August 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-8 Trait Emotional Intelligence Is Related to Risk Taking when Adolescents Make Deliberative Decisions
by Angelo Panno - 1-14 Auctions Versus Private Negotiations in Buyer-Seller Networks
by Alison Watts - 1-18 Space Debris Removal: A Game Theoretic Analysis
by Richard Klima & Daan Bloembergen & Rahul Savani & Karl Tuyls & Daniel Hennes & Dario Izzo - 1-18 Promoting Residential Recycling: An Alternative Policy Based on a Recycling Reward System
by Tongzhe Li & Ana Espínola-Arredondo & Jill J. McCluskey
June 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-6 Ergodic Inequality
by Thomas W. L. Norman - 1-27 Keeping Pace with Criminals: An Extended Study of Designing Patrol Allocation against Adaptive Opportunistic Criminals
by Chao Zhang & Shahrzad Gholami & Debarun Kar & Arunesh Sinha & Manish Jain & Ripple Goyal & Milind Tambe
July 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-11 Vertical Relationships within Platform Marketplaces
by Mark J. Tremblay - 1-21 Can We Predict the Winner in a Market with Network Effects? Competition in Cryptocurrency Market
by Neil Gandal & Hanna Halaburda - 1-23 Sharing the Costs of Complex Water Projects: Application to the West Delta Water Conservation and Irrigation Rehabilitation Project, Egypt
by Stefano Moretti & Fioravante Patrone & Ariel Dinar & Safwat Abdel-Dayem - 1-23 Optimal Decision Rules in Repeated Games Where Players Infer an Opponent’s Mind via Simplified Belief Calculation
by Mitsuhiro Nakamura & Hisashi Ohtsuki
September 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-7 Payoff Shares in Two-Player Contests
by Samuel Häfner & Georg Nöldeke - 1-10 Evolutionary Game between Commensal and Pathogenic Microbes in Intestinal Microbiota
by Amy Wu & David Ross - 1-12 The Influence of Mobility Rate on Spiral Waves in Spatial Rock-Paper-Scissors Games
by Mauro Mobilia & Alastair M. Rucklidge & Bartosz Szczesny - 1-16 Evolution of Mindsight and Psychological Commitment among Strategically Interacting Agents
by Dimitry Rtischev
June 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-24 The Role of Framing, Inequity and History in a Corruption Game: Some Experimental Evidence
by Ananish Chaudhuri & Tirnud Paichayontvijit & Erwann Sbai
March 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-16 Core Stability and Core Selection in a Decentralized Labor Matching Market
by Heinrich H. Nax & Bary S. R. Pradelski
May 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-17 Time-Preference Heterogeneity and Multiplicity of Equilibria in Two-Group Bargaining
by Daniel Cardona & Antoni Rubí-Barceló
April 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-23 Inequalities between Others Do Matter: Evidence from Multiplayer Dictator Games
by David Macro & Jeroen Weesie
March 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Impact of the Irrelevant: Temporary Buy-Options and Bidding Behavior in Auctions
by Ronald Peeters & Martin Strobel & Dries Vermeulen & Markus Walzl - 1-27 Climate Change and Market Collapse: A Model Applied to Darfur
by Ola Olsson
January 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 Pledges of Commitment and Cooperation in Partnerships
by Lachlan Deer & Ralph-C. Bayer - 1-18 Partner Selection and the Division of Surplus: Evidence from Ultimatum and Dictator Experiments
by Priyodorshi Banerjee & Sujoy Chakravarty & Sanmitra Ghosh - 1-18 Revenue Implications of Strategic and External Auction Risk
by Andrea Robbett & Michael K. Graham & Peter Hans Matthews
February 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2015
by Games Editorial Office - 1-11 Recent Advances in Experimental Studies of Social Dilemma Games
by Ananish Chaudhuri
December 2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-1 Double Blind Peer-Review in Games
by Ulrich Berger & Martyn Rittman - 1-11 Malevolent Governance, Intra-Group Conflict and the Paradox of the Plenty: An Experiment
by Klarizze Anne Puzon & Marc Willinger
October 2015, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-14 Risk Aversion and Engagement in the Sharing Economy
by Jessica Santana & Paolo Parigi - 1-22 Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment across High-Income OECD Countries
by Israel Waichman & Ch’ng Kean Siang & Till Requate & Aric P. Shafran & Eva Camacho-Cuena & Yoshio Iida & Shosh Shahrabani - 1-26 Names for Games: Locating 2 × 2 Games
by Bryan Randolph Bruns - 1-39 Salience and Strategy Choice in 2 × 2 Games
by Jonathan W. Leland & Mark Schneider
December 2015, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-8 Psychology of Game Playing: Introduction to a Special Issue
by Andrew M. Colman & Briony D. Pulford
September 2015, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-15 Cooperate without Looking in a Non-Repeated Game
by Christian Hilbe & Moshe Hoffman & Martin A. Nowak - 1-19 Framing and Feedback in Social Dilemmas with Partners and Strangers
by Caleb A. Cox & Brock Stoddard - 1-20 Indirect Reciprocity with Optional Interactions and Private Information
by Jason Olejarz & Whan Ghang & Martin A. Nowak - 1-25 Evolution of Decisions in Population Games with Sequentially Searching Individuals
by Tadeas Priklopil & Krishnendu Chatterjee
November 2015, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-14 Commitment to Cooperation and Peer Punishment: Its Evolution
by Tatsuya Sasaki & Isamu Okada & Satoshi Uchida & Xiaojie Chen - 1-16 The Role of the Decision-Making Regime on Cooperation in a Workgroup Social Dilemma: An Examination of Cyberloafing
by Brice Corgnet & Roberto Hernán-González & Matthew W. McCarter - 1-33 The Role of Implicit Motives in Strategic Decision-Making: Computational Models of Motivated Learning and the Evolution of Motivated Agents
by Kathryn Merrick - 1-40 Evidential Equilibria: Heuristics and Biases in Static Games of Complete Information
by Ali Al-Nowaihi & Sanjit Dhami
September 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-13 Alleviation and Sanctions in Social Dilemma Games
by Michalis Drouvelis - 1-13 Representing Others in a Public Good Game
by Karen Evelyn Hauge & Ole Rogeberg - 1-21 Bargaining Mechanisms for One-Way Games
by Andrés Abeliuk & Gerardo Berbeglia & Pascal Van Hentenryck - 1-29 Strong Migration Limit for Games in Structured Populations: Applications to Dominance Hierarchy and Set Structure
by Dhaker Kroumi & Sabin Lessard
August 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-11 Unfazed by Both the Bull and Bear: Strategic Exploration in Dynamic Environments
by Peter S. Riefer & Bradley C. Love - 1-11 Competitive Centipede Games: Zero-End Payoffs and Payoff Inequality Deter Reciprocal Cooperation
by Eva M. Krockow & Briony D. Pulford & Andrew M. Colman - 1-19 Stable Sampling Equilibrium in Common Pool Resource Games
by Juan Camilo Cárdenas & César Mantilla & Rajiv Sethi - 1-26 Bargaining over Strategies of Non-Cooperative Games
by Giuseppe Attanasi & Aurora García-Gallego & Nikolaos Georgantzís & Aldo Montesano
June 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-16 What You Gotta Know to Play Good in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Ethan Akin
July 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-17 Fairness and Trust in Structured Populations
by Corina E. Tarnita - 1-20 The Evolvability of Cooperation under Local and Non-Local Mutations
by Alexander J. Stewart & Joshua B. Plotkin - 1-23 The Loser’s Bliss in Auctions with Price Externality
by Ernan Haruvy & Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc
May 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-22 On the Three-Person Game Baccara Banque
by Stewart N. Ethier & Jiyeon Lee - 1-45 Students, Temporary Workers and Co-Op Workers: An Experimental Investigation on Social Preferences
by Davide Dragone & Fabio Galeotti & Raimondello Orsini
June 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-11 How Moral Codes Evolve in a Trust Game
by Jean Paul Rabanal & Daniel Friedman - 1-14 A Tale of Two Bargaining Solutions
by Emin Karagözoğlu & Kerim Keskin - 1-26 Should Law Keep Pace with Society? Relative Update Rates Determine the Co-Evolution of Institutional Punishment and Citizen Contributions to Public Goods
by Daria Roithmayr & Alexander Isakov & David Rand
April 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-18 A Model of Protocoalition Bargaining with Breakdown Probability
by Maria Montero
March 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-7 From Bargaining Solutions to Claims Rules: A Proportional Approach
by José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez & António Osório & Josep E. Peris
January 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2014
by Games Editorial Office - 1-30 Selection-Mutation Dynamics of Signaling Games
by Josef Hofbauer & Simon M. Huttegger
October 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-13 A Note on the Core of TU-cooperative Games with Multiple Membership Externalities
by Heinrich H. Nax - 1-30 Condorcet Completion Methods that Inhibit Manipulation through Exploiting Knowledge of Electorate Preferences
by Richard F. Potthoff
November 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-23 Conditional Cooperation and the Marginal per Capita Return in Public Good Games
by Edward J. Cartwright & Denise Lovett
August 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-28 An Agent-Based Model of Institutional Life-Cycles
by Manuel Wäckerle & Bernhard Rengs & Wolfgang Radax
September 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-3 Special Issue: Aspects of Game Theory and Institutional Economics
by Wolfram Elsner & Torsten Heinrich & Henning Schwardt & Claudius Gräbner
July 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-20 Learning in Networks—An Experimental Study Using Stationary Concepts
by Siegfried K. Berninghaus & Thomas Neumann & Bodo Vogt
June 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-13 The Seawall Bargaining Game
by Rémy Delille & Jean-Christophe Pereau
May 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-11 Two-Dimensional Effort in Patent-Race Games and Rent-Seeking Contests: The Case of Telephony
by João Ricardo Faria & Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. & Steven B. Caudill & Samantha J. Wineke
April 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-5 Sequential Rationality in Continuous No-Limit Poker
by Thomas W. L. Norman - 1-19 Characterizing the Incentive Compatible and Pareto Optimal Efficiency Space for Two Players, k Items, Public Budget and Quasilinear Utilities
by Anat Lerner & Rica Gonen
February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Games in 2013
by Games Editorial Office - 1-27 Examining Monotonicity and Saliency Using Level- k Reasoning in a Voting Game
by Anna Bassi & Kenneth C. Williams - 1-37 Schelling, von Neumann, and the Event that Didn’t Occur
by Alexander J. Field
January 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
December 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-19 Feature-Based Choice and Similarity Perception in Normal-Form Games: An Experimental Study
by Sibilla Di Guida & Giovanna Devetag - 1-22 External Pressure on Alliances: What Does the Prisoners’ Dilemma Reveal?
by Jane M. Binner & Leslie R. Fletcher & Vassili Kolokoltsov & Francesco Ciardiello
November 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-16 Auctioning the Right to Play Ultimatum Games and the Impact on Equilibrium Selection
by Jason Shachat & J. Todd Swarthout - 1-20 The Optimality of Team Contracts
by Mehmet Barlo & Ayça Özdoğan - 1-21 The Incompatibility of Pareto Optimality and Dominant-Strategy Incentive Compatibility in Sufficiently-Anonymous Budget-Constrained Quasilinear Settings
by Rica Gonen & Anat Lerner - 1-22 An Adaptive Learning Model in Coordination Games
by Naoki Funai - 1-24 Strategic Voting in Heterogeneous Electorates: An Experimental Study
by Marcelo Tyszler & Arthur Schram - 1-27 A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Baccara Chemin de Fer
by Stewart N. Ethier & Carlos Gámez
October 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-16 Bimodal Bidding in Experimental All-Pay Auctions
by Christiane Ernst & Christian Thöni - 1-23 Population Games, Stable Games, and Passivity
by Michael J. Fox & Jeff S. Shamma - 1-24 Of Coordinators and Dictators: A Public Goods Experiment
by Jürgen Fleiß & Stefan Palan
August 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-11 An Evolutionary Theory of Suicide
by Balázs Szentes & Caroline D. Thomas - 1-11 Speech Is Silver, Silence Is Golden
by Ola Andersson & Hakan J. Holm - 1-20 Noncontractible Investments and Reference Points
by Oliver Hart - 1-23 An Experimental Analysis of Asymmetric Power in Conflict Bargaining
by Katri Sieberg & David Clark & Charles A. Holt & Timothy Nordstrom & William Reed - 1-24 Solution Concepts of Principal-Agent Models with Unawareness of Actions
by Ying-Ju Chen & Xiaojian Zhao - 1-28 Institutional Inertia and Institutional Change in an Expanding Normal-Form Game
by Torsten Heinrich & Henning Schwardt - 1-40 Contract and Game Theory: Basic Concepts for Settings with Finite Horizons
by Joel Watson
September 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-29 Multidimensional Screening with Complementary Activities: Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Cost and Unknown Preference for Empire Building
by Ana Pinto Borges & Didier Laussel & João Correia-da-Silva
June 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-10 Relative Concerns and Delays in Bargaining with Private Information
by Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 1-21 The Effects of Entry in Bilateral Oligopoly
by Alex Dickson - 1-25 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Adaptive Dynamics
by Åke Brännström & Jacob Johansson & Niels Von Festenberg
July 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-8 Repeated Play of Families of Games by Resource-Constrained Players
by Arina Nikandrova - 1-8 Reciprocity Effects in the Trust Game
by Alexander Smith - 1-20 The Renegotiation-Proofness Principle and Costly Renegotiation
by James R. Brennan & Joel Watson
April 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-19 Reciprocity in Locating Contributions: Experiments on the Neighborhood Public Good Game
by Siegfried Berninghaus & Werner Güth & Stephan Schosser - 1-19 The Dynamics of Costly Signaling
by Elliott O. Wagner
May 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-8 A Note on Cooperative Strategies in Gladiators’ Games
by Jérôme Ballet & Damien Bazin & Radu Vranceanu - 1-18 Dynamic Properties of Evolutionary Multi-player Games in Finite Populations
by Bin Wu & Arne Traulsen & Chaitanya S. Gokhale - 1-35 Fairness in Risky Environments: Theory and Evidence
by Silvester Van Koten & Andreas Ortmann & Vitezslav Babicky
June 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-40 Unraveling Results from Comparable Demand and Supply: An Experimental Investigation
by Muriel Niederle & Alvin E. Roth & M. Utku Ünver
March 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 Divorce Costs and Marital Dissolution in a One-to-One Matching Framework With Nontransferable Utilities
by Ismail Saglam - 1-19 Two Pricing Mechanisms in Sponsored Search Advertising
by Wei Yang & Youyi Feng & Baichun Xiao
February 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-16 Tacit Collusion under Fairness and Reciprocity
by Doruk İriş & Luís Santos-Pinto - 1-17 Group Size, Coordination, and the Effectiveness of Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism: An Experimental Investigation
by Bin Xu & C. Bram Cadsby & Liangcong Fan & Fei Song - 1-23 Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Biased Beliefs and Distributional Other-Regarding Preferences
by Ozan Aksoy & Jeroen Weesie
January 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-12 Nash Implementation in an Allocation Problem with Single-Dipped Preferences
by Ahmed Doghmi - 1-17 An Equilibrium Analysis of Knaster’s Fair Division Procedure
by Matt Van Essen - 1-20 Evolutionary Exploration of the Finitely Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma—The Effect of Out-of-Equilibrium Play
by Kristian Lindgren & Vilhelm Verendel
November 2012, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-7 Computer Solution to the Game of Pure Strategy
by Glenn C. Rhoads & Laurent Bartholdi
October 2012, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-12 Modeling Inequity Aversion in a Dictator Game with Production
by Ismael Rodriguez-Lara & Luis Moreno-Garrido
September 2012, Volume 3, Issue 3
May 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-22 Quantum Type Indeterminacy in Dynamic Decision-Making: Self-Control through Identity Management
by Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky & Jerome Busemeyer
April 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-19 What Behaviors are Disapproved? Experimental Evidence from Five Dictator Games
by Raúl López-Pérez & Marc Vorsatz
February 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-29 Responder Feelings in a Three-Player Three-Option Ultimatum Game: Affective Determinants of Rejection Behavior
by Hans-Rüdiger Pfister & Gisela Böhm
March 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Coordination, Differentiation and Fairness in a Population of Cooperating Agents
by Anne-Ly Do & Lars Rudolf & Thilo Gross - 1-15 Games with Synergistic Preferences
by Julian Jamison - 1-22 Patience or Fairness? Analyzing Social Preferences in Repeated Games
by John Duffy & Félix Muñoz-García
December 2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-2 Acknowledgment to Referees
by Games Editorial Office - 1-11 The Resolution Game: A Dual Selves Perspective
by Dimitri Migrow & Matthias Uhl
September 2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-22 Building Trust—One Gift at a Time
by Maroš Servátka & Steven Tucker & Radovan Vadovič
November 2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-18 Unraveling Public Good Games
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Maria Paz Espinosa
September 2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-10 Strictly Dominated Strategies in the Replicator-Mutator Dynamics
by Segismundo S. Izquierdo & Luis R. Izquierdo - 1-22 The Minority of Three-Game: An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis
by Thorsten Chmura & Werner Güth - 1-47 Spite and Reciprocity in Auctions
by Naoko Nishimura & Timothy N. Cason & Tatsuyoshi Saijo & Yoshikazu Ikeda
August 2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-25 Voluntary versus Enforced Team Effort
by Claudia Keser & Claude Montmarquette - 1-31 The Price of Anarchy for Network Formation in an Adversary Model
by Lasse Kliemann
July 2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-20 A Choice Prediction Competition for Social Preferences in Simple Extensive Form Games: An Introduction
by Eyal Ert & Ido Erev & Alvin E. Roth - 1-22 The Existence of Perfect Equilibrium in Discontinuous Games
by Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau
April 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-9 Market Entry Prediction Competition 2010
by Wasilios Hariskos & Johannes Leder & Kinneret Teodorescu - 1-26 Competing in Several Areas Simultaneously: The Case of Strategic Asset Markets
by Manfred Nermuth
January 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-15 Cycles of Conditional Cooperation in a Real-Time Voluntary Contribution Mechanism
by M. Vittoria Levati & Ro’i Zultan
February 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-5 Correlated Individual Differences and Choice Prediction
by Luke Lindsay - 1-22 Do I Really Want to Know? A Cognitive Dissonance-Based Explanation of Other-Regarding Behavior
by Astrid Matthey & Tobias Regner - 1-27 Nonspecific Networking
by Jacques Durieu & Hans Haller & Philippe Solal - 1-31 Intergroup Prisoner’s Dilemma with Intragroup Power Dynamics
by Ion Juvina & Christian Lebiere & Jolie M. Martin & Cleotilde Gonzalez - 1-35 Toward a Theory of Play: A Logical Perspective on Games and Interaction
by Johan Van Benthem & Eric Pacuit & Olivier Roy
March 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 Bounded Memory, Inertia, Sampling and Weighting Model for Market Entry Games
by Wei Chen & Shu-Yu Liu & Chih-Han Chen & Yi-Shan Lee - 1-24 A Scent of Lemon—Seller Meets Buyer with a Noisy Quality Observation
by Mark Voorneveld & Jörgen W. Weibull - 1-27 A Loser Can Be a Winner: Comparison of Two Instance-based Learning Models in a Market Entry Competition
by Cleotilde Gonzalez & Varun Dutt & Tomás Lejarraga
October 2010, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-7 Consistent Beliefs in Extensive Form Games
by Paulo Barelli - 1-14 The Role of Monotonicity in the Epistemic Analysis of Strategic Games
by Krzysztof R. Apt & Jonathan A. Zvesper - 1-16 The Insider-Outsider Model Reexamined
by Pascal Billand & Christophe Bravard & Sudipta Sarangi - 1-19 Inequality Aversion and Reciprocity in Moonlighting Games
by Dirk Engelmann & Martin Strobel - 1-20 Modelling Social Dynamics (of Obesity) and Thresholds
by Franz Wirl & Gustav Feichtinger - 1-21 Bayesian Social Learning with Local Interactions
by Antonio Guarino & Antonella Ianni
November 2010, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-24 Trust with Private and Common Property: Effects of Stronger Property Right Entitlements
by James C. Cox & Daniel T. Hall - 1-35 Coordination Games and Local Interactions: A Survey of the Game Theoretic Literature
by Simon Weidenholzer - 1-49 A Modal Logic of Epistemic Games
by Emiliano Lorini & François Schwarzentruber
September 2010, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-24 Coordination and Cooperation Problems in Network Good Production
by Antonie Knigge & Vincent Buskens
August 2010, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-24 Local Interaction on Random Graphs
by Siegfried Berninghaus & Hans Haller
July 2010, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-5 Erev, I. et al . A Choice Prediction Competition for Market Entry Games: An Introduction. Games 2010, 1 , 117-136
by Ido Erev & Eyal Ert & Alvin E. Roth - 1-16 A Characterization of Farsightedly Stable Networks
by Gilles Grandjean & Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 1-20 Coordination Games on Dynamical Networks
by Marco Tomassini & Enea Pestelacci - 1-21 Backward Induction versus Forward Induction Reasoning
by Andres Perea - 1-32 Shapley Polygons in 4 x 4 Games
by Martin Hahn
September 2010, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-13 Coalition Formation among Farsighted Agents
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings & Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 1-18 Universally Balanced Combinatorial Optimization Games
by Gabrielle Demange & Xiaotie Deng - 1-19 Partial Cooperative Equilibria: Existence and Characterization
by Sylvain Béal & Subhadip Chakrabarti & Amandine Ghintran & Philippe Solal - 1-21 Coevolution of Cooperation, Response to Adverse Social Ties and Network Structure
by Sven Van Segbroeck & Francisco C. Santos & Jorge M. Pacheco & Tom Lenaerts
May 2010, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-14 The ‘Hawk-Dove’ Game and the Speed of the Evolutionary Process in Small Heterogeneous Populations
by Bernhard Voelkl - 1-20 A Choice Prediction Competition for Market Entry Games: An Introduction
by Ido Erev & Eyal Ert & Alvin E. Roth
June 2010, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-9 Balanced Weights and Three-Sided Coalition Formation
by Emiliya Lazarova & Dinko Dimitrov - 1-22 Can Justice and Fairness Enlarge International Environmental Agreements?
by Christine Grüning & Wolfgang Peters
April 2010, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-14 Equity versus Efficiency? Evidence from Three-Person Generosity Experiments
by Werner Güth & Kerstin Pull & Manfred Stadler & Agnes Stribeck - 1-23 The Recursive Core for Non-Superadditive Games
by Chen-Ying Huang & Tomas Sjöström
March 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-13 (Un)Bounded Rationality in Decision Making and Game Theory – Back to Square One?
by Werner Güth & Hartmut Kliemt - 1-16 Punishment, Cooperation, and Cheater Detection in “Noisy” Social Exchange
by Gary Bornstein & Ori Weisel - 1-19 The Influence of Priming on Reference States
by Astrid Matthey
December 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-15 Pairwise Comparison Dynamics and Evolutionary Foundations for Nash Equilibrium
by William H. Sandholm
September 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Games: An Interdisciplinary Open Access Journal
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer