October 2008, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 954-967 Determinants of the Distribution of the Central-Government Budgetary Grants in Turkey
by Recep Tekeli & Muhittin Kaplan - 968-981 Regulating the Release of GMOs: Contrasts between the European Union and Norway
by Valborg Kvakkestad & Arild Vatn - 982-997 Scenario Planning for the Edinburgh City Region
by Iain Docherty & Peter McKiernan - 998-1015 Continuity or Change in Business Representation in Britain? An Assessment of the Heseltine Initiatives of the 1990s
by Justin Greaves - 1016-1035 Employment Changes in Italy in the 1990s: A Comparison between Large Enterprise Areas and Industrial Districts
by Gabi Dei Ottati & Laura Grassini - 1036-1046 Review: Cities and Labour Immigration: Comparing Policy Responses in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome and Tel Aviv, Feed-in Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy, Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion: Social Sector Reform in Latin America, Water Policy for Sustainable Development, Incentives, Regulations and Plans: The Role of States and Nation-States in Smart Growth Planning, Controlling Automobile Air Pollution, the New Development Management: Critiquing the Dual Modernization, Climate Change as a Security Risk
by Joanna Herbert & Geoffrey Lewis & Fabrizio De Francesco & Mark Zeitoun & Wouter Vermeulen & Elah Matt & Farhana Sultana
August 2008, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 667-677 Staying Competitive While Subsidized: A Governmental Policy to Reduce Production of Environmentally Harmful Products
by Lars E Olsson & Tommy Gärling - 678-695 A Description and Exploration of Recent State-Led Smart-Growth Efforts
by Michael Howell-Moroney - 696-711 Community Participation, Rights, and Responsibilities: The Governmentality of Sustainable Development Policy in Australia
by Jennifer A Summerville & Barbara A Adkins & Gavin Kendall - 712-727 Social Multicriteria Evaluation of Conflict over Rural Electrification and Solar Energy in Spain
by Giuseppe Munda & Daniela Russi - 728-751 Transportation: The Bottleneck of Regional Competitiveness in Toronto
by Roger Keil & Douglas Young - 752-766 Piping the Politics of Space: The Engagement of Scale in Regional Strategies of Economic Development
by Anders Underthun - 767-787 The Limits of Performance Assessments of Public Bodies: External Constraints in English Local Government
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero & Dirk Haubrich & Iain McLean - 788-807 Organizational Environments and Public-Service Failure: An Empirical Analysis
by Rhys Andrews & George A Boyne - 808-823 Are Technology Institutes a Satisfactory Tool for Public Intervention in the Area of Technology? A Neoclassical and Evolutionary Evaluation
by Andrés Barge-Gil & Aurelia Modrego-Rico - 824-840 Polish Special Economic Zones: Idea versus Practice
by Krzysztof Gwosdz & Woyciech Jarczewski & Maciej Huculak & Krzysztof Wiederman - 841-856 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Participation Efforts by Environmental Agencies: Repermitting a Smelter in El Paso, Texas, USA
by Catherine A Cunningham & John P Tiefenbacher
June 2008, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 477-480 Environment and Planning C … The Next 25 Years
by Andrew Jordan & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 481-498 Unpicking Environmental Policy Integration with Tales from Waste Management
by Matthew Watson & Harriet Bulkeley & Ray Hudson - 499-524 Analysing the Impact of Objective 1 Funding in Europe: A Review
by Peter Gripaios & Paul Bishop & Trevor Hart & Eric McVittie - 525-543 Community Participation: Using Social Network Analysis to Improve Developmental Benefits
by Nancy Holman - 544-562 Vulnerability and Capacity: Explaining Local Commitment to Climate-Change Policy
by Sammy Zahran & Samuel D Brody & Arnold Vedlitz & Himanshu Grover & Caitlyn Miller - 563-582 Tackling Concentrations of Worklessness: Highlighting the Limits of Work-Focused Organisational Cultures in the UK
by Del Roy Fletcher - 583-600 The Role of Discourse Coalitions in Planning for Renewable Energy: A Case Study of Wind-Energy Deployment
by Sarah Mander - 601-613 The Relationship between the Capacity of the Spanish Central Government to Retain Tax-Revenue Shares and Interregional Inequality
by Toni Mora - 614-626 Public-Private Partnership: On the Edge of Project and Process Management. Insights from Dutch Practice: The Sijtwende Spatial Development Project
by Jurian Edelenbos & Geert R Teisman - 627-643 Governing Agri-Environmental Schemes: Lessons to Be Learned from the New Institutional-Economics Approach
by Marie-José Smits & Peter Driessen & Pieter Glasbergen - 644-659 The New Politics of Urban Housing
by Alan Murie & Rob Rowlands - 660-666 Reviews: Creating Citizen-Consumers: Changing Publics and Changing Public Services, the Europeanization of British Politics, Business and Environmental Policy: Corporate Interests in the American Political System, Knowledge and Competitive Advantage: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology and National Institutions, the Sociology of Rural Life
by Sander van den Burg & Drew Scott & George A Gonzalez & George Chorafakis & Richard Yarwood
April 2008, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 287-291 Small Business Policy and Support
by David Brooksbank - 292-314 Gender and the Use of Business Advice: Evidence from Firms in the Scottish Service Sector
by Paul J A Robson & Sarah L Jack & Mark S Freel - 315-334 Differential Gains from Business Link Support and Advice: A Treatment Effects Approach
by Kevin Mole & Mark Hart & Stephen Roper & David Saal - 335-351 Constructing Female Entrepreneurship Policy in the UK: Is the US a Relevant Benchmark?
by Susan Marlow & Sara Carter & Eleanor Shaw - 352-374 Ethnic-Minority Businesses in the UK: A Review of Research and Policy Developments
by Monder Ram & Trevor Jones - 375-397 SME Policy Support in Britain since the 1990s: What have We Learnt?
by Robert Bennett - 398-427 EU Cohesion Policy and the Role of the Regions: Investigating the Influence of Structural Funds in the New Member States
by John Bachtler & Irene McMaster - 428-454 Performance Measurement in Planning—Towards a Holistic View
by Matthew Carmona & Louie Sieh - 455-470 The Territorial Governance of the Shadow Economy
by Luigi Burroni & Colin Crouch - 471-476 Reviews: Frontiers: Histories of Civil Society and Nature, A Right to Housing: Foundation for a New Social Agenda, Stakeholder Dialogues in Natural Resources Management: Theory and Practice, the Coordination of the European Union: Exploring the Capacities of Networked Governance
by Victor R Savage & Caroline Catz Reid & Claire Kelly & Alasdair Blair
February 2008, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-16 Reflecting on Editorial and Publishing Challenges: Government and Policy; The First 25 Years
by Robert Bennett - 17-33 The Governance of Sustainable Development: Taking Stock and Looking Forwards
by Andrew Jordan - 34-53 Contingent Valuation Design and Data Treatment: If You Can't Shoot the Messenger, Change the Message
by Clive L Spash - 54-72 From Identity to the Economy: Analysing the Evolution of the Decentralisation Discourse
by Andrés Rodriguez-Pose & Richard Sandall - 73-86 Tax Policy in Emerging Countries
by Richard M Bird & Eric M Zolt - 87-103 Comparing Local Government Systems across Countries: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges to Building a Field of Comparative Local Government Studies
by Harold Wolman - 104-109 Challenging Issues in Local Privatization
by Germà Bel & Mildred Warner - 110-126 Institutional Developments in the Dutch Waste-Collection Market
by Elbert Dijkgraaf & Raymond H J M Gradus - 127-143 Changing Modes of Service Delivery: How Past Choices Structure Future Choices
by Trevor L Brown & Matthew Potoski & David M Van Slyke - 144-158 The Restructuring of Municipal Services: A Canada—United States Comparison
by Robert Hebdon & Patrice Jalette - 159-172 The Link between Service Privatization and Price Distribution among Consumer Types: Municipal Water Services in the Spanish Region of Catalonia
by Antonio Miralles - 173-190 Negotiating Neoliberal Environments in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada: Restructuring of State – Voluntary Sector Relations and Disability Organizations' Struggles to Survive
by Vera Chouinard & Valorie A Crooks - 191-209 Biotechnology, Sound Science, and the Foreign Agricultural Service: A Case Study in Neoliberal Rollout
by Jamey Essex - 210-228 The Challenge of Devising Public Policy for High-Tech, Science-Based, and Knowledge-Based Communities: Evidence from a Life Science and Biotechnology Community
by Edward Kasabov - 229-242 Learning Process of Chinese Urban Planning: The Case of Xiamen's City Comprehensive Plan
by Li Yu - 243-259 Tackling the NEET Generation and the Ability of Policy to Generate a ‘NEET’ Solution—Evidence from the UK
by Simon Pemberton - 260-276 Domestic Sourcing by Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries
by David Williams & Frank McDonald & Heinz J Tüselmann & Colin Turner - 277-286 Review: The International Climate Change Regime: A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures, Time and Temporality: Research for a New Culture of Time, Contemporary Europe, Applied Health Economics, Policy Analysis of Transport Networks, AsSembling Work: Remaking Factory Regimes in Japanese Multinationals in Britain, Globalizing Taipei: The Political Economy of Spatial Development, Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
by Tatiana Coutto & Peter Nijkamp & Ioannis Chorianopoulos & Martin Karlsson & Erel Avineri & David W Edgington & Lucia Diaz Marroquin & Harry Bauer
December 2007, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 775-778 Universities and the Knowledge-Based Economy
by Tim Vorley & Helen Lawton Smith - 779-802 The New Economic Geography of Old Industrial Regions: Universities as Global — Local Pipelines
by Paul Benneworth & Gert-Jan Hospers - 803-821 The Role of Universities in the Regional Innovation Systems of the North East of England and Scania, Sweden: Providing Missing Links?
by Lars Coenen - 822-843 Globalisation, Higher Education, and Urban Growth Coalitions: Turkey's Foundation Universities and the Case of Koç University in Istanbul
by Murat Cemal Yalcintan & Andy Thornley - 844-860 Strategies and External Relationships of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the US Agricultural Biotechnology Sector
by Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen & Jennifer Scully - 861-879 Policy Entrepreneurship and Multilevel Governance: A Comparative Study of European Cross-Border Regions
by Markus Perkmann - 880-895 Europeanising Advisory Expertise: The Role of ‘Independent, Objective, and Transparent’ Scientific Advice in Agri-Biotech Regulation
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 896-917 Territorial Justice and Neighbourhood Environmental Services: A Comparison of Provision to Deprived and Better-off Neighbourhoods in the UK
by Annette Hastings - 918-940 Scotland's Social Services Spending Needs: An English View
by David King & Matthew Pashley & Rob Ball - 941-942 Review: Environmental Policy in Europe: The Europeanization of National Environmental Policy
by Markus Haverland
October 2007, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 633-637 Local Knowledge and Innovation Policy
by Peter Nijkamp & Roger Stough & Maria Teresa de Noronha Vaz - 638-654 Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy: Knowledge and Local Development Policies
by Edward J Malecki - 655-670 Face-to-Face, Buzz, and Knowledge Bases: Sociospatial Implications for Learning, Innovation, and Innovation Policy
by Bjørn Asheim & Lars Coenen & Jan Vang - 671-691 Firm Location in a Polycentric City: The Effects of Taxes and Agglomeration Economies on Location Decisions
by Janet E Kohlhase & Xiahong Ju - 692-708 Cities and Footlooseness: In Search of Place-Bound Companies and Effective Location Policies
by Marina van Geenhuizen & Peter Nijkamp - 709-728 Does it Matter Where IT Workers are Located?
by Elsie Echeverri-Carroll & Sofia G Ayala & Mayuresh Kshetramade & Priyanka Murthy - 729-755 An Approach to Metropolitan Governance and Finance
by Richard M Bird & Enid Slack - 756-772 Local Taxation and the Relationship between Incomes and Property Values
by Rhys Davies & Michael Orton & Derek Bosworth - 773-774 Review: Planet of Slums, Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development
by Tristan Clayton
August 2007, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 459-465 Critical Reflections on Urban and Local Development in Africa
by Etienne Nel - 466-485 The Urban Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
by Christine Kessides - 486-515 Retrieving the Baby from the Bathwater: Slum Upgrading in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sumila Gulyani & Ellen M Bassett - 516-536 Local Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Sylvia A R Tijmstra - 537-552 Cape Town, a Secondary Global City in a Developing Country
by Matthew Gibb - 553-572 Urban Agriculture as Local Initiative in Lusaka, Zambia
by Godfrey Hampwaye & Etienne Nel & Christian M Rogerson - 573-590 Partnership for Success—Community-Based Economic Development: A Case Study of Ngolowindo Cooperative, Malawi
by T R Hill & E L Nel & P Illgner - 591-610 Therapeutic Landscapes in Hospital Design: A Qualitative Assessment by Staff and Service Users of the Design of a New Mental Health Inpatient Unit
by Sarah Curtis & Wil Gesler & Kathy Fabian & Susan Francis & Stefan Priebe - 611-627 Competing Environmental Management Standards: How ISO 14001 Outnumbered EMAS in Germany, the UK, France, and Sweden
by Roeland Bracke & Johan Albrecht - 628-632 Review: Price, Principle, and the Environment, Regulation through Revelation: The Origin, Politics and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program, Universities, Innovation and the Economy
by Tatiana Coutto & Sander van den Burg & Tim Vorley
June 2007, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 317-326 Why Cities are Looking Abroad and How They Go about it
by Christian Lefèvre & Ernesto d'Albergo - 327-340 European Cities in a Networked World during the Long 20th Century
by Shane Ewen & Michael Hebbert - 341-356 Varieties of Glocalisation: The International Economic Strategies of Amsterdam, Manchester, and Zurich Compared
by Nico van der Heiden & Pieter Terhorst - 357-373 Intergovernmental Relations and International Urban Strategies: Constraints and Opportunities in Multilevel Polities
by Daniel Kübler & Jolita Piliutyte - 374-390 Urban Societies and Dominant Political Coalitions in the Internationalization of Cities
by Bernard Jouve - 391-409 Towards Glocal Leadership: Taking up the Challenge of New Local Governance in Europe?
by Lionel Martins & José Manuel RodrÃguez à lvarez - 410-422 Inspecting for Improvement? Emerging Patterns of Public Service Regulation in the UK
by James Downe & Steve Martin - 423-438 Pylons in the Back Yard: Local Planning and Perceived Risks to Health
by Stephen Jay - 439-456 Extending HIV/AIDS-Prevention Efforts in Kenya: Primary Schools as Community-Based Organizations
by Isaac Luginaah & Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale & Wambui Kairi & Janet Wildish & Chris Brouillard-Coyle - 457-458 Reviews: Public Management and Modernisation in Britain
by Mita Marra
April 2007, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 159-175 Police Reform and the New Public Management Paradigm: Matching Technology to the Rhetoric
by David I Ashby & Barrie L Irving & Paul A Longley - 176-193 Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Institutional Discrimination, and Implications for Public Policy: A Case Study in Toronto
by Carlos Teixeira & Lucia Lo & Marie Truelove - 194-211 Plugging the Accountability Gap? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Regional Scrutiny
by Rachel Ashworth & Stephanie Snape & Sundeep Aulakh - 212-232 Contested Governance and Definitions of Need in the Distribution of Funding: Investigating the Regeneration-Funding Paradox and the Role of UK National Lottery Funding in Regeneration
by Sophie Donaldson - 233-249 Towards Sustainability: Is Integrated Appraisal a Step in the Right Direction?
by Sue Kidd & Thomas B Fischer - 250-268 Path Dependency and the Implementation of Environmental Regulation
by Elizabeth A Kirk & Alison D Reeves & Kirsty L Blackstock - 269-290 Institutional Innovations, Asymmetric Decentralization, and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Kunshan, in Post-Mao China
by Shiuh-Shen Chien - 291-313 Dissecting Changing Rural Development Policy Networks: The Case of Greece
by Apostolos G Papadopoulos & Constantinos Liarikos - 314-316 Review: International Citizens' Tribunals: Mobilizing Public Opinion to Advance Human Rights, Democracy and Federalism in the European Union and the United States
by Javier Alcalde & Andrew Glencross
February 2007, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by R J Bennett - 3-3 Publisher's Announcement
by N/A - 4-20 Corporations and the Governance of Environmental Risk
by Andrew Gouldson & Jan Bebbington - 21-37 The Governance of Corporations, Technological Change, and Risk: Examining Industrial Perspectives on the Development of Genetically Modified Crops
by Joyce Tait & Joanna Chataway - 38-55 Social and Environmental Accounting, Auditing, and Reporting: A Potential Source of Organisational Risk Governance?
by Jan Bebbington & Ian Thomson - 56-72 The Battle for Hearts and Minds? Evolutions in Corporate Approaches to Environmental Risk Communication
by Andrew Gouldson & Rolf Lidskog & e Wester-Herber - 73-89 Residents, Regulators, and Risk in Two Industrial Towns
by Peter Phillimore & Achim Schlüter & Tanja Pless-Mulloli & Patricia Bell - 90-97 Corporate Governance, Reputation, and Environmental Risk
by Michael Power - 98-114 Universities, Innovation, and Territorial Development: A Review of the Evidence
by Helen Lawton Smith - 115-130 The European Electricity and Climate Policy—Complement or Substitute?
by Claudia Kemfert - 131-149 Domestic Rate Reform in Northern Ireland: A Critical Review of Policy Options
by William J McCluskey & Lay Cheng Lim & Peadar T Davis - 150-156 Review: Comparing Local Governance: Trends and Developments, Economic Geographies: Circuits, Flows and Spaces, European Political Thought since 1945, Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU's Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe: The Myth of Conditionality, Corruption in Contemporary Politics
by Sylvia Tijmstra & Tatiana Coutto & Eduardo Romanos & Cristina Blanco SÃo-López & Liliane Karlinger - 157-158 Referees 2006
by N/A
December 2006, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 795-798 Small Business Policy
by Bob Ritchie - 799-814 A Burden on Business? Reviewing the Evidence Base on Regulation and Small-Business Performance
by John Kitching - 815-826 The impact of Sector, Specialisation, and Space on Business Birth Rates in the United Kingdom: A Challenge for Policy?
by Michael Anyadike-Danes & Mark Hart - 827-846 Influences on Small-Firm Compliance-Related Behaviour: The Case of Workplace Health and Safety
by Robert Baldock & Philip James & David Smallbone & Ian Vickers - 847-867 Delivering ICT to Ethnic Minority Businesses: An Action-Research Approach
by Martin Beckinsale & Monder Ram - 869-884 Can Small Businesses Help Reduce Employment Exclusion?
by John Kitching - 885-908 Making Policy Choices in Nonfinancial Business Support: An International Comparison
by Kevin F Mole & George Bramley - 909-927 New Patterns of Governance in the English Region: Assessing their Implications for Spatial Planning
by Graham Pearce & Sarah Ayres - 929-946 Westminster Executive Meets Local Government ‘Culture’: Overview and Scrutiny in Three English County Councils
by Mark Sandford
October 2006, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 633-643 Boundary Work: Knowledge, Policy, and the Urban Environment
by Susan Owens & Judith Petts & Harriet Bulkeley - 645-659 Designing Urban Knowledge: Competing Perspectives on Energy and Buildings
by Simon Guy - 661-680 Ecological versus Social Restoration? How Urban River Restoration Challenges but Also Fails to Challenge the Science – Policy Nexus in the United Kingdom
by Sally Eden & Sylvia Tunstall - 681-700 The Evidence – Policy Interface in Strategic Waste Planning for Urban Environments: The ‘Technical’ and the ‘Social’ Dimensions
by Simin Davoudi - 701-714 Bridging the Science – Policy Divide in Urban Air-Quality Management: Evaluating Ways to Make Models More Robust through Public Engagement
by Steven Yearley - 715-717 The Science – Society Interface in the Urban Environment: A Policy Perspective
by David Lewis - 719-737 Would Local Currencies Make a Good Local Economic Development Policy Tool? The Case of Ithaca Hours
by David Grover - 739-754 Scalar Strategies in Climate-Change Politics: Debating the Environmental Consequences of a Natural Gas Project
by Gard Lindseth - 755-770 Retail Productivity and Land-Use Planning: Negotiating ‘Joined-up’ Retail Planning Policy
by Cliff Guy - 771-789 Do Institutional Arrangements Make a Difference to Transport Policy and Implementation? Lessons for Britain
by Greg Marsden & Anthony D May - 791-794 Review: Risk Management in Post-Trust Societies, the British General Election of 2005
by Kevin Burchell & Alex Wilson
August 2006, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 475-496 Reshaping Spaces of Local Governance? Community Strategies and the Modernisation of Local Government in England
by Mike Raco & Gavin Parker & Joe Doak - 497-514 Environmental Governance in the Information Age: The Emergence of Informational Governance
by Arthur P J Mol - 515-532 Evaluating Land-Use Restrictions concerning the Floor Area Ratio of Lots
by Xiaolu Gao & Yasushi Asami & Wataru Katsumata - 533-552 Monitoring Spatial Strategies: The Case of Local Development Documents in England
by Cecilia Wong & Mark Baker & Sue Kidd - 553-573 The Planning — Policy Connection in US and Canadian Economic Development
by Laura A Reese - 575-596 Disintegrated Transport Policy: The Multimodal Studies Process in England
by Jon Shaw & Colin Hunter & David Gray - 597-614 Institutional Reform in the Provision of Public Services in Hong Kong: An Efficiency Evaluation
by Richard M Walker & Ling Hin Li - 615-630 When Frames Conflict: Policy Dialogue on Waste
by Heli Saarikoski - 631-632 Review: The Politics and Government of Switzerland
by Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy
June 2006, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 317-330 The Changing Geography of Subregional Planning in England
by Marco Bianconi & Nick Gallent & Ian Greatbatch - 331-349 The Institutional Limits to Multifunctional Agriculture: Subnational Governance and Regional Systems of Innovation
by Julian Clark - 351-370 Developing Leisure and Cultural Attractions in the Regional City Centre: A Policy Perspective
by Andrew R Tallon & Rosemary D F Bromley & Ben Reynolds & Colin J Thomas - 371-384 E-Participation in Planning: An Analysis of Cities Adopting On-Line Citizen Participation Tools
by Maria Manta Conroy & Jennifer Evans-Cowley - 385-401 International Innovation Comparisons: Insight or Illusion?
by Stephen Roper & Nola Hewitt-Dundas - 403-421 Governing Space: Planning Reform and the Politics of Sustainability
by Richard Cowell & Susan Owens - 423-438 When Water Management Meets Spatial Planning: A Policy-Arrangements Perspective
by Mark Wiering & Irene Immink - 439-458 Green Niches in Sustainable Development: The Case of Organic Food in the United Kingdom
by Adrian Smith - 459-472 The Practice of Government in a Devolved Scotland: The Case of the Designation of the Cairngorms National Park
by Nicola Thompson - 473-474 Review: Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment
by Peter Nijkamp
April 2006, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 159-167 Applying Participatory Multicriteria Methods to River Basin Management: Improving the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive
by Frank Messner - 169-190 Deliberative Multicriteria Evaluation
by Wendy Proctor & Martin Drechsler - 191-213 Process-Guided Multicriteria Analysis in Wastewater Planning
by Karen Refsgaard - 215-234 Participatory Methods for Water Resources Planning
by Giorgos Kallis & Nuno Videira & Paula Antunes & Ângela Guimarães Pereira & Clive L Spash & Harry Coccossis & Serafin Corral Quintana & Leandro del Moral & Dionisia Hatzilacou & Gonçalo Lobo & Alexandra Mexa & Pilar Paneque & Belen Pedregal Mateos & Rui Santos - 235-256 Multicriteria Analysis under Uncertainty with IANUS—Method and Empirical Results
by Bernd Klauer & Martin Drechsler & Frank Messner - 257-277 Consistency of the Results of Different MCA Methods: A Critical Review
by Jaroslav Myšiak - 279-295 Devolution and the Welfare State: Lessons from Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Wales
by Daniel Wincott - 297-311 Path Dependency and the Allocation of Public Investment in Mexico
by Joan Costa-Font & Eduardo RodrÃguez-Oreggia - 313-314 Referees 2005
by N/A - 315-316 Review: A Brief History of Neoliberalism
by Tristan Clayton
February 2006, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-4 Small Business Policy
by Ted Fuller - 5-19 Do Enterprise Support Programmes Leave Women Holding the Baby?
by Julia Rouse & John Kitching - 21-36 Should Government be Stimulating Start-ups? An Assessment of the Scope for Public Intervention in New Venture Formation
by Andrew Atherton - 37-49 A New Conceptualisation of Business Development for SMEs: A Focus on Development Potential
by Claire Massey - 51-69 UK Vietnamese Businesses: Cultural Influences and Intracultural Differences
by Susan Bagwell - 71-81 How are SMEs Financed? Evidence from the Ghanaian Nontraditional Export Sector
by Joshua Abor & Nicholas Biekpe - 83-98 Fiscal Policy and Self-Employment: Targeting Business Growth
by Brian Sloan & Francis Chittenden - 99-116 The Effect of the National Minimum Wage on the UK Small Business Sector: A Geographical Analysis
by Colin M Mason & Sara Carter & Stephen K Tagg - 117-138 A Critical Analysis of Decentralisation and Local Economic Development: The Turkish Case
by Gül Berna Özcan - 139-155 Regional Renaissance? New Forms of Governance in Nonmetropolitan Australia
by Jo-Anne Everingham & Lynda Cheshire & Geoffrey Lawrence - 157-158 Reviews: The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu
by Tristan Clayton
December 2005, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 795-797 SME Local Clusters and Support Policies
by Ted Fuller - 799-814 Knowledge Diffusion in Localised Economies of SMEs: The Role of Local Supporting Organisations
by Nikos Dimitriadis & Mike Simpson & Andreas Andronikidis - 815-832 Exploring the Role of the Business Support Infrastructure in Albania: The Need for a Rethink?
by Mirela Xheneti - 833-850 Clustering Small Enterprise: Lessons from Policy Experience in New Zealand
by Martin Perry - 851-866 A Government-Funded Internet Portal as a Promoter of Regional Cluster Relationships: A Case Study from the Australian Wine Industry
by Carmine Sellitto & Stephen Burgess - 867-882 The Strategic Development of Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries and Direct Employment in Host Locations in the United Kingdom
by Frank McDonald & Heinz-Josef Tüselmann & Svitlana Voronkova & Pavlos Dimitratos - 883-906 Public Sector Relocation and Regional Disparities in Britain
by J Neill Marshall & Catherine Hodgson & David Bradley - 907-922 Governmentalisation and Local Strategic Partnerships: Whose Priorities?
by John Lever - 923-938 Effectiveness at What? The Processes and Impact of Community Involvement in Area-Based Initiatives
by Robina Goodlad & Paul Burton & Jacqui Croft - 939-939 Author Index
by N/A - 940-944 Subject Index
by N/A - 945-945 Book Reviews Index
by N/A
October 2005, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 633-656 Investigating the Potential of Key Sectors Using Multisectoral Qualitative Analysis: A Welsh Case Study
by Jane Bryan & Calvin Jones & Max Munday - 657-677 Spatial Diversity in Local Government Revenue Effort under Decentralization: A Neural-Network Approach
by Mildred E Warner & James E Pratt - 679-695 Governance, Rurality, and Nature: Exploring Emerging Discourses of State Forestry in Britain
by Kieron G Stanley & Terry K Marsden & Paul Milbourne - 697-713 Institutional Change through Innovation: The URBAN Community Initiative in Berlin, 1994–99
by Charlotte Halpern - 715-731 Providing Enterprise Support for Offenders: Realising New Opportunities or Reinforcing Old Inequalities?
by Del Roy Fletcher - 733-757 Meeting the New Foreign Direct Investment Challenge in East and Central Europe: Place-Marketing Strategies in Hungary
by Craig Young - 759-783 Direct Subsidies and Housing Affordability in Australian Private Rental Markets
by Gavin A Wood & Matthew Forbes & Kenneth Gibb - 785-794 Reviews: Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy, Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World, Global Matrix: Nationalism, Globalism and State-Terrorism, Political Virtue and Shopping: Individuals, Consumerism and Collective Action, Why Deliberative Democracy?, Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the Transformation of Labour, the Personal and the Political: How Personal Welfare State Experiences Affect Political Trust and Ideology
by Julien D Talpin & Sara Davies & Tristan Clayton & Sander van den Burg & Julien D Talpin & Victor Savage & Julien D Talpin