- g2012-02 Wage structure and firm performance
by N. Ceci-Renaud & V. Cottet - g2012-01 A Long-Term Evaluation of the First Generation of the French Urban Enterprise Zones
by P. Givord & S. Quantin & C. Trevien
- g2011-17 Restrictive Fiscal Policies in Europe: What are the Likely Effects?
by C. Kerdrain & V. Lapègue - g2011-16 Learning, Incomplete Contracts and Export Dynamics: Theory and Evidence from French Firms
by R. Aeberhardt & I. Buono & H. Fadinger - g2011-15 The New Version of the Model MZE, Macroeconometric Model for the Eurozone
by M. Barlet & M.-É. Clerc & M. Garnero & V. Lapègue & V. Marcus - g2011-14 The Environmental Effect of Green Taxation: the Case of the French "Bonus/Malus"
by X. D'Haultfoeuille & P. Givord & X. Boutin - g2011-13 Place-based tax exemptions and displacement effects: An evaluation of the Zones Franches Urbaines program
by P. Givord & R. Rathelot & P. Sillard - g2011-12 The impact of turning a tax reduction into a tax credit to subsidize in-home services: an evaluation of the 2007 reform in France
by C. Marbot & D. Roy - g2011-11 Intergenerational inequalities since baby-boom
by M.-É. Clerc & O. Monso & E. Pouliquen - g2011-10 Tertiarisation of the French Economy and the slowdown in labor productivity between 1978 and 2008
by A. Schreiber & A. Vicard - g2011-09 Evaluation of firms' dissimulated activity based on fiscal audits and integration in national accounts
by C. Louvot-Runavot - g2011-08 Simulating the impact of pension reforms on labour force participation for the 55+: a comparison of three models
by M. Bachelet & M. Beffy & D. Blanchet - g2011-07 Recommendations of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Report: A few illustrations
by M. Clerc & M. Gaini & D. Blanchet - g2011-06 Wage inequalities in France 1976-2004: a quantile regression analysis
by P. Charnoz & É. Coudin & M. Gaini - g2011-05 From the financial crisis to the economic crisis The impact of the financial trouble of 2007-2008 on the growth of seven advanced countries
by J.-C. Bricongne & J.-M. Fournier & V. Lapègue & O. Monso - g2011-04 Heterogeneity matters: labour productivity differentiated by age and skills
by M. Roger & M. Wasmer - g2011-03 Fixed effects models, random effects models, mixed models or multilevel models: properties and implementation of modeling of the heterogeneity in presence of clustered data
by L. Davezies - g2011-02 An Evaluation of the French Tax Reduction for In-Home Services
by C. Marbot - g2011-01 French and American labour markets in response to cyclical shocks between 1986 and 2007: a DSGE approach
by T. Le Barbanchon & B. Ourliac & O. Simon
- g2010-18 Conditional Logit with one Binary Covariate: Link between the Static and Dynamic Cases
by R. Aeberhardt & L. Davezies - g2010-17 The MESANGE model: re-estimation on National Accounts base 2000 / Part 2 Version with chained-linked volumes
by P.-Y. Cabannes & H. Erkel-Rousse & G. Lalanne & O. Monso & E. Pouliquen - g2010-16 Public-private wage gaps : is civil-servant human capital sector-specific?
by M. Beffy & T. Kamionka - g2010-15 From traded to tradable services: an application to French data
by M. Barlet & L. Crusson & S. Dupuch & F. Puech - g2010-14 The pension projection package of the Destinie 2 model: users guide
by D. Blanchet & E. Crenner - g2010-13 The new Destinie 2 microsimulation model: main characteristics and illustrative results
by D. Blanchet & S. Buffeteau & E. Crenner & S. Le Minez - g2010-12 An evaluation of the effect of the 2003 reform on the retirement behaviour - The case of public secondary-school teachers
by M. Baraton & M. Beffy & D. Fougère - g2010-11 What kernel methods bring to the analysis of spatial concentration of migrants in France: 1968-1999
by R. Rathelot & P. Sillard - g2010-10 The reaction of French firms to the decrase of foreign tariffs
by I. Buono & G. Lalanne - g2010-09 What medium-term growth rates after the crisis?
by P.Y. Cabannes & V. Lapègue & E. Pouliquen & M. Beffy & M. Gaini - g2010-08 Econometric Methods for Public Policies Evaluation
by P. Givord - g2010-07 Labor market transitions in early career: how strong is the impact of fixed-term contracts ?
by S. Blasco & P. Givord - g2010-06 National Origin Differences in Wages and Hierarchical Positions - Evidence on French Full-Time Male Workers from a matched Employer-Employee Dataset
by R. Aeberhardt & J. Pouget - g2010-05 How much do legal size-contingent thresholds impact the size distribution of French firms?
by N. Ceci-Renaud & P.-A. Chevalier - g2010-04 The CPI, Mirror of the Cost of Living in France? Evidence based on the Engel Curves Analysis
by M.-É. Clerc & É. Coudin - g2010-03 The MESANGE model: re-estimation on National Accounts base 2000 - Part 1 Version with fixed-base volumes
by C. Klein & O. Simon - g2010-01 First results series or last available series: which series to use? A real-time illustration for the forecasting of French quarterly GDP growth
by C. Minodier
- g2009-15 The Effect of the Uruguay round on the Intensive and Extensive Margins of Trade
by I. Buono & G. Lalanne - g2009-14 Value Added distribution, a microeconomic approach
by Y. Barbesol & P. Givord & S. Quantin - g2009-13 Testing with the Testers
by R. Aeberhardt & D. Fougère & R. Rathelot - g2009-12 Detecting Economic Regimes in France : a Qualitative Markov-Switching Indicator Using Mixed Frequency Data
by J. Bardaji & F. Tallet - g2009-11 A breakdown of household National Account according to household category for 2003
by V. Bellamy & G. Consales & M. Fesseau & S. Le Laidier & É. Raynaud - g2009-10 Adjusted net savings and other approaches to sustaibability: some theoretical backgroud
by D. Blanchet & J. Le Cacheux & V. Marcus - g2009-09 Oil price and potential output growth in the long run
by G. Lalanne & E. Pouliquen & O. Simon - g2009-08 Price elasticity of household fuel comsumption
by M. Clerc & V. Marcus - g2009-07 Intrafirm trade, taxation and transfer pricing: evidence from French data
by S. Quantin & S. Raspiller & S. Serravalle - g2009-06 To Weight or not to Weight? The Eternal Question of Econometricians facing Survey Data
by L. Davezies & X. D'Haultfoeuille - g2009-05 Sharing the fruits of growth from 1950 to 2008: A surplus-accounting approach
by G. Lalanne & P.-A. Pionnier & O. Simon - g2009-04 Short-term contracts: trap or stepping stone toward stable employment?
by P. Givord & L. Wilner - g2009-03 Do Business Tendency Surveys in Industry and Services Help in Forecasting GDP Growth? A Real-Time Analysis on French Data
by H. Erkel-Rousse & C. Minodier - g2009-02 A Monthly Indicator of the French Business Climate
by L. Clavel & C. Minodier
- g2008-12 The structure of subjective well-being and its evolution - An empirical analysis based on individual data
by C. Afsa - g2008-12 Microsimulating the labour market: a prototype
by M. Barlet & D. Blanchet & T. Le Barbanchon - g2008-11 Social Security and Well-Being of the Elderly: the Case of France
by M. Roger & E. Walraet - g2008-10 Who is confronted to insecure labor market histories? Some evidence based on the French labor market transition
by M. Beffy & É. Coudin & R. Rathelot - g2008-09 Patterns of Localisation in the French Manufacturing and Service Industries: a Distance-Based Approach
by M. Barlet & A. Briant & L. Crusson - g2008-08 Are Prices Really Affected by Mergers?
by X. Boutin & L. Janin - g2008-07 Entrepreurship and Credit Constraints - Evidence from a French Loan Guarantee Program
by C. Lelarge & D. Sraer & D. Thesmar - g2008-06 Internationalisation and job flows: what does an accounting approach show?
by M. Barlet & D. Blanchet & L. Crusson - g2008-05 Demographic change and transformations of the active life cycle: what relations?
by D. Blanchet & F. Toutlemonde - g2008-04 Demographic projections: basic mechanisms and a retrospect on the French experience
by D. Blanchet & F. Le Gallo - g2008-03 Agglomeration economies and firm productivity: evidence from French individual data
by Y. Barbesol & A. Briant - g2008-02 The Effects of Retail Regulations on Prices Evidence form the Loi Galland
by P. Biscourp & X. Boutin & T. Vergé - g2008-01 French SMEs: profitable but not very dynamic?
by C. Picart
- g2007-12 Moral hazard and health insurance: an evaluation based on Rubin’s causal framework
by V. Albouy & B. Crépon - g2007-11 The impact of French Zones Franches Urbaines on employment and business creation
by R. Rathelot & P. Sillard - g2007-10 Interpreting satisfaction variables: the case of working hours
by C. Afsa - g2007-09 Consumption over the Life Cycle: Facts for France
by J. Boissinot - g2007-08 Collateral Value and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the French Real Estate Market
by T. Chaney & D. Sraer & D.Thesmar - g2007-07 The Changing response to oil price shocks in France : a DSGE type approach
by T. Le Barbanchon - g2007-06 Dynamics of Social Inequalities in French Higher Education
by V. Albouy & C. Tavan - g2007-05 Job flows and worker flows: a reappraisal - Job flows scaled down and only moderately linked to worker flows
by C. Picart - g2007-04 What is the impact of oil price changes on French growth?
by M. Barlet & L. Crusson - g2007-03 Preference for early retirement, health and job satisfaction: a European comparison
by D. Blanchet & T. Debrand - g2007-02 Education and health
by V. Albouy & L. Lequien - g2007-01 Payroll tax reduction and wage dynamic
by D. Sraer
- g2006-15 Corporate Product Diversification, Refocusing and Development of Functional Businesses in France (1993-2000)
by L. Gonzalez & C. Picart - g2006-14 The impact of local taxes on plants location decision
by R. Rathelot & P. Sillard - g2006-13 A reinterpretation of the relation between firm-specific pay inequalities and productivity
by A. Koubi & S. Roux - g2006-12 Balance of opinion What about missing the weights?
by O. Biau & N. Ferrari - g2006-11 Are French (Industrial) Firms at the Technology Frontier?
by C. Lelarge - g2006-10 Estimating an implicit cost of bad working conditions: the case of older workers
by C. Afsa - g2006-09 An accounting evaluation of user cost of capital for French firms: 1984-2002
by X. Boutin & S. Quantin - g2006-08 France's export performances compared to those of its main partners
by P. Sillard & C. L'Angevin & S. Serravalle - g2006-07 The role of working conditions in sickness absence
by C. Afsa & P. Givord - g2006-06 Nonparametric Forecasting of the Manufacturing Output Growth with Firm-level Survey Data
by G. Biau & O. Biau & L. Rouviere - g2006-05 Measures of implicit liabilities for pension systems: quantification, analytical properties and reactions to typical demographic shocks
by D. Blanchet & J.-F. Ouvrard - g2006-04 Demographic change and unemployment: what do macroeconometric models predict?
by J.-F. Ouvrard & R. Rathelot - g2006-03 Apparent returns on training in French firms: impacts on productivity and wages
by P. Aubert & B. Crépon & P. Zamora - g2006-02 Gazelles in France
by C. Picart - g2006-01 Pension disparities between men and women: which evolutions?
by C. Bonnet & S. Buffeteau & P. Godefroy
- g2005-16 Simulations of changes in the participation formula on firms paid amounts
by H. Raoui & S. Roux - g2005-15 Modelling Demographic Events in the Microsimulation Model DESTINIE
by M. Duée - g2005-14 The SHARE survey: presentation and first results for the French edition
by D. Blanchet & T. Debrand & P. Dourgnon & P. Pollet - g2005-13 The labour market after age 50: some elements of a Franco-American comparison
by P. Aubert & D. Blanchet & D. Blau - g2005-12 Individual responses to BTS and the Forecasting of Manufactured Production
by O. Biau & H. Erkel-Rousse & N. Ferrari - g2005-11 A two-states Markov-switching model of inflation in France and the USA: credible target VS inflation spiral
by B. Heitz - g2005-10 The NAIRU and the Wage-setting / price setting loop: a new skilled/unskilled specification
by P.-O. Beffy & C. L'Angevin - g2005-09 Firm'investment forecast: An indicator of changes in expectations in industrial investment survey
by N. Ferrari - g2005-08 Education and growth in France and in a panel of 21 OECD countries
by C. L'Angevin & N. Laïb - g2005-07 Tax competition: main lessons from the economic analysis
by S. Raspiller - g2005-05 French and German export results - An Analysis by sector and Partner-Country
by C. L'Angevin & S. Serravalle - g2005-04 How do firms use unstable jobs?
by M. Leclair & S. Roux - g2005-03 Offshore Outsourcing and the size of the French Industrial Labor Force
by P. Aubert & P. Sillard - g2005-02 Female labor force participation in France: a cohort analysis
by C. Afsa & S. Buffeteau - g2005-01 Retirement conditions according to age at leaving school: a prospective analysis for the 1945-1974 cohorts
by S. Buffeteau & P. Godefroy
- g2004-14 Pensions in the French public sector: projections up to 2040 with the DESTINIE microsimulation model
by J. Bardaji & B. Sédillot & E. Walraet - g2004-13 Assess profitability of non-financial firms
by C. Picart - g2004-12 Income composition and propensities to consume
by X. Bonnet & H. Poncet - g2004-11 New Technologies, Workplace Organisation and the Age Structure of the Workforce: Further Evidence Using the REPONSE Survey
by S. Ananian & P. Aubert - g2004-10 Public Debt Sustainability: Some Results on the French Case
by J. Boissinot & C. L'Angevin & B. Monfort - g2004-09 Affiliating versus Subcontracting: the Case of Multinationals
by S. Raspiller & P. Sillard - g2004-08 Does patenting increase the private incentives to innovate? A microeconometric analysis
by E. Duguet & C. Lelarge - g2004-07 New Technologies, Workplace Organisation and the Age Structure of the Workforce: Firm-Level Evidence
by P. Aubert & E. Caroli & M. Roger - g2004-06 The impact of parental unemployment on childrens schooling
by M. Duée - g2004-05 Optimality of the Child fiscal declaration by non-married couples
by N. Ragache - g2004-04 Factors in business investment: an expectation based approach using business survey data
by A. Naboulet & S. Raspiller - g2004-03 Do environmental regulations influence the location behavior of French firms?
by S. Raspiller & N. Riedinger - g2004-02 Old age disability in France: a long run projection
by M. Duée & C. Rebillard - g2004-01 Competitiveness in the Quarterly Business Survey in Goods-Producing Industries
by P. Aubert & M. Leclair
- g2003-11 MZE: a small macro-model for the euro area
by P.-O. Beffy & X. Bonnet & M. Darracq-Paries & B. Monfort - g2003-10 The Effects of Workplace Union on the Gender Wage Gap
by M. Leclair & P. Petit - g2003-09 Downward Wage Rigidity: a Micro-Level Empirical Analysis for France in the 90s
by P. Biscourp & N. Fourcade - g2003-08 Household wealth, portfolio selection and consumption behavior
by P.-O. Beffy & B. Monfort - g2003-07 The French labour productivity slow-down during the nineties?
by H. Baron & P.O. Beffy & N. Fourcade & R. Mahieu - g2003-06 Age, Wage and Productivity: Does Productivity Decline at the End of Workers Career?
by P. Aubert & B. Crépon - g2003-05 An Overview of the Situation of Workers over 50 in the Private Sector
by P. Aubert - g2003-04 Demographic changes and economic growth: a macroeconomic projection for 2020
by P.-O. Beffy & J. Deroyon & N. Fourcade & S. Gregoir & N. Laïb & B. Monfort - g2003-02 Job creation, job destruction and international trade : an empirical analysis of French manufacturing firms between 1986 and 1992
by P. Biscourp & F. Kramarz - g2003-01 The cost of air pollution abatement for French firms: An estimation at the firm-level
by N. Riedinger & E. Hauvy
- g2002-16 Competitiveness indices: interpretation and limits
by F. Maurel & S. Gregoir - g2002-15 Female labor supply and child care
by P. Chone & D. Le Blanc & I. Robert-Bobee - g2002-14 Intragenerational distributional analysis in the french private sector pension scheme - A microsimulation approach
by E. Walraet & A. Vincent - g2002-13 Work-sharing and tensions in production factors
by M. Leclair - g2002-12 French inflation forecasts
by F. Hild - g2002-11 Low Income Dynamics: Analyzing poverty exits and entries
by J.-P. Zoyem - g2002-10 Microsimulation of demographic behaviours using 2 alternative data sources
by I. Robert-Bobée - g2002-09 Do balances of opinion summarize at the best firms answers to business surveys?
by F. Hild - g2002-08 Consideration on different sorts of volume in national accounts: accounts at fixed year prices or at the previous year prices, chained series
by J.-P. Berthier - g2002-07 Assessment of 3 reforms of the pension system for private wage earners with the microsimulation model Destinie
by J. Bardaji & B. Sédillot & E. Walraet - g2002-06 The impact of ICT capital accumulation - A complete macroeconomic framework
by C. Audenis & J. Deroyon & N. Fourcade - g2002-05 How do firms respond to cheaper computers? Microeconometric evidence for France based on a production function approach
by P. Biscourp & B. Crépon & T. Heckel & N. Riedinger - g2002-04 Retropolation of the investment series (GFCF) and estimation of fixed capital stocks on the ESA-95 basis for the French balance sheets
by G. Brilhault - g2002-03 The retirement decision of couples: are the choices interdependant?
by B. Sédillot & E. Walraet - g2002-01 GDP Per Capita Measured in Purchasing Power Standard: an Analysis of Results
by F. Magnien & J.-L. Tavernier & D. Thesmar
- g2001-17 Is the transmission of crude oil prices to gasoline prices asymmetric?
by C. Audenis & P. Biscourp & N. Riedinger - g2001-16 Decreasing participation rates for old and young people in France
by J.-Y. Fournier & P. Givord - g2001-15 Poverty diagnosis and Calendar of Incomes: The "European Community Households Panel" case
by J.-P. Zoyem - g2001-14 Modelling demographic behaviours in the French microsimulation model Destinie: An analysis of future change in completed fertility
by I. Robert-Bobee - g2001-13 Substitution and complementarity between capital, skilled and less skilled workers: an analysis at the firm level in the French manufacturing industry
by P. BISCOURP & Ch. GIANELLA - g2001-12 Methodology for a comparison between intermediate costs from tax-source and from national accounting
by J.-P. Berthier & C. Jaulent & R. Convenevole & S. Pisani - g2001-11 Public sector and business sector earnings: a comparison
by J.-Y. Fournier - g2001-10 Evaluation of payroll tax subsidies for low-wage workers
by B. Crã‰Pon & R. Desplatz - g2001-09 Taxation, user cost of capital and factor demand
by B. CRÉPON & Ch. GIANELLA - g2001-08 The purchase of individual life-annuities: a description of the french institutional setting
by J. Ph. & GAUDEMET - g2001-06 Retirement decision under uncertainty: the role of irreversibility
by R. Mahieu & B. Sã‰Dillot - g2001-05 Testing the augmented Solow growth model : An empirical reassessment using panel data
by C. Audenis & P. Biscourp & N. Fourcade & O. Loisel - g2001-04 Does the credit channel work in Europe? A study based on the heterogeneity of investment behaviours from aggregated balance-sheet data
by A. BEAUDU & Th. HECKEL - g2001-03 Changes and distribution of economic surplus
by I. Braun-Lemaire - g2001-02 Does the recovery in employment growth benefit people without a degree?
by S. Audric - g2001-01 The new economy and the measurement of GDP growth
by F. Lequiller
- g2000-13 Computerization in France: an evaluation based on individual company data
by B. CREPON & Th. HECKEL - g2000-12 Local unemployment and wages
by Ch. GIANELLA - g2000-11 Female part time work and incentive schemes to work
by G. Laroque & B. Salanié - g2000-10 Investment slowdown in the 90s: small or large firms? Manufacturing or services industry?
by R. Duhautois - g2000-09 Annuity Equivalent Wealth and the decision to subscribe private individual annuities
by R. Mahieu & B. Sédillot - g2000-08 Cyclical budget balance measurement
by C. Audenis & C. Prost - g2000-07 Microsimulations of the retirement decision: a supply side approach
by R. Mahieu & B. Sédillot - g2000-06 Statistical analysis of matrimonial behaviour
by A. Flipo - g2000-05 Investment and financing constraints: importance of the business cycle - An estimation on French data
by B. Crepon & F. Rosenwald - g2000-03 The approximate band-pass filter proposed by Christiano and Fitzgerald
by J.-Y. Fournier - g2000-02 The real exchange rate as the relative price of nontradables in terms of tradables: theoretical investigation and empirical study on French data
by C. Allard-Prigent & H. Guilmeau & A. Quinet - g2000-01 The determinants of health care expenditure: a macroeconomic approach
by R. Mahieu