November 2001, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 175-192 Two Issues in Setting Call Centre Staffing Levels
by Bert Chen & Shane Henderson - 193-209 Cane Railway Scheduling via Constraint Logic Programming: Labelling Order and Constraints in a Real-Life Application
by Fae Martin & Arthur Pinkney & Xinghuo Yu - 211-224 An Integrated Optimization Model for Train Crew Management
by A.T. Ernst & H. Jiang & M. Krishnamoorthy & H. Nott & D. Sier - 225-237 Supply Chain Optimisation in the Paper Industry
by Andrew Philpott & Graeme Everett - 239-276 Elastic Constraint Branching, the Wedelin/Carmen Lagrangian Heuristic and Integer Programming for Personnel Scheduling
by Andrew Mason - 277-291 Combining Constraint Programming and Linear Programming on an Example of Bus Driver Scheduling
by Amal de Silva - 293-313 Airline Base Schedule Optimisation by Flight Network Annealing
by J.S. Mashford & B.S. Marksjö - 315-333 How Airlines and Airports Recover from Schedule Perturbations: A Survey
by Jerzy Filar & Prabhu Manyem & Kevin White
October 2001, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 13-13 Preface
by Henrik Blank & Rainer Burkard & Gautam Mitra & Toshihide Ibaraki & Steven Noble & William Pulleyblank - 15-32 Set-Up Coordination between Two Stages of a Supply Chain
by A. Agnetis & P. Detti & C. Meloni & D. Pacciarelli - 33-49 Rounding Procedures for the Discrete Version of the Capacitated Economic Order Quantity Problem
by Luca Bertazzi & Maria Speranza - 51-63 Single Supplier Scheduling for Multiple Deliveries
by T.C. Cheng & Mikhail Kovalyov - 65-81 Using Genetic Algorithms and Heuristics for Job Shop Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times
by Waiman Cheung & Hong Zhou - 83-100 Short-Term Capacity Adjustment with Offline Production for a Flexible Manufacturing System under Abnormal Disturbances
by Renato de Matta & Vernon Ning Hsu & Chang-Xue Feng - 101-116 Is there a Trade-Off between Quality and Productivity? The Case of Diagnostic Technologies in Portugal
by Clara Dismuke & Vania Sena - 117-142 Modeling and Solving an Airline Schedule Generation Problem
by A. Erdmann & A. Nolte & A. Noltemeier & R. Schrader - 143-159 Channel Assignment with Large Demands
by Stefanie Gerke & Colin McDiarmid - 161-188 Operational Decisions in AGV-Served Flowshop Loops: Scheduling
by Nicholas Hall & Chelliah Sriskandarajah & Tharmarajah Ganesharajah - 189-209 Operational Decisions in AGV-Served Flowshop Loops: Fleet Sizing and Decomposition
by Nicholas Hall & Chelliah Sriskandarajah & Tharmarajah Ganesharajah - 211-224 Channel Loading in Private Mobile Radio Networks
by Steve Hurley & Roger Whitaker & Derek Smith - 225-236 Optimal Base Station Positioning and Channel Assignment for 3G Mobile Networks by Integer Programming
by Rudolf Mathar & Michael Schmeink - 237-250 Lower Bounds for Fixed Spectrum Frequency Assignment
by R. Montemanni & D.H. Smith & S.M. Allen - 251-265 Multicriteria Design Model for Cellular Network
by Philippe Reininger & Alexandre Caminada - 267-283 Models and Algorithms for Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting
by F. Rossi & S. Smriglio & A. Sassano - 285-301 Characteristics of Good Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for the Frequency Assignment Problem
by D.H. Smith & S.M. Allen & S. Hurley - 303-319 Preemptive Scheduling with Two Minimax Criteria
by Francis Sourd - 321-338 Approximation Algorithms for Pick-and-Place Robots
by Anand Srivastav & Hartmut Schroeter & Christoph Michel - 339-347 On Spectrum Congestion and Capacity of Radio Links
by Ryszard Struzak - 349-368 Using Laplacian Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in the Analysis of Frequency Assignment Problems
by Jan van den Heuvel & Snežana Pejić - 369-383 The Role of Quantity Discounts in the Presence of Heterogeneous Buyers
by Z. Kevin Weng & Amy Zeng
September 2001, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 19-46 Discrete Cost Multicommodity Network Optimization Problems and Exact Solution Methods
by Michel Minoux - 47-61 An Augmented Arborescence Formulation for the Two-Level Network Design Problem
by Luis Gouveia & João Telhada - 63-78 On Cost Allocation in Hub-Like Networks
by Darko Skorin-Kapov - 79-125 Topological Design of Survivable Mesh-Based Transport Networks
by Wayne Grover & John Doucette - 127-154 Telecommunication Link Restoration Planning with Multiple Facility Types
by Anantaram Balakrishnan & Thomas Magnanti & Joel Sokol & Yi Wang - 155-180 Constraint Generation for Network Reliability Problems
by Jack Shaio - 181-198 Hop Constrained Network Design Problem with Partial Survivability
by Samit Soni - 199-228 Node Placement and Sizing for Copper Broadband Access Networks
by Tamra Carpenter & Martin Eiger & David Shallcross & Paul Seymour - 229-262 A Tabu Search Algorithm for Access Network Design
by André Girard & Brunilde Sansò & Linda Dadjo - 263-286 A Comparison of Optimal Methods for Local Access Uncapacitated Network Design
by C.D. Randazzo & H.P.L. Luna - 287-306 Cellular Network Design Site Selection and Frequency Planning
by Amitava Dutta & Vernon Hsu - 307-329 Optimizing the Design of a CDMA Cellular System Configuration with Multiple Criteria
by Emanuel Melachrinoudis & Bakhtiar Rosyidi - 331-345 Optimal Network Design for Wireless Local Area Network
by Geraldo Mateus & Antonio Loureiro & Ricardo Rodrigues
July 2001, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 15-19 The Origins of Geometric Programming
by Elmor Peterson - 21-35 Design of Civil Engineering Frame Structures Using a Monomial/Newton Hybrid Method
by Scott Burns & Keith Mueller - 37-60 VLSI Circuit Performance Optimization by Geometric Programming
by Chris Chu & D.F. Wong - 61-75 Estimating the Firm Value Distribution Function by Entropy Optimization and Geometric Programming
by J.R. Rajasekera & M. Yamada - 77-98 Proximity Function Minimization Using Multiple Bregman Projections, with Applications to Split Feasibility and Kullback–Leibler Distance Minimization
by Charles Byrne & Yair Censor - 99-107 Nonlinear and Geometric Programming – Current Status
by Leon Lasdon - 109-153 The Fundamental Relations between Geometric Programming Duality, Parametric Programming Duality, and Ordinary Lagrangian Duality
by Elmor Peterson - 155-184 Proving Strong Duality for Geometric Optimization Using a Conic Formulation
by François Glineur - 185-200 Quality Tolerancing and Conjugate Duality
by T.R. Jefferson & C.H. Scott - 201-212 A Cutting Plane Algorithm for Linear Reverse Convex Programs
by Khosrow Moshirvaziri & Mahyar Amouzegar - 213-226 Convexification, Concavification and Monotonization in Global Optimization
by D. Li & X.L. Sun & M.P. Biswal & F. Gao
April 2001, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 13-14 Preface
by Collette Coullard & Robert Fourer & Jonathan Owen - 15-32 The Recursive Definition of Stochastic Linear Programming Problems within an Algebraic Modeling Language
by C.S. Buchanan & K.I.M. McKinnon & G.K. Skondras - 33-48 Analyzing Mathematical Programs Using MProbe
by John Chinneck - 49-66 Language Constructs for Modeling Stochastic Linear Programs
by Robert Entriken - 67-87 Efficient Management of Multiple Sets to Extract Complex Structures from Mathematical Programs
by Emmanuel Fragnière & Jacek Gondzio & Robert Sarkissian - 89-125 A Comprehensive Input Format for Stochastic Linear Programs
by H.I. Gassmann & E. Schweitzer - 127-140 OMNI Model Management System
by C.A. Haverly - 141-161 A Declarative Modeling Framework that Integrates Solution Methods
by J.N. Hooker & Hak-Jin Kim & G. Ottosson - 163-180 Evolving System Architectures for Multimedia Network Design
by E.A. Medova & J.E. Scott - 181-212 Simulation Model Development and Analysis in UNITY
by Ernest Page & Marc Abrams - 213-230 Globally Optimized Spherical Point Arrangements: Model Variants and Illustrative Results
by János Pintér - 231-279 A Representational Paradigm for Dynamic Resource Transformation Problems
by Warren Powell & Joel Shapiro & Hugo Simao - 281-312 The NOP-2 Modeling Language for Nonlinear Programming
by H. Schichl & S. Dallwig & A. Neumaier - 313-333 A Tightly Integrated Modelling and Optimisation Library: A New Framework for Rapid Algorithm Development
by James Tebboth & Robert Daniel - 335-362 The Theory of SML Schema-Directed Query
by Yao-Chuan Tsai
March 2001, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 17-32 FATCOP 2.0: Advanced Features in an Opportunistic Mixed Integer Programming Solver
by Qun Chen & Michael Ferris & Jeff Linderoth - 33-47 An Efficient Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization
by Y.H. Dai & Y. Yuan - 49-70 On the Solution of Linear Programs by Jacobian Smoothing Methods
by Stephan Engelke & Christian Kanzow - 71-97 Globally Convergent Broyden-Like Methods for Semismooth Equations and Applications to VIP, NCP and MCP
by Dong-Hui Li & Masao Fukushima - 99-113 High-Resolution Color Image Reconstruction with Neumann Boundary Conditions
by Michael Ng & Wilson Kwan - 115-133 A Predictor–Corrector Algorithm for QSDP Combining Dikin-Type and Newton Centering Steps
by Jia-Wang Nie & Ya-Xiang Yuan - 135-147 A Combined Algorithm for Fractional Programming
by Jianming Shi - 149-159 High Order Long-Step Methods for Solving Linear Complementarity Problems
by Josef Stoer - 161-173 Global Convergence of Conjugate Gradient Methods without Line Search
by Jie Sun & Jiapu Zhang - 175-191 A Conic Trust-Region Method for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization
by Wenyu Sun & Ya-xiang Yuan - 193-211 Solving General Capacity Problem by Relaxed Cutting Plane Approach
by Soon-Yi Wu & Shu-Cherng Fang & Chih-Jen Lin - 213-234 A Survey of Quasi-Newton Equations and Quasi-Newton Methods for Optimization
by Chengxian Xu & Jianzhong Zhang - 235-250 Nonlinear Lagrangian Functions and Applications to Semi-Infinite Programs
by X.Q. Yang & K.L. Teo - 251-260 On a Profit Maximizing Location Model
by Shuzhong Zhang - 263-282 Modified Block SSOR Preconditioners for Symmetric Positive Definite Linear Systems
by Zhong-Zhi Bai - 283-290 Parallel Computation of Invariant Measures
by J. Ding & Z. Wang - 291-314 Symmetric and Non-Symmetric ABS Methods for Solving Diophantine Systems of Equations
by Szabina Fodor - 315-327 An Extension of the Roots Separation Theorem
by Erxiong Jiang - 329-338 An Adaptive CGNR Algorithm for Solving Large Linear Systems
by Chunguang Li - 339-350 On the Square Root of an H-matrix with Positive Diagonal Elements
by Lu Lin & Zhong-Yun Liu - 351-358 The Successive Over Relaxation Method (SOR) and Markov Chains
by Wilhelm Niethammer - 359-369 Comparisons of Block Iterative Methods
by Yongzhong Song - 371-378 Challenging Problems on the Perturbation of Drazin Inverse
by Yimin Wei & Hebing Wu - 379-388 Invariant Subspace Approach to Linear H∞-Control via Measurement Feedback
by Wen-Wei Lin & Quan-Fu Xu & Fang-Bo Yeh
February 2001, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 13-16 Preface
by Gündüz Ulusoy & Willy Herroelen - 17-37 Criticality Analysis in Activity-on-Node Networks with Minimal Time Lags
by Vicente Valls & Pilar Lino - 39-48 Due Date-Based Metrics for Activity Importance in Stochastic Activity Networks
by R.A. Bowman - 49-64 A Computational Study on Bounding the Makespan Distribution in Stochastic Project Networks
by Arfst Ludwig & Rolf Möhring & Frederik Stork - 65-81 A Competitive Heuristic Solution Technique for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
by Pilar Tormos & Antonio Lova - 83-109 A Robust Genetic Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Project Scheduling
by J. Alcaraz & C. Maroto - 111-135 Project Scheduling with Multiple Modes: A Genetic Algorithm
by Sönke Hartmann - 137-155 Simulated Annealing for Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
by Joanna Józefowska & Marek Mika & Rafał Różycki & Grzegorz Waligóra & Jan Węglarz - 157-178 Uncertainty Modelling in Software Development Projects (With Case Study)
by Linet Özdamar & Ebru Alanya - 179-196 An Exact Procedure for the Resource-Constrained Weighted Earliness–Tardiness Project Scheduling Problem
by Mario Vanhoucke & Erik Demeulemeester & Willy Herroelen - 197-220 A Two Stage Search Heuristic for Scheduling Payments in Projects
by Nalini Dayanand & Rema Padman - 221-236 Maximizing the Net Present Value of a Project Under Resource Constraints Using a Lagrangian Relaxation Based Heuristic with Tight Upper Bounds
by A. Kimms - 237-261 Four Payment Models for the Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Discounted Cash Flows
by Gündüz Ulusoy & Funda Sivrikaya-Şerifoğlu & Şule Şahin - 263-286 Analysis of Scheduling Schemes and Heuristic Rules Performance in Resource-Constrained Multiproject Scheduling
by Antonio Lova & Pilar Tormos - 287-307 Multiple-Project Scheduling with Controllable Project Duration and Hard Resource Constraint: Some Solvable Cases
by Chung-Yee Lee & Lei Lei
January 2001, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 23-42 On Smoothness Properties and Approximability of Optimal Control Functions
by Ursula Felgenhauer - 43-73 Sensitivity Analysis for Optimal Control Problems Subject to Higher Order State Constraints
by Kazimierz Malanowski & Helmut Maurer - 75-99 Computational Sensitivity Analysis for State Constrained Optimal Control Problems
by Dirk Augustin & Helmut Maurer - 101-117 Mesh-Independence of the Lagrange–Newton Method for Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems and their Discretizations
by Walter Alt - 119-142 A Finite Algorithm for Solving Infinite Dimensional Optimization Problems
by Irwin Schochetman & Robert Smith - 143-147 Continuity of Approximation by Neural Networks in Lp Spaces
by Paul Kainen & Věra Kůrková & Andrew Vogt - 149-170 Stability of Discrete Approximations and Necessary Optimality Conditions for Delay-Differential Inclusions
by Boris Mordukhovich & Ruth Trubnik - 171-190 Solving Strategies and Well-Posedness in Linear Semi-Infinite Programming
by M.J. Cánovas & M.A. López & J. Parra & M.I. Todorov - 191-208 On Linear and Linearized Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization Problems
by Jan-J. Rückmann & Oliver Stein - 209-220 On Logarithmic Smoothing of the Maximum Function
by F. Guerra Vazquez & H. Günzel & H.Th. Jongen - 221-253 One-Parametric Linear-Quadratic Optimization Problems
by P. Jonker & G. Still & F. Twilt - 255-265 Normal Forms in One-Parametric Optimization
by A.A. Davydov & H.Th. Jongen - 267-281 Second-Order Epi-Derivatives of Composite Functionals
by A.B. Levy - 283-298 On Differentiability of Metric Projections onto Moving Convex Sets
by Darinka Dentcheva - 299-312 Upper Subderivatives and Generalized Gradients of the Marginal Function of a Non-Lipschitzian Program
by D.E. Ward & G.M. Lee - 313-331 Contingent Derivatives of Implicit (Multi-) Functions and Stationary Points
by Diethard Klatte & Bernd Kummer - 333-349 Portfolio Selection Problem with Minimax Type Risk Function
by K.L. Teo & X.Q. Yang - 351-361 Well-Posedness and Optimization under Perturbations
by T. Zolezzi - 363-382 Stability in Linear Programming Models: An Index Set Approach
by S. Zlobec - 383-390 Envelope Theorems in Dynamic Programming
by Fuan Zhao & Adi Ben-Israel - 391-399 A Note on Backward Error Analysis for Generalized Linear Complementarity Problems
by J. Gwinner - 401-425 Data Perturbations of Matrices of Pairwise Comparisons
by András Farkas & Pál Rózsa - 427-460 Log-Sigmoid Multipliers Method in Constrained Optimization
by Roman Polyak
December 2000, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 25-53 Scenarios for Multistage Stochastic Programs
by Jitka Dupačová & Giorgio Consigli & Stein Wallace - 55-84 Some Aspects of Stability in Stochastic Programming
by Rüdiger Schultz - 85-101 Improved Bounds and Simulation Procedures on the Value of the Multivariate Normal Probability Distribution Function
by Tamás Szántai - 103-122 Subroutines for Computing Normal Probabilities of Sets—Computer Experiences
by István Deák - 123-132 On the Financial Value of Information
by David Edelman - 133-164 The Stochastically Subordinated Poisson Normal Process for Modelling Financial Assets
by David Edelman & Thomas Gillespie - 165-188 Stochastic Nonstationary Optimization for Finding Universal Portfolios
by Alexei Gaivoronski & Fabio Stella - 189-209 Term Structure Models in Multistage Stochastic Programming: Estimation and Approximation
by Karl Frauendorfer & Michael Schürle - 211-226 A Pricing Model for American Options with Gaussian Interest Rates
by Albert Menkveld & Ton Vorst - 227-249 A Stochastic Programming Model for Currency Option Hedging
by Jason Wu & Suvrajeet Sen - 251-272 Stochastic Lagrangian Relaxation Applied to Power Scheduling in a Hydro-Thermal System under Uncertainty
by Matthias Nowak & Werner Römisch - 273-303 Capacity Planning Model for a Multipurpose Water Reservoir with Target-Priority Operation
by N.C.P. Edirisinghe & E.I. Patterson & N. Saadouli
December 2000, Volume 99, Issue 1
- 23-39 New Complexity Analysis of the Primal—Dual Newton Method for Linear Optimization
by J. Peng & C. Roos & T. Terlaky - 41-58 Primal—Dual Constraint Aggregation with Application to Stochastic Programming
by M. Davidson - 59-77 An Interior Point Algorithm for Computing Saddle Points of Constrained Continuous Minimax
by Stanislav Žaković & Costas Pantelides & Berc Rustem - 79-93 Decomposition and Linearization for 0-1 Quadratic Programming
by Sourour Elloumi & Alain Faye & Eric Soutif - 95-122 A Long-Step, Cutting Plane Algorithm for Linear and Convex Programming
by John Mitchell & Srinivasan Ramaswamy - 123-139 An Algorithm for the Solution of Multiparametric Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems
by Vivek Dua & Efstratios Pistikopoulos - 141-166 Parallel Integer Optimization for Crew Scheduling
by Panayiotis Alefragis & Peter Sanders & Tuomo Takkula & Dag Wedelin - 167-187 Building and Solving Large-Scale Stochastic Programs on an Affordable Distributed Computing System
by Emmanuel Fragnière & Jacek Gondzio & Jean-Philippe Vial - 189-206 The AURORA Financial Management System: Model and Parallel Implementation Design
by G.Ch. Pflug & A. Świętanowski & E. Dockner & H. Moritsch - 207-225 Stochastic Optimization of Insurance Portfolios for Managing Exposure to Catastrophic Risks
by Y.M. Ermoliev & T.Y. Ermolieva & G.J. MacDonald & V.I. Norkin - 227-250 An Asset Liability Management Model for Casualty Insurers: Complexity Reduction vs. Parameterized Decision Rules
by Alexei Gaivoronski & Petter de Lange - 251-265 Stability Properties of a Bond Portfolio Management Problem
by Jitka Dupačová - 267-286 Sensitivity of Bond Portfolio's Behavior with Respect to Random Movements in Yield Curve: A Simulation Study
by Marida Bertocchi & Vittorio Moriggia & Jitka Dupačová - 287-304 Selecting Portfolios with Fixed Costs and Minimum Transaction Lots
by Hans Kellerer & Renata Mansini & M. Speranza - 305-323 Real Options with Random Controls and the Value of Learning
by Spiros Martzoukos - 325-349 Valuing Flexibility in Offshore Petroleum Projects
by Morten Lund - 351-372 A Discrete Maintenance and Replacement Model under Technological Breakthrough Expectations
by Abraham Mehrez & Gad Rabinowitz & Eli Shemesh - 373-383 Maximization of Manufacturing Yield of Systems with Arbitrary Distributions of Component Values
by Abbas Seifi & K. Ponnambalam & Jiri Vlach - 385-401 A Learning Framework for Neural Networks Using Constrained Optimization Methods
by Stavros Perantonis & Nikolaos Ampazis & Vassilis Virvilis - 403-425 Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Models: Application in Bankruptcy Prediction
by Chris Charalambous & Andreas Charitou & Froso Kaourou - 427-442 Index Sets in Modeling Languages
by Tony Hürlimann
December 2000, Volume 98, Issue 1
- 19-44 Approximate Optimal Control and Stability of Nonlinear Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Systems
by S.P. Banks & K. Dinesh - 45-64 Optimal Control of One-Dimensional Partial Differential Algebraic Equations with Applications
by M. Blatt & K. Schittkowski - 65-87 The Optimal Control of a Train
by Phil Howlett - 89-99 Dependence of the Optimal Risk Control Decisions on the Terminal Value for a Financial Corporation
by Michael Taksar - 101-122 A Survey of Reachability and Controllability for Positive Linear Systems
by L. Caccetta & V.G. Rumchev - 123-139 Regulation of Overlaps in Technology Development Activities
by John Liu - 141-148 Some New Bounds for Singular Values and Eigenvalues of Matrix Products
by L.-Z. Lu & C.E.M. Pearce - 151-170 pth Power Lagrangian Method for Integer Programming
by Duan Li & Douglas White - 171-187 Global Minimization of Increasing Positively Homogeneous Functions over the Unit Simplex
by A.M. Bagirov & A.M. Rubinov - 189-213 A Dual Parametrization Method for Convex Semi-Infinite Programming
by S. Ito & Y. Liu & K.L. Teo - 215-234 Computational Discretization Algorithms for Functional Inequality Constrained Optimization
by K.L. Teo & X.Q. Yang & L.S. Jennings - 235-253 Beamforming and Interference Cancellation for Capacity Gain in Mobile Networks
by Sven Nordholm & Jörgen Nordberg & Ingvar Claesson & Sven Nordebo - 255-269 A New Algorithm for Constrained Matrix Least Squares Approximations
by Wei-Yong Yan & John Moore - 273-290 Single Machine Scheduling with Learning Effect Considerations
by T.C. Cheng & Guoqing Wang - 291-311 Optimal Production and Setup Scheduling: A One-Machine, Two-Product System
by Jun Yang & Houmina Yan & M.I. Taksar - 313-331 Asymmetric Earliness and Tardiness Scheduling with Exponential Processing Times on an Unreliable Machine
by Xiaoqiang Cai & Xian Zhou - 333-351 Average Cost Optimality for an Unreliable Two-Machine Flowshop with Limited Internal Buffer
by Ernst Presman & Suresh Sethi & Hanqin Zhang & Arnab Bisi - 353-371 Algorithms for the Set Covering Problem
by Alberto Caprara & Paolo Toth & Matteo Fischetti
December 2000, Volume 97, Issue 1
- 1-3 Preface
by Nancy Mead - 3-14 Some remarks on game theoretical approach to prediction of formation of parliamentary coalitions. The case of Polish elections of 1997
by Honorata Sosnowska - 15-29 Structuring the set of MPs in Polish Parliament: A simple clustering exercise
by Jan Owsiński & Sławomir Zadrożny - 31-41 Forecasting voting behaviour using machine learning – Poland in transition
by G. Szkatuła & J. Hołubiec & D. Wagner - 45-53 Some remarks on properties for choice functions
by Somdeb Lahiri - 55-68 On the concepts of rationalizability in games
by Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz - 69-89 Discrete time dynamic game model for price competition in an oligopoly
by Stanisław Bylka & Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz & Jan Komar - 91-97 A note on system modelling and control in the case of conflicting objectives
by Wieslaw Krajewski - 101-110 Optimal portfolio for nonstationary security market
by Anatoli Pervozvanski - 111-129 Bond portfolio management with repo contracts: the Italian case
by Marida Bertocchi & Rosella Giacometti & Leon Slominski - 131-141 Optimal portfolio choice under a liability constraint
by Leszek Zaremba & Włodzimierz Smoleński - 143-162 Multiple criteria linear programming model for portfolio selection
by Włodzimierz Ogryczak - 165-201 A review of mathematical models in economic environmental problems
by Zbigniew Nahorski & Hans Ravn - 203-212 Control and game-theoretic assessment of climate change: Options for Joint Implementation
by Jürgen Scheffran & Stefan Pickl - 213-229 Uncertainty in energy-economic modelling of the electrical power sector
by Hans Ravn & Klaus Skytte - 231-247 Modelling a sector undergoing structural change: The case of Danish energy supply
by Henrik Jacobsen