March 2017, Volume 110, Issue 2
- 171-176 Primary prevention of reading failure: Effect of universal peer tutoring in the early grades
by Giavana Jones & Dragana Ostojic & Jessica Menard & Erin Picard & Carlin J. Miller - 177-187 When children move: Behavior and achievement outcomes during elementary school
by Christy Lleras & Mary McKillip - 188-198 Joint trajectories of behavioral, affective, and cognitive engagement in elementary school
by Isabelle Archambault & Véronique Dupéré - 199-208 Scaffolding English language learners' mathematical talk in the context of Calendar Math
by Holland W. Banse & Natalia A. Palacios & Eileen G. Merritt & Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman - 209-217 Science and mathematics Advanced Placement exams: Growth and achievement over time
by Eugene Judson - 218-219 Inspiring teaching: Preparing teachers to succeed in mission-driven schools
by J. Mitchell O'Toole - 220-220 I can learn from you: Boys as relational learners
by Sandra Deemer
January 2017, Volume 110, Issue 1
- 1-16 The effects of school-based parental involvement on academic achievement at the child and elementary school level: A longitudinal study
by Sira Park & Susan D. Holloway - 17-31 Teaching practices in Grade 5 mathematics classrooms with high-achieving English learner students
by Eileen G. Merritt & Natalia Palacios & Holland Banse & Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman & Micela Leis - 32-49 Epistemic beliefs and achievement goal orientations: Relations between constructs versus personal profiles
by Nir Madjar & Michael Weinstock & Avi Kaplan - 50-60 The predictive validity of kindergarten readiness judgments: Lessons from one state
by Jessica Goldstein & D. Betsy McCoach & HuiHui Yu - 61-71 The impact of three years of professional development on knowledge and implementation
by Kimberly A. Wolbers & Hannah M. Dostal & Paulson Skerrit & Brenda Stephenson - 72-84 Behavior problems in elementary school among low-income boys: The role of teacher–child relationships
by Brian Andrew Collins & Erin Eileen O'Connor & Lauren Supplee & Daniel S. Shaw - 85-97 Conceptual understanding of acids and bases concepts and motivation to learn chemistry
by Ayla Cetin-Dindar & Omer Geban - 98-109 Examining a motivational treatment and its impact on adolescents' reading comprehension and fluency
by Christopher A. Wolters & Marcia A. Barnes & Paulina A. Kulesz & Mary York & David J. Francis - 110-110 Learning in landscapes of practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning
by Nathalie Reid & Janice Huber - 111-111 Necessary conditions of learning
by Philip M. Reeves & Rayne A. Sperling & D. Jake Follmer & Wik Hung Pun & Christa E. Oeder & Alexander L. Towle - 112-112 Acknowledgments
by Mary Heller
November 2016, Volume 109, Issue 6
- 567-573 Influence of eye movements, auditory perception, and phonemic awareness in the reading process
by Laura Megino-Elvira & Pilar Martín-Lobo & Esperanza Vergara-Moragues - 574-588 Students' level of boredom, boredom coping strategies, epistemic curiosity, and graded performance
by Altay Eren & Hamit Coskun - 589-595 The power of student empowerment: Measuring classroom predictors and individual indicators
by Chris Michael Kirk & Rhonda K. Lewis & Kyrah Brown & Brittany Karibo & Elle Park - 596-607 Exploratory two-level analysis of individual- and school-level factors on truant youth emotional/psychological functioning
by Richard Dembo & Jennifer Wareham & James Schmeidler & Ken C. Winters - 608-623 The psychosocial experience of high school girls highly susceptible to stereotype threat: A phenomenological study
by Katherine Picho - 624-630 Using performance methods to enhance students' reading fluency
by Chase Young & Corinne Valadez & Cori Gandara - 631-639 Comparing dropout predictors for two state-level panels using Grade 6 and Grade 8 data
by Bobby J. Franklin & Stephen B. Trouard - 640-646 Understanding number sequences leads to understanding mathematics concepts
by Robert Pasnak & Katrina Lea Schmerold & Melissa Fetterer Robinson & K. Marinka Gadzichowski & Allison M. Bock & Sarah Eva O'Brien & Julie K. Kidd & Deb A. Gallington - 647-657 Relating aspects of motivation to facets of mathematical competence varying in cognitive demand
by Melissa C. Gilbert - 658-665 “Better to be a pessimist”: A narrative inquiry into mathematics teachers' experience of the transition to the Common Core
by Sherri L. Martinie & Jeong-Hee Kim & Deborah Abernathy - 666-674 Narrative transportability, leisure reading, and genre preference in children 9–13 years old
by Jakob D. Jensen & Katheryn Christy & Melinda Krakow & Kevin John & Nicole Martins - 675-676 , by Mary Moss Brown and Alisa Berger
by Mary F. Roe - 677-677 Closing the School Discipline Gap: Equitable Remedies for Excessive Exclusion
by Peter Bartanen
September 2016, Volume 109, Issue 5
- 449-463 Exploring the effects of project-based learning in secondary mathematics education
by Vicki-Lynn Holmes & Yooyeun Hwang - 464-477 Gender differences in factors associated with how parents communicate with school in Korea
by Soyoung Kim & Meejung Chin - 478-490 Executive functioning predicts academic achievement in middle school: A four-year longitudinal study
by William Ellery Samuels & Nelly Tournaki & Sheldon Blackman & Christopher Zilinski - 491-502 Impacts of professional development in classroom assessment on teacher and student outcomes
by Bruce Randel & Helen Apthorp & Andrea D. Beesley & Tedra F. Clark & Xin Wang - 503-517 Measuring and comparing academic language development and conceptual understanding via science notebooks
by Margarita Huerta & Fuhui Tong & Beverly J. Irby & Rafael Lara-Alecio - 518-530 Reciprocal teaching: Analyzing interactive dynamics in the co-construction of a text's meaning
by Christian Tarchi & Giuliana Pinto - 531-540 Explaining the effects of communities of pastoral care for students
by Joseph Murphy & Linda Holste - 541-553 Academic growth trajectories of ELLs in NAEP data: The case of fourth- and eighth-grade ELLs and non-ELLs on mathematics and reading tests
by Nihat Polat & Ashley Zarecky-Hodge & James B. Schreiber - 554-565 Explaining parents' school involvement: The role of ethnicity and gender in the Netherlands
by Fenella Fleischmann & Annabel de Haas
July 2016, Volume 109, Issue 4
- 333-350 Parental involvement, children's aspirations, and achievement in new immigrant families
by Eunjoo Jung & Yue Zhang - 351-359 Economic, social and embodied cultural capitals as shapers and predictors of boys' educational aspirations
by Shawanda Stockfelt - 360-374 Beliefs systems and classroom practices: Identified typologies of elementary school teachers from the United States
by Margareta Maria Thomson & John L. Nietfeld - 375-390 Deepening kindergarteners' science vocabulary: A design study
by Allison Ward Parsons & Camille Lawrence Bryant - 391-404 Stable or situated understandings of adolescent reading engagement across readers and raters
by Sabina Neugebauer - 405-412 Informal mentoring for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students
by Molly Mulcahy & Sarah Dalton & Jered Kolbert & Laura Crothers - 413-423 A classroom observational study of Qatar's independent schools: Instruction and school reform
by Douglas J. Palmer & Hissa M. Sadiq & Patricia Lynch & Dawn Parker & Radhika Viruru & Stephanie Knight & Hersh Waxman & Beverly Alford & Danielle Bairrington Brown & Kayla Rollins & Jacqueline Stillisano & Abdullah M. Hamdan Abu-Tineh & Ramzi Nasser & Nancy Allen & Hessa Al-Binali & Maha Ellili & Haithem Al-Kateeb & Huda Al-Kubaisi - 424-435 English language learners and kindergarten entry age: Achievement and social-emotional effects
by Michael Gottfried & Vi-Nhuan Le & Ashlesha Datar - 436-447 A preliminary discourse analysis of constructivist-oriented mathematics instruction for a student with learning disabilities
by Yan Ping Xin & Jia Liu & Sarah R. Jones & Ron Tzur & Luo Si
May 2016, Volume 109, Issue 3
- 219-231 Do socio-motivational relationships predict achievement motivation in adolescents with high and low school self-concepts?
by Olga Bakadorova & Diana Raufelder - 232-252 Promoting elementary school students' autonomous reading motivation: Effects of a teacher professional development workshop
by Jessie De Naeghel & Hilde Van Keer & Maarten Vansteenkiste & Leen Haerens & Nathalie Aelterman - 253-265 Differences in students' metacognitive strategy knowledge, motivation, and strategy use: A typology of self-regulated learners
by Yves Karlen - 266-274 Career readiness: An analysis of text complexity for occupational reading materials
by Hua Wei & Ashley Melissa Cromwell & Katie Larsen McClarty - 275-285 Educating the Orang Asli children: Exploring indigenous children's practices and experiences in schools
by Sumathi Renganathan - 286-295 Parental cultural capital and student school performance in mathematics and science across nations
by Haigen Huang & Guodong Liang - 296-310 Linking reform-oriented experiences to teacher identity: The case of an elementary mathematics teacher
by Cindy Jong - 311-324 Who benefits from dyadic teacher–student interactions in whole-class settings?
by André Flieller & Annette Jarlégan & Youssef Tazouti - 325-332 The acceptance and rejection of peers with ADHD and ASD in general secondary education
by Anke de Boer & Sip Jan Pijl
March 2016, Volume 109, Issue 2
- 111-121 Applying questioning or reading strategy to review technology enhanced coedited notes of elementary school students
by Chiung-Hui Chiu & Hsiao-Wei Cheng & Chiu-Yi Wu - 122-136 Oral English language proficiency and reading mastery: The role of home language and school supports
by Natalia Palacios & Amanda Kibler - 137-147 Navigating the complexities at an LGBTQQI-identified charter school: An ethnography of c/overt narratives
by Kristopher M. Goodrich & Melissa Luke - 148-158 Modeling students' interest in mathematics homework
by Jianzhong Xu & Ruiping Yuan & Brian Xu & Melinda Xu - 159-168 Teachers’ perceptions of bullying among youth
by Karen J. S. Bell & W. Grant Willis - 169-180 Self-regulatory climate: A positive attribute of public schools
by Curt M. Adams & Jordan K. Ware & Ryan C. Miskell & Patrick B. Forsyth - 181-196 Impact of sustained professional development in STEM on outcome measures in a diverse urban district
by Robert M. Capraro & Mary Margaret Capraro & James Joseph Scheurich & Meredith Jones & Jim Morgan & Kristin Shawn Huggins & M. Sencer Corlu & Rayya Younes & Sunyoung Han - 197-204 The influence of reading literacy on mathematics and science achievement
by Elisa Caponera & Paolo Sestito & Paolo M. Russo - 205-217 Effects of two combined methods on the teaching of basic astronomy concepts
by Fikret Korur & Gizem Enil & Gizem Göçer
January 2016, Volume 109, Issue 1
- 1-6 Peers and academic achievement: A longitudinal study on selection and socialization effects of in-class friends
by Janna Fortuin & Mitch van Geel & Paul Vedder - 7-26 Supplemental reading strategy instruction for adolescents: A randomized trial and follow-up study
by Susan Chambers Cantrell & Janice F. Almasi & Margaret Rintamaa & Janis C. Carter - 27-36 Instructional efficiency of different discussion approaches in an outreach laboratory: Teacher-guided versus student-centered
by Marlen Goldschmidt & Franz-Josef Scharfenberg & Franz X. Bogner - 37-49 Endogenous peer effects: Fact or fiction?
by Ryan Yeung & Phuong Nguyen-Hoang - 50-67 Inequality from the first day of school: The role of teachers' academic intensity and sense of responsibility in moderating the learning growth gap
by Minjong Youn - 68-80 Acquisition of three word knowledge aspects through reading
by Nina Daskalovska - 81-98 The Informational Text Structure Survey (ITS): An exploration of primary grade teachers’ sensitivity to text structure in young children's informational texts
by D. Ray Reutzel & Cindy D. Jones & Sarah K. Clark & Tamara Kumar - 99-110 Effects of teacher professional learning activities on student achievement growth
by Motoko Akiba & Guodong Liang
October 2015, Volume 108, Issue 6
- 435-448 Effects of Labeling and Teacher Certification Type on Recall and Conflict Resolution
by Jane M. Ayers & Lacy E. Krueger & Beth A. Jones - 449-464 Multilevel Modeling of Science Achievement in the TIMSS Participating Countries
by Ebrahim Mohammadpour & Ahmadreza Shekarchizadeh & Shojae Aldin Kalantarrashidi - 465-479 Reliability of Scores on the Summative Performance Assessments
by Yanyun Yang & Albert Oosterhof & Yan Xia - 480-491 Cross-Contextual Variability in Parents' and School Tutors' Conflict Resolution Styles and Positive Development
by Beatriz Rodr�guez-Ruiz & Mar�a Jos� Rodrigo & Raquel-Amaya Mart�nez-Gonz�lez - 492-503 Predicting Proficiency on Statewide Assessments: A Comparison of Curriculum-Based Measures in Middle School
by Nathan A. Stevenson - 504-514 Role of Family Background, Student Behaviors, and School-Related Beliefs in Predicting High School Dropout
by Alyssa K. Parr & Verena S. Bonitz
August 2015, Volume 108, Issue 5
- 347-357 Influence of Socioeconomic Disadvantages on Mathematics Achievement: A Multilevel Cohort Analysis
by Malkeet Singh - 358-370 Impact of Additional Guidance in Science Education on Primary Students' Conceptual Understanding
by Jasmin Decristan & A. Lena Hondrich & Gerhard B�ttner & Silke Hertel & Eckhard Klieme & Mareike Kunter & Arnim L�hken & Katja Adl-Amini & Sanna-K. Djakovic & Susanne Mannel & Alexander Naumann & Ilonca Hardy - 371-381 Guided Instruction Improves Elementary Student Learning and Self-Efficacy in Science
by Carolyn J. Hushman & Scott C. Marley - 382-399 The Influence of Applied STEM Coursetaking on Advanced Mathematics and Science Coursetaking
by Michael A. Gottfried - 400-416 The Impact of Participation in the Advanced Placement Program on Students' College Admissions Test Scores
by Russell T. Warne & Ross Larsen & Braydon Anderson & Alyce J. Odasso - 417-431 The Need to Distinguish Between Quantity and Quality in Research on Parental Involvement: The Example of Parental Help With Homework
by Sandra Moroni & Hanna Dumont & Ulrich Trautwein & Alois Niggli & Franz Baeriswyl - 432-433 Albon, D., & Rosen, R. (2014). Negotiating Adult-Child Relationships in Early Childhood Research
by Hope E. Wilson - 433-433 Conrad, C., & Gasman, M. (2015). Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons From Minority-Serving Institutions
by Demere G. Woolway
June 2015, Volume 108, Issue 4
- 261-277 Race/Ethnicity and Early Mathematics Skills: Relations Between Home, Classroom, and Mathematics Achievement
by Susan Sonnenschein & Claudia Galindo - 278-291 The Effects of Note-Taking Skills Instruction on Elementary Students' Reading
by Wan-Chen Chang & Yu-Min Ku - 292-305 Teacher Learning of Subject Matter Knowledge Through an Educative Curriculum
by Jihwa Noh & Matthew Webb - 306-317 Exclusion as a Way of Promoting Student Responsibility: Does the Kind of Misbehavior Matter?
by Shlomo Romi & Ramon (Rom) Lewis & Merav Salkovsky - 318-330 Assessment of Innovation Competency: A Thematic Analysis of Upper Secondary School Teachers' Talk
by Jan Alexis Nielsen - 331-344 Implementing Team-Based Learning in Middle School Social Studies Classes
by Jeanne Wanzek & Shawn C. Kent & Sharon Vaughn & Elizabeth A. Swanson & Greg Roberts & Martha Haynes - 345-346 Robinson, K., & Harris, A. L. (2014). The Broken Compass: Parental Involvement With Children's Education
by Rae Mancilla - 346-346 Brown, P.C., Roediger III, H.L., & McDaniel, M.A. (2014). Make It Stick. The Science of Successful Learning
by Jeffrey K. Smith
April 2015, Volume 108, Issue 3
- 175-185 An Examination of Academic Coping Among Taiwanese Adolescents
by Shu-Shen Shih - 186-203 Altering School Progression Through Delayed Entry or Kindergarten Retention: Propensity Score Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes
by Linda M. Raffaele Mendez & Eun Sook Kim & John Ferron & Bonnie Woods - 204-216 Teachers' Feedback on Homework, Homework-Related Behaviors, and Academic Achievement
by Jos� Carlos Nú�ez & Natalia Su�rez & Pedro Ros�rio & Guillermo Vallejo & Rebeca Cerezo & Ant�nio Valle - 217-225 Collaborative Curriculum Design to Increase Science Teaching Self-Efficacy: A Case Study
by Chantal Velthuis & Petra Fisser & Jules Pieters - 226-235 Rates of Beginning Teachers: Examining One Indicator of School Quality in an Equity Context
by Douglas J. Gagnon & Marybeth J. Mattingly - 236-249 Entrepreneurship Education in Schools: Empirical Evidence on the Teacher's Role
by Elena Ruskovaara & Timo Pihkala - 250-257 Concept Maps in the Classroom: A New Approach to Reveal Students' Conceptual Change
by Daniela Sellmann & Anne K. Liefl�nder & Franz X. Bogner - 258-258 Wepner, S. B., Strickland, D. S., & Quatroche, D. J. (Eds.). (2014). The Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press. 244 pp
by Mary F. Roe - 259-259 Miller, M. (2014). Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 296 pp
by Michele Garabedian Stork
February 2015, Volume 108, Issue 2
- 81-94 Reading Perspective: Can It Improve Middle School Students' Comprehension of Informational Text?
by Crystal M. Ramsay & Rayne A. Sperling - 95-111 A First Step Toward a Comprehensive Model of Integrated Socio-emotional Guidance: Investigating the Effect of Teachers' Task Perception and a Supportive Network at School
by Karen Jacobs & Elke Struyf - 112-129 High-Achieving and Average Students' Reading Growth: Contrasting School and Summer Trajectories
by Karen E. Rambo-Hernandez & D. Betsy McCoach - 130-147 Parents' Conceptions of School Readiness, Transition Practices, and Children's Academic Achievement Trajectories
by Jaime Puccioni - 148-164 Measuring Reading Comprehension of Content Area Texts Using an Assessment of Knowledge Organization
by Marcia H. Davis & John T. Guthrie - 165-172 A 3-Year Study of a School-Based Parental Involvement Program in Early Literacy
by Susan Ann Crosby & Timothy Rasinski & Nancy Padak & Kasim Yildirim - 173-174 MacBeath, J. (2014). Education and Schooling: Myth, Heresy, and Misconception. New York, NY: Routledge. 209 pp
by Kirk S. Robinson
January 2015, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 1-9 Effect of Imagery Training on Children's Comprehension of Pronouns
by Gillian Francey & Kate Cain - 10-21 The Associations of Intergroup Interactions and School Racial Socialization with Academic Motivation
by Christy M. Byrd - 22-34 Social Capital and Determinants of Immigrant Family Educational Involvement
by Sandra Tang - 35-44 Effects of Writing Instruction on Kindergarten Students' Writing Achievement: An Experimental Study
by Cindy D'On Jones - 45-61 The Effect of Having Classmates with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and the Protective Nature of Peer Gender
by Michael A. Gottfried & Aletha Harven - 62-76 "Beautiful You": Creating Contexts for Students to Become Agents of Social Change
by Jennifer L. Fisette & Theresa A. Walton - 77-78 Passey, D. (2014). Inclusive Technology Enhanced Learning: Overcoming Cognitive, Physical, Emotional and Geographic Challenges
by Yi-Chun Hong - 78-79 Gorski, P. S. (2014). Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty: Strategies for Erasing the Opportunity Gap
by Timothy Rasinski
October 2014, Volume 107, Issue 6
- 429-439 Examining Differences in Kindergarteners' Mathematics Learning: A Closer Look at Instruction, Socioeconomic Status, and Race
by Eunjoo Jung - 440-461 A Multivariate Model of Achievement in Geometry
by MarLynn Bailey & Gita Taasoobshirazi & Martha Carr - 462-466 The Impact of an Online Tutoring Program on Mathematics Achievement
by Amy K. Clark & Patti Whetstone - 467-481 Enhancing Student Motivation: A Longitudinal Intervention Study Based on Future Time Perspective Theory
by Jaap Schuitema & Thea Peetsma & Ineke van der Veen - 482-492 Promise for Enhancing Children's Reading Attitudes Through Peer Reading: A Mixed Method Approach
by Youngju Lee - 493-511 Project Proficiency: Assessing the Independent Effects of High School Reform in an Urban District
by Glenn S. Baete & Craig Hochbein - 512-512 Kuby, C. R. (2013). Critical Literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom: Unpacking Histories, Unlearning Privilege
by Jill L. Jacobi-Vessels
August 2014, Volume 107, Issue 5
- 341-356 Ethnic and Gender Differences in First-Year College Students' Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy, and Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
by Gabrielle Maria D'Lima & Adam Winsler & Anastasia Kitsantas - 357-364 The Testing Effect for Learning Principles and Procedures from Texts
by Kim J.H. Dirkx & Liesbeth Kester & Paul A. Kirschner - 365-373 A Delphi Study: The Characteristics of Democratic Schools
by H. Eylem Korkmaz & M�nire Erden - 374-391 Characteristics of Schools Successful in STEM: Evidence from Two States' Longitudinal Data
by Michael Hansen - 392-398 Using Separate Answer Sheets with Grade 3 Students
by Thomas Brooks & Kimberly O'Malley & Shelley Ragland & Michael Young & Rob Kirkpatrick - 399-409 Parent Involvement and Science Achievement: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Latent Growth Curve Analysis
by Ursula Y. Johnson & Darrell M. Hull - 410-426 Integrating Literacy and Science for English Language Learners: From Learning-to-Read to Reading-to-Learn
by Fuhui Tong & Beverly J. Irby & Rafael Lara-Alecio & Janice Koch - 427-427 A Review of "Towards Methodologically Inclusive Research Syntheses: Expanding Possibilities"
by Philip M. Reeves & Rayne A. Sperling & Wik Hung Pun & D. Jake Follmer - 428-428 A Review of "Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences"
by Kate T. Anderson & Jessica Holloway-Libell
July 2014, Volume 107, Issue 4
- 255-266 Effects of Transferring to STEM-Focused Charter and Magnet Schools on Student Achievement
by Eugene Judson - 267-280 Reflecting to Conform? Exploring Irish Student Teachers' Discourses in Reflective Practice
by Oliver McGarr & Orla McCormack - 281-298 Labeling and Knowing: A Reconciliation of Implicit Theory and Explicit Theory Among Students with Exceptionalities
by C. Owen lo - 299-311 Examining the Impact of ABRACADABRA on Early Literacy in Northern Australia: An Implementation Fidelity Analysis
by Jennifer R. Wolgemuth & Philip C. Abrami & Janet Helmer & Robert Savage & Helen Harper & Tess Lea - 312-325 The Influence of Approach and Avoidance Goals on Conceptual Change
by Marcus Lee Johnson & Gale M. Sinatra - 326-337 Effects of Traditional and Nontraditional Forms of Parental Involvement on School-Level Achievement Outcome: An HLM Study Using SASS 2007--2008
by Jianping Shen & Alandra L. Washington & Louann Bierlein Palmer & Jiangang Xia - 338-338 A Review of "Sustainability in Higher Education: Stories and Strategies for Transformation"
by Jessica Belue Buckley - 339-339 A Review of "Teacher and Student Evaluation: Moving Beyond the Failure of School Reform"
by Sandra Deemer
May 2014, Volume 107, Issue 3
- 167-176 Majoring in STEM-What Accounts for Women's Career Decision Making? A Mixed Methods Study
by Christine Bieri Buschor & Simone Berweger & Andrea Keck Frei & Christa Kappler - 177-185 The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Academic Performance: Is It a Myth or Reality?
by Jung-Sook Lee - 186-196 A Peer-Led High School Transition Program Increases Graduation Rates Among Latino Males
by Valerie L. Johnson & Patricia Simon & Eun-Young Mun - 197-208 Trajectories of Achievement Within Race/Ethnicity: "Catching Up" in Achievement Across Time
by Pamela E. Davis-Kean & Justin Jager - 209-216 Determinants of Student and Parent Satisfaction at a Cyber Charter School
by Dennis E. Beck & Robert Maranto & Wen-Juo Lo - 217-229 Can Teacher Ratings of Students' Skills at Kindergarten Entry Predict Kindergarten Retention?
by Jessica Goldstein & Melissa Eastwood & Peter Behuniak - 230-240 The Development of High School Teachers' Efficacy in Handling Student Misbehavior (TEHSM)
by Costas Nicou Tsouloupas & Russell Lee Carson & S. Kim MacGregor - 241-251 National Tests and Diagnostic Feedback: What Say Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago?
by Launcelot I. Brown & Laurette Bristol & Joyanne De Four-Babb & Dennis A. Conrad - 252-252 A Review of "Girls Behind Bars: Reclaiming Education in Transformative Spaces"
by Mary F. Roe - 253-253 A Review of "Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty"
by Demere Woolway
March 2014, Volume 107, Issue 2
- 83-89 Comparison of the Effects of Computer-Based Practice and Conceptual Understanding Interventions on Mathematics Fact Retention and Generalization
by Rebecca Kanive & Peter M. Nelson & Matthew K. Burns & James Ysseldyke - 90-102 Self-Efficacy, Reflection, and Achievement: A Short-Term Longitudinal Examination
by Huy P. Phan - 103-110 Analyzing the Discourse of Dropouts and Resilient Students
by Anne Lessard & Lynn Butler-Kisber & Laurier Fortin & Diane Marcotte - 111-122 "Im Gonna Tell You All About It": Authorial Voice and Conventional Skills in Writing Assessment and Educational Practice
by Regan C. Humphrey & Marsha D. Walton & Alice J. Davidson - 123-137 Socially Oriented Motivational Goals and Academic Achievement: Similarities Between Native and Anglo Americans
by Jinnat Ali & Dennis M. McInerney & Rhonda G. Craven & Alexander Seeshing Yeung & Ronnel B. King - 138-151 Parental Notions of School Readiness: How Have They Changed and Has Preschool Made a Difference?
by Clive Belfield & Emma Garcia - 152-162 What Parents Know About How Well Their Children Are Doing in School
by Susan Sonnenschein & Laura M. Stapleton & Shari R. Metzger - 163-163 A Review of "Mapping Multiple Literacies: An Introduction to Deleuzian Literacy Studies"
by Mary F. Roe - 163-165 A Review of "New Traditional Games for Learning: A Case Book"
by Timothy Rasinski
January 2014, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor's Desk
by Mary F. Heller - 3-15 An Intervention Study on Mental Computation for Second Graders in Taiwan
by Der-Ching Yang & Ke-Lun Huang - 16-35 Boarding Schools and Capital Benefits: Implications for Urban School Reform
by Lisa R. Bass - 36-58 The Impact of Supplemental Instruction on Low-Achieving Adolescents' Reading Engagement
by Susan Chambers Cantrell & Janice F. Almasi & Margaret Rintamaa & Janis C. Carter & Jessica Pennington & D. Matt Buckman - 59-68 Investigating Effect of Origami-Based Instruction on Elementary Students' Spatial Skills and Perceptions
by Sedanur Cakmak & Mine Isiksal & Yusuf Koc - 69-80 The Role of Student--Teacher Ratio in Parents' Perceptions of Schools' Engagement Efforts
by Raymond J. Rodriguez & Batya Elbaum - 81-81 A Review of "Schooling in the Workplace"
by Demere G. Woolway - 82-82 A Review of "Higher Education and the Public Good: Imagining the University"
by Sarah O'Connell & Peter Magolda
November 2013, Volume 106, Issue 6
- 421-422 Informal Environments
by James B. Schreiber - 423-430 Assessment and Learning of Qualitative Physics in Newton's Playground
by Valerie J. Shute & Matthew Ventura & Yoon Jeon Kim - 431-440 Informal Learning with Technology: The Effects of Self-Constructing Externalizations
by Gregor Damnik & Antje Proske & Susanne Narciss & Hermann K�rndle - 441-461 Virtual-Reality-Based Social Interaction Training for Children with High-Functioning Autism
by Fengfeng Ke & Tami Im - 462-468 Understanding Visitor Engagement and Behaviors
by James B. Schreiber & Andrew J. Pekarik & Nadine Hanemann & Zahava Doering & Ah-Jin Lee - 469-477 User Needs of Digital Service Web Portals: A Case Study
by Misook Heo & Jung-Sook Song & Moon-Won Seol - 478-484 Who Is Watching and Who Is Playing: Parental Engagement with Children at a Hands-On Science Center
by Louis S. Nadelson - 485-486 A Review of "Re-shaping Education for Citizenship: Democratic National Citizenship in Hong Kong"
by Ruth Reynolds - 486-487 A Review of "The Aesthetics of Education: Theatre, Curiosity, and Politics in the Work of Jacques Ranciere and Paolo Freire"
by Timothy Rasinski & James Nageldinger
September 2013, Volume 106, Issue 5
- 337-351 Examining Differences Between Preteen Groups' Spatial-Scientific Understandings: A Quasi-experimental Study
by Jennifer Wilhelm & Christa Jackson & Amber Sullivan & Ronald Wilhelm - 352-359 Active Learning: Educational Experiences Enhanced Through Technology-Driven Active Game Play
by Robin R. Mellecker & Lisa Witherspoon & Tom Watterson - 360-371 Descriptive Writing in Primary School: How Useful Are Linguistic Predictors of Reading?
by Karen How & Rebecca F. Larkin - 372-383 School Transitions and Students' Achievement in the Fifth Grade
by Brian V. Carolan - 384-392 Grade 12 Versus Grade 13: Benefits of an Extra Year of High School
by Faria Sana & Barbara Fenesi - 393-398 I Know You Are, but What Am I? Adolescents' Third-Person Perception Regarding Dating Violence
by John R. Chapin - 399-407 Students' and Teachers' Thinking Styles and Preferred Teacher Interpersonal Behavior
by Chang Zhu - 408-418 The Influence of Education on Community Cohesion: Adaptation of Policy to Practice
by Laura C. Engel & Alison Kington & Agata Mleczko - 419-419 A Review of "Effective Questioning Strategies in the Classroom: A Step-by-Step Approach to Engaged Thinking and Learning, K--8"
by Rayne A. Sperling & Philip M. Reeves - 419-420 A Review of "Carrots, Sticks, and the Bully Pulpit: Lessons from a Half-Century of Federal Efforts to Improve America's Schools"
by Mary F. Roe
July 2013, Volume 106, Issue 4
- 251-268 Examining Heterogeneity in the Effect of Taking Algebra in Eighth Grade
by Jordan H. Rickles - 269-279 Autonomy Support Versus Psychological Control, Perfectionism, and Taiwanese Adolescents' Achievement Goals
by Shu-Shen Shih - 280-289 Relations of Gender and Socioeconomic Status to Physics Through Metacognition and Self-Efficacy
by Sevda Yerdelen-Damar & Haki Pesman - 290-300 Help Seeking Among Peers: The Role of Goal Structure and Peer Climate
by Sungok Serena Shim & Sarah M. Kiefer & Cen Wang - 301-304 Changing Fonts in Education: How the Benefits Vary with Ability and Dyslexia
by M. M. J. French & Arabella Blood & N. D. Bright & Dez Futak & M. J. Grohmann & Alex Hasthorpe & John Heritage & Remy L. Poland & Simon Reece & Jennifer Tabor - 305-318 A Closer Examination of the Academic Benefits of AP
by Mary E. M. McKillip & Anita Rawls - 319-331 Extending a Community of Care Beyond the Ninth Grade: A Follow-Up Study
by Cheryl R. Ellerbrock & Sarah M. Kiefer