February 2014, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Environmental Governance in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of New Environmental Policy Instruments
by Anders Branth Pedersen - 1-2 Saving Global Fisheries: Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability
by Daniel Banoub - 1-2 Pricing the Planet's Future: The Economics of Discounting in an Uncertain World
by Antony Millner - 1-2 Land
by Jennifer Baka - 1-19 A Smarter Choice? Exploring the Behaviour Change Agenda for Environmentally Sustainable Mobility
by Stewart Barr & Jan Prillwitz - 20-38 Evaluating Collaborative Institutions in Context: The Case of Regional Water Management in Southern California
by Sara Hughes & Stephanie Pincetl - 39-53 Introducing Gender in a Policy Programme: A Multilevel Analysis of an Innovation Policy Programme
by Trine Kvidal & Elisabet Ljunggren - 54-69 The Geographies of Policy Translation: How Nudge Became the Default Policy Option
by Rhys Jones & Jessica Pykett & Mark Whitehead - 70-92 Whither Justice? An Analysis of Local Climate Change Responses from South East Queensland, Australia
by Diana MacCallum & Jason Byrne & Wendy Steele - 93-107 Policy Transformations and Translations: Lessons for Sustainable Water Management in Peri-Urban Delhi, India
by Pritpal Randhawa & Fiona Marshall - 108-128 Lisbonizing versus Financializing Europe? The Lisbon Agenda and the (un)Making of the European Knowledge-Based Economy
by Kean Birch & Vlad Mykhnenko - 129-143 State Rescaling and the Making of City-Regions in the Pearl River Delta, China
by Zhigang Li & Jiang Xu & Anthony G O Yeh - 144-162 How Regional Inequality Affects Fiscal Decentralisation: Accounting for the Autonomy of Subcentral Governments
by Agnese Sacchi & Simone Salotti - 163-183 What Type of Knowledge Rules Where? Legally Regulated Participation in Large-Scale Mobile Infrastructure Planning in Sweden
by Stefan Larsson - 189-190 Referees 2013
by N/A
December 2013, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 951-952 Editorial
by Andrew Jordan - 953-957 Revisiting … Spatial Planning, Devolution, and New Planning Spaces
by Phil Allmendinger & Graham Haughton - 958-970 Governing Sustainability: Rio+20 and the Road beyond
by Harriet Bulkeley & Andrew Jordan & Richard Perkins & Henrik Selin - 971-987 The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Forty Years in the Making
by Björn-Ola Linnér & Henrik Selin - 988-1002 Reaching the Limits? Developed Country Engagement with Sustainable Development in a Challenging Conjuncture
by James Meadowcroft - 1003-1022 Sustainable Development and the Making and Unmaking of a Developing World
by Richard Perkins - 1023-1047 The Green Economy and Sustainable Development: An Uneasy Balance?
by Olivia Bina - 1048-1062 Scalar Politics and Local Sustainability: Rethinking Governance and Justice in an Era of Political and Environmental Change
by Mary Lawhon & Zarina Patel - 1063-1081 Innovation Politics Post-Rio+20: Hybrid Pathways to Sustainability?
by Adrian Ely & Adrian Smith & Andy Stirling & Melissa Leach & Ian Scoones - 1082-1098 ‘Weak’ or ‘Strong’ Sustainable Consumption? Efficiency, Degrowth, and the 10 Year Framework of Programmes
by Kersty Hobson - 1099-1114 Curtain down and Nothing Settled: Global Sustainability Governance after the ‘Rio+20’ Earth Summit
by Frank Biermann - 1115-1132 From Ivory Tower to Living Lab: Accelerating the Use of University Knowledge
by Marina van Geenhuizen - 1133-1146 Delivering Local Plans: Recognising the Bounded Interests of Local Planners within Spatial Planning
by Alan Mace - 1147-1148 Review: Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness
by John Childs
October 2013, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 1-2 The Challenge of Local Government Size: Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience and Policy Reform
by Pablo Simón-Cosano - 1-2 Feeling the Heat: The Politics of Climate Policy in Rapidly Industrialising Countries
by Richard Perkin - 1-3 The New Asian City: Three Dimensional Fictions of Space and Urban Form
by Hyun Bang Shin - 761-768 Novel Multisector Networks and Entrepreneurship in Urban Climate Governance
by Heike Schroeder & Sarah Burch & Steve Rayner - 769-784 Understanding the Relationship between Subnational and National Climate Change Politics in the United States: Toward a Theory of Boomerang Federalism
by Dana R Fisher - 785-805 Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Responses: An Examination of Construction and Pathways in Mexico City and Santiago
by Patricia Romero-Lankao & Sara Hughes & Angelica Rosas-Huerta & Roxana Borquez & Daniel M Gnatz - 806-821 Increasing Participation in Climate Policy Implementation: A Case for Engaging SMEs from the Transport Sector in the City of São Paulo
by Joana Setzer & Rachel Biderman - 822-840 Novel Multisector Networks and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Small Businesses in the Multilevel Governance of Climate Change
by Sarah Burch & Heike Schroeder & Steve Rayner & Jennifer Wilson - 841-857 Local Energy Systems: Evaluating Network Effectiveness for Transformation in British Columbia, Canada
by Tom Berkhout & Lisa Westerhoff> - 858-875 Networked Urban Climate Governance: Neighborhood-Scale Residential Solar Energy Systems and the Example of Solarize Portland
by Alex Aylett - 876-892 Transition Management Using a Market Transformation Approach: Lessons for Theory, Research, and Practice from the Case of Low-Carbon Housing Refurbishment in the UK
by Gavin Killip - 893-910 Building a Municipal Food Policy Regime in Minneapolis: Implications for Urban Climate Governance
by Jane E Shey & David Belis - 911-925 Adaptation to Climate Change in the Private and the Third Sector: Case Study of Governance of the Helsinki Metropolitan Region
by Sirkku Juhola - 926-945 Innovations for Enabling Urban Climate Governance: Evidence from Mumbai
by Emily Boyd & Aditya Ghosh
August 2013, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 571-584 Understanding Differences in Voter Perceptions of Campaign Agendas: The Case of Local Elections in Denmark
by Christian Elmelund-Præstekær & David Nicolas Hopmann - 585-602 Regulation of Resource-Based Development: Governance Challenges and Responses in Mining Regions of Australia
by Jo-Anne Everingham & Catherine Pattenden & Veronica Klimenko & Joni Parmenter - 603-618 Overflowing with Issues: Following the Political Trajectories of Flooding
by Andrew Donaldson & Stuart Lane & Neil Ward & Sarah Whatmore - 619-632 Reining in the Executive? Delegation, Evidence, and Parliamentary Influence on Environmental Public Policy
by Duncan Russel & John Turnpenny & Tim Rayner - 633-648 Social Enterprise and Ethnic Minorities: Exploring the Consequences of the Evolving British Policy Agenda
by Leandro Sepulveda & Stephen Syrett & Sara Calvo - 649-666 Pork-Barrel versus Irrelevance Effects in Portuguese Public Spending
by Paulo Reis Mourao - 667-681 Environmental Responsibility in a Transition Context: Russian NGO Perception and Response
by Jo Crotty & Sarah Marie Hall - 682-699 How is Space Public? Implications for Spatial Policy and Democracy
by John R Parkinson - 700-715 Dumping Ground or Country-in-Transition? Discourses of E-Waste in South Africa
by Mary Lawhon - 716-740 Sustainability-Related Media Coverage and Socioeconomic Development: A Regional and North–South Perspective
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Frank Figge & Diane Holt - 741-757 Putting Carbon Markets into Practice: A Case Study of Financial Accounting in Europe
by Heather Lovell & Jan Bebbington & Carlos Larrinaga & Thereza Raquel Sales de Aguiar - 758-759 Review: Climate Change and Land Policies
by Laura De Vito - 759-760 Review: Sponsoring Nature: Environmental Philanthropy for Conservation
by Charlene Watson
June 2013, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 381-400 Europeanisation of Regional Policy Making: A Boolean Analysis of Norwegian Counties' Participation in the Eu's Interreg Programme
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Einar Leknes & Janne Thygesen - 401-413 The Challenges of Policy Convergence: The Europeanization of Biodiversity Governance in an Enlarging Eu
by Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská & Veronika Chobotová & Eva Smolková - 414-427 Evidence, Policy, and the Politics of Regional Development: The Case of High-Speed Rail in the United Kingdom
by John Tomaney & Pedro Marques - 428-443 Changing Landscapes of Support in the Lives of Chinese Urban Elders: Voices from Wuhan Neighbourhoods
by Rose Gilroy - 444-459 Reciprocity as Deliberative Capacity: Lessons from a Citizen's Deliberation on Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Australia
by Alex Y Lo & Kim S Alexander & Wendy Proctor & Anthony Ryan - 460-474 Tncs' Technology Linkages with Domestic Firms: An Investigation of the Ict Industry in Suzhou, China
by Felix Haifeng Liao & Yehua H Dennis Wei - 475-489 Local Governance on Climate Mitigation: A Comparative Study of China and Japan
by Lingxuan Liu & Shotaro Matsuno & Bing Zhang & Beibei Liu & Oran Young - 490-505 Driving the Agenda for Climate Change Adaptation in Norwegian Municipalities
by Halvor Dannevig & Grete K Hovelsrud & Idun A Husabø - 506-521 Trust in the Justice Administration: Is it Dependent on the Economic Cycle and on Decentralization?
by Alejandro Esteller-Moré - 522-539 Trying to Measure Local Well-Being: Indicator Development as a Site of Discursive Struggles
by Karen Scott & Derek Bell - 540-555 The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Challenge: Opportunities for Inclusive Coproduction in City-Region Governance
by Melika Levelt & Leonie Janssen-Jansen - 556-570 Towards Managing Nonlinear Regional Development Trajectories
by Stefan Hartman & Gert De Roo
April 2013, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 191-192 Winners of the Bennett Prize
by N/A - 193-221 Overeducation and Externalities in the Eu: The Combined Moderating Influence of Migration and Gender
by Vassilis Tselios - 222-239 Global Environmental Governance and North—South Dynamics: The Case of the Cites
by Rosaleen Duffy - 240-256 What Kind of Leadership Do We Need for Climate Adaptation? A Framework for Analyzing Leadership Objectives, Functions, and Tasks in Climate Change Adaptation
by Sander Meijerink & Sabina Stiller - 257-275 Governance over Land Development during Rapid Urbanization under Institutional Uncertainty, with Reference to Periurbanization in Guangzhou Metropolitan Region, China
by Jieming Zhu - 276-291 Analysing Urban Governance Networks: Bringing Regime Theory Back in
by Ismael Blanco - 292-307 The Hurdles of Local Governments with Ppp Contracts in the Waste Sector
by Nuno Ferreira da Cruz & Pedro Simões & Rui Cunha Marques - 308-323 Living Multiculture: Understanding the New Spatial and Social Relations of Ethnicity and Multiculture in England
by Sarah Neal & Katy Bennett & Allan Cochrane & Giles Mohan - 324-339 ‘Communities with Oomph’? Exploring the Potential for Stronger Social Ties to Revitalise Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods
by Richard Crisp - 340-356 Fighting the Pipe: Neoliberal Governance and Barriers to Effective Community Participation in Energy Infrastructure Planning
by Christopher Groves & Max Munday & Natalia Yakovleva - 357-376 Inclusive Development? A State-Led Land Development Model in New Town, Kolkata
by Urmi Sengupta - 377-378 Review: Integrating Climate, Energy and Air Pollution Policies
by Claire Dupont - 378-379 Review: Food
by Christopher Bear - 379-380 Review: Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes
by Ian Bailey
February 2013, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-4 Entrepreneurship and the Role of Policy
by Nick Williams - 5-23 Promoting Private Sector Development in China: The Challenge of Building Institutional Capacity at the Local Level
by Andrew Atherton & David Smallbone - 24-38 An Evaluation of Public Spending: The Effectiveness of a Government-Supported Networking Program in Flanders
by Philippe Van Cauwenberge & Heidi Vander Bauwhede & Bilitis Schoonjans - 39-55 Is Public Procurement a Successful Small Business Support Policy? A Review of the Evidence
by Kim Loader - 56-81 Evaluating the Impact of Different Training Methods on SME Business Performance
by Paul Jones & Malcolm J Beynon & David Pickernell & Gary Packham - 82-101 Effective Strategy Implementation: Why Partnership Interconnectivity Matters
by Nancy Holman - 102-118 Understanding the Causes of Informal and Formal Discretion in the Delivery of Enterprise Policies: A Multiple Case Study
by Arturo Vega & Mike Chiasson & David Brown - 119-133 Environmental Management Systems and the Third Sector: Exploring Weak Adoption in the UK
by Rebecca Edwards & Graham Smith & Milena Büchs - 134-153 Mainstreaming Climate Policy: The Case of Climate Adaptation and the Implementation of EU Water Policy
by Stijn Brouwer & Tim Rayner & Dave Huitema - 154-167 Getting Access to Water: Property Rights or Public Policy Strategies?
by David Aubin & Frédéric Varone - 168-181 What is Wrong with Virtual Water Trading? On the Limitations of the Virtual Water Concept
by Erik Gawel & Kristina Bernsen - 182-183 Review: Adapting Institutions: Governance, Complexity and Socio-Ecological Resilience
by Vanesa Castán Broto - 183-185 Review: Enterprise, Deprivation and Social Exclusion: The Role of Small Business in Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities
by Ignatius Ekanem - 185-186 Review: Rural Wales in the Twenty-First Century: Society, Economy and Environment
by Katherine Jones - 186-187 Review: Recycling Reconsidered: The Present Failure and Future Promise of Environmental Action in the United States
by Fraser Stewart - 187-188 Review: The SAGE Handbook of Housing Studies
by Jenny Muir - 189-190 Referees 2012
by N/A
December 2012, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 1-2 Review: Food, Globalization and Sustainability
by Emma Cardwell - 1-2 Review: Learning from Wind Power
by Ralitsa Hiteva - 1-2 Review: Local Climate Action Planning
by Michal Nachmany - 943-943 Editorial
by Andrew Jordan - 944-950 Revisiting … Ethnic-Minority Businesses in the United Kingdom: A Review of Research and Policy Developments
by Trevor Jones & Monder Ram - 951-967 Migration, Environmental Change, and the ‘Challenges of Governance’
by Andrew Geddes & W Neil Adger & Nigel W Arnell & Richard Black & David S G Thomas - 968-981 Mitigating Conflict and Violence in African Cities
by Sean Fox & Jo Beall - 982-996 India's Ecocity? Environment, Urbanisation, and Mobility in the Making of Lavasa
by Ayona Datta - 997-1014 Water Scarcity, Conflict, and Migration: A Comparative Analysis and Reappraisal
by Jan Selby & Clemens Hoffmann - 1015-1028 Migration and Environmental Change in International Governance: The Case of the European Union
by Andrew Geddes & William Somerville - 1029-1044 Migration as Adaptation? Exploring the Scope for Coordinating Environmental and Migration Policies in the European Union
by Andrew Geddes & Andrew Jordan - 1045-1060 Environmental Change and Migration: Legal and Political Frameworks
by Susan F Martin - 1061-1077 Human Migration and Displacement in the Context of Adaptation to Climate Change: The Cancun Adaptation Framework and Potential for Future Action
by Koko Warner - 1078-1082 The Implications for Governance of Migration Linked to Environmental Change: Key Findings and New Research Directions
by Andrew Geddes & W Neil Adger & Nigel W Arnell & Richard Black & David S G Thomas - 1083-1099 Making Government Liquid: Shifts in Governance Using Financialisation as a Political Device
by Paul du Gay & Yuval Millo & Penelope Tuck - 1100-1115 Institutional Entrepreneurship in Hostile Settings: Health and Social Care Partnerships in Scotland, 2002–05
by Tom Forbes - 1116-1128 Leaders, Followers, and Laggards: Adoption of the Us Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement in California
by Rui Wang
October 2012, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 761-765 Guest Editorial
by Claire Champenois & Sabine Menu - 766-779 Triple Helix Clusters: Boundary Permeability at University—Industry—Government Interfaces as a Regional Innovation Strategy
by Henry Etzkowitz - 780-795 Policy Learning and the ‘Cluster-Flavoured Innovation Policy’ in Finland
by Markku Sotarauta - 796-815 How Can a Cluster Policy Enhance Entrepreneurship? Evidence from the German ‘Bioregio’ Case
by Claire Champenois - 816-834 The Role of Cluster Policy on Leadership: Evidence from Two Pôles De Compétitivité
by Sabine Menu - 835-847 Why is Intersectoral Cooperation Difficult to Maintain? Insights from French Cluster Policy
by Dima Younès - 848-870 Is There a Link between Globalization and Governance?
by Roberto Ezcurra - 871-890 Dynamics of Spatial Interdependence: The Contingent Effect of International Trade on Voluntary Environmental Standards
by Christopher Marcoux & Johannes Urpelainen - 891-909 Divergent Pathways of Development: A Comparative Case Study of Human Well-Being in Two Thai Provinces
by Sarah Parks - 910-923 Soft Spaces as Vehicles for Neoliberal Transformations of Strategic Spatial Planning?
by Kristian Olesen - 924-940 The Limits to Libertarian Paternalism: Two New Critiques and Seven Best-Practice Imperatives
by Nick Gill & Matthew Gill - 941-942 Review Essay: The Path towards Corporate Social Responsibility
by Judith L Walls
August 2012, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 555-555 Winner of the Bennett Prize
by N/A - 556-570 Guest Editorial
by Harriet Bulkeley & Andy Jordan - 571-590 The Transnational Regime Complex for Climate Change
by Kenneth W Abbott - 591-612 Governing Climate Change Transnationally: Assessing the Evidence from a Database of Sixty Initiatives
by Harriet Bulkeley & Liliana Andonova & Karin Bäckstrand & Michele Betsill & Daniel Compagnon & Rosaleen Duffy & Ans Kolk & Matthew Hoffmann & David Levy & Peter Newell & Tori Milledge & Matthew Paterson & Philipp Pattberg & Stacy VanDeveer - 613-626 How Climate Change Became a Business Risk: Analyzing Nonstate Agency in Global Climate Politics
by Philipp Pattberg - 627-642 Transnational Public–Private Partnerships' Performance in Water Governance: Institutional Design Matters
by Marianne Beisheim & Sabine Campe - 643-657 Building Environmental Governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Europeanisation and Transnational Assistance in the Context of Limited Statehood
by Adam Fagan - 658-674 Disrupting the Public–Private Distinction: Excavating the Government of Carbon Markets Post-Copenhagen
by Eva Lövbrand & Johannes Stripple - 675-692 Privatization and Intermunicipal Contracting: The US Local Government Experience 1992–2007
by Amir Hefetz & Mildred E Warner & Eran Vigoda-Gadot - 693-711 Popular Perception of Urban Transformation through Megaevents: Understanding Support for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
by Martin Müller - 712-729 Community Development Corporations, Policy Networks, and the Rescaling of Community Development Advocacy
by Corianne Payton Scally - 730-745 Shallow or Deep Europeanisation? The Uneven Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on the Regional and Local Authorities in Poland
by Marcin Dąbrowski - 746-760 Review: Progress for the Poor, Walled States, Waning Sovereignty, the International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation, Timber, Global Corruption Report: Climate Change, the Political Economy of Global Remittances: Gender, Governmentality and Neoliberalism, Mediating Climate Change, Carbon Coalitions: Business, Climate Politics, and the Rise of Emissions Trading, Residential Change and Demographic Challenge: The Inner City of East Central Europe in the 21st Century, Local Business Voice: The History of Chambers of Commerce in Britain, Ireland, and Revolutionary America, 1760–2011, Public Policy in the Community
by Raphael Calel & Alex Jeffery & Tim Laing & Sander van den Burg & Alexandru V Roman & Marta Bivand Erdal & Sander van der Linden & Raphael Calel & Jana Temelová & Justin Greaves & Emma Street
June 2012, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 381-400 Growing Grassroots Innovations: Exploring the Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Governing Sustainable Energy Transitions
by Gill Seyfang & Alex Haxeltine - 401-415 Proceeding in Parallel or Drifting Apart? A Systematic Review of Policy Appraisal Research and Practices
by Camilla Adelle & Andrew Jordan & John Turnpenny - 416-428 Policy Conflict and the Feasibility of Water Pollution Trading Programs in the Tai Lake Basin, China
by Yongliang Zhang & Bing Zhang & Jun Bi - 429-447 Achievements and Opportunities in Initiating Governance for Urban Sustainability
by Riley Smith & Arnim Wiek - 448-466 Who Benefits and Who Loses from Flood Risk Reduction?
by Edmund C Penning-Rowsell & Joanna Pardoe - 467-486 (Un)Sustainable Territories: Causes of the Speculative Bubble in Spain (1996–2010) and its Territorial, Environmental, and Sociopolitical Consequences
by Juan Romero & Fernando Jimenez & Manuel Villoria - 487-503 A Boundary Organization and its Changing Environment: The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the MNP
by Udo Pesch & Dave Huitema & Matthijs Hisschemöller - 504-519 Ethnic Minority Business Support in the West Midlands: Challenges and Developments
by Monder Ram & Kiran Trehan & John Rouse & Kassa Woldesenbet & Trevor Jones - 520-535 Creating ‘a Generation of NIMBYs’? Interpreting the Role of the State in Managing the Politics of Urban Development
by Andy Inch - 536-552 Is Regional Planning Dead or Just Coping? The Transformation of a State Sociospatial Project into Growth-Oriented Strategies
by Daniel Galland - 553-554 Review: Intervention: The Battle for Better Business
by Robert Bennett
April 2012, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 191-208 Urban Sustainability, Conflict Management, and the Geographies of Postpoliticism: A Case Study of Taipei
by Mike Raco & Wen-I Lin - 209-227 Subsistence Farming, Incomes, and Agricultural Livelihoods in the New Member States of the European Union
by Sophia Davidova & Lena Fredriksson & Matthew Gorton & Plamen Mishev & Dan Petrovici - 228-247 The Effect of the Notional Interest Deduction on the Capital Structure of Belgian SMEs
by Katrien Kestens & Philippe Van Cauwenberge & Johan Christiaens - 248-266 Citizen Control and the Efficiency of Local Public Services
by Núria Bosch & Marta Espasa & Toni Mora - 267-281 The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Regional Disparities within Member States
by Andreas P Kyriacou & Oriol Roca-Sagalés - 282-296 From a Fossil-Fuel to a Biobased Economy: The Politics of Industrial Biotechnology
by Ben Richardson - 297-321 Immigration and the Economic Health of Canadian Cities
by Laura A Reese - 322-346 Assessing the Relative Health Care Spending Needs of the UK's Devolved Territories: A Scottish Perspective
by Rob Ball & David King & David Eiser - 347-361 Peripherality and Integration: Industrial Growth and Decline in the Greek Regions
by George Petrakos & Georgios Fotopoulos & Dimitris Kallioras - 362-380 Air Pollution and Business Political Influence in Fifteen OECD Countries
by Patrick Bernhagen
February 2012, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-1 Online Appendix for: “Proceeding in Parallel or Drifting Apart? A Systematic Review of Policy Appraisal Research and Practicesâ€
by Camilla Adelle & Andrew Jordan & John Turnpenny - 1-9 Devolution and the Shifting Political Economic Geographies of the United Kingdom Introduction and Context
by Danson Mike & Gordon MacLeod & Gerry Mooney - 10-28 In Search of the ‘Economic Dividend’ of Devolution: Spatial Disparities, Spatial Economic Policy, and Decentralisation in the UK
by Andy Pike & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & John Tomaney & Gianpiero Torrisi & Vassilis Tselios - 29-45 Reconsidering the English Question as a Matter of Democratic Politics and Spatial Justice
by Krisztina Varró - 46-61 Devolution and the Politics of Development in Northern Ireland
by Brendan Murtagh & Peter Shirlow - 62-77 Competitive Nationalism: State, Class, and the Forms of Capital in Devolved Scotland
by Alex Law & Gerry Mooney - 78-94 Devolution, Institutions, and Organisations: Changing Models of Regional Development Agencies
by Mike Danson & Greg Lloyd - 95-108 Making up a Region: The Rise and Fall of the ‘South East of England’ as a Political Territory
by Allan Cochrane - 109-127 Policy Storylines in Indian Climate Politics: Opening New Political Spaces?
by Susannah Fisher - 128-146 The Determinants of Science-Based Cluster Growth: The Case of Nanotechnology
by Vincent Mangematin & Khalid Errabi - 147-161 From Area-Based Initiatives to Strategic Partnerships: Have We Lost the Meaning of Regeneration?
by Peter Matthews - 162-179 The Challenge of Policy Coordination for Sustainable Sociotechnical Transitions: The Case of the Zero-Carbon Homes Agenda in England
by Dan Greenwood - 180-190 Review: Fish: Water Resources Planning and Management, Handbook on Multi-Level Governance, Climate Change Policies: Global Challenges and Future Prospects, Polluted and Dangerous: America's Worst Abandoned Properties and What Can Be Done about Them, the International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation
by Richard Morgan & Rong Zheng & Achim Hurrelmann & Alessandro Tavoni & Thomas J Vicino & Tim Laing - 188-190 Referees 2010 – 11
by N/A
December 2011, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 951-951 Revisiting … The Most Downloaded Paper in 2010 – 11
by Andrew Jordan & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 952-957 Revisiting … Getting Involved in Plan Making: Participation and Stakeholder Involvement in Local and Regional Spatial Strategies in England
by Mark Baker & Stephen Hincks & Sherriff Graeme - 958-974 Analysis and Democracy: The Antecedents of the Deliberative Approach of Ecosystems Valuation
by Alex Y Lo - 975-989 Heritage Conservation and the Search for a New Governing Approach in Hong Kong
by Him Chung - 990-1003 Shifting Governance Modes in Wetland Management: A Case Study of Two Wetlands in Bogotá, Colombia
by Ana Guzman RuÃz & Edwin Hes & Klaas Schwartz - 1004-1017 Modernising Climate Policy in Australia: Climate Narratives and the Undoing of a Prime Minister
by Giorel Curran - 1018-1036 From Discourse to Implementation: Enterprise Policy Development in Postcommunist Albania
by Mirela Xheneti & John Kitching - 1037-1053 Do Local Policy Networks Deter the Race to the Bottom in Environmental Regulation? The Case of South Korea
by Doo-Rae Kim - 1054-1072 Investigating the Social Capital and Resource Acquisition of Entrepreneurs Residing in Deprived Areas of England
by Robert Lee & Heinz Tüselmann & Dilani Jayawarna & Julia Rouse - 1073-1086 The Role of Government in Disaster Management: The Case of the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill Compensation
by So-Min Cheong - 1087-1101 On the Role of Government Land Information in Macroeconomic Policies
by Nilofer Tambuwala & Rohan Bennett & Abbas Rajabifard & Jude Wallace & Ian Williamson - 1102-1115 Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme: Helping the Poor or Leaving Them Behind?
by Jenna Dixon & Eric Y Tenkorang & Isaac Luginaah - 1116-1134 Ideas, Institutions, and Interests: Explaining Policy Divergence in Fostering ‘System Innovations’ towards Sustainability
by Florian Kern
October 2011, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 761-782 Hearing but Not Listening? A Participatory Assessment of Public Participation in Planning
by Elisabeth Conrad & Louis F Cassar & Mike Christie & Ioan Fazey - 783-801 Corporate Political Strategizing in the European Union during the 2007–10 Recession: An Exploratory Study
by Andrew Barron & Peter Hultén - 802-820 Political Determinants of Regional Financing: The Case of Spain
by Juan Luis Gómez Reino & Ana Herrero Alcalde - 821-847 Publicly Funded Prestart Support for New Firms: Who Demands it and How it Affects Their Employment Growth
by Joan-Lluis Capelleras & Ignacio ContÃn-Pilart & Martin Larraza-Kintana - 848-871 An Outcome-Based Resource Allocation Model for Local Education Services in Wales
by Glen Bramley & David Watkins & Noah Kofi Karley - 872-888 Values, Meanings, and Positionalities: The Controversial Valuation of Water in Rio de Janeiro
by Antonio A R Ioris - 889-910 The Question of Clusters in Lagging Regions: Do They Really Make the Difference? A Case Study in Romania
by Daniela-Luminita Constantin & Carmen Beatrice Pauna & Mariana Dragusin & Zizi Goschin & Constanta Bodea - 911-926 University Technology Business Incubators: Helping New Entrepreneurial Firms to Learn to Grow
by Dean Patton & Susan Marlow - 927-942 The Continuing Popularity of the Neighbourhood and Neighbourhood Governance in the Transition from the ‘Big State’ to the ‘Big Society’ Paradigm
by Nick Bailey & Madeleine Pill