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RePEc-registered Economists in Agricultural Economics on Twitter

This page indexes registered economists that are also on Twitter and is updated daily. Economists are also listed by field or country. Each listing has a link to a co-called Twitter list, which allows to follow them all.

How to get listed


  1. Be registered with the RePEc Author Service.
  2. Have been registered for a least a day.
  3. Have a main field in Agricultural Economics

How to be listed

Add your Twitter handle in your profile on the RePEc Author Service (in the contact page).

You are then listed here after the daily refresh. Your Twitter account will then also be listed on your IDEAS profile.

Note that you can also get on the Mastodon or Bluesky listings. You can easily do both Twitter, Mastodon, and Bluesky registrations in one go in your RePEc Author Service profile (under "contacts").

Further listings and links

There are 193 economists on this list. Learn about new papers in this field through NEP-AGR (Email, RSS, Mastodon, or Bluesky). All registered authors in this field.

Abildtrup, Jens Andersen, Lykke E. Armijos Bravo, Grace
Alam, Md. Mahmudul Andrews, Michael J. Arrunada, Benito
Al Izzati, Ridho Ansink, Erik Awokuse, Titus O.
Bareille, Francois Bellemare, Marc F. Bhaumik, Sumon K.
Barrett, Christopher B. Belloc, Ignacio Bizimungu, Emmanuel
Becchetti, Leonardo Berning, Joshua P. Brueck, Tilman
Beg, Sabrin Aziz Bhasin, Karan Burlig, Fiona
Cariappa, A G Adeeth Cette, Gilbert Coble, Keith H.
Carillo, Mario Chen, Xi Coronese, Matteo
Carpenter, Craig Wesley Chien, Jing-Woei Cruz, Jose-Luis
Carraro, Carlo Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille Cupak, Andrej
Cash, Sean B. Choumert-Nkolo, Johanna
Cawley, John Clancy, Matthew Spencer
Desbois, Dominique Dorfman, Jeffrey
Dissanayake, Sahan T. M. Dupas, Pascaline
Eberhardt, Markus Edwards, Eric C. Escamilla-Guerrero, David
Fagiolo, Giorgio Fetzer, Thiemo Fitzgerald, Jack
Farrokhi, Farid Finger, Robert Flynn, James
Gaigne, Carl Gouel, Christophe Guastella, Gianni
Galor, Oded Griffin, Terry Wayne Guivarch, Celine
Gonzalez, Fernando Antonio Ignacio Gruere, Guillaume P.
Hanna, Rema Hilber, Christian Albin Lukas Hudson, Darren
Harstad, Bard Himics, Mihaly Huseynov, Samir
Hendricks, Nathan P. Hirsch, Cornelius
Hernandez, Jose Ignacio Hoehler, Julia
Ibanez, Ana Maria Irwin, Scott H. Islam, Moinul
Jacobson, Sarah Andrea Jolliffe, Dean Justino, Patricia
Jayachandran, Seema Jotzo, Frank
Kahn, Matthew Kompas, Tom Kragt, Marit Ellen
Karlan, Dean S. Kondylis, Florence Krieger, Tim
Kenamu, Edwin Kosec, Katrina Kristoufek, Ladislav
Kirui, Oliver Kiptoo Kourantidou, Melina Kumar, Santosh
Kirwan, Barrett E. Kovachev, Goran
Lagoudakis, Angelos Le Roux, Pierre Leonard Ludena, Carlos
Laukkanen, Marita List, John Lusk, Jayson L.
Lecat, Remy Loeschel, Andreas
Lemaire, Thibault Losacker, Sebastian
Mac Domhnaill, Ciaran McLaughlin, Eoin Molina, Hugo
Makdissi, Paul McWay, Ryan Moss, Charles B
Marsh, Thomas L. Michler, Jeffrey D. Muhammad, Andrew
Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Miguel, Edward Andrew Mulimbi, Willy
Masters, William Alan Mishra, Bijesh Munro, Alistair
Mazzocchi, Mario Mishra, Prakash
McCluskey, Jill J. Mohaddes, Kamiar
Napoletano, Mauro Njeru, Timothy Njagi Nunes, Paulo A.L.D.
Nayab, Durre Nordin, Martin Nunn, Nathan
Olken, Benjamin Otero, Cristobal
Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel Ozak, Omer
Palma, Alessandro Peersman, Gert Pourroy, Marc
Pannell, David J. Pizer, William A.
Pathak, Santosh Polyakov, Maksym
Quiggin, John C. Quirion, Philippe Quisumbing, Agnes Reynes
Rada, Nicholas Edward Randolph, Hannah L. Rosendahl, Knut Einar
Rajkhowa, Pallavi Ravallion, Martin Rousseau, Sandra
Ramadas, Sendhil Restuccia, Diego Roventini, Andrea
Ramos-Martin, Jesus Robinson, Elizabeth J Z
Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul Sharp, Paul Richard Soliman, Ibrahim M
Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano Siddig, Khalid Solis, Daniel
Sawada, Yasuyuki Sinabell, Franz Soubeyran, Raphael
Sayre, James Edward Singh, Krishna Murari Stern, David Ian
Sekhar, C.S.C. Sivashankar, Pathmanathan Stevens, Andrew William
Tamim, Abdulrazzak Thilmany, Dawn D. Tsani, Stella
Tarp, Finn Tol, Richard S.J.
Tavoni, Alessandro Trifkovic, Neda
Ubilava, David Udry, Christopher R.
Van Campenhout, Bjorn Vera-Hernandez, Marcos Villacis, Alexis H.
van den Bergh, Jeroen C.J.M. Verdolini, Elena Vos, Robert Peter
Veneziani, Mario Viceisza, Angelino
Venturini, Miriam Vickery, James
Wagner, Gernot Wesseler, Justus H.H. Widmar, Nicole Olynk
Walls, Margaret Whitehead, John C. Wuepper, David Johannes
Yalew, Amsalu Woldie
Zhou, Wei-Xing Zuniga-Gonzalez, C. A. Sr.
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