February 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-76 An Investigation of Secondary School STEM Subjects as Predictors of Academic Performance in Tertiary Level Health Sciences Programs
by Conner Blackmore & Kathryn Hird & Ryan S Anderton - 1-85 Burnout and its Relationship to Psychological Distress and Job Satisfaction Among Academician and Non-Academician in Malaysia
by Salina Mohamed & Azlinawati Nikmat & Nurul Azreen Hashim & Norley Shuib & Nor Jannah Raduan - 1-93 Towards a Scholarship of Practice for University Leadership in Southern Africa: The Two-Way Practitioner-Researcher Loop
by Dawn Lyken-Segosebe & John M. Braxton - 106-106 Development of Theoretical Framework for Management Departments' Ranking Systems in Jordanian Universities
by Ahmad Al Adwan & Ahmad Yousef Areiqat & Ahmad M. Zamil - 113-113 Factorial Validation of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Scale using Pre-Service Teachers: Implications for Teacher Education Curriculum
by Catherine U. Ene & Christian S. Ugwuanyi & Chinedu I.O. Okeke & Boniface G. Nworgu & Agnes O. Okeke & John J. Agah & Basil C. Oguguo & Francis E. Ikeh & Kenneth O. Eze & Felicia C. Ugwu & Oluchi Janehilda Agugoesi & Ekwutosi M. Nnadi & Uche N. Eze & Dominic U. Ngwoke & Uchechukwu H. Ekwueme - 122-122 Multidisciplinary Higher Education Strategies in Small Groups of Health and Social Sciences
by Luis-Lucio Lobato Rincón & Ricardo Bernárdez Vilaboa & Fernando Santander del Amo & Juan Carlos Cuevas Lanchares & Maria Corres-Illera & Mercedes López Suárez & Josefina MarÃa Illera del Portal - 134-134 The Range of Personal and Technical Skills 21st C. Teachers have from the Perspective of School Principals at the First Directorate of Education in Amman, Jordan
by Hussein Hikmat Mistareehi - 147-147 Student Voice in an Extended Curriculum Programme in the Era of Social Media: A systematic Review of Academic Literature
by Joshua Ebere Chukwuere - 157-157 Gender and Civil Engineering in Higher Education: The Case of Mauritius
by Noshmee Devi Baguant - 166-166 Understanding the Most Important Facilitators and Barriers for Online Education during COVID-19 through Online Photovoice Methodology
by İbrahim Doyumğaç & Ahmet Tanhan & Mustafa Said Kiymaz - 191-191 Effects of a Special Art Education Course on Attitudes toward Omani Learners with Special Needs
by Fakhriya Al-Yahyai & Suhail Mahmoud Al-Zoubi & Bakkar Bakkar & Badriya Al-Hadabi & Mohammad Al-Gaseem & Ibrahim Al-Qaryouti - 201-201 Transition to Higher Education for Students with Autism: Challenges and Support Needs
by Maximus M. Sefotho & Charity Neejide Onyishi - 214-214 “Student Disadvantage†: Key University Stakeholders’ Perspectives in South Africa
by Oliver Tafadzwa Gore - 226-226 The Development of the Masters’ Professional Competence by Means of the Information and Communication Technologies
by Moldabek Kulakhmet & Alfira Hajrullina & Nataliya Oleksiuk & Miroslav Tvrdon & Oksana Protas - 239-239 Motivate or Demotivate? Factors Influencing Choice of Media as a Career
by Kavitha Iyer & Anupam Siddhartha - 252-252 The Use of English Collocations in Written Translation – A Case of University English-Majored Students
by Nguyen Huynh Trang & Khau Hoang Anh & Truong Nhat Khanh - 273-273 How CETYS Engineering is Preparing Its Students for Success
by Ana Melissa Algravez & Dan L. Shunk & Jorge Sosa Lopez & Juan M. Terrazas Gaynor & Juan R. Silva - 287-287 Preparing Undergraduate Learners with Skills Required by a Transformative Work Environment
by Upaasna Ramraj & Ferina Marimuthu - 295-295 Academic Rank and Position Effect on Academic Research Output – A Case Study of Ariel University
by Eyal Eckhaus & Nitza Davidovitch - 308-308 Investigating the E-Learning Challenges Faced by Students during Covid-19 in Namibia
by Godwin Kaisara & Kelvin Joseph Bwalya - 319-319 The Effectiveness of An Educational Program Based on Pictures and Graphics in Developing Some Spatial and Temporal Concepts among Kindergarten Children
by Abdelraouf Hameed Alyamani & Mohammed bani Khaled & Safia M Jabali - 329-329 Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021
by Susan Sun
November 2020, Volume 9, Issue 9
- 1-1 The Phenomenological Confidence of the Teacher in Conducting Learning Projects
by Rosa Ines Rondinel Carrillo & Victor Hilario Tarazona Miranda & Freddy Antonio Ochoa Tataje & Ricardo Guevara Fernandez & Linda Shardin-Flores & Joel Uribe Martinez - 1-11 Integration of ICTS and Digital Skills in Times of the Pandemic Covid-19
by Jose Antonio Manco-Chavez & Yrene Cecilia Uribe-Hernandez & Roberto Buendia-Aparcana & Jacinto Joaquin Vertiz-Osores & Sandy Dorian Isla Alcoser & Raul Alberto Rengifo-Lozano - 1-21 Impact of Emotional Style on Academic Goals in Pandemic Times
by Jessica Paola Palacios Garay & Jorge Luis Escalante & Juan Carlos Chumacero Calle & Inocenta Marivel Cavarjal Bautista & Segundo Perez-Saavedra & Jose Nieto-Gamboa - 1-32 Time Management and Academic Stress in Lima University Students
by Yanina Gallardo-Lolandes & Noel Alcas-Zapata & Jessica Elizabeth Acevedo Flores & Yolvi Ocaña-Fernández - 1-41 Phenomological Happiness of the History and Geography Teacher in Rural
by Yone Vilchez Cisneros & Doris Fuster- Guillen & Roger Pedro Norabuena Figueroa & Reyna Luisa Cruz Shuan - 1-51 Good Practices in the Redesign of Spaces for University Education in the Venezuelan Context of the Sucre Mission
by Ronald M. Hernandez & Liset Veitia Mederos & Fidel Jesus Cabrera de la Rosa & Aleida Suarez Ramirez & Isabel Menacho Vargas & Henry Alarcon Diaz & Nancy Cuenca Robles & Victor Pulido Capurro - 1-59 Intercultural Competencies in Graduate Students of a Private University in Lima
by Paola Gissella Orozco-Vargas & Carlos Mario Fernandez Diaz & Raul Delgado Arenas & Miguel Angel Perez Perez & Robert Manguinuri Chota & Yolanda Ramirez-Villacorta - 1-71 Development of Critical Thinking in Doctoral Students in Education
by Luis Alberto Nunez Lira & Yolanda Felicitas Soria Perez & Jesus Daniel Collanque Pinto & Oriana Rivera-Lozada - 1-80 Disruption Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Peruvian University Education
by William Eduardo Mory Chiparra & Kriss Melody Calla Vasquez & Roque Juan Espinoza Casco & Michael Lincold Trujillo Pajuelo & Pedro Javier Jaramillo-Alejos & John Morillo-Flores - 1-86 Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 9
by Susan Sun
October 2020, Volume 9, Issue 9
- 1-1 The Phenomenological Confidence of the Teacher in Conducting Learning Projects
by Rosa Ines Rondinel Carrillo & Victor Hilario Tarazona Miranda & Freddy Antonio Ochoa Tataje & Ricardo Guevara Fernandez & Linda Shardin-Flores & Joel Uribe Martinez - 1-11 Integration of ICTS and Digital Skills in Times of the Pandemic Covid-19
by Jose Antonio Manco-Chavez & Yrene Cecilia Uribe-Hernandez & Roberto Buendia-Aparcana & Jacinto Joaquin Vertiz-Osores & Sandy Dorian Isla Alcoser & Raul Alberto Rengifo-Lozano - 1-21 Impact of Emotional Style on Academic Goals in Pandemic Times
by Jessica Paola Palacios Garay & Jorge Luis Escalante & Juan Carlos Chumacero Calle & Inocenta Marivel Cavarjal Bautista & Segundo Perez-Saavedra & Jose Nieto-Gamboa - 1-32 Time Management and Academic Stress in Lima University Students
by Yanina Gallardo-Lolandes & Noel Alcas-Zapata & Jessica Elizabeth Acevedo Flores & Yolvi Ocaña-Fernández - 1-41 Phenomological Happiness of the History and Geography Teacher in Rural
by Yone Vilchez Cisneros & Doris Fuster- Guillen & Roger Pedro Norabuena Figueroa & Reyna Luisa Cruz Shuan - 1-51 Good Practices in the Redesign of Spaces for University Education in the Venezuelan Context of the Sucre Mission
by Ronald M. Hernandez & Liset Veitia Mederos & Fidel Jesus Cabrera de la Rosa & Aleida Suarez Ramirez & Isabel Menacho Vargas & Henry Alarcon Diaz & Nancy Cuenca Robles & Victor Pulido Capurro - 1-59 Intercultural Competencies in Graduate Students of a Private University in Lima
by Paola Gissella Orozco-Vargas & Carlos Mario Fernandez Diaz & Raul Delgado Arenas & Miguel Angel Perez Perez & Robert Manguinuri Chota & Yolanda Ramirez-Villacorta - 1-71 Development of Critical Thinking in Doctoral Students in Education
by Luis Alberto Nunez Lira & Yolanda Felicitas Soria Perez & Jesus Daniel Collanque Pinto & Oriana Rivera-Lozada - 1-80 Disruption Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Peruvian University Education
by William Eduardo Mory Chiparra & Kriss Melody Calla Vasquez & Roque Juan Espinoza Casco & Michael Lincold Trujillo Pajuelo & Pedro Javier Jaramillo-Alejos & John Morillo-Flores - 1-86 Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 9
by Susan Sun
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 1-1 Educational Management of Innovative Pedagogical Process in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
by Olena I. Kravchenko & Dmytro S. Tymchuk & Tetiana H. Pavlysh & Dmytro P. Kyslenko & Olena V. Lutsenko - 1-12 The Implementation of the Principles of Lifelong Learning as the Basis of Quality Specialize Education
by Oleksandr V. Broiakovskyi & Vita V. Ilchuk & Nataliia M. Mas & Oleksandr S. Kapinus & Anastasiia V. Okaievych - 1-24 The Analysis of the Influence of Information Environment on the Efficiency of Training Future Masters for Research Activity
by Ihor Z. Bopko & Bogdan S. Kryshchuk & Liudmila I. Romanovska & Yuriy L. Bryndikov & Natalia V. Synyuk - 1-36 Pedagogical Conditions of Developing Professional Culture in Law Students
by Tetiana V. Kononenko & Halyna V. Mukhina & Kateryna V. Ponomarenko & Olha O. Novikova - 1-47 Trends of Modern Education Development in the European Educational Space
by SvÑ–tlana Z. Romanyuk & Ivan S. Rusnak & Maryna S. Vasylyk & Olena M. Novak & Inna M. Shorobura - 1-59 Teaching a Professional Foreign Language to Specialists in Various Industries
by Svitlana V. Namestyuk & Nadiya R. Smolikevych & Nataliya Bytsko & Kateryna I. Zaitseva & Olena O. Orlova - 1-73 Construction of an Individual Educational Trajectory as a Way to Reveal the Personal and Professional Potential of a Future Teacher
by Anna I. Klieba & Yuliia O. Bludova & Nataliia A. Galushko & Olena H. Pavlova & Nataliia V. Pylypenko - 1-84 Modern Technologies and Applications of ICT in the Training Process of Teachers-Philologists
by Inna S. Berkeshchuk & Iryna V. Shcherbak & Nataliia M. Shkvorchenko & Tetiana E. Masytska & Igor V. Chornyi - 1-94 Models of Introduction of Dual Professional Education
by Olha L. Kravchenko & Irina Y. Borisyuk & Zoriana M. Vakolia & Oksana M. Tretyak & Oksana M. Mishchenia - 107-107 Introduction of New Forms of Education in Modern Higher and Vocational Education and Training
by Liudmyla I. Berezovska & Galyna D. Kondratska & Anna A. Zarytska & Kateryna S. Volkova & Taras M. Matsevko - 119-119 The Objectives and Practical Aspects of Quality Assurance System of Higher Education
by Dora H. Ivanova & Olga V. Goray & Nadiia I. Horbachova & Iryna M. Krukovska & Svitlana D. Poplavska - 130-130 Role of Emotional Factors in Learning Ukrainian as a Foreign Language at Higher School
by Maria V. Tsurkan & Anna Ilkiv & Oksana V. Maksymiuk & Ivanna M. Struk & Nataliya O. Shatilova - 142-142 The Use of Information Technologies for the Development of Competences in Future Teachers of Foreign Language and Foreign Literature
by Oksana V. Handabura & Valentyna I. Sliuzko & Ruslana M. Melnyk & Liudmyla M. Hlushok - 153-153 Communicative Competence Formation of Future Officers in the Process of Foreign Language Training
by Mykhaylo M. Kozyar & Lidiia L. Nanivska & Oksana Ya. Romanyshyna & Andriy M. Romanyshyn & Yurii M. Yakimets - 166-166 Increasing Students’ Motivation to Learn at Tertiary Educational Institutions
by Natalia Yu. Kolesnichenko & Tetiana S. Hladun & Olena S. Diahyleva & Lyubov Y. Hats & Antonina V. Karnaukhova - 176-176 Practice and Innovations of Inclusive Education at School
by Larysa V. Kozibroda & Oksana P. Kruhlyk & Larysa S. Zhuravlova & Svitlana V. Chupakhina & Оlena M. Verzhihovska - 187-187 Professional Foreign-Language Training as a Component of Higher Vocational Education
by Olga M. Trubitsyna & Olha Kanibolotska & Iryna Y. Zozulia & Alla S. Stadnii & Maryna Y. Martynenko - 196-196 The Formation of Key Competences in the Training Process of Preschool Education Specialists (Experience of the United Kingdom, Germany, Ukraine)
by Larysa V. Zdanevych & Kateryna L. Kruty & Tetianа M. Tsehelnyk & Leonida S. Pisotska & Nataliia V. Kazakova - 207-207 The Role of Teachers in the Organization of Inclusive Education of Primary School Pupils
by Yuliia M. Shevchenko & Svitlana M. Dubiaha & Valentyna D. Melash & Tetyana V. Fefilova & Yulia О. Saenko - 217-217 Implementation of Modern Distance Learning Platforms in the Educational Process of HEI and their Effectiveness
by Viktoriia V. Kuleshova & Larysa V. Kutsak & Svitlana Y. Liulchak & Tetiana V. Tsoi & Iryna V. Ivanenko - 230-230 Innovative Methods in Language Disciplines During Profile Training Implementation
by Halyna I. Yuzkiv & Iryna M. Ivanenko & Nataliia V. Marchenko & Natalia V. Kosharna & Natalia S. Medvid - 243-243 Development of Skills of Intercultural Communication in the Process of Studying at Higher Educational Institutions
by Oksana V. Balanaieva & Hanna M. Salashchenko & Kateryna V. Shurupova & Anastasiia O. Devos & Alla I. Romanchuk - 257-257 Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Self-Educational Competence of Future Specialists in the Study of Professional Subjects
by Hanna P. Byhar & Valentyna H. Zvozdetska & Inna S. Prokop & Iryna I. Pits & Oksana Ye. Hordiichuk - 267-267 Design of Innovative Pedagogical Systems on Interdisciplinary Basis
by Viktoriia V. Dokuchaieva & Liudmyla M. Sbitnieva & Nazip V. Khamitov & Dmytro O. Chystiak & Nataliia M. Malaniuk - 279-279 Formation of Students’ Competence of Tertiary Educational Institutions by Practical Training Aids
by Mariia O. Kuzmina & Oksana L. Protas & Tetiana V. Fartushok & Yana M. Raievska & Iryna B. Ivanova - 289-289 Psycholinguistic Background of Training English Discussion Skills in Students of Philology Departments
by Mariia L. Pysanko & Iryna V. Zaytseva & Olena A. Lysenko & Iryna A. Liahina & Maryna A. Zvereva - 298-298 Special Features of Foreign-Languages Teaching at Higher Education Institution
by Oksana V. Petrenko & Iana E. Andriushchenko & Hanna M. Truba & Vladyslava V. Shcherbytska & Lesia I. Syniavska - 310-310 Use of Cloud Technologies in the Process of Professional and Linguistic Training of Law Students for the Development of Academic Performance
by Yurii S. Shemshuchenko & Elvira M. Gerasymova & Zorina S. Vykhovanets & Iurii L. Mosenkis & Oleksandr M. Strokal - 321-321 Purpose and Features of Teaching Philosophical Disciplines at Tertiary Educational Institutions while Training Specialists of Various Knowledge Areas
by Svitlana O. Lavrynenko & Liudmyla V. Krymets & Alona M. Leshchenko & Yana M. Chaika & Olha V. Holovina - 332-332 Modern Methods of Training Foreign Language Teachers
by Valentyna V. Chernysh & Yuliia Vaseiko & Vasily KaplinskÑ–y & Liudmyla Tkachenko & Julia Bereziuk - 345-345 Professional Competences of Jurisprudence Educators
by Anzhela A. Husenko & Iaroslav V. Petrunenko & Olha O. Kulinich & Liudmila V. Tokar & Vita V. Herashchenko - 356-356 International Cooperation among Tertiary Educational Institutions: Trends and Prospects
by Mariia M. Kiselova & Oksana A. Hudovsek & Svitlana V. Bykova & Oleksandra O. Tsybanyk & Alla I. Chagovets - 367-367 The Use of a Competency-based Approach to Forming Professional Culture in Pre-service Lawyers
by Sergey V. Petkov & Serhii F. Denysov & Ganna S. Yermakova & Viktoria M. Palchenkova & Viktoriia M. Vovk - 377-377 Modernization of Education Programs and Formation of Digital Competences of Future Primary School Teachers
by Valentуna D. Melash & Valentin V. Molodychenko & Volodymyr V. Huz & Anastasiia B. Varenychenko & Svitlana S. Kirsanova - 387-387 Information Interactive Design as a Discipline in the Professional Training of a Modern Graphic Designer
by Iryna I. Tsidylo & Volodymyr G. Cherniyavskyi & Nataliia V. Barna & Lesia V. Smyrna & Valentyna M. Medvedyeva - 397-397 Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 7
by Susan Sun
December 2020, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 1-1 EFL Students Perspective towards Online Learning Barriers and Alternatives Using Moodle/Google Classroom during COVID-19 Pandemic
by Like Raskova Octaberlina & Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin - 1-10 The Implementation Formula of Entrepreneurship Education at Higher Education as a Solution for the Social Problem
by Lailatussaadah Lailatussaadah & Asyraf Isyraqi Bin Jamil & Fakhrul Adabi Bin Abdul Kadir - 1-26 Conceptual Evolution of the Sequences and its Transition from High School to University in Morocco
by Elarif Khaoula & Hassouni Taoufik & Bouazza El Wahbi - 1-34 Teachers’ experiences with dyslexic learners in mainstream classrooms: Implications for teacher education
by S’lungile K Thwalaa & Christian Sunday Ugwuanyi & Chinedu I.O Okeke & Nombuso N Gamad & Abahle Thewala - 1-44 The Impact of E-Learning Strategy on Students' Academic Achievement. Case Study: Al- Quds Open University
by Yousef Abdel Latif Abdel Jawad & Basem Shalash - 1-54 Translanguaging as an ESL Learning strategy: A case study in Kuwait
by Rahima Sayed Sulaiman Akbar & Hanan Ali Taqi - 1-64 Assessing scientific literacy skill perceptions and practical capabilities in fourth year undergraduate biological science students
by Nadia M Cartwright & Danyelle M Liddle & Benjamin Arceneaux & Genevieve Newton & Jennifer M Monk - 1-77 Models of Arts Teacher’s Professional Development
by Reni Haerani & Juju Masunah & Tati Narawati & Endang Rochyadi & Mujiarto Mujiarto - 1-87 Performance Appraisal of Faculty Members Based on Internal Quality Assurance System: A Delphi Study
by Ahmed Ramadan Khtere - 1-96 Systematizing Internationalization Policy of Higher Education in State Islamic Universities
by Muhammad Munadi - 107-107 Multiple Intelligences and Success in School Studies
by Roman Yavich & Irina Rotnitsky - 118-118 Instructional and Business Continuity Amid and Beyond COVID-19 Outbreak: A Case Study from the Higher Colleges of Technology
by Abdullatif AlShamsi & Jihad Mohaidat & Noura Al Hinai & Ahmed Samy - 136-136 Teachers’ Perspectives on the Use of Differentiated Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms: Implication for Teacher Education
by Charity Neejide Onyishi & Maximus Monaheng Sefotho - 151-151 Challenges for Expatriate Faculties to Teach International Business course in Ethiopian Universities (Case of Dilla University)
by M Jagadeesha & P Venkata Durga Rao & Aruna Polisetty - 164-164 A Paradigm Shift of Learning in Maritime Education amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
by Gregorio Silao Ochavillo - 178-178 Deconstructing Social Unrest as a Response to Redefine Strained Relationships between Students and University Authorities
by Dr Bunmi I Omodan - 190-190 Globalization and University Rankings: Consequences and Prospects
by Hira Khan & Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah & Jamshed Khalid & Majed Ageel A Harnmal & Anees Janee Ali - 200-200 Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflection Logs: Pieces of Evidence of Transformative Teaching and Emancipation
by Jasper Jay Nievera Mendoza - 227-227 E-Learning Process of Maharah Qira'ah in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Apri Wardana Ritonga & Mahyudin Ritonga & Talqis Nurdianto & Martin Kustati & Rehani Rehani & Ahmad Lahmi & Yasmadi Yasmadi & Pahri Pahri - 236-236 Classroom Participation: Nursing Students Perspective Paper Critique
by Ibrahim Mohammad Hatamleh & Hashem Ali Issa Almuslamani - 241-241 Research Design Based on Fatwa Making Process: An Exploratory Study
by Shahir Akram Hassan & Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin - 247-247 Academics’ “Why†of Knowledge-Building for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and COVID-19 Era
by Simon Bhekumuzi Khoza - 259-259 Integration of CITYgreen Landscape Ecological Analysis into a Capstone Environmental Science Course
by David L. Kulhavy & Daniel R. Unger & Reid Viegut & I-Kuai Hung & Yanli Zhang - 268-268 Academic Quality Assurance Survey in Higher Education
by M Zaki - 276-276 Development of Students-Foreigners’ Communicative Competence by Means of Information Technologies under the Conditions of the Medical University
by Anatolii Vykhrushch & Nadiya O Fedchyshyn & Tetiana Khvalyboha & Ihor Drach & Marta Rudenko - 286-286 Management of Student Entrepreneurship Development at the West Java-Indonesia Private Islamic College
by Ahmad Rusdiana & Rahman Setia & Abdul Muin & Aam Abdillah - 298-298 Marketing Technologies in Higher Education for Identifying the Needs of Consumers in Lifelong Learning
by Oksana Khilukha & Lubov Lipych & Myroslava Kushnir & Alla Fatenok-Tkachuk - 307-307 Students’ Habits Appear Captured by WhatsApp
by Simon Bhekumuzi Khoza - 318-318 Development of Faculty of Education of Northeastern University through Professional Learning Community Process
by Pha Agsonsua & Vanich Prasertphorn - 326-326 Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 6
by Susan Sun
October 2020, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 1-1 Stimulating Academic Entrepreneurship through Technology Business Incubation: Lessons for the Incoming Sponsoring University
by Dawn Lyken-Segosebe & Tshegofatso Mogotsi & Sakarea Kenewang & Bonolo Montshiwa - 1-19 Developing Optimal Distinctive Open Innovation in Private Universities: Antecedents and Consequences on Innovative Work Behavior and Employee Performance
by Luhgiatno Luhgiatno & Christantius Dwiatmadja - 1-28 Preparation of Future Preschool Education Specialists for the Use of Modern Educational Technologies
by Sabina Ivanchuk & Anna Voznik & Olga Dronova & Nina Girenko & Dilyana Arsova - 1-36 Harnessing Text Structure Strategy for Reading Expository and Medical Texts among EFL College Students
by Shu-hua Wu & Sulaiman Alrabah - 1-46 Investigating the Relationship between Cognitive Distortions and Academic Stress for Intermediate School Teachers before and during Work
by Asmaa Mostafa Ali El-Shokheby - 1-60 Servant Leadership: Antecedent Factors, Impact, and Education Theories Used as Researcher's Perspective
by Fransiskus Sawan & Suryadi Suryadi & Nurhattati Nurhattati - 1-76 The Efficiency of Online Learning Environment for Implementing Project-Based Learning: Students' Perceptions
by Atef Mohammad Abuhmaid - 1-84 A UTAUT Evaluation of WhatsApp as a Tool for Lecture Delivery During the COVID-19 Lockdown at a Zimbabwean University
by Vusumuzi Maphosa & Bekithemba Dube & Thuthukile Jita - 1-94 Evolution of university governance in Morocco: Which impacts?
by Khalid Ayad & Khaoula Dobli Bennani & Mostafa Elhachloufi - 105-105 The Use of WhatsApp as An Educational Communication Tool in Higher Education: Experiences of Nursing Students in Kavango East, Namibia
by Vistolina Nuuyoma & Nkosenhle Jermaine Mhlope & Leonard Chihururu - 115-115 Enhancing University Students’ Achievement in Physics using Computer-Assisted Instruction
by Christian Sunday Ugwuanyi & Chinedu I.O Okeke - 125-125 Validation of depression, anxiety and stress scales (DASS-21): Immediate psychological responses of students in the e-learning environment
by Hoang Thi Quynh Lan & Nguyen Tien Long & Nguyen Van Hanh - 134-134 Partnerships Between Teacher Education Universities And Schools In Practicum To Train Pre-Service Teachers Of Vietnam
by Vu Thi Mai Huong & Nguyen Thi Thanh Tung & Tieu Thi My Hong & Duong Hai Hung - 153-153 Schools Teachers' Experiences of Social Network Sites in Relation to Improving the Skills of Arabic Language Acquisition: Impact, Strengths, and Weaknesses
by Mustafa Jwaifell & Reema Abu-Omar & Mahmoud BaniAbdel-Rahman - 167-167 Social Media by Indian Universities – Does it convince or confuse International Students in University Choice?
by Vikram Kumar & Ramakrishnan Raman - 181-181 Global Perceptions of Faculties on Virtual Programme Delivery and Assessment in Higher Education Institutions During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
by Oluwasola Babatunde Sasere & Sekitla Daniel Makhasane - 193-193 EFL Undergraduate Students’ Perspective about the Characteristics of the Effective Instructor at Hashemite University in Jordan
by Mohammed M. Obeidat - 208-208 Examining the Formation of Integrative Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers to work in Inclusive Classrooms in Ukraine
by Olena M. Yashchuk & Serhii M. Yashchuk & Halyna I. Kobernyk & Serhii A. Kotlovyi & Iryna O. Biletska - 223-223 Application of the SERVQUAL Model for the Evaluation of the Service Quality in Moroccan Higher Education: Public Engineering School as a Case Study
by Ouissal GOUMAIRI & Es-Saâdia AOULA & Souad BEN SOUDA - 230-230 The impact of Perceived Justice on Students’ Negative Emotional Responses during Service Recovery
by Steven Kayambazinthu Msosa - 240-240 Does the Curriculum of a Bachelor Program in International Business Meet the Competency Requirements of Internationalizing SMEs?
by Louise B. van Weerden & Peter C. van der Sijde - 252-252 Transforming Education with Emerging Technologies in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
by Ha Duc Ngoc & Le Huy Hoang & Vu Xuan Hung - 259-259 Gender Differences in Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Constraints: Do the Constraints Predict University Agriculture Graduates’ Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship?
by Som Pal Baliyan & Paseka Andrew Mosia & Pritika Singh Baliyan - 274-274 The Reality of Risk Management in Private Jordanian Universities from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members
by rida mwdiah & Mohammed Al-Badawi & Khaled Al-Sarairah - 283-283 The Anatomy of Persistence: Remediation and Science Identity Perceptions in Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology
by Emily A. Royse & Elliot Sutton & Melanie E. Peffer & Emily A. Holt - 300-300 Are Social Media Sites a Platform for Formal or Informal learning? Students’ Experiences in Institutions of Higher Education
by Cedric Bheki Mpungose - 312-312 Prevalence Causes of Stress and Coping Strategies Among Malaysian University Lecturers
by Khairunesa Isa & Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan - 322-322 The Future Role of Vocational Education Teachers in the Professional Learning Communities in Public Schools from the Perspective of Principals and Academic Supervisors in Jordan
by Sameer Aowad Kassab Shdaifat & Al- Huson - 338-338 Partnership among Librarians: Reflection on Observations, Interviews and Research Reports from Three Universities in Nigeria and Zimbabwe
by Rexwhite T. Enakrire & Collence T. Chisita & Tella Adeyinka - 346-346 The Role of Smart Working in Mediating Participatory Altruistic Leadership, Competence, Quality knowledge in Learning Performance of Lecturers in Higher Education
by Sri Handayani & DYP Sugiharto & Joko Sutarto Kardoyo
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-1 The Determinants of the Transition in South Korea from Vocational and General High School to Higher Education, Including a Gender Comparison
by Seonkyung Choi - 1-13 Comparison of the Graduate Education between Canada and China
by Tao Tang & Maged A. Aldhaeebi & J. Q. Lan & Ebrahim Bamanger - 1-27 Deterritorialising to Reterritorialising the Curriculum Discourse in African Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
by George Kehdinga Formunyam - 1-35 The Differences in Multiple Intelligences between the Students of Jordan University of Science and Technology
by Samer M. Ayasrah & Abdalrahman H. Aljarrah - 1-46 Mobility in the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions
by Sandro Serpa & Suzana Nunes Caldeira & Margarida S. Damião Serpa & Rolando Lalanda Gonçalves & Helena Mateus Montenegro & Isabel Estrela Rego - 1-61 Work Integrated Learning at Tertiary Level to Enhance Graduate Employability in Bangladesh
by Faieza Chowdhury - 1-69 The Method of Selecting Academic Leaders at Emerging Saudi Universities and its Relationship to Some Variables
by Share Aiyed Aldosari - 1-84 Factors that Increase Active Participation by Higher Education Students, and Predict the Acceptance and Use of Classroom Response Systems
by Mitja DeÄ man - 1-99 A Structural Equation Model of Blended Learning Culture in the Classroom
by Nguyen Tien Long & Nguyen Van Hanh - 116-116 Challenges Experienced by Students Studying through Open and Distance Learning at a Higher Education Institution in Namibia: Implications for Strategic Planning
by Amalia Ilonga & Daniel Opotamutale Ashipala & Nestor Tomas - 128-128 The Relationship between Ethical Leadership Styles and Employees Effective Work Practices
by Anrusha Bhana & Mohamed Saheed Bayat - 138-138 Investigate the Relation between Psychological Well-being, Self-efficacy and Positive Thinking at Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University Students
by Maha Ahmed Hussein Alkhatib - 153-153 Silence is Gold?: A Study on Students’ Silence in EFL Classrooms
by Nguyen Thu Hanh - 161-161 Teacher Development Potential (Creativity and Innovation) Education Management in Engineering Training, Coaching and Writing Works through Scientific Knowledge Intensive Knowledge Based on Web Research in the Industrial Revolution and Society
by Ade Tutty Rokhayati Rosa & Mujiarto Mujiarto - 169-169 Analysis of Text Mining from Full-text Articles and Abstracts by Postgraduates Students in Selected Nigeria Universities
by Mariam Taiwo Ibrahim & Adeyinka Tella - 184-184 Teaching Microaggressions, Identity, and Social Justice: A Reflective, Experiential and Collaborative Pedagogical Approach
by Kenny Kwong - 199-199 Enhancing of Student Collaboration in Thinking, Pairing, and Sharing on Energy Conversion Learning
by Sutopo Sutopo & Bayu Rahmat Setiadi & Muhammad Nurtanto & Sigit Purnomo & Nurcholish Arifin Handoyono & Arif Bintoro Johan - 206-206 Assessment of ICT Skills Relevant for Effective Learning Possessed by Undergraduate Students at University of Nigeria
by Basil C.E Oguguo & Agnes O. Okeke & Priscilla O. Dave-Ugwu & Christopher A. Ocheni & Clifford O. Ugorji & Ijeoma Hope N. Nwoji & Iheanacho C. Ike - 216-216 In Search of an Effective Teacher: Ghana’s Move towards Achieving Sustainable Education through Teacher Education Reforms
by Kenneth Adu-Gyamfi & Charles Deodat Otami - 233-233 Effectivness of Creative Thinking Module on Figural Creativity of Engineering Undergraduate in Malaysia
by Chua Yaw Long & Balamuralithara Balakrishnan & Choong Pooi Ying & Koh Yit Yan - 244-244 The Impact of Integrating Project Studies into the Working Processes of Companies
by Frank Fuchs-Kittowski & Juliane Siegeris & Jörn Freiheit - 254-254 The Nature of Innovation Eco-System of the Western Kazakh State University
by Liliya Mergaliyeva - 261-261 Application of Rasch Model on Resilience in Higher Education: An Examination of Validity and Reliability of Malaysian Academician Happiness Index (MAHI)
by Khadijah Alavi & Khairunesa Isa & Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan - 272-272 Practical-Oriented Concept as a Principle of Professional Education of the Future Professionals
by Nadiia Diachok & Nadiia Chernukha & Liudmyla Tokaruk & Iuliia Udovenko & Mariana Mateeva Petrova - 283-283 Communicative Culture Formation of Future Social Workers in the Educational Process of Pedagogical University
by Svitlana Omelchenko & Nadiia Chernukha & Yaroslav Spivak & Liudmyla Spivak & Elmira Uteubaeva - 291-291 Enhancing the Educational Activities of Law Students as One of the Ways to Improve Efficiency and Quality of the Professional Training
by Marina S. Nebeska & Yevheniia M. Provorova & Elvira M. Gerasymova & Zorina S. Vykhovanets & Pylyp S. Yepryntsev - 302-302 Factors Affecting the Understanding of IFRS in Accounting Students
by Ira Septriana & Fuad Fuad - 310-310 Combatting the Imperativeness of Modernity in Students' Unrest: The Need to Decolonise the Minds through Ubuntu
by Bunmi I Omodan - 320-320 Promoting Students’ Autonomy through Online Learning Media in EFL Class
by Muhammad Muhammad - 332-332 Factors of Code-Switching among Bilingual International Students in Malaysia
by Paramasivam Muthusamy & Rajantheran Muniandy & Silllalee. S. Kandasamy & Omrah Hassan@ Hussin & Manimaran Subramaniam & Atieh Farashaiyan - 339-339 The Analysis of Alternative Distance Learning Implementation into the System of General Professional Training of Teachers
by Nataliia N. Medynska & Nataliia M. Sovtys & Mykhailo Yu. Halatiuk & Nataliia V. Symonovych & Olena I. Shuryn
June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-1 Educating Engineering Students in Egypt: Recommendations for Improvement
by Ashraf Elsafty & Hanaa ibrahim Elsayad & Ibrahim G. Shaaban - 1-15 A Proposal to Achieve Financial Independence in Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University in Accordance with the New System of Universities and Vision 2030
by Mansour bin Zaid bin Ibrahim Al-Khathlan - 1-28 Graduate Students’ Perspective about the MA TEFL Program at Hashemite University in Jordan
by Mohammed M. Obeidat & Malak M. Shehadeh - 1-39 Effectiveness of Course Portfolio in Improving Course Quality at Higher Education
by Aamal Akleh & Rabab Asgher A.Wahab - 1-49 The Effect of Remediation Program in Preparing Nursing Students for Licensure Examination
by Mohamad AlMekkawi & Firas Qatouni & Sura Alhalalmeh & Imad Maalouf & Fares Daradkeh & Hadya Abdel Fattah - 1-55 Action Research as Perceived by Student-Teachers in the Field Training Program at Hashemite University / Jordan
by Sadeq Hassan Al-Shudaifat - 1-64 The Determinant of Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Organization: A Conceptual Framework
by Rita Aryani & Widodo Widodo - 1-71 Change of the Higher Education Paradigm in the Context of Digital Transformation: from Resource Management to Access Control
by Ilshat Rafkatovich Gafurov & Marat Rashitovich Safiullin & Elvir Munirovich Akhmetshin & Almaz Rafisovich Gapsalamov & Vladimir Lvovich Vasilev - 1-86 Students’ Writing Difficulties in English for Business Classes in Dhofar University, Oman
by Sani Yantandu Uba & Nizar Mohammed Souidi - 1-98 The Information System Development Based on Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institution
by Mukhneri Mukhtar & Sudarmi Sudarmi & Mochamad Wahyudi & Burmansah Burmansah - 109-109 The Research-Teaching Nexus and Its Influence on Student Learning
by Begoña Gros & Manel Viader & Albert Cornet & Miquel MartÃnez & Jordi Palés & Marta Sancho - 120-120 The Relationship between Personality Traits, Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Adaptation among University Students in Jordan
by Mohammed H. Abood & Bassam H. Alharbi & Fatin Mhaidat & Ahmad M. Gazo - 129-129 Virtual Classroom: To Create A Digital Education System in Bangladesh
by Faieza Chowdhury - 139-139 Professional Training of the Economic Sector Specialists at Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine: Criteria of Comparison
by Alla Zagorodnya & Natalia Dichek & Nikolai Chobitko & Mikhail Voznyk & Liubov Honchar & Mariana Petrova - 145-145 The Future of Higher Education in the Light of Artificial Intelligence Transformations
by Share Aiyed M Aldosari - 152-152 Psychological Features of the Personality of Students of Different Specialties
by Natalia Tarabrina & Elena Grabovskaya & Alexey Tikhonov & Yury Kraev - 158-158 Vindicating Service Quality of Education through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): International Students’ Perspective
by Abu Rashed Osman & Abu Saleh Sohel-Uz-Zaman & Mohammad Ali Ashraf & Aslam Uddin - 173-173 Higher Education and Economic Growth of Nigeria: Evidence from Co-integration and Granger Causality Examination
by Cordelia Onyinyechi Omodero & Kanalechi C.K. Nwangwa - 183-183 Corporate Training Programs in Russian and Foreign Companies: Impact on Staff and Time Challenges
by Alexey Tikhonov - 190-190 Optimization of Distribution of the Fund of Evaluative Means When Forming the Universal Educational Actions
by Novgorodtseva T.Yu. & Pegasova N.A. & Ivanova E.N. & Nikiforova I.A. & Azarenko A.A. - 202-202 Academic Performance, Employment, and Sleep Health: A Comparison between Working and Nonworking Students
by Yu Chih Chiang & Susan Arendt & Stephen Sapp - 214-214 Publishing at Any Cost? The Need for the Improvement of the Quality of Scholarly Publications
by Maria José Sá & Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Ana Isabel Santos & Sandro Serpa - 222-222 Experiences of Student Nurses on the Use of the Two-Week Block System at the Satellite Campus of a Higher Education Institution in Namibia
by Gelasius Panduleni Shatimwene & Daniel Opotamutale Ashipala & Esther Kamenye - 232-232 Theorising Intercontinental PHD Students’ Experiences: The Case of Students from Africa, and Asia
by Kehdinga George Fomunyam - 240-240 Correlation between Classroom Engagement and Academic Performance of Engineering Students
by Quamrul H. Mazumder & Sunzia Sultana & Fardeen Mazumder - 248-248 Praxis for Accelerated Improvement in Research (PAIR)
by Jovito C. Anito Jr & Auxencia A. Limjap & Reynold C. Padagas - 262-262 Global One Health Case Competition: Building Capacity for Addressing Infectious Threats
by Carolyn M. Porta & Robert Kibuuka & Innocent B. Rwego & Thierry Nyatanyi & Mapendo Mindje & Benjamin Ndayambaje & Besufekad Alemu - 269-269 Interdisciplinary Instruction: Between Art and Literature
by Nitza Davidovitch & Ruth Dorot - 279-279 Does Praising Intelligence Improve Achievements? An ESL Case
by Rahima Sayed Sulaiman Akbar & Nada Al-Gharabally