- g-149 Economic Integration, Poverty and Regional Inequality in Brazil
by Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho & Mark Horridge - g-147 The Effects of a Free Trade Agreement Between the USA and the South African Customs Union (SACU)
by Philip D. Adams & J. Mark Horridge - g-146 Macro, industry and state effects in the U.S. of removing major tariffs and quotas
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer & Marinos E. Tsigas - g-145 Disaggregation of results from a detailed general equilibrium model of the US to the State level
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-144 The US economy from 1992 to 1998: results from a detailed CGE model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-142 Why do some countries save more than others?
by Shusaku Yamamoto
- g-148 The Effects of a Free Trade Agreement Between Australia and the USA with Special Reference to the Victorian Economy: Main Report
by Philip D. Adams - g-143 The US economy from 1992 to 1998: historical and decomposition simulations with the USAGE model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-141 Using a highly disaggregated multi-regional single-country model to analyse the impacts of the 2002-03 drought on Australia
by Mark Horridge & John Madden & Glyn Wittwer - g-140 MMRF-GREEN: A Dynamic Multi-Regional Applied General Equilibrium Model of the Australian Economy, Based on the MMR and MONASH Models
by Philip D. Adams & Mark Horridge & Glyn Wittwer - g-139 Effects of Reducing Tariffs and Endogenous Productivity Growth
by Yin Hua Mai - g-138 Measuring Contributions to the Australian Economy: The Benefits of a Fast-Growing Motor Vehicle and Parts Industry
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-137 Estimating the effects of China's Accession to the World Trade Organisation
by Yin Hua Mai & Mark Horridge & Frances Perkins - op-97 Analysing the Economic Impacts of a Plant Disease Incursion Using a General Equilibrium Approach
by Glyn Wittwer & Simon McKirdy & Ryan Wilson - ip-82 State-level Dynamic CGE Modeling for Forecasting and Policy Analysis
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - c14 RunMONASH: Automating A Dynamic, Recursive CGE Model
by Jill Harrison & Glyn Wittwer - c13 Small-change Computations of Price and Quantity Indices
by Mark Horridge
- g-136 Explaining a dynamic CGE simulation with a trade-focused back-of-the-envelope analysis: the effects of eCommerce on Australia
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - g-135 Drought, Regions and the Australian Economy between 2001-02 and 2004-05
by Philip D. Adams & Mark Horridge & John Madden & Glyn Wittwer - ip-81 Rational Expectations for Large Models: A Practical Algorithm and a Policy Application
by Peter B. Dixon & K.R. Pearson & Mark R. Picton & Maureen T. Rimmer - ip-80 Cobb-Douglas Utility - Eventually!
by Alan A. Powell & Keith R. McLaren & K.R. Pearson & Maureen T.Rimmer - ip-79 Introduction to GEMPACK for GAMS Users
by M. Kohlhaas & K.R. Pearson - ip-78 A Practical Method for Explicitly Modeling Quotas and Other Complementarities
by W. Jill Harrison & Mark Horridge & K.R. Pearson & Glyn Wittwer
- op-96 Developing a Cost of Capital Module for Computable General Equilibrium Modelling
by Ashley Winston
- op-95 Historical Simulations with the MONASH Regional Equation System
by Brian R. Parmenter & Andrew Welsh - op-94 MMRF-GREEN: A Dynamic, Multi-Sectoral, Multi-Regional Model of Australia
by Philip D. Adams & J. Mark Horridge & Brian R. Parmenter - op-93 ORANI-G: A General Equilibrium Model of the Australian Economy
by Mark Horridge - ip-77 Absorption Capacity, Structural Similarity and Embodied Technology Spillovers in a 'Macro' Model: An Implementation Within the GTAP Framework
by Gouranga Gopal Das & Alan A. Powell - ip-76 Applied General Equilibrium Modelling and Labour Market Forecasting
by G.A. Meagher & P.D. Adams & J.M. Horridge - bp-35 Labour Supply and Welfare Participation in Australian Two-Adult Households: Accounting for Involuntary Unemployment and the 'Cost' of Part-time Work
by Guyonne R. Kalb
- g-134 The Measurement Of Efficiency Where There Are Multiple Outputs
by John L. Whiteman - g-133 Tax Evasion in a Corrupt Economy
by Edimon Ginting - g-132 Market Power in Australian Manufacturing Industry: A Confirmation of Hall's Hypothesis
by Kaludura Abayasiri-Silva - g-131 The Government's Tax Package: Further Analysis based on the MONASH Model
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - ip-75 What is Assumed in the GTAP Database's Disaggregation of Labor by Skill Level?
by Gouranga Gopal Das - ip-73 Decomposing Simulation Results with Respect to Exogenous Shocks
by W. Jill Harrison & J. Mark Horridge & K.R. Pearson - ip-72 Incorporating International Capital Ownership into the GTAP Model: Results for Asia-Pacific Trade Liberalisation
by Terrie L. Walmsley - bp-34 Labour Supply and Welfare Participation in Australian Two-Adult Households: Comparing 1986/87 with 1994/95
by Guyonne R. Kalb
- g-130 Long-run Effects on China of APEC Trade Liberalisation
by Philip D. Adams & Mark Horridge & Brian Parmenter & Xiao-Guang Zhang - g-129 Scale Efficiency in the New Zealand Dairy Industry: A Non-Parametric Approach
by Mohammad Jaforullah & John Whiteman - g-128 The Potential Benefits of Hilmer and Related Reforms: Electricity Supply
by John L. Whiteman - g-126 Estimating the behaviour of Productivity in Government Administration Services in Australia
by George Verikios - g-125 When Modellers Behave Like Lawyers: Have we Lost The Plot?
by Alan A. Powell - op-92 The Economy-wide Impact of Better Governance: Cutting Informal Taxes in Indonesia
by Edimon Ginting & Alan A. Powell - op-91 The Effects of Current Fiscal Restraint on the Australian Economy: an Applied General Equilibrium Analysis with Imperfect Competition
by Kaludura Abayasiri-Silva & Mark Horridge - op-90 Forecasting and Policy Analysis with a Dynamic CGE Model of Australia
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - op-89 The Nested Binary CES Composite Production Function: CRTS with different (but constant) pair-wise elasticities of substitution among three factors
by Alan A. Powell & Maureen T. Rimmer - ip-71 Can Tax Reform Work in an Economy Where Tax Avoidance and Evasion are Endemic?
by Edimon Ginting - ip-70 LONG-RUN SIMULATIONS WITH GTAP: Illustrative Results from APEC Trade Liberalisation
by Terrie Walmsley - ip-69 From Dornbusch to Murphy: Stylized Monetary Dynamics of a contemporary Macroeconometric Model
by Alan A. Powell
- g-127 Measuring Output of Government Administration, Defence and Property and Business Services: Some Estimates for Australia
by George Verikios - g-124 Re-Estimating Real Output for Service Industries in Australia
by George Verikios - g-123 Productivity in Australian Education between 1986/87 and 1993/94
by George Verikios - g-122 Women and Part-Time Employment: The Waverley Survey
by Judith S. Willis - g-121 Structural Change, the Demand for Skilled Labour and Lifelong Learning
by G.A. Meagher - op-88 Should Tariff Reductions be Announced? An Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Michael Malakellis - op-86 How Does the Share of Imports Change During Structural Adjustment?
by Alan A. Powell - ip-68 Dynamic Analysis of a 'Solow-Romer' Model of Endogenous Growth
by Gordon Schmidt
- g-120 Compositional Data Analysis and Zeros in Micro Data
by Jane M. Fry & Tim R.L. Fry & Keith R. McLaren - g-119 How Reliable are Intra-Industry Trade Measures as Indicators of Adjustment Costs?
by Jayant Menon - g-118 Coordinating Policies for Human Resources Development
by G.A. Meagher - g-117 Economic Modelling and the National Strategy for Vocational Education and Training
by G.A. Meagher & B.R. Parmenter - g-116 Future Workforce Skills: Projections with the MONASH Model
by G.A. Meagher & B.R. Parmenter - g-111 Medium- and Long-run Consequences for Australia of an APEC Free Trade Area: CGE Analyses using the GTAP and MONASH Models
by Philip D. Adams & Karen M. Huff & Robert McDougall & K.R. Pearson & Alan A. Powell - op-87 The Medium Term Outlook for Labour Demand: An Economy Wide Assessment
by G.A. Meagher - op-85 The Theoretical Structure of MONASH-MRF
by Matthew W. Peter & Mark Horridge & G.A.Meagher & Fazana Naqvi & B.R.Parmenter - op-84 Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition in an Applied General Equilibrium Model of the Australian Economy
by Kaludura Abayasiri-Silva & Mark Horridge - op-83 Reaching the planners: Generating detailed commodity Forecasts from a computable general equilibrium model
by Philip D. Adams & Peter B.Dixon
- g-115 The Effects of Immigration on Residents' Incomes in Australia: Some Issues Reconsidered
by Matthew W. Peter & George Verikios - g-114 Regional Trading Arrangements and Intra-Industry Trade: The Case of ANZCERTA
by Jayant Menon & Peter B. Dixon - g-113 Measures of Intra-Industry Trade as Indicators for Factor Market Disruption
by Peter B. Dixon & Jayant Menon - g-112 Modelling Manufactured imports: Methodological Issues with Evidence From Australia
by Premachandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon - g-109 The Macroeconomic, Industrial, Distributional and Regional Effects of Government Spending Programs in South Africa
by J. Mark Horridge & Brian R. Parmenter & Martin Cameron & Riaan Joubert & Areef Suleman & Dawie de Jongh
- g-199 Exporting Economic Models: CoPS' Experience in South Africa and Asia
by Brian R. Parmenter & J. Mark Horridge - g-110 How Important is Intra-Industry Trade in Australia's Rapid Trade Growth?
by Jayant Menon & Peter B. Dixon - g-108 Flexible Exchange Rates and Traded Goods Prices: A Theory of the Short-Run
by Jayant Menon - g-107 Trade Liberalization and Intra-Industry Specialization: The Australian Experience
by Jayant Menon - g-106 Applied General Equilibrium Modelling: Achievement, Failure and Potential
by Peter B. Dixon - op-79 Engel Flexibility in Household Budget Studies: Non-parametric Evidence versus Standard Functional Forms
by Maureen T. Rimmer & Alan A. Powell - ip-66 Multiregional and Intertemporal AGE Modelling via GEMPACK
by W. Jill Harrison & K.R. Pearson - ip-64 Computing Solutions for Large General Equilibrium Models Using GEMPACK
by W. Jill Harrison & K.R. Pearson - ip-39 Developing and Implementing Large Economic Models Using GEMPACK, A General Purpose Software Suite
by G. Codsi & K.R. Pearson
- g-104 Energy Taxes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Australia
by R.A. McDougall - g-103 The Use of the ORANI Model in the Immigration Debate
by Matthew W. Peter - g-102 Integrating Econometric and Environmetric Modelling
by Alan A. Powell - g-101 Some Short-Run Implications of Fightback: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by G.A. Meagher & Brian R. Parmenter - g-100 Short-Run Effects of A Carbon Tax
by R.A. McDougall - ip-63 Water Pricing and investment in Melbourne: General Equilibrium Analysis with Uncertain Stream Flow
by J. Mark Horridge & Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - ip-62 The International Comparison Project as a Source of Private Consumption Data for a Global Input-Output Model
by G.A. Meagher - ip-61 Solving Applied General Equilibrium Models Represented as a Mixture of Linearized and Levels Equation
by W. Jill Harrison & K.R. Pearson & Alan A. Powell & E. John Small - ip-60 Exchange Rate Pass-Through for Australian Manufactured Imports: Estimates from the Johansen Maximum-Likelihood Procedure
by Jayant Menon - ip-58 Import Price and Activity Elasticities for the MONASH Model: Johansen FIML Estimation of Cointegration Vectors
by Jayant Menon
- g-99 Sato's Insight on the Relationship between the Frisch 'Parameter' and the Average Elasticity of Substitution
by Alan A. Powell - g-98 The Contribution of Applied General Equilibrium Analysis to Policy Reform in Australia
by Alan A. Powell & Richard H. Snape - op-75 Demand Patterns Across the Development Spectrum: Estimates for the AIDADS System
by Maureen T. Rimmer & Alan A. Powell - op-74 Solving a Large-Scale Intertemporal Applied General Equilibrium Model
by Michael Malakellis - op-73 An Implicitly Directly Additive Demand System: Estimates for Australia
by Maureen T. Rimmer & Alan A. Powell - op-71 Two Short Papers Detailing Enhancements to FH-ORANI
by R.A. McDougall - ip-57 Flexibly Nested Production Functions: Implementation for MONASH
by R.A. McDougall
- ip-74 A General Equilibrium Model of Australia's Premier City
by J. Mark Horridge - ip-56 Using the Murphy Model to Provide Short-Run Macroeconomic Closure for ORANI
by James H. Breece & Keith R. McLaren & Chris W. Murphy & Alan A. Powell - ip-55 Solving Nonlinear Economic Models Accurately Via a Linear Representation
by K.R. Pearson - ip-54 Mending the Family Tree: A Reconciliation of the Linearization and Levels Schools of CGE Modelling
by Thomas W. Hertel & J. Mark Horridge & K. R. Pearson - ip-51 General Purpose Software for Intertemporal Modelling
by George Codsi & K. R. Pearson & Peter J. Wilcoxen - i-50 The Mathematical Programming Approach to Applied General Equilibrium Modelling: Notes and Problems
by Peter B. Dixon - ip-49 Stimulation of Employment in Neo-Classical Models
by Michael Malakellis & Matthew Peter
- ip-44 The Reconciliation of Computable General Equilibrium and Macroeconomic Modelling: Grounds for Hope?
by Bruce F. Parsell & Alan A. Powell & Peter J. Wilcoxen
- op-65 Modelling the Effects on Australia of Interventions in World Agricultural Trade
by Mark Horridge & David Pearce
- op-56 Forecasting Versus Policy Analysis with the ORANI Model
by Peter B. Dixon & B. R. Parmenter & Mark Horridge - ip-27 Automating the Computation of Solutions of Large Economic Models
by K.R. Pearson
- op-54 A Harris-style miniature version of ORANI
by Peter Cory & Mark Horridge
- op-43 Sparse matrix methods for computable general equilibrium models of the Johansen class
by K.R. Pearson & Russell J. Rimmer - op-37 Modelling the effects of economy-wide shocks on a state economy in a federal system - A hybrid of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to regional modelling
by Peter J. Higgs & B.R. Parmenter & Russell J. Rimmer
- op-18 Models of Skill Substitution and Transformation in an Occupationally Disaggregated Labour Market
by Dean J. Parham & G. J. Ryland - o-15 Separability and Substitutability in Australian Manufacturing
by Vern Caddy
- op-16 Estimation of the elasticity of substitution between imported and domestically produced intermediate inputs
by Chris M. Alaouze - o-13 Estimates of the elasticity of substitution between imported and domestically produced goods classified at the input-output level of aggregation
by Chris M. Alaouze - o-11 Estimates of the Elasticity of Substitution Between Imported and Domestically Produced Commodities at the Four Digit ASIC Level
by Chris M. Alaouze & John S. Marsden & John Zeitsch - op-10 The Application of a Random Coefficient Model to the Problem of Estimating Aggregate Production Parameters
by Vern Caddy
- op-09 Empirical Estimation of the Elasticity of Substitution : A Review
by Vern Caddy - op-08 Factor Demand and Product Supply Relations in Australian Agriculture : The CRESH/CRETH Production System
by Peter B. Dixon & David P. Vincent & Alan A. Powell - op-07 Estimation of the elasticity of substitution between imported and domestically produced intermediate inputs
by Chris M. Alaouze