2015, Volume 29, Issue 3-4
- 194-213 State-of-the-art and future directions for HRM from a paradox perspective: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Aust, Ina & Brandl, Julia & Keegan, Anne - 214-234 The right strategy? Examining the business partner model’s functionality for resolving Human Resource Management tensions and discussing alternative directions
by Gerpott, Fabiola H. - 235-258 Can employability do the trick? Revealing paradoxical tensions and responses in the process of adopting innovative employability enhancing policies and practices in organizations
by Peters, Pascale & Lam, Willem - 259-279 German Human Resource Management professionals under tensions: A Bourdieusian approach
by Lang, Rainhart & Rego, Kerstin - 280-302 Delegating HR work to the line: Emerging tensions and insights from a paradox perspective
by Link, Karin & Mueller, Barbara - 303-321 Translating as response to paradoxes – when implementing HRM strategies in service organisations
by Sandoff, Mette & Widell, Gill
2015, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 75-101 Human Resource Management in Professional Service Firms: Learning from a framework for research and practice
by Kaiser, Stephan & Kozica, Arjan & Swart, Juani & Werr, Andreas - 102-130 Human Resource Management in Professional Service Firms: Too good to be true? Transcending conflicting institutional logics
by Bévort, Frans & Poulfelt, Flemming - 131-148 Managing knowledge integration: Balancing professional and managerial logics in an engineering consulting firm
by Ollila, Susanne & Styhre, Alexander & Werr, Andreas - 149-180 Herding cats – Future professionals’ expectations of attractive employers
by Bullinger, Bernadette & Treisch, Corinna
2015, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 5-30 Coping with demographic change in job markets: How age diversity management contributes to organisational performance
by Bieling, Gisela & Stock, Ruth Maria & Dorozalla, Florian - 31-48 Krankenstand und Praesentismus als betriebliche Gesundheitsindikatoren (Sickness absence rates and presenteeism as work-related indicators of health)
by Gerich, Joachim - 49-68 Handling paradoxical tensions through conventions: The case of performance appraisal
by Kozica, Arjan & Brandl, Julia
2014, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 410-433 Greedy and selfish? Differences in fairness preferences of prospective lawyers and managers
by Mertins, Vanessa & Warning, Susanne - 434-453 Karrierekonzepte: Eine Typisierung individuellen Karrieredenkens und -handelns (Classifying individual career notions and actions)
by Olbert-Bock, Sibylle & Mannsky, Alexandra & Martin, Roger - 454-486 Bad Practices in Unternehmen und die Mechanismen ihrer Etablierung. Der Fall Enron (Bad practices in companies and their underlying mechanisms. The case of Enron)
by Martin, Albert & Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Sigrid & Jochims, Thorsten & Weisenfeld, Ursula
2014, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 316-345 Strategische Orientierung und Gehaltsstrukturen von Personalleitenden (Strategic orientation and remuneration structures of personnel managers)
by Armbruester, Thomas & Schueller, Katharina - 346-366 Interpretationen und Rekonstruktionen einer Arbeitgebermarke durch unternehmensexterne Stakeholder: eine explorative Studie (External interpretations and reconstructions of an employer brand: An exploratory study)
by Auer, Manfred & Edlinger, Gabriela & Moelk, Andreas - 367-390 Instrumental leadership: Extending the transformational-transactional leadership paradigm
by Rowold, Jens - 391-398 Nurses’ perception of feedback on quality measurements: Development and validation of a measure
by Giesbers, Suzanne & Schouteten, Roel L.J. & Poutsma, Erik & van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M. & van Achterberg, Theo
2014, Volume 28, Issue 1-2
- 6-23 Leader behavior as a determinant of health at work: Specification and evidence of five key pathways
by Wegge, Juergen & Shemla, Meir & Haslam, S. Alexander - 24-51 Is transformational leadership healthy for employees? A multilevel analysis in 16 nations
by Zwingmann, Ina & Wegge, Juergen & Wolf, Sandra & Rudolf, Matthias & Schmidt, Matthias & Richter, Peter - 52-72 The positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health: A multi-method approach
by Rivkin, Wladislaw & Diestel, Stefan & Schmidt, Klaus-Helmut - 73-95 Appreciative leadership and employee well-being in everyday working life
by Stocker, Désirée & Jacobshagen, Nicola & Krings, Rabea & Pfister, Isabel B. & Semmer, Norbert K. - 96-116 Leadership behavior as a health-promoting resource for workers in low-skilled jobs and the moderating role of power distance orientation 96-116
by Winkler, Eva & Busch, Christine & Clasen, Julia & Vowinkel, Julia - 117-138 Health–relevant leadership behaviour: A comparison of leadership constructs
by Gregersen, Sabine & Vincent-Hoeper, Sylvie & Nienhaus, Albert - 139-161 The impact of health-oriented leadership on follower health: Development and test of a new instrument measuring health-promoting leadership
by Franke, Franziska & Felfe, Joerg & Pundt, Alexander - 162-172 Processes through which transformational leaders affect employee psychological health
by Walsh, Megan & Dupré, Kathryne & Arnold, Kara A. - 173-194 Leaders enhance group members’ work engagement and reduce their burnout by crafting social identity
by Steffens, Niklas K. & Haslam, S. Alexander & Kerschreiter, Rudolf & Schuh, Sebastian C. & van Dick, Rolf
2013, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 314-330 Perceived overqualification and performance. The role of the peer-group
by Alfes, Kerstin - 331-353 The incentive impact of the fixed wage – A real effort experiment
by Manthei, Kathrin & Mohnen, Alwine - 354-372 Ménage à trois – Die Relevanz des Kunden in der psychologischen Vertragsbeziehung bei projektfoermiger Wissensarbeit (Ménage à trios – The relevance of the customer in the psychological contract in project-based knowledge work)
by Ruiner, Caroline & Wilkens, Uta & Kuepper, Monika
2013, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 161-166 Current issues in International HRM: Alternative forms of assignments, careers and talent management in a global context
by Festing, Marion & Budhwar, Pawan S. & Cascio, Wayne & Dowling, Peter J. & Scullion, Hugh - 167-194 Typologies: What types of foreign executives are appointed by local organisations and what types of organisations appoint them?
by Arp, Frithjof - 195-223 Work life balance up in the air – Does gender make a difference between female and male international business travelers?
by Kollinger-Santer, Iris & Fischlmayr, Iris C. - 224-250 Working in the ‘global village’: The influence of cultural intelligence on the intention to work abroad
by Remhof, Stefan & Gunkel, Marjaana & Schlaegel, Christopher - 251-278 What do talents want? Work expectations in India, China, and Germany
by Walk, Marlene & Schinnenburg, Heike & Handy, Femida - 279-304 The influence of global talent management on employer attractiveness: An experimental study
by Ewerlin, Denise
2013, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 81-102 Liberté toujours? Gerechtigkeit und Gemeinschaft in neoliberalen Arbeitsregimen am Beispiel der Amway GmbH (Liberté toujours? Justice and Community in Neoliberal Work Regimes. The Example of Amway Germany)
by Gross, Claudia & Haunschild, Axel - 103-124 Empirische Forschung zum Personalmanagement in Kulturbetrieben: Ein Literaturueberblick (Empirical Research on Human Resource Management in Arts Organizations: a Review)
by Hausmann, Andrea - 125-153 Productive Energy Cycles in Mentoring Relationships. A Qualitative Investigation
by Liebhart, Ursula
2013, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 5-25 Das duale Prozessmodell dynamischer Fähigkeiten – (Mikro-)Politische Desiderata und Rekonstruktionsperspektiven (The Dual Process Model of Dynamic Capabilities – Micro-political Desiderata and Prospects of Reconstruction)
by Schirmer, Frank - 26-46 'A brave new (digital) world'? Effects of In-house Social Media on HRM
by Hauptmann, Stefan & Steger, Thomas - 47-68 The Influence of National Culture on Business Students’ Career Attitudes – An Analysis of Eight Countries 47-68
by Gunkel, Marjaana & Schlägel, Christopher & Langella, Ian M. & Peluchette, Joy V. & Reshetnyak, Elena
2012, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 307-330 Perceived Post-restructuring Job Insecurity: The Impact of Employees’ Trust in one’s Employer and Perceived Employability
by Arnold, Alexandra & Staffelbach, Bruno - 331-345 Like father(s), like son(s): Does the Relation between Advisor and Student Productivity Persist on Group Level?
by Breuninger, Susanne & Pull, Kerstin & Pferdmenges, Birgit - 346-375 Veraenderungen in betrieblichen Beschaeftigungsverhaeltnissen: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung (Changes in Employment Relationships: Results of an Empirical Study)
by Krause, Ina & Oertel, Simon & Walgenbach, Peter
2012, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 218-240 Online Gaming to Find a New Job – Examining Job Seekers’ Intention to Use Serious Games as a Self-Assessment Tool
by Laumer, Sven & Eckhardt, Andreas & Weitzel, Tim - 241-259 E-recruitment: Towards an Ubiquitous Recruitment Process and Candidate Relationship Management
by Holm, Anna B. - 260-281 E-HRM Usage and Value Creation. Does a Facilitating Context Matter?
by Ruel, Huub & Kaap, Harry van der - 282-294 Assembling a Big Mosaic – A Review of Recent Books on Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM)
by Strohmeier, Stefan
2012, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 115-142 Weiterbildung in der Zeitarbeit – Einflussfaktoren und Erfolg (Causes and Conditions of Training in the Field of Temporary Work. Implications for the Success of Temporary Work Agencies)
by Bouncken, Ricarda B. & Fischer, Hajo & Lehmann, Christian - 143-166 Privatsache und unerheblich fuer Unternehmen? Der Stand der Personalforschung zur ‘sexuellen Orientierung’ (Just a Private Affair and Irrelevant for Companies? The State of the Art in Human Resource Research Regarding ‘Sexual Orientation’)
by Koellen, Thomas - 167-188 On the Motives and Needs for Work beyond Age 65: Comparing Voluntary Workers versus Agency Workers
by Torka, Nicole & Goedegebure, Ivy & Ewijk, Inge van & Looise, Jan Kees - 189-194 Paradoxes of Luxury Work
by Sieben, Barbara & Haunschild, Axel
2012, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-29 Der Einfluss von Rekrutiererverhaltensweisen auf den Bewerber: Ein mediierter Prozess (The Influence of Recruiter Behavior on Job Seekers: A Mediated Model)
by Eberz, Lisa-Marie & Baum, Matthias & Kabst, Ruediger - 30-47 Die Produktivitaetsentwicklung und die Rolle von Arbeitszeitkonten waehrend der Grossen Rezession 2008/2009: Ergebnisse auf der Grundlage des IAB Betriebspanels (Productivity Development and the Role of Working Time accounts during the 2008/2009 Recession: Evidence from the IAB Establishment Panel)
by Gerner, Hans-Dieter - 48-73 20 Jahre Rueckanpassungsforschung – eine Metaanalyse (20 Years of Readjustment Research on Repatriates – a Meta-analysis)
by Schudey, Alexander Paul & Jensen, Ove & Sachs, Steffen - 74-92 Discourse on Kattenbach et al: Same Same but Different – Changing Career Expectations in Germany?
by Weibler, Juergen & Mayrhofer, Wolfgang & Hartz, Ronald & Schabel, Frank
2011, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 292-312 Same Same but Different – Changing Career Expectations in Germany?
by Ralph Kattenbach & Janine Luecke & Michael Schlese & Florian Schramm - 313-334 Psychologischer Vertrag und Anerkennung. Das Beispiel Expatriates (Psychological Contract and Recognition. The Example of Expatriates)
by Heiner Minssen & Pamela Wehling - 335-355 Securely Attached, Strongly Committed? On the Influence of Attachment Orientations on Organizational Commitment
by Claudia Schusterschitz & Willi Geser & Elisabeth Noehammer & Harald Stummer
2011, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 205-224 Evaluation of a Long-term Transformational Leadership Development Program
by Carolin Abrell & Jens Rowold & Juergen Weibler & Martina Moenninghoff - 225-246 Betriebsraete und ihr Einfluss auf arbeitgeberfinanzierte Weiterbildungsmassnahmen (Works Councils and their Effect on Employer-Provided Further Training Measures)
by Christian Lehmann - 247-268 Work-Life-Balance von Freelancern zwischen Realitaet und Idealvorstellung – Eine explorative Studie (Work-Life Balance of Freelancers between Reality and Ideal Conception – An Explorative Approach)
by Stefan Suess & Shiva Sayah
2011, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 99-116 State-of-the-Art and Future Directions for Green Human Resource Management: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Susan E. Jackson & Douglas W. S. Renwick & Charbel J. C. Jabbour & Michael Muller-Camen - 117-139 The Dynamics of Green HRM Behaviors: A Cognitive Social Information Processing Approach
by David B. Zoogah - 140-156 Green Work-Life Balance: A New Perspective for Green HRM
by Viola Muster & Ulf Schrader - 157-177 Environmental Management Activities and Sustainable HRM in German Manufacturing Firms – Incidence, Determinants, and Outcomes
by Marcus Wagner - 178-195 Management Learning and the Greening of SMEs: Moving beyond Problem-solving
by Debbie Millard
2011, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-27 Die Implementierung wertefundierter nordamerikanischer Verhaltenskodices in deutschen und franzoesischen Tochtergesellschaften. Eine vergleichende Fallstudie (The Implementation of US American Value Infused Codes of Conducts in French and German Subsidiaries: A Comparative Case Study)
by Christoph I. Barmeyer & Eric Davoine - 28-54 Der Zusammenhang zwischen Mitarbeiter- und Kundenzufriedenheit: Eine Metaanalyse (The Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction: A Meta-analysis)
by Torsten J. Gerpott & Mathias Paukert - 55-76 Der Einfluss von Anreizsystemen auf die intrinsische Motivation (The Influence of Incentive Systems on Intrinsic Motivation)
by Jennifer Kunz & Annegret Quitmann
2010, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 338-362 Strategische Bindung der Ressourcen von Fach- und Fuehrungskraeften. Beurteilung und Umsetzung in Unternehmen (Strategies to Retain Resources of Specialists and Executives. Managerial Assessments and Implementation)
by Juergen Grieger & Renate Ortlieb & Heike Pantelmann & Barbara Sieben - 363-385 Unternehmenskrisen als Anlass und Motiv fuer die Reform betrieblicher Partizipationsstrukturen? (Company Crises as a Motive for Reforms of Corporate Participative Structures?)
by Olaf Kranz & Thomas Steger - 386-400 Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an betrieblichen Freiwilligenprogrammen: Die Effekte von innerbetrieblichen Referenzgruppen und des regulatorischen Fokus (Inclination to Participate in Employee Volunteering Programs: The Effects of Organizational Reference Group Influences and Regulatory Focus)
by Joerg Lindenmeier & Martin Dietrich & Simone Renner - 401-408 Praesentismus. Praevalenz und Bestimmungsfaktoren unterlassener Krankmeldungen bei der Arbeit (Presenteeism. Prevalence and Determinants of Attending Work while Ill)
by Peter Preisendoerfer
2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 205-230 Relevanz, Qualitaet und Determinanten der externen Unternehmenspublizitaet zum Humankapital – eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme der HDAX-Unternehmen (Relevance, Quality and Determinants of Human Capital Disclosure – An Empirical Analysis of the German HDAX Companies)
by Thorsten Knauer - 231-265 Die Wirkung von Work-Life Balance Initiativen auf das Mitarbeitercommitment: Eine empirische Untersuchung in der Unternehmensberatungsbranche (The Impact of Corporate Work-life Balance Initiatives on Employee Commitment: An Empirical Investigation in the German Consultancy Sector)
by Stephan Kaiser & Max Ringlstetter & Cornelia U. Reindl & Martin L. Stolz - 266-289 Wissenskonversion und Behandlungsfehler im Krankenhaus (Knowledge Conversion and Medical Errors in Hospitals
by Johannes Steyrer & Guido Strunk & Markus Latzke & Elisabeth Vetter - 290-296 Soziale Unterstuetzung, Stresserleben und Zufriedenheit beim Auslandsaufenthalt (Social Support, Job Stress and Psychological Wellbeing on Foreign Assignments)
by Erika Spiess & Christina Stroppa - 290-296 Diskurs: Wirtschaftsdemokratie – einem Phantom auf der Spur?
by Juergen Weibler & Roland Czada & Walther Mueller-Jentsch
2010, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 101-107 Editorial: Interdependence between People and Organization
by Uta Wilkens & Heiner Minssen - 108-129 Interdependence as an I(-)Deal: Enhancing Job Autonomy and Distributive Justice via Individual Negotiation
by Severin Hornung & Juergen Glaser & Denise M. Rouseau - 130-151 Individual and Organizational Development as Interplay: An Activity Oriented Approach
by Klaus-Peter Schulz & Silke Geithner - 152-172 Organizational Culture as the Glue between People and Organization: A Competence-based View on Learning and Competence Building
by Joerg Freiling & Hanno Fichtner - 173-193 Innovative Behavior and the Reciprocal Exchange between Employees and Organizations
by Alexander Pundt & Erko Martins & Friedemann W. Nerdinger
2010, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-28 Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Wirtschaftsdemokratie – Der Fall Hoppmann (Prospects and Limitations of Economic Democracy – The Case of the Hoppmann Company)
by Hartmut Waechter - 29-47 Gewinnbeteiligung und betriebliches Engagement auf internationalen Maerkten (Profit Sharing and the International Activity of Firms)
by Lutz Bellmann & Iris Moeller - 49-68 Warum Vaeter ihre Erwerbstaetigkeit (nicht) unterbrechen. Mikrooekonomische versus in der Persoenlichkeit des Vaters begruendete Determinanten der Inanspruchnahme von Elternzeit durch Vaeter (Why Fathers (Don’t) Take Parental Leave. Microeconomic vs. Personality Based Determinants)
by Ann-Cathrin Vogt & Kerstin Pull - 69-78 Bewerberueberpruefung mittels Internet. Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Untersuchung (The Background Check of Applicants by Using the Internet. Results of an Experimental Examination)
by Holger Brecht-Heitzmann & Marcel Groels & Thorsten Reichmuth
2009, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 288-311 Towards a New Training Transfer Portfolio: A Review of Training-related Studies in the Last Decade
by Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess & Manuel Smukalla & Magdalena Abt - 312-325 Reziprozitaetsformen in psychologischen Vertraegen. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Auslandsentsandten (Forms of Reciprocity in Psychological Contracts. An Empirical Study of Expatriates)
by Maike Andresen & Markus Goebel - 326-335 Die Bedeutung internationaler Erfahrungen fuer den Karriereerfolg von Fuehrungskraeften (The Impact of International Experience on the Career Success of Managers)
by Torsten Biemann
2009, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 195-218 Intern versus extern – eine personaloekonomische Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf die Besetzung von Spitzenfuehrungspositionen (Internal Promotion vs. External Recruiting – an Economic Analysis of Factors Influencing Executive Successor Choice)
by Stefan Zimmermann - 219-236 Career Paths of German Business Administration Academics
by Heinke Roebken - 237-257 Berufliche Chancengleichheit von Frauen und Maennern. Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Gender Pay Gap (Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at Work. An Empirical Investigation of the Gender Pay Gap)
by Guido Strunk & Anett Hermann - 258-266 Persoenlichkeit und Personalforschung. Vorstellung einer Kurzskala zur Messung der „Big Five“ (Personality and Human Resource Management Research. Introduction of a Short “Big Five” Measurement Tool)
by Ingo Weller & Wenzel Matiaske
2009, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 93-106 Introduction to the Special Issue: Qualitative Methods in Research on Human Resource Management
by Hans-Gerd Ridder & Christina Hoon - 107-124 From HRM to Employment Rules and Lifestyles. Theory Development through Qualitative Case Study Research into the Creative Industries
by Axel Haunschild & Doris Ruth Eikhof - 125-146 Practicing Human Resource Strategy: Understanding the Relational Dynamics in Strategic HR Work by Means of a Narrative Approach
by Stephanie Kaudela-Baum & Nada Endrissat - 147-165 The Benefits of Discourse Analysis for Human Resource Management
by Julia Hormuth - 166-182 Groping in the Dark? Recent Contributions to Progress in Interpretative Research – a Review
by Wolfgang Mayrhofer
2009, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 8-27 Aging Workforce Management in the Automobile Industry: Defining the Concept and its Constituting Elements
by Christoph Streb & Sven Voelpel & Marius Leibold - 28-46 Abhaengige Selbstaendigkeit in der Versicherungswirtschaft – Neue Konflikte im Spannungsfeld traditioneller Vertretungsstrukturen (Dependent Self-employment in the Insurance Industry. New Conflicts within Traditional Industrial Relations Structures)
by Susanne Pernicka & Ulrike Muehlberger - 47-64 Rationalitaet betrieblicher Gesundheitsfoerderung in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Eine Analyse vonBegruendungen fuer Gesundheitsfoerderungsprogramme in Oesterreich (Rationality of Corporate Health Care in Corporate Communications. An Analysis of Accounts for Corporate Health Care Activities in Austria)
by Julia Brandl & Alexandra Kugler - 66-72 Jobpraeferenzen und Arbeitsplatzwechsel (Job Preferences and Job Changes)
by Christian Grund
2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 346-369 Wer nutzt HR-Outsourcing? Zentrale Strukturvariablen und ihr Einfluss auf die Nachfrage nach Personaldienstleistungen
by Dorothea Alewell & Katrin Baehring & Anne Canis & Sven Hauff & Kirsten Thommes - 370-387 Recruitment Process Outsourcing: Eine Szenariostudie zur Akzeptanz von Outsourcing-Massnahmen in der Personalauswahl
by Angelo Giardini & Ruediger Kabst - 388-412 'Ideen kann man nicht wie Kirschen vom Baum pfluecken' - Eine politikorientierte Analyse des Betrieblichen Vorschlagswe-sens mit Fallbeispiel
by Renate Ortlieb & Stephanie Stein - 413-428 Schulleiter-Lehrer-Erwartungen und die Folgen
by Edgar Schmitz & Peter Voreck
2008, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 228-248 Selbstselektion statt Personalauswahl? Auslandsentsendungen in der deutschen chemischen Industrie
by Heiner Minssen & Susanne Schmidt - 249-271 Personenorientierte Koordination internationaler Aktivitaeten in Entwicklungs-NGOs Fallstudienanalyse und Entwicklung eines Bezugsrahmens
by Marion Festing & Jana Okech - 272-290 Work Role Stressors and Turnover Intentions: A Study of IT Personnel in South Korea
by Sug-In Chang - 291-311 Intrapreneurship in der beruflichen Erstausbildung: Versuch einer begrifflichen Klaerung und Operationalisierung
by Markus L. Ebner & Christian Korunka & Hermann Frank & Manfred Lueger
2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 111-129 Employee Participation in Organizational Change: Investigating the Effects of Proactive vs. Reactive Implementation of Downsizing in Swedish Hospitals
by Magnus Sverke & Johnny Hellgren & Katharina Naeswall & Sara Goeransson & Jan Oehrming - 130-151 Developing an Ownership Culture with Employee Share Purchase Plans: Evidence from France
by Nicolas Aubert - 152-170 The Power of Participation? Power Relations and Processes in Employee-owned Companies
by Thomas Steger & Ronald Hartz - 171-194 Sociomoral Atmosphere and Prosocial and Democratic Value Orientations in Enterprises with Different Levels of Structurally Anchored Participation
by Wolfgang G. Weber & Christine Unterrainer & Thomas Hoege - 195-215 Organizational Culture of Participation: Development and Validation of a Measure
by Erko Martins & Alexander Pundt & Claes S. Horsmann & Friedemann W. Nerdinger
2008, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 12-34 Organisationskapital und Humankapital als strategische Ressourcen
by Martin Schneider - 35-57 Betriebliche Einflussfaktoren auf Rekrutierungen Aelterer und deren Bewerbungen
by Martin Brussig & Lutz Bellmann - 58-82 Performance Management in Public & Nonprofit Organisationen. Empirische Ergebnisse zum Teilaspekt Performance Appraisal
by Bernd Helmig & Silke Michalski & Patricia Lauper
2007, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 203-205 Editorial - Human Capital Management – a long and winding road
by Christian Scholz - 206-231 Calculating Human Capital: The Market Based Valuation of the Human Resource
by Roman Bechtel - 232-251 Incentives to Invest in the Human Capital of Temporary Agency Workers
by Stephanie Schmidt & Kirsten Thommes - 252-273 Human Capital Measurement, Ambiguity, and Opportunism: Actors between Menace and Opportunity
by Gotthard Pietsch - 274-294 The Theory of Real Options as Theoretical Foundation for the Assessment of Human Capital in Organizations
by Isabell Welpe & Stephan Lutz & Erich Barthel - 295-321 Human Capital Management: The German Way
by Volker Stein
2007, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 96-117 Eine oekonomische Analyse von Performance-Feedback - Theoretische Implikationen und experimentelle Evidenz
by Alwine Mohnen & Kathrin Pokorny - 118-137 Zur Entwicklung transnationaler Unternehmensidentitaeten in einer Weltgesellschaft
by Klaus Goetz & Nadine Bleher - 138-167 Verhaltensleitsaetze in Maerchen und Management – ein Vergleich
by Rolf Wunderer
2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-21 Die Bindungswirkung von Unternehmenspraktika im Rahmen des Hochschulmarketings - Affektives Commitment als endogene und exogene Variable
by Stefan Hoeft & Benedikt Hell - 22-41 Die Einfuehrung von Diversity Management in deutschen Organisationen - Eine neoinstitutionalistische Perspektive
by Sabine Lederle - 42-59 Vertikale Arbeitsmarktsegmentation nach dem Geschlecht - Ein neoinstitutionalistischer Erklaerungsversuch am Beispiel Deutschlands und Schwedens
by Marion Festing & Jana Okech