August 2019, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-14 Behavioural Isomorphism, Cognitive Economy and Recursive Thought in Non-Transitive Game Strategy
by Benjamin J. Dyson - 1-20 Team Production and Esteem: A Dual Selves Model with Belief-Dependent Preferences
by Matthias Greiff - 1-25 Generalized Backward Induction: Justification for a Folk Algorithm
by Marek Mikolaj Kaminski - 1-32 An Experimental Study of Self-Enforcing Coalitions
by Karl Jandoc & Ruben Juarez
April 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-18 Routing-Proofness in Congestion-Prone Networks
by Ruben Juarez & Michael Wu - 1-18 Ideal Reactive Equilibrium
by Asha Sadanand - 1-34 Behavior in Strategic Settings: Evidence from a Million Rock-Paper-Scissors Games
by Dimitris Batzilis & Sonia Jaffe & Steven Levitt & John A. List & Jeffrey Picel
May 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-11 Give and Let Give: Alternative Mechanisms Based on Voluntary Contributions
by Philip D. Grech - 1-12 Indirect Evolution and Aggregate-Taking Behavior in a Football League: Utility Maximization, Profit Maximization, and Success
by Aloys L. Prinz - 1-15 Sharing a River with Downstream Externalities
by Sarina Steinmann & Ralph Winkler - 1-23 Voting in Three-Alternative Committees: An Experiment
by Johanna M.M. Goertz & Kirill Chernomaz
March 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-12 Investigating Peer and Sorting Effects within an Adaptive Multiplex Network Model
by Francesca Lipari & Massimo Stella & Alberto Antonioni
June 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-8 A Note on Pivotality
by Addison Pan - 1-14 Ransomware and Reputation
by Anna Cartwright & Edward Cartwright - 1-23 Optimal Majority Rule in Referenda
by Qingqing Cheng & Ming Li
January 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-3 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2018
by Games Editorial Office - 1-4 Example of a Finite Game with No Berge Equilibria at All
by Jarosław Pykacz & Paweł Bytner & Piotr Frąckiewicz - 1-11 On Adaptive Heuristics that Converge to Correlated Equilibrium
by Ayan Bhattacharya - 1-12 The Evolution of Cooperation in One-Dimensional Mobile Populations with Deterministic Dispersal
by Igor V. Erovenko - 1-17 When and How Does Mutation-Generated Variation Promote the Evolution of Cooperation?
by Mathias Spichtig & Martijn Egas - 1-21 Categorization and Cooperation across Games
by Marco LiCalzi & Roland Mühlenbernd
February 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-9 Game-Theoretic Optimal Portfolios for Jump Diffusions
by Alex Garivaltis - 1-13 Evolution of Cooperation with Peer Punishment under Prospect Theory
by Satoshi Uchida & Hitoshi Yamamoto & Isamu Okada & Tatsuya Sasaki - 1-15 Linkage Based on the Kandori Norm Successfully Sustains Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
by Misato Inaba & Nobuyuki Takahashi - 1-15 Hierarchy, Power, and Strategies to Promote Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
by Catherine Molho & Daniel Balliet & Junhui Wu - 1-22 Measuring and Disentangling Ambiguity and Confidence in the Lab
by Daniela Di Cagno & Daniela Grieco
March 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 Agency Equilibrium
by Jonathan Newton - 1-22 Including Blood Vasculature into a Game-Theoretic Model of Cancer Dynamics
by Li You & Maximilian von Knobloch & Teresa Lopez & Vanessa Peschen & Sidney Radcliffe & Praveen Koshy Sam & Frank Thuijsman & Kateřina Staňková & Joel S. Brown - 1-34 Explaining Cooperative Behavior in Public Goods Games: How Preferences and Beliefs Affect Contribution Levels
by Kurt A. Ackermann & Ryan O. Murphy
December 2018, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-27 Evolution of Cooperation in Public Goods Games with Stochastic Opting-Out
by Alexander G. Ginsberg & Feng Fu
October 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-12 Gender Differences in Yielding to Social Influence: An Impunity Experiment
by Daniela Di Cagno & Arianna Galliera & Werner Güth & Luca Panaccione - 1-13 Social Distance Matters in Dictator Games: Evidence from 11 Mexican Villages
by Natalia Candelo & Catherine Eckel & Cathleen Johnson - 1-14 Can I Rely on You?
by Billur Aksoy & Catherine C. Eckel & Rick K. Wilson - 1-16 Learning to Set the Reserve Price Optimally in Laboratory First Price Auctions
by Priyodorshi Banerjee & Shashwat Khare & P. Srikant - 1-17 Determinants of Borrowers’ Default in P2P Lending under Consideration of the Loan Risk Class
by Michal Polena & Tobias Regner - 1-19 How to Split Gains and Losses? Experimental Evidence of Dictator and Ultimatum Games
by Thomas Neumann & Sabrina Kierspel & Ivo Windrich & Roger Berger & Bodo Vogt - 1-21 A Stochastic Maximum Principle for Markov Chains of Mean-Field Type
by Salah Eddine Choutri & Tembine Hamidou - 1-22 Homophily and Social Norms in Experimental Network Formation Games
by Jasmina Arifovic & Giuseppe Danese - 1-24 Equilibrium Analysis for Platform Developers in Two-Sided Market with Backward Compatibility
by Dohoon Kim - 1-24 Ex Post Nash Equilibrium in Linear Bayesian Games for Decision Making in Multi-Environments
by Abbas Edalat & Samira Hossein Ghorban & Ali Ghoroghi - 1-25 Playing a Game or Making a Decision? Methodological Issues in the Measurement of Distributional Preferences
by Matthias Greiff & Kurt A. Ackermann & Ryan O. Murphy
November 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-2 Reply to Ortner
by Josef Schosser - 1-5 Comment on Schosser (2018) “Incentive Systems for Risky Investment Decisions under Unknown Preferences: Ortner et al. Revisited”
by Julia Ortner - 1-13 Effects of Relatedness on the Evolution of Cooperation in Nonlinear Public Goods Games
by Kira Coder Gylling & Åke Brännström - 1-14 Learning Dynamics and Norm Psychology Supports Human Cooperation in a Large-Scale Prisoner’s Dilemma on Networks
by John Realpe-Gómez & Daniele Vilone & Giulia Andrighetto & Luis G. Nardin & Javier A. Montoya - 1-20 Belief Heterogeneity and the Restart Effect in a Public Goods Game
by Ananish Chaudhuri - 1-22 Charity Begins at Home: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on Charitable Giving
by Catherine C. Eckel & Benjamin A. Priday & Rick K. Wilson - 1-24 Call to Action: Intrinsic Motives and Material Interests
by Vasileios Kotsidis - 1-25 Determinants of Equilibrium Selection in Network Formation: An Experiment
by Britta Hoyer & Stephanie Rosenkranz - 1-25 From Social Information to Social Norms: Evidence from Two Experiments on Donation Behaviour
by Timo Goeschl & Sara Elisa Kettner & Johannes Lohse & Christiane Schwieren - 1-26 Mean-Field Type Games between Two Players Driven by Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
by Alexander Aurell
December 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-12 Prescriptive Norms and Social Comparisons
by Moti Michaeli & Daniel Spiro - 1-13 Characterizing Actions in a Dynamic Common Pool Resource Game
by Gbetonmasse B. Somasse & Alexander Smith & Zachary Chapman - 1-18 Optimal Control of Heterogeneous Mutating Viruses
by Elena Gubar & Vladislav Taynitskiy & Quanyan Zhu - 1-19 Endogenously Emerging Gender Pay Gap in an Experimental Teamwork Setting
by Özgür Gürerk & Bernd Irlenbusch & Bettina Rockenbach - 1-24 Evolution of Groupwise Cooperation: Generosity, Paradoxical Behavior, and Non-Linear Payoff Functions
by Shun Kurokawa & Joe Yuichiro Wakano & Yasuo Ihara - 1-31 This Is How We Do It: How Social Norms and Social Identity Shape Decision Making under Uncertainty
by Francesca Lipari - 1-32 The Signaling Value of Punishing Norm-Breakers and Rewarding Norm-Followers
by Fabrizio Adriani & Silvia Sonderegger
September 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-17 Do Economists Punish Less?
by Jonas Pilgaard Kaiser & Kasper Selmar Pedersen & Alexander K. Koch - 1-18 Intentions-Based Reciprocity to Monetary and Non-Monetary Gifts
by Matthew Chao - 1-19 Does Implicit Bias Predict Dictator Giving?
by Daniel J. Lee
August 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-13 Ranking Supply Function and Cournot Equilibria in a Differentiated Product Duopoly with Demand Uncertainty
by Ismail Saglam - 1-14 Fairness-Adjusted Laffer Curve: Strategy versus Direct Method
by Hamza Umer - 1-14 Giving to versus Taking from In- and Out-Group Members
by Marius Alt & Carlo Gallier & Achim Schlüter & Katherine Nelson & Eva Anggraini - 1-15 Security from the Adversary’s Inertia–Controlling Convergence Speed When Playing Mixed Strategy Equilibria
by Jasmin Wachter & Stefan Rass & Sandra König - 1-21 The Effects of Social Exclusion and Group Heterogeneity on the Provision of Public Goods
by Lindokuhle Njozela & Justine Burns & Arnim Langer - 1-27 On the Spatial Diffusion of Cooperation with Endogenous Matching Institutions
by Emanuela Migliaccio & Thierry Verdier
June 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-11 The Optimal Strategy in the Minimum Effort Game
by Edward Cartwright - 1-21 An Abstraction-Refinement Methodologyfor Reasoning about Network Games †
by Guy Avni & Shibashis Guha & Orna Kupferman - 1-28 To Tender or Not to Tender? Deliberate and Exogenous Sunk Costs in a Public Good Game
by Florian Heine & Martin Sefton - 1-34 A Survey on the Design of Gamified Systems for Energy and Water Sustainability
by Spartaco Albertarelli & Piero Fraternali & Sergio Herrera & Mark Melenhorst & Jasminko Novak & Chiara Pasini & Andrea-Emilio Rizzoli & Cristina Rottondi - 1-36 Buying Optimal Payoffs in Bi-Matrix Games
by Anshul Gupta & Sven Schewe
September 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-9 Instrumental Reciprocity as an Error
by Ernesto Reuben & Sigrid Suetens - 1-11 Generalized Second Price Auctions over a Network
by Alison Watts - 1-11 Spousal Dictator Game: Household Decisions and Other-Regarding Preferences
by Matthew K. Gnagey & Therese C. Grijalva & Rong Rong - 1-15 Favoritism and Fairness in Teams
by Lu Dong & Lingbo Huang - 1-16 Game Theoretical Model of Cancer Dynamics with Four Cell Phenotypes
by Elena Hurlbut & Ethan Ortega & Igor V. Erovenko & Jonathan T. Rowell - 1-18 When Is Green Too Rosy? Evidence from a Laboratory Market Experiment on Green Goods and Externalities
by Maria Eduarda Fernandes & Marieta Valente - 1-18 Unequal Incentives and Perceived Fairness in Groups
by Gerald Eisenkopf - 1-18 The Effect of Competition on Risk Taking in Contests
by Lorenzo Spadoni & Jan Potters - 1-19 Matrix Games with Interval-Valued 2-Tuple Linguistic Information
by Anjali Singh & Anjana Gupta - 1-20 The Circulation of Worthless Tokens Aids Cooperation: An Experiment Inspired by the Kula
by Giuseppe Danese & Luigi Mittone - 1-21 Coordination and Private Information Revelation
by Debdatta Saha & Prabal Roy Chowdhury - 1-34 Cooperation of Pairs
by Markus Sass & Florian Timme & Joachim Weimann
July 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-10 On the Stability of Couples
by Tobias Hiller - 1-10 Cultural Transmission and Extortion
by Garret Ridinger - 1-12 Preference Based Subjective Beliefs
by Matilde Giaccherini & Giovanni Ponti - 1-13 Peer-Punishment in a Cooperation and a Coordination Game
by Felix Albrecht & Sebastian Kube - 1-14 Choices in the 11–20 Game: The Role of Risk Aversion
by King King Li & Kang Rong - 1-15 Computation of Sparse and Dense Equilibrium Strategies of Evolutionary Games
by Yiping Hao & Zhijun Wu - 1-17 Critical Discount Factor Values in Discounted Supergames
by Kimmo Berg & Markus Kärki - 1-19 Dynamic Contributions to a Public Project: The Impact of Rising Marginal Benefit and Completion Benefits
by Ronald Baker & Matthew Halloran - 1-21 Voluntary Leadership and Asymmetric Endowments in the Investment Game
by Fabian Kleine & Manfred Königstein & Balázs Rozsnyói - 1-24 Cooperation and Strategic Complementarity: An Experiment with Two Voluntary Contribution Mechanism Games with Interior Equilibria
by Olli Lappalainen - 1-24 Cyber–Physical Correlation Effects in Defense Games for Large Discrete Infrastructures
by Nageswara S. V. Rao & Chris Y. T. Ma & Fei He & David K. Y. Yau & Jun Zhuang - 1-28 An Automated Method for Building Cognitive Models for Turn-Based Games from a Strategy Logic
by Jakob Dirk Top & Rineke Verbrugge & Sujata Ghosh
March 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-22 Theory of Mind and General Intelligence in Dictator and Ultimatum Games
by Hannes Lang & Gregory DeAngelo & Michelle Bongard
May 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-4 Incentive Systems for Risky Investment Decisions Under Unknown Preferences: Ortner et al. Revisited
by Josef Schosser - 1-11 Game Theory of Tumor–Stroma Interactions in Multiple Myeloma: Effect of Nonlinear Benefits
by Javad Salimi Sartakhti & Mohammad Hossein Manshaei & Marco Archetti - 1-12 Luxembourg in the Early Days of the EEC: Null Player or Not?
by Alexander Mayer - 1-13 Achieving Perfect Coordination amongst Agents in the Co-Action Minority Game
by Hardik Rajpal & Deepak Dhar - 1-14 Personal-Data Disclosure in a Field Experiment: Evidence on Explicit Prices, Political Attitudes, and Privacy Preferences
by Joachim Plesch & Irenaeus Wolff - 1-16 Gender Differences in the Response to Decision Power and Responsibility—Framing Effects in a Dictator Game
by Lisa Bruttel & Florian Stolley - 1-17 Voluntary Disclosure of Private Information and Unraveling in the Market for Lemons: An Experiment
by Volker Benndorf - 1-18 From Windfall Sharing to Property Ownership: Prosocial Personality Traits in Giving and Taking Dictator Games
by Kun Zhao & Yoshihisa Kashima & Luke D. Smillie - 1-21 Sharing Loading Costs for Multi Compartment Vehicles
by Bruce C. Hartman - 1-67 Evolutionary Game Theory: A Renaissance
by Jonathan Newton
April 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-4 Ethics, Morality, and Game Theory
by Mark Alfano & Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl - 1-10 Fractionated Follow-Up Chemotherapy Delays the Onset of Resistance in Bone Metastatic Prostate Cancer
by Pranav I. Warman & Artem Kaznatcheev & Arturo Araujo & Conor C. Lynch & David Basanta - 1-15 How to Analyze Models of Nonlinear Public Goods
by Marco Archetti - 1-18 Generalized Trust, Need for Cognitive Closure, and the Perceived Acceptability of Personal Data Collection
by David Chavanne - 1-24 Intention-Based Sharing
by Daniela Di Cagno & Arianna Galliera & Werner Güth & Luca Panaccione - 1-38 Bifurcation Mechanism Design—From Optimal Flat Taxes to Better Cancer Treatments
by Ger Yang & David Basanta & Georgios Piliouras
June 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-8 Successful Nash Equilibrium Agent for a Three-Player Imperfect-Information Game
by Sam Ganzfried & Austin Nowak & Joannier Pinales - 1-9 Explaining Public Goods Game Contributions with Rational Ability
by Hannes Lang & Gregory DeAngelo & Michelle Bongard - 1-12 Conditional Cooperation and Framing Effects
by Aurélie Dariel - 1-14 Risk Assessment Uncertainties in Cybersecurity Investments
by Andrew Fielder & Sandra König & Emmanouil Panaousis & Stefan Schauer & Stefan Rass - 1-20 The Patron Game: the Individual Provision of a Public Good
by Antonio Filippin & Manuela Raimondi
February 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-13 Optimal Incentives in a Principal–Agent Model with Endogenous Technology
by Marco A. Marini & Paolo Polidori & Désirée Teobaldelli & Davide Ticchi - 1-13 A Game-Theoretic Approach for Modeling Competitive Diffusion over Social Networks
by Shahla Jafari & Hamidreza Navidi - 1-15 Game of Thrones: Accommodating Monetary Policies in a Monetary Union
by Dmitri Blueschke & Reinhard Neck - 1-18 Linear–Quadratic Mean-Field-Type Games: A Direct Method
by Tyrone E. Duncan & Hamidou Tembine - 1-23 Dynamic Pricing Decisions and Seller-Buyer Interactions under Capacity Constraints
by Vincent Mak & Amnon Rapoport & Eyran J. Gisches
March 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Creating a Domain of Losses in the Laboratory: Effects of Endowment Size
by Andrea Sorensen - 1-15 Imitation of Peers in Children and Adults
by Jose Apesteguia & Steffen Huck & Jörg Oechssler & Elke Weidenholzer & Simon Weidenholzer - 1-22 The Optimal Contract under Adverse Selection in a Moral-Hazard Model with a Risk-Averse Agent
by François Maréchal & Lionel Thomas - 1-23 Does Imperfect Data Privacy Stop People from Collecting Personal Data?
by Simeon Schudy & Verena Utikal - 1-31 Sequential Auctions with Capacity Constraints: An Experimental Investigation
by F. Javier Otamendi & Isabelle Brocas & Juan D. Carrillo
January 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-3 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2017
by Games Editorial Office - 1-7 The Effects of Excluding Coalitions
by Tobias Hiller - 1-10 Incentive Magnitude Effects in Experimental Games: Bigger is not Necessarily Better
by Briony D. Pulford & Andrew M. Colman & Graham Loomes - 1-12 On the Query Complexity of Black-Peg AB-Mastermind
by Mourad El Ouali & Christian Glazik & Volkmar Sauerland & Anand Srivastav - 1-16 Examining Spillovers between Long and Short Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games Played in the Laboratory
by Antonio A. Arechar & Maryam Kouchaki & David G. Rand
September 2017, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-11 Vector Games with Potential Function
by Lucia Pusillo - 1-19 Towards a Fair Distribution Mechanism for Asylum
by Philippe Van Basshuysen
December 2017, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-22 Public-Goods Games with Endogenous Institution-Formation: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of the Voting Rule
by Yukihiko Funaki & Jiawen Li & Róbert F. Veszteg
October 2017, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-12 Shapley Value-Based Payment Calculation for Energy Exchange between Micro- and Utility Grids
by Robin Pilling & Shi Chung Chang & Peter B. Luh - 1-15 Social Preferences and Context Sensitivity
by Jelle De Boer - 1-17 Representations of Political Power Structures by Strategically Stable Game Forms: A Survey
by Bezalel Peleg & Ron Holzman - 1-18 Instability of Mixed Nash Equilibria in Generalised Hawk-Dove Game: A Project Conflict Management Scenario
by Sheryl Le Chang & Mikhail Prokopenko - 1-25 Moral Entitlements and Aspiration Formation in Asymmetric Bargaining: Experimental Evidence from Germany and China
by Heike Hennig-Schmidt & Gari Walkowitz
November 2017, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-13 Computing Human-Understandable Strategies: Deducing Fundamental Rules of Poker Strategy
by Sam Ganzfried & Farzana Yusuf - 1-14 Construction of Subgame-Perfect Mixed-Strategy Equilibria in Repeated Games
by Kimmo Berg & Gijs Schoenmakers - 1-14 Polarization and Segregation through Conformity Pressure and Voluntary Migration: Simulation Analysis of Co-Evolutionary Dynamics
by Dai Zusai & Futao Lu - 1-23 Contribution-Based Grouping under Noise
by Heinrich H. Nax & Ryan O. Murphy & Stefano Duca & Dirk Helbing - 1-25 Game Theoretic Interaction and Decision: A Quantum Analysis
by Ulrich Faigle & Michel Grabisch
July 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-15 Game Theory of Pollution: National Policies and Their International Effects
by Katharina Schüller & Kateřina Staňková & Frank Thuijsman - 1-19 Reacting to Unfairness: Group Identity and Dishonest Behavior
by Nives Della Valle & Matteo Ploner - 1-20 Anticipated Communication in the Ultimatum Game
by Mario Capizzani & Luigi Mittone & Andrew Musau & Antonino Vaccaro - 1-21 The Monty Hall Problem as a Bayesian Game
by Mark Whitmeyer
August 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-7 A Note on Disbelief in Others regarding Backward Induction
by Andreas Tutić & Sascha Grehl - 1-9 The Impact of Previous Action on Bargaining—An Experiment on the Emergence of Preferences for Fairness Norms
by Thomas Neumann & Stephan Schosser & Bodo Vogt - 1-10 Cooperation in Public Goods Games: Stay, But Not for Too Long
by Lucas Wardil & Marco Antonio Amaral - 1-13 Structural Holes in Social Networks with Exogenous Cliques
by Antoni Rubí-Barceló - 1-13 Dual-Process Reasoning in Charitable Giving: Learning from Non-Results
by Zachary Grossman & Joël J. Van der Weele
September 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-7 On Adverse Effects of Consumers’ Attaching Greater Importance to Firms’ Ethical Conduct
by Florian Baumann & Tim Friehe - 1-21 Strategic Behavior of Moralists and Altruists
by Ingela Alger & Jörgen W. Weibull - 1-24 Team Incentives under Moral and Altruistic Preferences: Which Team to Choose?
by Roberto Sarkisian
June 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-14 Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Model with Aggregative Uncertainty
by Lina Mallozzi & Roberta Messalli - 1-14 Cycles in Team Tennis and Other Paired-Element Contests
by Shane Sanders & Justin Ehrlich & James Boudreau - 1-26 Gender, Emotions, and Tournament Performance in the Laboratory
by Brianna Halladay
April 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-12 A Study of the Triggers of Conflict and Emotional Reactions
by Michael Caldara & Michael T. McBride & Matthew W. McCarter & Roman M. Sheremeta - 1-13 Watching Eyes and Living up to Expectations: Unkind, Not Kind, Eyes Increase First Mover Cooperation in a Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Loren Pauwels & Carolyn H. Declerck & Christophe Boone
March 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-3 Epistemic Game Theory and Logic: Introduction
by Paul Weirich - 1-11 The Emotional Moves of a Rational Actor: Smiles, Scowls, and Other Credible Messages
by Lawrence Ian Reed & Peter DeScioli
June 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-17 Clusters with Minimum Transportation Cost to Centers: A Case Study in Corn Production Management
by Sirilak Phonin & Chulin Likasiri & Sittipong Dankrakul
May 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-23 Security Investment, Hacking, and Information Sharing between Firms and between Hackers
by Kjell Hausken - 1-25 Emotions and Behavior Regulation in Decision Dilemmas
by Joaquin Gómez-Miñambres & Eric Schniter
March 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-22 Emotion at Stake—The Role of Stake Size and Emotions in a Power-to-Take Game Experiment in China with a Comparison to Europe
by Ronald Bosman & Heike Hennig-Schmidt & Frans Van Winden
January 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2016
by Games Editorial Office - 1-3 A Nobel Prize for Property Rights Theory
by Richard Holden - 1-13 Strategy Constrained by Cognitive Limits, and the Rationality of Belief-Revision Policies
by Ashton T. Sperry-Taylor - 1-13 Social Pressure and Environmental Effects on Networks: A Path to Cooperation
by María Pereda & Daniele Vilone - 1-15 Economic Harmony: An Epistemic Theory of Economic Interactions
by Ramzi Suleiman - 1-16 The Evolution of Reputation-Based Cooperation in Regular Networks
by Tatsuya Sasaki & Hitoshi Yamamoto & Isamu Okada & Satoshi Uchida - 1-18 Cognitive Hierarchy Theory and Two-Person Games
by Carlos Gracia-Lázaro & Luis Mario Floría & Yamir Moreno - 1-28 Anger Management: Aggression and Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods
by Laura K. Gee & Xinxin Lyu & Heather Urry
February 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-9 Cyclic Competition and Percolation in Grouping Predator-Prey Populations
by Alessandra F. Lütz & Annette Cazaubiel & Jeferson J. Arenzon - 1-11 Assessing Others’ Risk?Taking Behavior from Their Affective States: Experimental Evidence Using a Stag Hunt Game
by Edgar E. Kausel - 1-12 The Integer Nucleolus of Directed Simple Games: A Characterization and an Algorithm
by Reiner Wolff - 1-14 On Information Aggregation and Interim Efficiency in Networks
by Antonio Jimenez-Martinez - 1-18 Swap Equilibria under Link and Vertex Destruction
by Lasse Kliemann & Elmira Shirazi Sheykhdarabadi & Anand Srivastav - 1-21 The Welfare Cost of Signaling
by Fan Yang & Ronald M. Harstad - 1-35 Topological Aspects of the Multi-Language Phases of the Naming Game on Community-Based Networks
by Filippo Palombi & Simona Toti - 1-60 Interdependent Defense Games with Applications to Internet Security at the Level of Autonomous Systems
by Hau Chan & Michael Ceyko & Luis Ortiz
October 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-9 Simulating the Impact of Crossover Kidney Transplantation on the Nord Italia Transplant Program
by Monica Salvioli & Roberto Lucchetti & Rosanna Torelli - 1-14 What Goes Around, Comes Around: Experimental Evidence on Exposed Lies
by Sarah Mörtenhuber & Andreas Nicklisch & Kai-Uwe Schnapp - 1-17 When Do Types Induce the Same Belief Hierarchy?
by Andrés Perea & Willemien Kets - 1-19 Leveraging Possibilistic Beliefs in Unrestricted Combinatorial Auctions
by Jing Chen & Silvio Micali - 1-19 Ignorance Is Bliss, But for Whom? The Persistent Effect of Good Will on Cooperation
by Mike Farjam & Wladislaw Mill & Marian Panganiban - 1-25 Evolutionary Inspection and Corruption Games
by Stamatios Katsikas & Vassili Kolokoltsov & Wei Yang
December 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-9 Network Formation with Endogenous Link Strength and Decreasing Returns to Investment
by Chiu Ki So - 1-10 Modeling Poker Challenges by Evolutionary Game Theory
by Marco Alberto Javarone
November 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-13 Coevolution of Cooperation and Layer Selection Strategy in Multiplex Networks
by Katsuki Hayashi & Reiji Suzuki & Takaya Arita - 1-16 Epistemically Robust Strategy Subsets
by Geir B. Asheim & Mark Voorneveld & Jörgen W. Weibull - 1-17 Community-Based Reasoning in Games: Salience, Rule-Following, and Counterfactuals
by Cyril Hédoin - 1-23 Exploring the Gap between Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium and Sequential Equilibrium
by Giacomo Bonanno - 1-24 Probabilistic Unawareness
by Mikaël Cozic