September 1987, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 301-307 Public Finance of the Autonomous Regions of Spain. Reflections and Proposals for Reform
by A Pedros Abello - 309-326 The Autonomous Government of Catalonia
by A Bayona - 327-346 Regional Government: The Italian Experience
by R L King - 347-368 The Dynamics of Legislation in Relation to Regions and Localities, with Special Reference to Austria—A Preliminary Statement
by K Stiglbauer - 369-381 Regional Policy in the European Community: Its Impact on Regional Policies and Public Administration in the Mediterranean Member States
by I Tömmel
June 1987, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 123-135 Federalism and Australian Local Government: Reflections upon the National Inquiry into Local Government Finance
by P Self - 137-156 Equalisation and Cash Limits: A View from Down Under
by J Yates - 157-170 Measuring the Fiscal Pressure on English Local Authorities under the Block Grant System
by J G Gibson & P A Watt & P Smith - 171-182 Local Government Fiscal Behaviour and Intergovernmental Finance in a Period of Slow National Growth: A Comparative Analysis
by H Wolman & M Goldsmith - 183-195 Regional Winners and Losers in the Reagan Budget Cuts: Who Got What Where?
by S D Brunn & D Lowery & G R Webster - 197-218 Regional Development: The Reagan-Thatcher Legacy
by M Chisholm - 219-224 Constitutional Remedies for Government Overload
by Y J D Peeters - 225-236 Review: Urban and Regional Studies 11. Planning in Europe: Urban and Regional Planning in the EEC, Self-Reliant Development in Europe: Theory, Problems, Actions, Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin American Urbanization, Urban Growth and Change in Britain: An Introduction, the Regulation Game: How British and West German Companies Bargain with Government, a World in Crisis? Geographical Perspectives, the Housing Crisis, Decentralization: The Territorial Dimension of the State, the Politics of Local Expenditure
by M Batty & H Clout & S Lowder & A G Champion & R J Bennett & P L Knox & C Hamnett & R Paddison & A M Kirby
March 1987, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-5 Local Business Taxes
by R J Bennett - 7-18 Taxation of Business by US State and Local Governments
by S D Gold - 19-24 Tax Policies and Federalism
by C Penniman - 25-41 Local Business Taxes in Britain and Germany: Assessment of Comparative Burdens 1960–1984 by Use of the ‘Costs of Capital’ Methodology
by R J Bennett & G Krebs - 43-52 British and German Local Business Taxes under Criteria for a ‘Good’ Local Tax
by H Zimmermann - 53-57 The Local Business Tax in Germany from the Local Authority Point of View
by G H Milbradt - 59-67 Reform of the Business Tax in Germany
by H Karrenberg - 69-74 The Reform of Local Business Taxes in Germany
by W Albers - 75-79 The Case for a Local Net Value-Added Tax for Municipalities
by K Schmidt - 81-88 The German Property Tax as a Local Business Tax
by R-D Postlep - 89-98 Paying for Local Government: An Appraisal of the British Government's Proposals for Nondomestic Rates
by R Jackman - 99-103 The Incidence of Business Rates: Preliminary Estimates
by D Mair - 105-112 Relationships between Trends in Regional Development and Regional Policy Goals in Central Europe, 1950–1980
by W H Berentsen - 113-122 Review: Business Negotiations with the Japanese, Key to Japan's Economic Strength: Human Power, Housing Needs and Policy Approaches: Trends in Thirteen Countries, Research in Planning and Design 12. The Evolution of Spatial Policy: A Case Study of Inner-Urban Policy in the United Kingdom 1968–1981, London Research Series in Geography 9. Welfare Politics in Mexico: Papering over the Cracks, Intergovernmental Finance Relations in Austria, Public Choice, Public Finance, and Public Policy: Essays in Honour of Alan Peacock, Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe
by D H Kornhauser & S Rosenberry & G Rees & W Armstrong & H Zimmermann & P Groenewegen & P White
December 1986, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 387-388 Developments in Intergovernmental Fiscal Centralization and Decentralization
by R M Bird - 389-404 On Measuring Fiscal Centralization and Fiscal Balance in Federal States
by R M Bird - 405-418 Public Expenditure Decentralization in Developing Countries
by R W Bahl & S Nath - 419-422 Urban Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations
by H Wolman - 423-438 Changing Intergovernmental Relations and Urban Economic Development
by J Fox Przeworski - 439-450 Economic Development in Britain: A Vacuum in Central-Local Government Relations
by K Young - 451-469 Economic Development: Changing Practices in a Changing US Economy
by D Haider - 471-479 Urban Economic Development and Intergovernmental Policymaking in West Germany
by M Konukiewitz - 481-490 Organizing Government for Regional Development
by D J Savoie - 491-496 Review: Neighborhood Revitalization and the Postindustrial City: A Multinational Perspective, Electoral Change in Western Democracies: Patterns and Sources of Electoral Volatility, Progress in Planning, Volume 24, Part 3. The New Urban Studies in Literature: A Review with Special Reference to Australia, Policy and Politics. Environmental Policy and Politics, Intergovernmental Finance in Colombia: Final Report of the Mission on Intergovernmental Finance, Women's Rights at Work: Campaigns and Policy in Britain and the United States
by B T Robson & R J Johnston & P L Knox & J Fernie & R J Bennett & F Ashton - 497-500 Indexes
by N/A
September 1986, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 257-263 The Evaluation of Intergovernmental Programs
by R P Nathan - 265-277 General Revenue Sharing
by C F Adams Jr - 279-287 Community Development Block Grants
by P R Dommel - 289-298 Assessing City Responses to Federal Subventions
by J W Fossett - 299-307 The Public-Service Employment Program
by R F Cook - 309-315 A Field Network Evaluation of the Reagan Domestic Program
by F C Doolittle - 317-324 Locational Surplus and the Redistributive Role of National and Subnational Governments
by B S Grewal & R L Mathews - 325-342 The Division of Regional Industrial Policy Powers in Britain: Some Implications of the 1984 Policy Reforms
by H W Armstrong - 343-352 Regional Incidence of Agricultural Policy: The Case of Switzerland
by A Muedespacher - 353-374 Reexamining Old Problems with New Methods: Portbury Revisited
by G P Clarke & M Clarke & A G Wilson - 375-386 Review: Fugitive Industry: The Economics and Politics of Deindustrialization, the New Reality of Municipal Finance: The Rise and Fall of the Intergovernmental City, Shop Floor Bargaining and the State: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, the Politics of Mental Health, Regional Development. Problems and Policies in Eastern and Western Europe, Housing Economics: An Applied Approach, Environmental Policy under Reagan's Executive Order: The Role of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Comparative Resource Allocation: Politics, Performance and Policy Priorities, the Price of Industrial Labor: The Role of Wages in Business Cycles and Economic Growth, Housing, the State and the Poor: Policy and Practice in Three Latin American Cities, Nuclear Power: Siting and Safety
by R Martin & J R Gist & M P Jackson & C Philo & P Sjøholt & M E Whitehead & T O'Riordan & P L Knox & C M Lythe & C Klak & A Kirby
June 1986, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 119-120 Guest Editorial
by N Topham - 121-129 Optimal Control Theory and Grants in Aid
by D A Livesey - 131-143 Local Authority Expenditure Reactions to Losses in Grant Aid: The Case of the Metropolitan District Councils
by R R Barnett - 145-153 Spending Cuts or Local Tax Increases? An Analysis of Local Authority Preferences in England
by J P Sondheimer - 155-164 Central Grants to Local Governments: A Game Theoretic Approach
by M M Barrow - 165-176 Controlling Local Government Expenditure in Britain: The Experience of Rate Capping
by M Grant - 177-185 Cost-Benefit Criteria for Urban Public Transport Subsidies
by J S Dodgson & N Topham - 187-198 Recent Development of Central-Local Financial Relations in Italy
by G Pola - 199-219 The State and the Foreign Worker Problem. A Case Study of the Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
by H Leitner - 221-231 Impacts of North-South Cooperation on World Regional Growth: A Simulation
by M L Cordova - 233-246 The Impact of Subsidised Low-Fare Public Transport on Travel Behaviour
by A Hay - 247-256 Review: Economy, Territory, Identity: Politics of West European Peripheries, the Politics of Territorial Identity: Studies in European Regionalism, the Disabled State, Public Planning in the Netherlands: Perspectives and Change since the Second World War, State Apparatus: Structures and Language of Legitimacy, Urban Economics: An Introduction, Structure Plans and Local Plans—Planning in Crisis, the Public Interest on Education, the Public Interest on Crime and Punishment, the New Urban Reality
by G E Smith & C Philo & R H Williams & R J Bennett & M Cadwallader & T O'Riordan & W C Johnson & D T Herbert & B Holcomb
March 1986, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Problem of Land Banking: A French Solution
by M J Enders - 19-29 Pricing Policies for Conservation of Water Resources and Environment
by K Hagihara & Y Hagihara - 31-41 Inflation in Latin America, 1970–1980
by J H Cole - 43-51 The Taxation of Capital Gains on Land in a Growing Economy
by M Carlberg - 53-70 Industrial Development Policy and the Restructuring of the Northern Ireland Economy
by R T Harrison - 71-90 The Evaluation of Norwegian Regional Policy: Parameter Variation in Regional Shift Models
by R S Bivand - 91-102 Remote Sensing, Digital Mapping, and Geographical Information Systems: The Creation of National Policy in the United Kingdom
by D W Rhind - 103-118 Review: Demographic Research and Spatial Policy: The Dutch Experience, Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production, the Atlas of British Politics, the Economics of Nuclear Energy, the Metropolitan Problem, Policies and Politics in Western Europe: The Impact of the Recession, Defense Planning in Less-Industrialized States, Planning to Care: Social Policy and the Quality of Life, Capital and Labour in the Urbanised World, the Political Economy of Coal, Political Parties in Western Democracies, a Question of Life: The Warnock Report on Human Fertilization and Embryology, Public Expenditure and Government Growth, Regionalisation in France, Italy and Spain, Gastarbeiter: Leben in Zwei Gesellschaften
by P Rees & R J Bennett & P J Taylor & R Steinberg & P Hall & R Hudson & S R Woodall & P Knox & D Massey & K Chapman & D W Urwin & A Grubb & F M Shelley & A Williams & J O'Loughlin
December 1985, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 383-402 Intergovernmental Relations as Central Control Policies: The Case of Italian Local Finance
by B Dente - 403-415 The Budgetary Behavior of Local Governments and Intergovernmental Grant Policies: A Case Study for Japan
by Hiromitsu Ishi - 417-426 Expectations-Achievement and Overthrows: An Empirical Test of the Relative Deprivation Hypothesis
by D N Laband - 427-438 The Relationship of Social Science to Policy: The Case of the President's Crime Commission
by W F Bengston - 439-450 The Role of Intergovernmental Grants for Environmental Problems
by K Hagihara - 451-461 The Integration of Policies of Fiscal Equalization and Regional Policies: Theory and European Examples
by H Zimmermann - 463-474 Political Party Control and the Sale of Local Authority Dwellings 1974–1983
by K Hoggart - 475-484 Reviews: Socialism, the State and Public Policy in France, Municipal Empire: The Town Halls and Their Beneficiaries, Ethnic Separatism and World Politics, the Family, Law and Society: Cases and Materials, Residential Housing and Nuclear Attack, Superpower: Comparing American and Soviet Foreign Policy, Rural Transport and Planning: A Bibliography with Abstracts, State and Government in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Executive at Work, Housing and Urban Development in the USSR: Studies in Soviet History and Society
by D E Ashford & R J Bennett & C H Williams & J Masson & S Openshaw & S Strange & M J Moseley & G Smith & F E I Hamilton - 485-488 Indexes
by N/A
September 1985, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 253-267 Regional Innovation Policy: Problems and Strategies in Britain and France
by P Cooke - 269-284 Regional Policy and Transport in the Federal Republic of Germany
by G W Heinze - 285-297 Dynamic Incidence in a Two-Sector Growing Economy
by M Homma - 299-318 Housing as Social Problem versus Housing as Historical Problem: The Case of Hungary
by J A A Sillince - 319-339 Regional Planning in Central Europe: Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, and Switzerland
by W H Berentsen - 341-348 On the Flypaper Theory of Local Government Response to Grants-in-Aid
by R R Barnett - 349-369 Corporate Philanthropy: Implications for Urban Research and Public Policy
by J R Wolch & R K Geiger - 371-382 Review: Nationalism in the Contemporary World: Political and Sociological Perspectives, Public Administration and Public Policy 16. Public Budgeting and Finance: Behavioral, Theoretical, and Technical Perspectives, the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 469: Nuclear Armament and Disarmament, Guides to European Taxation 1984, the Dynamics of Development and Development Administration, Public-Private Partnership in American Cities: Seven Case Studies, Sage Library of Social Research. Volume 154. Neighborhoods: Their Place in Urban Life, Regional Restructuring under Advanced Capitalism, Micro Hydroelectric Power Stations, the Cambridge Phenomenon: The Growth of High Technology Industry in a University Town, Joint Studies in Public Policy 9. Education and Economic Performance, Local Government Law, the Politics of Planning and Development
by E Kofman & D W Jones & S Openshaw & R J Bennett & S Wanmali & H Leitner & R Dennis & P Dickens & K Chapman & T Kelly & P Scott & A Grubb & WC Johnson
June 1985, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 127-128 Political Theory and Central-Local Relations
by M Goldsmith & K Newton - 129-147 Continuity, Autonomy, and Peripheralisation: The Anatomy of the Centre's Race Statecraft in England
by J Bulpitt - 149-162 The Forgotten Dimension of Central-Local Relations: Theorising the ‘Regional State’
by P Saunders - 163-174 A Reappraisal of Public Choice Theory of Intergovernmental Relations
by D H McKay - 175-185 Centralisation and Decentralisation: A Framework for Comparative Analysis
by E Page & M J Goldsmith - 187-198 Costing Inpatient Health Care in Britain: A Review of Methods
by P G L Forte - 199-213 Distributional Impacts of Government Policies in Switzerland
by R E Leu & R L Frey - 215-234 Job Generation among Independent West German Manufacturing Firms 1974–1980—Evidence from Four Regions
by C J Hull - 235-241 Budgeting in a Newly Established Agency: The First Twenty Years of the United States Civil Rights Commission
by A T Cowart & F D Gilliam Jr - 243-252 Review: Democratic Politics in Spain: Spanish Politics after Franco, Espaces et Culture, Public Service Provision and Urban Development, the Nature of Public Enterprise, the Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities, the Land and the Law: Report on the Proceedings at the Rome Seminar 1983, Law in Eastern Europe 25. The Citizenship Law of the USSR, Law in Eastern Europe 26. The Soviet Law of Property: The Right to Control Property and the Construction of Communism, State and Economy in Australia, Introduction to British Politics: Analysing a Capitalist Democracy, Capital Goods Production in the Third World: An Economic Study of Technology Acquisition, Modern Federalism: An Analytic Approach
by M Hebbert & E Kofman & R J Bennett & A R Prest & H Zimmermann & P McAuslan & R Beermann & D C Rich & P Dunleavy & A Gilbert & D N King
March 1985, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Obituary—Alan Richmond Prest
by N/A - 3-9 Nationalism, Regionalism, and the State
by G E Smith - 11-25 Regional Autonomy and the One and Indivisible French Republic
by E Kofman - 27-48 When Nationalists Challenge: When Nationalists Rule
by C H Williams - 49-73 Ethnic Nationalism in the Soviet Union: Territory, Cleavage, and Control
by G E Smith - 75-96 Regional Movements in Britain: A Review of Aims and Status
by R J Bennett - 97-110 Some Issues in Australian Land Taxation
by A R Prest - 111-119 Better Value for Money? Britain's 1984 Regional Industrial Policy Package
by M Chisholm - 121-126 Review: Regional Development Agencies in Europe: An International Comparison of Selected Agencies, Local Government Briefings 1. The Case for Local Government, Butterworths Legal Systems of the World. Soviet Law, Sage Modern Politics Series Volume 8. Unemployment: Policy Responses of Western Democracies, Public Expenditure: Its Defence and Reform, State of the World: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress towards a Sustainable Society, Local Socialism? Labour Councils and New Left Alternatives
by M Anderson & P R Dommel & S White & D Massey & W Benkert & T O'Riordan & R J Bennett
December 1984, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 371-374 Editorials
by N Glazer & R J Bennett - 375-381 Turkish Youth—Occupational Opportunities in the Federal Republic of Germany
by U Mehrländer - 383-398 Dilemmas in International Migration: A Global Perspective
by D G Papademetriou - 399-416 Direct Foreign Investment: A Migration Push-Factor?
by S Sassen-Koob - 417-430 Policy with Respect to Aliens, and Migration Research, in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1973–1983
by A Weidacher - 431-443 Legal Aid Policy: A Time for Reflection
by J Cooper - 445-460 The Determination of Legal Services Policy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America
by K Economides & B Garth - 461-470 Mobilisation of the Law
by E Blankenburg - 471-484 Planners, Politicians, and the Development of the Hospital Services of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1948–1969
by J Mohan - 485-496 Review: Deregulation and Environmental Quality: The Use of Tax Policy to Control Pollution in North America and Western Europe, Annals of Public Administration 4. Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s, inside the Inner City: Life under the Cutting Edge, Interregional Migration, National Policy, and Social Justice, Managing the Post-Industrial City, Communism and the Politics of Inequalities, the Evolution of the Law of the Sea: A Study of Resources and Strategy with Special Regard to the Polar Areas, Economics of Development, Industrial Capacity and Defense Planning: Sustained Conflict and Surge Capacity in the 1980s, Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources, Full Employment and Public Policy: The United States and Sweden, Industrial Mobility and Migration in the European Community, Does Politics Matter? The Determinants of Public Policy
by W E Oates & P R Dommel & P Lawless & W A V Clark & P Hall & S White & T E Armstrong & P Richards & S R Woodall & T O'Riordan & R Martin & C Thompson & D J Smith - 497-500 Indexes
by N/A
September 1984, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 249-250 Editorial
by R M Bird - 251-269 The Evolution of Tax Advice and the Taxation of Capital Income in the USA
by C E McLure Jr - 271-284 The Dynamics of Policy Formation: Income Tax Rates in Israel, 1948–1975
by A Radian - 285-293 A New Financial Framework for the Local Authority Education Service in Britain
by S J Bailey - 295-305 Community Development Dynamics: National Goals and Local Priorities
by S F Liebschutz - 307-324 Cost of Waiting, Risk, and Individual Action: The Case of Public Housing
by K G Willis - 325-341 The Governance of British Public-Housing Investment in the Late-1970s: Central Encouragement of Comparative Local Diversity
by R Prentice - 343-360 Coping with Risk: The Case of Gas Facilities in Scotland
by D J Snowball & S M Macgill - 361-370 Review: The Fragmented State: The Political Geography of Power, Power and Crisis in the City: Corporations, Unions and Urban Policy, Comparative Public Policy: The Politics of Social Choice in Europe and America, across the Border: Rural Development in Mexico and Recent Migration to the United States, US Immigration and Refugee Policy: Global and Domestic Issues, Butterworths European Series. Political Forces in Spain, Greece and Portugal, La Décentralisation Urbaine en Suisse, European Regional Incentives: 1982. A Survey in Regional Incentives in the Countries of the European Community. Portugal, Spain and Sweden, the European Community Transport Policy: Towards a Common Transport Policy, Financing the 1980 Election
by R J Bennett & R J Bennett & H Wolman & T J Espenshade & T J Espenshade & J Brand & C Larrue & H Wolman & P Hall & J C Archer
June 1984, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 115-116 Local Fiscal Incidence
by R J Bennett - 117-134 Towards a Kaleckian Theory of the Short-Period Incidence of the Property Tax
by D Mair - 135-148 Effects of Revenue Distribution and Income Distribution on the Impacts of Local Taxation
by D W Jones & C R Morrow-Jones - 149-166 The Geographical Impacts of a Local Income Tax in the United Kingdom
by C Thompson - 167-176 The Marginalisation of Local Political Elites in Britain
by E Page - 177-197 The Regulatory Crisis: Does it Exist and Can it Be Solved? Some Comparative Remarks on the Situation of Social Regulation in the USA and in the European Economic Community
by N Reich - 199-210 Use-Value Land Taxation and Conservation Economics: An Assessment of Tax-Zoning, with Implications for Conservation Easements
by H Yamauchi - 211-218 An Externality Approach to the Cost Sharing of Social Overhead Capital
by T Nosse - 219-238 Regional Policy and Management Jobs: The Locational Behaviour of Corporate Headquarters in West Germany
by J Olbrich - 239-248 Review: The Car Market: A Study of the Statics and Dynamics of Supply-Demand Equilibrium, Transport and Public Policy Planning, Public Rights and Private Interests: The Second V K Krishna Menon Law Lectures, Community Planning and Conceptions of Change, Local Government: The Conditions of Local Choice, the Politics of Technology Assessment, Wiley IIASA International Series on Applied Systems Analysis 11. National Perspectives on Management of Energy/Environment Systems, Urban and Rural Change in West Germany, Modern Politics and Government, the Tools of Government
by A S Fowkes & T T Bracher & A Grubb & W C Johnson & D J Smith & S Owens & D Tiemersma & W H Berentsen & R J Bennett
March 1984, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-14 Citizen Participation in Local Planning: A Comparison of US and British Experiences
by W C Johnson - 15-30 Regional Effects of the Pollution Control Industry in the Federal Republic of Germany
by K Zimmermann - 31-44 Military Spending and the US Defense Industry: Regional Patterns of Military Contracts and Subcontracts
by E J Malecki - 45-55 Labor Demand and Economic Development Policy
by G L Clark - 57-66 Spatial Scientists and Representational Democracy: The Role of Information-Processing Technology in the Design of Parliamentary and other Constituencies
by R J Johnston & S Openshaw & D W Rhind & D J Rossiter - 67-78 Regional Variation in the Determinants of Food Stamp Program Participation
by J E Kodras - 79-92 Stability and Change in the Views of Representatives: Some Evidence from Southeast England
by R C Prentice - 93-106 Fiscal Equalisation and Australian Federalism, 1971–1981
by D J Walmsley - 107-114 Review: Central Grants to Local Governments: The Political and Economic Impact of the Rate Support Grant in England and Wales, Geography and the State: An Essay in Political Geography, US Options for Energy Independence, Government and Urban Poverty: Inside the Policy-Making Process, Conflict, Politics and the Urban Scene, the Computer in Court: A Guide to Computer Evidence for Lawyers and Computing Professionals, Modern Legal Studies: Council Housing
by A R Prest & G W Jones & T O'Riordan & P Hall & P R Dommel & A Grubb & E A Roistacher
December 1983, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 375-376 Guest Editorial
by R J Johnston - 377-400 The Geography of Federal Fiscal Politics in the United States of America: An Exploration
by J C Archer - 401-412 Political Benefits and Public Policy: Interpretation of Recent US Studies
by B S Rundquist - 413-438 Pork-Barrelling in Britain: A Review
by A G Hoare - 439-460 The Spatial Theory of Electoral Competition: Instability, Institutions, and Information
by D Austen-Smith - 461-473 Redesigning Intergovernmental Transfers: A Colombian Example
by R M Bird & N E Slack - 475-487 Federal-Provincial Financial Equalization and the Canadian Constitution
by D A L Auld & L B Eden - 489-498 Review: Policy and Politics in France: Living with Uncertainty, the New Local Government Series 22. British Dogmatism and French Pragmatism: Central-Local Policymaking in the Welfare State, Economic Crisis, Cities and Regions: An Analysis of Current Urban and Regional Problems in Australia, Sydney Boom Sydney Bust: The City and its Property Market 1850–1981, Analysis of the German Tax System, Corporate Control, Corporate Power, Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Essay on Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations, Policy Styles in Western Europe, Fiscal Stress in Cities, the Division of Europe after World War II: 1946
by R J Bennett & R J Bennett & R Mathews & K Reding & R Smith & E Sheppard & D E Ashford & R J Bennett & W I Cikins - 499-500 Index
by N/A
September 1983, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 257-258 Guest Editorial
by P Dommel - 259-272 Decentralization and Fiscal Disparities in the United States of America
by P R Dommel - 273-284 Intergovernmental ‘Deregulation’: Readings from the First Reagan Years
by C H Lovell - 285-298 The Process of Program Phaseout: An Examination of the Dismantling of the US Public Service Employment Program
by S A MacManus - 299-315 Central Government Policies towards Declining Urban Economies in Western Europe and the United States of America
by H Wolman - 317-340 The Reconstruction of British Regional Policy: 2. Towards a New Agenda
by R L Martin & J S C Hodge - 341-346 Local Interest and Representation: The Case of ‘Class' Interest among Labour Representatives in Inner London
by D Walker - 347-356 The Unintended Consequences of Policy Initiation: A Study of the British Conservative Government's Property Policy in the 1970s
by A Cox - 357-370 Local Government Finance in Britain: A Liberal Party View of Possible Reforms
by L Grimond & P Truscott & B Keith-Lucas & R J Bennett - 371-374 Review: Urban and Regional Studies 10. Planning the Urban Region: A Comparative Study of Policies and Organizations, Sweden: Choices for Economic and Social Policy in the 1980s, the Politics of Town Planning, Solving Local Government Problems: Practical Applications of Operations Research in Cities and Regions
by R J Bennett & W R Mead & W C Johnson & M L Senior
June 1983, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 131-132 Editorial
by T Muller - 133-152 The Reconstruction of British Regional Policy: 1. The Crisis of Conventional Practice
by R L Martin & J S C Hodge - 153-162 Area Development or Sectoral Conflict? An Example of the Discriminatory Effects of Regional Policy in Britain
by D Todd - 163-178 Employment Policy for Regional Labor Markets
by M Pfaff & P Hurler - 179-192 Regional Dimensions of Energy Scarcity
by P Nijkamp - 193-203 Public Safety Legislation and the Risk Compensation Hypothesis: The Example of Motorcycle Helmet Legislation
by J G U Adams - 205-228 Predicting the Consequences of a Nuclear Attack on Britain: Models, Results, and Implications for Public Policy
by S Openshaw & P Steadman - 229-247 Intraurban Spatial Variations in Local Government Service Provision: 2. Application and Results
by P Whitehead
March 1983, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by R J Bennett - 5-16 Decentralisation in Britain: A Critique of the Case in the Light of West German Experience
by N Johnson - 17-28 Permanence and Change: The Relations between Central Government and Local Authorities in France
by Y Mény - 29-44 The Socialist Reorganization of French Local Government—Another Jacobin Reform?
by D E Ashford - 45-55 A Model of the Change, Attributable to Government Health Insurance Plans, in Location Patterns of Physicians—With Supporting Evidence from Ontario, Canada
by G I Thrall & J G Tsitanidis - 57-71 The Effects of Rating Reform in Britain: A Case Study of Derby
by C M Wyatt - 73-83 Intraurban Spatial Variations in Local Government Service Provision: 1. Methodology
by P Whitehead - 85-105 The British Ministry of Transport's Study of the Portbury Dock Proposal, 1966: A Reappraisal of the Spatial Analysis
by M L Senior - 107-116 On Cost-Benefit Rules in an Economy with Natural Resources
by P-O Johansson - 117-126 Campaign Spending and Voting in England: Analyses of the Efficacy of Political Advertising
by R J Johnston - 127-130 Review: Public Expenditure and Taxation in the UK Regions, Money Flows in the UK Regions, Organizing Interests in Western Europe: Pluralism, Corporatism, and the Transformation of Politics
by R J Johnston & A Cox