2017, Volume XX, Issue 3B
- 34-44 Specific Features of Secularization in the Modern Western Culture
by Oksana Alexandrovna Bogdanova & Irina Vladimirovna Lipchanskayal & Tatiana Valerievna Plotnikoval & Lyudmila Lievovna Shtofer - 45-60 Tendencies of Standardisation of Management Accounting in Russian and International Practices
by Nikolay Tikhonovich Labyntsev & Elena Aleksandrovna Sharovatova & Irina Aleksandrovna Omelchenko & Tatyana Valeryevna Makarenko - 61-66 Some Qualification Issues about Illegal Influence on the Result of Official Competition or Visual Commercial Tender
by Alexandr Sergeevich Ganus & I.A. Podroykina & Sergey Ivanovich Ulezko & Elena Vladimirovna Seregina - 67-75 The Mechanism to Eliminate the Accumulated Damage to the System of Socio-Economic Development of the Region
by Irina Anatolyevna Zhukova & Roman Viktorovich Shekhovtsov & Marina Anatolievna Ponomareva & Sergey Gavrilovich Tyaglov - 76-83 Adaptation of Balance Theories to the Assessment of Sustainable Economic Development of Business Units
by A.I. Belousov & E.A. Shelukhina & N.A. Rumachik & A.N. Shchemelev - 84-91 Process Approach to Modeling of National and Global Securities Market Operation
by M.A. Surzhikov & A.A. Sycheva - 92-102 Estimation of Threats of the Rostov Region Economy Caused by the Collapse in the Azov-Don Water Basin
by V.B. Ukraintsev & O.B. Chernenko & K.N. Mishchenko & T.V. Epifanova - 103-115 Realization of Potential of Enterprise Structure Development as the Criterion of Ensuring the Object-differentiated Approach to Rendering the State Support: The Russian Federation
by E.K. Karpunina & I.N. Yakunina & E.M. Konovalova & E.A. Titova - 116-129 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Management Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: a User Satisfaction Approach
by G.N. Khubaev & I.Yu. Shpolianskaya & A.I. Dolzhenko & S.M. Scherbakov & E.N. Efimov - 130-137 Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Associated Forms of Agricultural Business
by S.V. Klimchuk & Yu.S. Nekhaychuk & D.V. Nekhaychuk & E.V. Nekhaychuk - 138-147 Improving the Bank Reliability Evaluation Framework
by E.A. Posnaya & I.G. Vorobyova & S.V. Tarasenko - 148-162 State Investment Policy and Priorities of Macroeconomic Structure of Regional Economy Transformation
by R.V. Shekhovtsov & S.N. Shchemlev - 163-171 Analytical Monitoring of Entity's Cash Flows as a Guarantee of Financial Security of the Region
by K.S. Surnina & A.A. Andrutskaya & E.I. Drobyshevskaya & A.A. Yanovskaya - 172-182 Formation Tools of Low-Carbon Trajectory of Innovative Development of Russia
by E.A. Yakovleva & A.Y. Nebesnaya & N.A. Azarova & E.V. Titova - 183-192 Aspect-Oriented, Key-Index Based Regional Business Entities' Evaluation Framework
by T.L. Bezrukova & Yu.N. Stepanova & I.I. Shanin & Yu.V. Busarina & S.Yu. Nesterov - 193-212 Competitive Advantages of Financial Transactions on the Basis of the Blockchain Technology in Digital Economy
by N.G. Vovchenko & A.V. Andreeva & A.S. Orobinskiy & Y.M. Filippov - 213-229 A Tool of Qualification Coadaptation Â
by M.M. Skorev & L.Yu. Andreeva & V.I. Kirishieva & A.V. Gigunova - 230-238 Economic Sovereignty of the Russian Federation under the Current Conditions
by E.Yu. Dogadaylo & O.I. Chepunov & S.I. Nosov & O.V. Shmaliy - 239-249 Corporate Culture as a Tool of Adaptation of TNC to the Russian Economic Conditions
by I.M. Podmolodina & V.P. Voronin - 250-259 Business Analysis as an Important Component of Ensuring Enterprise's Economic Security
by Y.G. Chernysheva & G.I. Shepelenko & I.V. Gashenko & I.V. Orobinskaya - 260-268 Methodology of Structural Stability Management for Industrial Enterprises
by A.N. Kuz'minov & V.M.Dzhukha & O.A. Ternovsky - 269-279 Development of the International Monetary System Conditions of Globalization
by I.N. Efremenko & L. Haabazoka & V.A. Larionov - 280-299 Tools of Financial Management of Reputational Risks
by T.O. Grafova & M.M. Skorev & L.Yu. Andreeva & I.R. Kirischeeva - 300-319 Balanced Budget System: Organizational and Financial Tools
by Е.О. Mirgorodskaya & L.Yu. Andreeva & I.V. Sugarova & R.A. Sichev - 320-325 Role of Staff Marketing in Increasing Business Performance
by V.A. Bondarenko & N.V. Demyanchenko & O.V. Ivanchenko & O.N. Mirgorodskaya - 326-332 Development of Digital (Engineering) Entity's Capital Management Frameworks
by Victor Ivanovich Tkach & Sergey Nikolaevich Shchemelev - 333-341 Strategic Reporting Methodology and its Reliability Audit
by I.V. Alekseeva & E.M. Evstafyeva & Yu.A. Kruchanova & G.E. Krokhicheva - 342-354 Axiological World Picture of the Virtual Language Personality in Blog-Discourse Space
by Tatyana V. Evsyukova & Susanna R. Agababyan & Evgeniya V. Kotelnikova & Tatyana M. Germasheva - 355-368 Assessing Level of Interaction between Subjects of Innovative Systems within Russian Regions
by N.G. Kuznetsov & N.D. Rodionova & M.A. Ponomareva & S.G. Tyaglov - 369-378 The Formation of Authorized Capital in Economic Organizations
by Tatyana A. Skvortsova & Yuriy A. Kolesnikov & Tatyana A. Mosienko & Nikolay G. Romanenko - 379-387 Comparative Analysis of Mediation Procedures and the Judicial Settlement of Conflicts
by Vasily Ivanovich Vlasov & Galina Borisovna Vlasova & Svetlana Vasilyevna Denisenko & Veronica Vyacheslavovna Kolesnick - 388-394 The Tools of Monitoring and Analyzing the Region Forest Sector Management Framework
by I.S. Zinovyeva & I.V. Sibiryatkina & V.G. Shirobokov & A.A. Shtondin & E.V. Chugunova - 395-402 Innovation Activity of Russian Business Entities and its Determinants
by I.A. Kuznetsov & V.B. Malitskaya & V.E. Sukhova & A.V. Ivanova & I.Yu. Proskurina - 403-411 Deformation Factors of the Entrepreneurship Development in the Industry Segments of the Economy of the Russian Federation
by S.S. Morkovina & Y.M. Sokolinskaya & N.M. Bukhtoyarov & N.M. Safonova - 412-431 Systemic Crisis of the World Economy or the End of the "Bourgeois Mode of Production"
by V.Yu. Sutyagin & Ya.Yu. Radyakova & E.A. Kolesnichenko & M.V. Bespalov & N.N. Pakhomov - 432-442 Leading Governments' Legal Initiatives of Innovational Development in the Sphere of Commercialization of Intellectual Products
by T.V. Shatkovskaya & A.A. Solonchenko & Ya.A. Emirsultanov & Yu.A. Naumenko - 443-452 Pension System as a Demographic Recession Factor
by Andrei V. Vlasov - 453-459 Causes of Tax Risks and Ways to Reduce Them
by D.A. Artemenko & L.A.Aguzarova & F.S.Aguzarova & E.V. Porollo - 461-468 Strategic Directions of the Country's Ensuring Financial Security
by O.B. Ivanova & T.F. Romanova & E.D. Kostoglodova & D.G. Romanov - 469-479 Ecotourism as a Tool for Sustainable Development
by O.S. Lisova & N.N. Kharchenko & D.Y. Kapitonov - 480-489 The Role and Place of the Crisis Traps in the Development of the Small Business of the Forest Sector in the Russian Economy
by E.A. Panyavina & M.B. Chirkova & S.G. Cheglakova & V.V. Pankov - 490-499 Influence of Social and Economic Development of the Region on the Functioning of the Regional Banking System
by G.A. Batischeva & M.Y. Denisov & I.V. Rybchinskaya & M.B. Stryukov - 501-511 Leading Governments’ Legal Initiatives of Innovational Development in the Sphere of Commercialization of Intellectual Products
by T.V. Shatkovskaya & A.A. Solonchenko & Ya.A. Emirsultanov & Yu.A. Naumenko - 512-527 Multi-Vector Accounting Concept in Modern Management
by E.N. Makarenko & I.A. Kislaya & O.V. Chukhrova & T.V. Makarenko - 524-529 Types of Financial and Credit Products: Concept, Subject, and Place on Russian and Global Financial Market
by N.P. Gubin & S.A. Litvinova & V.A. Arsenyeva - 530-538 Cluster Development of Innovational Entrepreneurship: New Possibilities and Priorities in the Conditions of the Innovational Economy Creation
by Aleksey V. Bogoviz & Elena V. Ioda & Yulia V. Ioda & Valentina B. Kuranova & V.V. Bobrova - 539-547 Development of Modern Entrepreneurship: Competition and Cooperation
by E.V. Bogomolova & L.Y. Selezneva & I.V. Izmalkova & E.V. Popova & M.A. Troyanskaya - 548-555 Evaluation of Economic Effectiveness of the State Purchases System: Criteria and Priorities
by Aleksey V. Bogoviz & Yulia V. Ragulina & Vadim I. Erusalimsky & Yulia G. Tyurina & Elena V. Popova - 556-569 Innovational Methods of Development of Intellectual Labor for Economy's Security
by Nadezhda A. Serebryakova & Tatiana I. Ovchinnikova & Irina N. Bulgakova & Svetlana V. Sviridova & Tatiana O. Tolstykh - 570-577 Modernization of the Approach to Usage of Region's Budget Resources in the Conditions of Information Economy Development
by Aleksey V. Bogoviz & Yulia V. Ragulina & Anna V. Komarova & Aleksey V. Bolotin & Svetlana V. Lobova - 578-587 New Possibilities and Tools for Corporate Strategic Management for Supporting its High Competitiveness and Economic Effectiveness
by Olga A. Tkacheva & Lyudmila A. Tsurak & Irina A. Getmanova & Anatoly V. Chistyakov & Sergey V. Zakharov - 588-606 The Institutional Factors of Strategic Development and the Tactical Regulation of Nanotechology
by Daniil P. Frolov & Agnessa O. Inshakova & Marina L. Davydova - 607-614 Analysis of Volume, Structure and Dynamics of Russian Foreign Trade Under Conditions of Globalization
by Polyakova I.A. & Goncharova L.V. & Cheremina V.B. & Fedotova E.A.
2017, Volume XX, Issue 2A
- 3-15 The Moderating Effect of Industry Environments on the Relationship between IT Asset Portfolios, Efficiency and Innovation in the ERP Context
by Wahyu Agus Winarno & Bambang Tjahjadi - 16-47 Selected Behavioural Factors in Client-Initiated Auditor Changes: The Client-Auditor Perspectives
by Peter J Baldacchino & Rosalene Caruana & Simon Grima & Frank H. Bezzina - 48-64 Behavioral Intention to Use E-Tax Service System: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model
by Jullie Jeanette Sondakh - 65-89 The Mechanism of CSR Beliefs Dissemination: From Idea to Institution or Vice Versa
by Iuliia Platonova & Maksim Tcvetkov & Olga Chkalova & Marina Efremova - 90-108 Assessing the Determinants of Interest Rate Spread of Commercial Banks in Oman: An Empirical Investigation
by Faris Nasif Al Shubiri & Syed Ahsan Jamil - 109-127 A First Approach to a Public Financial Information System for Social Benefits
by Noemi Pena-Miguel & Javier Corral-Lage & J. Inaki De La Pena Esteban & University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) - 128-139 The Capital Structure: Is Debt just a Policy or Requerement?
by Winston Pontoh - 140-149 Correlation of Logistics and Marketing Functions in Modern Russia
by Guzelbaeva Gulshat Talgatovna & Novikov Dmitry Sergeevich & Astafieva Liliya Kabirovna - 150-163 The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Family Business’s Resources and Capabilities on Ìarketing Performances
by Wittaya Charupongsopon & Wilert Puriwat - 164-176 Organic Food Attributes Determing Consumer Choices
by Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezinska & Mlgorzata Grzywinska-Rapca & Ireneusz Zuchowski & Piotr Borawski - 177-196 The Importance of Intangible Assets in the Strategic Management of the Firm: An Empirical Application for Banco Santander
by Eva Maria Lado Gonzalez & Domingo Calvo Dopico - 197-223 Consequences of Going Concern Opinion for Financial Reports of Business Firms and Capital Markets with Auditor Reputation as a Moderation Variable - An Experimental Study
by Dody Hapsoro & Tulus Suryanto - 224-236 A Decade of EU Membership: Evolution of Competitiveness in Romania
by Constantin Zaman & Bogdan Meunier - 237-249 The Impact of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Accountants’ Performance: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Quotient
by Amilin Amilin - 250-263 What Skills Do Nascent Entrepreneurs Need? The Evidence from Thailand
by Suchart Tripopsakul & Wittaya Charupongsopon - 264-280 Rural Urban Linkages, Fair Trade and Poverty in Rural Urban Fringe
by Nurlina T. Muhyiddin & Neneng Miskiyah - 281-307 Reconfiguration of Financial System Elements to Restore Economic Growth: The System Simplicity and Transformation towards State-Based and Corporate-Based Types
by Sergey Vladimirovitch Anureev - 308-318 Liquidity Risk: Comparison between Islamic and Conventional Banking
by Kharisya Ayu Effendi & Disman Disman - 319-337 Motivation as Factor of Improving Efficiency of Trade Company Operations
by Nina Vladimirovna Kuznetsova & Oksana Nikolaevna Sinitsina & Vasilya Minsalihovna Gafurova & Maria Vladimirovna Pavluhina & Tatyana Vladimirovna Salyaeva & Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Puzankova - 338-345 Theoretical Approaches towards Global Social Development
by Margarita I. Zabelina & Valeriy V. Nikishkin & Nina T. Arefyeva & Svetlana V. Mudrova & Larisa G. Cherednichenko - 346-354 Special Economic Zone as a Local Area of Public-Private Parthership Implementation
by E.R. Akhmetshina & G.T. Guzelbaeva & D.K. Rakhmatullina - 355-379 Dynamic Model of Optimal Production Control in a Hysteretic Behaviour of Economic Agents
by Alexander Mikhailovich Batkovskiy & Viktor Antonovich Nesterov & Olga Olegovna Reshetova & Elena Georgievna Semenova & Alena Vladimirovna Fomina - 380-407 Current State and Prospects for Development of Internet Advertising in Kazakhstan
by Maira Turysbekovna Davletova & Nazym Satbekovna Dulatbekova & Galim Gabdulsanovich Sadykov - 408-421 Formation of Human Resource Management System in Organizations
by Vladimir Yuryevich Morozov & Yulia Vladimirovna Murashova & Tatyana Nikolaevna Lustina & Aleksandra Georgiyevna Panova & Veronika Andreevna Danilova - 422-430 Tendencies and Prospects of Public-Private Partnership Development in the Field of Physical Culture and Sport
by E.R. Akhmetshina & O.A. Ignatjeva & I.M. Ablaev - 431-442 The Main Approaches to the Cluster Development in the Russian Economy
by I.M. Ablaev - 443-460 Financial Performance towards Value of Firms in Basic and Chemicals Industry
by P. Purwanto & Jillian Agustin - 461-474 The Pattern Analysis of Family Business Succession: A Study on Medium Scale Family Business in Indonesia
by Christina Whidya Utami & Denny Bernardus & Gek Sintha - 475-495 Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavior, Entrepreneurship Education and Self-efficacy toward Entrepreneurial Intention University Student in Indonesia
by Christina Whidya Utami - 496-506 The Role of Feedback and Feed Forward Control System to Improve Competitive Advantage of SMEs in Indonesia
by Meutia Tubagus Ismail & Ahmad Bukhori - 507-520 Comparative Analysis of the Best Practices in the Economic Policy of Import Substitution
by Alexander M. Zobov & Ekaterina A. Degtereva & Veronica Yu. Chernova & Vasily S. Starostin - 521-537 A Study of Revisit Intention: Experiential Quality and Image of Muara Beting Tourism Site in Bekasi District
by Surya Bintarti & Ergo Nurpatria Kurniawan - 538-567 The Mutual Impacts of Corporate Governance Dimensions and Legal Protection Systems on the Performance of European Banks: A Post-Crisis Study
by Hani El-Chaarani - 568-580 The Influence of Crude Oil Price in Biodiesel and its Implication on the Production of Palm Oil: The Case of Indonesia
by Wahyu Murti - 581-591 Enterprise Development Factors’ Control
by Mikhail Nikolaevich Pavlenkov & Valeryi Glebovich Larionov & Pavel Mikhaylovich Voronin & Ivan Mikhaylovich Pavlenkov - 592-606 Does Financial Performance of Islamic Banking is better? Panel Data Estimation
by Irma Setyawati & Sugeng Suroso & Tulus Suryanto & Dini Siti Nurjannah - 607-633 The Impact of Sovereign Debt on Growth: An Empirical Study on GIIPS versus JUUSD Countries
by Haytham Y.M. Ewaida
2017, Volume XX, Issue 2B
- 3-24 Optimization of the Company Strategic Management System in the Context of Economic Instability
by Tatiana Grigorievna Bondarenko & Ekaterina Anatolievna Isaeva & Sergey Aleksandrovich Orekhov & Anzor Uvaysovich Soltakhanov - 25-45 The Challenge of Social Innovation: Approaches and Key Mechanisms of Development
by Sergey Mikhailovich Vasin & Leyla Ayvarovna Gamidullaeva & Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaya - 46-65 A Spatial Analysis of Unevenness in the Social-Economic Development of Regional Municipal Units
by Svetlana Sergeevna Mikhailova & Nikolay Il’ich Moshkin & Dashi Dashanimaevich Tsyrenov & Erzhena Tsyrenovna Sadykova & Sambrika Dorzho-Nimaevna Dagbaeva - 66-85 Knowledge-Based Engineering as a Driver of Economic Development of the Regions of Russia
by Mikhail Yakovlevich Veselovsky & Mikhail Sergeyevich Abrashkin & Dmitry Stanislavovich Vakhrushev & Lyudmila Borisovna Parfenova & Andrey Yuryevich Volkov - 86-97 Russian Lectures at the Crossroads of Reforms: Strategies of Survival and Adaptation
by Irina Ilina & Elena Kryukova & Elena Potekhina & Elena Abyzova & Irina Shadskaja - 98-110 Improvement of Innovative Forms as a Tool for Effective Development of Small Business
by Kamil R. Bibarsov & Natalia V. Kretova & Elena Yu. Popova - 111-122 Venture Capital Financing as a Mechanism for Impelling Innovation Activity
by Nikolai Vasilevich Lyasnikov & Evgeniya Evgenevna Frolova & Andrei Alievich Mamedov & Sergei Borisovich Zinkovskii & Natalya Andreevna Voikova - 123-148 State and Prospects of Development of Kazakhstan Innovative Infrastructure
by Zaira Tulegenovna Satpayeva - 149-161 Modeling of the Deferred Demand on the Market of Household Appliances
by Mayya Valerianovna Dubovik & Venera Maratovna Timiryanova & Alexander Fedorovich Zimin - 162-181 Approaches to Regulation of the Informtion Space of the Regional Social and Economic Complex in the Russian Federation
by Oxana Andreevna Polukhina & Dijid Sergeevna Bartaeva & Medegma Tsyrendorzhiyevna Budazhanayeva & Lubov Nikolaevna Saibonova - 182-199 The Methodical Approach to the Evaluation of the Competitiveness of the Border Territories
by Elena Borisovna Kmet & Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Mayzner - 200-223 Hands-on Management: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches and Russian Practice of State and Municipal Management
by Valeriy Vladimirovich Shlychkov & Ilgam Kiyamovich Kiyamov & Asya Shamilevna Khasanova & Sergey Mikhaylovich Kulish & Diana Rustamovna Nestulaeva - 224-235 Conceptual Basics and Mechanism of Innovation Project Management
by Kamil Ramisovich Bibarsov & Galina Ivanovna Khokholova & Dilara Ramisovna Okladnikova - 236-250 Assessment of Availability of Consumer Loans in the Regions of Russia
by Anna Aleksandrovna Sysoeva & Natalia Vladimirovna Rezepova & Elina Ildarovna Abdyukova & Zohrab Mnatsakanovich Dokhoyan - 251-260 Role of Agricultural Import Substitution Policy in Ensuring Food Safety of the Country
by Nadezhda Vasilievna Sedova & Nikolay Nikolaevich Gagiev & Dariya Mikhailovna Melnikova - 261-282 Labor Potential of the Rural Territories - State and Development
by Olga Viktorovna Zabelina & Farida Islamudinovna Mirzabalaeva & Larisa Viktorovna Sankova & Gulnara Vahitovna Yakshibaeva - 283-293 The Deming Cycle (PDCA) Concept as a Tool for the Transition to the Innovative Path of the Continuous Quality Improvement in Production Processes of the Agro-Industrial Sector
by Mihail Nikolaevich Dudin & Olga Olegovna Smirnova & Nataliya Vladimirovna Vysotskaya & Evgenia Evgenevna Frolova & Nina Grigorevna Vilkova - 294-307 Improving Ecological Performance of Design Processes Accounting for Product Life Cycle
by Marina Vladimirovna Grafkina & Evgeniya Yurevna Sviridova & Elena Evgenyevna Sdobnyakova - 308-320 Tendencies and Prospects of Tourism Industry in Russia: Sociological Analysis of Stereotypes among Population during Tourism Trips
by Elena V. Frolova & Olga V. Rogach & Elena E. Kabanova & Natalia V. Medvedeva & Irina Y. Shimanskaya - 321-333 Models of Assessment of the Influnce of Insurance Assets Securitization on Stability of Mutual Insurance Societies
by Nikolay Tikhomirov & Tatiana Tikhomirova & Eldar Khamitov & Vladimir Ponomarev - 334-347 Venture Funds as one of the Major Sources of Investment for Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by Baurzhan R. Shakirtkhanov - 348-363 Financing of Infrastructure in Education: International Experience of Attracting Private Investments and Opportunities for Russia to Form a Knowledge-Driven Economy
by Liudmila V. Goryainova & Igor S. Krishtal & Olga D. Kuznetsova - 364-377 The Characteristics of the Formation of Income of Multi-Child Households under Conditions of a Financial Crisis
by Makka Alaudinovna Khamatkhanova & Guzeliya Faridovna Khusnutdinova - 378-395 Efficiency of Taxation Bodies’ Work: Methods of Estimating and Analysis of Relations with Tax Payers
by Khaibat Magomedtagirovna Musaeva & Magomedsaid Abdulmuslimovich Ismailov & Garun Sultanakhmedovich Sultanov & Saida Nazirovna Keramova & Saida Israpilovna Sirazhudinova - 396-410 Impact of Globalization on Innovation project Risks Estimation
by Liudmila Vasilevna Nikolova & Dmitriy Grigorievich Rodionov & Natalya Vladimirovna Afanasyeva - 429-438 Informal Employment in SCO Countries: Realities and Prospects
by Tatyana Mikhailovna Shpilina & Elena Mihajlovna Kryukova & Ekaterina Sergeevna Vasiutina & Pyotr Viktorovich Solodukha & Ol'ga Gennad'yevna Shcheglova - 439-466 Methodological Tools for Evaluation of Strategic Target Structure of Financial Resources in Corporations with Limited Liability
by Viktoriya Valeryevna Manuylenko & Lubov Anatolevna Kabardokova & Marina Aleksandrovna Loktionova & Natalia Vladimirovna Sobchenko & Tatyana Andreyevna Sadovskaya - 467-482 Problems and Contradictions of the Financial System of the Agro-business Industry of Russia in Contemporary Conditions and Methodological Aspects of their Overcoming
by Zoya Sh. Babaeva & Ramazan B. Shahbanov & Sabina R. Shahbanova & Burliyat N. Asekova & Marina V. Postnova
2017, Volume XX, Issue 1
- 13-21 Green Logistics in Russia: The Phenomenon of Progress, Economic and Environmental Security
by A.U. Albekov & T.V. Parkhomenko & A.A. Polubotko1 - 22-35 Economic Cooperation of Russia and Greece during the Sanction Restrictions period and the Policies to Strengthen the Integration Process
by N.G. Kuznetsov & I.I. Savvidy & N.D.Rodionova & E.S. Tsepilova - 36-48 Electronic Currency: The Potential Risks to National Security and Methods to Minimize Them
by Natalia G. Vovchenko & Evgeniy N. Tishchenko & Tatiana V. Epifanova & Mark B. Gontmacher - 49-55 New Scenarios of Joint Crises Fighting in Socio-Economic Sphere of Russia and Greece
by Elena G. Popkova & Elena Y. Zolochevskaya & Svetlana A. Litvinova & Yuliya S. Zima - 56-63 Difficulties and Perspectives of Incorporating Russian Economy into the European Economy and Centripetal Tendencies in the EU
by V.A. Bondarenko & E.A. Israilova & S.A. Albekova & A.A. Albekova - 64-76 Research and Development Intensity in Business: Russia and EU
by V.M. Dzhukha & A.N. Kokin & A.S. Li & T.Yu. Sinyuk - 77-86 The Impact of European Law on the Development of Legal System of Russia
by I.G. Napalkova & N.E. Orlova & P.S. Samygin & G.B. Vlasova - 87-96 Comparative Legal Analysis of Mediation in Russia and the EU
by N.V. Fedorenko & S.V. Denisenko & A.V. Sukhovenko & L.M. Dzyuba - 97-104 Providing the Budget Transparency and State Projects Efficiency Monitoring in Russia
by O.B. Ivanova & L.V. Bogoslavtseva & O.I. Karepina & E.D. Kostoglodova - 105-116 Marketing and Logistic Instrumentarium of Activation of Inter-Country Cooperation of Russia and Solving the Issue of Import Substitution
by V.A. Bondarenko & T.V. Parkhomenko & T.B. Erokhina & N.V. Guzenko - 117-128 Features of Social and Economic Transformations in the Globalization Era
by I.G. Paliy & T.V. Plotnikova & L.L. Shtofer & I.V. Tumaykin - 129-136 New Approaches to Modernization of Spatial and Sectorial Development of Russian and Greek Regional Economy
by Elena G. Popkova & Ekaterina A. Popova & Irina P. Denisova & Elena V. Porollo - 137-147 Organizational and Financial Modeling of Transnational Industrial Clusters Sustainable Development: Experience, Risks, Management Innovation
by O.V. Andreeva & E.V. Shevchik - 148-154 The Role of Human Factors in the Bank Capital Evaluation Framework
by E.A. Posnaya & I.G. Vorobyova & E.M. Sokolova & M.P. Leonova - 155-161 Increasing of Cost Efficiency as a Trend of Public Law Entities’ Activity Intensification in a Public Administration Sector
by T.F. Romanova & O.V. Andreeva & S.N. Meliksetyan & M.O. Otrishko - 162-171 The Problem of Individualization of Legal Entities in Terms of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation and the European Union Economy
by T.V. Shatkovskaya & N.G. Romanenko & Y.A. Naumenko & E.A. Parshina - 172-187 Social and Economic Diagnostics of Foreign Economic Activity of the Rostov Region
by M.A. Surzhikov & C.G. Abazieva & M.T. Belov & S.N. Goncharova - 188-197 Marketing Mechanisms for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of Russia and the EU
by E.S. Akopova & N.V. Przhedetskaya & P.V. Taranov & L.N. Roshchina - 198-207 The Development of Cluster Relations within the State and Business Structures in Terms of Strategy of Non-Primary Sector Import-Substitution
by S.G. Tyaglov & T.V. Kushnarenko & A.A. Khokhlov & M.A. Qeropyan - 208-214 Economic Crime and Problem of Complicity Understanding
by N.V. Petrasheva & S.I. Ulezko & A.V. Yakovlev & A.L. Klochkova - 215-224 The Evolution of E-Money
by Andrei V. Vlasov - 225-233 The Basic Principles of the European State and Dynamics of the Political and Legal Development within the Russian Federation
by Vasily I. Vlasov & Galina B. Vlasova & Svetlana V. Denisenko & Olga V. Litvinova - 234-245 The Regional Cluster Initiatives
by A.U. Albekov & E.U. Andreeva & V.V. Vanushkina & E.K. Pilivanova - 246-256 Theoretical Basis for Composition of Economic Strategy for Industry Development
by E.A. Ivanova & M.M. Mackay & T.K. Platonova & N.V. Elagina - 257-266 Methodology of Building up the Accounting and Analytical Management Support for Organizations in Russia
by E.V. Kuznetsova & I.N. Bogataya & N.N. Khakhonova & S.P. Katerinin - 267-275 Marketing Aspects of Russia-The European Union Cooperation in the Field of Education
by E.S. Akopova & N.V. Przhedetskaya & P.V. Taranov & E.A. Israilova - 276-283 Contractual Forms of Agreement Between the Bodies of the Executive
by O.V. Shmaliy & L.A. Dushakova - 284-293 Financial Instruments of the Socially Responsible Economy
by I.P. Denisova & S.N. Rukina & K.N. Samoylova & A.S. Takmazyan - 294-310 Instruments of Marketing and Credit Support of the Large Industrial Enterprises Development: International Experience
by A.A. Alukhanyan & A.V. Andreeva & L.Yu. Andreeva - 311-318 Analysis of Moral-and-Ethic Business in Russia
by Yu. G. Chernysheva & G.I. Shepelenko - 319-336 Scientific Innovation and its Representation in Discourse
by Tatyana V. Evsukova & Evgeniya V. Kotelnikova & Nadejda V. Evdokimova & Tatyana M. Germasheva - 337-349 Instruments of Investment Attraction in Order to Fulfill the Structural Priorities of Sustainable Regional Development (Study Based on the Rostov Region)
by R.V. Shekhovtsov & M.A. Ponomareva & S.G. Yaroshenko & L.R. Khaibullin - 350-368 Ensuring Financial Stability of Companies on the Basis of International Experience in Construction of Risks Maps, Internal Control and Audit
by N.G. Vovchenko & M.G. Holina & A.S. Orobinskiy & R.A. Sichev - 369-389 The Influence of Financial and Industrial Policy on Harmonization of European and Asian Integration Processes
by V.V. Aksenov & A.V. Andreeva & G.A. Buryakov - 390-409 Experience of Greece on Recapitalization of Banks, Marketing Management and Personnel Retraining in Conditions of Economic Recession
by L.Yu. Andreeva & O.Yu. Sviridov
2016, Volume XIX, Issue 4
- 3-16 Family Business in the Czech Republic
by Pavla Breckova - 17-26 Comparison of Different Methods of Credit Risk Management of the Commercial Bank to Accelerate Lending Activities for SME Segment
by Eva Cipovova & Gabriela Dlaskova - 27-41 Supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Preparing for the Euro Adoption in the Czech Republic
by Mojmir Helisek - 42-52 Position of Low-Cost Banks on the Financial Market in the Czech Republic
by Ales Hes & Petra Jilkova - 53-63 Intensity and Extensity of Firm Development and Dynamic Dupont Analysis
by Jiri Mihola & Jana Kotesovcova & Petr Wawrosz - 64-77 Comparability and Reliability of Financial Information in the Sector of Czech SMES (ten years of IFRS as a part of Czech accounting context)
by Dana Kubickova & Irena Jindrichovska - 78-87 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprizes – Opportunities and Challenges
by David Mares & Gabriela Dlaskova - 88-108 Specifics of the Development of Family Businesses in the Czech Republic
by Nadezda Petru & Karel Havlicek - 109-119 Impact of the Implementation of the SEPA Project on SMEs
by Otakar Schlossberger - 120-129 Phenomenon of “Born Globals†in the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic
by Iveta Simberova & Eliska Rekova - 130-139 Analysis Tools of Connecting Investment Opportunities and Investment Means in the Area of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Radim Valencik & Jan Cervenka - 140-157 The Shariah Financial Accounting Standards: How they Prevent Fraud in Islamic Banking
by Tulus Suryanto & Ridwansyah Ridwansyah - 158-169 Top Managers Networking Influence on Competitive Intelligence Practices: the Case of Hi-Tech SMBs
by Catherine De La Robertie - 170-187 Effective State Ownership Administration in the Context of the Privatization Process in Russia
by Nataliya Gennadyevna Filatova - 188-201 Measuring the Correlation of Job Satisfaction with Accountants Performance: The Role of Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderator
by Amilin Amilin
2016, Volume XIX, Issue 3B
- 3-18 Integral Assessment of the Effectiveness of Investment Projects on the Basis of Econometric Methods
by E.G. Moskaleva & L.A. Chelmakina - 19-38 Improving Bank’s Customer Service on the Basis of Quality Management Tools
by O.A. Novokreshchenova & N.A. Novokreshchenova & S.E. Terehin - 39-55 Government Control of Agrarian field of Economics in the Conditions of Global Challenge
by T.M. Polushkina & S.A. Kochetkova & Yu.A. Akimova & N.A. Polushkin - 56-76 The Institutionalization of the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility: Opportunities and Prospects
by T.N. Savina - 77-96 Methodical Aspects of Organization and Carrying out of Functional-Cost Analysis on the Basis of Process Approach for the Purpose of Expenses and Quality Optimization
by T.P. Sharashkina - 97-110 Protection of the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life in European Court of Human Rights
by L.Yu. Fomina - 111-130 Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: Political and Legal Views and Protection of Religious Rights
by Y.N. Sushkova - 131-150 Legal Self-Defense: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
by N.I. Uzdimaeva - 151-169 The Ability of Civil Society to Act against Corruption
by O.N. Ageeva & S.V. Anoschenkova & S.V. Petrikova & S.N. Pomnina - 170-186 Problems of Improving Russian Legislation on Property Rights and Other Proprietary Interests
by I.A. Emelkina - 187-209 Content and Guarantees of Implementation the Right to Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation
by A.R. Eremin - 211-226 Current Status and Development Prospects of Legal Clinics in Russia
by T.V. Hudoikina - 227-238 Issues and Prospectives of the Educational Service Market Modernization
by A.P. Gorina - 239-257 The Quality of Education as a Primary Concern of the Sustainable Development
by N.D. Guskova & S.M. Vdovin & I.N. Krakovskaya & Yu.Yu. Slushkina - 258-272 Social Expectations and Satisfaction with Professional Activity of Pedagogical Personnel of Research University (evidence from the State University of Mordovia)
by Y.V. Sazhin & Y.V. Saraikin
2016, Volume XIX, Issue 3A
- 3-18 The Influence of the Ethnic Culture Specifics on the Organizational Culture of the Industrial Enterprise
by A.V. Erastova - 19-31 Assessment of the Balance Degree of Loan Companies Banking Policy
by V.V. Mitrokhin & S.S. Artemyeva & I.K. Simaeva - 32-52 Development of Energy Management Systems of Russian Companies in the Context of World Tendencies of Improving Energy Efficiency
by L.A. Fedoskina - 53-69 The Integration of the Accounting System for Implementing World Class Manufacturing (WCM) Principles
by O.I Averin & N.F. Kolesnik & L.M. Makarova - 70-93 The Optimization of the System of Taxpayers’ State Registration Using Road Mapping Method
by N.A. Fillipova & T.A. Efremova & G.V. Morozova & T.V. Ermoshina - 94-109 Innovation and Investment Safety as the Condition for Neo-Industrial Development
by E.D. Kormishkin & O.S. Sausheva & V.A. Gorin & E.S. Zemskova - 110-122 Problems and Mechanisms of Sustainable Development of Rural Areas (at the example of the Republic of Mordovia)
by E.G. Kovalenko & O.Y. Yakimova & E.V. Avtaykina & O.O. Zaytseva - 123-149 Russian Engineering Services Market: Theory and Practice of Modern High-Tech Business
by D.V. Okunev & S.E. Maykova & J.V. Korokoshko & E.A. Leonenko & I.V. Gvozdetskaya - 150-166 Unused Potential of Quality Management Systems of the Russian Companies: an Empirical Study
by T.A. Salimova & V.I. Makolov - 167-184 Corporate Social Responsibility: Specificity, Formation Mechanism, Estimation of Management Efficiency
by I.A. Ivanova & M.V. Bikeeva - 185-202 Monitoring of Food Security in the Russian Federation: Methodology and Assessment
by L.A. Kormishkina & N.N. Semenova - 203-227 Program-Targeted Regulation of the Regional Consumer Market
by E.A. Neretina & E.V. Soldatova & N.S. Komleva & N.O. Kolchina & E.G. Shcherbakova - 228-249 Methods of Analysis of Equity Securities Risk and Return: Issues and Prospects
by N.A. Gorbunova - 250-272 Tax Incentives for Energy Efficient Investments in the Context of Neo-Industrial Paradigm in Russia
by L.P. Koroleva - 273-287 Ways to Improve the Competitiveness of the Economic Complex of the Republic of Mordovia
by L.V. Marabaeva & I.A. Gorin