints
by J. Schulze & T. Fahle - 611-627 A morphing procedure to supplement a simulated annealing heuristic for cost‐ andcoverage‐correlated set‐covering problems
by M.J. Brusco & L.W. Jacobs & G.M. Thompson - 629-659 Exact solution of bin‐packing problems using column generation and branch‐and‐bound
by J.M. Valério de Carvalho
January 1999, Volume 85, Issue 0
- 0 Planning under uncertainty
by G.B. Dantzig - 1-19 Duality and optimality in multistagestochastic programming
by R.T. Rockafellar - 21-38 The use of discrete moment bounds in probabilisticconstrained stochastic programming models
by András Prékopa - 39-57 Stochastic integer programming:General models and algorithms
by Willem Klein Haneveld & Maarten van der Vlerk - 59-78 Stochastic programs and statistical data
by Georg Pflug - 79-101 Statistical estimation from an optimization viewpoint
by Roger Wets - 103-127 Bound‐based approximations in multistage stochasticprogramming: Nonanticipativity aggregation
by N.C.P. Edirisinghe - 129-152 Gains and costs of informationin stochastic programming
by Zvi Artstein - 153-172 Some advances in decomposition methodsfor stochastic linear programming
by Andrzej Ruszczynski - 173-193 Statistical approximations forstochastic linear programming problems
by Julia Higle & Suvrajeet Sen - 193-225 Growth versus security tradeoffs indynamic investment analysis
by Leonard MacLean & William Ziemba - 227-247 Scenario modeling for the management ofinternational bond portfolios
by Andrea Beltratti & Andrea Consiglio & Stavros Zenios - 249-266 Linking strategic and tactical planning systemsfor asset and liability management
by John Mulvey & Chris Madsen & François Morin - 267-284 The practice of portfolio replication. A practical overview of forward and inverse problems
by Ron Dembo & Dan Rosen
December 1998, Volume 84, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by García-Jurado & Valenciano & Winter - 3-27 Nash equilibrium in multiparty competitionwith “stochastic” voters
by Norman Schofield & Itai Sened & David Nixon - 29-43 A comparative overview ofcryptographic voting protocols
by Hannu Nurmi & Arto Salomaa - 45-59 The Spanish electoral system:Proportionality and governability
by M.L. Márquez & V. Ramírez - 63-78 Extension of values to games withmultiple alternatives
by R. Amer & F. Carreras & A. Magaña - 79-95 Probabilistic values on convex geometries
by J.M. Bilbao & E. Lebrón & N. Jiménez - 97-109 Complete games with minimum
by J. Freixas & M.A. Puente - 111-120 On the intersection between the imputation setand the Weber set
by F. Javier Martinez-de-Albeniz & Carles Rafels - 121-133 On extreme points of the core and reduced games
by Marina Núñez & Carles Rafels - 137-164 General aggregation of demandand cost sharing methods
by Stef Tijs & Maurice Koster - 167-185 Credible equilibria in non-finite games and ingames without perfect recall
by P. Corcho Sánchez & J.L. Ferreira García - 187-194 Unilateral commitment in the finitely repeated prisoners' dilemma
by Andrés Faíña-Medín & Ignacio García-Jurado & José Méndez-Naya & Luciano Méndez-Naya - 195-208 Two-person non-zero-sum gamesas multicriteria goal games
by F.R. Fernández & J. Puerto & L. Monroy - 209-230 Cooperative solutions in an economic growth game
by Carlos González-Alcón & Joaquín Sicilia & José Álvarez - 231-238 On the structure of the set of Nash equilibriaof weakly nondegenerate bimatrix games
by Hans Keiding
October 1998, Volume 83, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by Heidemarie Bräsel & Frank Werner - 1-22 On the solution region for certainscheduling problems with preemption
by Heidemarie Bräsel & Natalia Shakhlevich - 23-40 Batch scheduling with deadlines on parallel machines
by Peter Brucker & Mikhail Kovalyov & Yakov Shafransky & Frank Werner - 41-58 Jackson's Pseudo Preemptive Schedule for the Pm/r i , q i /C max scheduling problem
by J. Carlier & E. Pinson - 59-76 Branch and bound algorithms for single-machinescheduling with batch set-up times to minimizetotal weighted completion time
by H.A.J. Crauwels & A.M.A. Hariri & C.N. Potts & L.N. Van Wassenhove - 77-94 On the boolean-quadric packinguncapacitated facility-location polytope
by Jill Hardin & Jon Lee & Janny Leung - 95-114 Genetic algorithm for the permutation flow-shopscheduling problem with linear models of operations
by Adam Janiak & Marie-Claude Portmann - 115-136 Heuristic procedures for parallel-machine schedulingproblems with stochastic precedence constraints
by Klaus Neumann & Jürgen Zimmermann - 137-160 Parallel branch-and-bound methods for thejob-shop scheduling problem
by Michael Perregaard & Jens Clausen - 161-178 Practical job shop scheduling
by J.M.J. Schutten - 179-212 Nonstrict vector summationin multi-operation scheduling
by Sergey Sevastianov - 213-252 On the calculation of the stability radiusof an optimal or an approximate schedule
by Yuri Sotskov & Albert Wagelmans & Frank Werner - 253-270 A greedy open shop heuristic with job priorities
by V.A. Strusevich - 271-287 Decomposition in single-machine scheduling
by Wlodzimierz Szwarc
August 1998, Volume 82, Issue 0
- 0 Modelling - In memory of Åsa Hallefjord
by S.W. Wallace - 1-8 Work patterns in project scheduling
by Åsa Hallefjord & Stein Wallace - 9-28 A project scheduling methodology derivedas an analogue of digital circuit technology
by Gary Knotts & Moshe Dror & Bruce Hartman - 29-48 The studio approach toteaching the craft of modeling
by Stephen Powell - 49-58 Teaching mathematical modellingto business students
by Snjólfur Ólafsson - 59-82 Restricted attention, myopic play, and thelearning of equilibrium
by Sjur Flåm - 59-82 Option theory and modeling under uncertainty
by Daniel Christiansen & Stein Wallace - 83-106 A class of stochastic programs withdecision dependent random elements
by Tore Jonsbråten & Roger Wets & David Woodruff - 107-138 Modelling support for stochastic programs
by H.I. Gassmann - 139-160 Network modeling of international financialequilibria with hedging
by Anna Nagurney & Stavros Siokos - 161-185 Modelling aspects of distributed processingin telecommunication networks
by Asgeir Tomasgard & Jan Audestad & Shane Dye & Leen Stougie & Maarten van der Vlerk & Stein Wallace - 185-203 Using dynamic models in management
by Pedro Mendes & Konstantinos Triantis - 203-218 The traveling salesman game: An application ofcost allocation in a gas and oil company
by Stefan Engevall & Maud Göthe-Lundgren & Peter Värbrand - 203-218 Efficiency and the logit model
by Sven Erlander - 219-232 Optimizing simulation models of agricultural systems
by D.G. Mayer & J.A. Belward & K. Burrage - 219-232 Integrating the analytic hierarchy process andgraph theory to model facilities layout
by Les Foulds & Fariborz Partovi - 233-250 DEA and benchmarks – an application to Nordic banks
by Göran Bergendahl - 233-250 An LP-aggregation view on aggregationin multi-level production planning
by Rainer Leisten - 251-268 Modeling Norwegian petroleum productionand transportation
by Bjørn Nygreen & Marielle Christiansen & Kjetil Haugen & Thor Bjørkvoll & Øystein Kristiansen - 269-288 Modelling of augmented makespan assignment problems(AMAPs): Computational experience of applyinginteger presolve at the modelling stage
by Paola Baricelli & Gautam Mitra & Bjørn Nygreen - 289-308 Reformulation of capacitated facility location problems:How redundant information can help
by Karen Aardal - 309-330 The combined distribution andstochastic assignment problem
by Jan Lundgren & Michael Patriksson - 331-342 Models for multi-path covering-routing problems
by Brian Boffey & Subhash Narula - 343-354 Determining cutting stock patternswhen defects are present
by Ronny Aboudi & Paulo Barcia - 355-390 Creative modeling: Variable and constraint duplicationin primal - dual decomposition methods
by Kaj Holmberg - 391-413 Modelling path flows for a combined ship routingand inventory management problem
by Marielle Christiansen & Bjørn Nygreen
June 1998, Volume 81, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by G. Mitra & I. Maros & A. Sciomachen - 3-14 A nonconvex weighted potential function forpolynomial target following methods
by E. de Klerk & C. Roos & T. Terlaky - 15-24 A nonlinear path-following method for computingthe equilibrium curve of structures
by A. Csébfalvi - 27-50 ASYNPLEX, an asynchronous parallelrevised simplex algorithm
by J. Hall & K. McKinnon - 51-62 Calculating the exact bounds of optimal valuesin LP with interval coefficients
by Frantisÿek Mráz - 63-72 An algorithm for solving bicriterial linear programmingproblems with parametrical coefficients in theobjective functions
by Stefan Chanas & Dorota Kuchta - 75-96 A block active set algorithm for large-scalequadratic programming with box constraints
by L. Fernandes & A. Fischer & J. Júdice & C. Requejo & J. Soares - 97-114 A path following method for LCP withsuperlinearly convergent iteration sequence
by Florian Potra & Rongqin Sheng - 115-128 A Newton-like approach to solvingan equilibrium problem
by Vladimir Bulavsky & Vyacheslav Kalashnikov - 131-162 Dynamic stochastic programmingfor asset-liability management
by G. Consigli & M. Dempster - 163-188 Parallelization and aggregation ofnested Benders decomposition
by M. Dempster & R. Thompson - 189-212 Stochastic optimization with structured distributions:The case of Bayesian nets
by A. Gaivoronski & F. Stella - 213-230 Chance-constrained stochastic programming forintegrated services network management
by E. Medova - 233-250 Reformulation of the set partitioning problem as apure network with special order set constraints
by Agha Iqbal Ali - 251-270 Implementation of a steepest-edge primal - dualsimplex method for network linear programs
by Norman Curet - 271-288 Solving the multi-airport Ground Holding Problem
by Lorenzo Brunetta & Guglielmo Guastalla & Lisa Navazio - 289-306 A Lagrangian heuristic for the Prize CollectingTravelling Salesman Problem
by M. Dell'Amico & F. Maffioli & A. Sciomachen - 307-320 A generalization of the Hoffman - Lovász upper boundon the independence number of a regular graph
by Carlos Luz & Domingos Cardoso - 321-343 An iterative algorithm for scheduling unit-time taskswith precedence constraints to minimisethe maximum lateness
by Yakov Zinder & Duncan Roper - 343-356 On the set covering polytope:Facets with coefficients in {0, 1, 2, 3}
by M. Sánchez-García & M. Sobrón & B. Vitoriano - 357-378 A method for solving ship routing problemswith inventory constraints
by Marielle Christiansen & Bjorn Nygreen - 379-404 On tightening 0-1 programs based on extensions ofpure 0-1 knapsack and subset-sum problems
by L. Escudero & S. Martello & P. Toth - 405-418 Integer programming approaches tofacilities layout models with forbidden areas
by L. Foulds & H. Hamacher & J. Wilson - 421-433 Towards a closer integration of finite domainpropagation and simplex-based algorithms
by Mozafar Hajian & Hani El-Sakkout & Mark Wallace & Jonathan Lever & Barry Richards - 433-466 Assignment and sequencing models for thescheduling of process systems
by Jose Pinto & Ignacio Grossmann - 467-496 Modelling discrete optimisation problems inconstraint logic programming
by Peter Barth & Alexander Bockmayr - 497-514 Solving a mixed-integer multiobjective bond portfoliomodel involving logical conditions
by R. Pinto & B. Rustem
January 1998, Volume 80, Issue 0
- 0 Introduction to topics on preference modelling
by Denis Bouyssou & Philippe Vincke - 1-10 Numerical representation of choice functions
by Josep E. Peris & M. Carmen Sánchez & Begoña Subiza - 11-26 Generalized utility based on values of opportunity sets
by Andrey V. Malishevski - 27-48 Extended partial orders:A unifying structure for abstract choice theory
by Klaus Nehring & Clemens Puppe - 49-66 Choice procedures and rational selections
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay - 67-84 Dynamically consistent choice and the revelationof Strotz-Pollak equilibrium
by Stephen A. Clark - 85-103 Autobiased choice theory
by Antoine Billot - 105-136 Characterizable fuzzy preference structures
by Bartel Van de Walle & Bernard De Baets & Etienne Kerre - 137-165 Multicriteria filtering methods based onconcordance and non-discordance principles
by Patrice Perny - 167-182 Preference conditions for utility models:A risk-value perspective
by James S. Dyer & Jianmin Jia - 183-206 Subjective expected lexicographic utility:Axioms and assessment
by Peter C. Fishburn & Irving H. LaValle - 207-235 Imprecise sampling and direct decision making
by Christophe Gonzales & Jean-Yves Jaffray - 237-252 The risk-structure dependence effect:Experimenting with an eye to decision-aiding
by M. Abdellaoui & B. Munier - 253-262 Should we use simultaneous equations to modeldecision-making? A methodological note
by Paul Anand - 263-268 A note on the existence of continuous representationsof homothetic preferences on a topological vector space
by Gianni Bosi - 269-279 Existence of additive utility on positive semigroups:An elementary proof
by Juan Candeal & Esteban Induráin & Esteban Olóriz - 281-297 Lamarckian genetic algorithmsapplied to the aggregation of preferences
by Irène Charon & Olivier Hudry - 299-332 Characterizations of scoring methodsfor preference aggregation
by Pavel Yu. Chebotarev & Elena Shamis - 333-345 Objectivity and subjectivity in thedecision making process
by John T. Buchanan & Erez J. Henig & Mordecai I. Henig
January 1998, Volume 79, Issue 0
- 0 Preface: Queueing Networks with Blocking
by Demetres Kouvatsos & Yves Dallery - 3-26 Large deviations of the sojourn time for queues in series
by A.J. Ganesh - 27-44 Spectral expansion solution for some finite capacity queues
by Ram Chakka - 45-62 Bursty traffic and finite capacity queues
by Fergal Toomey - 63-82 A finite capacity multi-server multi-queueing priority model with non-renewal input
by Dietmar Wagner - 83-96 MVA for product-form cyclic queueing networks with blocking
by M. Claudia Clò - 97-117 A convolution algorithm for product-form queueing networks with blocking
by S. Balsamo & M.C. Clò - 121-142 Analysis of queueing networks with blocking using a new aggregation technique
by Johann Christoph Strelen & Berthold Bärk & Jürgen Becker & Volker Jonas - 143-180 Arbitrary open queueing networks with server vacation periods and blocking
by Charalabos Skianis & Demetres Kouvatsos - 181-206 Performance evaluation of open queueing networks with arbitrary configuration and finite buffers
by H.S. Lee & A. Bouhchouch & Y. Dallery & Y. Frein - 207-229 Throughput estimation in cyclic queueing networks with blocking
by T. Tolio & S.B. Gershwin - 231-269 MEM for arbitrary closed queueing networks with RS-blocking and multiple job classes
by Demetres Kouvatsos & Irfan-Ullah Awan - 271-291 Approximate analysis of networks of PH|PH|1|K queues with customer losses: Test results
by Boudewijn Haverkort - 295-319 Bounds and error bounds for queueing networks
by Nico van Dijk - 323-347 Blocking policies in pharmaceutical transfer lines
by Esra Dogan-Sahiner & Tayfur Altiok - 349-371 A two-layer queueing model to predict performance of packet transfer in broadband networks
by Hiroshi Inai & Jiro Yamakita - 373-392 An aggregation technique to evaluate the performance of a two-stage buffered ATM switch
by M. Moulki & A.L. Beylot & L. Truffet & M. Becker - 393-407 Exact and asymptotic solutions for models of new telecommunication services
by Gagan Choudhury & Yaakov Kogan & Silvio Susskind
January 1998, Volume 78, Issue 0
- 0 Preface: Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence
by Vijay Desai & Gary Koehler & M.A. Venkataramanan - 1-29 Genetic learning through simulation: An investigation in shop floor scheduling
by Haldun Aytug & Siddhartha Bhattacharyya & Gary Koehler - 31-50 Solution approaches to hub location problems
by Sue Abdinnour-Helm & M.A. Venkataramanan - 51-69 An application of genetic and tabu searches to the freight railroad operating plan problem
by Michael Francis Gorman - 71-82 A genetic algorithm for discriminant analysis
by Daniel Conway & A. Victor Cabot & M.A. Venkataramanan - 83-110 A neural network model to predict long-run operating performance of new ventures
by Bharat Jain & Barin Nag - 111-125 A distributed problem-solving approach for owner-contractor prequalification
by Sang Chan Park & Jeffrey Russell & Mahmoud Taha - 127-163 A comparison of linear regression and neural network methods for predicting excess returns on large stocks
by Vijay Desai & Rakesh Bharati - 165-187 The weight decay backpropagation for generalizations with missing values
by Amit Gupta & Monica Lam - 189-200 Heuristics for efficient classification
by Kathryn Fraughnaugh & Jennifer Ryan & Holly Zullo & Louis Cox - 201-217 Using tabu search to determine the number of kanbans and lotsizes in a generic kanban system
by Andrew Martin & Te-Min Chang & Yeuhwern Yih & Rex Kincaid - 219-234 Decision support system for scheduling a Flexible Flow System: Incorporation of feature construction
by Selwyn Piramuthu & Narayan Raman & Michael Shaw
January 1998, Volume 77, Issue 0
- 0 Preface: Design and Planning Integration in Cellular Manufacturing Systems
by Robert Graves & Sunderesh Heragu & Charles Malmborg - 1-21 A methodology for integrating cell formation and production planning in cellular manufacturing
by Jeffrey Schaller & S. Selçuk Erengüç & Asoo Vakharia - 23-50 A general framework for comparing operating policies in manufacturing cells
by Anand Iyer & Ronald Askin - 51-78 Process selection and tool assignment in automated cellular manufacturing using Genetic Algorithms
by David Sinriech & Abekasis Meir - 79-95 An integrated formulation of manufacturing cell formation with capacity planning and multiple routings
by Vishwanath Ramabhatta & Rakesh Nagi - 97-107 Integrating design and planning considerations in cellular manufacturing
by W.E. Wilhelm & C.C. Chiou & D.B. Chang - 109-128 A mathematical programming model for system reconfiguration in a dynamic cellular manufacturing environment
by Mingyuan Chen - 129-156 Intelligent decision support system for flexible manufacturing system design
by Denis Borenstein - 157-182 A two-phase approach for design of supervisory controllers for robot cells: Model checking and Markov decision models
by Tae-Eog Lee & Jin-Hwan Lee - 183-207 Locating sets of identical machines in a linear layout
by Bhaba Sarker & Wilbert Wilhelm & Gary Hogg - 209-227 The application of a tabu search metaheuristic to the assembly line balancing problem
by Wen-Chyuan Chiang - 229-252 An efficient heuristic for robot acquisition and cell formation
by Bernard Han & Jack Cook
January 1998, Volume 76, Issue 0
- 0 Preface: Mathematics of Industrial Systems III
by Rainer Burkard & Toshihide Ibaraki & William Pulleyblank - 1-20 Cost-efficient network synthesis from leased lines
by Dimitris Alevras & Martin Grötschel & Roland Wessäly - 21-54 Network configuration and machine layout in fixed-path material handling systems
by Khaled Al-Sultan & Yavuz Bozer - 55-71 Stowage planning for container ships to reduce the number of shifts
by Mordecai Avriel & Michal Penn & Naomi Shpirer & Smadar Witteboon - 73-93 Frequency assignment in cellular phone networks
by R. Borndörfer & A. Eisenblätter & M. Grötschel & A. Martin - 95-107 Matching problems in selective assembly operations
by C.R. Coullard & A.B. Gamble & P.C. Jones