December 2009, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 979-992 A Good Riddance? Spin-Offs and the Technological Performance of Parent Firms
by David G. McKendrick & James B. Wade & Jonathan Jaffee - 993-1010 CEO Ambivalence and Responses to Strategic Issues
by Nils Plambeck & Klaus Weber - 1011-1033 In Charisma We Trust: The Effects of CEO Charismatic Visions on Securities Analysts
by Angelo Fanelli & Vilmos F. Misangyi & Henry L. Tosi - 1034-1052 Perspective ---The Interdependence of Private and Public Interests
by Joseph T. Mahoney & Anita M. McGahan & Christos N. Pitelis - 1053-1071 Perspective ---From Gaussian to Paretian Thinking: Causes and Implications of Power Laws in Organizations
by Pierpaolo Andriani & Bill McKelvey
October 2009, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 835-845 Experiencing the Improbable: Rare Events and Organizational Learning
by Joseph Lampel & Jamal Shamsie & Zur Shapira - 846-860 Learning Through Rare Events: Significant Interruptions at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum
by Marlys K. Christianson & Maria T. Farkas & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe & Karl E. Weick - 861-875 These Lives Will Not Be Lost in Vain: Organizational Learning from Disaster in U.S. Coal Mining
by Peter M. Madsen - 876-893 Attentional Triangulation: Learning from Unexpected Rare Crises
by Claus Rerup - 894-908 Superstitious Learning with Rare Strategic Decisions: Theory and Evidence from Corporate Acquisitions
by Maurizio Zollo - 909-924 Experiencing Rare and Unusual Events Richly: The Role of Middle Managers in Animating and Guiding Organizational Interpretation
by Tammy E. Beck & Donde Ashmos Plowman - 925-937 Perspective ---Cognitive Reactions to Rare Events: Perceptions, Uncertainty, and Learning
by William H. Starbuck
August 2009, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 685-695 Organizational Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration for Sustained Performance
by Sebastian Raisch & Julian Birkinshaw & Gilbert Probst & Michael L. Tushman - 696-717 Exploitation-Exploration Tensions and Organizational Ambidexterity: Managing Paradoxes of Innovation
by Constantine Andriopoulos & Marianne W. Lewis - 718-739 Organizational Linkages for Surviving Technological Change: Complementary Assets, Middle Management, and Ambidexterity
by Alva Taylor & Constance E. Helfat - 740-758 Hiring Stars and Their Colleagues: Exploration and Exploitation in Professional Service Firms
by Boris Groysberg & Linda-Eling Lee - 759-780 Ambidexterity in Technology Sourcing: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity
by Frank T. Rothaermel & Maria Tereza Alexandre - 781-796 Unpacking Organizational Ambidexterity: Dimensions, Contingencies, and Synergistic Effects
by Qing Cao & Eric Gedajlovic & Hongping Zhang - 797-811 Structural Differentiation and Ambidexterity: The Mediating Role of Integration Mechanisms
by Justin J. P. Jansen & Michiel P. Tempelaar & Frans A. J. van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 812-828 Understanding Variation in Managers' Ambidexterity: Investigating Direct and Interaction Effects of Formal Structural and Personal Coordination Mechanisms
by Tom J. M. Mom & Frans A. J. van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda
May 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 676-678 Performativity of Theory, Arbitrary Conventions, and Possible Worlds: A Reality Check
by Teppo Felin & Nicolai J. Foss
June 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 481-499 Why Pseudonyms? Deception as Identity Preservation Among Jazz Record Companies, 1920--1929
by Damon J. Phillips & Young-Kyu Kim - 500-515 Means vs. Ends: Implications of Process and Outcome Focus for Team Adaptation and Performance
by Anita Williams Woolley - 516-537 Pre-Entry Knowledge, Learning, and the Survival of New Firms
by John C. Dencker & Marc Gruber & Sonali K. Shah - 538-551 Near-Term Liability of Exploitation: Exploration and Exploitation in Multistage Problems
by Christina Fang & Daniel Levinthal - 552-564 Value of Strong Ties to Disconnected Others: Examining Knowledge Creation in Biomedicine
by M. Ann McFadyen & Matthew Semadeni & Albert A. Cannella - 565-582 Different Missions and Commitment Power in R&D Organizations: Theory and Evidence on Industry-University Alliances
by Nicola Lacetera - 583-600 Process Capabilities and Value Generation in Alliance Portfolios
by MB Sarkar & Preet S. Aulakh & Anoop Madhok - 601-620 Gems from the Ashes: Capability Creation and Transformation in Internal Corporate Venturing
by Thomas Keil & Rita Gunther McGrath & Taina Tukiainen - 621-634 Role of Domain-Specific Facets of Perceived Organizational Support During Expatriation and Implications for Performance
by Riki Takeuchi & Mo Wang & Sophia V. Marinova & Xin Yao - 635-652 Perspective---Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Conversion: Controversy and Advancement in Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory
by Ikujiro Nonaka & Georg von Krogh - 654-668 Social Reality, the Boundaries of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, and Economics
by Teppo Felin & Nicolai J. Foss - 669-675 How and Why Theories Matter: A Comment on Felin and Foss (2009)
by Fabrizio Ferraro & Jeffrey Pfeffer & Robert I. Sutton
April 2009, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 281-293 Strategic Renewal of Organizations
by Rajshree Agarwal & Constance E. Helfat - 294-312 Selection Capability: How Capability Gaps and Internal Social Frictions Affect Internal and External Strategic Renewal
by Laurence Capron & Will Mitchell - 313-328 Integrating Acquired Capabilities: When Structural Integration Is (Un)necessary
by Phanish Puranam & Harbir Singh & Saikat Chaudhuri - 329-351 Corporate Venture Capital as a Window on New Technologies: Implications for the Performance of Corporate Investors When Acquiring Startups
by David Benson & Rosemarie H. Ziedonis - 352-367 Firm R&D Behavior and Evolving Technology in Established Industries
by Anne Marie Knott & Hart E. Posen - 368-383 Innovation and Strategic Renewal in Mature Markets: A Study of the Tennis Racket Industry
by Hann Earl Kim & Johannes M. Pennings - 384-409 Capabilities Unveiled: The Role of Ordinary Activities in the Evolution of Product Development Processes
by Carlo Salvato - 410-421 Dynamic Capabilities and the Role of Managers in Business Strategy and Economic Performance
by Mie Augier & David J. Teece - 422-440 Renewal Through Reorganization: The Value of Inconsistencies Between Formal and Informal Organization
by Ranjay Gulati & Phanish Puranam - 441-460 Technology, Identity, and Inertia Through the Lens of “The Digital Photography Company”
by Mary Tripsas - 461-477 Cognition and Renewal: Comparing CEO and Organizational Effects on Incumbent Adaptation to Technical Change
by J. P. Eggers & Sarah Kaplan
February 2009, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-3 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 4-21 Hoping for A to Z While Rewarding Only A: Complex Organizations and Multiple Goals
by Sendil K. Ethiraj & Daniel Levinthal - 22-34 Emotional Aperture and Strategic Change: The Accurate Recognition of Collective Emotions
by Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks & Quy Nguyen Huy - 35-50 Do Workgroup Faultlines Help or Hurt? A Moderated Model of Faultlines, Team Identification, and Group Performance
by Katerina Bezrukova & Karen A. Jehn & Elaine L. Zanutto & Sherry M. B. Thatcher - 51-68 Unpacking Prior Experience: How Career History Affects Job Performance
by Gina Dokko & Steffanie L. Wilk & Nancy P. Rothbard - 69-84 Effect of Resource Variation and Firm Experience on Market Entry Decisions: Evidence from U.S. Telecommunication Firms' International Expansion Decisions
by Glen Dowell & Brad Killaly - 85-106 Firm Scope Experience, Historic Multimarket Contact with Partners, Centrality, and the Relationship Between Structural Holes and Performance
by Andrew V. Shipilov - 107-117 The Role of Narratives in Sustaining Organizational Innovation
by Caroline A. Bartel & Raghu Garud - 118-133 Managing Complexity and Unforeseeable Uncertainty in Startup Companies: An Empirical Study
by Svenja C. Sommer & Christoph H. Loch & Jing Dong - 134-153 Not with a Ten-Foot Pole: Core Stigma, Stigma Transfer, and Improbable Persistence of Men's Bathhouses
by Bryant Ashley Hudson & Gerardo A. Okhuysen - 154-171 A General Theory of Organizational Stigma
by Cynthia E. Devers & Todd Dewett & Yuri Mishina & Carrie A. Belsito - 172-186 Refraining from Imitation: Professional Resistance and Limited Diffusion in a Financial Market
by Stefan Jonsson - 187-205 Third-World Copycats to Emerging Multinationals: Institutional Changes and Organizational Transformation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
by Raveendra Chittoor & MB Sarkar & Sougata Ray & Preet S. Aulakh - 206-222 Diseconomies of Managing in Acquisitions: Evidence from Civil Lawsuits
by J. Myles Shaver & John M. Mezias - 223-239 Emergence of Ethical Issues During Strategic Change Implementation
by Scott Sonenshein - 240-252 Getting Everyone on Board: The Role of Inspirational Leadership in Geographically Dispersed Teams
by Aparna Joshi & Mila B. Lazarova & Hui Liao - 253-272 Human Resources, Human Resource Management, and the Competitive Advantage of Firms: Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Causal Linkages
by Clint Chadwick & Adina Dabu
December 2008, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 807-823 How Relational and Organizational Identification Converge: Processes and Conditions
by David M. Sluss & Blake E. Ashforth - 824-844 A Core/Periphery Perspective on Individual Creative Performance: Social Networks and Cinematic Achievements in the Hollywood Film Industry
by Gino Cattani & Simone Ferriani - 845-859 Logos and Initial Compliance: A Strong Case of Mindless Trust
by Anat Rafaeli & Yael Sagy & Rellie Derfler-Rozin - 860-875 Integration Through Incentives Within Differentiated Organizations
by Tobias Kretschmer & Phanish Puranam - 876-890 Performance Implications of Peer Monitoring
by Misty L. Loughry & Henry L. Tosi - 891-906 Exploring Mediators: Effects of the Composition of Organizational Affiliation on Organization Survival and Mediator Performance
by Amir Sasson - 907-918 Perspective---Making Doubt Generative: Rethinking the Role of Doubt in the Research Process
by Karen Locke & Karen Golden-Biddle & Martha S. Feldman
October 2008, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 669-687 Investigating the Microstructure of Network Evolution: Alliance Formation in the Mobile Communications Industry
by Lori Rosenkopf & Giovanna Padula - 688-708 Interorganizational Trust, Governance Choice, and Exchange Performance
by Ranjay Gulati & Jack A. Nickerson - 709-728 Dealing with the Paradox of Embeddedness: The Role of Contracts and Trust in Facilitating Movement Out of Committed Relationships
by Sergio G. Lazzarini & Gary J. Miller & Todd R. Zenger - 729-752 Framing Contests: Strategy Making Under Uncertainty
by Sarah Kaplan - 753-765 Compensating Nondedicated Cross-Functional Teams
by Sijun Wang & Yuanjie He - 766-784 Institutional Logics or Agency Costs: The Influence of Corporate Governance Models on Business Group Restructuring in Emerging Economies
by Chi-Nien Chung & Xiaowei Luo - 785-801 An Entrainment-Based Model of Temporal Organizational Fit, Misfit, and Performance
by Liliana Pérez-Nordtvedt & G. Tyge Payne & Jeremy C. Short & Ben L. Kedia - 805-806 Call for Papers ---Attaining, Maintaining, and Experiencing in Organizations and Markets
by Ya-Ru Chen & Randall S. Peterson & Damon Phillips & Joel Podolny & Cecilia L. Ridgeway
August 2008, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 497-516 Enabling Courageous Collective Action: Conversations from United Airlines Flight 93
by Ryan W. Quinn & Monica C. Worline - 517-532 Culture and Coworker Relations: Interpersonal Patterns in American, Chinese, German, and Spanish Divisions of a Global Retail Bank
by Michael W. Morris & Joel Podolny & Bilian Ni Sullivan - 533-547 E Pluribus Unum : Framing, Matching, and Form Emergence in U.S. Television Broadcasting, 1940--1960
by Fabrizio Perretti & Giacomo Negro & Alessandro Lomi - 548-566 Moving Closer to the Action: Examining Compensation Design Effects on Firm Risk
by Cynthia E. Devers & Gerry McNamara & Robert M. Wiseman & Mathias Arrfelt - 567-580 Too Risky to Hold? The Effect of Downside Risk, Accumulated Equity Wealth, and Firm Performance on CEO Equity Reduction
by Elie Matta & Jean McGuire - 581-593 The Asymmetrical Influence of Sex Dissimilarity in Distributive vs. Colocated Work Groups
by Prithviraj Chattopadhyay & Elizabeth George & Arthur D. Shulman - 594-608 Constrained Growth: How Experience, Legitimacy, and Age Influence Risk Taking in Organizations
by Vinit M. Desai - 609-622 Determinants of Firms' Backward- and Forward-Looking R&D Search Behavior
by Wei-Ru Chen - 623-646 Alliance Portfolio Internationalization and Firm Performance
by Dovev Lavie & Stewart R. Miller - 647-665 Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Trust in International Strategic Alliances: The Role of Organizational Complexity
by Matthew J. Robson & Constantine S. Katsikeas & Daniel C. Bello
June 2008, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 381-385 New Directions in Corporate Governance Research
by Donald C. Hambrick & Axel v. Werder & Edward J. Zajac - 386-403 Coming Forward: The Effects of Social and Regulatory Forces on the Voluntary Restatement of Earnings Subsequent to Wrongdoing
by Michael D. Pfarrer & Ken G. Smith & Kathryn M. Bartol & Dmitry M. Khanin & Xiaomeng Zhang - 404-418 Ownership Structure and the Relationship Between Financial Slack and R&D Investments: Evidence from Korean Firms
by Hicheon Kim & Heechun Kim & Peggy M. Lee - 419-440 Institutional Ownership and Monitoring Effectiveness: It's Not Just How Much but What Else You Own
by Ravi Dharwadkar & Maria Goranova & Pamela Brandes & Raihan Khan - 441-456 Directors' Multiple Identities, Identification, and Board Monitoring and Resource Provision
by Amy J. Hillman & Gavin Nicholson & Christine Shropshire - 457-474 The Impact of CEO Status Diffusion on the Economic Outcomes of Other Senior Managers
by Scott D. Graffin & James B. Wade & Joseph F. Porac & Robert C. McNamee - 475-492 An Organizational Approach to Comparative Corporate Governance: Costs, Contingencies, and Complementarities
by Ruth V. Aguilera & Igor Filatotchev & Howard Gospel & Gregory Jackson
April 2008, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 187-201 Norms-Based Intellectual Property Systems: The Case of French Chefs
by Emmanuelle Fauchart & Eric von Hippel - 202-220 Identity Incentives as an Engaging Form of Control: Revisiting Leniencies in an Aeronautic Plant
by Michel Anteby - 221-240 Antecedents and Outcomes of Retaliation Against Whistleblowers: Gender Differences and Power Relationships
by Michael T. Rehg & Marcia P. Miceli & Janet P. Near & James R. Van Scotter - 241-259 Revisiting the Strategy, Structure, and Performance Paradigm: The Case of Venture Capital
by Noam Wasserman - 260-276 Knowledge Collaboration Among Professionals Protecting National Security: Role of Transactive Memories in Ego-Centered Knowledge Networks
by Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Ann Majchrzak - 277-291 Process Virtualization Theory and the Impact of Information Technology
by Eric Overby - 292-305 The Penguin Has Entered the Building: The Commercialization of Open Source Software Products
by Andrea Fosfuri & Marco S. Giarratana & Alessandra Luzzi - 306-326 How Capability Differences, Transaction Costs, and Learning Curves Interact to Shape Vertical Scope
by Michael G. Jacobides - 327-340 Performance Implications of Firm Resource Interactions in the Acquisition of R&D-Intensive Firms
by David R. King & Rebecca J. Slotegraaf & Idalene Kesner - 341-358 On the Problem of Participation in Strategy: A Critical Discursive Perspective
by Saku Mantere & Eero Vaara - 359-376 Perspective---Professional Work: The Emergence of Collaborative Community
by Paul S. Adler & Seok-Woo Kwon & Charles Heckscher
February 2008, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 3-24 Founding the Future: Path Dependence in the Evolution of Top Management Teams from Founding to IPO
by Christine M. Beckman & M. Diane Burton - 25-38 Product Demography of De Novo and De Alio Firms in the Optical Disk Drive Industry, 1983--1999
by Olga M. Khessina & Glenn R. Carroll - 39-55 Alternative Origins to Interorganizational Trust: An Interdependence Perspective on the Shadow of the Past and the Shadow of the Future
by Laura Poppo & Kevin Zheng Zhou & Sungmin Ryu - 56-68 Managing the Impact of Employee Turnover on Performance: The Role of Process Conformance
by Zeynep Ton & Robert S. Huckman - 69-89 Academic Entrepreneurs: Organizational Change at the Individual Level
by Janet Bercovitz & Maryann Feldman - 90-107 Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Corporations: Explaining Subsidiary Isolation and Its Performance Implications
by L. Felipe Monteiro & Niklas Arvidsson & Julian Birkinshaw - 108-123 Dumb and Dumber: The Impact of Downsizing on Firm Performance as Moderated by Industry Conditions
by James P. Guthrie & Deepak K. Datta - 124-142 Human Agents, Contexts, and Institutional Change: The Decline of Family in the Leadership of Business Groups
by Chi-Nien Chung & Xiaowei Luo - 143-159 Too Little or Too Much? Untangling the Relationship Between Corporate Philanthropy and Firm Financial Performance
by Heli Wang & Jaepil Choi & Jiatao Li - 160-176 Do Cultural Differences Matter in Mergers and Acquisitions? A Tentative Model and Examination
by Günter K. Stahl & Andreas Voigt - 177-183 Perspective---Rigor and Relevance in Organization Studies: Idea Migration and Academic Journal Evolution
by Richard L. Daft & Arie Y. Lewin
December 2007, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 885-897 Innovation At and Across Multiple Levels of Analysis
by Anil K. Gupta & Paul E. Tesluk & M. Susan Taylor - 898-921 Building Dynamic Capabilities: Innovation Driven by Individual-, Firm-, and Network-Level Effects
by Frank T. Rothaermel & Andrew M. Hess - 922-937 Combining Patent Law Expertise with R&D for Patenting Performance
by Deepak Somaya & Ian O. Williamson & Xiaomeng Zhang - 938-954 Small Worlds and Regional Innovation
by Lee Fleming & Charles King & Adam I. Juda - 955-972 Geography, Networks, and Knowledge Flow
by Geoffrey G. Bell & Akbar Zaheer - 973-988 Corporate Governance Reform as Institutional Innovation: The Case of Japan
by Toru Yoshikawa & Lai Si Tsui-Auch & Jean McGuire - 989-1005 Balancing the Tensions Between Rationalization and Creativity in the Video Games Industry
by F. Ted Tschang - 1006-1021 Exploring the Foundations of Cumulative Innovation: Implications for Organization Science
by Fiona Murray & Siobhán O'Mahony
October 2007, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 749-762 Information Technology and the Changing Fabric of Organization
by Raymond F. Zammuto & Terri L. Griffith & Ann Majchrzak & Deborah J. Dougherty & Samer Faraj - 763-780 IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation
by Sinan Aral & Peter Weill - 781-795 Narrative Networks: Patterns of Technology and Organization
by Brian T. Pentland & Martha S. Feldman - 796-812 Information Technology and Organizational Learning: An Investigation of Exploration and Exploitation Processes
by Gerald C. Kane & Maryam Alavi - 813-831 Activating the Informational Capabilities of Information Technology for Organizational Change
by Paul M. Leonardi - 832-848 Technological Embeddedness and Organizational Change
by Olga Volkoff & Diane M. Strong & Michael B. Elmes - 849-864 “In Case of Fire, Please Use the Elevator”: Simulation Technology and Organization in Fire Engineering
by Mark Dodgson & David M. Gann & Ammon Salter - 865-880 The Influence of Information Technology on the Use of Loosely Coupled Organizational Forms: An Industry-Level Analysis
by Arvin Sahaym & H. Kevin Steensma & Melissa A. Schilling
August 2007, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 547-559 Putting Employees in Their Place: The Impact of Hot Desking on Organizational and Team Identification
by Lynne J. Millward & S. Alexander Haslam & Tom Postmes - 560-577 Developing Issue-Selling Effectiveness over Time: Issue Selling as Resourcing
by Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville - 578-594 From Plan to Plant: Effects of Certification on Operational Start-up in the Emergent Independent Power Sector
by Wesley D. Sine & Robert J. David & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi - 595-612 Expertise and Collaboration in the Geographically Dispersed Organization
by Wai Fong Boh & Yuqing Ren & Sara Kiesler & Robert Bussjaeger - 613-630 Familiarity, Complexity, and Team Performance in Geographically Distributed Software Development
by J. Alberto Espinosa & Sandra A. Slaughter & Robert E. Kraut & James D. Herbsleb - 631-647 Wakes of Innovation in Project Networks: The Case of Digital 3-D Representations in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
by Richard J. Boland & Kalle Lyytinen & Youngjin Yoo - 648-666 Innovators, Imitators, and the Evolving Architecture of Problem-Solving Networks
by Myong-Hun Chang & Joseph E. Harrington - 667-687 Incumbent and Entrant Rivalry in a Deregulated Industry
by Tammy L. Madsen & Gordon Walker - 688-710 The Evolution of Collective Strategy Frames in High- and Low-Velocity Industries
by Sucheta Nadkarni & V. K. Narayanan - 711-723 Unraveling HRM: Identity, Ceremony, and Control in a Management Consulting Firm
by Mats Alvesson & Dan Kärreman - 724-741 Does Geography Matter for Science-Based Firms? Epistemic Communities and the Geography of Research and Patenting in Biotechnology
by Michelle Gittelman
June 2007, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 337-349 A Behavioral Theory of the Firm ---40 Years and Counting: Introduction and Impact
by Linda Argote & Henrich R. Greve - 350-367 Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation
by Jared Harris & Philip Bromiley - 368-385 Aspiration Performance and Railroads’ Patterns of Learning from Train Wrecks and Crashes
by Joel A. C. Baum & Kristina B. Dahlin - 386-402 Antecedents of Convergence and Divergence in Strategic Positioning: The Effects of Performance and Aspiration on the Direction of Strategic Change
by Kyung Min Park - 403-419 The Value of Moderate Obsession: Insights from a New Model of Organizational Search
by Sidney G. Winter & Gino Cattani & Alex Dorsch - 420-439 On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time
by Giovanni Gavetti & Jan W. Rivkin - 440-454 What Competition? Myopic Self-Focus in Market-Entry Decisions
by Don A. Moore & John M. Oesch & Charlene Zietsma - 455-477 The Inherent Limits of Organizational Structure and the Unfulfilled Role of Hierarchy: Lessons from a Near-War
by Michael G. Jacobides - 478-490 A Behavioral Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Synergy of Cyert and March (1963) and Penrose (1959)
by Christos N. Pitelis - 491-502 Perspective---On the Evolutionary and Behavioral Theories of Organizations: A Tentative Roadmap
by Giovanni Dosi & Luigi Marengo - 503-506 Perspective--- Administrative Behavior : Laying the Foundations for Cyert and March
by Michael D. Cohen - 507-522 Perspective---Historical Roots of the A Behavioral Theory of the Firm Model at GSIA
by Mie Augier & Michael Prietula - 523-536 Perspective---Neo-Carnegie: The Carnegie School’s Past, Present, and Reconstructing for the Future
by Giovanni Gavetti & Daniel Levinthal & William Ocasio - 537-542 Perspective---Scholarship, Scholarly Institutions, and Scholarly Communities
by James G. March
April 2007, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 165-180 Brokerage, Boundary Spanning, and Leadership in Open Innovation Communities
by Lee Fleming & David M. Waguespack - 181-199 Business Model Design and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms
by Christoph Zott & Raphael Amit - 200-216 Fairness from the Top: Perceived Procedural Justice and Collaborative Problem Solving in New Product Development
by Haiyang Li & John B. Bingham & Elizabeth E. Umphress - 217-232 When Is a New Thing a Good Thing? Technological Change, Product Form Design, and Perceptions of Value for Product Innovations
by Violina P. Rindova & Antoaneta P. Petkova - 233-251 Incremental Organizational Learning from Multilevel Information Sources: Evidence for Cross-Level Interactions
by Andreas Schwab - 252-260 Leveraging Knowledge Across Geographic Boundaries
by Stephen Tallman & Anupama Phene - 261-279 The Contingent Impact of Contextualization on Computer-Mediated Collaboration
by Adi Katz & Dov Te’eni - 280-296 Continuous Learning: The Influence of National Institutional Logics on Training Attitudes
by Xiaowei Luo - 297-314 From Iron Cage to Iron Shield? How Bureaucracy Enables Temporal Flexibility for Professional Service Workers
by Forrest Briscoe - 315-332 Organizational Character: On the Regeneration of Camp Poplar Grove
by Jeremy P. Birnholtz & Michael D. Cohen & Susannah V. Hoch
February 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 3-19 Complementarity and Evolution of Contractual Provisions: An Empirical Study of IT Services Contracts
by Nicholas S. Argyres & Janet Bercovitz & Kyle J. Mayer - 20-38 The Multifaceted Nature of Exploration and Exploitation: Value of Supply, Demand, and Spatial Search for Innovation
by Jatinder S. Sidhu & Harry R. Commandeur & Henk W. Volberda - 39-54 Two Faces of Search: Alternative Generation and Alternative Evaluation
by Thorbjørn Knudsen & Daniel A. Levinthal - 55-70 Organizations Non Gratae? The Impact of Unethical Corporate Acts on Interorganizational Networks
by Bilian Ni Sullivan & Pamela Haunschild & Karen Page - 71-88 A Multilevel Investigation of the Motivational Mechanisms Underlying Knowledge Sharing and Performance
by Narda R. Quigley & Paul E. Tesluk & Edwin A. Locke & Kathryn M. Bartol - 89-107 A Triple Take on Information System Implementation
by Liette Lapointe & Suzanne Rivard - 108-126 What Leads Organizational Members to Collectivize? Injustice and Identification as Precursors of Union Certification
by Steven L. Blader - 127-146 Corporate Greening Through ISO 14001: A Rational Myth?
by Olivier Boiral - 147-161 Coordinating Expertise Among Emergent Groups Responding to Disasters
by Ann Majchrzak & Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Andrea B. Hollingshead
December 2006, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 677-690 The Role of Private Decentralized Institutions in Sustaining Industry Self-Regulation
by Michael J. Lenox - 691-709 Competitive Implications of Interfirm Mobility
by Filippo Carlo Wezel & Gino Cattani & Johannes M. Pennings - 710-723 Stages of the Recruitment Process and the Referrer’s Performance Effect
by Valery Yakubovich & Daniela Lup - 724-740 The Antecedents and Performance Implications of Cooperative Exchange Norms
by Janet Bercovitz & Sandy D. Jap & Jack A. Nickerson - 741-755 Organizational Identity and Firm Performance: What Happens When Leaders Disagree About “Who We Are?”
by Zannie Giraud Voss & Daniel M. Cable & Glenn B. Voss - 756-770 Examining Configurations and Firm Performance in a Suboptimal Equifinality Context
by G. Tyge Payne
October 2006, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 527-544 Overpaid CEOs and Underpaid Managers: Fairness and Executive Compensation
by James B. Wade & Charles A. O'Reilly & Timothy G. Pollock - 545-562 Acquisition Integration and Productivity Losses in the Technical Core: Disruption of Inventors in Acquired Companies
by Srikanth Paruchuri & Atul Nerkar & Donald C. Hambrick - 563-576 Disentangling the Effects of CEO Turnover and Succession on Organizational Capabilities: A Social Network Perspective
by Qing Cao & Likoebe M. Maruping & Riki Takeuchi - 577-597 The Ecological Interdependence of Emergent and Established Organizational Populations: Legitimacy Transfer, Violation by Comparison, and Unstable Identities
by Stanislav D. Dobrev & Salih Zeki Ozdemir & Albert C. Teo - 598-618 Organizational Design and Restructuring in Response to Crises: Lessons from Computational Modeling and Real-World Cases
by Zhiang (John) Lin & Xia Zhao & Kiran M. Ismail & Kathleen M. Carley - 619-636 Identity Dynamics in Occupational Dirty Work: Integrating Social Identity and System Justification Perspectives
by Glen E. Kreiner & Blake E. Ashforth & David M. Sluss - 637-656 When and How Does Business Group Affiliation Promote Firm Innovation? A Tale of Two Emerging Economies
by Sea-Jin Chang & Chi-Nien Chung & Ishtiaq P. Mahmood - 657-671 A Future for Organization Theory: Living in and Living with Changing Organizations
by James P. Walsh & Alan D. Meyer & Claudia Bird Schoonhoven
August 2006, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 417-417 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 418-435 Owning the Code: Status Closure in Distributed Groups
by Anca Metiu - 436-452 Supplier Performance in Vertical Alliances: The Effects of Self-Enforcing Agreements and Enforceable Contracts
by Raji Srinivasan & Thomas H. Brush - 453-469 Attention as the Mediator Between Top Management Team Characteristics and Strategic Change: The Case of Airline Deregulation
by Theresa S. Cho & Donald C. Hambrick - 470-483 Enhancing Creativity Through “Mindless” Work: A Framework of Workday Design
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & Andrew B. Hargadon - 484-500 When Collections of Creatives Become Creative Collectives: A Field Study of Problem Solving at Work
by Andrew B. Hargadon & Beth A. Bechky - 501-501 CROSSROADS---Introduction to Mindfulness
by Linda Argote