2006, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 803-825 Does early adolescent sex cause depressive symptoms?
by Joseph J. Sabia - 827-854 Job sprawl, spatial mismatch, and black employment disadvantage
by Michael A. Stoll - 855-874 Curbside recycling: Waste resource or waste of resources?
by David Aadland & Arthur J. Caplan - 875-895 Downsizing, competition, and organizational change in government: Is necessity the mother of invention?
by Steven Kelman - 897-919 A re-examination of welfare states and inequality in rich nations: How in-kind transfers and indirect taxes change the story
by Irwin Garfinkel & Lee Rainwater & Timothy M. Smeeding - 921-942 State-level predictors of food insecurity among households with children
by Judi Bartfeld & Rachel Dunifon - 943-990 Child support enforcement: Programs and policies, impacts and questions
by Maureen A. Pirog & Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest - 991-992 Can we say no: The challenge of rationing health care, by Henry J. Aaron and William B. Schwartz, with Melissa Cox
by Jan Blustein - 993-995 Managing welfare reform in New York City, edited by E. S. Savas
by Andrew R. Feldman - 995-999 Illicit: How smugglers, traffickers, and copycats are hijacking the global economy, by Moisés Naím
by Samuel Nunn - 999-1001 Digital government technology and public sector performance, by Darrell M. West
by Craig L. Johnson
2006, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 515-515 Notes from the editor
by Maureen A. Pirog - 523-552 Do experimental and nonexperimental evaluations give different answers about the effectiveness of government-funded training programs?
by David H. Greenberg & Charles Michalopoulos & Philip K. Robin - 553-575 Why triggers fail (and what to do about it): An examination of the unemployment insurance extended benefits program
by Jeffrey B. Wenger & Matthew J. Walters - 577-601 School choice in Chile: Is it class or the classroom?
by Mark Schneider & Gregory Elacqua & Jack Buckley - 603-621 Has the Food Stamp program become more accessible? Impacts of recent changes in reporting requirements and asset eligibility limits
by Maria J. Hanratty - 623-643 Changes in the welfare caseload and the health of low-educated mothers
by Robert Kaestner & Elizabeth Tarlov - 645-659 Reducing traffic fatalities in the American States by upgrading seat belt use laws to primary enforcement
by David J. Houston & Lilliard E. Richardson, Jr. - 661-678 Do speed cameras produce net benefits? Evidence from British Columbia, Canada
by Greg Chen & Rebecca N. Warburton - 679-680 Would private accounts improve Social Security?
by Richard P. Nathan - 680-683 Would private accounts improve Social Security? Affirmative: Private accounts would improve Social Security
by Jeffrey R. Brown - 684-688 Would private accounts improve Social Security? Negative: Private accounts would not improve Social Security
by Kenneth S. Apfel - 689-689 Response to Kenneth S. Apfel
by Jeffrey R. Brown - 690-690 Response to Jeffrey R. Brown
by Kenneth S. Apfel - 691-735 Aiming for evidence-based gun policy
by Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig - 737-741 Unleashing change: A study of organizational renewal in government
by Carolyn J. Hill - 741-752 The flight of the creative class: The new global competition for talent; The new division of labor: How computers are creating the next job market; The state of working America
by Eugene B. McGregor, Jr.
2006, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 247-369 Attracting private investment to contaminated properties: The value of public interventions
by Kris Wernstedt & Peter B. Meyer & Anna Alberini - 249-265 Presidential address: Evidence-based decision making: What will it take for the decision makers to care?
by Rebecca A. Maynard - 267-268 Notes from the editor
by Maureen A. Pirog - 275-298 Did welfare reform influence the fertility of young teens?
by Leonard M. Lopoo & Thomas DeLeire - 299-321 Is full better than half? Examining the longitudinal effects of full-day kindergarten attendance
by Jill S. Cannon & Alison Jacknowitz & Gary Painter - 323-346 Contracting for management: Assessing management capacity under alternative service delivery arrangements
by Trevor Brown & Matt Potoski - 371-393 Public management reform and organizational performance: An empirical assessment of the U.K. Labour government's public service improvement strategy
by Richard M. Walker & George A. Boyne - 395-416 The efficacy and effect of racial profiling: A mathematical simulation approach
by Jack Glaser - 417-438 The role of earnings and financial risk in distributional analyses of Social Security reform measures
by Thomas L. Hungerford - 439-462 Does a more centralized urban form raise housing prices?
by Robert W. Wassmer & Michelle C. Baass - 463-490 Affirmative action: What do we know?
by Harry J. Holzer & David Neumark - 491-493 Sustaining nonprofit performance
by Peter Frumkin - 494-499 The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century; Three billion new capitalists: The great shift of wealth and power to the east
by Jeffrey A. Hart - 499-503 The four pillars of high performance: How robust organizations achieve extraordinary results; High-performance government: Structure, leadership, incentives
by Carolyn J. Heinrich - 503-510 Government performance: Why management matters; Government matters: Welfare reform in Wisconsin; How management matters: Street-level bureaucrats and welfare reform
by Donald F. Kettl
2006, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Notes from the editor
by Maureen A. Pirog - 11-30 Five-year effects of an anti-poverty program on marriage among never-married mothers
by Anna Gassman-Pines & Hirokazu Yoshikawa - 31-52 Nonprofit housing and neighborhood spillovers
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Ioan Voicu - 53-74 Does agency competition improve the quality of policy analysis? Evidence from OMB and CBO fiscal projections
by George A. Krause & James W. Douglas - 75-96 Alternative routes to teaching: The impacts of Teach for America on student achievement and other outcomes
by Steven Glazerman & Daniel Mayer & Paul Decker - 97-127 Competition in the sandbox: A test of the effects of preschool competition on educational outcomes
by Gary T. Henry & Craig S. Gordon - 129-153 The impact of kindergarten entrance age policies on the childcare needs of families
by Ashlesha Datar - 155-181 The effectiveness of regulatory disclosure policies
by David Weil & Archon Fung & Mary Graham & Elena Fagotto - 183-195 Did Ontario's Zero Tolerance & Graduated Licensing Law reduce youth drunk driving?
by Christopher Carpenter - 197-214 A cure for crime: Can mental health treatment diversion reduce crime among youth?
by Alison Evans Cuellar & Larkin S. McReynolds & Gail A. Wasserman - 215-227 Contexts, multiple methods, and values in the study of common-pool resources
by Matthew Auer - 229-231 Governance as leadership: Reframing the work of nonprofit boards
by Michael Bisesi - 232-235 Governing by network: The new shape of the public sector
by Steven Cohen - 235-238 The price of government: Getting the results we need in an age of permanent fiscal crisis
by William Eimicke - 238-241 Standards deviation: How schools misunderstand education policy
by Richard F. Elmore - 241-245 Limits to growth: The 30-year update
by J. I. Mills & P. C. Emmi
2005, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 653-654 Notes from the editor
by Maureen A. Pirog - 661-685 The changing association between prenatal participation in WIC and birth outcomes in New York City
by Ted Joyce & Diane Gibson & Silvie Colman - 687-690 The changing association between prenatal participation in WIC and birth outcomes in New York City: What does it mean?
by Marianne P. Bitler & Janet Currie - 691-701 Interpreting the WIC debate
by Jens Ludwig & Matthew Miller - 703-726 Poverty, food programs, and childhood obesity
by Sandra L. Hofferth & Sally Curtin - 727-743 Morbid obesity and the transition from welfare to work
by John Cawley & Sheldon Danziger - 745-769 Covenants with weak swords: ISO 14001 and facilities' environmental performance
by Matthew Potoski & Aseem Prakash - 771-784 Can public policy deter smoking escalation among young adults?
by John A. Tauras - 785-802 The effects of state R&D tax credits in stimulating private R&D expenditure: A cross-state empirical analysis
by Yonghong Wu - 803-822 Optimal compensating wages for military personnel
by Scott E. Carrell & James E. West - 823-824 The ethics of federal social program evaluation
by Richard P. Nathan - 824-846 Toward a more public discussion of the ethics of federal social program evaluation
by Jan Blustein - 846-848 The ethics of federal social program evaluation: A response to Jan Blustein
by Burt S. Barnow - 848-849 To learn or not to learn
by Howard Rolston - 849-850 Comments on Dr. Blustein's paper, “Toward a more public discussion of the ethics of federal social program evaluation”
by Peter Z. Schochet - 851-852 Jan Blustein's response
by Jan Blustein - 853-863 Interdisciplinarity and the teaching of public policy
by Rick Szostak - 864-875 Using the Kaldor-Hicks tableau format for cost-benefit analysis and policy evaluation
by Kerry Krutilla - 877-880 Private guns, public health
by Katherine Kaufer Christoffel - 880-882 Politics, policy and organizations: Frontiers in the scientific study of bureaucracy
by Steven Kelman - 882-884 Ms. Moffett's first year: Becoming a teacher in America; The trouble with ed schools
by Theodore R. Sizer - 885-890 Catastrophe: Risk and response; Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed
by Jonathan B. Wiener
2005, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 481-484 Introduction to research articles
by Maureen A. Pirog - 485-498 Can work alter welfare recipients' beliefs?
by Peter Gottschalk - 499-522 The devil may be in the details: How the characteristics of SCHIP programs affect take-up
by Barbara Wolfe & Scott Scrivner - 523-541 Participation in a national, means-tested school voucher program
by David E. Campbell & Martin R. West & Paul E. Peterson - 543-558 What do nonprofit organizations seek? (And why should policymakers care?)
by Arthur C. Brooks - 559-577 Needle exchange programs and drug injection behavior
by Jeff DeSimone - 579-598 Institutions and intellectual property: The influence of institutional forces on university patenting
by Yixin Dai & David Popp & Stuart Bretschneider - 599-600 Will the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 strengthen the political system?
by Michael J. Malbin - 600-603 Will BCRA strengthen the political system? Affirmative: BCRA is improving the political system
by Anthony Corrado - 604-608 Will the BCRA strengthen the political system? Negative: BCRA is not improving the political system
by Raymond LaRaja - 608-609 Response to LaRaja
by Anthony Corrado - 609-610 Response to Corrado
by Raymond LaRaja - 611-620 What's looks got to do with it? Instructor appearance and student evaluations of teaching
by Heather E. Campbell & Karen Gerdes & Sue Steiner - 621-624 Statehouse and greenhouse: The emerging politics of American climate change policy; Regulation in the States
by Martha Derthick - 624-627 Contemporary U.S. tax policy
by James R. Hines Jr. - 627-629 Predictable surprises: The disasters you should have seen coming and how to prevent them
by John A. Stoop - 629-638 Why smart executives fail, and what you can learn from their mistakes; State-building: Governance and world order in the 21st century; The art of the state: Culture, rhetoric, and public management
by Eugene B. McGregor Jr.
2005, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 207-215 Presidential address: “Complexifying” performance oversight in America's governments
by Richard P. Nathan - 217-222 Notes from the editor; introduction to research articles
by Maureen A. Pirog - 223-247 Assessing evidence of environmental inequities: A meta-analysis
by Evan J. Ringquist - 249-272 Anti-depressants, suicide, and drug regulation
by Jens Ludwig & Dave E. Marcotte - 273-295 Does the minimum wage affect welfare caseloads?
by Marianne E. Page & Joanne Spetz & Jane Millar - 297-327 Does school accountability lead to improved student performance?
by Eric A. Hanushek & Margaret E. Raymond - 329-350 Declining employment among young black less-educated men: The role of incarceration and child support
by Harry J. Holzer & Paul Offner & Elaine Sorensen - 351-371 Student achievement in charter schools: A complex picture
by Richard Buddin & Ron Zimmer - 373-398 Equity and information: Information regulation, environmental justice, and risks from toxic chemicals
by Marc D. Shapiro - 399-409 Does it pay to move from welfare to work? A comment on Danziger, Heflin, Corcoran, Oltmans, and Wang
by Robert Moffitt & Katie Winder - 411-417 Does it pay to move from welfare to work? Reply to Robert Moffitt and Katie Winder
by Sheldon Danziger & Hui-Chen Wang - 419-419 Report from the trenches: The life of the apprentice budget analyst
by Eugene Bardach - 420-424 Going undercover as a budget analyst
by Jennifer Kuhn - 424-428 New York, New York: Lessons learned from the biggest local government
by David J. Levy - 428-433 Game. Set. Budget
by Jennifer M. Forshey - 435-441 Cell phone roulette and “consumer interactive” quality
by Peter Navarro - 443-460 Taming the beast: Categorizing state welfare policies: A typology of welfare policies affecting recipient job entry
by Signe-Mary McKernan & Jen Bernstein & Lynne Fender - 461-463 Inequality in America; Poor kids in a rich country
by Peter Gottschalk - 463-466 Your money or your life: Strong medicine for America's health care system
by Judy Feder - 466-470 Challenges to globalization: Analyzing the economics; Many globalizations: Cultural diversity in the contemporary world
by Frederick W. Mayer - 470-472 Taming regulation; The economic dynamics of environmental law
by James T. Hamilton - 472-476 Deliberation day
by Archon Fung
2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-4 Message from the new editor
by Maureen A. Pirog - 5-22 How fair? Changes in federal income taxation and the distribution of income, 1978 to 1998
by James Alm & Fitzroy Lee & Sally Wallace - 23-46 Maternal employment and teenage childbearing: Evidence from the PSID
by Leonard M. Lopoo - 47-72 Does whole-school reform boost student performance? The case of New York City
by Robert Bifulco & William Duncombe & John Yinger - 73-91 Does WIC work? The effects of WIC on pregnancy and birth outcomes
by Marianne P. Bitler & Janet Currie - 93-112 Parents, public policy, and youth smoking
by Lisa M. Powell & Frank J. Chaloupka - 113-132 The draw of home: How teachers' preferences for proximity disadvantage urban schools
by Donald Boyd & Hamilton Lankford & Susanna Loeb & James Wyckoff - 133-165 Jobs or jails? The crime drop in Texas
by William Spelman - 167-168 Should the federal government be involved in school accountability?
by Richard P. Nathan - 168-172 Why the federal government should be involved in school accountability
by Eric A. Hanushek - 172-177 Why the federal government should not be involved in school accountability
by Richard Rothstein - 177-178 Rejoinder
by Eric A. Hanushek - 178-178 Rejoinder
by Richard Rothstein - 179-191 By the numbers: Assessing the nature of quantitative preparation in public policy, public administration, and public affairs doctoral education
by R. Karl Rethemeyer & Natalie C. Helbig - 193-196 Public sector management in New Zealand: Lessons and challenges;
by Helen F. Ladd - 196-199 Cannabis use and dependence: Public health and public policy
by Mark A.R. Kleiman - 200-202 From warfare to welfare;
by Daniel H. Pink - 202-206 The governance of not-for-profit organizations; The future of philanthropy: Economics, ethics, and management
by Michael Bisesi
2004, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 661-663 Editorial note
by Peter Reuter - 671-695 Welfare transitions in the 1990s: The economy, welfare policy, and the EITC
by Jeffrey Grogger - 697-721 Adolescents' formal employment and school enrollment: Effects of state welfare policies
by Lingxin Hao & Nan M. Astone & Andrew J. Cherlin - 723-743 Can child care assistance in welfare and employment programs support the employment of low-income families?
by Lisa A. Gennetian & Danielle A. Crosby & Aletha C. Huston & Edward D. Lowe - 745-764 Immigrants, welfare reform, and the economy
by Steven J. Haider & Robert F. Schoeni & Yuhua Bao & Caroline Danielson - 765-788 A “third way” in welfare reform? Evidence from the United Kingdom
by John Hills & Jane Waldfogel - 789-812 “Just give me a number!” Practical values for the social discount rate
by Mark A. Moore & Anthony E. Boardman & Aidan R. Vining & David L. Weimer & David H. Greenberg - 813-830 The disparate labor market impacts of monetary policy
by Seth B. Carpenter & William M. Rodgers III - 831-842 Heavy alcohol use and youth suicide: Evidence from tougher drunk driving laws
by Christopher Carpenter - 843-855 The impact of the master settlement agreement on cigarette consumption
by Frank A. Sloan & Justin G. Trogdon - 857-872 Federal policy mandating safer cigarettes: A hypothetical simulation of the anticipated population health gains or losses
by Tammy O. Tengs & Sajjad Ahmad & Rebecca Moore & Eric Gage - 873-888 Are Colombian sickness funds cream skimming enrollees? An analysis with suggestions for policy improvement
by Antonio J. Trujillo & Dawn C. McCalla - 889-890 What if …?
by Eugene Bardach - 890-901 Using simulation models to address “what if” questions about welfare reform
by A.A. Zagonel & J. Rohrbaugh & G.P. Richardson & D.F. Andersen - 901-908 Four what ifs? Evaluation of alternative technologies for the destruction of chemical weapons
by Sandor Schuman & John Rohrbaugh - 908-920 Detection and selection decisions in the practice of screening mammography
by Thomas R. Stewart & Jeryl L. Mumpower - 921-927 Should capstone course activities undergo human subjects review?
by Jan Blustein - 927-928 Matching students to project groups using the “elimination auction” program
by Eugene Bardach - 929-932 The political dynamics of school choice: Negotiating contested rerrain
by Richard Buddin & Ron Zimmer - 932-936 Creative destruction: How globalization is changing the world's cultures
by Carol C. Cronheim - 936-940 Corporate warriors
by Steven Kelman - 940-943 Shakespeare, Einstein, and the bottom line
by Richard J. Light - 943-949 Mega-projects: The changing politics of urban political investment
by Jay H. Walder & Shashi K. Verma - 949-952 The naked crowd: Reclaiming security and freedom in an anxious age
by Alasdair Roberts
2004, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 415-432 Big field, small potatoes: An empirical assessment of EPA's self-audit policy
by Alexander Pfaff & Chris William Sanchirico - 433-448 Expectations, performance, and citizen satisfaction with urban services
by Gregg G. Van Ryzin - 449-470 Women, the labor market, and the declining relative quality of teachers
by Sean P. Corcoran & William N. Evans & Robert M. Schwab - 471-488 Does merit pay reward good teachers? Evidence from a randomized experiment
by Thomas S. Dee & Benjamin J. Keys - 489-507 A simple estimation method for aggregate government outsourcing
by Stephen Minicucci & John D. Donahue - 509-530 Stigma and other determinants of participation in TANF and Medicaid
by Jennifer Stuber & Karl Kronebusch - 531-548 Alternative measures of economic success among TANF participants: Avoiding poverty, hardship, and dependence on public assistance
by Maria Cancian & Daniel R. Meyer - 549-573 Collaborative environmental institutions: All talk and no action?
by Mark Lubell - 575-593 Gasoline prices and motor vehicle fatalities
by David C. Grabowski & Michael A. Morrisey - 595-611 The effect of bicycle helmet legislation on bicycling fatalities
by Darren Grant & Stephen M. Rutner - 613-616 Informal volunteering: Some lessons from the United Kingdom
by Colin C. Williams - 617-631 Public management: Where do we go from here? Or, what do we know and when did we know it?
by Jonathan Brock - 633-635 On being nonprofit: A conceptual and policy primer
by Michael Bisesi - 635-637 The regulators: Anonymous power brokers in American politics
by Gary J. Edles - 637-639 Stalled democracy. Capital, labor, and the paradox of state-sponsored development
by Marina Ottaway - 639-642 Growth and convergence in metropolitan America
by Todd Swanstrom - 642-645 Supreme command: Soldiers, statesmen, and leadership in wartime
by Frank Hoffman - 645-648 The new public management: Improving research and policy dialogue
by Jonathan D. Breul
2004, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 205-220 Presidential address-The extrapolation problem: How can we learn from the experience of others?
by Eugene Bardach - 221-224 Introduction to research articles
by Peter Reuter - 225-250 Dynamic selection effects in means-tested, urban school voucher programs
by William G. Howell - 251-271 Do school accountability systems make it more difficult for low-performing schools to attract and retain high-quality teachers?
by Charles T. Clotfelter & Helen F. Ladd & Jacob L. Vigdor & Roger Aliaga Diaz - 273-290 Changes in living arrangements during the late 1990s: Do welfare policies matter?
by Gregory Acs & Sandi Nelson - 291-313 Modeling health insurance expansions: Effects of alternate approaches
by Dahlia K. Remler & Joshua Graff Zivin & Sherry A. Glied - 315-339 The impact of state enterprise zones on urban manufacturing establishments
by Robert T. Greenbaum & John B. Engberg - 341-363 Using laboratory experiments for policymaking: An example from the Georgia irrigation reduction auction
by Ronald G. Cummings & Charles A. Holt & Susan K. Laury - 365-375 Rhetoric: Memo to my students
by Michael O'Hare - 377-381 Shrewd sanctions: Statecraft and state sponsors of terrorism
by Stuart E. Eizenstat - 381-384 Economics as religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and beyond
by F.M. Scherer - 384-387 The company doctor
by Sallyanne Payton - 387-393 Privatization and public-private partnerships
by Eugene B. McGregor - 393-396 The information economy and American cities
by Ross Gittell - 396-398 Helping working families: The earned income tax credit
by David Neumark - 398-401 The coming democracy: New rules for running a new world
by Alasdair Roberts - 403-404 2003 Vernon Prize Award
by Howard Bloom & Carolyn Hill & James Riccio
2004, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction to research articles
by Peter Reuter - 3-11 Governance and public management, an introduction
by Carolyn J. Hill & Laurence E. Lynn