June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 290-290 Exploring the Success of GMT Technique: Games, Mind-Mapping, and Twitter Hashtags in Teaching Vocabulary in EFL Higher Education Environment
by Banan Hassan Alhajaji & Jalila Saleh Algmadi & Amal Abdelsattar Metwally - 300-300 Determination of Digital Citizenship Levels of University Students at Sakarya University Turkey
by Ezgi Pelin Yildiz & Metin Cengel & Ayse Alkan - 309-309 Characteristics of the Re-Entry Experiences of Returning Saudi International Students after Studying Abroad
by Naif Daifullah Z Alsulami - 323-323 The Effect of Educational Videos on Increasing Student Classroom Participation: Action Research
by Hashem Ali Almuslamani & Islam A. Nassar & Omar Rabeea Mahdi
April 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-1 International Partnerships for the Development of STEM and Medical Education of Middle Eastern Women
by Daniel Ruiqi Wang & David P Hajjar & Curtis L Cole - 1-16 The Effect of Organizational Culture on Lecturers’ Organizational Commitment in Private Universities in Indonesia
by Furtasan Ali Yusuf - 1-25 Modelling Approach of an Innovation Process in Engineering Education: The Case of Mechanical Engineering
by Imane Zergout & Souad Ajana & Catherine Adam & Soumia Bakkali - 1-40 Investigating University Student Violence and the Role Islamic Education can Play to Lessen This Phenomenon
by Sadeq Hassan Al-Shudaifat - 1-54 Strikes in the Canadian Higher Education Sector: The Feasibility of Compulsory Binding Arbitration
by Sirvan Karimi - 1-63 Attitude towards Engineering Ethical Issues: A Comparative Study between Malaysian and Indonesian Engineering Undergraduates
by Balamuralithara Balakrishnan & Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman & Setyabudi Indartono - 1-70 A Comparative Study on the Legal Education Model in Saudi Arabia
by Awad Ali Alanzi - 1-78 Islamic Work Ethics-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Improve the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers in Indonesia
by Mochamad Vrans Romi & Eeng Ahman & Disman Disman & Edi Suryadi & Ari Riswanto - 1-85 Academic Motivations of Pregrade Students in the Choice of International Business Career
by Wagner Enoc Vicente-Ramos & Brenda Gonzales Silva & Shirley Teresa Nuñez Merino & Silvana Marjorie Paucar Lazo & Christian R. Mejia - 1-95 Higher Education Institution Partnership to Strengthen the Health Care Workforce in Afghanistan
by Carolyn M. Porta & Erin M. Mann & Rohina Amiri & Melissa D. Avery & Sheba Azim & Janice M. Conway-Klaassen & Parvin Golzareh & Mahdawi Joya & Emil Ivan Mwikarago & Mohammad Bashir Nejabi & Megan Olejniczak & Raghu Radhakrishnan & Olive Tengera & Manuel S. Thomas & Julia L. Weinkauf & Stephen M. Wiesner - 107-107 Strategy Selection in the Universities via Fuzzy AHP Method: A Case Study
by Ömür Hakan Kuzu - 118-118 Economic Growth and Higher Education in South Asian Countries: Evidence from Econometrics
by Nilofer Hussaini - 126-126 Leadership Pivotal to Productivity Enhancement for 21st-Century Indian Higher Education System
by Vedvyas J. Dwivedi & Yogesh C. Joshi - 144-144 Social Self-Efficacy and its Relationship to Loneliness and Internet Addiction among Hashemite University Students
by Ahmad M. Gazo & Ahmad M. Mahasneh & Mohammed H. Abood & Faten A. Muhediat - 156-156 Instructional Practices of Part-Time Faculty at Two-Year Institutions: Observations and Implications
by Yahya Mohammad Alshehri - 167-167 Leadership Styles Prevailing for Faculty Members at the College of Education in Al-Delam from the Point of View of its Female Students
by Thikryat Jibril Qaralleh - 184-184 Talent Management in Academia – The Indian Business School Scenario
by Rajiv Divekar & Ramakrishnan Raman - 193-193 Identification of Enablers for Reducing Student Incivility in Classrooms-An Exploratory Investigation
by Tapas Bantha & Dr. Sanjeev P. Sahni & Dr. Mohit Yadav - 200-200 Appropriate Learning Management for Students with Different Learning Styles within a Multicultural Society at State-run Universities in Thailand
by Chidchanok Churngchow & Narongsak Rorbkorb & On-tip Petchurai & Jirawat Tansakul - 209-209 Design and Validation of the College Readiness Test (CRT) for Filipino K to 12 Graduates
by Antonio Tamayao & Rudolf Vecaldo & Jay Emmanuel Asuncion & Maria Mamba & Febe Marl Paat & Editha Pagulayan - 225-225 Study of the Training Accreditation in a Moroccan Engineering School: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
by Zhor Ouzzine & Souad Ajana & Soumia Bakkali & Imane Msitef - 239-239 The Emotional Impact of Social Media in Higher Education
by Darren Iwamoto & Hans Chun - 248-248 Maintaining Academic Standards and Integrity in Online Business Courses
by Delbert Goff & Jarrod Johnston & Bryan Bouboulis - 258-258 Wish Poems of Undergraduate Students Related to Physical Environment of Educational Faculty
by Canan Demir-Yildiz - 270-270 Prevalent Crime in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions and Administrative Strategies for its Effective Management
by Romina Ifeoma Asiyai & Enamiroro Patrick Oghuvbu - 280-280 The Effect of Inductive and Deductive Teaching on EFL Undergraduates’Achievement in Grammar at the Hashemite University in Jordan
by Mohammad M. Obeidat & Moh’d A. Alomari - 289-289 Tertiary Anatomy and Physiology, A Barrier for Student Success
by Julian Vitali & Conner Blackmore & Siavash Mortazavi & Ryan Anderton - 297-297 The Role of Using Case Studies Method in Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education
by Omar Rabeea Mahdi & Islam A. Nassar & Hashem Ali Almuslamani - 308-308 Impact of an ESP Course on English Language Proficiency of Undergraduate Engineering Students: A Case Study at Dhofar University
by Julius Irudayasamy & Nizar Mohammed Souidi & Carmel Hankins - 321-321 The Use of Debates as an Approach to Deliver the Course Entitled “The Impact of US Policy on Integration Processes in Europe in the Post-Bipolar Eraâ€
by Alina Yu. Korniienko - 330-330 Questionnaire Development and Validation of Interlanguage Pragmatic Instructional Approaches & Techniques in EFL Contexts
by Atieh Farashaiyan & Rahman Sahragard & Paramasivam Muthusamy & Rajantheran Muniandy
February 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Relationship of Good University Governance and Student Satisfaction
by Muhsin Muhsin & S Martono & Ahmad Nurkhin & Hengky Pramusinto & Nely Afsari & Ahmad Fadhly Arham - 1-11 Development of a Learning School in Wat Srichan School, Khon Kaen Province: A Participatory Action Research
by Phramaha Jittipong Chanthago & Phrakrudhammapissamai Phrakrudhammapissamai & Chayanon Jantaragaroon - 1-22 Implications of English as an International Language for Language Pedagogy
by Kim Hua Tan & Atieh Farashaiyan & Rahman Sahragard & Fatemeh Faryabi - 1-32 I Prefer My Own Ways to Acquire My English Speaking Skills: A Grounded Research
by Fernandes Arung & Zainal Rafli & Ratna Dewanti - 1-44 Perceptions and Attitudes towards Sustainable Development among Malaysian Undergraduates
by Balamuralithara Balakrishnan & Fumihiko Tochinai & Hidekazu Kanemitsu - 1-52 Inclusive Education: Origins, ‘Defectology’, and Kosovo’s Experiences of Inclusive Education
by Roelien Joubert & Ingrid Harrington - 1-60 Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Assisted by E-Learning through Lesson Study Activities to Improve the Quality of Learning in Physics Learning Planning Courses
by Sri Wahyu Widyaningsih & Irfan Yusuf - 1-69 Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Academicians in Malaysia
by Shyue Chuan Chong & Mohammad Falahat & Yin Su Lee - 1-81 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, its Sources and Behaviour Change of Undergraduate Students of Ekiti State University South West Nigeria: Implications for Counselling
by Anna Onoyase - 1-89 A Remedial English Course from the Freshmen EFL Learners’ Viewpoints and Expectations at the Hashemite University in Jordan
by Mohammed M. Obeidat - 107-107 A Case Study of Higher Education in Mongolia: Institutional Isomorphism
by Zoljargal Dembereldorj - 116-116 First-year Students’ Adjustment to University Life: A Case Study of Implementing College Buddy Program
by Maryam Alharthi - 126-126 Analyzing Universities Service Quality to Student Satisfaction; Academic and Non-Academic Analyses
by Kardoyo Kardoyo & Lola Kurnia Pitaloka & Rozman Rozman & Bayu Bagas Hapsoro - 133-133 Factors Influencing the Students’ Acceptance of E-Learning at Teacher Education Institute: An Exploratory Study in Malaysia
by Muhamad Suhaimi Taat & Agatha Francis - 142-142 A Comparative Study of the Engineering Soft Skills Required by Moroccan Job Market
by Hind Chaibate & Amine Hadek & Souad Ajana & Soumia Bakkali & Kenza Faraj - 153-153 Effective Communication-Based Teaching Skill for Early Childhood Education Students
by Yuliani Nurani & Sofia Hartati & Ade Dwi Utami & Hapidin Hapidin & Niken Pratiwi - 159-159 Self-Efficacy in Teaching Multicultural Students in Academia
by Revital Sela-Shayovitzhayovitz & Idit Finkelstein - 168-168 Learning Chinese as the United Nations Language? Implications for Language Learning Motivation and Identity in Adult Higher Education
by Hugo Yu-Hsiu Lee - 179-179 Emotional Intelligence, Work Family Conflict, and Job Satisfaction on Junior High School Teacher’s Performance
by Dewie Tri Wijayati & Achmad Kautsar & Karwanto Karwanto - 189-189 The Effect of Principal’s Distributed Leadership Practice on Students’ Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Ghirmai Jambo Daniel & Hongde Lei - 199-199 Pedagogical Practice as Way to Find out Pedagogical Barriers
by Dorofeeva M. S. & Timoshenko A. I. & Tretyakova L. R. & Rogaleva E. V. - 204-204 Exploring the Perception of Students using Student-Centered Learning Approach in a Malaysian Public University
by Abderrahim Benlahcene Benlahcene & Sana Anwar Lashari & Tahira Anwar Lashari & Muhammad Waleed Shehzad & Wu Deli - 218-218 Convergence between 21st Century Skills and Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutes
by Abdul Ghafar - 230-230 A Model of Causal Relationships Affecting the Effectiveness of Primary Schools under Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area
by Kantawan Sangsurin & Dr.Prayuth Chusorn & Dr.Pha Agsonsua - 237-237 Anxiety and Stress in In-service Chinese University Teachers of Arts
by Meihua Liu & Yan Yi - 249-249 The Impact of Strategic Notetaking on EFL learners’ Academic Performance in Jordan
by Ibrahim F. F. Almaagbh - 256-256 Challenges of Teaching English Language Classes of Slow and Fast Learners in the United Arab Emirates Universities
by Bilal Zakarneh & Najah Al-Ramahi & Mahmoud Mahmoud - 270-270 The Reality of Strategic Planning in the Faculties of Educational Sciences in Jordanian Private Universities, and Its Relation to Academic Excellence
by Reda. S. Al-Mawdieh - 280-280 An Evaluation of a Pilot Study of the Personal Tutoring Programme in Improving Skills Development at the University of Trinidad and Tobago
by Andrew Hunte & Wasi Z Khan & Rohanie Maharaj
December 2019, Volume 8, Issue 8
- 1-1 Methods of Foreign Language Teaching to Linguistically Gifted Students
by Gulnara V. Gali & Anastasiya V. Fakhrutdinova & Askar I. Gali - 1-5 Higher Education Interaction Factors in Improving Quality of Preparation
by O.A. Shestopalova - 1-16 The Practice of the Training on Stress Tolerance Increase of Ukrainian Students in the Sphere of Legal Education
by Tamara Latkovska & Mikhail Sidor & Tetiana Goloyadova & Andrey Kalimbet - 1-24 Educating the Information Integration Using Contextual Knowledge and Ontology Merging in Advanced Levels
by Husnul Qodim & Herningsih Herningsih & Phong Thanh Nguyen & Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen & Apriana Toding - 1-30 Teaching Methods of Educating Support and Options for Non-Formal Lifelong Learner
by Casmudi Casmudi & Zalik Nuryana & Deni Miharja & I Gede Dharman Gunawan & Zainal Abidin Muhja - 1-34 Educating the External Conditions in the Educational and Cultural Environment
by Laili Alfita & Anissa Lestari Kadiyono & Phong Thanh Nguyen & Winci Firdaus & Ismail Suardi Wekke - 1-39 Features of the Use of Modern Technology and Hardware at the Institute of Prosecution with the Aim of Prospering the Higher Education
by Igor O. Antonov & Ramil R. Rakhmatullin & Guzel V. Burganova & Nikita N. Makolkin - 1-45 Advance Levels of Pedagogy of Humanity Studies in Education
by Vera N. Didenko - 1-51 Peculiarities of Kazakh Reality Translation with Cultural-Historical Educational Components
by Ilmira Kanatovna Yerbulatova & Gelinya Khajretdinovna Gilazetdinova & Aigul Galimzhanovna Bozbayeva - 1-55 Educating Students with Disabilities Who Study at the University
by Larisa V. Godovnikova & Aleksandra S. Gerasimova & Yana V. Galchun & Victoria I. Orekhova - 1-62 A Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model in Developing Students' Soft Skills Aspect
by Hera Heru Sri Suryanti & Siti Supeni - 1-70 Challenges Associated with the Implementation of Knowledge Management in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
by Ruby N. Ike & Emmanuel K. Agbaeze & Ben E. Udoh & Bamidele S. Adeleke
October 2019, Volume 8, Issue 7
- 1-1 Methods of Studying the Semantic Function of Trademarks in the Industrial, Commercial and Advertising
by Stadulskaya N.A & Antipova L.A - 1-8 Investigation in the Interethnic Relations in the Republic of Tatarstan: Teaching Methods of the Adaptation of the Local Population to the Presence of Migrants
by Tatyana A. Titova & Elena V. Frolova & Elena G. Guschina & Bulat I. Fakhrutdinov - 1-13 Methodology for Teaching Students the Analysis of Turkish Fiction Texts
by Asiya Rizvanovna Rakhimova & Alsu Mansurovna Nigmatullina - 1-17 Pedagogical Model of Preservice Teachers Social Adaptation to the Future Professional Activity
by Evgeniya V. Gutman & Rasilya R. Nurmieva - 1-23 Professional Portrait of History Teacher in Coordinates of Modern Russian Historical Education
by Sinitzyn Oleg Vladimirovich & Valiakhmetov Albert Nailevich & Yuzmukhametova Landysh Nurgayanovna - 1-29 Teaching the Public Administration in Health Care in the Russian Federation
by Timur Giorgievich Okriashvili & bert Valentinovich Pavlyuk & Alexey Viktorovich Smyshlyaev & Albert Gumarovich Yakupov - 1-34 The Correlation of Educational Standards for Museology (Ba)
by Olga A. Masalova & Makka I. Dolakova & Marina A Mefodeva & Adelya Sattarova - 1-39 To the Question of the Interference and Positive Transfer When Teaching Russian to Hispanic Students
by Dinara Rashidovna Valeeva & Alina Andreevna Ershova - 1-44 Teaching Grammar to Bilingual Learners
by Olga Andreevna Bezuglova & Liliya Galievna Ilyasova & Zhanargul Beisembayeva - 1-50 Learning the Russian Language in the Game: Traditional and New Approaches
by Julia Vladimirovna Kapralova & Lada Alekseevna Moskaleva & Iana Arthurovna Byiyk - 1-56 Influence of Planning in Oral Teaching Methods
by Elena Vladimirovna Litvinenko & Liliia Saimovna Sirazova & Jamil Eftim Toptsi - 1-62 Modeling Dialogues in FL Class
by Albina M. Sharafieva & Iskaner E. Yarmakeev & Tatiana S. Pimenova & Albina R. Abdrafikova & Tatiana M. Tregubova - 1-69 Freedom of Expression. Are We Safe Online?
by Kamila Danilovna Shaibakova - 1-74 Methods of Teaching the History of Language to Foreign Students
by Elena Viktorovna Khabibullina & Ekaterina Gennadievna Shtyrlina & Lubomir Guzi - 1-79 Teacher's Readiness to Work under the Conditions of Educational Space Digitalization
by Rina Samatovna Kamahina & Tatiana Vladimirovna Yakovenko & Evgenia Vladimirovna Daibova - 1-84 A Teachers Perception on Localization of Curriculum with Emphasis on Social Studies Lesson
by Shiva Jalayeri Laeen & Mohsen Ayati & Hossein Jafari Sani & Mohammad Akbari Booreng - 1-95 Contemporary Foreign Language Teacher’s Training
by Olga Ð . Moiseenko & Inna B. Akinshina & Natalia V. Zimovets & Elena V. Shemaeva & Alexander V. Markov - 102-102 Comparative Studies of Educating Methods of Different - Structured Languages: Etymological and Semantic Aspect
by Dilyara Sh. Shakirova - 106-106 On Some Difficulties in Students’ Independent Work in Learning Foreign Languages
by Asiya Mirgasimovna Ilyasova & Alsu Saetzianovna Khakimzianova & Bulat Ildarovich Fakhrutdinov - 111-111 Multicultural Education of Students as an Important Part of Education
by Izida I. Ishmuradova & Alfiya M. Ishmuradova - 116-116 Socio-Cultural Competence in Teaching Foreign Languages
by Igor Olegovich Guryanov & Alina Eduardovna Rakhimova & Marisol C. Guzman - 121-121 Features of the Development of the Digital Educational Environment in Russia
by Ekaterina A. Ilyina & Anna V. Shchiptsova & Igor E. Poverinov & Svetlana V. Grigoreva & Nadezhda K. Gorshkova & Pavel A. Fisunov - 132-132 The Legal and Economic Aspects of Teaching High Technology Trends
by Ekateryna. V. Astakhova & Alexey Yu. Mamychev & Sergey S. Shestopal & Anna A. Kritskaya & Ashkhen S. Aroyan - 138-138 Methods And Forms of Teaching of the Right To Information by Shareholders in the Digital Economy
by Aleksey I. Ovchinnikov & Yana B. Getman & Irina V. Kolesnik & Veronika V. Kolesnik & Natalia A. Boyko - 146-146 Educating the Reputation Capital Impact of a Region on the Parameters of Its Investment Activity: Methodical Approaches
by Marat Rashitovich Safiullin & Alexander Stanislavoich Grunichev & Leonid Alekseevich Elshin
December 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 1-1 The Role of the Campus Environment in Fostering a Sense of Mattering among Postgraduate Commuter Students in Botswana
by Dawn Lyken-Segosebe & Mbiganyi Moremi & Mbizo Mafuraga & Benjamin Mogotsi - 1-15 Transformational Leadership and Innovative Behavior: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in Indonesian Private University
by Suhana Suhana & Udin Udin & Suharnomo Suharnomo & Fuad Mas’ud - 1-26 Integration and Development of Employability Skills into Malaysian Higher Education Context: Review of the Literature
by Mehrnaz Fahimirad & Pradeep Kumar Nair & Sedigheh Shakib Kotamjani & Maryam Mahdinezhad & Jia Bao Feng - 1-36 ‘Thrown in at the Deep End’: The Experience of Graduates of Transnational Western Medical Education Transitioning into Middle Eastern Clinical Practice
by Fiza Rashid-Doubell & Timothy P Doubell - 1-50 Relevance of the Executive Secretary Degree of the Autonomous University of ChiriquÃ
by Yesenia MartÃnez & Luis Carlos Herrera - 1-57 A Case Study of Mindful Leadership in an Ability to Develop Focus, Clarity, and Creativity of the Leader of Buddhist Higher Education Institute
by Burmansah Burmansah & Rugaiyah Rugaiyah & Mukhneri Mukhtar - 1-70 University Teacher’s Knowledge, Personality and Teaching Effect: A Qualitative Study from Students’ Cognition Perspective
by Rong Zhou & Yan Hu & Dengke Yu & Qian Cao & Xue Bai - 1-85 Measure Reasoning Skill of Mathematics Students
by Jeinne Mumu & Benidiktus Tanujaya - 1-92 Pre-Service Teachers’ Views about Teacher Behaviours Observed in the Classroom
by Ali Yildiz & Ramis Bayrak - 100-100 Reliability and Validity of the Disloyalty in the Workplace Scale
by Hüseyin Aslan & Cevat Elma & Yüksel Gündüz - 112-112 Dialogues between Sociology and History
by Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Sandro Serpa - 120-120 The Practice of Teachers’ Written Corrective Feedback as Perceived by EFL Teachers and Supervisors
by Fatma Mohamed Al Kharusi & Abdo Mohamed Al-Mekhlafi - 138-138 Effect of Pre-Lecture Medical Terminology Guidance on Students’ Academic Achievement and Class Participation
by Hasan Mohsen Al-Wadi & Yusuf Sayed Sharaf Alkhabbaz - 144-144 "Mine is an Atypical Case": An Analysis of Life Stories about the Experience of Higher Education Drop-Out
by Andrés Santos Sharpe - 157-157 Factors Associated with Failure in Accounting: A Case Study of the Omani Students
by Rodrigo Macaraig Velasco - 171-171 Assessing Student Engagement in Online Programmes: Using Learning Design and Learning Analytics
by Maria Toro-Troconis & Jesse Alexander & Manuel Frutos-Perez - 184-184 The Impact of Psychological Adjustment on Private University Students’ Academic Achievement: Case Study
by Moosa Jaafar Fateel - 192-192 Study of the Factors Affecting the Career Development of New-Immigrant-Children University Students in Taiwan
by Yu-Chuan Chen - 203-203 Ethical Living and Work Self Efficacy Beliefs of Academicians of Higher Education in ASIA: A Key Determinant of One's Belief in One's Ability to Achieve the Desired Result in a Precise State of Affairs
by R. Sivarethinamohan & S. Sujatha - 222-222 Emotional Intelligence and its Relationship to Academic Performance Among Saudi EFL Undergraduates
by Wafa Ismail Saud - 231-231 The Best Three Years of Your Life: A Prediction for Three-Year Graduation
by Lu Qin & Glenn Allen Phillips - 240-240 Global Leadership in Sino-US Cross-border Higher Education
by Xin Bu & Patty Kero - 249-249 The Socialization and Retention of Low-Income College Students: The Impact of a Wrap-Around Intervention
by Gaye D. Ceyhan & Alia N. Thompson & Jeremy D. Sloane & Jason R. Wiles & Sule Aksoy & John W. Tillotson - 262-262 Development Of Digital Competences Of Students Of Teacher Training Studies - Polish Casus
by Beata Maria Nowak - 267-267 Digital Competencies and Professional attitudes as Predictors of Universities academics' Digital Technologies Usage: Example of Al-Hussein Bin Talal
by Mustafa Jwaifell & Osama M Kraishan & Dima Waswas & Raed O Salah - 278-278 Mediating the Effect of Cognitive Flexibility in the Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Self-Confidence: A Study on Turkish University Students
by Asude Malkoç & Aynur Kesen Mutlu - 288-288 The Use of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies for Automation of the Specialists’ Professional Training
by Alla V. Diachenko & Boris P. Morgunov & Tetiana P. Melnyk & Olena I. Kravchenko & Ludmila V. Zubchenko
October 2019, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 1-1 Redefining Career Communities in Higher Education
by June Y Lee & Sheetal Patel - 1-12 Does Cooperative Learning Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning?
by Van Dat Tran - 1-21 Theory – Practice Gap: Challenges Experienced by Nursing Students at the Satellite Campus of a Higher Education Institution in Namibia
by Saara Kerthu Hatupopi & Vistolina Nuuyoma - 1-29 Assessment of Instructors’ Technology Competency to be Used in the Settings of Formal and Non-Formal Education
by Myroslava P. Vovk & Halyna I. Sotska & Olena V. Trynus & Olga Ja. Muzyka - 1-45 Beliefs about Student Achievement Held by Teachers at Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences
by Abdel Hafid Ballafkih & Daniel Van Middelkoop - 1-56 Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching by Female Academic Teaching Staff in the Higher Education Sector in Mauritius
by Noshmee Devi Baguant - 1-71 A Qualitative Research Study on the Importance of Life Skills on Undergraduate Students’ Personal and Social Competencies
by Pradeep Kumar Nair & Mehrnaz Fahimirad - 1-84 The Interactivity of ICT in Language Teaching in the Context of Ukraine University Education
by Nataliya M. Savchuk & Svitlana A. Sichkar & Iryna V. Khlystun & Svitlana A. Shuliak & Valentina I. Avramenko - 1-95 Student Evaluation of Teaching in Higher Education: Evidence from Hong Kong
by Jang C. Jin - 110-110 A Causal Model to Compare the Extent of Undergraduates’- Postgraduates’ Impact on Unemployment in Uganda
by Victoria Kakooza & Robert Wamala & James Wokadala & Thomas Bwire - 118-118 Student Dropout from Foundation Program at Modern College of Business & Science, Sultanate of Oman
by Venkat Ram Raj Thumiki - 134-134 The Structural Relationship Model of Indicators of Mindful Leadership for Primary School Principals
by Sthian Wongkom & Wirot Sanrattana & Prayuth Chusorn - 143-143 How to Supervise International PhD Students: A Narrative Inquiry Study
by Mudassir Hussain & Hashim Ali - 157-157 Students Can Exhibit Discretionary Responding to Texts Social Media Messages During Class: Fact or Fiction?
by Fatma Arslantas & Eileen Wood & Brooke Boersen & Victoria Pulla & Monika Ferrier - 168-168 The Effect of Gender, Locus of Control, Love of Money, and Economic Status on Students’ Ethical Perception
by Khanifah Khanifah & Jaka Isgiyarta & Indah Lestari & Udin Udin - 176-176 Understanding Alumni Relations Programs in Community Colleges
by Everrett A. Smith & G. David Gearhart & Michael T. Miller - 185-185 Developing Integrity University Governance Model in Indonesia
by Salahudin Salahudin & Achmad Nurmandi & Mukti Fajar & Dyah Mutiarin & Baldric Siregar & Tri Sulistyaningsih & Jainuri Jainuri & Rendra Agusta & Kisman Karinda - 200-200 A Proposed Educational Strategy for Promoting Political Participation among Jordanian University Graduates
by Amani G. Jarrar - 214-214 Digital Content Model Framework Based on Social Studies Education
by Feri Sulianta & Sapriya Sapriya & Nana Supriatna & Disman Disman - 221-221 Metacognitive Knowledge and Its Effect on Second Language Writing: Students' Perceptions of Writing Task
by Narges Saffari - 233-233 Teaching Technical Teacher Candidates with Various Types of Learning Styles: Online and Face-to-Face Compounds
by Hamonangan Tambunan & Marsangkap Silitonga & Uli Basa Sidabutar - 246-246 Management of Lecturers Resource Development at Higher Education
by Isthifa Kemal & Suryadi Suryadi & Unifah Rosyidi - 257-257 Lecturer’s Perspective on Talent Management in Private Higher Learning Institutions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
by Mahiswaran Selvanathan & Nisha Nair Surendran & Thilageswary Arumugam & Sri Jeyanthirar Subramaniam & Noraini Mohamad Yusof
August 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-1 Sustainability Infused across the Curriculum at a Minority Serving Liberal Arts Institution: A Case Study
by Lycurgus Muldrow - 1-10 Quality and University Governance in Indonesia
by Nur Sayidah & Sri Utami Ady & Jajuk Supriyati & Sutarmin Sutarmin & Mustika Winedar & Alvy Mulyaningtyas & Aminullah Assagaf - 1-18 Benefits, Difficulties and Conditions of Lesson Study Implementation in Basic Teacher Education: A Review
by Eurydice-Maria D Kanellopoulou & Maria Darra - 1-36 Leadership Self-Efficacy, Change Oriented Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Experience
by Adebayo Saheed Adewale & Hazri Jamil & Adebayo-Shittabey Khadijah - 1-52 Do Graduates from Arts-Related Disciplines have a Higher Impact on Unemployment than Graduates from the Science-Related Disciplines?
by Victoria Kakooza & Robert Wamala & James Wokadala & Thomas Bwire - 1-61 The Effectiveness of Sports Marketing Strategies in the Jordanian Physical Education Faculties from View of the Graduate Students
by Zeyad Almomani & Mohammad Al-Hawary & Mo'een Oudat & Ahmad Al Okor - 1-72 An Examination of Differences between the Mean Indicator Ratings by Different Stakeholders in Distance Education Programme
by Ernest Adu-Gyamfi & Paul Kwadwo Addo & Charles Asamoah-Boateng - 1-79 Does Cooperative Learning may Enhance the Use of Students’ Learning Strategies?
by Van Dat Tran & Thi My Loc Nguyen & Nguyen Van De & Chau Soryaly & My Ngoc Doan - 1-89 The Degree of Educational Supervisors’ Commitment to Apply the Classroom-Visits Techniques
by Dima Waswas & Mustafa Jwaifell - 1-98 Early Incorporation of Entrepreneurship Mindset in An Engineering Curriculum
by Mehran Andalibi - 108-108 Management Strategies for Improving the Functionality of Tertiary Education in Nigeria
by Romina Ifeoma Asiyai & Patience Okoro - 115-115 Teaching Business English to Future Economists Using a Multimedia Textbook
by Oksana P. Bykonia & Iryna V. Borysenko & Iryna M. Zvarych & Tetiana V. Harbuza & Myroslava V. Chepurna - 124-124 Academic Deans: Perceptions of Effort-Reward Imbalance, Over-Commitment, Hardiness, and Burnout
by Kenneth M. Coll & Spencer G. Niles & Kathryn A. Coll & Charles P. Ruch & Roger A. Stewart - 136-136 Innovations in the Content of Professional Training of Interpreters and Translators in Countries of Europe, the USA and Ukraine: Comparative Analysis
by Olesia M. Cherkashchenko & Tetiana M. Vysotska & Svitlana V. Korotkova & Yuliia O. Savina & Iryna V. Khurtak - 145-145 The Needs of Students in Saudi Arabia Seeking to Study in Japan: A Poll-Survey Analysis
by Hiroko Kinoshita - 153-153 The Influence of Resilience on Psychological Well-Being of Malaysian University Undergraduates
by Izazol Idris & Ahmad Zamri Khairani & Hasni Shamsuddin - 164-164 Longing for Independence, Yet Depending on Family Support: A Qualitative Analysis of Psychosocial Adaptation of Iranian International Students in Hungary
by Sara Hosseini-Nezhad & Saba Safdar & Lan Anh Nguyen Luu - 175-175 The Changing Role of the Department Chair in the Shifting Landscape of Higher Education
by Lisa D. Weaver & Katherine Ely & Loretta Dickson & Jennifer DellAntonio - 189-189 Parental Influence on Student Educational Expectations: Results from the 2012 Qatar Education Study
by Abdel Latif Sellami - 202-202 Teacher Canditates’ Environmental Awareness and Environmental Sensitivity
by Emine Zehra Turan - 208-208 Measuring Social Innovation for Education and Resource Development in Refugee Camps: A Conceptual Study
by Lawal Yesufu & Sami Alajlani - 221-221 An Examination of the Performance Anxiety Levels of Undergraduate Music Teaching Students in the Instrument Exams According to Various Variables (Case of Tokat Province)
by Mehmet Serkan Umuzdaş & Hatice Tök & Serpil Umuzdaş - 231-231 Examination of Exercise Dependency Levels and State of Loneliness in Students of Sports Sciences Faculty
by Burcu Güvendi & Engin Işık Abanoz - 239-239 Perceptions of Primary School Teacher Candidates towards the Turkish Education System, School, Teacher, and Student: A Metaphor Analysis
by Emel Tüzel İşeri & Uğur Akin - 254-254 ELT Preservice Teachers’ Conceptualization of Teaching Practice: A Metaphor Analysis of the Dynamics of Teaching Practice
by İlknur Yüksel
June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-1 Good Governance and Integrity: Academic Institution Perspective
by Norhazma binti Nafi & Amrizah Kamaluddin - 1-13 University’s Enterprise Architecture Design Using Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) Based on the Zachman’s Framework Approach
by Hari Supriadi & Endang Amalia - 1-29 A Teaching Model for Undergraduate Students
by Kakyung Ahn - 1-36 Quality Management as a Strategic Tool to Enhance the Relationship between Leaders’ Behavior and Lecturers’ Job Satisfaction
by Muhammad Naveed Jabbar & Fauzi Hussin - 1-47 Educational Game “Mengenal Indonesia†as a Medium to Introduce Indonesia to the Kids
by Falahah Falahah & Fadhila Alinda Irrahali - 1-57 The Application of Critical Thinking in Accounting Education: A Literature Review
by Nurul Ezhawati Abdul Latif & Faizal Mohamed Yusuf & Nurazrin Mat Tarmezi & Siti Zalika Rosly & Zairul Nurshazana Zainuddin - 1-63 User Generated Content Platform as a New Media for Technopreneur Writer in Industrial Age Version 4
by Feri Sulianta & H. Sapriya - 1-77 The Design and Implementation of a Mathematics Learning Community
by Alexandra Kurepa - 1-83 Teaching Students to Think - Faculty Recommendations for Teaching Evaluations Employing Automated Content Analysis
by Nitza Davidovitch & Eyal Eckhaus - 1-94 Student Presence Using RFID and Telegram Messenger Application: A Study in SMK Unggulan Terpadu Pgii Bandung, Indonesia
by Muhammad Benny Chaniago & Apri Junaidi - 103-103 Building a Knowledge Base for QA System by Linking Korean Vocabulary and Wikipedia
by Yongbae Lee & Pyung Kim & Jungsik Yang - 117-117 A Scrutiny On The Changes In The Self-Respect, Anxiety, And Depression Levels Of The University Students Performing Individual And Team Sports
by Ali Osman KIVRAK & Mehmet ALTIN - 126-126 A Review on Diagnostic Vocabulary Tests
by Chunxiu He - 134-134 Academic Press and Student Engagement: Can Academic Psychological Capital Intervene? Test of a Mediated Model on Business Graduates
by Meryem Fati & Umair Ahmed & Waheed Ali Umrani & Fazluz Zaman - 148-148 Determining Critical Success Factors for Quality and Accreditation through Delphi Technique
by Mohammed Ilyas - 159-159 The Development and Application of Computational Fairy Tales for Elementary Students
by Jungho Park - 171-171 Analysis of Factors Affecting Digital Textbook Pricing in Korea
by Jeong-Su Yu & Pyung Kim - 185-185 Governance in Mongolian Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis
by Altangerel Balgan - 191-191 Patterns of Interaction on Peer Feedback: Pair Dynamics in Developing Students’ Writing Skills
by Sirikarn Kuyyogsuy - 206-206 Learning Styles in Problem-based Learning Environments Impacts on Student Achievement and Professional Preparation in University Level Physical Therapy Courses
by David J. Edwards & Lori Kupczynski & Shannon L. Groff - 214-214 Reading and Writing Learning Strategies for Low English Proficiency Students at a Private University in China
by Yanfang Zhang & Pengfei Chen & Tao Yu - 226-226 Are Graduates from the Arts-Related Academic Disciplines More Productive than those from the Science-Related Disciplines?
by Victoria Kakooza & Robert Wamala & James Wokadala & Thomas Bwire