2009, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 40-55 Corporate Governance and Shareholder Litigation
by Kalchev, Georgi
2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 37-51 Introducing Tax Education in Non-Accounting Curriculum in Higher Education: Survey Evidence
by Anis Barieyah Mat Bahari & Lai Ming Ling
2009, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 87-98 The introduction of Fair Trade in Poland: Opportunities and challenges
by Boenning, Kinga
2009, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 17-24 Seeking conceptual clarity in the action modalities
by Raelin, Joseph A. - 63-73 Review of the financial environment for agricultural producers in Armenia
by Kasarjyan, Milada
2009, Volume 4, Issue 9
- 293-294 New Countries Are Applying the Harmonized System Nomenclature: Update 2009
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 7/8
- 267-269 The World Customs Organization: A Short History and Its Legal Milestones
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 211-211 WTO: New Database on Regional Trade Agreements
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 131-154 The Structure and Function of the World Customs Organization
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 113-123 Survey on Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 71-85 Model of Non-uniform Application of the Common External Tariff in the EC
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 53-60 Tariff Rates of the World: Are Customs Duties Really Growing Unimportant?
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Volume 4 (2009)
- 209-224 The Markets of Society. A Research Design on Trans-Economic Exchange Rates
by Roth, Steffen
2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 128-138 Several Norms and Beliefs, Defining the Attitude to Human Resources in the Industrial Organizations
by Dimitrov, Kiril
2009, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 210-226 EU-wide networking: An instrumental valuable for European rural development policies in Romania?
by Marquardt, Doris & Möllers, Judith & Buchenrieder, Gertrud
2009, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 148-170 Business cycles in Bulgaria and the Baltic countries: an RBC approach
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
2009, Issue 8
- 9-11 Zukunftssicherung für die Zeit nach der Krise
by Ackermann, Karl-Friedrich & Wehner, Martina
2009, Issue 7
- 233-235 SOLVIT: Problemlösungen in der Europäischen Zollunion
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Issue 7-8
- 51-52 Summarische Eingangs-/Ausgangsanmeldung verschoben - Übergangsregelung zur ZK-DVO
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Issue 4
- 120-125 ElsterOnline: Digitale Signatur für Steuererklärungen
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Issue 3/4.2009
- 157-180 Potenziale deutscher Städte in Zeiten des Wandels. Analysen auf Basis der Raum- und Stadtbeobachtung des BBSR
by Gatzweiler, Hans-Peter & Milbert, Antonia & Sturm, Gabriele
2009, Issue 3
2009, Issue 3/2009
2009, Issue 2
- 39-41 Ein Jahr Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter (AEO)
by Weerth, Carsten
2009, Issue 1-2/2009
- 1-2 Erneute Änderung der ZK-DVO - ein Zwischenschritt zum modernisierten Zollkodex
by Weerth, Carsten
- 17-34 Price Adjustment under the Table
by Levy, Daniel - 29-46 Informelle Förderangebote — Eine empirische Analyse ihrer Nutzung in der frühen Kindheit
by Mühler, Grit & Spieß, C. Katharina - 350-353 AWD - ein deutscher Anwendungsfall für Marks & Spencer
by Homburg, Stefan - 229886 Musharakah Sukuk in the Islamic Republic of Iran
by Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein
2008, Volume 75, Issue 26
- 357-363 Ursachen und Konsequenzen der steigenden Nahrungsmittelpreise
by Erber, Georg & Petrick, Martin & von Schlippenbach, Vanessa
2008, Volume 61, Issue 09
- 3-14 Föderalismuskommission II: Neue Schuldenregelung für Bund und Länder und Altschuldenhilfe - wie sollten die Finanzbeziehungen von Bund und Ländern neu geordnet werden?
by Hahn, Jörg-Uwe & Konrad, Kai A. & Janeba, Eckhard & Groneck, Max & Plachta, Robert C.
2008, Volume 60
- 29-47 Optimale Eigenfinanzierung der Personenunternehmen nach der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008/2009
by Homburg, Stefan & Houben, Henriette & Maiterth, Ralf
2008, Volume 59, Issue 1
2008, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 197-222 Entfremdung und Ausgrenzung: Afrikas neuer Nationalismus in Zeiten der Globalisierung
by Kohnert, Dirk
2008, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 307-323 Institutions, reform policies, and productivity growth in agriculture: Evidence from former communist countries
by Rizov, Marian - 728-737 Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small
by Chen, Haipeng (Allan) & Levy, Daniel & Ray, Sourav & Bergen, Mark
2008, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 167-189 Overtime Work as a Signaling Device
by Anger, Silke
2008, Volume 54, Issue 11
- 13-16 Optimale Liquiditätsplanung - Mit Excel arbeiten
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2008, Volume 51, Issue Sonderheft
- 13-24 Zukünftige ökonomische Herausforderungen der Agrarproduktion: Strukturwandel vor dem Hintergrund sich ändernder Märkte, Politiken und Technologien
by Balmann, Alfons & Schaft, Franziska
2008, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 209-250 When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item‐Pricing Laws
by Bergen, Mark & Levy, Daniel & Ray, Sourav & Rubin, Paul H. & Zeliger, Benjamin
2008, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 9-15 Neue Entwicklungstendenzen der deutschen Steuerpolitik
by Homburg, Stefan
2008, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 246-252 The co-evolution semantics and policy paradigms: 50 years of Europe's common agricultural policy
by Petrick, Martin
2008, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 1083-1093 Sigma Convergence versus Beta Convergence: Evidence from U.S. County-Level Data
by Young, Andrew T. & Higgins, Matthew J. & Levy, Daniel
2008, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 519-540 Emancipatory Discourse and Liberation
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2008, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 1309-1318 Social Interaction and Effort in a Success-at-Work Augmented Utility Model
by Bratsiotis, George J. & Peng, Baochun
2008, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 5-18 The transaction cost theory of the nonprofit firm: Beyond opportunism
by Valentinov, Vladislav
2008, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 31-33 Renaissance einer Altbekannten
by Ackermann, Karl-Friedrich
2008, Volume 27
- 575-591 The Parental Leave Benefit Reform in Germany: Costs and Labour Market Outcomes of Moving towards the Nordic Model
by Spiess, C.Katharina & Wrohlich, Katharina
2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 648-684 Corporate capital structure and how soft budget constraints may affect it
by Rizov, Marian
2008, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 322-340 Die Bündelung familienbezogener Leistungen bei einem Parafiskus
by Spieß, Christa Katharina
2008, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 239-252 Retail internationalization and ist impact on the Russian agri - food business
by Hanf, Jon & Belaya, Vera
2008, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 216812 Why forests are important for global poverty alleviation: A spatial explanation
by Sunderlin, William D. & Dewi, Sonya & Puntodewo, Atie & Müller, Daniel & Angelsen, Arild & Epprecht, Michael
2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 457-462 The institutional economics of rural development: Beyond market failure
by Valentinov, Vladislav & Baum, Sabine
2008, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 82-90 Value-Based Inventory Management
by Michalski, Grzegorz
2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 78-89 Mission impossible: Vertical collaboration in Ukraine
by Gagalyuk, Taras & Hanf, Jon
2008, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 124-129 Refereeing the Game of Peer Review
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2008, Volume 6/2008
- 1-50 Der Europäische Rechnungshof - Aufgaben und Arbeitsweise
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 5, Issue 09/08
- 36-38 Gewinnsteigerung durch optimale Verkaufsmengenplanung mit Tabellenprogramm Excel
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2008, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 251-267 Russia's transition process in the light of a rising economy: Economic trajectories in Russia's industry and agriculture
by Voigt, Peter & Hockmann, Heinrich
2008, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 73-79 Causes and Consequences of Rising Food Prices
by Erber, Georg & Petrick, Martin & von Schlippenbach, Vanessa
2008, Volume 3, Issue 11/12
- 379-382 Harmonized System in Developing Countries
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 357-362 Harmonized System: Binding Pre-entry Information on Customs Classifi cation
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 7/8
- 275-278 Harmonized System: Nomenclature Evolution at Its 20th Anniversary (1988–2008)
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 221-225 Structure of Customs Tariffs Worldwide and in the European Community
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 177-187 Games 2.0 jako próba konstrukcji społeczno-kulturowego perpetuum mobile
[Games 2.0 as a test of socio-cultural perpetuum mobile construction]
by Klimczuk, Andrzej - 185-188 Harmonized System: Proposal for a Change of General Rule 1, for the introduction of Simple Classification Keys and for A Better Interlinkage of Headings and Notes
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 141-141 HS 2007: New Gaps Emerging within All Customs Tariffs
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 39-48 Farm and non-farm incomes of rural households in Slovenia: Canonical correlation analysis
by Möllers, Judith & Fritzsch, Jana & Buchenrieder, Gertrud - 61-67 Basic Principles of Customs Classifications under the Harmonized System
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 111-115 HS 2007: Notes of the Tariff Nomenclature and the Additional Notes of the EC
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 71-89 Financing road infrastructure in China and India: current trends and future options
by Postigo, Antonio
2008, Issue 10
2008, Issue 8/08
- 335-337 Zolltarifauskünfte weltweit
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Issue 6/2008
- 45-48 Zolltarifliche Risikoanalyse mithilfe einer Übersicht der Zollsätze
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Issue 3
- 132-134 SOLVIT: Problemlösungen im Europäischen Binnenmarkt
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Issue 2
2008, Issue 1/08 und 2/08
- 23-2568-72 Das Modell der Zollarbitrage: Ausnutzung von Zollsatzdifferenzen durch die Wirtschaft
by Weerth, Carsten
2008, Issue 1-2
- 7-8 Entwicklung des Harmonisierten Systems und Entstehung neuer Lücken in der HS-Nomenklatur
by Weerth, Carsten
- 7-31 Development and Structure of Financial Sector in the Economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
by Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein - 45-53 Die Entfernungspauschale als steuertheoretische Herausforderung
by Homburg, Stefan - 51-64 Alterung in deutschen Großstädten – internationalisiert
by Sturm, Gabriele & Meyer, Katrin - 91-107 Alternation Bias and the Parameterization of Cumulative Prospect Theory
by Kaivanto, Kim - 93-114 Regional Integration and Development Asymmetries
by Rapacki, Ryszard
2007, Volume 227, Issue 5/6
- 429-450 Beitragssatz, Kassenwettbewerb und Gesundheitsreform: Eine empirische Analyse
by Andersen, Hanfried H. & Grabka, Markus M. & Schwarze, Johannes
2007, Volume 127, Issue 4
- 627-654 The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and Its Member Country Household Panel Studies
by Frick, Joachim R. & Jenkings, Stephen P. & Lillard, Dean R. & Lipps, Oliver & Wooden, Mark
2007, Volume 127, Issue 3
- 457-485 Der Einfluss der Euro-Einführung auf die Preisentwicklung bei frischen Lebensmitteln in Deutschland
by Glauben, Thomas & Loy, Jens-Peter & Körner, Julia
2007, Volume 80
- 297-311 Pets and Human Health in Germany and Australia: National Longitudinal Results
by Headey, Bruce & Grabka, Markus M.
2007, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 204-220 Measuring Left-Right Political Orientation: The Choice of Response Format
by Kroh, Martin
2007, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 350-378 British and German Manufacturing Productivity Compared: A New Benchmark for 1935/36 Based on Double Deflated Value Added
by Fremdling, Rainer & De Jong, Herman & Timmer, Marcel P.
2007, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 376-381 Rechtsform und Finanzierung nach der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008
by Homburg, Stefan & Houben, Henriette & Maiterth, Ralf
2007, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 57-77 The Return of Practice to Higher Education: Resolution of a Paradox
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2007, Volume 48, Issue 10
- 182-190 Minderung der Risiken bei Wertpapieranlagen zur Altersvorsorge mit marktneutralen Anlagestrategien
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2007, Volume 45, Issue 15
- 686-690 Die Abgeltungsteuer als Instrument der Unternehmensfinanzierung
by Homburg, Stefan
2007, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 987-998 Ausländermetropole Berlin: Integration West und Integration Ost?
by Hinrichs, Wilhelm
2007, Volume 39, Issue 12
- 1565-1572 Corruption clubs: empirical evidence from kernel density estimates
by Herzfeld, Thomas & Weiss, Christoph
2007, Volume 37, Issue 2-3
- 167-178 The dynamics of Chinese rural households' participation in labor markets
by Brosig, Stephan & Glauben, Thomas & Herzfeld, Thomas & Rozelle, Scott & Wang, Xiaobing
2007, Volume 34, Issue 11
- 36-38 Der lange Weg zu einer Feedback-Kultur
by Ackermann, Karl-Friedrich
2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 235-253 On the Social Structure of Markets
by Jackson, William A.
2007, Volume 28, Issue 7 (Special Issue: Price Rigidity and Flexibility: New Empirical Evidence)
- 639-647 Price Rigidity and Flexibility: New Empirical Evidence - Introduction to the Special Issue
by Levy, Daniel - 817-832 Holiday Non-Price Rigidity and Cost of Adjustment
by Müller, Georg & Bergen, Mark & Dutta, Shantanu & Levy, Daniel
2007, Volume 28, Issue 6 (Special Issue - Price Rigidity and Flexibility: Recent Theoretical Developments)
2007, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 423-447 Price adjustment under the Table: Evidence on Efficiency-Enhancing Corruption
by Levy, Daniel
2007, Volume 12, Issue 4
2007, Volume 9/2007
- 65-66 Lokales und regionales Risikomanagement - eine neue Aufgabe für die Hauptzollämter
by Weerth, Carsten
2007, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 431-437 Spatial market integration and the dynamics of transaction costs in the Chinese soy bean market
by Brosig, Stephan & Weitzel, Enno-Burghard & Glauben, Thomas & Poghosyan, Tigran & Rozelle, Scott
2007, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 495-519 Toward an Epistemology of Practice
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2007, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 2-22 OPEC and Its Role in Regulating Price of Petroleum
by Ebghaei, Felor
2007, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 35-58 Rising Wage Inequality, Rate of Return on Investment in Education and Cost of Education
by Popović, Milenko
2007, Issue 6.2007
- 381-390 Ungleichzeitigkeiten in deutschen Großstädten
by Sturm, Gabriele
2007, Issue 4
2007, Issue 1-2/2007
- 1-2 Inkrafttreten der kleinen Zollkodex-Reform in drei Schritten
by Weerth, Carsten
2007, Issue 1
- 37-43 A Preference for Migration
by Stark, Oded
- 33-49 The Effect of International Migration on Educated Unemployment
by Stark, Oded & Fan, C. Simon - 37-55 Crisis Region Western Africa - The cradle of African migration to Europe
by Kohnert, Dirk - 39-61 On the Renaissance of African Modes of Thought - The Example of the Belief in Magic and Witchcraft
by Kohnert, Dirk - 55-87 On the Articulation of Witchcraft and Modes of Production among the Nupe, Northern Nigeria
by Kohnert, Dirk - 151-173 Common roots, shared traits, joint prospects? On the articulation of multiple modernities in Benin and Haiti
by Kohnert, Dirk - 183-202 Ökonomische Anmerkungen zum Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 19. Oktober 2006
by Homburg, Stefan & Röhrbein, Kristina - 307-329 Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in den Kommunen
by Hinrichs, Wilhelm - 717-728 Die Zinsschranke - eine beispiellose Steuerinnovation
by Homburg, Stefan
2006, Volume XXIX, Issue 1
- 1-86 New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
by Nitzan, Jonathan & Bichler, Shimshon
2006, Volume 101
- 476-483 Verhaltensänderung durch Einführung der Praxisgebühr und Ursachenforschung
by Grabka, Markus M. & Schreyögg, Jonas & Busse, Reinhard
2006, Volume 88, Issue 4
- 671-681 Growth and Convergence across the United States: Evidence from County-Level Data
by Higgins, Matthew J. & Levy, Daniel & Young, Andrew T.
2006, Volume 55, Issue 5/6
- 268-279 CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg
by Happe, Kathrin & Damgaard, Martin & Osuch, Amanda & Sattler, Claudia & Zander, Peter & Uthes, Sandra & Schuler, Johannes & Piorr, Annette
2006, Volume 52, Issue 6
- 281-288 The impact of structural social capital on farm income in the Czech Republic
by Wolz, Axel & Fritzsch, Jana & Pencáková, Jitka
2006, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 43-51 Ökonomie(sierung) und Bildung - Plädoyer für ein entspannteres Verhältnis
by Wagner, Gert G.
2006, Volume 47, Issue 9
- 165-171 Auswahl von Wertpapieren bei kurzfristigem Zeithorizont (2)
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2006, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 64-68 Finding Meaning in the Organization
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2006, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 83-95 The Role of Facilitation in Praxis
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2006, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 427-468 Using Analysis of Gini (ANOGI) for Detecting Whether Two Subsamples Represent the Same Universe: The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) Experience
by Frick, Joachim R. & Goebel, Jan & Schechtman, Edna & Wagner, Gert G. & Yitzhaki, Shlomo
2006, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 670-689 Developing Managers as Learners and Researchers: Using Action Learning and Action Research
by Raelin, Joseph A. & Coghlan, David
2006, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 109-201 Asymmetric Wholesale Pricing: Theory and Evidence
by Ray, Sourav & Chen, Haipeng (Allan) & Bergen, Mark & Levy, Daniel
2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 110-151 Anatomy of the Case of Arab countries and the WTO
by Malkawi, Bashar H.
2006, Volume 18, Issue 1&2
- 1-8 Impact of PKSF Cattle Fattening Program on Income, Employment and Livelihood of Participating Farmers in Some Areas of Brahmanbaria and Kishoregonj District
by Hasan, M.R. & Miah, M.I.A. & Islam, M.A. & Uddin, M.N.
2006, Volume 14, Issue 2
2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 57-62 Private Label Price Rigidity during Holiday Periods
by Müller, Georg & Bergen, Mark & Dutta, Shantanu & Levy, Daniel
2006, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 216735 Agent-based analysis of agricultural policies: An illustration of the agricultural policy simulator AgriPoliS, its adaptation and behavior
by Happe, Kathrin & Kellermann, Konrad & Balmann, Alfons
2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
2006, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 152-168 Does Action Learning Promote Collaborative Leadership?
by Raelin, Joe
2006, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 4-12 Taking the Charisma Out: Teaching as Facilitation
by Raelin, Joseph A. - 45-67 Developmental action learning: Toward collaborative change
by Raelin, Joseph A. & Raelin, Jonathan D.
2006, Volume 2, Issue 4
2006, Volume 1, Issue 2006
- 41-61 Currency boards as an economic stabilization tool: How they work and where they are adopted
by Cappiello, Antonio
2006, Issue 12/2016
- 499-504 Das Harmonisierte System 2007
by Weerth, Carsten
2006, Issue 9
- 525-531 Brauchen wir eine regionale Strukturpolitik?
by Lammers, Konrad
2006, Issue 6/2006
- 1-48 Die Wiederausfuhr als grafische Übersicht
by Weerth, Carsten
2006, Issue 6/7.2006
- 309-316 Objektive regionale Lebensqualität und subjektives Wohlbefinden: Was macht Bürgerinnen und Bürger zufrieden?
by Kawka, Rupert & Sturm, Gabriele
2006, Issue 6
- 244-246 Die Internet-Versandanmeldung (IVA)
by Weerth, Carsten
2006, Issue 3/2006
- 1-18 Das Ausfuhrverfahren in grafischen Übersichten
by Weerth, Carsten
- 219-221 On Modernity and Wellbeing
by Stark, Oded - 351-360 The Demand for Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance by US Public Companies
by Kalchev, Georgi
2005, Volume 194, Issue 1
- 94-105 Immigrant Performance and Selective Immigration Policy: A European Perspective
by Constant, Amelie & Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2005, Volume 125, Issue 1
- 17-27 Unpaid Overtime in Germany: Differences between East and West
by Anger, Silke - 119-129 A Comparison of the Relationship between Obesity and Earnings in the U.S. and Germany
by Cawley, John H. & Grabka, Markus M. & Lillard, Dean R.
2005, Volume 67, Issue 8/9
- 646-655 Intervieweffekte bei der Erhebung des Körpergewichts in Bevölkerungsumfragen
by Kroh, Martin
2005, Volume 60, Issue 43
- 2330-2335 Auswirkungen des Kirchhofschen EStGB insbesondere auf die Unternehmensbesteuerung
by Homburg, Stefan & Bolik, Andreas
2005, Volume 60
- 2382-2385 BB-Forum: Die Steuerreformvorschläge der Stiftung Marktwirtschaft
by Homburg, Stefan
2005, Volume 55, Issue 1
2005, Volume 54, Issue 8
- 331-340 Erfolgsfaktoren in landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen
by Dautzenberg, Kirsti & Petersen, Volker
2005, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 210-224 Interregionale Disparitäten und Entwicklung ländlicher Räume als regionalpolitische Herausforderung für die neuen EU-Mitgliedstaaten
by Baum, Sabine & Weingarten, Peter
2005, Volume 54
- 305-342 Zur Einbindung der Kapitaleinkommensbesteuerung in ein rationales Steuersystem
by Homburg, Stefan
2005, Volume 46, Issue 11
- 201-206 Auswahl von Wertpapieren bei kurzfristigem Zeithorizont - Ein geeigneter Ansatz für die Altersversorgung?
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2005, Volume 46, Issue 10
- 185-191 Senkung der Lohnnebenkosten bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhuung der Mehrwertsteuer
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2005, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 81-85 Altersvorsorge mit einem Mix aus Exchange Traded Funds und Optionsscheinen
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2005, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 41-46 Versicherungsfremde Belastungen der Versicherten und nicht beitragsgedeckte Leistungen der gRV
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2005, Volume 43, Issue 51-52
- 2152-2154 Arbeitslohn bei Leistung einer Gruppenunfallversicherung
by Homburg, Stefan
2005, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 621-628 Rural development under the European CAP: The role of diversity
by Rizov, Marian
2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 119-149 Human capital and the agrarian structure in transition: Micro evidence from Romania
by Rizov, Marian
2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 236-249 Vertical market integration and competition: The meat sector in Slovenia
by Bojnec, Stefan & Peter, Günter
2005, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 18-30 We the Leaders: In Order to Form a Leaderful Organization
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2005, Volume 8, Issue 1
2005, Issue 11/2005
- 85-86 Summarische Vorab-Anmeldungen in Freizonen
by Weerth, Carsten
2005, Issue 5 (Winter 2005)
- 203-207 The Future Role of the Euro
by De Vries, Jakob
- 14-27 Internationale Kapitaleinkommensbesteuerung nach dem Wohnsitzprinzip oder dem Quellenprinzip
by Homburg, Stefan - 84-105 Altruism: Evolution and a Repercussion
by Stark, Oded & Wang, You Qiang & Wang, Yong - 91-111 Rinder - Genossen - Exportweltmeister. Zur Evolution einer "strukturellen Kopplung"
by Roth, Steffen - 115-136 Die UEMOA und die CFA-Zone: Eine neue Kooperations-Kultur im frankophonen Afrika?
by Kohnert, Dirk - 177-187 African Monetary Unions - Dominated by the North? Comment on 'The Common Monetary Area' by Martina Metzger and 'The CFA-Zone' by Jan Suchanek
by Kohnert, Dirk - 223-242 Towards a Theory of Self-Segregation as a Response to Relative Deprivation: Steady-State Outcomes and Social Welfare
by Stark, Oded & Wang, You Qiang
2004, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 514-533 Managerial and Customer Costs of Price Adjustment: Direct Evidence from Industrial Markets
by Zbaracki, Mark J. & Ritson, Mark & Levy, Daniel & Dutta, Shantanu & Bergen, Mark
2004, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 189-198 Exploring successes and failures of the CEEC in the context of the EU accession. The milk and beef sectors in the Czech Republic and Poland
by Bavorova, Miroslava & Hockmann, Heinrich & Pieniadz, Agata
2004, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 81-84 Modell eines versicherungsorientierten Umlageverfahrens - eine Erörterung kritischer Stellungnahmen
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2004, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 41-46 "Siegreiche Strategien". Geeignet für Anlagen zur Altersversorgung?
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2004, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 144-149 Berechnung von Prämien für Renten wegen Todes
by Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2004, Volume 36, Issue 4 (Special Issue)
- 765-799 "The Real Thing:" Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959
by Levy, Daniel & Young, Andrew T.
2004, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 228-244 Kinderbetreuung und Fertilität in Deutschland
by Hank, Karsten & Kreyenfeld, Michaela & Spieß, Christa Katharina
2004, Volume 31, Issue 99
- 83-101 Election Observation in Nigeria and Madagascar: Diplomatic vs. Technocratic Bias
by Kohnert, Dirk
2004, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 72-83 The price of EU accession: An insight into the Bulgarian real estate market
by Rizov, Marian
2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 131-135 Don't bother putting leadership into people
by Raelin, Joseph A.
2004, Volume 14
- 299-317 Konfliktuelle Integration?
by Tucci, Ingrid
2004, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 33-58 Embedded and defective democracies
by Merkel, Wolfgang
2004, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 225-248 The Determinants of Debt and (Private) Equity Financing : The Case of Young, Innovative SMEs from Germany
by Schäfer, Dorothea & Werwatz, Axel & Zimmermann, Volker
2004, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 254-327 Dominant Capital and the New Wars
by Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan
2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 159-186 Amazonia: Mining, taxation, and regional development
[Amazônia: mineração, tributação e desenvolvimento regional]
by Monteiro, Maurílio de Abreu
2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 20-21 О Возможности Нарушения Договоренностей
[About possibility of arrangements infringements]
by Harin, Alexander
2004, Issue 01/2004
- 43-60 Differential Accumulation and Middle East Wars: Beyond Neo-Liberalism
by Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan