- 2025-02 Temperature and quarterly economic activity: panel data evidence from Mexico
by Jesús Arellano-González & Miriam Juárez-Torres - 2025-01 Integration of Food Markets in Mexico
by Héctor M. Núñez
- 2024-20 Outsourcing, Employment and Wages: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Mexico
by José L. Casco & León Fernández Bujanda & Laura Kurczyn - 2024-19 Disruptions in Global Supply Chains and Regional Output in Mexico during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Eva González & Cindy Rangel & Leonardo Torre & Alejandrina Salcedo & Jorge Alvarado - 2024-18 Housing Price Gradients in Mexico City During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Diego Mayorga & Karla Neri Hernández & Jorge Pérez Pérez - 2024-17 Remote Work and High Proximity Employment in Mexico
by Lorenzo Aldeco Leo & Alejandrina Salcedo - 2024-16 The Real Effects of Credit Supply Shocks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Alex Rivadeneira & Carlo Alcaraz & Nicolás Amoroso & Rodolfo Oviedo & Brenda Samaniego & Horacio Sapriza - 2024-15 The Loan Puzzle in Mexico
by Luis Fernando Colunga Ramos - 2024-14 Information Effects of US Monetary Policy Announcements on Emerging Economies: Evidence from Mexico
by Carlos Alba & Julio A. Carrillo & Raúl Ibarra - 2024-13 Heterogeneous recessions and expansions in Mexican regions and sectors
by Miguel A. Mascarúa Lara - 2024-12 Business Cycles when Consumers Learn by Shopping
by Ángelo Gutiérrez-Daza - 2024-11 Univariate Measures of Persistence: A Comparative Analysis
by Lenin Arango-Castillo & Francisco J. Martínez-Ramírez & María José Orraca - 2024-10 Price Duration Using Daily Online Data: Time- or State-Dependent?
by Diego Solórzano & Lenin Arango-Castillo - 2024-09 Policy Effect Estimation and Visualization in Linear Panel Event-Study Designs: Introducing the xtevent Package
by Simon Freyaldenhoven & Christian B. Hansen & Jorge Pérez Pérez & Jesse M. Shapiro & Constantino Carreto - 2024-08 Analysis of the initial effects of COVID-19 on jobs affiliated to IMSS, at the national and regional level, by sex and age groups
by Erick Rangel González & Irving Llamosas-Rosas & Sara Hutchinson Tovar - 2024-07 The Macroeconomic Impact of COVID-19 in EMEs
by Marco Hernandez-Vega - 2024-06 Workers, Workplaces, Sorting, and Wage Dispersion in Mexico
by Jorge Pérez Pérez & José G. Nuño-Ledesma - 2024-05 Differences in the labor market by gender and aggregate income
by Miguel A. Mascarúa Lara - 2024-04 Impact of Atmospheric Pollution on Reported Cases of Acute Respiratory Infections and Pneumonia in Mexico
by Irving Llamosas-Rosas & Erick Rangel González & Felipe J. Fonseca & Rita Karolina Cantú Zendejas - 2024-03 Random Discounted Expected Utility
by Jose Apesteguia & Miguel A. Ballester & Ángelo Gutiérrez-Daza - 2024-02 Public Transportation and Consumer Prices: Chain Stores, Street Vendors and Mom and Pop Stores
by Angel Espinoza E. - 2024-01 Attached once, attached forever: The persistent effects of concertaje in Ecuador
by Alex Rivadeneira
- 2023-21 The Influence of Central Bank's Projections and Economic Narrative on Professional Forecasters' Expectations: Evidence from Mexico
by Antón Sarabia Arturo & Bazdresch Santiago & Lelo-de-Larrea Alejandra - 2023-20 Efficiency and Incidence of Taxation with Free Entry and Love-of-Variety
by Kroft Kory & Laliberté Jean-William & Leal Vizcaíno René & Notowidigdo Matthew J. - 2023-19 Designing the Menu of Licenses for Foster Care
by Altinok Ahmet & Mac Donald Diana E. - 2023-18 Grab a Bite? Prices in the food away from home industry during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Solórzano Diego - 2023-17 Urban Transit Infrastructure: Spatial Mismatch and Labor Market Power
by Vial Lecaros Felipe & Zárate Román D. & Pérez Pérez Jorge - 2023-16 Weather Shocks, Prices and Productivity: Evidence from Staples in Mexico
by Arellano Gonzalez Jesus & Juárez-Torres Miriam & Zazueta Borboa Francisco - 2023-15 The Stock Market Effects of Committing and Setting GHG Targets: Evidence from the Science-Based Initiative
by Guerrero-Escobar Santiago & Hernández-del-Valle Gerardo & Hernández Vega Marco & De-la-Mora Paula - 2023-14 Monetary Rules, Financial Stability and Welfare in a non-Ricardian Framework
by Adame Espinosa Francisco - 2023-13 The Three Intelligible Factors of the Yield Curve in Mexico
by Elizondo Rocío - 2023-12 COVID-19, Crises and Women's Control of Resources: Evidence from Mexico
by Casco José L. - 2023-11 Misallocation of Resources, Firm Characteristics, and Structural Factors: Evidence from Mexico
by Orozco Vázquez Miguel - 2023-10 Effects of Supply, Demand, and Labor Market Shocks in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector
by Colunga L. Fernando & Torre Cepeda Leonardo - 2023-09 Stylized Facts From Prices at Multi-Channel Retailers in Mexico
by Solórzano Diego - 2023-08 Growth at Risk and Uncertainty: Evidence from Mexico
by Salgado Alfredo & Trujillo Alejandro - 2023-07 Identifying Gender Disparities on the Time to Repay Microfinance Group Loans: Evidence from Mexico
by Bátiz-Zuk Enrique & González-Holden Alexa - 2023-06 Unconditional Convergence in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector (1988-2018)
by Rivadeneira Alex - 2023-05 Irrigation, Adaptation and Climate Change: Panel Data Evidence for Maize in Mexico
by Arellano Gonzalez Jesus - 2023-04 House Prices and the Distribution of Wealth Around the Great Recession
by Cóndor Richard & Oviedo Moguel Rodolfo - 2023-03 Effects of the Extraordinary Measures Implemented by Banco de México during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Financial Conditions
by Alba Carlos & Cuadra Gabriel & Ibarra Raúl - 2023-02 Temperature shocks and their effect on the price of agricultural products: panel data evidence from vegetables in Mexico
by Arellano Gonzalez Jesus & Juárez-Torres Miriam & Zazueta Borboa Francisco - 2023-01 Foster Care: A Dynamic Matching Approach
by Mac Donald Diana E.
- 2022-20 Foreign Currency Working Capital Constraints for Imported Inputs and Compositional Effects in Intermediate Goods
by Sámano Daniel - 2022-19 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Post-Great Recession Formal Entrants: Evidence from Mexico
by Osuna Gómez Daniel - 2022-18 Sentiment Indexes and Economic Activity Indicators in Mexico 2016-2021
by Torre Leonardo & González Eva & Casillas Ramón & Alvarado Jorge - 2022-17 Optimal Robust Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy
by André Marine Charlotte & Medina Espidio Sebastián - 2022-16 Imperfect Law Enforcement, Informality, and Organized Crime
by Mascarúa Lara Miguel A. - 2022-15 The Influence of Global Inflation on Emerging Market Economies' Inflation
by Arango-Castillo Lenin & Orraca María José & Molina Martínez G. Stefano - 2022-14 Inequality, Income Dynamics, and Transitions of Mexican Workers
by Puggioni Daniela & Calderón Mariana & Cebreros Alfonso & Fernández León & Inguanzo José A. & Jaume David - 2022-13 Disentangling the Effects of Large Minimum Wage and VAT Changes on Prices: Evidence from Mexico
by Calderón Cerbón Mariana & Cortés Espada Josué Fernando & Pérez Pérez Jorge & Salcedo Alejandrina - 2022-12 An Approach for Housing Wealth Estimation: The Mexican Case
by García Ana Laura & González Juan Pedro & Velázquez Jhasua - 2022-11 Internal Migration and Drug Violence in Mexico
by Aldeco Leo Lorenzo Rodrigo & Jurado Jose A. & Ramírez-Álvarez Aurora A. - 2022-10 Nonlinear Pricing Under Regulation: Comparing Cap Rules and Taxes in the Laboratory
by Nuño Ledesma José G. & Wu Steven Y. & Balagtas Joseph V. - 2022-09 Salience and Taxation with Imperfect Competition
by Kroft Kory & Laliberté Jean-William P. & Leal Vizcaíno René & Notowidigdo Matthew J. - 2022-08 Determinants of Tuition Fees in Private Universities in Mexico 2005-2019
by Flores Segovia Miguel A. & Salcedo Alejandrina & Torre Cepeda Leonardo E. - 2022-07 Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event Study Design
by Freyaldenhoven Simon & Hansen Christian & Pérez Pérez Jorge & Shapiro Jesse M. - 2022-06 The Role of Clusters in the Performance of the Mexican Economy
by Juárez-Torres Miriam & Puigvert Jonathan & Zazueta-Borboa Francisco - 2022-05 Regulation through Reference Prices
by Salgado Alfredo - 2022-04 City Minimum Wages and Spatial Equilibrium Effects
by Pérez Pérez Jorge - 2022-03 Intra-household Resource Shares under Poverty Transfers: Evidence from Ecuador
by Casco José L. - 2022-02 Trade Liberalization, Consumption Shifting and Pollution: Evidence from Mexico's Used Vehicle Imports
by Chen Liang & Garcia-Medina Cecilia & Wan Rui - 2022-01 The Effect of Paying Parents to Adopt: Evidence from Minnesota's Foster-Care System
by Bishop Kelly C. & Mac Donald Diana E.
- 2021-26 Revisiting the link between systemic risk and competition based on network theory and interbank exposures
by Bátiz-Zuk Enrique & Lara Sánchez José Luis - 2021-25 Tariffs and Macroeconomic Dynamics
by Hernández Vega Marco A. - 2021-24 The effect of tropical cyclones on economic activities: micro level evidence from Mexico for secondary and tertiary activities
by Juárez-Torres Miriam & Puigvert Jonathan - 2021-23 The COVID-19 Economic Crisis in Mexico through the Lens of a Financial Conditions Index
by Carrillo Julio A. & García Ana Laura - 2021-22 Effects of Trade and Technology on the Mexican Labor Market
by López Noria Gabriela - 2021-21 Informal Labor Markets in Times of Pandemic: Evidence for Latin America and Policy Options
by Leyva Gustavo & Urrutia Carlos - 2021-20 Financial Frictions in Mexico: Evidence from the Credit Spread and its Components
by Carabarín Aguirre Mauricio & Peláez Gómez Carlos D. - 2021-19 The Impact of the Capture of Leaders of Criminal Organizations on the Labor Market: Evidence from Mexico
by Osuna Gómez Daniel - 2021-18 Observing the Evolution of the Informal Sector from Space: A Municipal Approach 2013-2020
by Rangel González Erick & Llamosas-Rosas Irving - 2021-17 Capital Flows to Emerging Economies and Global Risk Aversion during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Alba Carlos & Cuadra Gabriel & Hernández Juan R. & Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl - 2021-16 Forward Guidance in an Advanced Small Open Economy in the Effective Lower Bound
by André Marine Charlotte & Traficante Guido - 2021-15 How High (Low) are the Possibilities of Teleworking in Mexico?
by Leyva Gustavo & Mora Israel - 2021-14 Exploring the sources of loan default clustering using survival analysis with frailty
by Bátiz-Zuk Enrique & Mohamed Abdulkadir & Sánchez-Cajal Fátima - 2021-13 Emerging market capital flows the role of fund manager portfolio allocation
by Bush Georgia & Cañón Salazar Carlos Iván & Gray Daniel - 2021-12 Foreign Direct Investment and Labor Productivity in Regional Manufacturing Industry
by Rangel González Erick & López Ornelas Luis Fernando - 2021-11 The Nonlinear Effect of Uncertainty in Portfolio Flows to Mexico
by Hernández Vega Marco A. - 2021-10 The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Mexican Automobile Industry: Evidence from the First 20 Years of NAFTA
by López Noria Gabriela - 2021-09 Effects of Unanticipated Income Shocks on Consumption in Mexico, 2000-2016
by Llamosas-Rosas Irving & Rangel González Erick - 2021-08 Evaluating the Effects of the Home Affordable Modification Program
by Cóndor Richard - 2021-07 The Yield Curve as a Predictor of Economic Activity in Mexico: The Role of the Term Premium
by Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl - 2021-06 Measuring the evolution of competition and the impact of the financial reform in the Mexican banking sector, 2008-2019
by Bátiz-Zuk Enrique & Lara Sánchez José Luis - 2021-05 Around-the-Clock USD/MXN Volatility: Macroeconomic Announcement Spillovers and FX Market Intervention Mechanisms
by Jurado Pedroza Wilfrido - 2021-04 A Sentiment-based Risk Indicator for the Mexican Financial Sector
by Rho Caterina & Fernández Raúl & Palma Brenda - 2021-03 Do Bankruptcy Protection Levels Affect Households' Demand for Stocks?
by Dal Borgo Mariela - 2021-02 A Multivariate Analysis of SIEFORE Daily Returns
by Calderón-Colín Roberto & Carmona Sánchez Juan F. - 2021-01 Should monetary policy lean against the wind in a small-open economy? Revisiting the Tinbergen rule
by De la Peña Rogelio
- 2020-20 The Relationship Between Nominal Wage and Price Flexibility: New Evidence
by Solórzano Diego & Dixon Huw - 2020-19 Increasing the Cost of Informal Workers: Evidence from Mexico
by Samaniego de la Parra Brenda & Fernández Bujanda León - 2020-18 Term Premium Dynamics and its Determinants: The Mexican Case
by Aguilar-Argaez Ana María & Diego-Fernández Forseck María & Elizondo Rocío & Roldán-Peña Jessica - 2020-17 Private Banking Credit and Economic Growth in Mexico: A State Level Panel Data Analysis 2005-2018
by Torre Cepeda Leonardo E. & Flores Segovia Miguel A. - 2020-16 On the Drivers of Inflation in Different Monetary Regimes
by Garcés Díaz Daniel - 2020-15 Competition and Coordination in the Mexican Retail Market for Gasoline
by Contreras Astiazarán Benjamín & Leal Vizcaíno René & Mosqueda Jordán & Salcedo Alejandrina - 2020-14 Trade Policy Uncertainty and its Effect on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Mexico
by Cebreros Alfonso & Salcedo Alejandrina & Chiquiar Daniel & Heffner-Rodríguez Aldo - 2020-13 The Role of Credit on the Evolution of Wealth Inequality in the USA
by Oviedo Moguel Rodolfo - 2020-12 The limits to robust monetary policy in a small open economy with learning agents
by André Marine Charlotte & Dai Meixing - 2020-11 Shared-Appreciation Mortgages and Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks
by Cóndor Richard - 2020-10 Asymmetric Volatility Effects in Risk Management: An Empirical Analysis using a Stock Index Futures
by Benavides Guillermo - 2020-09 The NAIRU and Informality in the Mexican Labor Market
by Aguilar-Argaez Ana María & Alcaraz Carlo & Ramírez Claudia & Rodríguez-Pérez Cid Alonso - 2020-08 The US-Mexico bilateral trade relation through a value added lens
by Aguirre Castro Armando & Cardozo-Medeiros Diego - 2020-07 North-North Migration and Agglomeration in the European Union 15
by Costa Daniela & Rodriguez Maria Jose - 2020-06 Economic Integration Mexico-United States and Regional Performance in Mexico
by Torre Cepeda Leonardo E. & Chapa Cantú Joana C. & González González Eva Edith - 2020-05 The Efficacy of Hiring Credits in Distressed Areas
by Pérez Pérez Jorge & Suher Michael - 2020-04 Automation Technologies and Employment at Risk: The Case of Mexico
by Cebreros Alfonso & Heffner-Rodríguez Aldo & Livas René & Puggioni Daniela - 2020-03 Many-to-one Matching: Externalities and Stability
by Salgado Alfredo - 2020-02 Covered Interest Parity: A Stochastic Volatility Approach to Estimate the Neutral Band
by Hernández Juan R. - 2020-01 Forecast Comparison of the Term Structure of Interest Rates of Mexico for Different Specifications of the Affine Model
by Lelo de Larrea Alejandra
- 2019-21 Women's Empowerment: Aggregate Effects on Savings and Wealth
by San Vicente Portes Luis & Atal Vidya & Juárez-Torres Miriam - 2019-20 Social Accounting Matrices for the Regiones of Mexico
by Chapa Cantú Joana Cecilia & Mosqueda Chávez Marco Tulio & Rangel González Erick - 2019-19 How Relevant are Capital Flows for House Prices in Emerging Economies?
by Hernández Vega Marco A. - 2019-18 Central Bank Independence and Inflation: An Empirical Analysis
by Chiquiar Daniel & Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl - 2019-17 Dynamics of Mexican Inflation: A Wavelet Analysis
by Cortés Espada Josué Fernando & Sámano Daniel & Gutiérrez Villanueva Rubí - 2019-16 Nonlinear Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Mexico
by Jaramillo Rodríguez Jorge & Pech Moreno Luis Alberto & Ramírez Claudia & Sanchez-Amador David - 2019-15 Investment for the Demographic Window in Latin America
by Rodriguez Maria Jose - 2019-14 Productivity, Markups, and Trade: Evidence from Mexican Manufacturing Industries
by Puggioni Daniela - 2019-13 Minimum Wages in Formal and Informal Sectors: Evidence from an Inflation Shock in Colombia
by Pérez Pérez Jorge - 2019-12 Uncertainty and Exchange Rate Volatility: the Case of Mexico
by López Noria Gabriela & Bush Georgia - 2019-11 Manufacturing Exports Determinants across Mexican States, 2007-2015
by Cabral Torres René & Alvarado Jorge - 2019-10 Evolution and Characteristics of the Exchange Rate Pass Through to Prices in Mexico
by Angeles Galvan Daniel & Cortés Espada Josué Fernando & Sámano Daniel - 2019-09 Fear of taxes
by Leal-Ordoñez Julio C. & Mandujano Javier - 2019-08 Measuring the cost of U.S. housing policy
by Cóndor Richard - 2019-07 Contracts, Firm Dynamics and Aggregate Productivity
by López-Martín Bernabé & Pérez-Reyna David - 2019-06 Global Value Chains in Mexico: A Historical Perspective
by Chiquiar Daniel & Tobal Martín - 2019-05 Firm Export Dynamics and the Exchange Rate A Quantitative Exploration
by López-Martín Bernabé - 2019-04 Labour Force Participation and the Business Cycle in Mexico
by Puigvert Jonathan & Juárez-Torres Miriam - 2019-03 Bayesian Comparative Statics
by Leal Vizcaíno René & Mekonnen Teddy - 2019-02 The Micro-economics of Export Supply: Firm-Level Evidence from Mexico
by Cebreros Alfonso - 2019-01 Bank foreign currency funding and currency markets: the case of Mexico post GFC
by Bush Georgia
- 2018-27 Does Monetary Policy in Advanced Economies Have Differentiated Effects on Portfolio Flows to Emerging Economies?
by Hernández Vega Marco A. - 2018-26 Economic Liberalization and External Shocks. The Hypothesis of Convergence for the Mexican States, 1994-2015
by Fonseca Felipe J. & Llamosas-Rosas Irving & Rangel González Erick - 2018-25 Managing Social Comparison Costs in Organizations
by Contreras Oscar F. & Giorgio Zanarone - 2018-24 The Impact of Crime and Other Economic Forces on Mexico's Foreign Direct Investment Inflows
by Cabral Torres René & Mollick André V. & Saucedo Eduardo - 2018-23 Incomplete Information and Costly Signaling in College Admissions
by Salgado Alfredo - 2018-22 What Determines the Neutral Rate of Interest in an Emerging Economy?
by Carrillo Julio A. & Elizondo Rocío & Rodríguez-Pérez Cid Alonso & Roldán-Peña Jessica - 2018-21 Inflation Dynamics under Fiscal Deficit Regime Switching in Mexico
by Ramos Francia Manuel & García-Verdú Santiago & Sánchez-Martínez Manuel - 2018-20 On the Costs of Deflation: A Consumption-Based Approach
by García-Verdú Santiago & Ramos Francia Manuel - 2018-19 Informality, Labor Regulation, and the Business Cycle
by Leyva Gustavo & Urrutia Carlos - 2018-18 Fiscal Policy and Inflation: Understanding the Role of Expectations in Mexico
by López-Martín Bernabé & Ramírez de Aguilar Alberto & Sámano Daniel - 2018-17 Adjustment of the Regional Indicator of Income in Retail Trade
by Padilla Alberto - 2018-16 TIIE-28 Swaps as Risk-Adjusted Forecasts of Monetary Policy in Mexico
by García-Verdú Santiago & Ramos Francia Manuel & Sánchez-Martínez Manuel - 2018-15 On the Role of Financial Aid in a Default Episode
by Cuadra Gabriel & Ramos Francia Manuel & García-Verdú Santiago - 2018-14 Finance and Employment Formalization: Evidence from Mexico's ENIGH, 2000-2016
by Bazdresch Santiago - 2018-13 Against All Odds: Job Search during the Great Recession
by Leyva Gustavo - 2018-12 The Value of Being Socially Responsible. A Primal-Dual Approach
by Stefanou Spiro E. & Puggioni Daniela - 2018-11 Logging Concessions, Certification & Protected Areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Forest Impacts from Combinations of Development Rights & Land-use Restrictions
by Rico Jimena & Panlasigui Stephanie & Loucks Colby J. & Swenson Jennifer & Pfaff Alexander - 2018-10 Measurement of Economic Activity in the Main Beach Tourist Areas in Mexico through the Nightlights Photographed from Space
by Sandoval Bustos Maritza & Rangel González Erick & Llamosas-Rosas Irving - 2018-09 Do heterogeneous countries respond differently to oil price shocks?
by Hernández Vega Marco A. & Hernández del Valle Gerardo & Guerrero Santiago - 2018-08 The Duration in the Market of New Housing in Mexico
by Morales Ramírez Alejandro & Rodríguez-Zamora Carolina - 2018-07 Determinants of FDI Attraction in the Manufacturing Sector in Mexico, 1999-2015
by Llamosas-Rosas Irving & Fonseca Felipe J. - 2018-06 Nowcasting Mexican GDP using Factor Models and Bridge Equations
by Gálvez-Soriano Oscar de Jesús - 2018-05 Stability of Equilibrium Outcomes under Deferred Acceptance: Acyclicity and Dropping Strategies
by Tello Benjamín - 2018-04 Financial openness, policy vs. realized outcomes
by Bush Georgia - 2018-03 The Effect of Uncertainty on Foreign Direct Investment: the Case of Mexico
by López Noria Gabriela & Zamudio Fernández Juan José - 2018-02 Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Saving Behavior
by Dal Borgo Mariela - 2018-01 Labor Heterogeneity and the Pattern of Trade
by Cebreros Alfonso
- 2017-22 Trade-offs between Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability Objectives: Drivers of Gains from Coordinating Monetary and Macroprudential Policies
by Roldán-Peña Jessica & Torres-Ferro Mauricio & Torres García Alberto - 2017-21 Prudential Regulation, Currency Mismatches and Exchange Rates in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Tobal Martín - 2017-20 Explaining Inflation with a Classical Dichotomy Model and Switching Monetary Regimes: Mexico 1932-2013
by Garcés Díaz Daniel - 2017-19 The Effect of Bank Credit and the Trade Patterns of Colombian Exporters
by Molina Danielken & Roa Mónica - 2017-18 Are all types of capital flows driven by the same factors? Evidence from Mexico
by Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl & Téllez León Elizabeth - 2017-17 Are daily financial data useful for forecasting GDP? Evidence from Mexico
by Ibarra-Ramírez Raúl & Gómez-Zamudio Luis M. - 2017-16 Early Warning Systems with Real-Time Data
by Romero Alberto & Kuper Gerard H. & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Boonman Tjeerd - 2017-15 The International Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Rates and QE: Credit Supply, Reach-for-Yield, and Real Effects
by Ruiz Claudia & Roldán-Peña Jessica & Peydró José-Luis & Morais Bernardo - 2017-14 Bank Credit Allocation and Sectorial Concentration in Mexico: Some Empirical Evidence
by Ramos Francia Manuel & García-Verdú Santiago - 2017-13 Equivalence between input-output and value-added economies
by Leal-Ordoñez Julio C. - 2017-12 The Regional Input-Output Model: An Application to the Mexican Automotive Sector
by Torre Cepeda Leonardo E. & Alvarado Jorge & Quiroga Miroslava - 2017-11 Identifying Dornbusch's Exchange Rate Overshooting with Structural VECs: Evidence from Mexico
by Capistrán Carlos & Chiquiar Daniel & Hernández Juan R. - 2017-10 Tight Money-Tight Credit: Coordination Failure in the Conduct of Monetary and Financial Policies
by Carrillo Julio A. & Mendoza Enrique G. & Nuguer Victoria & Roldán-Peña Jessica - 2017-09 Regional Input-Output Matrices, an Application to Manufacturing Exports in Mexico
by Chiquiar Daniel & Alvarado Jorge & Quiroga Miroslava & Torre Cepeda Leonardo E. - 2017-08 Justice System Efficiency and Regional Economic Performance in Mexico
by Chávez Juan Carlos & Fonseca Felipe J. & Gómez Zaldívar Manuel de Jesús - 2017-07 Variance Estimator in Complex Surveys using Linear Regression with Expansion Factor as Independent Variable
by Padilla Alberto - 2017-06 Mortgage Default in an Estimated Model of the U.S. Housing Market
by Lambertini Luisa & Nuguer Victoria & Uysal Pinar - 2017-05 Currency Mismatch in the Banking Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Tobal Martín - 2017-04 Commodity Price Risk Management and Fiscal Policy in a Sovereign Default Model
by López-Martín Bernabé & Leal-Ordoñez Julio C & Martínez André - 2017-03 Notes to Understand Migration Policy with International Trade Theoretical Tools
by Cebreros Alfonso & Chiquiar Daniel & Roa Mónica & Tobal Martín - 2017-02 Portfolio Investment Response to U.S. Monetary Policy Announcements: An Event Study Analysis Using High Frequency Data from Mexico
by Hernández Vega Marco A. - 2017-01 Labor market consequences of trade openness and competition in foreign markets
by Chiquiar Daniel & Covarrubias Enrique & Salcedo Alejandrina
- 2016-23 Downward Wage Rigidities in the Mexican Labor Market 1996-2011
by Juárez González Laura & Casarín de la Cabada Daniel - 2016-22 Break-Even-Inflation's Decomposition in Mexico
by Aguilar-Argaez Ana María & Elizondo Rocío & Roldán-Peña Jessica - 2016-21 Price-Setting in Mexico and the Real Effects of Monetary Shocks
by Kochen Federico - 2016-20 Changes in Inflation Predictability in Major Latin American Countries
by Garcés Díaz Daniel - 2016-19 Insurance Against Local Productivity Shocks: Evidence from Commuters in Mexico
by Pérez-Cervantes Fernando - 2016-18 Price Transmission in Food and Non-Food Product Markets: Evidence from Mexico
by Guerrero Santiago & Juárez-Torres Miriam & Sámano Daniel & Kochen Federico & Puigvert Jonathan - 2016-17 Economic Complexity and Regional Growth Performance, Evidence From the Mexican Economy
by Gómez Zaldívar Manuel de Jesús & Chávez Juan Carlos & Mosqueda Chávez Marco Tulio - 2016-16 You, Me and the Mean: a Semiparametric Approach to the Redistributive Effects of Transfer Programs
by Garcia-Medina Cecilia - 2016-15 Regulatory Entry Barriers, Rent-Shifting and the Home Market Effect
by Tobal Martín - 2016-14 Two Models of FX Market Interventions: The Cases of Brazil and Mexico
by Tobal Martín & Yslas Renato - 2016-13 Price-Setting and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Mexican Economy: Evidence from CPI Micro Data
by Kochen Federico & Sámano Daniel - 2016-12 Functional Systemic Risk, Complementarities and Early Warnings
by Cañón Salazar Carlos Iván & Gallón Santiago & Olivar Santiago - 2016-11 Exchange Rate Risk Premium: An Analysis of its Determinants for the Mexican Peso-USD
by Benavides Guillermo - 2016-10 The Effect of Natural Gas Shortages on the Mexican Economy
by Alcaraz Carlo & Villalvazo Martin Sergio - 2016-09 Informal Sector Misallocation
by López-Martín Bernabé - 2016-08 The Rewards of Self-Discovery: Learning and Firm Exporter Dynamics
by Cebreros Alfonso - 2016-07 Income Instability and Fiscal Progression
by Jean-Francois Wen & Garcia-Medina Cecilia - 2016-06 Risky Banks and Macroprudential Policy for Emerging Economies
by Nuguer Victoria & Cuadra Gabriel - 2016-05 Measuring and Understanding Trade in Service Tasks
by Yslas Renato & Tobal Martín & Chiquiar Daniel - 2016-04 A Functional Approach to Test Trending Volatility
by Hernández del Valle Gerardo & Juárez-Torres Miriam & Guerrero Santiago