2023, Volume 131, Issue 1
- 190-201 A Semistructural Methodology for Policy Counterfactuals
by Martin Beraja - 202-245 Attraction versus Persuasion: Information Provision in Search Markets
by Pak Hung Au & Mark Whitmeyer
2022, Volume 130, Issue 12
- 3025-3100 The Comparative Advantage of Firms
by Johannes Boehm & Swati Dhingra & John Morrow - 3101-3145 Exit versus Voice
by Eleonora Broccardo & Oliver Hart & Luigi Zingales - 3146-3201 Asset Management Contracts and Equilibrium Prices
by Andrea M. Buffa & Dimitri Vayanos & Paul Woolley - 3202-3252 Vertical Contracts with Endogenous Product Selection: An Empirical Analysis of Vendor Allowance Contracts
by Sylvia Hristakeva - 3253-3285 Breaking the Cycle? Intergenerational Effects of an Antipoverty Program in Early Childhood
by Andrew Barr & Chloe R. Gibbs - 3286-3333 Aggregate Implications of Changing Sectoral Trends
by Andrew T. Foerster & Andreas Hornstein & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte & Mark W. Watson
2022, Volume 130, Issue 11
- 2771-2828 Within-Firm Productivity Dispersion: Estimates and Implications
by Scott Orr - 2829-2861 Central Bank Digital Currency: Welfare and Policy Implications
by Stephen Williamson - 2862-2897 Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity
by Dietmar Fehr & Günther Fink & B. Kelsey Jack - 2898-2942 Caring or Pretending to Care? Social Impact, Firms’ Objectives, and Welfare
by Michele Fioretti - 2943-2984 Mismatch Cycles
by Isaac Baley & Ana Figueiredo & Robert Ulbricht - 2985-3023 Electoral Accountability and Control in US Cities
by Holger Sieg & Chamna Yoon
2022, Volume 130, Issue 10
- 2501-2533 The Effects of High-Skilled Immigration Policy on Firms: Evidence from Visa Lotteries
by Kirk Doran & Alexander Gelber & Adam Isen - 2534-2593 Equilibrium Trade in Automobiles
by Kenneth Gillingham & Fedor Iskhakov & Anders Munk-Nielsen & John Rust & Bertel Schjerning - 2594-2642 Non-Bayesian Persuasion
by Geoffroy de Clippel & Xu Zhang - 2643-2704 Cognitive Skills, Strategic Sophistication, and Life Outcomes
by Eduardo Fé & David Gill & Victoria Prowse - 2705-2730 Persuasion via Weak Institutions
by Elliot Lipnowski & Doron Ravid & Denis Shishkin - 2731-2769 How Much Should We Trust the Dictator’s GDP Growth Estimates?
by Luis R. Martínez
2022, Volume 130, Issue 9
- 2227-2274 Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Ideas
by Charles I. Jones - 2275-2314 The Economic Effects of Long-Term Climate Change: Evidence from the Little Ice Age
by Maria Waldinger - 2315-2360 Minimum Wage and Individual Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Large US Retailer
by Decio Coviello & Erika Deserranno & Nicola Persico - 2361-2410 Economic Preferences across Generations and Family Clusters: A Large-Scale Experiment in a Developing Country
by Shyamal Chowdhury & Matthias Sutter & Klaus F. Zimmermann - 2411-2461 Behavioral Foundations of Nested Stochastic Choice and Nested Logit
by Matthew Kovach & Gerelt Tserenjigmid - 2462-2499 Child Development in Parent-Child Interactions
by Avner Seror
2022, Volume 130, Issue 8
- 1993-2017 The Allocation of Food to Food Banks
by Canice Prendergast - 2018-2054 Designing Incentives for Heterogeneous Researchers
by Nathan Yoder - 2055-2109 Asymmetric Information and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets Mexican Data
by Harold Cole & Daniel Neuhann & Guillermo Ordoñez - 2110-2163 Sorting or Steering: The Effects of Housing Discrimination on Neighborhood Choice
by Peter Christensen & Christopher Timmins - 2164-2202 Instrumental Variable Identification of Dynamic Variance Decompositions
by Mikkel Plagborg-Møller & Christian K. Wolf - 2203-2222 Dissecting the Equity Premium
by Tyler Beason & David Schreindorfer - 2223-2224 Erratum: Self-Control at Work
by Supreet Kaur & Michael Kremer & Sendhil Mullainathan
2022, Volume 130, Issue 7
- 1717-1764 Estimating an Equilibrium Model of Horizontal Competition in Education
by Natalie Bau - 1765-1804 The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach
by Andrew B. Bernard & Emmanuel Dhyne & Glenn Magerman & Kalina Manova & Andreas Moxnes - 1805-1859 Bail-Ins and Bailouts: Incentives, Connectivity, and Systemic Stability
by Benjamin Bernard & Agostino Capponi & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 1860-1918 Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets
by Pere Arqué-Castells & Daniel F. Spulber - 1919-1962 The Causal Impact of Removing Children from Abusive and Neglectful Homes
by Anthony Bald & Eric Chyn & Justine Hastings & Margarita Machelett - 1963-1990 Reevaluating the Long-Term Impact of In Utero Exposure to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
by Brian Beach & Ryan Brown & Joseph Ferrie & Martin Saavedra & Duncan Thomas
2022, Volume 130, Issue 6
- 1427-1476 Preference Discovery in University Admissions: The Case for Dynamic Multioffer Mechanisms
by Julien Grenet & YingHua He & Dorothea Kübler - 1477-1536 Organizational Capital, Corporate Leadership, and Firm Dynamics
by Wouter Dessein & Andrea Prat - 1537-1584 Monetary Policy Communications and Their Effects on Household Inflation Expectations
by Olivier Coibion & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Michael Weber - 1585-1629 Signaling in Online Credit Markets
by Kei Kawai & Ken Onishi & Kosuke Uetake - 1630-1675 The Dynamics and Spillovers of Management Interventions: Evidence from the Training within Industry Program
by Nicola Bianchi & Michela Giorcelli - 1676-1715 Rationally Inattentive Behavior: Characterizing and Generalizing Shannon Entropy
by Andrew Caplin & Mark Dean & John Leahy
2022, Volume 130, Issue 5
- 1147-1183 Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises, Revisited
by Mark Aguiar & Satyajit Chatterjee & Harold Cole & Zachary Stangebye - 1184-1248 When Harry Fired Sally: The Double Standard in Punishing Misconduct
by Mark Egan & Gregor Matvos & Amit Seru - 1249-1318 Trade, Structural Transformation, and Development: Evidence from Argentina 1869–1914
by Pablo Fajgelbaum & Stephen J. Redding - 1319-1363 Bidding and Drilling under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Contingent Payment Auctions
by Vivek Bhattacharya & Andrey Ordin & James W. Roberts - 1364-1411 Detecting Large-Scale Collusion in Procurement Auctions
by Kei Kawai & Jun Nakabayashi - 1412-1418 The Gravity Equation in International Trade: A Note
by Ruben Dewitte - 1419-1425 The Gravity Equation in International Trade: A Response
by Thomas Chaney
2022, Volume 130, Issue 4
- 825-880 Cause and Effect in Political Polarization: A Dynamic Analysis
by Steven Callander & Juan Carlos Carbajal - 881-925 Cost-Benefit Analysis in Reasoning
by Larbi Alaoui & Antonio Penta - 926-955 Ordinal Centrality
by Evan Sadler - 956-990 Measuring the Completeness of Economic Models
by Drew Fudenberg & Jon Kleinberg & Annie Liang & Sendhil Mullainathan - 991-1090 Good Reverberations? Teacher Influence in Music Composition since 1450
by Karol Jan Borowiecki - 1091-1144 The Origin of the State: Land Productivity or Appropriability?
by Joram Mayshar & Omer Moav & Luigi Pascali
2022, Volume 130, Issue 3
- 523-565 Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence
by Robert Paul Hartley & Carlos Lamarche & James P. Ziliak - 566-635 Monopoly Pricing, Optimal Randomization, and Resale
by Simon Loertscher & Ellen V. Muir - 636-680 Are There Too Many Farms in the World? Labor Market Transaction Costs, Machine Capacities, and Optimal Farm Size
by Andrew D. Foster & Mark R. Rosenzweig - 681-731 Ordinary Least Squares Estimation of the Intrahousehold Distribution of Expenditure
by Valérie Lechene & Krishna Pendakur & Alex Wolf - 732-765 Why Does Education Reduce Crime?
by Brian Bell & Rui Costa & Stephen Machin - 766-822 How Much Does Your Boss Make? The Effects of Salary Comparisons
by Zoë Cullen & Ricardo Perez-Truglia
2022, Volume 130, Issue 2
- 259-309 Demand for Online News under Government Control: Evidence from Russia
by Andrey Simonov & Justin Rao - 310-345 Intermediation and Competition in Search Markets: An Empirical Case Study
by Tobias Salz - 346-387 Learning before Trading: On the Inefficiency of Ignoring Free Information
by Doron Ravid & Anne-Katrin Roesler & Balázs Szentes - 388-425 Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts
by Jørgen Juel Andersen & Niels Johannesen & Bob Rijkers - 426-461 Equilibrium Bid-Price Dispersion
by Boyan Jovanovic & Albert J. Menkveld - 462-520 The Effects of Banking Competition on Growth and Financial Stability: Evidence from the National Banking Era
by Mark Carlson & Sergio Correia & Stephan Luck
2022, Volume 130, Issue 1
- 1-47 Management and Shocks to Worker Productivity
by Achyuta Adhvaryu & Namrata Kala & Anant Nyshadham - 48-93 Cooperative Property Rights and Development: Evidence from Land Reform in El Salvador
by Eduardo Montero - 94-120 Tolerance and Compromise in Social Networks
by Garance Genicot - 121-156 The Mortgage Rate Conundrum
by Alejandro Justiniano & Giorgio E. Primiceri & Andrea Tambalotti - 157-209 Improving Business Practices and the Boundary of the Entrepreneur: A Randomized Experiment Comparing Training, Consulting, Insourcing, and Outsourcing
by Stephen J. Anderson & David McKenzie - 210-257 Rationing the Commons
by Nicholas Ryan & Anant Sudarshan
2021, Volume 129, Issue 12
- 3261-3301 Child’s Gender, Young Fathers’ Crime, and Spillover Effects in Criminal Behavior
by Christian Dustmann & Rasmus Landersø - 3302-3356 How Does Incarceration Affect Reoffending? Estimating the Dose-Response Function
by Evan K. Rose & Yotam Shem-Tov - 3357-3404 Efficiency and Foreclosure Effects of Vertical Rebates: Empirical Evidence
by Christopher T. Conlon & Julie Holland Mortimer - 3405-3446 Financial Development and International Trade
by Fernando Leibovici - 3447-3490 Forecast Hedging and Calibration
by Dean P. Foster & Sergiu Hart - 3491-3545 Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement
by Lorenzo Caliendo & Luca David Opromolla & Fernando Parro & Alessandro Sforza
2021, Volume 129, Issue 11
- 2995-3038 Market Structure and Competition in Airline Markets
by Federico Ciliberto & Charles Murry & Elie Tamer - 3039-3072 Directed Technical Change as a Response to Natural Resource Scarcity
by John Hassler & Per Krusell & Conny Olovsson - 3073-3140 The Power of Referential Advice
by Steven Callander & Nicolas S. Lambert & Niko Matouschek - 3141-3184 Optimal Income Taxation: Mirrlees Meets Ramsey
by Jonathan Heathcote & Hitoshi Tsujiyama - 3185-3205 Comparison of Decisions under Unknown Experiments
by Andrew Caplin & Daniel Martin - 3206-3258 Coalition Formation in Legislative Bargaining
by Marco Battaglini
2021, Volume 129, Issue 10
- 2721-2765 Liquidity Rules and Credit Booms
by Kinda Hachem & Zheng Song - 2766-2816 The Production Function for Housing: Evidence from France
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Gilles Duranton & Laurent Gobillon - 2817-2860 Do Environmental Markets Improve on Open Access? Evidence from California Groundwater Rights
by Andrew B. Ayres & Kyle C. Meng & Andrew J. Plantinga - 2861-2904 The Transmission of Monetary Policy under the Microscope
by Martin Blomhoff Holm & Pascal Paul & Andreas Tischbirek - 2905-2946 The Path to College Education: The Role of Math and Verbal Skills
by Esteban Aucejo & Jonathan James - 2947-2992 Understanding Disparities in Punishment: Regulator Preferences and Expertise
by Karam Kang & Bernardo S. Silveira
2021, Volume 129, Issue 9
- 2455-2503 Discrimination, Managers, and Firm Performance: Evidence from “Aryanizations” in Nazi Germany
by Kilian Huber & Volker Lindenthal & Fabian Waldinger - 2504-2545 Socioeconomic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences
by Armin Falk & Fabian Kosse & Pia Pinger & Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch & Thomas Deckers - 2546-2594 Feasible Joint Posterior Beliefs
by Itai Arieli & Yakov Babichenko & Fedor Sandomirskiy & Omer Tamuz - 2595-2628 Communication and Community Enforcement
by Takuo Sugaya & Alexander Wolitzky - 2629-2665 Social Insurance, Information Revelation, and Lack of Commitment
by Mikhail Golosov & Luigi Iovino - 2666-2719 Systematic Bias in the Progress of Research
by Amir Rubin & Eran Rubin
2021, Volume 129, Issue 8
- 2183-2232 Exchange Rate Disconnect in General Equilibrium
by Oleg Itskhoki & Dmitry Mukhin - 2233-2274 The Interaction of Bankers’ Asset and Liability Management with Liquidity Concerns
by Yiran Fan - 2275-2319 Search, Information, and Prices
by Dirk Bergemann & Benjamin Brooks & Stephen Morris - 2320-2343 On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity
by Sören Blomquist & Whitney K. Newey & Anil Kumar & Che-Yuan Liang - 2344-2384 Two Blades of Grass: The Impact of the Green Revolution
by Douglas Gollin & Casper Worm Hansen & Asger Mose Wingender - 2385-2414 Difference-in-Differences Hedonics
by H. Spencer Banzhaf - 2415-2452 An Equilibrium Model of the Market for Bitcoin Mining
by Julien Prat & Benjamin Walter
2021, Volume 129, Issue 7
- 1947-1990 Asset Pricing with Omitted Factors
by Stefano Giglio & Dacheng Xiu - 1991-2022 On the Direction of Innovation
by Hugo Hopenhayn & Francesco Squintani - 2023-2066 Are Bigger Banks Better? Firm-Level Evidence from Germany
by Kilian Huber - 2067-2111 Steps of Reasoning in Children and Adolescents
by Isabelle Brocas & Juan D. Carrillo - 2112-2156 Planning Ahead for Better Neighborhoods: Long-Run Evidence from Tanzania
by Guy Michaels & Dzhamilya Nigmatulina & Ferdinand Rauch & Tanner Regan & Neeraj Baruah & Amanda Dahlstrand - 2157-2180 Privacy as a Public Good: A Case for Electronic Cash
by Rodney J. Garratt & Maarten R. C. van Oordt
2021, Volume 129, Issue 6
- 1667-1704 Dual Decision Processes: Retrieving Preferences When Some Choices Are Automatic
by Francesco Cerigioni - 1705-1743 Hysteresis and the Welfare Effect of Corrective Policies: Theory and Evidence from an Energy-Saving Program
by Francisco Costa & François Gerard - 1744-1796 Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets
by Mariassunta Giannetti & Nicolas Serrano-Velarde & Emanuele Tarantino - 1797-1827 The Impact of Temperature on Productivity and Labor Supply: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing
by E. Somanathan & Rohini Somanathan & Anant Sudarshan & Meenu Tewari - 1828-1877 Time Will Tell: Recovering Preferences When Choices Are Noisy
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Ernst Fehr & Nick Netzer - 1878-1944 Taxation under Learning by Doing
by Miltiadis Makris & Alessandro Pavan
2021, Volume 129, Issue 5
- 1319-1360 Recent Trends in US Income Distributions in Tax Record Data Using More Comprehensive Measures of Income Including Real Accrued Capital Gains
by Jeff Larrimore & Richard V. Burkhauser & Gerald Auten & Philip Armour - 1361-1424 Human Capital Investments and Expectations about Career and Family
by Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar - 1425-1463 How to Improve Tax Compliance? Evidence from Population-Wide Experiments in Belgium
by Jan-Emmanuel De Neve & Clément Imbert & Johannes Spinnewijn & Teodora Tsankova & Maarten Luts - 1464-1486 An Investment-and-Marriage Model with Differential Fecundity: On the College Gender Gap
by Hanzhe Zhang - 1487-1507 Search, Liquidity, and Retention: Screening Multidimensional Private Information
by Basil Williams - 1508-1552 East-Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting
by Stephan Heblich & Alex Trew & Yanos Zylberberg - 1553-1614 Impure Impact Giving: Theory and Evidence
by Daniel M. Hungerman & Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm - 1615-1639 Exposure to Grocery Prices and Inflation Expectations
by Francesco D’Acunto & Ulrike Malmendier & Juan Ospina & Michael Weber - 1640-1665 Optimal Fiscal Policy without Commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey
by Davide Debortoli & Ricardo Nunes & Pierre Yared
2021, Volume 129, Issue 4
- 981-1010 A Market-Based Solution for Fire Sales and Other Pecuniary Externalities
by Weerachart T. Kilenthong & Robert M. Townsend - 1011-1051 A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu & Philipp Strack & Mengxi Zhang - 1052-1099 The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement
by Bart H. H. Golsteyn & Arjan Non & Ulf Zölitz - 1100-1156 Asset Classes
by Nicolas L. Jacquet - 1157-1192 Securing Property Rights
by A. Patrick Behrer & Edward L. Glaeser & Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto & Andrei Shleifer - 1193-1251 How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption
by David Atkin & Eve Colson-Sihra & Moses Shayo - 1252-1286 Upstream, Downstream: Diffusion and Impacts of the Universal Product Code
by Emek Basker & Timothy Simcoe - 1287-1317 The Economic Structure of International Trade-in-Services Agreements
by Robert W. Staiger & Alan O. Sykes
2021, Volume 129, Issue 3
- 649-702 Killer Acquisitions
by Colleen Cunningham & Florian Ederer & Song Ma - 703-756 Why Do Wealthy Parents Have Wealthy Children?
by Andreas Fagereng & Magne Mogstad & Marte Rønning - 757-788 Intergenerational Mobility and the Timing of Parental Income
by Pedro Carneiro & Italo López García & Kjell G. Salvanes & Emma Tominey - 789-841 An Experimental Investigation of Price Dispersion and Cycles
by Timothy N. Cason & Daniel Friedman & Ed Hopkins - 842-870 Identification of Hedonic Equilibrium and Nonseparable Simultaneous Equations
by Victor Chernozhukov & Alfred Galichon & Marc Henry & Brendan Pass - 871-939 Granular Comparative Advantage
by Cecile Gaubert & Oleg Itskhoki - 940-978 Supply and Demand in a Two-Sector Matching Model
by Paweł Gola
2021, Volume 129, Issue 2
- 337-382 Leisure Luxuries and the Labor Supply of Young Men
by Mark Aguiar & Mark Bils & Kerwin Kofi Charles & Erik Hurst - 383-420 Dynamic Tournament Design: Evidence from Prediction Contests
by Jorge Lemus & Guillermo Marshall - 421-464 Multiproduct Intermediaries
by Andrew Rhodes & Makoto Watanabe & Jidong Zhou - 465-491 The Effects of Fluoride in Drinking Water
by Linuz Aggeborn & Mattias Öhman - 492-533 Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid
by Mark Colas & Sebastian Findeisen & Dominik Sachs - 534-569 Startups and Upstarts: Disadvantageous Information in R&D
by Yu Awaya & Vijay Krishna - 570-606 Can Health Insurance Competition Work? Evidence from Medicare Advantage
by Vilsa Curto & Liran Einav & Jonathan Levin & Jay Bhattacharya - 607-645 Taking Orders and Taking Notes: Dealer Information Sharing in Treasury Auctions
by Nina Boyarchenko & David O. Lucca & Laura Veldkamp - 646-646 Erratum: “Unbalanced Random Matching Markets: The Stark Effect of Competition”
by Itai Ashlagi & Yash Kanoria & Jacob D. Leshno
2021, Volume 129, Issue 1
- 1-80 Heterogeneity, Measurement Error, and Misallocation: Evidence from African Agriculture
by Douglas Gollin & Christopher Udry - 81-100 Local Distortions in Parental Beliefs over Child Skill
by Josh Kinsler & Ronni Pavan - 101-147 Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work
by Heather Sarsons & Klarita Gërxhani & Ernesto Reuben & Arthur Schram - 148-181 Sequential Auctions with Synergy and Affiliation across Auctions
by Yunmi Kong - 182-242 Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit
by Niklas Amberg & Tor Jacobson & Erik von Schedvin & Robert Townsend - 243-285 People Management Skills, Employee Attrition, and Manager Rewards: An Empirical Analysis
by Mitchell Hoffman & Steven Tadelis - 286-322 Parent-Child Information Frictions and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Peter Bergman - 323-335 Pass-Through as an Economic Tool: On Exogenous Competition, Social Incidence, and Price Discrimination
by Jeanine Miklós-Thal & Greg Shaffer
2020, Volume 128, Issue 12
- 4387-4437 Declining Search Frictions, Unemployment, and Growth
by Paolo Martellini & Guido Menzio - 4438-4474 What Goes Up May Not Come Down: Asymmetric Incidence of Value-Added Taxes
by Youssef Benzarti & Dorian Carloni & Jarkko Harju & Tuomas Kosonen - 4475-4522 Ex Ante Returns and Occupational Choice
by Peter Arcidiacono & V. Joseph Hotz & Arnaud Maurel & Teresa Romano - 4523-4573 Commitment versus Flexibility with Costly Verification
by Marina Halac & Pierre Yared - 4574-4613 Welfare Analysis with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences
by Maya Eden - 4614-4000 A/B Testing with Fat Tails
by Eduardo M. Azevedo & Alex Deng & José Luis Montiel Olea & Justin Rao & E. Glen Weyl - 4673-4675 Erratum: Fatter Attraction: Anthropometric and Socioeconomic Matching on the Marriage Market
by Pierre-André Chiappori & Sonia Oreffice & Climent Quintana-Domeque
2020, Volume 128, Issue 11
- 4011-4045 Political Cycles and Stock Returns
by Ľuboš Pástor & Pietro Veronesi - 4046-4096 How Do Doctors Respond to Incentives? Unintended Consequences of Paying Doctors to Reduce Costs
by Diane Alexander - 4097-4162 Firm Volatility in Granular Networks
by Bernard Herskovic & Bryan Kelly & Hanno Lustig & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh - 4163-4210 Copyrights and Creativity: Evidence from Italian Opera in the Napoleonic Age
by Michela Giorcelli & Petra Moser - 4211-4257 Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms
by Lorenzo Caliendo & Giordano Mion & Luca David Opromolla & Esteban Rossi-Hansberg - 4258-4336 Equilibrium Labor Market Search and Health Insurance Reform
by Naoki Aizawa & Hanming Fang - 4337-4383 Occupational Licensing and Maternal Health: Evidence from Early Midwifery Laws
by D. Mark Anderson & Ryan Brown & Kerwin Kofi Charles & Daniel I. Rees - 4384-4384 Erratum: Chinese College Admissions and School Choice Reforms: A Theoretical Analysis
by Yan Chen & Onur Kesten
2020, Volume 128, Issue 10
- 3679-3729 Moral Values and Voting
by Benjamin Enke - 3730-3778 Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession
by Andrew Glover & Jonathan Heathcote & Dirk Krueger & José-Víctor Ríos-Rull - 3779-3819 Collusion in Markets with Syndication
by John William Hatfield & Scott Duke Kominers & Richard Lowery & Jordan M. Barry - 3820-3871 Identification in Auction Models with Interdependent Costs
by Paulo Somaini - 3872-3912 Common Values, Unobserved Heterogeneity, and Endogenous Entry in US Offshore Oil Lease Auctions
by Giovanni Compiani & Philip Haile & Marcelo Sant’Anna - 3913-3939 Motivated False Memory
by Soo Hong Chew & Wei Huang & Xiaojian Zhao - 3940-3997 The Economic Origins of Conflict in Africa
by Eoin McGuirk & Marshall Burke - 3998-4002 An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force: A Comment
by Steven N. Durlauf & James J. Heckman - 4003-4008 An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force: A Response
by Roland G. Fryer
2020, Volume 128, Issue 9
- 3285-3345 The Housing Boom and Bust: Model Meets Evidence
by Greg Kaplan & Kurt Mitman & Giovanni L. Violante - 3346-3375 Experience of Communal Conflicts and Intergroup Lending
by Raymond Fisman & Arkodipta Sarkar & Janis Skrastins & Vikrant Vig - 3376-3433 Understanding How Low Levels of Early Lead Exposure Affect Children’s Life Trajectories
by Hans Grönqvist & J. Peter Nilsson & Per-Olof Robling - 3434-3468 Credit Market Disruptions and Liquidity Spillover Effects in the Supply Chain
by Anna M. Costello - 3469-3519 Income and Wealth Inequality in America, 1949–2016
by Moritz Kuhn & Moritz Schularick & Ulrike I. Steins - 3520-3569 Self-Fulfilling Runs: Evidence from the US Life Insurance Industry
by Nathan Foley-Fisher & Borghan Narajabad & Stéphane Verani - 3570-3625 Vertical Integration, Supplier Behavior, and Quality Upgrading among Exporters
by Christopher Hansman & Jonas Hjort & Gianmarco León-Ciliotta & Matthieu Teachout - 3626-3677 Surprise! Out-of-Network Billing for Emergency Care in the United States
by Zack Cooper & Fiona Scott Morton & Nathan Shekita
2020, Volume 128, Issue 8
- 2839-2879 The Tail That Wags the Economy: Beliefs and Persistent Stagnation
by Julian Kozlowski & Laura Veldkamp & Venky Venkateswaran - 2880-2924 Debates: Voting and Expenditure Responses to Political Communication
by Kelly Bidwell & Katherine Casey & Rachel Glennerster - 2925-2972 Improving College Instruction through Incentives
by Andy Brownback & Sally Sadoff - 2973-3016 On the Identification of Gross Output Production Functions
by Amit Gandhi & Salvador Navarro & David A. Rivers - 3017-3089 Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis
by Joan Monras - 3090-3147 Trust in State and Nonstate Actors: Evidence from Dispute Resolution in Pakistan
by Daron Acemoglu & Ali Cheema & Asim I. Khwaja & James A. Robinson