2001, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 191-197 Presidential Address-Expertise, Advocacy and Deliberation: Lessons from Welfare Reform
by Mary Jo Bane - 199-221 Are Whites Still Fleeing? Racial Patterns and Enrollment Shifts in Urban Public Schools, 1987-1996
by Charles T. Clotfelter - 223-237 Deregulation and the Racial Composition of Airlines
by Jacqueline Agesa - 239-261 Incentive Effects of Expanding Federal Mass Transit Formula Grants
by Stephen Schmidt - 263-282 The Impact of Mandatory Waiting Periods and Parental Consent Laws on the Timing of Abortion and State of Occurrence among Adolescents in Mississippi and South Carolina
by Ted Joyce & Robert Kaestner - 283-314 Cases and Controversies: How Novitiates Are Trained to Be Masters of the Public Policy Universe
by Carol Chetkovich & David L. Kirp - 315-336 Local Government Restructuring: Privatization and Its Alternatives
by Mildred Warner & Robert Hebdon - 337-340 The Customer Is Always Wrong
by Laurence E. Lynn Jr. - 340-343 A New Kind of Conversation
by Gerard Fergerson - 343-346 Are Cases Taught, Or Do Cases Teach Themselves?
by Jonathan Brock - 346-350 Using the Master's Tools To Dismantle the Master's House: Can We Harness the Virtues of Case Teaching?
by Sally J. Kenney - 351-352 Public Policy Cases as Rorschach Blots
by David L. Kirp & Carol Chetkovich - 353-358 Noticing the Micro-Distributional Consequences of Cigarette Taxation and Its Equivalent
by Mark A. R. Kleiman & Jonathan P. Caulkins - 358-364 Can We Protect Drug Users from Hepatitis C?
by Harold A. Pollack - 365-368 When Schools Compete: A Cautionary Tale
by Eric P. Bettinger - 368-371 The Price of Admission: Rethinking How Americans Pay for College
by William Zumeta - 371-373 Governing Ideas: Strategies for Innovation in France and Germany
by Francesco Caselli - 373-376 Between Politics and Science: Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research
by Nicholas H. Steneck - 376-379 Money Unmade: Barter and the Fate of Russian Capitalism
by Vladimir Popov - 379-383 The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
by Leland Gerson Neuberg - 383-385 Should the United States Privatize Social Security?
by Annika Sundén
2001, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 Welfare, work experience, and economic self-sufficiency
by Susanna Loeb & Mary Corcoran - 21-42 Bidding behavior in the department of defense's commercial activities competitions
by Christopher M Snyder & Robert P Trost & R. Derek Trunkey - 43-64 The uneven playing field of school choice: Evidence from new zealand
by Helen F Ladd & Edward B Fiske - 65-88 Assessing the property value impacts of the dispersed subsidy housing program in Denver
by Anna M Santiago & George C Galster & Peter Tatian - 89-110 Effective child support policy for low-income families: evidence from street level research
by Maureen R Waller & Robert Plotnick - 111-128 Does setting limits save lives? The case of 0.08 BAC laws
by Thomas S Dee - 129-150 Financial incentives and welfare reform in the United States
by Philip K Robins & Charles Michalopoulos & Elsie Pan - 151-155 Income inequality and health
by Jennifer M. Mellor & Jeffrey D. Milyo - 156-159 Income inequality, social environment, and inequalities in health
by Michael Marmot - 161-162 The changing public policy curriculum: Introduction
by Laurence E. Lynn - 163-171 Making public policy programs effective and relevant: The role of the policy sciences
by Peter Deleon & Toddi A. Steelman - 173-177 Guns, germs, and steel: The fates of human societies
by Robert Hunt Sprinkle - 177-179 Public management reform: A comparative analysis; The global public management revolution: A report on the transformation of governance
by Sandford Borins - 180-183 Philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in a changing america; Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective
by Laura B. Roberts - 183-184 Crossing the class and color lines: From public housing to white suburbia
by Michael N. Danielson - 184-187 A stream of windows: Unsettling reflections on trade, immigration, and democracy
by Vernon M. Briggs - 187-190 Dragonwars: Armed struggle and the conventions of modern war; Coercive military strategy
by Harold Scott
2000, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 527-546 Determinants of initial entry onto welfare by young women
by Marieka Klawitter & Robert D. Plotnick & Mark Evan Edwards - 547-568 How important are the cognitive skills of teenagers in predicting subsequent earnings?
by Richard J. Murnane & John B. Willett & Yves Duhaldeborde & John H. Tyler - 569-586 The environmental impact of suburbanization
by Matthew E. Kahn - 587-602 Values, conflict, and trust in participatory environmental planning
by Thomas C. Beierle & David M. Konisky - 603-613 Policy analysis in the presence of distorting taxes
by Ian W.H. Parry & Wallace E. Oates - 615-633 The influence of red tape on bureaucratic behavior: An experimental simulation
by Patrick G. Scott & Sanjay K. Pandey - 635-646 Tradecraft: Professional writing as problem solving
by Juliet Musso & Robert Biller & Robert Myrtle - 647-649 Behavioral dimensions of retirement economics
by Andrew Caplin - 650-652 Greed, chaos, and governance: Using public choice to improve public law
by Daniel A. Farber - 652-654 Argument without end
by Peter Frost - 654-657 Preventive defense: A new security strategy for America
by Kim R. Holmes - 657-666 Public management reform and innovation: Research, theory, and application
by Laurence E. Lynn - 666-669 The generational equity debate
by Andrew Mason - 669-671 Should we risk it? Exploring environmental, health, and technological problem solving
by Kimberly M. Thompson - 671-672 Encyclopedia of violence, peace, and conflict
by Monica Duffy Toft - 672-674 The economic pivot in a political context
by David L. Weimer
2000, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 367-382 The dissemination and utilization of welfare-to-work experiments in state policymaking
by David Greenberg & Marvin Mandell & Matthew Onstott - 383-405 Hitting a moving target: Income-related health insurance subsidies for the uninsured
by Pamela Farley Short - 407-425 Voluntary behavior by electric utilities: Levels of adoption and contribution of the climate challenge program to the reduction of carbon dioxide
by Eric W. Welch & Allan Mazur & Stuart Bretschneider - 427-449 Ownership, empowerment, and productivity: Some empirical evidence on the causes and consequences of employee discretion
by Laura I. Langbein - 451-464 Public subsidies and charitable giving: Crowding out, crowding in, or both?
by Arthur C. Brooks - 465-472 Caseload change: An exploratory study
by Lawrence M. Meada - 473-481 New media for an old method: Producing and using hypermedia case studies at the kennedy school of government
by David Eddy Spicer & Howard Husock - 483-485 Faithful and fearless: Moving feminist protest inside the church and military; Gender and family issues in the workplace
by Barbara J. Nelson - 485-488 The new paternalism: Supervisory approaches to poverty
by Lauren M. Rich - 488-491 Corruption and government: Causes, consequences, and reform
by Steven Kelman - 491-494 Civic engagement in American democracy
by Clarence N. Stone - 494-498 The Gordian knot: Political gridlock on the information highway; Coordinating the internet
by Christopher Weare - 498-501 Reforming financial systems: Historical implications for policy; Money and the nation state: The financial revolution
by James R. Barth - 501-509 Political cycles and the macroeconomy
by Robert J. Franzese - 509-513 Market education: The unknown history; School choice in Chile: Two decades of educational reform
by Kathryn McDermott
2000, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 191-192 Remembering JPAM's first editor, Raymond Vernon
by Charles Wolf - 193-206 Presidential address- Seeing through the fog
by Henry J. Aaron - 207-231 Within cities and suburbs: Racial residential concentration and the spatial distribution of employment opportunities across sub-metropolitan areas
by Michael A. Stoll & Harry J. Holzer & Keith R. Ihlanfeldt - 233-261 Organizational form and performance: An empirical investigation of nonprofit and for-profit job-training service providers
by Carolyn J. Heinrich - 263-273 Risky business? Evaluating market risk of equity investment proposals to reform social security
by Christian E. Weller - 275-295 Does state AFDC generosity affect child SSI participation?
by Bowen Garrett & Sherry Glied - 297-322 On the accuracy of regulatory cost estimates
by Winston Harrington & Richard D. Morgenstern & Peter Nelson - 323-329 The use and misuse of adjusted performance measures
by Arthur C. Brooks & Eugene Bardach - 329-334 Valuation of geomagnetic storm forecasts: An estimate of the net economic benefits of a satellite warning system
by Thomas J. Teisberg & Rodney F. Weiher & Eugene Bardach - 335-341 Teaching quantitative methods to students of public affairs: Present and future
by Deborah Hughes Hallett & John Boehrer - 343-345 Handbook of Global Environmental Policy and Administration
by Brenda E. Holzinger & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 345-349 Democratic Choice and Taxation: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis; Taxing Choice: The Predatory Politics of Fiscal Discrimination
by Roy T. Meyers & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 349-352 Our Town: Race, Housing, and the Soul of Suburbia
by Anna Maria Ortiz & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 352-354 Race, Self-employment, and Upward Mobility: An Illusive American Dream
by Elaine Reardon & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 354-356 Why Energy Conservation Fails; Chemicals, Cancer, and Choices: Risk Reduction through Markets; Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment: Creating Wealth in Hummingbird Economies
by Clinton Andrews & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 356-358 Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge
by Erik A. Devereux & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 358-361 When Government Fails: The Orange County Bankruptcy
by Glenn Beamer & Jennifer L. Hochschild - 361-363 Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest; NIMBY Politics in Japan: Energy Siting and the Management of Environmental Conflict
by James T. Hamilton & Jennifer L. Hochschild
2000, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's introduction
by Peter Reuter - 3-22 Talking trash about landfills: Using quantitative scoring schemes in landfill siting processes
by Marie Lynn Miranda & James N Miller & Timothy L Jacobs - 23-45 Net loss: A cost-benefit analysis of the Canadian Pacific salmon fishery
by Richard Schwindt & Aidan Vining & Steven Globerman - 46-74 What border? Public management innovation in the United States and Canada
by Sandford Borins - 75-92 Peer effects in private and public schools across countries
by Ron W Zimmer & Eugenia F Toma - 93-117 The interaction between single mothers' living arrangements and welfare participation
by Rebecca A London - 118-141 Exploring the relationship between performance management and program impact: A case study of the job training partnership act
by Burt S Barnow - 142-143 Introduction
by Eugene Bardach - 143-145 Tutoring for low-income children via vouchers to their parents
by George Farkas - 145-147 Empower parents to choose quality children's television
by Mark S. Nadel - 148-151 The failure of supply-side nuclear control
by Rensselaer W. Lee - 152-153 Call for papers
by John Boehrer - 153-160 Teaching ethics by the case method
by Kenneth Winston - 161-164 The Future of Child Protection: How to Break the Cycle of Abuse and Neglect
by Julia R. Henly - 164-169 The Stakeholder Society
by Leland Gerson Neuberg - 169-169 Who's Not Working and Why: Employment, Cognitive Skills, Wages and the Changing U.S. Labor Market
by Paul A. Jargowsky - 171-173 Innovating with Integrity: How Local Heroes Are Transforming American Government
by Paul G. Thomas - 173-176 Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Towards Nondiscriminatory Democracy
by James Johnson - 176-181 Nonprofits and Government: Collaboration and Conflict; Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector in a Changing America
by Carolyn J. Hill - 181-185 Organizational Report Cards
by Shelley Metzenbaum
1999, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 555-557 Change of editorship
by Janet Rothenberg Pack - 558-578 The failure of market failure
by Richard O. Zerbe & Howard E. McCurdy - 579-600 Regional fiscal cooperation in metropolitan areas: An exploration
by Andrew F. Haughwout - 601-624 The growth effects of sport franchises, stadia, and arenas
by Dennis Coates & Brad R. Humphreys - 625-651 Regulatory enforcement and compliance: Examining Danish agro-environmental policy
by PeterJ May & Søren Winter - 652-683 The dilemmas of incrementalism: Logical and political constraints in the design of health insurance reforms
by Thomas R. Oliver - 684-685 In Memoriam: Robert A. Leone, 14 July 1945 to 18 March 1999
by Michael O'Hare - 685-692 Reflections of an inside outsider
by John Boehrer - 693-698 Economics, Values, and Organization; Debating Rationality: Nonrational Aspects of Organizational Decision Making
by David L. Weimer & Laurence E. Lynn - 698-700 Social Programs That Work
by Paul C. Light & Laurence E. Lynn - 700-705 Work and Welfare
by Leland Gerson Neuberg & Laurence E. Lynn - 705-713 Life without Disease: The Pursuit of Medical Utopia
by Robert Hunt Sprinkle & Laurence E. Lynn - 713-717 Evaluating the Healthcare System: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity; The Road to Nowhere: The Genesis of President Clinton's Plan for Health Security
by Susan M. Sanders & Laurence E. Lynn - 717-719 Limited by Design: R&D Laboratories in the U.S. National Innovation System
by Jorge Niosi & Laurence E. Lynn - 719-720 Spinning Wheels: The Politics of Urban School Reform
by Charles J. Wheelan & Laurence E. Lynn - 721-723 The Experimenting Society: Essays in Honor of Donald T. Campbell
by Frank Fischer & Laurence E. Lynn - 729-731 JPAM's eighteenth year
by Janet Rothenberg Pack
1999, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 359-359 Editor's note
by Janet Rothenberg Pack - 360-360 Editor's introduction: Minisymposium on policy analysis
by Janet Rothenberg Pack - 361-388 Understanding participant perspectives: Q-methodology in national forest management
by Toddi A. Steelman & Lynn A. Maguire - 389-410 The transition from traditional to postpositivist policy analysis: A role for Q-methodology
by Dan Durning - 411-425 A place at the table: Policy analysis, its postpositive critics, and future of practice
by Laurence E. Lynn - 426-429 Comment: Q-method and the isms
by David L. Weimer - 430-448 Health insurance coverage of the unemployed: COBRA and the potential effects of Kassebaum-Kennedy
by Mark C. Berger & Dan A. Black & Frank A. Scott & Amitabh Chandra - 449-472 Will employers hire welfare recipients? Recent survey evidence from Michigan
by Harry J. Holzer - 473-480 A “Building-up” approach to measuring program costs
by James C. Ohls & Linda C. Rosenberg & Janet A. Weiss - 481-481 Erratum
by Janet A. Weiss - 482-502 The class as case: “Reinventing” the classroom
by Martha S. Feldman & Anne Khademian & Robert A. Leone - 503-505 Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy
by Peter D. Brandon & Laurence E. Lynn - 506-519 Discrimination, Jobs, and Politics: The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity in the United States Since the New Deal; The Ironies of Affirmative Action: Politics, Culture, and Justice in America; Someone Else's House: America's Unfinished Struggle for Integration; The Color Bind: California's Battle to End Affirmative Action; The Ordeal of Integration: Progress and Resentment in America's “Racial” Crisis; On Higher Ground: Education and the Case for Affirmative Action; The Shape of the River: LongTerm Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions
by Leland Gerson Neuberg & Laurence E. Lynn - 519-522 Why National Standards and Tests? Politics and the Quest for Better Schools
by Charles J. Wheelan & Laurence E. Lynn - 522-524 Channeling Violence: The Economic Market for Violent Television Programming
by Douglas Gomery & Laurence E. Lynn - 524-525 Groups, Interests, and U.S. Public Policy
by David Knoke & Laurence E. Lynn - 525-527 Pollution Control in the United States: Evaluating the System
by Richard C. Feiock & Laurence E. Lynn - 527-528 Older and Wiser: The Economics of Public Pensions
by John Dixon & Laurence E. Lynn - 528-532 A Theory of Urbanity: The Economic and Civic Culture of Cities
by Jason S. Palmer & Laurence E. Lynn - 532-535 Judicial Policy Making and the Modern State: How the Courts Reformed America's Prisons
by Anthony M. Bertelli & Laurence E. Lynn
1999, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 211-225 Presidential address: Peanuts envy?
by Lee S. Friedman - 226-244 The paradox of policy analysis: If it is not used, why do we produce so much of it?
by Nancy Shulock - 245-263 The ethics of resigning
by J. Patrick Dobel - 264-280 Eliciting preferences for land use alternatives: A structured value referendum with approval voting
by Timothy L. McDaniels & Karen Thomas - 281-302 The impact of the family and medical leave act
by Jane Waldfogel - 303-326 Revealed preferences of a state bureau: Case of New Mexico's underground storage tank program
by Robert P. Berrens & Alok K. Bohara & Amy Baker & Ken Baker - 327-332 Federal constraints and state innovation: Lessons from Florida's family transition program
by Robin H. Rogers-Dillon & Janet A. Weiss - 333-339 Applied economics and public policy; Just results: Ethical foundations for policy analysis; Tales of the State: Narrative in contemporary U.S. politics and public policy; Honest numbers and democracy
by Peter deLeon & Laurence E. Lynn - 339-343 Debating technologies: A methodological contribution to the design and evaluation of participatory policy analysis
by Dan Durning & Laurence E. Lynn - 343-346 Sustaining innovation: Creating nonprofit and government organizations that innovate naturally
by Deborah A. Auger & Laurence E. Lynn - 346-350 From promises to performance: Achieving global environmental goals; Environmental activism and world civic politics; Global governance: Drawing insights from the environmental experience
by Christian Hunold & Laurence E. Lynn
1999, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editor's note
by Janet Rothenberg Pack - 2-27 How costly is “clean”? An analysis of the benefits and costs of Superfund site remediations
by James T. Hamilton & W. Kip Viscusi - 28-49 The effect of disabilities on exits from AFDC
by Gregory Acs & Pamela Loprest - 50-76 The impact of welfare reform on local labor markets
by Laura Leete & Neil Bania - 77-98 Spatial mismatch, discrimination, and male youth employment in the Washington, DC area: Implications for residential mobility policies
by Michael A. Stoll - 99-119 Evaluating the impact of manufacturing extension on productivity growth
by Ronald S. Jarmin - 120-125 Buying charity care with property tax expenditures
by Woods Bowman & Janet A. Weiss - 125-133 Credit card debts of the poor: High and rising
by Edward J. Bird & Paul A. Hagstrom & Robert Wild & Janet A. Weiss - 134-155 Diversity and public problem solving: Ideas and practice in policy education
by Barbara J. Nelson & Robert A. Leone - 156-168 Book review essay: Information technology
by John A. Nicolay & Laurence E. Lynn - 168-174 Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy , by Eamonn Callan. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1997, 262pp., $29.95 cloth; Rationality and Power: Democracy in Practice , by Bent Flyvbjerg. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998, 290pp., $43.00 cloth, $16.95 paper
by Kenneth A. Strike & Laurence E. Lynn - 174-178 Reinventing public education
by Frederick M. Hess & Laurence E. Lynn - 178-181 Transforming public policy: Dynamics of policy entrepreneurship and innovation
by Mary Bryna Sanger & Laurence E. Lynn - 181-184 Taking complexity seriously: Policy analysis, triangulation, and sustainable development
by Louise K. Comfort & Laurence E. Lynn - 184-187 Generating jobs: How to increase demand for less-skilled workers
by Carolyn J. Heinrich & Laurence E. Lynn - 187-191 Accounting for results, 1997; Government-wide performance plan, fiscal year 1999
by Alasdair Roberts & Laurence E. Lynn - 191-199 A solution to the ecological inference problem: Reconstructing individual behavior from aggregate data
by Leland Gerson Neuberg & Laurence E. Lynn - 199-202 Terminating public programs: An American political paradox
by Iris Geva-May & Laurence E. Lynn
1998, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 595-620 Do two-year colleges increase overall educational attainment? Evidence from the states
by Cecilia Elena Rouse - 621-638 Research and development project selection in the public sector
by Nicholas S. Vonortas & Henry R. Hertzfeld - 639-657 Job accessibility and welfare usage: Evidence from Los Angeles
by Evelyn Blumenberg & Paul Ong - 658-686 The effects of state and local antidiscrimination policies on earnings for gays and lesbians
by Marieka M. Klawitter & Victor Flatt - 687-696 The role of subsidized housing in reducing homelessness: An empirical investigation using micro-data
by Dirk W. Early - 697-705 Absorption of immigrants to Israel: On remedies for market and policy myopia
by Iris Geva-May & James Dean & Janet A. Weiss - 706-720 Classroom design for discussion-based teaching
by Michael O'Hare & Robert A. Leone - 721-730 Why people don't trust government
by Walter Williams & Laurence E. Lynn - 730-734 World drug report
by Peter Reuter & Laurence E. Lynn - 734-736 Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic science and technological innovation
by John E. Brandl & Laurence E. Lynn - 736-738 Governments, parties, and public sector employees: Canada, the United States, Britain, and France
by Patricia W. Ingraham & Laurence E. Lynn - 738-743 Managed care: Made in America; Assessing medical rehabilitation practices: The promise of outcomes research; Gatekeeping in the intensive care unit
by Robert Hunt Sprinkle & Laurence E. Lynn - 743-744 The teacher unions
by John Merrifield & Laurence E. Lynn - 745-748 Fundable knowledge: The marketing of defense technology
by Chris C. Demchak & Laurence E. Lynn - 754-757 JPAM's seventeenth year
by Janet Rothenberg Pack
1998, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 373-392 Educational vouchers: Effectiveness, choice, and costs
by Henry M. Levin - 393-417 Teacher recruitment and retention in public and private schools
by Dale Ballou & Michael Podgursky - 419-456 Is cost-benefit analysis legal? Three rules
by Richard O. Zerbe - 457-493 Cross-city evidence on the relationship between immigration and crime
by Kristin F. Butcher & Anne Morrison Piehl - 495-520 Drug use and AFDC participation: Is there a connection?
by Robert Kaestner - 521-522 Editor's note: A debate about defensive gun uses
by Janet A. Weiss - 523-534 Self-directed work teams: Process with measurement
by Mark K. McBeth - 535-538 What money can't buy: Family income and children's life chances
by Eric A. Hanushek - 539-541 It takes a nation: A new agenda for fighting poverty
by LaDonna A. Pavetti - 541-549 Faces of poverty; Children in courts: Public policymaking and federal court decisions; Whose welfare? AFDC and elite politics
by Brian K. Gran & Judith A. Levine