June 2018, Volume 64, Issue 6
- 2557-2573 Can We Trust Online Physician Ratings? Evidence from Cardiac Surgeons in Florida
by Susan F. Lu & Huaxia Rui - 2574-2589 What Motivates Buy-Side Analysts to Share Recommendations Online?
by Steven Crawford & Wesley Gray & Bryan R. Johnson & Richard A. Price - 2590-2608 Variety and Experience: Learning and Forgetting in the Use of Surgical Devices
by Kamalini Ramdas & Khaled Saleh & Steven Stern & Haiyan Liu - 2609-2627 Optimal Marketing Strategies for the Acquisition and Retention of Service Subscriber
by Tarek Ben Rhouma & Georges Zaccour - 2628-2649 Closing the Productivity Gap: Improving Worker Productivity Through Public Relative Performance Feedback and Validation of Best Practices
by Hummy Song & Anita L. Tucker & Karen L. Murrell & David R. Vinsonc - 2650-2671 Efficient Ignorance: Information Heterogeneity in a Queue
by Ming Hu & Yang Li & Jianfu Wang - 2672-2689 Contract Design by Service Providers with Private Effort
by Hao Zhang & Guangwen Kong & Sampath Rajagopalan - 2690-2708 The Operational Advantages of Threshold Discounting Offers
by Simone Marinesi & Karan Girotra & Serguei Netessine - 2709-2715 Incentives in Contests with Heterogeneous Solvers
by Ersin Körpeoğlu & Soo-Haeng Cho - 2716-2733 Competitive Intensity and Its Two-Sided Effect on the Boundaries of Firm Performance
by Joao Montez & Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda & Michael D. Ryall - 2734-2753 Online Auctions and Multichannel Retailing
by Jason Kuruzovich & Hila Etzion - 2754-2766 Price Discontinuities in an Online Market for Used Cars
by Florian Englmaier & Arno Schmöller & Till Stowasser - 2767-2786 Offline Assortment Optimization in the Presence of an Online Channel
by Daria Dzyabura & Srikanth Jagabathula - 2787-2796 Social Risk and the Dimensionality of Intentions
by Jeffrey V. Butler & Joshua B. Miller - 2797-2808 How Do Prior Gains and Losses Affect Subsequent Risk Taking? New Evidence from Individual-Level Horse Race Bets
by Niko Suhonen & Jani Saastamoinen - 2809-2811 Greater Mutual Aggravation
by Sebastian Ebert & Diego C. Nocetti & Harris Schlesinger - 2812-2832 Range-Dependent Utility
by Krzysztof Kontek & Michal Lewandowski - 2833-2855 Analyst Information Discovery and Interpretation Roles: A Topic Modeling Approach
by Allen H. Huang & Reuven Lehavy & Amy Y. Zang & Rong Zheng - 2856-2874 Managerial Compensation in Multidivision Firms
by Shashwat Alok & Radhakrishnan Gopalan - 2875-2900 Managing Performance Signals Through Delay: Evidence from Venture Capital
by Indraneel Chakraborty & Michael Ewens - 2901-2929 Cross-Sided Liquidity Externalities
by Wing Wah Tham & Elvira Sojli & Johannes A. Skjeltorp - 2930-2950 Institutional Trading and Hedge Fund Activism
by Nickolay Gantchev & Chotibhak Jotikasthira - 2951-2971 Outsourcing Corporate Governance: Conflicts of Interest Within the Proxy Advisory Industry
by Tao Li - 2972-2972 Call for Papers— Management Science —Special Issue on Data-Driven Prescriptive Analytics
by Kay Giesecke & Gui Liberali & Hamid Nazerzadeh & J. George Shanthikumar & Chung Piaw Teo
May 2018, Volume 64, Issue 5
- 1997-2012 Are Immigrants Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from the Audit Industry
by Daniel Aobdia & Anup Srivastava & Erqiu Wang - 2013-2030 We’re Number 1: Price Wars for Market Share Leadership
by Luís Cabral - 2031-2046 Revenue-Maximizing Mechanisms with Strategic Customers and Unknown, Markovian Demand
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu & Philipp Strack - 2047-2064 Behavior-Based Advertising
by Qiaowei Shen & J. Miguel Villas-Boas - 2065-2082 Stimulating Online Reviews by Combining Financial Incentives and Social Norms
by Gordon Burtch & Yili Hong & Ravi Bapna & Vladas Griskevicius - 2083-2101 Asset Pricing with Spatial Interaction
by Steven Kou & Xianhua Peng & Haowen Zhong - 2102-2125 Foreign Risk, Domestic Problem: Capital Allocation and Firm Performance Under Political Instability
by Burcin Col & Art Durnev & Alexander Molchanov - 2126-2143 Do Consumers Take Advantage of Common Pricing Standards? An Experimental Investigation
by Robert Sugden & Jiwei Zheng - 2144-2163 Investor–Stock Decoupling in Mutual Funds
by Miguel A. Ferreira & Massimo Massa & Pedro Matos - 2181-2198 The Effect of Learning on Ambiguity Attitudes
by Aurélien Baillon & Han Bleichrodt & Umut Keskin & Olivier l’Haridon & Chen Li - 2199-2218 Multichannel Distribution Strategy: Selling to a Competing Buyer with Limited Supplier Capacity
by Zhibin (Ben) Yang & Xinxin Hu & Haresh Gurnani & Huiqi Guan - 2219-2237 Reorganization and Tie Decay Choices
by Adam M. Kleinbaum - 2238-2262 Ideation–Execution Transition in Product Development: An Experimental Analysis
by Evgeny Kagan & Stephen Leider & William S. Lovejoy - 2263-2274 Density Dependence of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Competition, Opportunity Cost, or Minimum Efficient Scale?
by Gorkem Aksaray & Peter Thompson - 2275-2288 What Calls to ARMs? International Evidence on Interest Rates and the Choice of Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
by Cristian Badarinza & John Y. Campbell & Tarun Ramadorai - 2289-2307 Analysts’ Reputational Concerns, Self-Censoring, and the International Dispersion Effect
by Chuan-Yang Hwang & Yuan Li - 2308-2324 Portfolio Selection with Capital Gains Tax, Recursive Utility, and Regime Switching
by Jiatu Cai & Xinfu Chen & Min Dai - 2325-2344 Anticipated Entry and Entry Deterrence: Evidence from the American Casino Industry
by J. Anthony Cookson - 2345-2365 An Experimental Investigation of Managing Quality Through Monetary and Relational Incentives
by Andrew M. Davis & Kyle Hyndman - 2380-2389 Self-Regulation of an Unobservable Queue
by Moshe Haviv & Binyamin Oz - 2407-2426 Probability Forecasts Made at Multiple Lead Times
by Eva Regnier - 2427-2444 Optimal Price and Delay Differentiation in Large-Scale Queueing Systems
by Costis Maglaras & John Yao & Assaf Zeevi - 2445-2459 Translated Attributes as Choice Architecture: Aligning Objectives and Choices Through Decision Signposts
by Christoph Ungemach & Adrian R. Camilleri & Eric J. Johnson & Richard P. Larrick & Elke U. Weber - 2460-2471 Incentives for Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Reputations
by Christine Exley
April 2018, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 1672-1692 Competition and Credit Ratings After the Fall
by Sean Flynn & Andra Ghent - 1693-1706 Hidden Skewness: On the Difficulty of Multiplicative Compounding Under Random Shocks
by Ludwig Ensthaler & Olga Nottmeyer & Georg Weizsäcker & Christian Zankiewicz
March 2018, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 983-996 Socially and Environmentally Responsible Value Chain Innovations: New Operations Management Research Opportunities
by Hau L. Lee & Christopher S. Tang - 997-1014 Betting Your Favorite to Win: Costly Reluctance to Hedge Desired Outcomes
by Carey K. Morewedge & Simone Tang & Richard P. Larrick - 1015-1033 Executive Suite Independence: Is It Related to Board Independence?
by E. Han Kim & Yao Lu - 1034-1054 Did Government Regulations Lead to Inflated Credit Ratings?
by Patrick Behr & Darren J. Kisgen & Jérôme P. Taillard - 1055-1080 A Simple Multimarket Measure of Information Asymmetry
by Travis L. Johnson & Eric C. So - 1081-1100 Cheating in the Lab Predicts Fraud in the Field: An Experiment in Public Transportation
by Zhixin Dai & Fabio Galeotti & Marie Claire Villeval - 1101-1120 Pricing in Competitive Search Markets: The Roles of Price Information and Fairness Perceptions
by Nejat Anbarci & Nick Feltovich - 1121-1135 The Impact of Competition on “Make-or-Buy” Decisions: Evidence from the Spanish Local TV Industry
by Ricard Gil & Christian A. Ruzzier - 1136-1154 Machine Learning and Portfolio Optimization
by Gah-Yi Ban & Noureddine El Karoui & Andrew E. B. Lim - 1155-1170 Overcoming Algorithm Aversion: People Will Use Imperfect Algorithms If They Can (Even Slightly) Modify Them
by Berkeley J. Dietvorst & Joseph P. Simmons & Cade Massey - 1171-1188 Collaborative Consumption: Strategic and Economic Implications of Product Sharing
by Baojun Jiang & Lin Tian - 1189-1211 The Dynamic Spillovers of Entry: An Application to the Generic Drug Industry
by A. Ronald Gallant & Han Hong & Ahmed Khwaja - 1212-1229 Dynamic Pricing in a Distribution Channel in the Presence of Switching Costs
by Koray Cosguner & Tat Y. Chan & P. B. (Seethu) Seetharaman - 1230-1249 On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of U.S. Design Patents
by Tian Heong Chan & Jürgen Mihm & Manuel E. Sosa - 1250-1270 Cognitive Hierarchy in Capacity Allocation Games
by Tony Haitao Cui & Yinghao Zhang - 1271-1290 Randomized Markdowns and Online Monitoring
by Ken Moon & Kostas Bimpikis & Haim Mendelson - 1291-1310 Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers
by Salvatore Piccolo & Piero Tedeschi & Giovanni Ursino - 1311-1327 Sensitivity to Serial Dependency of Input Processes: A Robust Approach
by Henry Lam - 1328-1347 Making the Numbers? “Short Termism” and the Puzzle of Only Occasional Disaster
by Hazhir Rahmandad & Rebecca Henderson & Nelson P. Repenning - 1348-1364 Enculturation Trajectories: Language, Cultural Adaptation, and Individual Outcomes in Organizations
by Sameer B. Srivastava & Amir Goldberg & V. Govind Manian & Christopher Potts - 1365-1383 Advertiser Prominence Effects in Search Advertising
by Przemys?aw Jeziorski & Sridhar Moorthy - 1384-1395 Are Markets with Loss-Averse Consumers More Sensitive to Losses?
by Zhenyu Hu & Javad Nasiry
February 2018, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 495-510 Price Search and Periodic Price Discounts
by Xing Zhang & Tat Y. Chan & Ying Xie - 511-532 The Impact of Supply Chains on Firm-Level Productivity
by Juan Camilo Serpa & Harish Krishnan - 533-551 Strategic Behavior of Suppliers in the Face of Production Disruptions
by Süleyman Demirel & Roman Kapuscinski & Man Yu - 552-572 Screening Spinouts? How Noncompete Enforceability Affects the Creation, Growth, and Survival of New Firms
by Evan Starr & Natarajan Balasubramanian & Natarajan Balasubramanian - 573-591 Global Economic Growth and Expected Returns Around the World: The End-of-the-Year Effect
by Stig V. Møller & Jesper Rangvid - 613-632 Industrial Development Through Tacit Knowledge Seeding: Evidence from the Bangladesh Garment Industry
by Romel Mostafa & Steven Klepper - 633-651 Dynamic Abandon/Extract Decisions for Failed Cardiac Leads
by Anahita Khojandi & Lisa M. Maillart & Oleg A. Prokopyev & Mark S. Roberts & Samir F. Saba - 652-672 Patent Publication and the Market for Ideas
by Deepak Hegde & Hong Luo - 673-694 Why Are Losses Less Persistent Than Profits? Curtailments vs. Conservatism
by Alastair Lawrence & Richard Sloan & Estelle Sun - 695-714 Voluntary Product Safety Certification
by Ganesh Iyer & Shubhranshu Singh - 715-738 The Effect of Discretion on Procurement Performance
by Decio Coviello & Andrea Guglielmo & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 739-759 A Model of Product Design and Information Disclosure Investments
by Panos M. Markopoulos & Kartik Hosanagar - 760-783 Full-Stock-Payment Marginalization in Merger and Acquisition Transactions
by Eric de Bodt & Jean-Gabriel Cousin & Richard Roll - 784-803 A Partitioning Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Market Microstructure
by Ningyuan Chen & Steven Kou & Chun Wang - 804-824 Maintaining Beliefs in the Face of Negative News: The Moderating Role of Experience
by Bradley R. Staats & Diwas S. KC & Francesca Gino - 825-844 The Product Market Impact of Minority Stake Acquisitions
by Amrita Nain & Yan Wang - 845-859 Identity in Charitable Giving
by Judd B. Kessler & Katherine L. Milkman - 860-872 Choosing the Pond: On-the-Job Experience and Long-Run Career Outcomes
by Jie Gong & Ang Sun & Zhichao Wei - 873-887 Time Matters Less When Outcomes Differ: Unimodal vs. Cross-Modal Comparisons in Intertemporal Choice
by Robin Cubitt & Rebecca McDonald & Daniel Read - 888-901 Laboratory Evidence on the Effects of Sponsorship on the Competitive Preferences of Men and Women
by Nancy R. Baldiga & Katherine B. Coffman - 902-924 Financial Consumer Protection and the Cost of Financial Intermediation: Evidence from Advanced and Developing Economies
by Fotios Pasiouras - 925-954 Do Underwriters Compete in IPO Pricing?
by Evgeny Lyandres & Fangjian Fu & Erica X. N. Li - 955-970 Contagion in Financial Networks: A Threat Index
by Gabrielle Demange - 971-979 Dynamic Pricing in Social Networks: The Word-of-Mouth Effect
by Amir Ajorlou & Ali Jadbabaie & Ali Kakhbod - v:64:y:2018:i:2:p:v Reengineering Management Science for a Sharper Focus and Broader Appeal
by David Simchi-Levi
January 2018, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 43-63 An Empirical Analysis of Self-Enforcement Mechanisms: Evidence from Hotel Franchising
by Renáta Kosová & Giorgo Sertsios - 64-82 The Impact of Idea Generation and Potential Appropriation on Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study
by Soheil Hooshangi & George Loewenstein - 83-101 Corporate Governance and Costs of Equity: Theory and Evidence
by Di Li & Erica X. N. Li - 102-111 Everything We Do, You Do: The Licensing Effect of Prosocial Marketing Messages on Consumer Behavior
by Maryam Kouchaki & Ata Jami - 112-130 Callable Contingent Capital: Valuation and Default Risk
by Weidong Tian - 131-148 Impact of Electricity Pricing Policies on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions
by A. Gürhan Kök & Kevin Shang & Şafak Yücel - 149-163 Egregiousness and Boycott Intensity: Evidence from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
by Zhongmin Wang & Alvin Lee & Michael Polonsky - 164-177 Market Exit Through Divestment—The Effect of Accounting Bias on Competition
by Hui Chen & Bjorn N. Jorgensen - 178-197 Assessing Fair Lending Risks Using Race/Ethnicity Proxies
by Yan Zhang - 198-214 Uncertainty and Sectoral Shifts: The Interaction Between Firm-Level and Aggregate-Level Shocks, and Macroeconomic Activity
by Alon Kalay & Suresh Nallareddy & Gil Sadka - 215-234 Risk Targeting and Policy Illusions—Evidence from the Announcement of the Volcker Rule
by Jussi Keppo & Josef Korte - 235-252 Superstition and Financial Decision Making
by David Hirshleifer & Ming Jian & Huai Zhang - 253-270 How Monitoring Influences Trust: A Tale of Two Faces
by Maurice E. Schweitzer & Teck-Hua Ho & Xing Zhang - 271-287 Target-Adjusted Utility Functions and Expected-Utility Paradoxes
by Mark Schneider & Robert Day - 288-307 First Impressions Matter: An Experimental Investigation of Online Financial Advice
by Julie R. Agnew & Hazel Bateman & Christine Eckert & Fedor Iskhakov & Jordan Louviere & Susan Thorp - 308-328 Hierarchical Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Cumulative Prospect Theory: Improving the Reliability of Individual Risk Parameter Estimates
by Ryan O. Murphy & Robert H. W. ten Brincke - 327-344 Minimizing Risk Exposure When the Choice of a Risk Measure Is Ambiguous
by Erick Delage & Jonathan Yu-Meng Li - 345-359 Effectiveness of Reputation in Contracting for Customized Production: Evidence from Online Labor Markets
by Mingfeng Lin & Yong Liu & Siva Viswanathan - 360-380 Online Shopping and Platform Design with Ex Ante Registration Requirements
by Florian Morath & Johannes Münster - 381-400 Sharing Aggregate Inventory Information with Customers: Strategic Cross-Selling and Shortage Reduction
by Ruomeng Cui & Hyoduk Shin - 401-420 Making Sense of (Ultra) Low-Cost Flights Vertical Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets
by Luigi Serio & Piero Tedeschi & Giovanni Ursino - 421-436 Multiattribute Loss Aversion and Reference Dependence: Evidence from the Performing Arts Industry
by Necati Tereyağoğlu & Peter S. Fader & Senthil Veeraraghavan - 437-452 Asymptotic Optimality of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems
by Linwei Xin & David A. Goldberg - 453-473 Humans Are Not Machines: The Behavioral Impact of Queueing Design on Service Time
by Masha Shunko & Julie Niederhoff & Yaroslav Rosokha - 474-493 Information Sharing, Advice Provision, or Delegation: What Leads to Higher Trust and Trustworthiness?
by Özalp Özer & Upender Subramanian & Yu Wang
November 2017, Volume 63, Issue 11
- 1-1 Editorial Statement—Operations Management
by Charles Corbett & Vishal Gaur & David Simchi-Levi & Terry Taylor - 1-1 Editorial Statement—Business Strategy
by Joshua Gans - 3531-3551 Early Task Initiation and Other Load-Adaptive Mechanisms in the Emergency Department
by Robert J. Batt & Christian Terwiesch - 3552-3565 Confidence Calibration in a Multiyear Geopolitical Forecasting Competition
by Don A. Moore & Samuel A. Swift & Angela Minster & Barbara Mellers & Lyle Ungar & Philip Tetlock & Heather H. J. Yang & Elizabeth R. Tenney - 3566-3585 Do Mandatory Overtime Laws Improve Quality? Staffing Decisions and Operational Flexibility of Nursing Homes
by Susan Feng Lu & Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu - 3586-3608 Monopoly Pricing in the Presence of Social Learning
by Davide Crapis & Bar Ifrach & Costis Maglaras & Marco Scarsini - 3609-3627 A Behavioral Model of Forecasting: Naive Statistics on Mental Samples
by Jordan Tong & Daniel Feiler - 3628-3649 Do Client Characteristics Really Drive the Big N Audit Quality Effect? New Evidence from Propensity Score Matching
by Mark DeFond & David H. Erkens & Jieying Zhang - 3654-3671 Restructuring Charges, FAS 146, and the Accrual Anomaly
by Sanjeev Bhojraj & Partha Sengupta & Suning Zhang - 3672-3690 Waiting To Give: Stated and Revealed Preferences
by Ashley C. Craig & Ellen Garbarino & Stephanie A. Heger & Robert Slonim - 3691-3707 Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from the Field
by Mariana Blancom & Patricio S. Dalton & Juan F. Vargas - 3708-3717 Indirect Reciprocity and Charitable Giving— Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Menusch Khadjavi - 3718-3738 Weather and the Psychology of Purchasing Outdoor Movie Tickets
by Lukas Buchheim & Thomas Kolaska - 3739-3759 Justice Under Uncertainty
by Elena Cettolin & Arno Riedl - 3760-3779 Dynamic Conditional Beta Is Alive and Well in the Cross Section of Daily Stock Returns
by Turan G. Bali & Robert F. Engle & Yi Tang - 3780-3808 Incompatible European Partners? Cultural Predispositions and Household Financial Behavior
by Michael Haliassos & Thomas Jansson & Yigitcan Karabulut - 3809-3828 Legal-System Arbitrage and Parent–Subsidiary Capital Structures
by Suman Banerjee & Thomas H. Noe - 3829-3848 Can Investment Shocks Explain the Cross Section of Equity Returns?
by Lorenzo Garlappi & Zhongzhi Song - 3849-3873 Herd Behavior and Mutual Fund Performance
by Andrew Koch - 3874-3894 Bayesian Estimation of a Dynamic Model of Two-Sided Markets: Application to the U.S. Video Game Industry
by Yiyi Zhou - 3895-3910 Expertise in Online Markets
by Stylianos Despotakis & Isa Hafalir & R. Ravi & Amin Sayedi - 3911-3929 The Probit Choice Model Under Sequential Search with an Application to Online Retailing
by Jun B. Kim & Paulo Albuquerque & Bart J. Bronnenberg - 3930-3943 Selling Out: The Inauthenticity Discount in the Craft Beer Industry
by Justin Frake
October 2017, Volume 63, Issue 10
- 3147-3167 Gatekeepers at Work: An Empirical Analysis of a Maternity Unit
by Michael Freeman & Nicos Savva & Stefan Scholtes - 3168-3186 The Size of the LGBT Population and the Magnitude of Antigay Sentiment Are Substantially Underestimated
by Katherine B. Coffman & Lucas C. Coffman & Keith M. Marzilli Ericson - 3187-3206 Do Bags Fly Free? An Empirical Analysis of the Operational Implications of Airline Baggage Fees
by Mariana Nicolae & Mazhar Arıkan & Vinayak Deshpande & Mark Ferguson - 3207-3225 Inventory, Risk Shifting, and Trade Credit
by Jiri Chod - 3226-3245 Task Decomposition and Newsvendor Decision Making
by Yun Shin Lee & Enno Siemsen - 3246-3261 Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn: The Effects of Student Leadership Service
by Michael L. Anderson & Fangwen Lu - 3262-3267 Observability Increases the Demand for Commitment Devices
by Christine L. Exley & Jeffrey K. Naecker - 3268-3284 Gender Differences in Stereotypes of Risk Preferences: Experimental Evidence from a Matrilineal and a Patrilineal Society
by Andreas Pondorfer & Toman Barsbai & Ulrich Schmidt - 3285-3310 The Role of Managerial Ability in Corporate Tax Avoidance
by Allison Koester & Terry Shevlin & Daniel Wangerin - 3311-3327 Debtor Rights, Credit Supply, and Innovation
by Geraldo Cerqueiro & Deepak Hegde & María Fabiana Penas & Robert C. Seamans - 3328-3346 Moral Hazard in Dynamic Risk Management
by Jakša Cvitanić & Dylan Possamaï & Nizar Touzi - 3347-3360 Optimal and Naive Diversification in Currency Markets
by Fabian Ackermann & Walt Pohl & Karl Schmedders - 3361-3380 Economic Implications of Nonlinear Pricing Kernels
by Caio Almeida & René Garcia - 3381-3392 Portfolio Choice Based on Third-Degree Stochastic Dominance
by Thierry Post & Miloš Kopa - 3393-3413 Stature, Obesity, and Portfolio Choice
by Jawad M. Addoum & George Korniotis & Alok Kumar - 3414-3437 Credit Ratings and Credit Risk: Is One Measure Enough?
by Jens Hilscher & Mungo Wilson - 3438-3458 Platform Integration and Demand Spillovers in Complementary Markets: Evidence from Facebook’s Integration of Instagram
by Zhuoxin Li & Ashish Agarwal - 3459-3472 Do We Really Need to Change the Decision Maker? Counterintuitive Escalation of Commitment Results in Real Options Contexts
by William Boulding & Abhijit Guha & Richard Staelin - 3473-3488 Measuring the Efficiency of Category-Level Sales Response to Promotions
by Minakshi Trivedi & Dinesh K. Gauri & Yu Ma - 3489-3513 Price-Matching Guarantees with Endogenous Consumer Search
by Juncai Jiang & Nanda Kumar & Brian T. Ratchford - 3514-3529 Customer Referral Incentives and Social Media
by Ilan Lobel & Evan Sadler & Lav R. Varshney
September 2017, Volume 63, Issue 9
- 2795-2812 Sourcing Under Supplier Responsibility Risk: The Effects of Certification, Audit, and Contingency Payment
by Li Chen & Hau L. Lee - 2813-2831 Channel Integration, Sales Dispersion, and Inventory Management
by Santiago Gallino & Antonio Moreno & Ioannis Stamatopoulos - 2832-2846 The Sources of the Communication Gap
by Simin He & Theo Offerman & Jeroen van de Ven - 2847-2867 The Comovement of Investor Attention
by Michael S. Drake & Jared Jennings & Darren T. Roulstone & Jacob R. Thornock - 2868-2884 The Interplay Between Forward-Looking Measures and Target Setting
by Jan Bouwens & Peter Kroos - 2885-2902 Do Gender and Business Trainings Affect Business Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from Vietnam
by Erwin Bulte & Robert Lensink & Nhung Vu - 2903-2914 How Much Does Honesty Cost? Small Bonuses Can Motivate Ethical Behavior
by Long Wang & J. Keith Murnighan - 2915-2932 Effective Reminders
by Giacomo Calzolari & Mattia Nardotto - 2933-2947 Between First- and Second-Order Stochastic Dominance
by Alfred Müller & Marco Scarsini & Ilia Tsetlin & Robert L. Winkler - 2948-2966 The When and Why of Abandonment: The Role of Organizational Differences In Medical Technology Life Cycles
by Brad N. Greenwood & Ritu Agarwal & Rajshree Agarwal & Anandasivam Gopal - 2967-2981 Business Practices in Small Firms in Developing Countries
by David McKenzie & Christopher Woodruff - 2982-2999 Employment Nondiscrimination Acts and Corporate Innovation
by Huasheng Gao & Wei Zhang - 3000-3020 Firm Rigidities and the Decline in Growth Opportunities
by Claudio Loderer & René Stulz & Urs Waelchli - 3021-3043 Investor Horizon and the Life Cycle of Innovative Firms: Evidence from Venture Capital
by Jean-Noël Barrot - 3044-3056 A Corporate Beauty Contest
by John R. Graham & Campbell R. Harvey & Manju Puri - 3057-3071 Do Stock Options Overcome Managerial Risk Aversion? Evidence from Exercises of Executive Stock Options
by Randall A. Heron & Erik Lie - 3072-3089 Tail Risk Dynamics in Stock Returns: Links to the Macroeconomy and Global Markets Connectedness
by Daniele Massacci - 3090-3110 GOTCHA! Network-Based Fraud Detection for Social Security Fraud
by Véronique Van Vlasselaer & Tina Eliassi-Rad & Leman Akoglu & Monique Snoeck & Bart Baesens - 3111-3127 Beautiful Lemons: Adverse Selection in Durable-Goods Markets with Sorting
by Jonathan R. Peterson & Henry S. Schneider - 3128-3145 Nonparametric Joint Assortment and Price Choice Model
by Srikanth Jagabathula & Paat Rusmevichientong
July 2017, Volume 63, Issue 7
- 2049-2072 The Impact of Delays on Service Times in the Intensive Care Unit
by Carri W. Chan & Vivek F. Farias & Gabriel J. Escobar - 2073-2091 Mixed-Integer Rounding Enhanced Benders Decomposition for Multiclass Service-System Staffing and Scheduling with Arrival Rate Uncertainty
by Merve Bodur & James R. Luedtke - 2092-2107 Dynamic Product Rotation in the Presence of Strategic Customers
by Fernando Bernstein & Victor Martínez-de-Albéniz - 2108-2126 Higher Prices for Larger Quantities? Nonmonotonic Price–Quantity Relations in B2B Markets
by Wei Zhang & Sriram Dasu & Reza Ahmadi - 2127-2145 When Friends Become Competitors: The Design of Resource Exchange Alliances
by So Yeon Chun & Anton J. Kleywegt & Alexander Shapiro - 2146-2162 Redesigning Benders Decomposition for Large-Scale Facility Location
by Matteo Fischetti & Ivana Ljubić & Markus Sinnl - 2163-2180 Costly Control: An Examination of the Trade-off Between Control Investments and Residual Risk in Interfirm Transactions
by Shannon W. Anderson & Henri C. Dekker & Alexandra Van den Abbeele - 2181-2196 Delegated Bidding and the Allocative Effect of Accounting Rules
by Iván Marinovic - 2197-2210 Consistency as a Signal of Skills
by Armin Falk & Florian Zimmermann - 2211-2232 The International Diversification of Banks and the Value of Their Cross-Border M&A Advice
by Anjana Rajamani & Marieke van der Poel & Abe de Jong & Steven Ongena - 2233-2250 Return Smoothing, Liquidity Costs, and Investor Flows: Evidence from a Separate Account Platform
by Charles Cao & Grant Farnsworth & Bing Liang & Andrew W. Lo - 2251-2271 Do Unions Affect Innovation?
by Daniel Bradley & Incheol Kim & Xuan Tian