July 1997, Volume 388, Issue 6639
- 257-259 Evidence for charge transfer in doped carbon nanotube bundles from Raman scattering
by A. M. Rao & P. C. Eklund & Shunji Bandow & A. Thess & R. E. Smalley - 259-262 Seismological evidence for three-dimensional melt migration beneath the East Pacific Rise
by Robert A. Dunn & Douglas R. Toomey - 263-265 Nearly synchronous climate change in the Northern Hemisphere during the last glacial termination
by Larry Benson & James Burdett & Steve Lund & Michaele Kashgarian & Scott Mensing - 265-269 Landscape ecology of algal symbionts creates variation in episodes of coral bleaching
by Rob Rowan & Nancy Knowlton & Andrew Baker & Javier Jara - 269-272 A polymorphism maintained by opposite patterns of parasitism and predation
by John E. Losey & Jason Harmon & Ford Ballantyne & Carrie Brown - 272-275 Multistability of cognitive maps in the hippocampus of old rats
by Carol A. Barnes & Matthew S. Suster & Jiemin Shen & Bruce L. McNaughton - 275-279 cAMP-induced switching in turning direction of nerve growth cones
by Hong-jun Song & Guo-li Ming & Mu-ming Poo - 279-284 Synapse specificity of long-term potentiation breaks down at short distances
by Florian Engert & Tobias Bonhoeffer - 285-288 Molecular assessment of the potential transmissibilities of BSE and scrapie to humans
by Gregory J. Raymond & James Hope & David A. Kocisko & Suzette A. Priola & Lynne D. Raymond & Alex Bossers & James Ironside & Robert G. Will & Shu G. Chen & Robert B. Petersen & Pierluigi Gambetti & Richard Rubenstein & Mari A. Smits & Peter T. Lansbury & Byron Caughey - 289-292 A minK–HERG complex regulates the cardiac potassium current IKr
by Thomas V. McDonald & Zhihui Yu & Zhen Ming & Eugen Palma & Marian B. Meyers & Ke-Wei Wang & Steve A. N. Goldstein & Glenn I. Fishman - 292-295 P. falciparum rosetting mediated by a parasite-variant erythrocyte membrane protein and complement-receptor 1
by J. Alexandra Rowe & Joann M. Moulds & Christopher I. Newbold & Louis H. Miller - 296-300 Expression cloning of new receptors used by simian and human immunodeficiency viruses
by HongKui Deng & Derya Unutmaz & Vineet N. KewalRamani & Dan R. Littman - 300-304 X-linked IAP is a direct inhibitor of cell-death proteases
by Quinn L. Deveraux & Ryosuke Takahashi & Guy S. Salvesen & John C. Reed - 304-308 Drosophila Mad binds to DNA and directly mediates activation of vestigial by Decapentaplegic
by Jaeseob Kim & Kirby Johnson & Hui Ju Chen & Sean Carroll & Allen Laughon - 308-308 Differential activation of transcription factors induced by Ca2+ response amplitude and duration
by Ricardo E. Dolmetsch & Richard S. Lewis & Christopher C. Goodnow & James I. Healy - 308-308 Erratum: Large-scale tectonic deformation inferred from small earthquakes
by Falk Amelung & Geoffrey King
July 1997, Volume 388, Issue 6638
- 105-105 Loss of Japanese satellite deals blow to remote sensing efforts
by Robert Triendl - 105-106 After 322 years, royal observatory loses out to Scottish rival
by Ehsan Masood - 106-106 ‘Political interference skewed scientific advice on fish stocks’
by David Spurgeon - 107-107 NRC backs open access to test-ban data
by Laura Garwin - 108-108 Indian monsoon ‘progressing normally’
by K. S. Jayaraman - 108-108 El Niño forecast fails to convince sceptics
by Ehsan Masood - 109-109 Tariff waiver would aid instrument imports
by Tony Reichhardt - 109-109 EU helps to save science jobs in Berlin
by Quirin Schiermeier - 110-110 CNRS returns fire on ethics review panel
by Declan Butler - 110-110 US budget plans jeopardize role in ITER
by Colin Macilwain - 111-111 Mentors seek to prove value for money
by Colin Macilwain - 115-116 Is magnetic fusion heading for ignition or meltdown?
by Colin Macilwain - 116-117 Japanese industry fights budget setback
by Robert Triendl - 118-118 Rivals that might oust the tokamak
by Colin Macilwain - 119-119 European passions cool as bill increases
by Alison Abbott - 120-120 French research needs
by Xavier Michalet - 120-120 Mine waste pollutes Mediterranean
by Jesús Martinez-Frias - 121-122 Just follow the acid chain
by Gottfried Schatz - 122-123 New insights into old earthquakes
by Paul Segall - 123-125 Placing death under control
by David Wallach - 126-127 How one galaxy can be a cluster
by Richard Mushotzky - 127-129 Neon signs mark Australian plume
by Bernard Marty - 129-129 Volatile hardware
by David Jones - 130-130 Alfred Hershey (1908-97)
by John Cairns - 131-132 Latent pigments activated by heat
by J. S. Zambounis & Z. Hao & A. Iqbal - 132-132 Photosynthesis or planktonic respiration?
by Richard J. Geider - 132-133 Photosynthesis or planktonic respiration?
by Paul A. del Giorgio & Jonathan J. Cole - 133-134 Lifetime of plasma cells in the bone marrow
by Rudolf A. Manz & Andreas Thiel & Andreas Radbruch - 134-134 Importance of ancestral DNA ages
by J. F. Y. Brookfield - 135-136 Inventor who turned his back on riches
by L. Pearce Williams - 136-137 House of cards
by Peter T. Landsberg - 137-137 In retrospect chosen by Euan Nisbet
by Euan Nisbet - 138-138 Up the cosmos
by William H. Press - 138-138 Men behaving badly
by Steven Rose - 139-145 Proximal–distal axis formation in the Drosophila leg
by Thomas Lecuit & Stephen M. Cohen - 146-148 A dark cluster of galaxies at redshift z = 1
by M. Hattori & Y. Ikebe & I. Asaoka & T. Takeshima & H. Böhringer & T. Mihara & D. M. Neumann & S. Schindler & T. Tsuru & T. Tamura# - 148-151 Properties of ideal composite knots
by Vsevolod Katritch & Wilma K. Olson & Piotr Pieranski & Jacques Dubochet & Andrzej Stasiak - 151-154 The dynamics of partially extended single molecules of DNA
by Stephen R. Quake & Hazen Babcock & Steven Chu - 154-158 Multiple episodes of aridity in southern Africa since the last interglacial period
by Stephen Stokes & David S. G. Thomas & Richard Washington - 158-161 Sensitivity of earthquake cycles on the San Andreas fault to small changes in regional compression
by Chi-yuen Wang & Yongen Cai - 162-164 Plume-like neon in a metasomatic apatite from the Australian lithospheric mantle
by Takuya Matsumoto & Masahiko Honda & Ian McDougall & Igor Yatsevich & Suzanne Y. O'Reilly - 165-167 How aggressive ant-guards assist seed-set in Acacia flowers
by P. G. Willmer & G. N. Stone - 167-171 Evolution of genetic redundancy
by Martin A. Nowak & Maarten C. Boerlijst & Jonathan Cooke & John Maynard Smith - 171-174 Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages
by Karl H. S. Kim & Norman R. Relkin & Kyoung-Min Lee & Joy Hirsch - 175-179 Representation of motion boundaries in retinotopic human visual cortical areas
by John B. Reppas & Sourabh Niyogi & Anders M. Dale & Martin I. Sereno & Roger B. H. Tootell - 179-182 The synaptic activation of kainate receptors
by Michel Vignes & Graham L. Collingridge - 182-186 Kainate receptors mediate a slow postsynaptic current in hippocampal CA3 neurons
by Pablo E. Castillo & Robert C. Malenka & Roger A. Nicoll - 186-190 Muscle force is generated by myosin heads stereospecifically attached to actin
by Sergey Y. Bershitsky & Andrey K. Tsaturyan & Olga N. Bershitskaya & Gregory I. Mashanov & Paul Brown & Ronald Burns & Michael A. Ferenczi - 190-195 Inhibition of death receptor signals by cellular FLIP
by Martin Irmler & Margot Thome & Michael Hahne & Pascal Schneider & Kay Hofmann & Véronique Steiner & Jean-Luc Bodmer & Michael Schröter & Kim Burns & Chantal Mattmann & Donata Rimoldi & Lars E. French & Jürg Tschopp - 195-200 Tom5 functionally links mitochondrial preprotein receptors to the general import pore
by Klaus Dietmeier & Angelika Hönlinger & Ulf Bömer & Peter J. T. Dekker & Christoph Eckerskorn & Fritz Lottspeich & Michael Kübrich & Nikolaus Pfanner - 200-204 X-chromosome-counting mechanisms that determine nematode sex
by Monique Nicoll & Chantal C. Akerib & Barbara J. Meyer - 204-204 Erratum: Structure of the adenylyl cyclase catalytic core
by Gongyi Zhang & Yu Liu & Arnold E. Ruoho & James H. Hurley - 205-207 Oligosaccharide sequencing technology
by Pauline M. Rudd & Geoffrey R. Gulle & Bernhard Küster & David J. Harvey & Ghislain Opdenakker & Raymond A. Dwek - 208-208 New on the market
by Brendan Horton - 210-210 Erratum: Total synthesis of the potential anticancer vaccine KH-1 adenocarcinoma antigen
by Prashant P. Deshpande & Samuel J. Danishefsky - 210-210 Erratum: Integrin–ligand binding properties govern cell migration speed through cell–substratum adhesiveness
by Sean P. Palecek & Joseph C. Loftus & Mark H. Ginsberg & Douglas A. Lauffenburger & Alan F. Horwitz
July 1997, Volume 388, Issue 6637
- 3-3 Promising signs for NSF budget increase
by Colin Macilwain - 3-3 Molecular biologists in Asia and Pacific plan research network
by David Swinbanks - 4-4 German law could boost prospects for organ transplants
by Alison Abbott - 4-4 Quake panel admits prediction is ‘difficult’
by David Swinbanks - 5-5 US air pollution rules stir up a stink about research
by Tony Reichhardt - 5-5 President of UN summit ‘sobered’ by outcome
by Colin Macilwain - 6-6 Cloning for research ‘should be allowed’
by Meredith Wadman - 6-6 European biotech industry plans ethics panel
by Declan Butler - 7-7 France puts big science under scrutiny
by Declan Butler - 8-8 Uncertainty over fate of Mir experiments
by Tony Reichhardt - 8-8 Australian science review defends diversity and overlaps
by Peter Pockley - 9-10 Asian tiger claws its way up the ratings
by Philip Campbell - 13-13 George Wald believed in Apocalypse now
by Thomas H. Jukes - 13-13 Even sociologists need science
by Jonathan R. Ellis - 13-13 More danger in doctrine than in genetics
by Christopher Badcock - 14-14 Alphabetical listing and citation rates
by Mark Shevlin & Mark N. O. Davies - 14-15 CJD transmission
by F.-X. Meslin - 15-15 Greek is the word
by Andreas Arvanitogiannis - 15-15 Don't leave dignity out of the cloning debate
by Karim Labib - 16-18 The reform of Russian science
by Boris G. Saltykov - 19-20 Predicting where we walk
by Michael Batty - 20-21 Bridging the gap by AAA ATPases
by Tony Rowe & William E. Balch - 21-22 Oddly ordinary seaborgium
by Ron Lougheed - 23-24 Colouring the cortex
by Karl R. Gegenfurtner - 24-25 Not-so-cosmic rays
by Peter L. Biermann - 25-27 Back at the last interglacial
by Joël Guiot - 27-27 Environmental engineering
by Tim Lincoln - 28-29 Mad about SMADs
by Jeff Wrans & Tony Pawson - 29-30 Do the twist to get fit
by Pauline Rigby - 30-30 The watch on the line
by David Jones - 31-31 Inhibition of ICE slows ALS in mice
by Robert M. Friedlander & Robert H. Brown & Valeria Gagliardini & Joy Wang & Junying Yuan - 31-32 Electronic properties of carbon toroids
by R. C. Haddon - 32-33 Vision in dim light
by David H. Hubel - 33-34 A polymerase I palm in adenylyl cyclase?
by Peter J. Artymiuk & Andrew R. Poirrette & David W. Rice & Peter Willett - 34-34 A polymerase I palm in adenylyl cyclase?
by Stephen H. Bryant & Tom Madej & Joel Janin & Yu Liu & Arnold E. Ruoho & Gongyi Zhang & James H. Hurley - 35-36 The health of a nation
by W. F. Bynum - 36-37 The higher idiocy
by Walter Gratzer - 37-38 Riddles in the sky
by Wendy Freedman - 38-38 Science and salvation
by George Marsden - 39-44 Evidence for human influence on climate from hemispheric temperature relations
by Robert K. Kaufmann & David I. Stern - 45-47 Detection of ozone on Saturn's satellites Rhea and Dione
by K. S. Noll & T. L. Roush & D. P. Cruikshank & R. E. Johnson & Y. J. Pendleton - 47-50 Modelling the evolution of human trail systems
by Dirk Helbing & Joachim Keltsch & Péter Molnár - 50-52 Current switching of resistive states in magnetoresistive manganites
by A. Asamitsu & Y. Tomioka & H. Kuwahara & Y. Tokura - 52-55 Controlled production of aligned-nanotube bundles
by M. Terrones & N. Grobert & J. Olivares & J. P. Zhang & H. Terrones & K. Kordatos & W. K. Hsu & J. P. Hare & P. D. Townsend & K. Prassides & A. K. Cheetham & H. W. Kroto & D. R. M. Walton - 55-57 Chemical properties of element 106 (seaborgium)
by M. Schädel & W. Brüchle & R. Dressler & B. Eichler & H. W. Gäggeler & R. Günther & K. E. Gregorich & D. C. Hoffman & S. Hübener & D. T. Jost & J. V. Kratz & W. Paulus & D. Schumann & S. Timokhin & N. Trautmann & A. Türler & G. Wirth & A. Yakuschev - 57-61 Vegetation and climate change in northwest America during the past 125 kyr
by Cathy Whitlock & Patrick J. Bartlein - 61-64 Endemic African mammals shake the phylogenetic tree
by Mark S. Springer & Gregory C. Cleven & Ole Madsen & Wilfried W. de Jong & Victor G. Waddell & Heather M. Amrine & Michael J. Stanhope - 64-67 Hypothermia in foraging king penguins
by Y. Handrich & R. M. Bevan & J.-B. Charrassin & P. J. Butler & K. Ptz & A. J. Woakes & J. Lage & Y. Le Maho - 68-71 Colour tuning in human visual cortex measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging
by Stephen Engel & Xuemei Zhang & Brian Wandell - 71-75 Hippocampal GABAAchannel conductance increased by diazepam
by M. Eghbali & J. P. Curmi & B. Birnir & P. W. Gage - 75-78 p47 is a cofactor for p97-mediated membrane fusion
by Hisao Kondo & Catherine Rabouille & Richard Newman & Timothy P. Levine & Darryl Pappin & Paul Freemont & Graham Warren - 78-82 Cofilin promotes rapid actin filament turnover in vivo
by Pekka Lappalainen & David G. Drubin - 82-87 Mutations increasing autoinhibition inactivate tumour suppressors Smad2 and Smad4
by Akiko Hata & Roger S. Lo & David Wotton & Giorgio Lagna & Joan Massagué - 87-93 A structural basis for mutational inactivation of the tumour suppressor Smad4
by Yigong Shi & Akiko Hata & Roger S. Lo & Joan Massagué & Nikola P. Pavletich - 93-97 DNA-replication checkpoint control at the Drosophila midblastula transition
by Ody C. M. Sibon & Victoria A. Stevenson & William E. Theurkauf - 97-100 Structure of the multimodular endonuclease FokI bound to DNA
by David A. Wah & Joel A. Hirsch & Lydia F. Dorner & Ira Schildkraut & Aneel K. Aggarwal - 101-102 Taking inventory of biological reagents
by Brendan Horton
June 1997, Volume 387, Issue 6636
- 833-834 Congress and Varmus in clash over ‘illegal’ embryo research
by Meredith Wadman - 834-834 NIH may drop special funds for ‘new investigators’
by Meredith Wadman - 835-835 Japan reaches a compromise on organ transplants
by David Swinbanks - 835-835 Accord could lift block on European biotech patents
by Alison Abbott - 836-836 Rio follow-up faces frustrated ambitions
by Colin Macilwain - 836-836 India may set up genetics advisory panel
by K. S. Jayaraman - 837-837 Competition is the spur for German research centres
by Quirin Schiermeir - 837-837 South African museums' status ‘at risk’
by Michael Cherry - 837-837 Geologist set to challenge ‘creationism’ verdict
by Peter Pockley - 838-838 Japan set to face a lonely future in fast-breeder research
by David Swinbanks & Declan Butler - 838-839 Nuclear love affair loses its charm
by Declan Butler - 839-839 Cogema's ‘arrogance’ adds to La Hague's problems
by Declan Butler - 841-841 Cannibalism and kuru
by June Goodfield - 841-841 Serious flaws in UK funding system
by Linda M. Castell & Hillary Rose - 842-842 Tories out on cue
by J. Richard Gott - 842-843 Stranglehold on science
by Peter Cohen - 843-843 You read it here first
by Robert W. Levis & Steven Henikoff - 849-850 Symmetry as destiny — taking a balanced view of IQ
by Steve Blinkhorn - 850-851 The end of the beginnings
by Roberto Abraham - 851-853 Dendritic shock absorbers
by Rafael Yuste - 854-854 Palaeoclimatology
by Philip Newton - 854-855 Solitons light the way
by Allan Boardman - 855-857 A robust view of biochemical pathways
by Leland Hartwell - 857-858 Sulphur, climate and the microbial maze
by Gillian Malin - 858-858 Explorers deliver tea to the pole
by Alison Mitchell - 859-860 Bursting out all over
by Joshua S. Bloom & Malvin Ruderman - 860-860 A level viewing field
by David Jones - 861-861 A peptide antibiotic from human skin
by J. Harder & J. Bartels & E Christophers & J.-M. Schröder - 862-863 The zebrafish organizer requires chordino
by Stefan Schulte-Merker & Kevin J. Lee & Andrew P. McMahon & Matthias Hammerschmidt - 863-864 Have quantum scars been observed?
by T. S. Monteiro & D. Delande & J.-P. Connerade - 864-864 Have quantum scars been observed?
by T. M. Fromhold & F. W. Sheard & L. Eaves & P. B. Wilkinson - 865-866 A richly varied life in physics
by H. B. G. Casimir - 866-867 Our flexible friends
by J. M. W. Slack - 867-868 Earthquakes and elephants
by Keith Cox - 868-868 Fringe maths
by Keith Devlin - 869-875 K+ channel regulation of signal propagation in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons
by Dax A. Hoffman & Jeffrey C. Magee & Costa M. Colbert & Daniel Johnston - 876-878 The optical counterpart to the γ-ray burst GRB970508
by S. G. Djorgovski & M. R. Metzger & S. R. Kulkarni & S. C. Odewahn & R. R. Gal & M. A. Pahre & D. A. Frail & M. Feroci & E. Costa & E. Palazzi - 878-880 Spectral constraints on the redshift of the optical counterpart to the γ-ray burst of 8 May 1997
by M. R. Metzger & S. G. Djorgovski & S. R. Kulkarni & C. C. Steidel & K. L. Adelberger & D. A. Frail & E. Costa & F. Frontera - 880-883 Self-trapping of incoherent white light
by Matthew Mitchell & Mordechai Segev - 883-885 Crystallization of hard-sphere colloids in microgravity
by Jixiang Zhu & Min Li & R. Rogers & W. Meyer & R. H. Ottewill & W. B. Russel & P. M. Chaikin - 885-888 Dissolved metals in surface sediment and a microbial mat at 100-μm resolution
by W. Davison & G. R. Fones & G. W. Grime - 888-891 Measuring the pulse of a plume with the sedimentary record
by Nicky White & Bryan Lovell - 891-894 A new route for synthesis of dimethylsulphoniopropionate in marine algae
by Douglas A. Gage & David Rhodes & Kurt D. Nolte & Wayne A. Hicks & Thomas Leustek & Arthur J. L. Cooper & Andrew D. Hanson - 894-897 Grazing-activated chemical defence in a unicellular marine alga
by Gordon V. Wolfe & Michael Steinke & Gunter O. Kirst - 897-900 Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food web
by V. Loeb & V. Siegel & O. Holm-Hansen & R. Hewitt & W. Fraser & W. Trivelpiece & S. Trivelpiece - 900-903 Corticofugal modulation of frequency processing in bat auditory system
by Yunfeng Zhang & Nobuo Suga & Jun Yan - 903-908 Congenital leptin deficiency is associated with severe early-onset obesity in humans
by Carl T. Montague & I. Sadaf Farooqi & Jonathan P. Whitehead & Maria A. Soos & Harald Rau & Nicholas J. Wareham & Ciaran P. Sewter & Janet E. Digby & Shehla N. Mohammed & Jane A. Hurst & Christopher H. Cheetham# & Alison R. Earley# & Anthony H. Barnett & Johannes B. Prins & Stephen O'Rahilly - 908-912 Fringe modulates Notch–ligand interactions
by Vladislav M. Panin & Venizelos Papayannopoulos & Richa Wilson & Kenneth D. Irvine - 913-917 Robustness in simple biochemical networks
by N. Barkai & S. Leibler - 917-921 A family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signalling
by Robyn Starr & Tracy A. Willson & Elizabeth M. Viney & Leecia J. L. Murray & John R. Rayner & Brendan J. Jenkins & Thomas J. Gonda & Warren S. Alexander & Donald Metcalf & Nicos A. Nicola & Douglas J. Hilton - 921-924 A new protein containing an SH2 domain that inhibits JAK kinases
by Takaho A. Endo & Masaaki Masuhara & Masahiro Yokouchi & Ritsu Suzuki & Hiroshi Sakamoto & Kaoru Mitsui & Akira Matsumoto & Shyu Tanimura & Motoaki Ohtsubo & Hiroyuki Misawa & Tadaaki Miyazaki & Nogueira Leonor & Tadatsugu Taniguchi & Takashi Fujita & Yuzuru Kanakura & Seturo Komiya & Akihiko Yoshimura - 924-929 Structure and function of a new STAT-induced STAT inhibitor
by Tetsuji Naka & Masashi Narazaki & Moritoshi Hirata & Tomoshige Matsumoto & Seijiro Minamoto & Atsufumi Aono & Norihiro Nishimoto & Tadahiro Kajita & Tetsuya Taga & Kazuyuki Yoshizaki & Shizuo Akira & Tadamitsu Kishimoto - 929-931 Repair of DNA loops involves DNA-mismatch and nucleotide-excision repair proteins
by David T. Kirkpatrick & Thomas D. Petes - 932-932 Erratum: Myc and Ras collaborate in inducing accumulation of active cyclin E/Cdk2 and E2F
by Gustavo Leone & James DeGregori & Rosalie Sears & Laszlo Jakoi & Joseph R. Nevins - 933-936 Finding the meaning in genes
by Brendan Horton
June 1997, Volume 387, Issue 6635
- 745-745 Statistician is named to UK science post
by David Dickson - 745-745 NIH backers take Clinton to task over impact of budget pact
by Meredith Wadman - 746-746 Collapse of study complicates US participation
by Colin Macilwain - 746-746 Global fusion plans face three-year delay
by Alison Abbott - 747-747 Space physicists plead for extended solar missions
by Tony Reichhardt - 747-747 Tritium leak protests prompt Canada to suspend discharges
by David Spurgeon - 748-748 Republicans seek to widen cloning ban
by Meredith Wadman - 748-748 Palaeontologists protest at Web sale of hominid remains
by Ehsan Masood - 749-749 Britain extends controls to combat risk to sheep
by Declan Butler - 749-749 Brussels reshapes science panels after BSE criticism
by Declan Butler - 750-750 University ‘failed to acknowledge exoneration’
by Alison Abbott - 750-750 Fraud claims shake German complacency
by Alison Abbott - 751-751 Nuclear triggers get subcritical scrutiny
by Colin Macilwain