- g-350 GlobeTERM, combining multi-country and sub-national detail
by Glyn Wittwer
- g-349 Constructing a Destructive Events Tool using Small Rectangular Areas, Computable General Equilibrium Modelling and Neural Networks
by Peter Dixon & Michael Jerie & Dean Mustakinov & Maureen T. Rimmer & Nicholas Sheard & Florian Schiffmann & Glyn Wittwer - g-348 Neural-Network approximation of reduced forms for CGE models explained by elementary examples
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Florian Schiffmann - g-347 Small group monopolistic competition in a GTAP model: meeting the Markusen challenge
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-346 Preparation of 2019 USAGE-TERM and Application of a Dynamic Version to a Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak scenario
by Glyn Wittwer - g-345 Creating a GTAP Baseline for 2014 to 2050 With Special Reference to Canada
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-344 An impossible triangle? The impact of housing policy on affordability, accessibility, and efficiency
by Jason Nassios & James Giesecke & Xianglong Locky Liu
- g-343 The Economic Effects of an International Student Levy Under Alternative Price Elasticity Assumptions
by Xianglong Locky Liu & James Giesecke & Jason Nassios - g-342 Trade Facilitation in APEC-exCRU
by Robert Waschik & James Giesecke & Craig Emerson - g-341 The Economic Effects of an International Student Levy
by Xianglong Locky Liu & James Giesecke & Jason Nassios - g-340 What do GTAP databases tell us about technologies for industries and regions?
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-339 Economic impacts of low-carbon transport strategies for Jordan
by Philip Adams & Louise Roos
- g-338 The economic impacts of a hypothetical foot and mouth disease outbreak in Australia
by Glyn Wittwer - g-337 Inefficient at Any Level: A Comparative Efficiency Argument for Complete Elimination of Property Transfer Duties and Insurance Taxes
by Jason Nassios & James Giesecke - g-336 Oil Supply Shocks and Tax Policy Responses in Australia: Insights from a Dynamic CGE Framework
by Xianglong Liu & Jason Nassios & James Giesecke - g-335 Spatial economic dynamics and transport project appraisal
by James Lennox - g-334 Preparing a multi-country, sub-national CGE model: EuroTERM including Ukraine
by Glyn Wittwer - g-333 Introducing the effects of foreign direct investment into the GTAP-GAC model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-332 Forecasting labour shortages in the Australian economy
by Janine Dixon - g-331 H. David Evans, 1941-2022: Progenitor of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling in Australia
by Peter Dixon - g-330 Property Tax Reform: Implications for Housing Prices and Economic Productivity
by Jason Nassios & James Giesecke - g-329 Creating USAGE-OCC: a CGE model of the U.S. with a disaggregated occupational dimension
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-327 The Railway Gauge Muddle in Australia
by Nicholas Sheard - g-326 Evaluating the impact of automation in long-haul trucking using USAGE-Hwy
by Catherine Taylor & Robert Waschik
- g-325 Using CRETH to make quantities add up without efficiency bias
by Mark Horridge - g-324 Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050: What it means for the Australian Economy, Industries and Regions
by Philip Adams - g-323 Elasticity of Substitution Between Electricity and Non-Electric Energy in the Context of Carbon Neutrality in China
by Shenghao Feng & Keyu Zhang & Xiujian Peng - g-322 The Economic Implications for Australia of Carbon Tariffs
by Philip Adams - g-321 Modeling the economic effects of increased drop-out rates from high school
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Scott Farrow - g-320 Estimating the Economic Impact of Large Hydropower Projects: A Dynamic Multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Hongzhen Ni & Jing Zhao & Xiujian Peng & Glyn Wittwer & Genfa Chena - g-319 Expanding Global Bev to enhance analysis of trade policy, COVID impacts and other wine industry issues
by Glyn Wittwer - g-318 Energy and Economic Implications of Carbon Neutrality in China -- A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
by Shenghao Feng & Xiujian Peng & Philip Adams - g-317 Effect of Gas Subsidies In Indonesia
by Mark Horridge & Elizabeth L. Roos - g-316 Assessing the Economy-wide Impacts of Strengthened Bank Capital Requirements in Indonesia using a Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model
by Arief Rasyid & Jason Nassios & Elizabeth L Roos & James Giesecke - g-315 Coping with seasonality in a quarterly CGE model: COVID-19 and U.S. agriculture
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-314 Who will pay for improved health standards in U.S. meat-processing plants? Simulation results from the USAGE model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-312 Modelling the economy-wide marginal impacts due to climate change in Australian agriculture
by Glyn Wittwer
- g-313 The Network of US Airports and its Effects on Employment
by Nicholas Sheard - g-311 Computable general equilibrium simulations of the effects on the U.S. economy of reductions in beef consumption
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Daniel Mason-D'Croz - g-310 Should Australia be Concerned by Beijing's Trade Threats: Modelling the Economic Costs of Restrictions on Imports of Australian Coal
by J.A. Giesecke & N.H. Tran & R. Waschik - g-309 The Effects of Financial Decoupling of the U.S. and China: Simulations with a Global Financial CGE Model
by P.B. Dixon & J.A. Giesecke & J. Nassios & M.T. Rimmer - g-308 The Effects on the Indian Economy of an Expansion in Financial Capital Supply
by J.A. Giesecke & P.B. Dixon & M.T. Rimmer & N.H. Tran & D. Pratap - g-307 Economic Implications of Global Energy Interconnection
by Feng Shenghao & Philip Adams & Zhang Keyu & Peng Xiujian & Yang Jun - g-306 More working from home will change the shape and size of cities
by James Lennox - g-304 The Economic Characteristics of an Ageing Society: A Study Based on a General Equilibrium Model
by Xuejin Zuo & Xin Yang & Xiaoping Yang & Han Yue & Meifeng Wang & Xiujian Peng & Philip Adams - g-303 Population Ageing and the Impact of Later Retirement on the Pension System in China: An Applied Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
by Xuejin Zuo & Xiujian Peng & Xin Yang & Philip Adams & Meifeng Wang - g-300 Econometric Foundations of the Great Ratios of Economics
by Don Harding - g-299 The 2019-20 Australian Economic Crisis Induced by Bushfires and COVID-19 from the Perspective of Grape and Wine Sectors
by Glyn Wittwer - g-298 Provincial Equitable Share Allocations in South Africa
by E.L. Roos - g-297 Estimating the Regional Economic Impacts of the 2017 to 2019 Drought on NSW and the Rest of Australia
by Glyn Wittwer - g-296 Developing a DSGE Consumption Function for a CGE Model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-295 Distinguishing Between Policy, Drought and International Events in the Context of the Murray Darling Basin Plan
by Glyn Wittwer & Michael D Young
- g-302 Constructing a 2016/17 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uganda
by Nhi Tran & Elizabeth L. Roos & Wilson Asiimwe & Pricilla Kisakye - g-301 Fiscal Reform -- Aid or Hindrance: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis for Saudi Arabia
by Elizabeth L. Roos & Philip D. Adams - g-294 Modelling the Consequences of the U.S.-China Trade War and Related Trade Frictions for the U.S., Chinese, Australian and Global Economies
by J.A. Giesecke & R. Waschik & N.H. Tran - g-293 The Economy-Wide Impact of Subsidy Reform: A CGE Analysis
by Louise Roos & Philip Adams - g-292 Integrating a Global Supply Chain Model With a Computable General Equilibrium Model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen Rimmer - g-291 Creating a Disaggregated CGE Model for Trade Policy Analysis: GTAP-MVH
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen Rimmer & Nhi Tran - g-290 GTAP-MVH, A Model for Analysing the Worldwide Effects of Trade Policies in the Motor Vehicle Sector: Theory and Data
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen Rimmer & Nhi Tran - g-289 The economic impact and efficiency of state and federal taxes in Australia
by Jason Nassios & John Madden & James Giesecke & Janine Dixon & Nhi Tran & Peter Dixon & Maureen Rimmer & Philip Adams & John Freebairn - gpman GEMPACK manual
by Mark Horridge & Michael Jerie & Dean Mustakinov & Florian Schiffmann
- g-287 A Dynamic Economy-wide Analysis of Company Tax Cuts in Australia
by Janine M. Dixon & Jason Nassios - g-286 The Economic Effects on Regional Australia of RUN-member Universities
by Robert Waschik & Jonathan Chew & John Madden & Joshua Sidgwick & Glyn Wittwer - g-285 SinoTERM365, Bottom-up Representation of China at the Prefectural Level
by Glyn Wittwer & Mark Horridge - g-284 Melitz in GTAP Made Easy: The A2M Conversion Method and Result Interpretation
by P.B. Dixon & M.T. Rimmer - g-283 Creating a labor-market module for USAGE-TERM: illustrative application, theory and data
by P.B. Dixon & M.T. Rimmer - g-282 The Effectiveness of Investment Stimulus Policies in Australia
by J.M. Dixon & J. Nassios
- g-281 Global Supply Chains: towards a CGE analysis
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-280 Using a regional CGE model for rapid assessments of the economic implications of terrorism events: creating GRAD-ECAT (Generalized, Regional And Dynamic Economic Consequence Analysis Tool)
by Peter B. Dixon & Michael Jerie & Maureen T. Rimmer & Glyn Wittwer - g-279 A decomposition and microsimulation analysis of occupational wage growth in Australia, 2010-2017
by Janine Dixon & N.H. Tran - g-278 The National and Regional Consequences of Australia's Goods and Services Tax
by J.A. Giesecke & N.H. Tran - g-277 Victoria University Employment Forecasts: 2017 edition
by Janine Dixon - g-276 Indonesia's moratorium on palm oil expansion from natural forest: Economy-wide impact and the role of international transfers
by A.A. Yusuf & E.L. Roos & J.M. Horridge - g-275 The relevance of inter-regional trade data produced by the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey for multi-regional CGE modelling
by Glyn Wittwer - g-274 Biome composition in deforestation deterrence and GHG emissions in Brazil
by Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira-Filho & Mark Horridge - g-273 An Application of the Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling Framework to Guatemala's Forest and Fuelwood Sector
by Onil Banerjee & Martin Cicowiez & Renato Vargas & Mark Horridge - g-272 University location and city development: the effects of Victoria University on the Western Melbourne economy
by John R. Madden - g-271 Macro, industry and regional effects of eliminating Buy America(n) programs: USAGE simulations
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Robert G. Waschik - g-270 Determining agent-specific rates of return in a Financial CGE model of Australia
by Jason N. Harris & Jason Nassios & James A. Giesecke - g-269 Updating USAGE: Baseline and Illustrative Application
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Robert G. Waschik
- g-268 Planning R&D in a Post Centrally-Planned Economy: Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects in Poland
by Katarzyna Zawalińska & Nhi Tran & Adam Płoszaj - g-267 Superannuation and Macroeconomic Growth and Stability
by Jason Nassios & James A. Giesecke & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-266 A modelling framework for analysing the role of superannuation in Australia's financial system
by Jason Nassios & James A. Giesecke & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-265 A CGE model for India with an application on the effects of eliminating agricultural subsidies
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Rajesh Chadha & Devender Pratap & Anjali Tandon - g-264 CoPS-style CGE modelling and analysis
by Esmedekh Lkhanaajav - g-263 Comparing the Impacts of Financial Regulation in Australia and the United States via Simulation with Country-specific Financial CGE Models
by J. Nassios & James A. Giesecke & Maureen T. Rimmer & Peter B. Dixon - g-262 Climate change impacts on agriculture and internal migrations in Brazil
by Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira-Filho & Mark Horridge - g-261 The Economy-wide Impact of a Rise in Commercial Bank Capital Adequacy Ratios
by James A. Giesecke & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-260 Modelling the Impacts of a Cut to Company Tax in Australia
by J.M. Dixon & J. Nassios
- g-259 The Europe 2020 Strategy and Skill Mismatch
by G.A. Meagher & R.A. Wilson & Hector Pollitt - g-258 From Almond Shaming to Water Trading: CGE Insights into Managing California's Drought
by Glyn Wittwer - g-257 The Labour Module in a dynamic, regional CGE model
by Glyn Wittwer & Janine Dixon - g-256 The Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of Terrorism in the U.S.: A Reconciliation of CGE and Econometric Approaches
by J. Nassios & J.A. Giesecke - g-255 A Computable General Equilibrium Model of International Sanctions
by M. Reza Gharibnavaz & Robert Waschik - g-254 The Victoria University Regional Model (VURM): Technical Documentation, Version 1.0
by Philip Adams & Janine Dixon & Mark Horridge - g-253 Superannuation within a financial CGE model of the Australian economy
by Peter B. Dixon & James. A. Giesecke & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-252 Alternative Approaches to Fee Flexibility: Towards a Third Way in Higher Education Reform in Australia
by P. J. Dawkins & J.M. Dixon - g-251 The implications for trade and FDI flows from liberalisation of China's capital account
by George Verikios
- g-288 Construction of the database for OMAGE (Oman Applied General Equilibrium) model
by Nhi Tran & Philip Adams & James Giesecke - g-250 The Impact of LNG Export Expansion in Queensland, with special emphasis on the effects of increased gas prices
by Philip Adams - g-249 Emerging Structural Pressures in European Labour Markets
by G.A. Meagher & R.A.Wilson & E.Yerushalmi - g-248 Interfacing a CGE Labour Market Model with the E3ME Multi-Sector Macroeconomic Model
by G.A. Meagher & Felicity Pang & R.A. Wilson - g-247 Climate Change Mitigation, Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income
by G.A. Meagher & P.D. Adams & Felicity Pang - g-246 Quantifying "Dog Days"
by J.M. Dixon & P.B. Dixon & J.A. Giesecke & M.T. Rimmer - g-245 The Effects of Domestic Rice Market Interventions Outside Business-As-Usual Conditions For Imported Rice Prices
by M.J. Mariano & J.A. Giesecke & N.H. Tran - g-244 Climate change mitigation and employment growth
by G.A.Meagher & R.A.Wilson & J.M. Dixon - g-243 An Emissions Trading Scheme for Australia: National and Regional Impacts
by Philip D. Adams & Brian R. Parmenter & George Verikios - g-242 Adding financial flows to a CGE model of PNG
by Peter Dixon & Maureen Rimmer & Louise Roos - g-241 Theoretical specification of a labour-supply module, including HIV/AIDS, for South Africa
by Louise Roos - g-240 Structural change and income distribution: the case of Australian telecommunications
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang
- g-239 Reform of Australian Urban Transport: A CGE-Microsimulation Analysis of the Effects on Income Distribution
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang - g-237 Population Ageing, Retirement Age Extension and Economic Growth in China A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
by Xiujian Peng & Yinhua Mai - g-236 Developing a baseline forecast for a South African dynamic CGE model (SAGE-H) with HIV/AIDS detail
by Louise Roos - g-235 Labour-market database for South Africa with HIV/AIDS detail
by Louise Roos - g-234 Construction of a database for a dynamic CGE model for South Africa
by Louise Roos - g-233 Modelling the impact of HIV/AIDS: A literature review
by Louise Roos - g-231 The Impact of Changes in Health Status: An Economywide Analysis for Australia
by George Verikios & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Anthony H. Harris
- g-238 DIAC-TERM: A Multi-regional Model of the Australian Economy With Migration Detail
by Nhi Tran & Louise Roos & James Giesecke - g-232 Accelerated water savings and demand growth for farm outputs: impacts on the economy of the southern Murray-Darling Basin
by Glyn Wittwer - g-230 Microeconomic Reform and Income Distribution: The case of Australian Ports and Rail Freight Industries
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang - g-229 Endogenous land use and supply, and food security in Brazil
by Joaquim Ferreira-Filho & Mark Horridge - g-228 Upgrading irrigation infrastructure in the Murray Darling Basin: is it worth it?
by Glyn Wittwer & Janine Dixon - g-227 PHILGEM: A SAM-based Computable General Equilibrium Model of the Philippines
by Erwin L. Corong & J. Mark Horridge - g-226 Construction and updating of a Ugandan CGE database
by Louise Roos & Philip Adams & Jan van Heerden
- g-225 Labour Market Forecasting, Reliability and Workforce Development
by G.A.Meagher & Felicity Pang - g-224 The Global Economic Effects of Pandemic Influenza
by George Verikios & Maura Sullivan & Pane Stojanovski & James Giesecke & Gordon Woo - g-222 Water trading, buybacks and drought in the Murray-Darling basin: lessons from economic modelling
by Glyn Wittwer & Peter Dixon - g-221 Labour Market Reform, Rural Migration and Income Inequality in China - A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
by Yinhua Mai & Xiujian Peng - g-220 Doubling U.S. Exports under the President's National Export Initiative: Is it realistic? Is it desirable?
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-219 The TERM model and its data base
by Mark Horridge - g-218 Ethanol Expansion and Indirect Land Use Change in Brazil
by Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho & Mark Horridge - g-217 Error Reduction strategies for the 1998-2005 USAGE Forecast
by Peter Mavromatis & Marnie Griffith - g-216 Growth and Change in the Vietnamese Labour Market: A decomposition of forecast trends in employment over 2010-2020
by J. A. Giesecke & N. H. Tran & G.A. Meagher & F. Pang - g-214 Solution Software for CGE Modeling
by Mark Horridge & Ken Pearson - g-213 The Distributional Effects of the Hilmer Reforms on the Australian Gas Industry
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang
- g-223 MMRF: Monash Multi-Regional Forecasting Model: A Dynamic Multi-Regional Model of the Australian Economy
by Philip Adams & Janine Dixon & James Giesecke & Mark Horridge - g-212 H1N1 influenza in Australia and its macroeconomic effects
by George Verikios & James McCaw & Jodie McVernon & Anthony Harris - g-211 The regional economic consequences of Less Favoured Area support: a spatial general equilibrium analysis of the Polish LFA program
by James Giesecke & Mark Horridge & Katarzyna Zawalinska - g-210 NIAM: National Integrated Assessment Model - Proof-of-concept development and application
by Kevin Hanslow - g-207 Structural Change in the Australian Electricity Industry During the 1990s and the Effect on Household Income Distribution
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang - g-206 A General Framework for Measuring VAT Compliance Rates
by J.A Giesecke & Tran Hoang Nhi - g-205 Asset Price Regulators, Unite: you have Macroeconomic Stability to Win and the Microeconomic Losses are Second-order
by G. Menzies & R. Bird & P. Dixon & M. Rimmer - g-204 The Economic Costs of US Stock Mispricing
by G. Menzies & R. Bird & P. Dixon & M. Rimmer - g-203 Johansen's contribution to CGE modelling: originator and guiding light for 50 years
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-202 Effects on the U.S. of an H1N1 epidemic: analysis with a quarterly CGE model
by Peter B. Dixon & Bumsoo Lee & Todd Muehlenbeck & Maureen T. Rimmer & Adam Z. Rose & George Verikios - g-201 CHINAGEM: A Monash-Styled Dynamic CGE Model of China
by Yinhua Mai & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen Rimmer - g-200 Culling dairy cows as a response to drought in northern Victoria
by Marnie Griffith - g-198 Theoretical Structure of the FAGE Model
by Jingliang Xiao - g-195 Minimum Cost Feeding of Dairy Cows in Northern Victoria
by Marnie Griffith - g-194 Assessment of the Regional Economic Impacts of Catastrophic Events: CGE analysis of resource loss and behavioral effects of a RDD attack scenario
by J.A. Giesecke & W.J. Burns & A. Barrett & E. Bayrak & A. Rose & M. Suher - g-193 Simulating the U.S. Recession with and without the Obama package: the role of excess capacity
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer
- g-208 How fast is population ageing in China?
by Yinhua mai & Xiujian Peng & Wei Chen - g-197 Forecasting with a CGE model: does it work?
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-196 China's Growing Demand for Energy and Primary Inputs - Terms of trade Effects on Neighbouring Countries
by Yinhua Mai & Philip Adams & Peter B. Dixon - g-192 Will an Appreciation of the Renminbi Rebalance the Global Economy? A Dynamic Financial CGE Analysis
by Jingliang Xiao & Glyn Wittwer - g-191 Future Population Trends in China: 2005-2050
by Chen Wei & Liu Jinju - g-190 The costs of keeping cool for Australians with Multiple Sclerosis
by George Verikios & Michael Summers & Rex Simmons & Zanfina Ademi - g-189 Estimating the size of rural labour surplus in China - A dynamic general equilibrium analysis
by Yinhua Mai & Xiujian Peng - g-188 The effects of facilitating the flow of rural workers to urban employment in China
by Yinhua Mai & Xiujian Peng & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-187 Development of a large-scale single U.S. region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application
by James A. Giesecke - g-186 Modelling the Australian government's buyback scheme with a dynamic multi-regional CGE model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Glyn Wittwer - g-185 Modelling major projects: What are the factors that determine net social benefits?
by James A Giesecke & John R Madden - g-184 The Economic Consequences of the U.S. Border Closure in Response to a Security Threat: A Dynamic CGE Assessment
by P.B. Dixon & J.A. Giesecke & M.T. Rimmer & A. Rose - g-182 Modelling Value-Added Tax in the Presence of Multiproduction and Differentiated Exemptions
by James Giesecke & Nhi Hoang Tran - g-181 Population Ageing and Structural Adjustment
by James Giesecke & G.A. Meagher - g-180 Enhancing Agriculture and Energy Sector Analysis in CGE Modelling: An Overview of Modifications to the USAGE Model
by R. Ashley P. Winston - g-179 The Long-Run Effects of Structural Change and the Treatment of International Capital Accumulation, Mobility and Ownership
by George Verikios & Kevin Hanslow
- g-183 Reducing Illegal Migrants in the U.S.: A Dynamic CGE Analysis
by Peter B. Dixon & Martin Johnson & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-178 Does it Matter Whether Market Distortions are Evaluated Using Comparative-statics or Dynamics?
by Peter G. Mavromatis & George Verikios - g-177 Welfare effects of unilateral changes in tariffs: the case of Motor vehicles and parts in Australia
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-176 How would global trade liberalization affect rural and regional incomes in Australia?
by Kym Anderson & James Giesecke & Ernesto Valenzuela - g-175 Creating and managing an impossibly large CGE database that is up-to-date
by Mark Horridge & Glyn Wittwer - g-174 Population Ageing, Labour Market Reform and Economic Growth in China - A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
by Xiujian Peng & Yinhua Mai - g-173 Will drought erode the competitiveness of Australia's wine industry?
by Glyn Wittwer - g-172 Modelling the Economic Effects of Population Ageing
by James Giesecke & G.A. Meagher - g-171 Growth and structural change in the Vietnamese economy 1996-2003: A CGE analysis
by Tran Hoang Nhi & James A. Giesecke - g-170 The Macroeconomic, Industrial and Distributional Effects of Removing Tariffs in Bangladesh
by Serajul Hoque
- g-169 The Downside of Domestic Substitution of Oil with Biofuels: Will Brazil Catch the Dutch Disease?
by James A. Giesecke & J. Mark Horridge & Jose A. Scaramucci - g-168 The Sydney Olympics, seven years on: an ex-post dynamic CGE assessment
by James A Giesecke & John R Madden - g-167 Why, how and when did GTAP happen? What has it achieved? Where is it heading?
by Alan A. Powell - g-166 The global wine market in the decade to 2015 with a focus on Australia and Chile
by Glyn Wittwer - g-164 The economic impacts of a construction project, using SinoTERM, a multi-regional CGE model of China
by Mark Horridge & Glyn Wittwer
- g-165 Uncovering the Factors behind Comparative Regional Economic Performance: A Dynamic CGE Approach
by James A Giesecke & John R Madden - g-163 Evidence-based Trade Policy Decision Making in Australia and the Development of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling
by Peter B. Dixon - g-162 Analysing a hypothetical Pierce's disease outbreak in South Australia using a dynamic CGE approach
by Glyn Wittwer & Simon McKirdy & Ryan Wilson - g-161 The Chinese Economy from 1997:2015: Developing a Baseline for the MC-HUGE Model
by Yin Hua Mai - g-160 Removing border protection on wheat and rice: effects on rural income and food securities in China
by Yinhua Mai - g-159 The Economic Impacts of Improved Foreign Investor Confidence in Bangladesh: A CGE Analysis
by Serajul Hoque - g-158 An Aggregate Social Accounting Matrix for the Australian Economy: Data Sources and Methods
by Felicity Pang & G.A. Meagher & G.C. Lim - g-157 Modelling the Economic Impacts of Migration and Population Growth
by James Giesecke & G.A.Meagher - c15 Running Simulations Faster on Multi-Processor or 64-Bit PCs via GEMPACK
by J Mark Horridge & Ken Pearson
- g-156 Trade Liberalisation Scenarios for Wool Under an Australia-China Free Trade Agreement
by Yinhua Mai & Philip Adams - g-155 Analyzing Economic Structural Change in a General Equilibrium Framework: The case of Switzerland from 1990 to 2001
by Laurent Cretegny - g-154 The Displacement Effect of Labour-Market Programs: Estimates from the MONASH Model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-153 Modelling the Potential Benefits of an Australia-China free Trade Agreement
by Yinhua Mai & Philip Adams & Mingtai Fan & Ronglin Li & Zhaoyang Zheng - g-152 Regional Macroeconomic Outcomes Under Alternative Arrangements for the Financing of Urban Infrastructure
by James Giesecke & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-150 The MONASH-Multi-Country (MMC) Model and the Investment Liberalisation in China's Oil Industry
by Yinhua Mai - ip-83 The Theory of Tariff Rate Quotas: An Application to the U.S. Sugar program using MONASH-USA
by Ashley Winston