2025, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 1-18 Digital transformation in higher education: tertiary students' perspectives on online learning and its implications for the future
by Jessie Ming Sin Wong & William Ko Wai Tang & Kam Cheong Li
2025, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 121-148 Effect of reflection-based English language instruction on writing quality among secondary school students
by Pratheesh Abraham & Roshna Varghese - 149-178 The influence of technostress and gratitude on university students' vitality: the roles of prosocial behaviours and psychological resilience
by Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh - 179-194 An empirical study in Indonesia: is adaptive inquiry learning effective for improving higher-order thinking skills of elementary school students?
by Sabar Narimo & Hernawan Sulistyanto & Harun Joko Prayitno & Murfiah Dewi Wulandari & Devary Pradana Setyabudi & Bambang Sumardjoko & Sofyan Anif & Aziz Awaludin - 195-225 The influence of work environment on employees' innovative work behaviours in Vietnam construction companies
by Hai Thi Thu Tran & Thanh Lan Mai & Thi Minh Ngoc Luu - 226-241 vs. WAG: as feedback digital learning tools in primary school
by Harun Joko Prayitno & Hengki Purnomo & Choiriyah Widyasari & Laili Etika Rahmawati & Naufal Ishartanto & Sutama Sutama & Sugeng Riyanto
2025, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-15 Pencak silat combat: dominant technique in national student competition based on gender and weight
by Nur Subekti & M. Furqon Hidayatullah & Rony Syaifullah & Noor Alis Setiyadi & Muhad Fatoni - 16-37 Predictive performance of higher education students: the role of tutor attributes
by Chioma Okoro & Jonathan Tembo - 38-59 The impact of perceived organisational support on organisational commitment of vocational college teachers - the mediating effect of career-related continuous learning
by Zhengnan Qi & Fang Han - 60-84 Innovation on the margins of the external evaluation of Portuguese schools
by Lídia Serra & José Matias Alves & Diana Soares - 85-103 Factors influencing consumer purchase behaviour when buying an electric car
by Tina Vukasović & Biljana Dragojević & Lidija Weis - 104-119 Peer collaboration in P5: students' perspective of project-based learning in multicultural school setting
by Aryati Prasetyarini & Sofyan Anif & Harsono & Sabar Narimo & Mohamad Setio Nugroho
2024, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 1-15 A survey on predicting at-risk students through learning analytics
by Kam Cheong Li & Billy Tak-Ming Wong & Maggie Liu
2024, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 389-403 Role conflicts at home: a qualitative case study on college students' online learning during COVID-19 based on the social role theory
by Luying Qiu & Mingxia Hao & Taotao Long - 404-424 Digital capabilities and SMEs' performance under technological uncertainty: empirical evidence from an emerging market
by Pham Thu Huong & Dinh Van Hoang & Tran Thi Kieu Minh & Nguyen Thi Hien - 425-466 The correlation between different leadership styles and satisfaction among members of the Styrian Volunteer Fire Department
by Vito Bobek & Jennifer Harrer & Tatjana Horvat - 467-487 Undergraduate student performance during the pandemic: a sequential mediation effect of grit and student motivation
by Abdul Hafaz Ngah & Nurul Izni Kamalrulzaman & Nurul Ain Chua Abdullah & Nur Asma Ariffin & Rosseni Din - 488-507 Managing innovation activities in a public university hospital: staff perceptions
by Pauliina Hyrkäs & Jarmo Reponen & Outi Kanste - 508-529 Probiotic dairy platforms - consumer attitudes and purchasing habits
by Tina Vukasović & Aleksandra Zajc & John L. Stanton
2024, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 263-276 Analysis of consumer purchasing behaviour factors in the process of deciding to buy dark chocolate
by Aleksandra Grofelnik & Tina Vukasović - 277-293 Innovating English language learning programs for Thai EFL grade 6 students: a closer look at program description and learning outcome
by Jirada Wudthayagorn & Chatraporn Piamsai & Pan-Ngarm Chairaksak - 294-310 A measurement instrument for open innovation value co-creation in ICT start-ups: an emerging economic perspective
by N.P. Samarasinghe & T.C. Sandanayake & G.D. Samarasinghe - 311-332 Strategic relationships of consumers' learning with purchase-intention through satisfaction and attitude
by Saroj Kumar Sahoo & Sandhyarani Sahoo & Laxmikant Pattnaik - 333-362 Educational games for property and construction: insights from bibliometric and content analyses
by Chioma Okoro & Abejide Ade-Ibijola & Oluwatobi Owojori - 363-387 How does entrepreneurial orientation influence organisational ambidexterity? Moderating effect of organisational unlearning
by Andrey Andoko Rahardjo & Wei-Lee Lim & Garry Wei-Han Tan
2024, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 131-155 Smartphone-based learning and academic performance in higher education institutions: extending task-technology-fit with technology readiness constructs
by Mohannad Moufeed Ayyash & Maan A.A. Alkhateeb & Rania A.M. Abdalla - 156-178 Model of active innovation resistance in the automotive industry of Iran
by Maryam Shabani & Frederic Marimon & Juan José Tarí - 179-212 The role of psychological empowerment dimensions in promoting innovative work behaviours via creative self-efficacy in the Indian automobile industry: an empirical investigation using PLS-SEM and IPMA
by M. Jyothi Sheeba & B. Prabu Christopher - 213-228 Predicting mathematics teachers' TPACK using technology access, teacher training, and technology use
by Joseph Njiku - 229-245 Culture shock in the post COVID-19 era: toward a new normal academic life
by Walter Vesperi & Navneet Gera & Concetta Lucia Cristofaro & Marzia Ventura - 246-262 Links between innovation and inclusive education: a qualitative analysis of teachers' and leaders' perceptions
by Cecilia Latorre-Cosculluela & Erika Sin-Torres & Silvia Anzano-Oto
2024, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-20 Brazilian female entrepreneurship in the food service segment: fear and entrepreneurial learning in the context of crisis
by Mariane Lemos Lourenço & Mara Rosalia Ribeiro Silva & Lady Day Pereira de Souza & Michele Estarnecks Peixoto - 21-52 Research trends and directions in learning spaces: a scientometric analysis based on CiteSpace and VOSviewer
by Baiyu Jiang & Jestin Nordin & Mohd Najib Mohd Salleh - 53-71 SME operational bid through adversity and turbulent economic environment: resilience through dynamic capabilities
by Joseph Awali Sebuwufu & Binod Timilsina - 72-97 Innovation in microenterprises in the 21st century: a systematic literature review
by Anneli Bäck & Matti Muhos & Peetu Virkkala - 98-116 A systematic literature review of the implementation of open education: in the Indonesian context
by Naufal Ishartono & Siti Hajar Binti Halili & Rafiza Binti Abdul Razak - 117-130 Impacting factors and effects of college student learning satisfaction: a comparative study
by Wenjin Liu & Yi Yang & Shenli Peng
2024, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 387-411 Perceived integration of academic accreditation in the development of human resources capabilities
by Nizar Raissi & Bander Alrebeay - 412-430 Do marketing capabilities explain the indirect nexus between learning orientation and firm performance?
by Kassimu Issau - 431-458 Acceleration as an ecosystem's unique mechanism: a systematic literature review and ecosystem acceleration model
by Rovian Dill Zuquetto & Bibiana Volkmer Martins & Mateus Augusto Fassina Santini & Paola Rücker Schaeffer & Kadígia Faccin - 459-481 A study on organisational support policies, HRM practices, and organisational performance: evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
by Pham Thi Thuy Dung - 482-509 A study on employees' knowledge-sharing behaviour evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
by Hoang Phung Nguyen Bach & Quang Dung Truong & Nam Tien Duong
2024, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 249-284 Framework for identifying improvement levers in national innovation systems through international benchmarks: case of Morocco, Turkey and Spain
by Siham Hamidi & Abdelaziz Berrado - 285-311 How to foster student engagement with technology and the mediating role of the teacher's strategy: lessons learned in a problem-based learning university
by Chiara Crovini - 312-337 Predicting the antecedents of digital readiness of teachers by examining the mediating role of job satisfaction
by Twinkle Trivedi & Hiral Vora & Viral Bhatt - 338-365 Improved personalised learning pedagogy through mobile computing model for South African higher education learners
by Refilwe Constance Mogase & Billy Mathias Kalema & Tope Samuel Adeyelure - 366-385 Chinese university students' attention level during COVID-19 pandemic
by Xiaolan Wu & Hui Li & Chunjuan Gao & Lei Shen & Hasan Tinmaz
2024, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 123-136 The necessity of error management culture for employee satisfaction and innovation - introducing necessary condition analysis to error research
by Philip Kardell - 137-160 Examining the moderating and intervening effects of communication apprehension on perceived learning
by Kuei-Chien Chiu & Rung-Ching Chen - 161-176 Organisational innovation, competitive advantage, and export performance
by Sohail Ayaz Muhammad & Shankar Chelliah - 177-198 An exploratory research on resilience and emotional intelligence among teaching professionals in the educational sector
by P. Latha & R. Nisha - 199-215 Enhancing physics laboratory experiments through an instructional design model using flipped classroom: a case study in a college physics course in Vietnam
by Van Thien Ngo - 216-233 Policy instruments to promote and develop transferable skills to increase the employability of higher education graduates
by Dušan Lesjak - 234-248 The use of Instagram as a teaching resource in higher education
by José Fernández-Cerero & Marta Montenegro-Rueda
2024, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-37 Students' engagement in online flipped Mandarin as a foreign language learning
by Wee-Ling Kuan & Fitri Suraya Mohamad - 38-58 Identifying influential factors in computational thinking research via game-based learning: a comprehensive content analysis
by Ling-Hsiu Chen & Ha Thi The Nguyen - 59-73 Intention of social media users in adopting environmental tourism recommendations in Indonesia: transactive memory system perspective
by Dony Martinus Sihotang & T.R. Muhammad Faisar & Rai I. Saraswati & M. Swastinika Naima & Savira M. Santoso & Adhi Yuniarto & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto - 74-98 Mapping innovation in educational contexts: drivers and barriers
by Lídia Serra & José Matias Alves & Diana Soares - 99-121 Influences of digital checklists on emergent researchers' method designs and writing
by Chin-Wen Chien
2023, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 351-367 The innovation of electronic module integrated job sheet chassis dynamometer teaching materials to improve machine performance practicum competence
by Ahmad Mustamil Khoiron & Pardjono Pardjono & Istanto Wahyu Djatmiko - 368-379 Data envelopment analysis for identifying the most suitable cassava cultivar: a case study of various cultivated areas in Thailand
by Naraphorn Paoprasert & Witsarooth Paisaltanakij & Piya Kittipadakul & Papis Wongchaisuwat - 380-397 Model methodology for shaping the source competence of future history teachers
by Altyngul Abayevna Kaskabassova & Gulfira Elubaevna Otepova & Alma F. Dautova & Zamzagul Ablyashovna Sabdanbekova & Aizhan Tlektesovna Makisheva - 398-413 Accelerating pre-service elementary school teacher students' problem-solving skills through online case study discussion
by Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat & Hana Andriningrum & Supartinah Supartinah & Dita Purwinda Anggrella - 414-440 The relation between locus of control and creativity at work: the mediating role of workplace informal learning strategies
by Sergio Santoro - 441-455 Problem-based learning: integrating web-quest and case-study strategies in students with hearing impairments
by Perizat Zhaksylykovna Parmankulova & Saule Abdrazahovna Zholdasbekova & Amangeldi Saipov & Dina Polatovna Madieva & Kulzira Aidarbekovna Kassimbekova
2023, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 223-247 The key factors of SMEs' resilience based on organisational behaviour theory
by Joseph Awali Sebuwufu & Binod Timilsina - 248-270 Utilising PPM model to explore the satisfaction and word-of-mouth marketing of students studying abroad
by Shu-Ching Chang & Shih-Hao Liu & Jin-Long Wang - 271-289 A study on employee mindfulness and organisational citizenship behaviour: job satisfaction and in-role behaviour as mediators
by Thuy Dung Pham Thi & Nam Tien Duong - 290-312 A response to the educational roadblock due to the pandemic: how can a university virtual tour experience affect enrolment intentions?
by Hugo Nathanael Yuwono & Widia Resti Fitriani & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Sherah Kurnia - 313-330 Urban university students in Latin America's perceptions of COVID-19 imprisonment
by Edwin Ramirez-Asis & Martha Guerra-Muñoz & Roger Norabuena-Figueroa & Laura Nivin-Vargas & Juan Villanueva-Calderón & Eva Zarzosa-Marquez - 331-349 Modelling the process of moral socialisation for high school students
by Gulmira Biisova & Artur Amirov & Abay Duisenbayev & Mira Baltymova
2023, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 122-142 A survey of smart learning practices: contexts, benefits, and challenges
by Billy Tak-Ming Wong & Kam Cheong Li & Thomas Hon-Tung Chan - 143-161 The effects of tablet PC-based instruction on junior high school students' self-regulated learning and learning achievement
by Harrison Hao Yang & Ling Chen & Kexin Jia & Zhuo Qu & Yinghui Shi - 162-196 To boom and bloom? Didactic development in online distance learning: students' reflection
by Ivana Simonova & Ludmila Faltynkova & Katerina Kostolanyova & Slavomira Klimszova & Tereza Guziurova - 197-207 Learning in a hybrid synchronous mode: experiences and views of university students
by Kam Cheong Li & Billy Tak-Ming Wong & Reggie Kwan & Manfred Wu - 208-222 Activity design for cultivating students' online inquiring minds and journalistic skills
by Xiaohong Zhang & Kaoru Matsubayashi & Kenichi Kubota
2023, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-18 Business school strategies for successful research commercialisation process in Thailand
by Sasivimol Meeampol & Bordin Rassameethes - 19-35 Women on boards and firm performance in Turkey: a case study of the Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Özlem Atay & Fatih Çetin & Elif Savaşkan - 36-58 Alumni's perspectives on the training program of the universities administered by the Vietnam Ministry of Transport: an EFA-based descriptive study on CDIO
by Vu Thi Lan Anh & Nguyen Thi Thu Hang & Nguyen Loc - 59-80 Principals' academic supervision based on humanistic spiritual values to increase student achievement motivation
by Yulius Rustan Effendi & Pieter Sahertian - 81-95 4C-based learning model as an effective tool in language classrooms: the case of Kazakh schools
by Gulzat Berkinbayeva & Zhanat Dauletbekova & Perizat Yelubayeva & Zhanna Bugybayeva - 96-117 Observing cognitive load during online learning with various task complexities: an eye tracking approach
by Prabaria Vesca Yulianandra & Suatmi Murnani & Paulus Insap Santosa & Sunu Wibirama
2023, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 393-416 A study on assessing innovation management capacity based on ISO 56002 for enterprises in Vietnam
by Nguyen Van Thanh & Ha Minh Hiep - 417-442 Cognitive styles and informal learning strategies in the workplace: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation
by Sergio Santoro - 443-457 Student emotions and online class engagement in the time of pandemic
by Fayrene Chieng & Fidella Tiew & Wendy Law & Lynn Yew Hua Ling - 458-488 Tutorial experience during online learning: a topic modelling approach
by Chioma Okoro & Peter Baur & Oliver Takawira - 489-524 Training needs analysis: the impact of the quality of teaching on student learning, staff satisfaction, and institute business performance
by Keai Lim
2023, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 269-282 Inclusion of academic self-efficacy, motivation, and engagement with the pre-university cognitive ability to predict students' university GPA
by Ahmed Aldarmahi & Ismail Fasfous & Nada Abuarab & Asma Alkusayer & Mohamed Ahmed - 283-313 A comparative analysis of instructional delivery methods in a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates
by Lisa Josepha Brashear - 314-329 A data mining approach to classifying e-learning satisfaction of higher education students: a Philippine case
by Marivel B. Go & Rodolfo A. Golbin Junior & Severina P. Velos & Johnry P. Dayupay & Feliciana G. Cababat & Jeem Clyde C. Baird & Hazna Quiñanola - 330-343 The effects of personalised mathematic instruction supported by an intelligent tutoring system during the COVID-19 epidemic and the post-epidemic era
by Jiyou Jia & Shanshan Li & Yanying Miao & Jinxia Li - 344-365 Perceptions and the new paradigm of Thai vocational education
by Nongluck Manowaluilou & Prachyanun Nilsook & Prompilai Buasuwan - 366-392 The productivity of technological networks in the Amazon innovation system: an analysis about the Triple Helix system in the state of Pará
by Phelipe André Matos-Cruz & Márcia Jucá Teixeira-Diniz & Jorge Omar Moreno-Treviño
2023, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 137-160 Elevating the organisational innovation and knowledge sharing capability through soft TQM practices
by Ai-Fen Lim - 161-176 Undergraduate capstone projects in information technology course: bridging the gap between theory and practical skills
by Mohammad Noman & Mohd Khairudin Kasiran - 177-204 Developing entrepreneurial intentions in emerging markets: a comprehensive review of educational factors
by Zainab Abdallah & Mohammad Hamdi Al Khasawneh & Amro Al-Madadha & Majd Abedrabbo - 205-229 Online education in COVID-19 scenario: challenges, mitigation strategies and exploring a case study in India
by Anindita Desarkar - 230-251 European contexts of volunteering and inclusion of migrant children in schools
by Valerij Dermol & Špela Javornik & Susana de Juana-Espinosa & Plamen Vladkov Mirazchiyski & Aleš Trunk - 252-268 Metacognitive strategies use in fostering EFL learners' writing skill during remote learning
by Raja Muhammad Ishtiaq Khan & Tribhuwan Kumar
2023, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-13 Study on e-book teaching material on students' difference of ecological cognition: using e-book Farm of Happiness as an example
by Ting-Sheng Weng - 14-31 Influence of corpus tools on Taiwanese EFL writers' learning, reception and production of academic clusters
by Chin-Wen Chien - 32-51 The influence of differentiated instruction on the academic performance of mathematics students in universities
by Norman Rudhumbu & Daimond Dziva - 52-70 University students' level of boredom and their coping strategies in emergency remote education during the coronavirus pandemic
by Mehdi Solhi & Serap Önen - 71-97 Innovation through indigenous knowledge sharing, organisational memory, and indigenous knowledge erosion on indigenous batik enterprise (a structural equation model in action)
by Retno Kusumastuti & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Vishnu Juwono & Evie Oktafia & Kurnia Sandy & Halimatus Sya'diyah - 98-119 Formative feedback using quick polls: benefits, challenges and engagement
by Angelito Calma & Lusheng Shao & William Ho - 120-136 A Chaid Tree approach to motivation and academic performance in second language learning
by Alfonso Abad Mancheño & Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero & Ana Cristina León Mejía
2022, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 359-379 Student-led active learning classrooms: a comparison of role-playing versus gamification
by Mathupayas Thongmak - 380-396 Academic impact of sudden and unforeseen changes in the learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic
by Alejandro M. Fernández-Castro & Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero & Yousef Husein Eiadat - 397-413 Performance evaluation of mechanical engineering degrees using partial minimum squares and data envelopment analysis
by Enrique Delahoz-Dominguez & Rohemi Zuluaga-Ortiz & Alicia Camelo-Guarín & Mária Suarez-Sánchez - 414-434 Open innovation and new product development in food manufacturing SMEs: the role of trust
by Kewalee Silapacharanan & Pittawat Ueasangkomsate & Haruthai Numprasertchai - 435-455 Personalised recommendation model for senior learning: a case study of Thai seniors to enhance social network skills
by Kanchana Boontasri & Punnarumol Temdee - 456-473 Social innovation across non-profit organisations: analytical hierarchical approach
by Ayesha Matloub & Aniza Othman & Mian M. Ajmal - 474-497 Exploring the use of video-annotated peer feedback in oral presentation lessons
by Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam & Hadina Habil & Nora Binti Sahari
2022, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 239-261 Implementation of semi-autonomous robot as solution to water pollution from floating trash
by Hirdy Othman & Mohammad Iskandar Petra & Liyanage Chandratilak de Silva & Wahyu Caesarendra & Sena Seneviratne & Adam Glowacz - 262-282 Factors influencing the spread of cyberbullying among adolescents in private schools: Kuwait
by Sara Al-loughani & Eiman Tamah Al-Shammari - 283-304 The quality teaching and learning standard: level of understanding and implementation by school principals in Kosovo
by Fatjonë Bislimi & Osman Buleshkaj - 305-321 Neurological examination lab during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an experience from Humanitas University, Milan, Italy
by Matteo Biroli & Valeriano Vinci & Licia Montagna & Silvia Oldani - 322-340 Learning from each other: leaders' social representations of career beginners and career beginners' self-assessment
by Kristina Rakinić & Uršula Čebron Lipovec & Katarina Babnik - 341-358 COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness of teachers for online synchronous classes
by Deep Jyoti Gurung & Manmayuri Goswami
2022, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 125-147 Triple helix collaborative innovation and value co-creation in an Industry 4.0 context
by Iqra Sadaf Khan & Osmo Kauppila & Bogdan Iancu & Marko Jurmu & Marko Jurvansuu & Susanna Pirttikangas & Johan Lilius & Mikko Koho & Erno Marjakangas & Jukka Majava - 148-163 Exploring students' anxiety determinants in English oriented educational programs
by Adel Mahmoud Al Samman - 164-182 Promoting perceived English reading self-efficacy of underserved students using an out-of-class extensive reading module
by Chanisara Tangkijmongkol & Punchalee Wasanasomsithi - 183-198 Dimensional approach to assess the benefits of video lecture capturing in higher education: a case study of Qatar
by Habib Ullah Khan - 199-221 Leader-member exchange theory and its relationship to teachers' intrapreneurial behaviour, teachers' work engagement and entrepreneurial orientation
by Galit Klein & Moti Zwilling - 222-238 Instructional model development to enhance the ability to create nursing innovation
by Chayaporn Ekthamasuth & Wichai Sawekngam & Gunyadar Prachusilpa
2022, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-20 Determining smart tourism application features based on pain points of tourism stakeholders
by Widia Resti Fitriani & Fatimah Azzahro & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Sandika Prangga Putra & Gibran Gifari Soesman & Ika Chandra Hapsari - 21-48 The effects of leader intellectual stimulation, perceived organisational support, and leader-member exchange on employee innovativeness
by Leonel Prieto & Md Farid Talukder - 49-69 Interorganisational learning in a network of local productive arrangement type
by Abimael Magno Do Ouro Filho & Maria Elena Leon Olave & Ikaro Daniel De Carvalho Barreto - 70-88 Roma students and their inclusion in schools
by Plamen Mirazchiyski & Jožek Horvat Sandreli & Špela Javornik & Veli Kreci & Ana Rosser-Limiñana & Anica Novak Trunk - 89-103 Intellectual capital and challenges of the halal industry in Malaysia
by Muhammad Khalique & Jamal Abdul Nassir Bin Shaari - 104-123 Connecting secondary education system with the needs of industry: the case of Slovenia
by Žiga Čepar & Borut Likar & Petra Kunc
2022, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 423-442 Assessing models of research utilisation for emergency management practice
by Christine Owen & Noreen Krusel & Loriana Bethune - 443-458 Mobile media multi-taskers in a university class. Self-regulation enhances learning performance
by Magdalena Mazurek - 459-473 Perception of ICT use by residents of smart cities
by Benjamin Lesjak & Iztok Pšenica - 474-505 The effects of gender and age on factors that influence purchase intentions and behaviours of e-commerce consumers in Indonesia
by Farah Alfanur & Yasuo Kadono - 506-525 Measuring inductive reasoning in school contexts: a review of instruments and predictors
by De Van Vo & Benő Csapó
2022, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 291-306 Defining virtual reality enabled learning
by Chen Li & Horace Ho Shing Ip - 307-329 Promoting collaborative innovation and disciplinary integration in maker education through augmented reality: a design-based research
by Xu Han & Yayun Liu & Hongzhu Li & Zhenying Fan & Heng Luo - 330-347 The acceptance of the online gamification learning platform by higher education students in hospitality and tourism
by Kenneth Shiu Pong Ng & Ivan Ka Wai Lai & Kwan Keung Ng - 348-368 The impact of thinking tools on the argumentation skills of pre-service science teachers in flipped learning
by Guo Su & Taotao Long & Zhiyan Wang & Qingcui Zeng & Xueping Wang - 369-384 Creating a critical culture to cultivate students' critical thinking: a case study of a media literacy course in Japan
by Xiaohong Zhang & Kenichi Kubota & Mayumi Kubota - 385-403 A study of flipped offline and online computer programming courses in a Japanese university
by Yoshihiro Hirata - 404-422 A case study exploring the negative emotions of teachers specialising in synchronous online classes
by Mingzhang Zuo & Lixiang Gao & Wei Wang & Shuang Wang & Heng Luo
2022, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 137-165 Key success factors in the continuous use of MOOC education in South Korea
by Thomas Jin Park & Jaehoon Whang & Sean Watts & Dong-Gyun Han - 166-188 Understanding the role of social media in informal learning by researchers in Malaysian higher education
by Mohmed Y. Mohmed Al-Sabaawi & Halina Mohamed Dahlan & Ali Abdulfattah Alshaher & Hafiz Muhammad Faisal Shehzad - 189-212 Prescriptive pedagogy for design studios: a conceptual framework and congruent actions
by Dave S. Knowlton - 213-235 Motivational learning in the progression of colourful animated graphics
by Nazanin Sadat Seyedrazi & Sina Shokoohyar & Vahid Ghomi - 236-263 Discovering effective requirements elicitation techniques using a multivocal ethnographic framework
by Diane Lending & Jeffrey May & Jeremy D. Ezell & Thomas Dillon - 264-286 Using Moodle and MS Teams in higher education - a comparative study
by Viktorija Florjančič & Łukasz Wiechetek
2022, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-22 The right to an effective education: live legal clinics as an innovative teaching method
by Sabiha Shala & Dukagjin Leka - 23-50 A framework to promote creative ideation using ICTs
by Apiwat Meoupphakarn & Jariya Neanchaleay & Saranya Chuathong - 51-69 The effects of a problem-based learning intervention on primary students' performance on greatest common factor and least common multiple and on their attitudes towards mathematics
by Hui-Chuan Li & Tsung-Lung Tsai - 70-90 Factors enabling innovation activities: combining perspectives of personnel and management of a public university hospital
by Pauliina Hyrkäs & Nina Lunkka & Jarmo Reponen & Marjo Suhonen - 91-116 Importance-performance analysis towards sustainable indigenous tourism (a lesson learned from Indonesia)
by Theresia Myra Saviera & Retno Kusumastuti & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto - 117-136 Effect of the interactive whiteboard on mathematics word problems: evidence from Kuwait
by Afrah Rashed Alazemi & Wun Thiam Yew
2021, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 409-440 Analysis of the relationship between student profiles and the results obtained in a university course gamification study
by Milena Silva De Oliveira & Fabiano Leal & Alexandre Ferreira De Pinho & José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi - 441-461 Non-cognitive constructs measurement model development based on the theory of planned behaviour in the context of the academic performance of engineering students
by Bhausaheb Londhe & Bhisaji C. Surve - 462-483 Business simulation games as an active learning teaching methodology: students' perceptions
by Marco Aurélio Butzke & Anete Alberton & Tatiani Schmitt & Sidnei Vieira Marinho - 484-502 Analysing students' engagement in higher education through transmedia and learning management systems: a text mining approach
by Fernando José De Aires Angelino & Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro & Ricardo Godinho Bilro - 503-520 Individual learning: the role of mental models in the learning of software developers
by Letícia Rodrigues Da Fonseca & Marcelo Ribeiro Silva & Sheldon William Silva & Guilherme Marques Pereira
2021, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 262-278 Analysis and evaluation of digital forms of teaching at the university - lecture recordings, inverted classroom, and MOOCs
by Tobias Hirmer & Andreas Henrich - 279-298 A review of the use of open educational resources: the benefits, challenges and good practices in higher education
by Kam Cheong Li & Billy Tak-Ming Wong - 299-316 iPads in special educational needs schools: categorisation and individualisation of learning from the view of Czech education
by Vojtech Gybas & Ivana Simonova & Katerina Kostolanyova - 317-333 Experiential learning for children with autism spectrum disorder using virtual reality headsets: a preliminary report
by Chen Li & Horace Ho Shing Ip & Po-Ke Ma - 334-357 A cross-platform game for learning computational thinking with the support of collaborative learning
by Lap-Kei Lee & Tsz-Kin Cheung & Lok-Tin Ho & Wai-Hang Yiu & Nga-In Wu - 358-367 Investigating the four-level inquiry continuum on college students' higher order thinking and peer interaction tendencies
by Kaili Lu & Harrison Yang & Hui Xue - 368-389 A project-based collaborative learning with an online evidence-based assessment system
by Jiemin Zhong & Di Zou & Wai Man Winnie Lam & Haoran Xie - 390-407 Enhancing students' engagement by giving ongoing formative feedback in a blended learning setting
by Yan Keung Hui & Chen Li & Sheng Qian & Lam For Kwok
2021, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 119-131 Development of a hospital virtual tour with virtual reality-based panorama
by Adhistya Erna Permanasari & Dian Anggriawan Hidayat & Sunu Wibirama & Intan Sulistyaningrum Sakkinah & Dayang Rohaya Awang Rambli - 132-153 Study on the influencing factors of the flexibility of university IT management in Education 4.0
by Wasilah & Lukito Edi Nugroho & Paulus Insap Santosa & Shaymaa E. Sorour - 154-174 The impact of perceived usability on mobile wallet acceptance: a case of Gopay Indonesia
by Ni Made Estiyanti & Delfa Agustia & Rafiqa Amini Mulia & Randa Alfarisyi & Restow Frandha & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Sherah Kurnia - 175-187 Exploring the influencing factors of learning management systems continuance intention in a blended learning environment
by Zaenal Abidin & Fathur Rokhman & Anuradha Mathrani - 188-200 Measuring service quality in the telecommunications industry from customer reviews using sentiment analysis: a case study in PT XL Axiata
by Budyono Saputro & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Zaenal Abidin & Naraphorn Paoprasert - 201-219 Educational data quality management: lessons learned from a public university in Indonesia
by Syukron Ma'mun & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Ayed Said Alwadain & Dedi Iskandar Inan & Naraphorn Paoprasert - 220-240 A model and rubric to guide the creative design process with ICTs
by Patompong Youjamnong & Alisa Songsriwittaya - 241-257 Antecedents of innovative behaviour: knowledge sharing, open innovation climate and internal communication
by Maria Eduarda Soares & Pilar Mosquera & Maria Cid
2021, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-18 University graduates' skills-and-employability evaluation in Poland - a case study of a faculty of management in Warsaw
by Małgorzata Cieciora & Piotr Pietrzak & Piotr Gago - 19-47 The design of an active learning strategy to promote collaborative and research-based learning in project management education
by Chekfoung Tan & Isabel Huet - 48-64 Effects of computer-supported collaborative learning with scripting on students' collective efficacy in science
by Hazel Joyce M. Ramirez & Sheryl Lyn C. Monterola - 65-90 Culture and learning style's sensitive learning outcomes aid multicultural classrooms
by Anjum Razzaque & Hussain Mohsen AlArayedh & Christopher Moylan - 91-113 Integrating gamification in a blended learning entrepreneurship course: discussing student learning and achievement motivation
by Nisaul Barokati Seliro Wangi & Punaji Setyosari & Dedi Kuswandi & Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo
2021, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 387-411 Educators and academics in the digital world. Comparative analysis of using ResearchGate by Slovenian and Polish business researchers
by Łukasz Wiechetek & Viktorija Florjančič - 412-430 Ultrasound object detection using morphological region-based active contour: an application system
by Anan Nugroho & Risanuri Hidayat & Hanung Adi Nugroho & Johan Debayle - 431-448 The effect of knowledge appreciation and development of internal ideas on the competitiveness of service industry companies
by Marcin Soniewicki - 449-474 Corporate entrepreneurship: internal factors of influence in educational institutions under the perception of Generations X and Y
by Eliana Andréa Severo & Juliana Carvalho De Sousa & Carolina Barbosa Montenegro & Raniery Christiano De Queiroz Pimenta - 475-490 Emotive responses to the language learning experience across contexts
by Andrew S. Ross & Punchalee Wasanasomsithi - 491-511 Differences between audio media and conventional methods regarding students' academic performance and the influence of audio media satisfaction on their academic scores at a Ugandan university
by Mark Kaahwa & Chang Zhu & Moses Muhumuza & Charles Karemera
2021, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 250-266 Factors affecting Macau undergraduate students' acceptance of hospitality English app: applicability of UTAUT model
by Sha Fang & Xiaohong Wu & Ivan Ka Wai Lai - 267-286 K12 teacher-student interaction patterns in the smart classrooms
by Zehui Zhan & Qianyi Wu & Wenchang He & Shuyue Cheng & Jinyao Lu & Yining Han - 287-302 Learning engagement through content creation: a case study
by Angel Lu & Yan Keung Hui & Bo Mai & Lam For Kwok - 303-322 An evidence-based model of adaptive blended learning for health education serving families with a parent or child who has a medical problem
by Jayshiro Tashiro & Anders Hebeler - 323-339 Latest advances in STEAM education research and practice: a review of the literature
by Reggie Kwan & Billy Tak-Ming Wong - 340-357 Humanism and didactic theorems from the early modern era in the knowledge society
by Miloslava Cerna - 358-372 Teaching approach and student performance in e-learning
by Nancy Tsai - 373-386 Determinants of purchasing decisions of innovative aesthetic medicine services in Poland
by Magdalena Ankiel & Bogdan Sojkin & Anna Gogołek
2021, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 129-153 Self-regulated learning skills as the predictors for the positive perception of the online accelerated instruction learning experiences
by Cherng-Jyh Yen & Chih-Hsiung Tu & Emrah Emre Ozkeskin & Laura E. Sujo-Montes - 154-165 Active learning effects on students' performance: a methodological proposal combining cooperative approaches towards improving hard and soft skills
by Adriano Bressane & Vivian Silveira Dos Santos Bardini & Marianne Spalding - 166-180 Knowledge management systems and tacit knowledge
by Srečko Natek & Dušan Lesjak - 181-206 Evaluation of online team-based game development using SNS tools
by Akiko Teranishi & Minoru Nakayama & Theodor Wyeld & Mohamad A. Eid