2018, Volume XXI, Issue 4
- 378-385 How Culture, Training Standard and Discipline on the Employee Performance Affect Hotel Management
by Mochamad Soelton - 386-399 Development of Risk Insurance Area for Russian High-Technology Enterprises
by O.N. Dmitriev & S.V. Novikov - 400-413 Transformation of Russian Tax System as Part of the Integration of the Economy into International High-Technology Production Field of Socio-economic Systems
by O.N. Dmitriev & S.V. Novikov - 414-425 Evaluating the Impact of Russian Excise Duty on Oil Products on the Development of Oil Refining and Oil Industry
by Vadim Ponkratov & Andrey Pozdnyaev & Nikolay Kuznetsov - 426-434 The Effect of Internal Auditor Competency on Internal Audit Quality and Its Implication on the Accountability of Local Government
by Nurdiono & Rindu Rika Gamayuni - 435-458 The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Investments on the Performance of Lebanese Banks
by R.M. Mahboub - 459-469 How to Enhance Society\'s Income through Entrepreneurship, Information and Legislation Policy
by Wier Ritonga - 470-479 Prospects for the Development of the Green Economy of Russian Federation
by A.L. Poltarykhin & A.E. Alekseev & V.V. Kudryavtsev & T.A. Makhanova & O.Yu. Voronkova & H.T. Aydinov - 480-492 Antecedents and Outcomes of Corporate Governance: Evidence from Indonesia
by I.Khajar & H. Hersugondo & U. Udin - 493-501 A Systematic Literature Review of Altruism: Challenges, Outcomes and Future Research Directions
by A. Yuniawan & U. Udin & A. Abdurrahman & R. Puji Suci - 502-511 Current State, Tendencies and Peculiarities of Development in Higher Education: The Case of Russia
by A.V. Voloshin & J.J. Suslova & E.A. Batrayeva & L.V. Baguzova & N.V. Ananeva - 512-523 Russian Banking in the Global Economic System: Historical Experience of Integration (1991-2017)
by Vitaly F. Ershov - 524-532 Prospects for Using Cryptocurrency in the Economy of Kazakhstan and the Attitude of the National Bank
by Tolendi Ashimbayev & Sarkyt Tashenova - 533-544 Dynamics, Peculiarities and Financial Factors for the Industrial Development of the South of Russia
by O.V. Berezhnaya & E.V. Berezhnaya & N.V. Solovyova & E.A. Karapetyan & V.I. Berezhnoy - 545-556 Development of the Land Market in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by A.S. Kulmaganbetova & K.K. Abuyov & N.Z. Akhmetova - 557-566 Aspects of Transactions by Business Entities in Civil Legislation
by L.B. Sitdikova & S.J. Starodumova & M.A. Volkova - 567-576 The Legislative Innovations in Educational Funding
by D.A. Smirnov & V.P. Pavlov & M.S. Trofimov - 577-587 Assessing the Potential of Small Business Development in the Northern Region of Russia Based on Correlation Analysis
by I.V. Takmasheva & D.V. Sannikov - 588-599 The Influence of Addiction to Gambling on the Civil Capacity of Citizens
by A.M. Zatsepin & M.N. Zatsepin & O.V. Filippova & R.M. Allalyev & A.A. Fatkullina - 600-610 Problems of Innovative Development of the Northern Territories of Russia
by A.B. Zelinskaya & L.L. Bogomolova & E.I. Kushnikov - 611-621 Economic and Environmental Activities of an Economic Entity in the Regional Economy
by M.M. Makhmudova & A.M. Koroleva & I.V. Denisova - 622-636 Credit Market and Economic Growth of Russia: Modeling Mutual Influence
by V.A. Byvshev & N.E. Brovkina - 637-647 The Impact of Sustainability Reports toward the Firm Value
by Hadri Mulya & Herbayu Prabowo - 648-661 Top Management Vision Through Role Models, Determination and Dicsiplines
by Dewi Nusraningrum - 662-687 Geographical Economics and Income Disparities Across Ecuadorian Regions: Analysis for the period 2007-2014
by Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez & Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira2 - 688-713 Managing NPEs Under Financial Crisis Conditions: A Synthetic Quick Approach
by Konstantinos J. Liapis - 714-725 Sustainable Development, Technological Singularity and Ethics
by Vyacheslav Mantatov & Vitaly Tutubalin - 726-734 Unconditional Demand based on Information Networks
by O.S. Kuljamina & V.P. Leonova & V.A. Vishnyakova - 735-743 Internet Piracy and Vulnerability of Digital Content
by V.A. Oganyan & M.V. Vinogradova & D.V. Volkov - 744-753 Reliability of Cryptographic Information on Fiscal Data
by D.V. Volkov & A.N. Maloletko - 754-762 Formation of Bounded Consumers' Rationality Based on Micro Segmentation
by D.V. Volkov & A.N. Maloletko & O.V. Kaurova - 763-772 Legislation Response to Use of Minors' Self-generated Sexual Content for their ICT-facilitated Sexual Coercion
by A. Atabekova & V. Filippov - 773-782 Legal Status of Artificial Intelligence Across Countries: Legislation on the Move
by A. Atabekov & O. Yastrebov - 783-793 Analysis of the Investment Activity Regulation in Priority Sectors of the Economy: A Case Study of China
by M.V. Melnichuk - 794-804 Interest Groups Incentives to Cooperate in the Production of Information in the Context of the EU Policy-Making
by A. Garcia-Lorenzo & J. Lopez-Rodriguez & J.M. Barreiro-Vinan - 805-817 Intergenerational Discourse on the Problems of Russian Education and Creation of Bilingual Environment
by O.A. Maximova & V.A. Belyaev & O.V. Laukart-Gorbacheva & I.V. Larionova - 818-830 Clustering as a Basis for an Innovative Development Strategy
by V.V. Kookueva & J.S. Tsertseil - 831-842 Devaluation in Kazakhstan: History, Causes, Consequences
by M. Zholamanova & M. Arzayeva R. Doszhan & A. Turlybekova A. Kukiev - 843-858 Women's Entrepreneurship in the Innovative Regions of Russia in the Mirror of Qualitative Sociological Research
by Svetlana Martynova & Polina Sazonova - 859-874 The Impact of Finance on the Level and the Quality of Life: The Case of Kazakhstan
by R.K. Serkebayeva & G.K. Kazbekov & R.K. Sabirova & R.S. Utaliyeva & L.B. Izbassarova - 875-886 Business Valuation and Equity Management When Entering the IPO Market
by A.B. Tastulekova & R.K. Satova & U.Zh. Shalbolova - 887-898 Transregional Coordination of Modernization Processes in Implementation of Import-substituting Policy in Russia
by V.Yu. Chernova & Z.G. Golodova & E.A. Degtereva & A.M. Zobov & V.S. Starostin
2018, Volume XXI, Issue 3
- 3-13 Determinants of the Level of Non-Performing Loans in Commercial Banks of Transition Countries
by Ibish Mazreku & Fisnik Morina & Valdrin Misiri & Jonathan V. Spiteri & Simon Grima - 14-42 Germany and Greece: A Mapping of their Great Divide, its EU Implications
by George C. Bitros - 43-52 SMEs' Alternative Financing: The Case of Latvia
by R. Rupeika-Apoga S. Saksonova - 53-62 Islamic Bank Credit Risk: Macroeconomic and Bank Specific Factors
by Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono & Kharisya Ayu Effendi - 63-76 Emerging Trends and Opportunities for Industry 4.0 Development in Russia
by S. Vasin & L. Gamidullaeva & E. Shkarupeta & I. Palatkin & T. Vasina - 77-89 Network Economy as a New Economic System
by Elena Ustyuzhanina & Sergey Evsukov & Irina Komarova - 89-99 Investment Development of Russian Regions Backed up by Natural Monopolies
by S.N. Silvestrov & N.V. Kuznetsov & V.V. Ponkratov & D.A. Smirnov & N.E. Kotova - 104-122 Social Outreach Model and Efficiency in Sharia Micro Finance Institution: Literature Review
by Purwanto & Ina Primiana & Dian Masyita & Erie Febrian - 123-131 Application of Proportionality Principles on Creditor and Debtor Interests in Banking Credit Agreement
by Galang Prayogo & Faisal Arif - 132-142 Corporate Governance and HRM Practice on Consumption Product Sector Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Prihatin Tiyanto Priagung Hutomo & Emiliana Sri Pudjiarti - 143-154 Social Mapping for a Popular Economic Improvement in an Industrial Area
by Iha Haryani - 165-178 Russian Industry in Global Value-Added Chains
by V.Yu. Chernova & Z.G. Golodova & E.A. Degtereva & A.M. Zobov & V.S. Starostin - 179-191 Tools for Estimating the Effectiveness of Import-Substituting Modernization: Case in the Agriculture of Russia
by V.Yu. Chernova & B.A. Kheyfets - 192-205 Adaptation of Market Strategies of TNCs in Russia
by B.A. Kheyfets & V.Yu. Chernova2 - 206-217 A Dynamic Model in the Labor Market: Reasons of Imbalances at the Transition Stage of the Economy
by L. Matraeva & E. Vasiutina & S. Erokhin & O. Kaurova - 218-229 The Role of Corporate Governance on the Effect of State Ownership on Audit Findings at State-Owned Enterprises
by A.C. Furqan & M.I. Abdullah & M. Iqbal & R. Masdar - 230-241 Technological Factors and Management Transformation in Social and Economic Systems
by Kh.Sh. Mullakhmetov - 242-253 Transformation of the Tax System During the Middle Ages: The Case of Russia
by A.Z. Nigamaev & A.R. Gapsalamov & E.M. Akhmetshin & A.V. Pavlyuk & N.A. Prodanova & D.V. Savchenkova - 254-265 Tourist's Re-visit Intention from Perspective of Value Perception, Destination Image and Satisfaction
by Dudi Permana - 266-279 Quality Certification and Customer Satisfaction
by A.H. Sutawijaya & I.L. Mochtar & L.C. Nawangsari - 280-292 The Effect of Competence, Training, and Compensation to Employment Performance
by Purwanto Katidjan & Suharno Pawirosumarto & Tyas Yuliani - 293-298 ASEAN Tourism Destination: A Strategic Plan
by Arissetyanto Nugroho & Janfry Sihite - 299-315 Brand Name and Customers' Intention
by Yuli Harwani & Budi Suharjo & Rita Nurmalina & Gendut Suprayitno - 316-326 The Influence of Fundamental Analysis on Stock Prices: The Case of Food and Beverage Industries
by Aty Herawati & Angger Setiadi Putra - 327-336 Managerial and Supervision Competence at Junior High School Level
by Farid Wajdi Ibrahim - 337-347 Economic Growth and Financial Intermediation in Southest Asia
by R. Parianom - 348-361 Factors Affecting the Consumers\' Willingness to Claim Product Replacement
by Agus Salim - 362-370 The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management
by Novianty Djafri - 371-377 Personality, Relation to Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
by Anik Herminingsih & Reza Kasuri - 378-390 The Role of Feedforward Control System in Improving SMEs\' Performance
by Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak - 391-403 Impersonal Trust and Perceived Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment
by M. Nurhayati & A. Thoyib & Noermijati & D.W. Irawanto - 404-416 Focusing on Complaints Handling for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Indonesian Public Banking
by A. Salim & M. Setiawan & R. Rofiaty & F. Rohman - 417-428 Audit Tenure and Quality to Audit Report Lag in Banking
by L.S. Wiyantoro & F. Usman - 429-445 Trends and Prospects for the Development of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in the Digital Economy
by M. Dorofeyev & M. Ksov & V. Ponkratov & A. Masterov & A. Karaev & M. Vasyunina - 446-462 Desirability of Technology Entrepreneurship among Bulgarian STEM Students: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education
by Desislava Yordanova & Jose António Filipe - 457-464 Measuring the Non-Tangible Legacy of Sport Events: The Case of the 2018 FIFA World Cup
by Tatiana Skryl & Elena Gureeva - 465-475 Culinary Trends in the Republic of Croatia as Part of Gastro Tourism Development
by Tatiana Skryl & Marina Gregoric & Valentina Dugi - 476-487 Enhancement of Accounting of the Agrο-Industrial Sector
by R. Livanova & E. Stepanenko & L. Postnikova & B. Lukyanov & J. Chutcheva - 488-495 Risk Management and Prospects for the Transition of Penitentiary System: The Case of Kazakhstan
by D. Lamasharipov - 496-505 Internet Marketing as a Diversity Management Tool in Education
by M.N. Pevzner & P.A.Petryakov & I.A. Donina & N.A. Shaydorova - 506-515 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China
by M.S. Reshetnikova - 516-529 Enhancing the Efficiency of Oil and Gas Complex as a Basis for Ensuring Energy Safety
by M.V. Chernyaev & T.F. Kreydenko - 530-538 Social Differentiation Under Complex Economic Conditions
by M.M. Makhmudova & A.M. Koroleva & I.V. Denisova - 539-551 An Investigation into the Advisability of Using Concessional Taxation to Galvanize Innovation-Driven Economic Development
by A.S. Dosmanbetova & K.A. Kenenova & A.A. Makenova - 552-566 Student Contests on Negotiation and Mediation: A Tool to Foster Specialists\' Social and Professional Interaction Skills
by A.A. Atabekova & K.P. Chilingaryan & I.I. Kruze & L. Lutskovskaya - 567-578 Intercompany Relations of Stakeholders of Investments and Projects
by N. Usmanova & N. Orlova & T. Shindina & G. Vlasova & N. Knyazeva - 579-590 Language of International Migration: Terminology and Concept Analysis
by N.N. Udina & V.V. Stepanova - 591-606 Small Innovative Business Development Experience
by A.A. Gudkova & G.G. Rodionova & T.I. Turko & V.F. Fedorkov - 607-621 Functions of the Bank of Indonesia as Lender ofLast Resort for Banks\' Safety
by Zulfi Diane Zaini - 623-635 Finding out Shared Expert Opinion on the Development of Inbound Medical Tourism: The Case of Russia
by O.A. Nikitina - 636-647 Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism: International Practices
by E.A. Blinova & M. Gregoric & E.A. Dedusenko & M.M. Romanova - 648-658 Enhancing a Mechanism of Transition to Sustainable Development: Environmental Justice and the Inherent Value of Nature
by K. Gunzenova & A. Nasibulina - 659-674 Language Management in Humanitarian Contexts: Unscheduled Migration
by A.A. Atabekova & N.M. Belenkova & N.Radic & T.V. Shoustikova - 675-689 Efficiency of Managerial Control Systems: The Optimal Model
by M. Chuvashlova & V. Nikolaev - 690-704 Science Education: Development of Environmental Thinking
by S.I. Gilmanshina & R.N. Sagitova & I.R. Gilmanshin - 705-716 Russia\'s North Regions as Frontier Territories: Demographic Indicators and Management Features
by V.P. Samarina & T.P. Skufina & A.V. Samarin - 717-726 Economic and Legal Assessment of Tax Evasion Countermeasures
by O.V. Kostina & E.N. Razdrokov & V.V. Korosteleva - 727-737 Prospects and Development of Tourism in Kazakhstan and the Impact of Incentive Tours on Efficiency
by S. Trusheva & B.U. Syzdykbaeva - 738-750 Investigation of Financial Mechanisms of Trade in Military Products in Collective Security Treaty Organization Countries
by A.M. Chernysheva & E.A. Degtereva & A.A. Trofimova - 751-759 Theoretical Basis of Import Substitution in the Agro-Industrial Complex
by I.L. Vorotnikov & M.V. Muravyova & K.A. Petrov
2018, Volume XXI, Issue 2
- 3-22 The Payment Services Directive II and Competitiveness: The Perspective of European Fintech Companies
by Inna Romanova & Simon Grima & Jonathan Spiteri & Marina Kudinska - 23-37 Family Enterprises and their Support through Subsidies
by Andrea Tomaskova & Karel Havliaek - 38-47 Testing for Stochastic Convergence: The Case of the Cohesion Countries
by X. Chapsa & A.L. Athanasenas & N. Tabakis - 48-61 The Impact of Sharia Compliance on the Adjustment to Target Debt Maturity of Malaysian Firms
by H.I. Hussain & M.F. Shamsudin & N.A.M. Anwar & M.A. Salem & N.H. Jabarullah - 62-76 Top Management Characteristics and Company Performance: An Empirical Analysis on Public Companies Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
by Lailah Fujianti - 77-82 Alternative Dispute Settlement Regarding Investment in Some Asia Pacific Countries
by Ade Saptomo & Edy Lisdiyono - 83-94 Education Financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems of Ensuring Efficiency and Effectiveness
by A.A. Aryn & P.B. Issakhova - 95-109 Consumer Behavior in the Context of Global Economic Transformations
by Y.Yu. Deputatova & Y.I. Pshenitsyna & S.B. Ilyashenko & V.A. Baskakov & A.O. Zvereva - 110-133 A Study of the Determinants of Sports Participation by Maltese Nationals
by Simon Grima & Alan Grima & Eleftherios Thalassinos & Sharon Seychell & Jonathan V. Spiteri - 134-146 6Forecasting Production Performance
by D.T. Akhmetova & G.B. Utibayeva & B.S. Utibayev & R.M. Zhunusova & A. Baidakov & B.I. Tukenova - 147-164 The Impact of IFRS Adoption on Earnings Management in Russia
by T.N. Malofeeva - 165-177 Measuring the Openness of Land Investment Policy Related to Housing or Residential Ownership by Foreigners in Indonesia
by Amad Sudiro - 178-188 Restriction and Incentives of Investment in Indonesia: Considering the Provisions of Basic Agrarian Law and Capital Market Law
by Nyoman Putu Budiartha - 189-199 Abuse of Circumstances as a Reason for the Cancellation of Financing Agreements
by Rudyanti Dorotea Tobing - 200-213 State Programs for Sustainable Rural Development
by O.B. Dordzhieva & B.V. Dordzhieva & S.O. Siptits - 214-224 Status and Contemporary Development of Employee Inventions Ownership in G-20 Countries
by K. Roisah & Y.J. Utama & R. Saraswati & Y. Whidari - 225-235 Impact Evaluation of Community Empowerment Programs with the Farmer Managed Extension Model
by A. Rahmat & A. Izudin - 236-243 The Direct and Indirect Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Job Satisfaction Against Employees’ Performance
by Bambang Bernanthos - 244-255 Intensive Investment Activity for the Development of Recreational Areas
by Z. Altaibayeva & G. Nurmukhanova & R. Alimkhanova - 256-264 Analyzing the Degree of Social-Economic Transformation of Displaced Community Using Probit Model: A Case Analysis
by N. Mangun & C. Anwar & M. Moelyono & E. Jokolelono - 265-281 Production Planning with Parameters on the Basis of Dynamic Predictive Models: Interconnection and the Inertness of their Interaction
by Leonid Mylnikov & Rustam Fayzrakhmanov - 282-288 Health Care Financing System in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by G.Zh. Doskeyeva & A.E. Rakhimbekova & M.K. Zhamkeyeva & I.D. Saudambekova & R.Zh. Bekova - 289-306 Comparative Analysis of Marketing Techniques in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine
by A. Duisebayeva - 307-317 Innovative Financing for Enterprises
by G.T. Kaliyeva & S.S. Arystanbaeva & N.N. Zhanakova & A.Z. Kapenova & A.T. Djumabekova & A.G. Orazbaeva - 318-338 Trends and Developments in Housing: The Case of the Republic of Kazakhstan
by Z.Z. Kenzhegaliyeva & U.Zh. Shalbolova & D.N. Silka - 339-350 Financial Statements of a Company as an Information Base for Decision-Making in a Transforming Economy
by E.A. Osadchy & E.M. Akhmetshin & E.F. Amirova & T.N. Bochkareva & Yu.Yu. Gazizyanova & A.V. Yumashev - 351-361 Index Insurance as a Tool to Improve the Russian System of Insuring Risks of Agricultural Organizations with State Support
by K.A. Naminova & N.T. Pavlova & M.P. Sarunova & D.V. Idzhilova - 362-377 Monitoring and Forecasting the Development of Local Food Systems: A Case Study
by N.I. Pyzhikova & D.V. Parshukov & E.Yu. Vlasova & E.V. Pyhanova - 378-400 Problems and Main Mechanisms to Increase Investment Attractiveness of Agricultural Production
by Alexander Semin & Alikhan Kibirov & Usman Rassukhanov - 401-410 Crowdfunding in Russia: An Empirical Study
by Dmitrii Ilenkov & Valeriya Kapustina - 411-425 Identifying the Factors that Contribute to Sustainable Development of the National Economy
by N.M. Abdikeev & Yu.S. Bogachev & M.V. Melnichuk - 426-440 Poverty's Characteristics and its Reduction Strategies: A Case Study
by T. Tahir & M. Hasan - 441-452 Euro and Corporate Management in Czech Republic
by Roman MentlÃk & MojmÃr HelÃsek - 453-462 Barriers to the Internationalization of Czech SMEs
by Miroslav Pavlák - 463-475 Financial Management Information System: An Empirical Evidence
by H.N. Hartikayanti & F.L. Bramanti & A. Gunardi - 476-488 Investment Instruments to Stimulate Depressed Regions’ Development
by Yu.P. Maidanevych & T.S. Romanishina & L.E. Rysakova & N.G. Bondarenko & O.V. Mihailuk - 489-498 Innovative Quality Improvements in Hotel Services
by E.Y. Nikolskaya & N.I. Kovaleva & M.E. Uspenskaya & N.I. Makshakova & E.N. Lysoivanenko & K.A. Lebedev - 499-513 Foreign Relations and Inter-Civilizational Interaction from a Social-Political Perspective: The Case of Russia, Iran and Egypt
by M. Kameneva & G. Lukyanova & D. Tavberidze - 514-526 The Principles of International Trade Contract as Reference of Indonesian Contract Law
by Mona Minarosa - 527-540 Improving the Efficiency of University Management: Teacher’s Performance Monitoring as a Tool to Promote the Quality of Education
by M.G. Leontev & N.G. Bondarenko & T.A. Shebzuhova & S.S. Butko & L.I. Egorova - 541-550 Situational Analysis of Socio-Cultural Interaction of States Under Conditions of Globalization
by N.I. Anufrieva & A.V. Kamenets & I.S. Kazakova & E.A. Morozova & N.S. Yushchenko - 551-563 Opportunities for Assessing the Implementation of the Strategies for the Development of Russia's Macroregions
by O.V. Berezhnaya & E.V. Berezhnaya & K.S. Chikaeva & M.A. Polivina & V.I. Berezhnoy - 564-574 The Impact of Accounting Standards Utilisation on Internal Credit Rating
by Gabriela Dlasková & Petr Budinský - 575-585 Loan Product Policy and Rentability Based on Interest Rates in Czech Republic
by Eva Cipovová & Petra JÃlková - 586-600 Integration in Higher Education Institutions in the Global Educational System
by L.A. Krokhmal & N.L. Simutina - 601-610 Minimum Living Wage as a Basic Aspect for Managing the Population`s Life Quality in Russia
by E. Nakhratova & I. Ilina & O. Urzha & E. Kryukova & E. Potekhina - 611-622 Cooperatives and Economic Growth in Indonesia
by Muhammad Halilintar - 623-629 Managerial Competencies in Agriculture
by Mohamad Ikbal Bahua - 630-649 Market Anomalies and Effect on Returns
by N.N. Sawitri & P. Astuty - 650-664 Determining the Efficiency and the Level of Innovative Development in Agriculture: The Case of Kazakhstan
by D. Rustemov* & M. Abikayeva & G. Rakhimova & A. Omarkozhayeva & A. Temirova - 665-677 Pricing Mechanism of Banking Products
by A. Mussina & S. Albekova & J. Shakirova - 678-690 Influence of Logistics Efficiency on Economic Growth of the CIS Countries
by K. Sharipbekova & Z. Raimbekov - 691-704 The Mechanism for Building a Corporate Management Model
by J.S. Tsertseil & A.N. Savrukov - 705-713 Optimisation of Capital Structure and Firm Value
by L. Uzliawati & A. Yuliana & Y. Januarsi & M.I. Santoso - 714-727 Capital Market Products and Investor Protection
by Hamzah & Aripin Ahmad - 728-740 Internal Control System in Enterprise Management: Analysis and Interaction Matrices
by Elvir Munirovich Akhmetshin & Vladimir Lvovich Vasilev & Denis Sergeevich Mironov & Elena Ivanovna Zatsarinnaya & Marina Viktorovna Romanova & Alexei Valerievich Yumashev - 741-752 Foresight Technologies in the Formation of a Sustainable Regional Development Strategy
by Artjom Rafaelevich Nagimov & Elvir Munirovich Akhmetshin & Valeriy Pavlovich Slanov & Raisa Nikolaevna Shpakova & Mikhail Prokopievich Solomonov & Dmitry Pavlovich Il'yaschenko - 753-771 Increasing Interstate Integration in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the EAEU Countries
by Anatoly Altukhov & Alexander Semin - 772-789 Improvement of Tools for Government Regulation of Tourist Activity Based on Analysis of Simplicial Complexes
by Olga Almukhamedova & Marianna Yakimenko & Sergey Goryainov
2018, Volume XXI, Issue 1
- 5-17 Competitiveness Enhancement of International Financial Centres
by Irina Solovjova & Ramona Rupeika-Apoga & Inna Romanova - 18-30 Diagnostics of Projects
by Maxim A. Maron - 31-42 Employees' Performance in Islamic Banking
by Bambang Bernanthos - 43-51 Export Patterns of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
by Pavla Breckova - 56-64 Role of Culture and Law Enforcement in Determining the Level of IFRS Adoption
by Supriadi Laupe - 65-81 The Economic Impact of Relationship Bonding Tactics: A Research Agenda
by Rizal Edy Halim - 82-89 Diversity Management Globalization in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Pharmaceutical Industry
by Emil Velinov - 90-103 Influence Factors toward Financial Satisfaction with Financial Behavior as Intervening Variable on Jakarta Area Workforce
by Agus Zainul Arifin - 104-114 Negotiation in SMEs' Environment Analysis with Game Theory Tools
by Radim Valenaik & Jan Aervenka - 115-124 The Factors Affecting Board Stock Price of Lq45 Stock Exchange 2012-2016: Case of Indonesia
by Rudi Bratamanggala - 125-132 Risk Audit of Marketing Communication
by Vaclav Kupec - 133-143 Developing the Reputation of Distribution Network to Increase the Buying Interest of Electronic Payment: An Empirical Study
by Endi Isnarno & Harry Soesanto & Andriyansah - 144-152 VAT Rates and their Impact on Business and Tax Revenue
by Petr Mach - 153-164 Financialized Commodities and Stock Indices Volatilities
by Rangga Handika & Sania Ashraf - 165-175 Management Performance in Islamic Senior High School Education: An Empirical Study
by Siti Patimah - 176-186 Debt Maturity and Shari'ah Compliance: Evidence from Malaysian Panel Data
by Hafezali Iqbal Hussain & Mohd Farid Shamsudin & Shahrullizuannizam Salehuddin & Noor H. Jabarullah - 187-205 Misinvoicing Analysis in ASEAN-China Free Trade Aggrement (ACFTA)
by Mahjus Ekananda - 206-220 Stabilization Factors of Family Enterprises in the Context of Macroeconomic Performance
by David Mares & Nadazda Petra - 221-229 The Goals of Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation: State Intervention into the Economy as a Factor of Industrialization
by Pavel V. Butakov - 230-249 Green CSR and Brand Attitude: The Role of Stereotype Content Model
by Tengku Ezni Balqiah - 250-271 Investigating the Catching-Up Hypothesis Using Panel Unit Root Tests: Evidence from the PIIGS
by Xanthippi Chapsa & Nikolaos Tabakis & Athanasios L. Athanasenas - 272-284 The Effect of Service Quality and Marketing Mix Strategy towards Local Sustainable Economic Growth
by Srinita - 285-294 Conditionally University Student Readiness of the Person to Self-Development by Means of Physical Education
by Valery D. Panachev & Leonid A. Zelenin & Anatoly A. Opletin & Aleksandr N. Legotkin & Rafily F. Kusykova & Svetlana V. Annenkova & Nikolai L. Ponomarev & Sergey L. Panchenko - 295-308 The Components of Managerial Alacrity of Government Executives
by Yury V. Sinyagin - 309-320 Agricultural Production and its Implications on Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
by Darwati Susilastuti - 321-330 Banking Responsibility to Customers
by Faisal Santiago - 331-339 Do Efficiency of Taxes, Profitability and Size of Companies affect Debt? A Study of Companies Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
by Waluyo - 340-351 The Innovative Technologies of Education in the Higher Economic Education of Ukraine
by Rostyslav V. Kostenko & Oleg V. Zakharchenko & Iryna A. Topalova & Natalia V. Zakharchenko & Olesya Balakhonova - 352-361 Motivation of Personnel in an Innovative Business Climate
by Elvir Akhmetshin & Ivan Morozov & Albert Pavlyuk & Alexei Yumashev & Nataliya Yumasheva & Sergey Gubarkov - 362-373 The Optimum Level of Tax Compliance Based on Power of Authority and Trust in an Antagonistic Climate
by Wiwiek Prihandini - 374-382 Specificity of Theoretical Approaches to the Definition of Professional Subjectivity
by Anna Sejtkanova & Nadezhda Maslennikova & Alexander Gryaznukhin & Mikhail Leontev & Rasul Mamadaliev - 383-392 Effectiveness of the Housing Policy: A Comparative Analysis
by Valerii O. Omelchuk - 393-401 Improving Tourism Quality by Islamic Finance
by Surya Bintarti & Mohammad Hatta Fahamsyah - 402-416 Social Media Marketing Toward Perceptual Consciousness and its Impact on Online Purchasing Intention
by Sri Vandayuli Riorini - 417-433 The Basic Concept of the Resource-Potential Approach in Social Security in Russia and International Experience
by Zinaida Petrovna Zamaraeva & Konstantin Anatolievich Antipyev & Stanislav Ivanovich Reutov & Galina Aleksandrovna Telegina & Valeria Andreevna Ledentsova & Ksenia Andreevna Voronova - 434-446 Methods and Tools of Scenario Planning in Areas of Natural Resources Management
by Alexey Evgenievich Cherepovitsyn & Alina Alexandrovna Ilinova - 447-458 Innovational Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Energy Sector
by Katrina Benikovna Dobrova & Nadezhda Grigorevna Danilochkina & Natalia Vladimirovna Cherner & Victor Petrovich Dobrov & Peter Petrovich Dobrov & Ekaterina Nikolaevna Sepiashvili