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RePEc-registered Economists in Education on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in Education

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page).

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile.

Note that you can also get on the Mastodon or Bluesky listings. You can easily do both Twitter, Mastodon, and Bluesky registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 164 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-EDU (Email, RSS, Mastodon, or Bluesky). All registered authors in this field.

Adukia, Anjali Andersson, Martin Autor, David
Afonso, Antonio Anelli, Massimo Avdeev, Stanislav
Aguero, Jorge M. Angrist, Joshua D Avilova, Tatyana
Anders, Jake David Asadullah, M Niaz
Backes-Gellner, Uschi Becker, Sascha O. Blundell, Richard
Baert, Stijn Beland, Louis-Philippe Boeckerman, Petri
Bagues, Manuel F. Bennett, Patrick Booth, Alison Lee
Barrera-Osorio, Felipe Bergman, Peter Bratti, Massimiliano
Bartik, Timothy J. Bijwaard, Govert Ewout Busso, Matias
Becchetti, Leonardo Black, Sandra E.
Campos, Nauro F. Cid, Alejandro Cortes, Darwin
Cawley, John Cohodes, Sarah R. Crawfurd, Lee Martin
Chang, Simon Corak, Miles
Davoli, Maddalena Denny, Kevin John Dreher, Axel
Dee, Thomas Dickson, Matt Dynarski, Susan Marie
Delaney, Liam Doepke, Matthias
Denning, Jeffrey T. Domenech, Rafael
Evans, David K.
Facchetti, Elisa Firpo, Sergio Frijters, Paul
Felgueroso, Florentino Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso Furtado, Delia
Ferreira, Francisco H. G. Frattini, Tommaso
Galiani, Sebastian Gandil, Mikkel Glazerman, Steven Michael
Gallipoli, Giovanni Gaule, Patrick
Galor, Oded Ginja, Rita
Hanna, Rema Holt, Stephen B. Hull, Marie Claire
Harmon, Colm P. Hornung, Erik Humphries, John Eric
Heckman, James J. Huber, Martin
Imberman, Scott Andrew
Jones, Todd R.
Karlan, Dean S. Koedel, Cory Krueger, Alan B.
Katz, Lawrence F. Kofoed, Michael Stephens Kuka, Elira
Kirdar, Murat Krafft, Caroline Kumar, Santosh
Lachowska, Marta Leigh, Andrew Keith Loviglio, Annalisa
Lalive, Rafael Leitao, Joao Carlos Correia Lucas, Adrienne M
Landerso, Rasmus List, John Lundberg, Shelly J
Leeffers, Stefan Long, Bridget Terry Lusardi, Annamaria
Lehrer, Steven Lopez-Mayan, Cristina Lustig, Nora Claudia
Maldonado, Dario Mazumder, Bhashkar Miranda, Alfonso
Mangiavacchi, Lucia McKenzie, David Munoz-Morales, Juan Sebastian
Mani, Subha Megalokonomou, Rigissa Munteanu, Andrei
Marcus, Jan Meschi, Elena Muralidharan, Karthik
Martins, Pedro S. Metcalfe, Robert D
Matheson, Victor Millimet, Daniel L.
Neilson, Christopher Nordin, Martin
Nopo, Hugo Rolando Novarese, Marco
Ohtake, Fumio
Page, Lionel Pastore, Francesco Pineda-Torres, Mayra
Paloyo, Alfredo R. Patrinos, Harry Anthony Porter, Catherine
Parker, Susan Pelkonen, Panu Pugatch, Todd
Paserman, M. Daniele Pfeifer, Gregor
Quisumbing, Agnes Reynes
Rahman, Khandker Wahedur Restuccia, Diego Romero Medina, Antonio
Ramos, Joao Rodriguez Lesmes, Paul Andres Ronda, Victor
Ramos, Raul Rodriguez-Pose, Andres Ross, Stephen
Sadun, Raffaella Sawada, Yasuyuki Silva, Pedro Luis
Sahoo, Soham Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore Smith, Alexander
Sandefur, Justin Schwartz, Amy Ellen Smith, Jonathan
Sandholtz, Wayne Aaron Serra, Danila
Sandsor, Astrid Marie Jorde Shah, Manisha
Tekin, Erdal Tonin, Mirco Tumen, Semih
Vandenberghe, Vincent Vlachos, Jonas
Waltenberg, Fabio Domingues Winters, John V. Wyness, Gill
Webber, Douglas Woessmann, Ludger
Wiederhold, Simon Wooten, Jadrian James
Zimmermann, Klaus F.
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