March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 187-194 Greenhouse-gas emissions from soils increased by earthworms
by Ingrid M. Lubbers & Kees Jan van Groenigen & Steven J. Fonte & Johan Six & Lijbert Brussaard & Jan Willem van Groenigen - 195-202 The impact of lower sea-ice extent on Arctic greenhouse-gas exchange
by Frans-Jan W. Parmentier & Torben R. Christensen & Lise Lotte Sørensen & Søren Rysgaard & A. David McGuire & Paul A. Miller & Donald A. Walker - 203-207 Climate change may cause severe loss in the economic value of European forest land
by Marc Hanewinkel & Dominik A. Cullmann & Mart-Jan Schelhaas & Gert-Jan Nabuurs & Niklaus E. Zimmermann - 208-212 Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from soils by Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation
by Manabu Itakura & Yoshitaka Uchida & Hiroko Akiyama & Yuko Takada Hoshino & Yumi Shimomura & Sho Morimoto & Kanako Tago & Yong Wang & Chihiro Hayakawa & Yusuke Uetake & Cristina Sánchez & Shima Eda & Masahito Hayatsu & Kiwamu Minamisawa - 213-217 Hydroclimatic shifts driven by human water use for food and energy production
by Georgia Destouni & Fernando Jaramillo & Carmen Prieto - 218-222 Water-quality impacts from climate-induced forest die-off
by Kristin M. Mikkelson & Eric R. V. Dickenson & Reed M. Maxwell & John E. McCray & Jonathan O. Sharp - 223-227 Drought alters the structure and functioning of complex food webs
by Mark E. Ledger & Lee E. Brown & François K. Edwards & Alexander M. Milner & Guy Woodward - 228-233 Food-chain length alters community responses to global change in aquatic systems
by Lars-Anders Hansson & Alice Nicolle & Wilhelm Granéli & Per Hallgren & Emma Kritzberg & Anders Persson & Jessica Björk & P. Anders Nilsson & Christer Brönmark - 234-238 Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate
by Elliott L. Hazen & Salvador Jorgensen & Ryan R. Rykaczewski & Steven J. Bograd & David G. Foley & Ian D. Jonsen & Scott A. Shaffer & John P. Dunne & Daniel P. Costa & Larry B. Crowder & Barbara A. Block - 239-243 Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change
by Jeremy VanDerWal & Helen T. Murphy & Alex S. Kutt & Genevieve C. Perkins & Brooke L. Bateman & Justin J. Perry & April E. Reside - 244-248 Evolutionary response of the egg hatching date of a herbivorous insect under climate change
by Margriet van Asch & Lucia Salis & Leonard J. M. Holleman & Bart van Lith & Marcel E. Visser - 249-253 Climate-change impacts on understorey bamboo species and giant pandas in China’s Qinling Mountains
by Mao-Ning Tuanmu & Andrés Viña & Julie A. Winkler & Yu Li & Weihua Xu & Zhiyun Ouyang & Jianguo Liu - 254-258 Shrinking of fishes exacerbates impacts of global ocean changes on marine ecosystems
by William W. L. Cheung & Jorge L. Sarmiento & John Dunne & Thomas L. Frölicher & Vicky W. Y. Lam & M. L. Deng Palomares & Reg Watson & Daniel Pauly - 259-262 Excess algal symbionts increase the susceptibility of reef corals to bleaching
by Ross Cunning & Andrew C. Baker - 263-267 Long-term responses of North Atlantic calcifying plankton to climate change
by Gregory Beaugrand & Abigail McQuatters-Gollop & Martin Edwards & Eric Goberville - 268-272 Dolomite-rich coralline algae in reefs resist dissolution in acidified conditions
by M. C. Nash & B. N. Opdyke & U. Troitzsch & B. D. Russell & W. H. Adey & A. Kato & G. Diaz-Pulido & C. Brent & M. Gardner & J. Prichard & D. I. Kline - 273-277 Biogeochemical plant–soil microbe feedback in response to climate warming in peatlands
by Luca Bragazza & Julien Parisod & Alexandre Buttler & Richard D. Bardgett - 278-282 Decade-long soil nitrogen constraint on the CO2 fertilization of plant biomass
by Peter B. Reich & Sarah E. Hobbie - 283-287 Carbon emissions from forest conversion by Kalimantan oil palm plantations
by Kimberly M. Carlson & Lisa M. Curran & Gregory P. Asner & Alice McDonald Pittman & Simon N. Trigg & J. Marion Adeney - 288-291 Increased greenhouse-gas intensity of rice production under future atmospheric conditions
by Kees Jan van Groenigen & Chris van Kessel & Bruce A. Hungate - 292-297 Temperature as a potent driver of regional forest drought stress and tree mortality
by A. Park Williams & Craig D. Allen & Alison K. Macalady & Daniel Griffin & Connie A. Woodhouse & David M. Meko & Thomas W. Swetnam & Sara A. Rauscher & Richard Seager & Henri D. Grissino-Mayer & Jeffrey S. Dean & Edward R. Cook & Chandana Gangodagamage & Michael Cai & Nate G. McDowell - 298-302 Variation in plastic responses of a globally distributed picoplankton species to ocean acidification
by Elisa Schaum & Björn Rost & Andrew J. Millar & Sinéad Collins
February 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 91-93 A blind spot in climate change vulnerability assessments
by Stacy L. Small-Lorenz & Leah A. Culp & T. Brandt Ryder & Tom C. Will & Peter P. Marra - 94-95 Lost in transition
by Elisabeth Jeffries - 96-97 Oblivious money-men
by Anna Petherick - 98-98 Mitigation cost estimates
by Monica Contestabile - 98-98 Perception to action
by Alastair Brown - 98-98 Preparing for droughts
by Monica Contestabile - 98-98 Long-term relationship
by Bronwyn Wake - 98-98 Aerosol impacts
by Bronwyn Wake - 99-100 Plenty of wind
by Daniel Kirk-Davidoff - 100-101 Inducing green behaviour
by John Thøgersen - 101-103 Fluctuating temperature effects
by Ross A. Alford - 105-111 Last chance for carbon capture and storage
by Vivian Scott & Stuart Gilfillan & Nils Markusson & Hannah Chalmers & R. Stuart Haszeldine - 112-117 Cultural dimensions of climate change impacts and adaptation
by W. Neil Adger & Jon Barnett & Katrina Brown & Nadine Marshall & Karen O'Brien - 118-121 Geophysical limits to global wind power
by Kate Marvel & Ben Kravitz & Ken Caldeira - 122-125 Self-interest and pro-environmental behaviour
by Laurel Evans & Gregory R. Maio & Adam Corner & Carl J. Hodgetts & Sameera Ahmed & Ulrike Hahn - 126-130 Robust projections of combined humidity and temperature extremes
by E. M. Fischer & R. Knutti - 131-136 El Niño and health risks from landscape fire emissions in southeast Asia
by Miriam E. Marlier & Ruth S. DeFries & Apostolos Voulgarakis & Patrick L. Kinney & James T. Randerson & Drew T. Shindell & Yang Chen & Greg Faluvegi - 137-141 Major flood disturbance alters river ecosystem evolution
by Alexander M. Milner & Anne L. Robertson & Michael J. McDermott & Megan J. Klaar & Lee E. Brown - 142-145 Climate-driven changes in northeastern US butterfly communities
by Greg A. Breed & Sharon Stichter & Elizabeth E. Crone - 146-151 Disease and thermal acclimation in a more variable and unpredictable climate
by Thomas R. Raffel & John M. Romansic & Neal T. Halstead & Taegan A. McMahon & Matthew D. Venesky & Jason R. Rohr - 152-155 Blanket peat biome endangered by climate change
by Angela V. Gallego-Sala & I. Colin Prentice - 156-159 Ocean acidification causes ecosystem shifts via altered competitive interactions
by Kristy J. Kroeker & Fiorenza Micheli & Maria Cristina Gambi - 160-164 Nutrient enrichment can increase the susceptibility of reef corals to bleaching
by Jörg Wiedenmann & Cecilia D’Angelo & Edward G. Smith & Alan N. Hunt & François-Eric Legiret & Anthony D. Postle & Eric P. Achterberg - 165-170 Limiting global warming to 2 °C is unlikely to save most coral reefs
by K. Frieler & M. Meinshausen & A. Golly & M. Mengel & K. Lebek & S. D. Donner & O. Hoegh-Guldberg - 171-171 Erratum: Increasing drought under global warming in observations and models
by Aiguo Dai
January 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-2 Lifting livestock's long shadow
by Robert Goodland - 2-3 Climate warming and Mediterranean seagrass
by Cristian R. Altaba - 3-4 Climate warming and Mediterranean seagrass
by Gabriel Jordà & Núria Marbà & Carlos M. Duarte - 4-6 The challenge to keep global warming below 2 °C
by Glen P. Peters & Robbie M. Andrew & Tom Boden & Josep G. Canadell & Philippe Ciais & Corinne Le Quéré & Gregg Marland & Michael R. Raupach & Charlie Wilson - 7-9 The muddled progressive
by Anna Petherick - 11-12 Water at a crossroads
by Monica Contestabile - 13-14 Round two for EU climate policy
by Sonja van Renssen - 15-15 Reconstructing temperature
by Bronwyn Wake - 15-15 Aragonite shell damage
by Alastair Brown - 15-15 Stilling air
by Bronwyn Wake - 15-15 Climate–conflict nexus
by Monica Contestabile - 15-15 Controls on Arctic methane
by Alastair Brown - 17-18 Wetting the Arctic
by Tara J. Troy - 19-23 Interpreting trade-related CO2 emission transfers
by Michael Jakob & Robert Marschinski - 24-29 The impacts of climate change on terrestrial Earth surface systems
by Jasper Knight & Stephan Harrison - 30-36 Consequences of widespread tree mortality triggered by drought and temperature stress
by William R. L. Anderegg & Jeffrey M. Kane & Leander D. L. Anderegg - 37-41 Summer-time climate impacts of projected megapolitan expansion in Arizona
by M. Georgescu & M. Moustaoui & A. Mahalov & J. Dudhia - 42-46 All flavours of El Niño have similar early subsurface origins
by Nandini Ramesh & Raghu Murtugudde - 47-51 Enhanced poleward moisture transport and amplified northern high-latitude wetting trend
by Xiangdong Zhang & Juanxiong He & Jing Zhang & Igor Polyakov & Rüdiger Gerdes & Jun Inoue & Peili Wu - 52-58 Increasing drought under global warming in observations and models
by Aiguo Dai - 59-62 Anthropogenic influence on multidecadal changes in reconstructed global evapotranspiration
by H. Douville & A. Ribes & B. Decharme & R. Alkama & J. Sheffield - 63-67 Global diversity of drought tolerance and grassland climate-change resilience
by Joseph M. Craine & Troy W. Ocheltree & Jesse B. Nippert & E. Gene Towne & Adam M. Skibbe & Steven W. Kembel & Joseph E. Fargione - 68-72 Adaptation of US maize to temperature variations
by Ethan E. Butler & Peter Huybers - 73-77 Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming
by Craig Baker-Austin & Joaquin A. Trinanes & Nick G. H. Taylor & Rachel Hartnell & Anja Siitonen & Jaime Martinez-Urtaza - 78-82 An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot
by Thomas Wernberg & Dan A. Smale & Fernando Tuya & Mads S. Thomsen & Timothy J. Langlois & Thibaut de Bettignies & Scott Bennett & Cecile S. Rousseaux - 83-87 Climate-change impact assessment for inlet-interrupted coastlines
by Roshanka Ranasinghe & Trang Minh Duong & Stefan Uhlenbrook & Dano Roelvink & Marcel Stive
December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 826-826 Radar backscatter and forest biomass
by S. Englhart & V. Keuck & F. Siegert - 826-827 Forest biomass and the science of inventory from space
by Sassan Saatchi & Lars Ulander & Mathew Williams & Shaun Quegan & Thuy LeToan & Herman Shugart & Jerome Chave - 827-829 Drought-induced decline in Mediterranean truffle harvest
by Ulf Büntgen & Simon Egli & J. Julio Camarero & Erich M. Fischer & Ulrich Stobbe & Håvard Kauserud & Willy Tegel & Ludger Sproll & Nils C. Stenseth - 829-829 Arctic contaminants and climate change
by Tjarda J. Roberts - 829-830 Reply to 'Arctic contaminants and climate change'
by Jianmin Ma & Hayley Hung - 831-832 The Global Framework for Climate Services
by Chris Hewitt & Simon Mason & David Walland - 833-834 Proportionate adaptation
by Jim W. Hall & Sally Brown & Robert J. Nicholls & Nick F. Pidgeon & Robert T. Watson - 834-836 Equity and state representations in climate negotiations
by Heike Schroeder & Maxwell T. Boykoff & Laura Spiers - 837-838 EU climate leadership under test
by Stavros Afionis & Adrian Fenton & Jouni Paavola - 839-839 Heat distribution
by Bronwyn Wake - 839-839 Water-use impacts
by Alastair Brown - 839-839 Carbon policy and innovation
by Monica Contestabile - 839-839 Experts' knowledge assessed
by Alastair Brown - 839-839 Failed protection regimes
by Monica Contestabile - 840-841 Shifts in fishing grounds
by Bonnie J. McCay - 841-842 Squeezing the Arctic carbon balloon
by Evan S. Kane - 843-848 Climate change and ethics
by Tim Hayward - 849-857 Aquatic biochronologies and climate change
by John R. Morrongiello & Ronald E. Thresher & David C. Smith - 858-861 Parental environment mediates impacts of increased carbon dioxide on a coral reef fish
by Gabrielle M. Miller & Sue-Ann Watson & Jennifer M. Donelson & Mark I. McCormick & Philip L. Munday - 862-866 Orbital forcing of tree-ring data
by Jan Esper & David C. Frank & Mauri Timonen & Eduardo Zorita & Rob J. S. Wilson & Jürg Luterbacher & Steffen Holzkämper & Nils Fischer & Sebastian Wagner & Daniel Nievergelt & Anne Verstege & Ulf Büntgen - 867-870 Long-term sea-level rise implied by 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming levels
by Michiel Schaeffer & William Hare & Stefan Rahmstorf & Martin Vermeer - 871-874 Impact of climate change on the Baltic Sea ecosystem over the past 1,000 years
by Karoline Kabel & Matthias Moros & Christian Porsche & Thomas Neumann & Florian Adolphi & Thorbjørn Joest Andersen & Herbert Siegel & Monika Gerth & Thomas Leipe & Eystein Jansen & Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté - 875-879 A potential loss of carbon associated with greater plant growth in the European Arctic
by Iain P. Hartley & Mark H. Garnett & Martin Sommerkorn & David W. Hopkins & Benjamin J. Fletcher & Victoria L. Sloan & Gareth K. Phoenix & Philip A. Wookey - 880-883 Vole and lemming activity observed from space
by Johan Olofsson & Hans Tømmervik & Terry V. Callaghan - 884-888 Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America
by Asbury H. Sallenger & Kara S. Doran & Peter A. Howd - 888-888 Erratum: Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate
by Clara Deser & Reto Knutti & Susan Solomon & Adam S. Phillips
November 2012, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 762-762 China's uncertain CO2 emissions
by Bing Xue & Wanxia Ren - 762-764 Asymmetric effects of economic growth and decline on CO2 emissions
by Richard York - 764-764 Carbon mismanagement in Brazil
by Paulo Roberto Pagliosa & André Scarlate Rovai & Alessandra Larissa Fonseca - 765-766 Carbon emissions trading in China
by Alex Y. Lo - 767-768 Stuck on shipping
by Sonja van Renssen - 769-769 Extreme melt
by Bronwyn Wake - 769-769 Acidic coasts
by Bronwyn Wake - 769-769 A climate for fire
by Alastair Brown - 769-769 Wind energy tariffs
by Monica Contestabile - 769-769 Global implications for Africa
by Alastair Brown - 770-771 Snowfall brightens Antarctic future
by Charles S. Zender - 771-772 Lake warming mimics fertilization
by Monika Winder - 773-774 Mangroves' hidden value
by Brian C. Murray - 775-779 Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate
by Clara Deser & Reto Knutti & Susan Solomon & Adam S. Phillips - 780-788 Marginalization of end-use technologies in energy innovation for climate protection
by Charlie Wilson & Arnulf Grubler & Kelly S. Gallagher & Gregory F. Nemet - 789-794 Narrowing the climate information usability gap
by Maria Carmen Lemos & Christine J. Kirchhoff & Vijay Ramprasad - 795-798 Inhibition of the positive snow-albedo feedback by precipitation in interior Antarctica
by G. Picard & F. Domine & G. Krinner & L. Arnaud & E. Lefebvre - 799-804 Sea surface temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since AD 1649
by Kristine L. DeLong & Terrence M. Quinn & Frederick W. Taylor & Ke Lin & Chuan-Chou Shen - 805-808 Interactions between above- and belowground organisms modified in climate change experiments
by Karen Stevnbak & Christoph Scherber & David J. Gladbach & Claus Beier & Teis N. Mikkelsen & Søren Christensen - 809-813 Harmful filamentous cyanobacteria favoured by reduced water turnover with lake warming
by Thomas Posch & Oliver Köster & Michaela M. Salcher & Jakob Pernthaler - 814-820 Projected response of an endangered marine turtle population to climate change
by Vincent S. Saba & Charles A. Stock & James R. Spotila & Frank V. Paladino & Pilar Santidrián Tomillo - 821-824 Mediterranean seagrass vulnerable to regional climate warming
by Gabriel Jordà & Núria Marbà & Carlos M. Duarte
October 2012, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 704-704 Adapting to climate change through urban green infrastructure
by Stuart R. Gaffin & Cynthia Rosenzweig & Angela Y. Y. Kong - 705-706 Light is cast on a long shadow
by Anna Petherick - 707-708 Count your blessings
by Anna Petherick - 709-709 Economic and emissions trends
by Monica Contestabile - 709-709 Shrubby Arctic carbon
by Alastair Brown - 709-709 Personal experience matters
by Monica Contestabile - 709-709 Non-solar warming
by Bronwyn Wake - 709-709 Permafrost heats up
by Bronwyn Wake - 710-711 Science literacy and climate views
by Adam Corner - 711-712 Soil mediation in grasslands
by Howard Epstein - 713-719 Stratospheric aerosol particles and solar-radiation management
by F. D. Pope & P. Braesicke & R. G. Grainger & M. Kalberer & I. M. Watson & P. J. Davidson & R. A. Cox - 720-724 The need for new ocean conservation strategies in a high-carbon dioxide world
by Greg H. Rau & Elizabeth L. McLeod & Ove Hoegh-Guldberg - 725-731 Climate change impacts on glaciers and runoff in Tien Shan (Central Asia)
by Annina Sorg & Tobias Bolch & Markus Stoffel & Olga Solomina & Martin Beniston - 732-735 The polarizing impact of science literacy and numeracy on perceived climate change risks
by Dan M. Kahan & Ellen Peters & Maggie Wittlin & Paul Slovic & Lisa Larrimore Ouellette & Donald Braman & Gregory Mandel - 736-741 Asymmetric European summer heat predictability from wet and dry southern winters and springs
by Benjamin Quesada & Robert Vautard & Pascal Yiou & Martin Hirschi & Sonia I. Seneviratne - 742-746 Soil-mediated effects of subambient to increased carbon dioxide on grassland productivity
by Philip A. Fay & Virginia L. Jin & Danielle A. Way & Kenneth N. Potter & Richard A. Gill & Robert B. Jackson & H. Wayne Polley - 747-751 Eco-evolutionary responses of biodiversity to climate change
by Jon Norberg & Mark C. Urban & Mark Vellend & Christopher A. Klausmeier & Nicolas Loeuille - 752-755 Changes to dryland rainfall result in rapid moss mortality and altered soil fertility
by Sasha C. Reed & Kirsten K. Coe & Jed P. Sparks & David C. Housman & Tamara J. Zelikova & Jayne Belnap - 756-760 Decline of forereef corals in response to recent warming linked to history of thermal exposure
by Karl D. Castillo & Justin B. Ries & Jack M. Weiss & Fernando P. Lima - 760-760 Erratum: Changes in pH at the exterior surface of plankton with ocean acidification
by Kevin J. Flynn & Jerry C. Blackford & Mark E. Baird & John A. Raven & Darren R. Clark & John Beardall & Colin Brownlee & Heiner Fabian & Glen L. Wheeler
September 2012, Volume 2, Issue 9
- 636-636 Science literacy still matters
by Mark McCaffrey & Joshua Rosenau - 636-637 Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
by Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez & Pieter De Frenne & Arndt Hampe - 638-639 Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
by Vincent Devictor & Chris van Swaay & Tom Brereton & Lluís Brotons & Dan Chamberlain & Janne Heliölä & Sergi Herrando & Romain Julliard & Mikko Kuussaari & Åke Lindström & Jirí Reif & David B. Roy & Oliver Schweiger & Josef Settele & Constantí Stefanescu & Arco Van Strien & Chris Van Turnhout & Zdenek Vermouzek & Michiel Wallis De Vries & Irma Wynhoff & Frédéric Jiguet - 639-640 A new paradigm for climate change
by Kevin Anderson & Alice Bows - 641-643 The co-benefits of carbon management on country
by Donna Green & Liz Minchin - 644-644 International freight impact
by Monica Contestabile - 644-644 Global flood risk
by Monica Contestabile - 644-644 Climate implications of CCS
by Alastair Brown - 644-644 Dengue fever transmission
by Alastair Brown - 644-644 Loss captured
by Bronwyn Wake - 645-646 China's uncertain CO2 emissions
by Gregg Marland - 646-647 Pacific temperature trends
by Mat Collins - 648-654 Communication of climate projections in US media amid politicization of model science
by Karen Akerlof & Katherine E. Rowan & Dennis Fitzgerald & Andrew Y. Cedeno - 655-662 The hydrology of the humid tropics
by Ellen Wohl & Ana Barros & Nathaniel Brunsell & Nick A. Chappell & Michael Coe & Thomas Giambelluca & Steven Goldsmith & Russell Harmon & Jan M. H. Hendrickx & James Juvik & Jeffrey McDonnell & Fred Ogden - 663-667 Different glacier status with atmospheric circulations in Tibetan Plateau and surroundings
by Tandong Yao & Lonnie Thompson & Wei Yang & Wusheng Yu & Yang Gao & Xuejun Guo & Xiaoxin Yang & Keqin Duan & Huabiao Zhao & Baiqing Xu & Jiancheng Pu & Anxin Lu & Yang Xiang & Dambaru B. Kattel & Daniel Joswiak - 668-671 Climate–society feedbacks and the avoidance of dangerous climate change
by A. J. Jarvis & D. T. Leedal & C. N. Hewitt - 672-675 The gigatonne gap in China’s carbon dioxide inventories
by Dabo Guan & Zhu Liu & Yong Geng & Sören Lindner & Klaus Hubacek - 676-681 Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change
by Michelle T. H. van Vliet & John R. Yearsley & Fulco Ludwig & Stefan Vögele & Dennis P. Lettenmaier & Pavel Kabat - 682-685 Timing of carbon emissions from global forest clearance
by J. Mason Earles & Sonia Yeh & Kenneth E. Skog - 686-690 Thermal tolerance and the global redistribution of animals
by Jennifer M. Sunday & Amanda E. Bates & Nicholas K. Dulvy - 691-699 Reconciling disparate twentieth-century Indo-Pacific ocean temperature trends in the instrumental record
by Amy Solomon & Matthew Newman
August 2012, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 556-557 Radar backscatter is not a 'direct measure' of forest biomass
by Iain H. Woodhouse & Edward T. A Mitchard & Matthew Brolly & Danae Maniatis & Casey M. Ryan - 557-560 Geothermal energy in China
by Shaopeng Huang - 560-562 Measuring the carbon emissions of megacities
by Riley M. Duren & Charles E. Miller - 563-565 Measurement challenges
by Monica Contestabile - 566-566 Hunger and climate
by Bronwyn Wake - 568-569 Legislating for energy efficiency
by Sonja van Renssen - 570-570 Tracking plant performance
by Alastair Brown - 570-570 New focus in climate messages
by Monica Contestabile - 570-570 REDD costs and uncertainties
by Alastair Brown - 570-570 Australian building codes
by Monica Contestabile - 570-571 Aerosol-driven warming
by Bronwyn Wake - 571-571 Algae to atmosphere
by Bronwyn Wake - 571-571 Responsibilities shared
by Monica Contestabile - 571-571 Savannah Shift
by Bronwyn Wake - 572-573 Fear and hope in climate messages
by Paul C. Stern - 573-574 Public support for clean energy
by Michael Hanemann - 574-575 Counting the coming storms
by Ed Hawkins & Pier Luigi Vidale - 576-580 Relative outcomes of climate change mitigation related to global temperature versus sea-level rise
by Gerald A. Meehl & Aixue Hu & Claudia Tebaldi & Julie M. Arblaster & Warren M. Washington & Haiyan Teng & Benjamin M. Sanderson & Toby Ault & Warren G. Strand & James B. White - 581-586 Human drivers of national greenhouse-gas emissions
by Eugene A. Rosa & Thomas Dietz - 587-595 Climate change and the South Asian summer monsoon
by Andrew G. Turner & H. Annamalai - 596-599 Willingness to pay and political support for a US national clean energy standard
by Joseph E. Aldy & Matthew J. Kotchen & Anthony A. Leiserowitz - 600-603 Promoting pro-environmental action in climate change deniers
by Paul G. Bain & Matthew J. Hornsey & Renata Bongiorno & Carla Jeffries - 603-603 Promoting pro-environmental action in climate change deniers
by Paul G. Bain & Matthew J. Hornsey & Renata Bongiorno & Carla Jeffries - 604-607 Twenty-first-century projections of North Atlantic tropical storms from CMIP5 models
by Gabriele Villarini & Gabriel A. Vecchi - 608-612 Impact of intensified Indian Ocean winds on mesoscale variability in the Agulhas system
by Björn C. Backeberg & Pierrick Penven & Mathieu Rouault - 613-618 Eurasian Arctic greening reveals teleconnections and the potential for structurally novel ecosystems
by Marc Macias-Fauria & Bruce C. Forbes & Pentti Zetterberg & Timo Kumpula - 619-622 Extinction debt of high-mountain plants under twenty-first-century climate change
by Stefan Dullinger & Andreas Gattringer & Wilfried Thuiller & Dietmar Moser & Niklaus E. Zimmermann & Antoine Guisan & Wolfgang Willner & Christoph Plutzar & Michael Leitner & Thomas Mang & Marco Caccianiga & Thomas Dirnböck & Siegrun Ertl & Anton Fischer & Jonathan Lenoir & Jens-Christian Svenning & Achilleas Psomas & Dirk R. Schmatz & Urban Silc & Pascal Vittoz & Karl Hülber - 623-627 Coral resilience to ocean acidification and global warming through pH up-regulation
by Malcolm McCulloch & Jim Falter & Julie Trotter & Paolo Montagna - 628-633 Transfer payments in global climate policy
by Florian Landis & Thomas Bernauer
July 2012, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 470-470 A critical role for carbon offsets
by Paul Dargusch & Sebastian Thomas - 471-474 Bridging the greenhouse-gas emissions gap
by Kornelis Blok & Niklas Höhne & Kees van der Leun & Nicholas Harrison - 475-476 Australia's carbon price
by Frank Jotzo - 477-478 Science and the governance of Australia's climate regime
by Rodney J. Keenan & Lisa Caripis & Anita Foerster & Lee Godden & Jacqueline Peel - 479-479 Arctic ice turns to the dark side
by Nicola Jones - 480-481 Cultural response to climate change
by Elizabeth Straughan & Deborah Dixon - 484-485 When carbon footprints hop
by Anna Petherick