August 2018, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 816-836 Comparative infrastructural modalities: Examining spatial strategies for Melbourne, Auckland and Vancouver
by Jenny McArthur - 837-855 Boundary spanning for governance of climate change adaptation in cities: Insights from a Dutch urban region
by Marcin DÄ…browski - 856-876 Between enabling and provider approach: Key shifts in the national housing policy in India and Brazil
by Urmi Sengupta & Brendan Murtagh & Camila D’Ottaviano & Suzana Pasternak - 877-896 Revisiting implementation theory: An interdisciplinary comparison between urban planning and healthcare implementation research
by Mark C Smith - 897-915 Paths to (de)centralization: Changing territorial dynamics of social policy in the People’s Republic of China and the United States
by Daniel Béland & Philip Rocco & Shih-Jiunn Shi & Alex Waddan - 916-936 The differential effect of various stakeholder groups in place marketing
by Jasper Eshuis & Erik Braun & Erik Hans Klijn & Sebastian Zenker - 937-962 Trends and patterns in sustainability-related media coverage: A classification of issue-level attention
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Philippe Givry & Frank Figge
June 2018, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 573-588 “Recovering†public space and race: Afro-Colombian street vendors in Bogotá, Colombia
by Lorena Munoz - 589-608 Anti-austerity voting in an era of economic crisis: Regional evidence from the 2015 referendum in Greece
by Panagiotis Artelaris & Yannis Tsirbas - 609-628 The challenges of aligning the scales of urban climate science and climate policy in London and Manchester
by Liam James Heaphy - 629-648 Learning from groundwater: Pragmatic compromise planning common goods
by Sanjeev Vidyarthi & Charles Hoch - 649-668 Understanding developer perspectives and experiences of wind energy development in Ontario
by Emmanuel Songsore & Michael Buzzelli & Jamie Baxter - 669-688 Planners' perceptions of the influence of leadership on coordinating plans
by Jill L Grant & Amanda Taylor & Christina Wheeler - 689-707 Planning as a barrier for growth: Analysing storylines on the reform of the Danish Planning Act
by Kristian Olesen & Helen Carter - 708-725 Spatial imaginaries of adaptation governance: A public perspective
by Elissa Waters & Jon Barnett - 726-749 A proposal for the analysis of price escalation within water tariffs: The impact of the Water Framework Directive in Spain
by Marta Suárez-Varela & Roberto MartÃnez-Espiñeira - 750-772 Small and medium-sized enterprise policy: Designed to fail?
by Robert Wapshott & Oliver Mallett
May 2018, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 383-402 Toponymic assemblages, resistance, and the politics of planning in Vancouver, Canada
by Trevor J Wideman & Jeffrey R Masuda - 403-422 Secure the city, revitalize the zone: Smart urbanization in Camden, New Jersey
by Alan Wiig - 423-442 From victims to actors: The role of children and young people in flood recovery and resilience
by Maggie Mort & Marion Walker & Alison Lloyd Williams & Amanda Bingley - 443-459 Managing contested spaces: Public managers, obscured mechanisms and the legacy of the past in Northern Ireland
by Joanne Murphy & Sara McDowell & Maire Braniff & David Denyer - 460-478 Race at the margins: A Critical Race Theory perspective on race equality in UK planning
by Richard Gale & Huw Thomas - 479-495 Sustainability university–community partnerships: Lessons for practitioners and scholars from highly sustainable communities
by Samantha Mosier & Megan Ruxton - 496-512 Social innovation in question: The theoretical and practical implications of a contested concept
by Pedro Marques & Kevin Morgan & Ranald Richardson - 513-529 The governance of polycentric national infrastructure systems: Evidence from the UK National Infrastructure Plan
by Colin Turner - 530-547 Questioning the implementation of smart specialisation: Regional innovation policy and semi-autonomous regions
by Rhiannon Pugh - 548-568 Assessing the impacts of changing public service provision on geographical accessibility: An examination of public library provision in Pembrokeshire, South Wales
by Gary Higgs & Samuel Jones & Mitchel Langford & Jesse Heley - 569-569 Erratum
by N/A - 570-570 Corrigendum
by N/A
March 2018, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 181-200 Wealth inequality, redistribution and local development: The case of land reform in Italy
by Marco Percoco - 201-218 Creating institutional preconditions for knowledge flows in cross-border regions
by Johan Miörner & Elena Zukauskaite & Michaela Trippl & Jerker Moodysson - 219-238 Smart specialisation in regions with less-developed research and innovation systems: A changing role for universities?
by Paul Vallance & Jiřà Blažek & John Edwards & Viktor Květoň - 239-257 Transformative city branding for policy change: The case of Seoul’s participatory branding
by Yu-Min Joo & Bokyong Seo - 258-273 Taking power to sea: Towards a post-structuralist discourse theoretical critique of marine spatial planning
by Ralph V Tafon - 274-289 Rescaling employment support accountability: From negative national neoliberalism to positively integrated city-region ecosystems
by Adam Whitworth & Eleanor Carter - 290-312 The neighbourhood roots of social cohesion: Notes on an exceptional case of Singapore
by KC Ho & Vincent Chua - 313-339 Dividing the pie in the eco-social state: Exploring the relationship between public support for environmental and welfare policies
by Niklas Jakobsson & Raya Muttarak & Mi Ah Schoyen - 340-356 ‘Time to move on’ or ‘taking more time’? How disregarding multiple perspectives on time can increase policy-making conflict
by EEA Wolf & Wouter Van Dooren - 357-380 How effective is central enforcement? Evidence from convened committees in failing local authorities
by Yaniv Reingewertz & Itai Beeri
February 2018, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-27 Take-up and variation of advice for new firm founders in different local contexts
by Kevin Mole & Joan-LluÃs Capelleras - 28-46 Regional policy mixes for enterprise and innovation: A fuzzy-set clustering approach
by Annalisa Caloffi & Marco Mariani - 47-66 Small- and medium-sized enterprises and public procurement: A review of the UK coalition government's policies and their impact
by Kim Loader - 67-91 Adaptation to extreme weather events in complex health and social care systems: The example of older people’s services in England
by Sarah Curtis & Katie Oven & Jonathan Wistow & Christine Dunn & Lena Dominelli - 92-117 Community benefits from offshore renewables: The relationship between different understandings of impact, community, and benefit
by David Rudolph & Claire Haggett & Mhairi Aitken - 118-138 Engage, participate, empower: Modelling power transfer in disadvantaged rural communities
by Artur Adam Steiner & Jane Farmer - 139-159 Turning accounting for emissions rights inside out as well as upside down
by Thereza RS de Aguiar - 160-177 Contending narratives on the sustainability of nuclear energy in Turkey
by Emre İşeri & Defne Günay & Alper Almaz
December 2017, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1343-1361 Climate governance entrepreneurship: Emerging findings and a new research agenda
by Elin Lerum Boasson & Dave Huitema - 1362-1377 Policy entrepreneurs and problem framing: The case of climate change
by Michael Mintrom & Joannah Luetjens - 1378-1400 Gubernatorial entrepreneurship and United States federal-state interaction: The case of subnational regional greenhouse gas emissions trading
by Katja Biedenkopf - 1401-1417 Policy entrepreneurs in policy valuation processes: The case of the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
by Moshe Maor - 1418-1436 The transnational policy process for REDD+ and domestic policy entrepreneurship in developing countries
by Sébastien Jodoin - 1437-1455 The emergence of carbon disclosure: Exploring the role of governance entrepreneurs
by Philipp Pattberg - 1456-1470 Policy entrepreneurs in national climate change policy processes
by Inken Reimer & Barbara Saerbeck - 1471-1482 Policy entrepreneurship in climate governance: Toward a comparative approach
by Jessica F Green - 1483-1508 Foreign direct investment and growth: Can different regional identities shape the returns to foreign capital investments?
by Laura Casi & Laura Resmini - 1509-1525 Spanish fiscal decentralization: A successful (but still unfinished) process
by Santiago Lago-Peñas & XoaquÃn Fernández-Leiceaga & Alberto Vaquero-GarcÃa
November 2017, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1139-1155 Sub-national government and pathways to sustainable energy
by Richard Cowell & Geraint Ellis & Fionnguala Sherry-Brennan & Peter A Strachan & David Toke - 1156-1175 Retrofitting the built environment ‘to save’ energy: Arbed, the emergence of a distinctive sustainability transition pathway in Wales
by Carla De Laurentis & Malcolm Eames & Miriam Hunt - 1176-1197 Subnational governance for the low carbon energy transition: Mapping the UK’s ‘Energy Constitution’
by Thomas L Muinzer & Geraint Ellis - 1198-1217 The mutual construction of urban retrofit and scale: Governing ON, IN and WITH in Greater Manchester1
by Mike Hodson & Simon Marvin - 1218-1241 Multilevel policies for radical transition: Governance for a 100% renewable energy system
by Frede Hvelplund & Søren Djørup - 1242-1263 Decentralising energy governance? Wales, devolution and the politics of energy infrastructure decision-making
by Richard Cowell - 1264-1284 Turning New Public Management theory into reality: Performative struggle during a large scale planning process
by Sander Merkus & Marcel Veenswijk - 1285-1303 Disruptions in strategic infrastructure planning – What do they mean for sustainable development?
by Shirin Malekpour & Rebekah R Brown & Fjalar J de Haan - 1304-1323 Learning from community indicators movements: Towards a citizen-powered urban data revolution
by Sara Moreno Pires & Liam Magee & Meg Holden - 1324-1339 Democratic tensions in decentralised planning – Rhetoric, legislation and reality in England
by John Sturzaker & Michael Gordon
September 2017, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 939-957 Boon or bane for development? Turkey’s central state bureaucracy and the management of public investment
by Davide Luca - 958-974 Analysing public service outsourcing: The value of a regulatory perspective
by Ian Cunningham & Philip James - 975-989 The openness buzz in the knowledge economy: Towards taxonomy
by Anna Lundgren & Hans Westlund - 990-1009 Fewer voters, higher stakes? The applicability of rational choice for voter turnout in Quebec municipalities
by Sandra Breux & Jérôme Couture & Nicole Goodman - 1010-1028 Away from fossil-fuels and toward a bioeconomy: Knowledge versatility for public policy?
by Farhad Mukhtarov & Andrea Gerlak & Robin Pierce - 1029-1054 Media coverage of climate change: An international comparison
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Frank Figge & Andreas Hoepner & Diane Holt & Johannes Marcelus Kraak & Pei-Shan Yu - 1055-1074 Local authorities and the engagement of private actors in climate change adaptation
by Johannes Klein & Sirkku Juhola & Mia Landauer - 1075-1097 Growing centralization in China’s farmland protection policy in response to policy failure and related upward-extending unwillingness to protect farmland since 1978
by Taiyang Zhong & Bruce Mitchell & Steffanie Scott & Xianjin Huang & Yi Li & Xiao Lu - 1098-1116 Democratization and inequality: Empirical evidence for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries
by Sebastian Ille & Adrian Risso & Edgar J Sanchez Carrera - 1117-1135 The challenge of implementing European Union environmental law in the new member states: The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive in the Czech Republic and Poland
by Dan Marek & Michael Baun & Marcin DÄ…browski
August 2017, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 739-745 Public–private partnerships and beyond: Potential for innovation and sustainable development
by Annalisa Caloffi & Stephen Pryke & Silvia R Sedita & Matti Siemiatycki - 746-764 Infrastructure public–private partnerships as drivers of innovation? Lessons from Ontario, Canada
by Michael Himmel & Matti Siemiatycki - 765-783 Cognitive distance in public procurement and public–private partnerships: An analysis of the construction sector
by Annalisa Caloffi & Francesca Gambarotto - 784-808 Beyond the financial logic: Realizing valuable outcomes in public–private partnerships in Flanders and Ontario
by Martijn van den Hurk & Marlies Hueskes - 809-827 Understanding the procurement performance of local governments: A duration analysis of public works
by Giuseppe F Gori & Patrizia Lattarulo & Marco Mariani - 828-848 Anchoring the innovation impacts of public procurement to place: The role of conversations
by Elvira Uyarra & Kieron Flanagan & Edurne Magro & Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia - 849-871 Local media coverage of wildfire disasters: An analysis of problems and solutions in policy narratives
by Deserai A Crow & John Berggren & Lydia A Lawhon & Elizabeth A Koebele & Adrianne Kroepsch & Juhi Huda - 872-897 Is government decentralization useful in the fight against domestic terrorism? A cross-country analysis
by Roberto Ezcurra - 898-915 The role of translation loops in policy mutation processes: State designated Bioenergy Regions in Germany
by Moritz Albrecht - 916-936 Evaluating the policy approaches for tackling undeclared work in the European Union
by Colin C Williams & Ioana A Horodnic
June 2017, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 559-568 Understanding regional innovation policy dynamics: Actors, agency and learning
by Elvira Uyarra & Kieron Flanagan & Edurne Magro & James R Wilson & Markku Sotarauta - 569-583 Nurturing novelty: Regional innovation policy in the age of smart specialisation
by Kevin Morgan - 584-599 An actor-centric bottom-up view of institutions: Combinatorial knowledge dynamics through the eyes of institutional entrepreneurs and institutional navigators
by Markku Sotarauta - 600-620 Advancing regional innovation systems: What does evolutionary economic geography bring to the policy table?
by Lars Coenen & Bjørn Asheim & Markus M Bugge & Sverre J Herstad - 621-639 Cluster governance: A practical way out of a congested state of governance plurality
by Miranda Ebbekink - 640-660 Understanding the role of regional influence and innovation in EU policymaking: Bavaria and Cars and CO2
by Karen Anderton - 661-683 Multi level policy mixes and industry emergence: The case of wind energy in Spain
by Cristian Matti & Davide Consoli & Elvira Uyarra - 684-702 Smart specialisation strategies and cross-border integration of regional innovation systems: Policy dynamics and challenges for the Upper Rhine
by Emmanuel Muller & Andrea Zenker & Miriam Hufnagl & Jean-Alain Héraud & Esther Schnabl & Teemu Makkonen & Henning Kroll - 703-720 Regional competitiveness policy evaluation as a transformative process: From theory to practice
by Mari Jose Aranguren & Edurne Magro & James R Wilson - 721-736 Moving context from the background to the forefront of policy learning: Reflections on a case in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country
by James Karlsen & Miren Larrea
May 2017, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 379-396 Accomplishing information and change in a smart grid pilot: Linking domestic practices with policy interventions
by Joeri Naus & Hilje M van der Horst - 397-416 Getting involved in plan-making: Participation in neighbourhood planning in England
by Katherine Brookfield - 417-433 Exploring the intersections between local knowledge and environmental regulation: A study of shale gas extraction in Texas and Lancashire
by Yasminah Beebeejaun - 434-456 The role of government co-investment funds in the supply of entrepreneurial finance: An assessment of the early operation of the UK Angel Co-investment Fund
by Robyn Owen (Baldock) & Colin Mason - 457-475 Are entrepreneurial and market orientations of small and medium-sized enterprises associated with targeting different tiers of public procurement?
by Timo Tammi & Helen Reijonen & Jani Saastamoinen - 476-499 Which SMEs seek external support? Business characteristics, management behaviour and external influences in a contingency approach
by Kevin Mole & David North & Robert Baldock - 500-517 New mobile realities in mature staples-dependent resource regions: Local governments and work camps
by Laura M Ryser & Greg Halseth & Sean Markey & Marleen Morris - 518-536 Policy capacities for new regional industrial path development – The case of new media and biogas in southern Sweden
by Hanna Martin & Roman Martin - 537-555 Business advice and lending in small firms
by Anoosheh Rostamkalaei & Mark Freel - 556-556 Le-Yin Zhang, Managing the city economy: Challenges and strategies in developing countries
by Michael A Cohen
March 2017, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 197-220 From liability to opportunity: An institutional approach towards value-based land remediation
by Roel Plant & Spike Boydell & Jason Prior & Joanne Chong & Aleta Lederwasch - 221-238 Re-colonising the Arctic: The preparation of spatial planning policy in Murmansk Oblast, Russia
by Nadir Kinossian - 239-264 A “new water culture†on the Iberian Peninsula? Evaluating epistemic community impact on water resources management policy
by Jeanie Bukowski - 265-288 Can green infrastructure help to conserve biodiversity?
by Anna Salomaa & Riikka Paloniemi & Janne S Kotiaho & Marianne Kettunen & Evangelia Apostolopoulou & Joanna Cent - 289-311 Structural change and the sustainability of regional convergence: Evidence from the Italian regions
by Claudio Di Berardino & Giuseppe Mauro & Davide Quaglione & Alessandro Sarra - 312-333 Historical institutionalism and the politics of sustainable energy transitions: A research agenda
by Matthew Lockwood & Caroline Kuzemko & Catherine Mitchell & Richard Hoggett - 334-354 Health risks from environmental degradation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Josephine Adekola & Moira Fischbacher-Smith & Denis Fischbacher-Smith & Olalekan Adekola - 355-375 Energy and development in the periphery: A regional perspective on small hydropower projects
by Jemma Bere & Calvin Jones & Stuart Jones & Max Munday
February 2017, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-5 Re-imagining Politics & Space: Why here, why now?
by Patricia Daley & Eugene McCann & Alison Mountz & Joe Painter - 6-24 State restructuring and emerging patterns of subnational policy-making and governance in China and India
by Loraine Kennedy - 25-41 Land acquisition, rural protests, and the local state in China and India
by Xuefei Ren - 42-56 State spatial restructuring, subnational politics and emerging spaces of engagement for collective action: Labour regimes in Tamil Nadu, southern India
by M Vijayabaskar - 57-75 Scalar restructuring of the Chinese state: The subnational politics of development zones
by Tak-Wing Ngo & Cunyi Yin & Zhilin Tang - 76-93 State, scale and networks in the liberalisation of India’s land
by Nikita Sud - 94-112 State restructuring and subnational innovation spaces across Chinese prefectures
by Giorgio Prodi & Francesco Nicolli & Federico Frattini - 113-129 Rescaling the public distribution system in India: Mapping the uneven transition from spatialization to territorialization
by Frédéric Landy - 130-146 Intermediary activities and agendas of regional cleantech networks in Sweden
by Brita Hermelin & Hans Rämö - 147-168 The participating government: Shifting boundaries in collaborative spatial planning of urban regions
by Judith Westerink & Annet Kempenaar & Marjo van Lierop & Stefan Groot & Arnold van der Valk & Adri van den Brink - 169-190 Paperwork and the decoupling of audit and animal welfare: The challenges of materiality for better regulation
by Maria Paula Escobar & David Demeritt - 191-194 Policies on the move: Translation, assemblages and ethnography
by Farhad Mukhtarov
December 2016, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1369-1386 Bundling the procurement of sports infrastructure projects: How neither public nor private actors really benefit
by Martijn van den Hurk - 1387-1403 Energy transitions and uncertainty: Creating low carbon investment opportunities in the UK electricity sector
by Ronan Bolton & Timothy J Foxon & Stephen Hall - 1404-1424 Scale as both material and discursive: A view through China’s rescaling of urban planning system for environmental governance
by Calvin King Lam Chung & Jiang Xu - 1425-1452 The impact of innovation support programs on small and medium enterprises innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: An evaluation for seven European Union regions
by Dragana Radicic & Geoffrey Pugh & Hugo Hollanders & René Wintjes & Jon Fairburn - 1453-1473 Global and local governance, industrial and geographical dynamics: A tale of two clusters
by Shengjun Zhu & Canfei He - 1474-1500 Going for gold: A prospective assessment of the economic impacts of the Commonwealth Games 2014 on the East End of Glasgow
by Julie Clark & Ade Kearns - 1501-1515 The conditions of practical action: Neoliberalism and sustainability in the Australian road construction industry
by Cameron White - 1516-1539 Examining participatory governance in a devolving UK: Insights from national parks policy development in Northern Ireland
by Jonathan PW Bell & Aileen Stockdale - 1540-1555 Neoliberalism and sustainable urban water sectors: A critical reflection of sector characteristics and empirical evidence
by Eva Lieberherr & Lea Fuenfschilling - 1556-1581 An assessment of the business impacts of the UK’s Enterprise Capital Funds
by Robert Baldock - 1582-1611 Exploring the disconnect in policy implementation: A case of enterprise policy in England
by Norin Arshed & Colin Mason & Sara Carter - 1612-1631 State enrolment and energy-carbon transitions: Syndromic experimentation and atomisation in England
by Will Eadson - 1632-1651 From engaging to enabling: Could an asset-based approach transform Indigenous affairs?
by Deborah Ann Blackman & Fiona Buick & Janine O'Flynn - 1652-1675 Biases in multicriteria decision analysis: The case of environmental planning in Southern Nevada
by Josephine Gatti Schafer & Caleb T Gallemore - 1676-1692 Think tanks and the pressures for planning reform in England
by Graham Haughton & Phil Allmendinger - 1693-1715 Cap-and-trade, crowding out, and the implications for municipal climate policy motivations
by Evelyne St-Louis & Adam Millard-Ball - 1716-1733 Financial viability appraisals for site-specific planning decisions in England
by Neil Crosby & Peter Wyatt - 1734-1758 Bourdieu’s non-material forms of capital: Implications for start-up policy
by Robert Lee & Eleanor Shaw - 1759-1775 When administrative reforms produce territorial differentiation. How market-oriented policies transform military brownfield reconversion in France (1989–2012)
by Francesca Artioli - 1776-1792 Hidden clusters: the articulation of agglomeration in City Regions
by Nick Williams & Chay Brooks & Tim Vorley - 1793-1824 Decentralization and economic growth reconsidered: The role of regional authority
by Andrea Filippetti & Agnese Sacchi - 1825-1842 An empirical investigation of the influence of municipal fiscal policy on firm growth
by Philippe Van Cauwenberge & Peter Beyne & Heidi Vander Bauwhede - 1843-1866 Infrastructure, planning and the command of time
by Tim Marshall & Richard Cowell - 1867-1894 Public housing and educational attainment in Asia's global city: An empirical study of Hong Kong
by Fox Zhiyong Hu & Keelee Chou - 1895-1916 Effect of the proportionality degree of electoral systems on corruption
by Maria Rosaria Alfano & Anna Laura Baraldi & Erasmo Papagni
November 2016, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1197-1221 Private governance and accounting for sustainability networks
by Jason Thistlethwaite & Matthew Paterson - 1222-1240 Environmental rulemaking across states: Process, procedural access, and regulatory influence
by Deserai A Crow & Elizabeth A Albright & Elizabeth Koebele - 1241-1266 Selecting and coordinating local and regional climate change interventions
by Daniel Culotta & Arnim Wiek & Nigel Forrest - 1267-1283 Sustaining business networks: Understanding the benefit bundles sought by members of local business associations
by Robert Newbery & Matthew Gorton & Jeremy Phillipson & Jane Atterton - 1284-1305 Articulating ‘public interest’ through complexity theory
by Angelique Chettiparamb - 1306-1323 Statecraft, scalecraft and local government reorganisation in Wales
by Simon Pemberton - 1324-1343 Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-level governance
by Philip Catney & John M Henneberry - 1344-1363 The politics of co-benefits in India’s energy sector
by Jan Mayrhofer & Joyeeta Gupta - 1364-1365 Naho Mirumachi, Transboundary water politics in the developing world
by Laurence Smith
September 2016, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1023-1024 Environment and sustainable development scholarship: A celebration
by David Benson & Harriet Bulkeley & David Demeritt & Andy Jordan & Jim Murphy & Henrik Selin - 1025-1057 Social capital and innovation: A comparative analysis of regional policies
by Lyndon Murphy & Robert Huggins & Piers Thompson - 1058-1075 What triggers innovation diffusion? Intermediary organizations and geography in cultural and science-based industries
by Josephine V Rekers - 1076-1094 Powering sustainability: Municipal utilities and local government policymaking
by George C Homsy - 1095-1114 Can emerging regional innovation strategies in less developed European regions bridge the main gaps in the innovation process?
by Jiřà Blažek & Pavel Csank - 1115-1134 The politics of evidence-based policy: A comparative analysis of climate adaptation in Australia and the UK
by Peter Tangney & Michael Howes - 1135-1153 Endogenous development and institutions: Challenges for local development initiatives
by Antonio Vázquez-Barquero & Juan C RodrÃguez-Cohard - 1154-1174 A framework for assessing governance capacity: An illustration from Vietnam's forestry reforms
by Thi Kim Phung Dang & Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers & Bas Arts - 1175-1193 Insurance as maladaptation: Resilience and the ‘business as usual’ paradox
by Paul O'Hare & Iain White & Angela Connelly
August 2016, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 759-776 The London living wage and in-work poverty reduction: Impacts on employers and workers
by Brian Linneker & Jane Wills - 777-794 In search for effective public-private partnerships: An assessment of the impact of organizational form and managerial strategies in urban regeneration partnerships using fsQCA
by Ir. Michiel Kort & Stefan Verweij & Erik-Hans Klijn - 795-815 Regional asymmetries in monetary policy transmission: The case of the Greek regions
by Ageliki Anagnostou & Stephanos Papadamou - 816-836 Targeted support for high growth firms: Theoretical constraints, unintended consequences and future policy challenges
by Ross Brown & Suzanne Mawson - 837-854 From ‘shadowy cabal’ to new profession: Networks of cooperation and competition in UK Higher Education fundraising
by Adam Warren & Michael Hoyler & Morag Bell - 855-878 Additionality and regional public finance – Evidence from Italy
by Chiara F Del Bo & Emanuela Sirtori - 879-899 Fractured knowledge: Mapping the gaps in public and private water monitoring efforts in areas affected by shale gas development
by Abby Kinchy & Sarah Parks & Kirk Jalbert - 900-926 Building consensus for network power? Some reflections on strategic spatial planning in the North West region of England
by Abbas Ziafati Bafarasat & Mark Baker - 927-944 Governing urban development for climate risk: What role for public–private partnerships?
by Bruce M. Taylor & Ben P. Harman - 945-962 Forestry administrator framings of responses to socioeconomic disturbance: Examples from northern regions in Canada, Sweden, and Finland
by Ryan CL Bullock & E. Carina H. Keskitalo & Terhi Vuojala-Magga & Emmeline Laszlo Ambjörnsson - 963-980 Employment changes in knowledge-based industries in large urban areas of Spain: Impact of the economic crisis and austerity policies
by Ricardo Méndez & Simón Sánchez-Moral & Jorge Malfeito-Gaviro - 981-998 Land supply and housing prices in Hong Kong: The political economy of urban land policy
by Ling-Hin Li & Siu Kei Kelvin Wong & Ka Shing Cheung - 999-1019 Is climate change framed as ‘business as usual’ or as a challenging issue? The practitioners’ dilemma
by Paulina Aldunce & John Handmer & Ruth Beilin & Mark Howden
June 2016, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 581-591 The European Union and its neighboring countries: The economic geography of trade, Foreign Direct Investment and development
by Riccardo Crescenzi & George Petrakos - 592-616 Broadening or jumping? An analysis of the first export market of European Union firms
by Anna Maria Pinna & Rinaldo Brau & Vania Manuela Licio - 617-637 Relatedness and diversification in the European Union (EU-27) and European Neighbourhood Policy countries
by Ron Boschma & Gianluca Capone - 638-655 Doing business in Ukraine – multinational companies in the trap of regional institutions?
by Javier Revilla Diez & Daniel Schiller & Daria Zvirgzde - 656-675 What drives European multinationals to the European Union neighbouring countries? A mixed-methods analysis of Italian investment strategies
by Andrea Ascani & Riccardo Crescenzi & Simona Iammarino - 676-697 Institutional proximity and the size and geography of foreign direct investment spillovers: Do European firms generate more favourable productivity spillovers in the European Union neighbourhood?
by Vassilis Monastiriotis - 698-716 Regional inequalities in the European Neighborhood Policy countries: The effects of growth and integration
by George Petrakos & Maria Tsiapa & Dimitris Kallioras - 717-736 World port cities as cosmopolitan risk community: Mapping urban climate policy experiments in Europe and East Asia
by Anders Blok & Robin Tschötschel - 737-755 Multi-sectoral strategies as dead ends of policy integration: Lessons to be learned from sustainable development
by Ralf Nordbeck & Reinhard Steurer
May 2016, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 399-414 Achieving policy integration across fragmented policy domains: Forests, agriculture, climate and energy
by Karl Hogl & Daniela Kleinschmit & Jeremy Rayner - 415-432 Integration through interaction? Synergy between adaptation and mitigation (REDD+) in Cameroon
by Olufunso A Somorin & Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers & Bas Arts & Anne-Marie Tiani & Denis J Sonwa - 433-447 Integers, integrants and normative vectors: The limitations of environmental policy integration under neoliberalism
by David Humphreys - 448-462 Landscape governance as policy integration ‘from below’: A case of displaced and contained political conflict in the Netherlands
by Marleen Buizer & Bas Arts & Judith Westerink - 463-477 Integrating multiple environmental regimes: Land and forest policies under broader democratic reforms in the Bolivian tropical lowlands
by Wil de Jong & Pablo Pacheco - 478-495 Institutionalization or wither away? Twenty-five years of environmental policy integration under shifting governance models in Sweden
by Ã…sa Persson & Katarina Eckerberg & MÃ¥ns Nilsson