August 2013, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 313-322 Knowledge diffusion models – perspectives of gene evolution and population dynamics
by Jih-Jeng Huang
May 2013, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-100 Strategic management of intellectual capital in firms: attempting to bridge the gap between theory and practice
by José María Viedma & M Paz Salmador - 101-111 Intangibles: theory, categories, and the Kozminski matrix
by J. -C. Spender & Paulina Bednarz-Łuczewska & Andreea Bordianu & Sarah Rohaert - 112-122 The impact of intellectual capital management on company competitiveness and financial performance
by Aino Kianto & Tatiana Andreeva & Yaroslav Pavlov - 123-132 Linking human, technological, and relational assets to technological innovation: exploring a new approach
by Gregorio Martín-de Castro & Miriam Delgado-Verde & Javier Amores-Salvadó & José Emilio Navas-López - 133-141 The entropic intellectual capital model
by Constantin Bratianu & Ivona Orzea - 142-161 Towards an econophysics view of intellectual capital dynamics: from self-organized criticality to the stochastic frontier
by Bill McKelvey & Maria Paz Salmador & Patricio Morcillo & José Miguel Rodríguez-Antón - 162-174 An empirical analysis of the IC Navigator approach in practice – a case study of five manufacturing firms
by Kelly Burton & Allan O'Connor & Göran Roos - 175-183 Strategy development based on intangibles in SMEs – an integrated approach
by Markus Will & Kai Mertins - 184-195 Intellectual capital model for family firms
by Enrique Claver-Cortés & Hipólito Molina-Manchón & Patrocinio Zaragoza-Sáez - 196-207 Monitoring intellectual capital: a case study of a large company during the recent economic crisis
by Daniel Guevara & Ahmed Bounfour - 208-218 Intellectual capital and new ventures: the entrepreneur's cognizance of company management
by Esther Hormiga & Connie Hancock & Jaume Valls-Pasola - 219-220 Reviewers 2012
by The Editors
February 2013, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 4-9 10 years of KM theory and practices
by Vincent Ribière & Christian Walter - 10-22 A tenth anniversary assessment of Davenport and Prusak (1998/2000) Working Knowledge: Practitioner approaches to knowledge in organisations
by Gary R Oliver - 23-31 Knowledge objects as shared system representation
by Paola Di Maio - 32-40 Will the real story of collaboration please stand up so we can see it properly?
by Mark Addleson - 41-52 Towards a technological, organizational, and socio-technical well-balanced KM initiative strategy: a pragmatic approach to knowledge management
by Michel Grundstein - 53-61 Traceability and structuring of cooperative knowledge in design using PLM
by Nada Matta & Guillaume Ducellier & Chaker Djaiz - 62-77 The role of social networks in knowledge creation
by Julia Nieves & Javier Osorio - 78-91 Knowledge-based development research: a comprehensive literature review 2000–2010
by Kostas Ergazakis & Kostas Metaxiotis & Dimitris Askounis - 92-97 Customers, knowledge management, and intellectual capital
by G Anthony Gorry & Robert A Westbrook
December 2012, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 299-300 Guest Editorial
by Nada Matta & Inès Saad - 301-311 Harnessing collective intelligence of Web 2.0: group adoption and use of Internet-based collaboration technologies
by Xiao-Liang Shen & Matthew K O Lee & Christy M K Cheung - 312-325 Managing the domain knowledge: application to cultural patrimony
by Stefan du Château & Danielle Boulanger & Eunika Mercier-Laurent - 326-341 Analyzing credibility of arguments in a web-based intelligent argumentation system for collective decision support based on K-means clustering algorithm
by Ravi Santosh Arvapally & Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu - 342-353 Knowledge sharing in global virtual team collaboration: applications of CE and thinkLets
by Sujin K Horwitz & Cecilia Santillan - 354-367 Inter-organizational knowledge integration in Collaborative NPD projects: evidence from the aerospace industry
by Angelo Corallo & Mariangela Lazoi & Giustina Secundo - 368-379 Analysis of the interplay between knowledge and performance management in industrial clusters
by Rafael Henrique Palma Lima & Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti - 380-391 Multi-criteria methodology based on majority principle for collective identification of a firm's valuable knowledge
by Inès Saad & Salem Chakhar - 392-404 Investigating the role of a Web-based tool to promote collective knowledge in medical communities
by Federico Cabitza & Carla Simone
September 2012, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 201-201 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 202-205 Using knowledge as an object: challenges and implications
by Ettore Bolisani & Stefano Borgo & Alessandro Oltramari - 206-226 A formal ontology of knowing and knowledge
by Pawel Garbacz & Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 227-236 Knowledge objects: a formal construct for material, information and role dependences
by Stefano Borgo & Giandomenico Pozza - 237-251 Managing technological knowledge for supporting R&D activities: scientometrics-based approach
by Byungun Yoon & Sungjoo Lee - 252-274 Patterns as objects to manage knowledge in software development organizations
by Diego Martín & Javier García Guzmán & Julián Urbano & Juan Llorens - 275-286 Knowledge as a measurable object in business contexts: a stock-and-flow approach
by Ettore Bolisani & Alessandro Oltramari - 287-295 Managing large amounts of knowledge objects: cognitive and organisational problems
by Antonella Padova & Enrico Scarso - 296-297 Reviewers 2011
by The Editors
June 2012, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 103-105 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 106-117 Performance implications of matching adaption and innovation cognitive style with explicit and tacit knowledge resources
by James M Bloodgood & Michael A Chilton - 118-127 Research teams as complex systems: implications for knowledge management
by Eleftheria Vasileiadou - 128-140 Beyond cross-functional teams: knowledge integration during organizational projects and the role of social capital
by Caroline Sargis Roussel & François Deltour - 141-152 Intelligence systems methodology: a systemic approach to the organizational intelligence function
by Christian Ganzert & Dante P Martinelli & Ivete Delai - 153-163 Creating patient e-knowledge for patients through telemedicine technologies
by Juan-Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro & Antonio Luís Gamo Sánchez & José Luis Moreno Cegarra - 164-174 Learning and knowledge transfer performance among public sector accountants: an empirical survey
by Kalsom Salleh & Siong Choy Chong & Syed Noh Syed Ahmad & Syed Omar Sharifuddin Syed Ikhsan - 175-187 Destroying collaboration and knowledge sharing in the workplace: a reverse brainstorming approach
by Nina Evans - 188-199 A framework for ontology-based temporal modelling of business intelligence
by Alexander Mikroyannidis & Babis Theodoulidis
March 2012, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 4-15 Knowledge codification in audit and consulting firms: a conceptual and empirical approach
by Corinne Janicot & Sophie Mignon - 16-26 Trust in knowledge exchanges between service providers and clients: a multiple case study of KIBS
by Enrico Scarso & Ettore Bolisani - 27-40 Managing knowledge within networked innovation
by Katri Valkokari & Jaakko Paasi & Tuija Rantala - 41-54 Determinants of participation in an Inuit online community of practice
by Candyce Hamel & Morad Benyoucef & Craig Kuziemsky - 55-63 Open space as a knowledge metaphor and a knowledge sharing intervention
by Tiit Elenurm - 64-78 Training on the project: a quantifying approach to competence development
by Christian Stummer & Walter J Gutjahr & Michaela Denk & Harald Riedmann & Karl A Froeschl - 79-88 The design and evaluation of EKE, a semi-automated email knowledge extraction tool
by Sara Tedmori & Thomas W Jackson - 89-98 Knowledge management culture, strategy and process in Malaysian firms
by Ronel Erwee & Barbara Skadiang & Banjo Roxas - 99-101 The new edge in knowledge: how knowledge management is changing the way we do business
by Sameer Kumar
December 2011, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 277-278 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 279-285 Managing knowledge assets in a complex business landscape: the relevance of emotive knowledge
by Giovanni Schiuma & Antonio Lerro - 286-292 The impact of outsourcing strategies on companies’ intellectual capital
by Ingi Runar Edvardsson - 293-304 Relational capital inside multinationals
by Patrocinio Zaragoza-Sáez & Enrique Claver-Cortés - 305-314 Market extension and knowledge management strategies of knowledge-intensive business services
by Marco Bettiol & Eleonora Di Maria & Roberto Grandinetti - 315-326 Knowledge-intensity as an organisational characteristic
by Jonna Käpylä & Harri Laihonen & Antti Lönnqvist & Daniela Carlucci - 327-341 A model for assessing the coherence of companies’ knowledge strategy
by Alberto F De Toni & Fabio Nonino & Matteo Pivetta - 342-352 Intellectual capital and knowledge sharing: the mediating role of organisational knowledge-sharing climate
by Giovanni Radaelli & Matteo Mura & Nicola Spiller & Emanuele Lettieri - 353-366 Unravelling the dynamics of knowledge creation in communities of practice though complexity theory lenses
by Stefano Borzillo & Renata Kaminska-Labbé - 367-377 Absorptive capacity: a proposed operationalization
by Jean-Pierre Noblet & Eric Simon & Robert Parent - 378-384 Knowledge management in a small knowledge intensive organisation: research design process at the Cochrane Child Health Field
by Iva Seto & Brad Arkison & Katrina Williams
September 2011, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 199-199 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 200-202 Guest Editorial
by Kjell Andersson - 203-214 Indicators at the interface: managing policymaker-researcher collaboration
by Anita Kothari & Lynne MacLean & Nancy Edwards & Allison Hobbs - 215-227 Policy as a struggle for meaning: disentangling knowledge translation across international health contexts
by Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou & Eivor Oborn & Michael Barrett & Yolande E Chan - 228-235 Risk communication and knowledge management in a nuclear sector: a case study about the experience of Slovak non-governmental organisations
by Peter Mihók - 236-244 Geological disposal: KM challenges and solutions
by Hiroyuki Umeki & Hiroyasu Takase & Ian G McKinley - 245-255 Social capital as knowledge facilitator: evidence from Latvia
by Guido Sechi & Dino Borri & Caterina De Lucia & Viesturs Celmins - 256-262 Research on tacit knowledge integration: a synthesis of social ties and TMS
by Hong Ling & Dao Cheng Hong & Cheng Hong Zhang - 263-275 The effects of employee motivation, social interaction, and knowledge management strategy on KM implementation level
by Hsiu-Fen Lin
June 2011, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-101 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 102-119 Knowledge strategy typologies: defining dimensions and relationships
by James S Denford & Yolande E Chan - 120-135 Diverse approaches to learning in rural and development studies: review of the literature from the perspective of action learning
by Emilie Coudel & Jean-Philippe Tonneau & Hélène Rey-Valette - 136-150 Knowledge management governance – a strategic driver
by Suzanne Zyngier & Krishna Venkitachalam - 151-171 The success of Expert Recommending Services and the part played by organizational context
by Claudio Vitari - 172-184 Formulating integrated knowledge city development strategies: the KnowCis 2.0 methodology
by Kostas Ergazakis & Kostas Metaxiotis - 185-196 The KM processes in Malaysian SMEs: an empirical validation
by Chong Chin Wei & Chong Siong Choy & Gan Geok Chew - 197-197 Reviewers 2010
by The Editors
March 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 4-16 International academic knowledge creation and ba. A case study from Finland
by Johanna Hautala - 17-28 A study of knowledge management enablers across countries
by Rémy Magnier-Watanabe & Caroline Benton & Dai Senoo - 29-47 Patterns of gaining and sharing of knowledge about customers: a study of an Express Parcel Delivery Company
by Nisar Aziz & John Sparrow - 48-57 Impact of learning culture and information technology use on knowledge sharing of Saudi students
by Mustafa Eid & Nuraddeen Abubakar Nuhu - 58-72 An investigation into the factors affecting knowledge management adoption and practice in the life insurance business
by Li-Su Huang & Mohammed Quaddus & Anna L Rowe & Cheng-Po Lai - 73-83 From group-based work to organisational learning: the role of communication forms and knowledge sharing
by Snejina Michailova & Elena Sidorova - 84-94 Making knowledge management work: tactical to practical
by Herbert A Nold - 95-97 Junior researchers’ experience of innovation in a multidisciplinary team environment
by Iva Seto & Louise Dent
December 2010, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 283-284 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 285-306 The moderating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between manufacturing activities and business performance
by Tsu-Te (Andrew) Huang & Le Chen & Rodney A Stewart - 307-321 Knowledge transfer in post-merger integration management: case study of a multinational healthcare company in Greece
by Wilfrid Azan & Isabelle Huber Sutter - 322-339 Knowledge markets in firms: knowledge sharing with trust and signalling
by Zuopeng Zhang & Shankar Sundaresan - 340-350 The intangibles’ mindset of CFOs’ and corporate performance
by José Domingo García-Merino & Gerardo Arregui-Ayastuy & Arturo Rodríguez-Castellanos & Lidia García-Zambrano - 351-368 Knowledge for sale – the benefits and effects of off-shoring knowledge-based jobs in engineering, design, and R&D – a case study
by Sameer Kumar & Arun J Deivasigamani & Wesley W Omer - 369-379 Learning capability: the effect of existing knowledge on learning
by Viktor Dörfler
September 2010, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 191-192 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 193-202 Social semantic cloud of tags: semantic model for folksonomies
by Hak-Lae Kim & John Breslin & Hong-Gee Kim & Jae-Hwa Choi - 203-215 Integrating educational institutions to produce intellectual capital for sustainability in Caguas, Puerto Rico
by Lillian V Ortiz-Fournier & Eulalia Márquez & Felix Rogelio Flores & Juan C Rivera-Vázquez & Pablo A Colon - 216-228 A hybrid fuzzy real option analysis and group ordinal approach for knowledge management strategy assessment
by Faramak Zandi & Madjid Tavana - 229-239 Knowledge governance within clusters: the case of small firms
by Rachel Bocquet & Caroline Mothe - 240-255 Building script-based tacit knowledge in call centre trainees
by Robert J McQueen & Jihong Chen - 256-264 A conceptual model for managing incompatible impacts of organisational structures on awareness levels
by Shahla Ghobadi & Farhad Daneshgar - 265-277 Towards a typology of knowledge-intensive organizations: determinant factors
by Joyline Makani & Sunny Marche - 278-279 Knowledge, information and the business process: revolutionary thinking or common sense?
by Rochelle Sassman & Brian Lehaney - 280-281 Organising knowledge: taxonomies, knowledge and organisational effectiveness
by Julie Williamson
June 2010, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 99-101 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 102-111 Organisational capacity to absorb external R&D: industrial differences in assessing intellectual capital drivers
by Markus Hagemeister & Arturo Rodríguez-Castellanos - 112-120 Creating the KM mindset: why is it so difficult?
by Heather Smith & James McKeen & Satyendra Singh - 121-134 Making memories available: a framework for preserving rural heritage through community knowledge management (cKM)
by Duncan Shaw & Graham McGregor - 135-145 From ivory towers to online bazaars? The internet, social media and competing discourses in the newspaper industry
by Miia Kosonen & Hanna-Kaisa Ellonen - 146-160 Relational effects on knowledge integration: the differential effects on search and transfer
by Kent Wickstrøm Jensen - 161-172 Knowledge management technology-in-practice: a social constructionist analysis of the introduction and use of knowledge management systems
by Will Venters - 173-188 Knowledge of the natural and the social: how are they different and what do they have in common?
by Zhichang Zhu - 189-189 Reviewers 2009
by The Editors
March 2010, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 4-14 Linking social capital to organizational growth
by Aino Kianto & Jussi Waajakoski - 15-23 A model of intellectual capital management capability in the dynamic business environment
by Shari S C Shang & Shu-Fang Lin - 24-32 TaxoFolk: a hybrid taxonomy–folksonomy classification for enhanced knowledge navigation
by Ching-Chieh Kiu & Eric Tsui - 33-44 The interplay between individual and collective knowledge: technologies for organisational learning and knowledge building
by Joachim Kimmerle & Ulrike Cress & Christoph Held - 45-60 Software and human agents in Knowledge Codification
by Pratim Datta & William Acar - 61-75 The Inventor game: game-theoretical analysis of knowledge-sharing between inventors and employers
by Fons Wijnhoven & Peter Schuur & Judith Timmer - 76-88 Understanding of knowledge management roles and responsibilities: a study in the Australian context
by Frada Burstein & Simran Sohal & Suzanne Zyngier & Amrik S Sohal - 89-98 Global faculty learning community: a case study
by Meliha Handzic & Amila Lagumdzija
December 2009, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 289-289 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 290-299 The managerial foundations of knowledge assets dynamics
by Giovanni Schiuma - 300-307 Is there something wrong with intellectual capital management models?
by Paula Kujansivu - 308-316 Intellectual capital management in practice: assessment of implementation and outcomes
by Antti Lönnqvist & Virpi Sillanpää & Daniela Carlucci - 317-328 A social network scorecard to monitor knowledge flows across communication media
by Francesca Grippa - 329-338 Measuring knowledge creation in virtual teams through the social network analysis
by Guendalina Capece & Roberta Costa - 339-355 How knowledge assets lead to a sustainable competitive advantage: are organizational capabilities a missing link?
by Karim Moustaghfir - 356-364 An intellectual capital perspective of human resource strategies and practices
by Eric Kong & S Bruce Thomson - 365-376 The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. The case of the Bologna Opera House
by Mariolina Longo & Marcello M Mariani & Matteo Mura - 377-386 How do Miles and Snow's strategic types differ in their knowledge assets? Evidence from Italian SMEs
by Silvia Massa & Stefania Testa
September 2009, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 191-191 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 192-195 To codify or collaborate – Introduction to the special issue on Knowledge Management and e-Research Technologies
by Will Venters & Elaine Ferneley - 196-205 Beyond Newspeak: three arguments for the persistence of the informal in the creation and use of computational ontologies
by Frederico Fonseca & James Martin - 206-217 Codifying collaborative knowledge: using Wikipedia as a basis for automated ontology learning
by Tao Guo & David G Schwartz & Frada Burstein & Henry Linger - 218-233 The world wide web of research and access to knowledge
by Eric T Meyer & Ralph Schroeder - 234-248 Web 2.0 and the shift in corporate governance from control to democracy
by Dirk Schneckenberg - 249-259 Knowledge sharing using codification and collaboration technologies to improve health care: lessons from the public sector
by Brian E Dixon & Julie J McGowan & Gary D Cravens - 260-276 Articles
by Lila Rao & Han Reichgelt & Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson - 277-288 The effect of applying tacit knowledge on maintenance performance: an empirical study of the energy sector in the UK and Arab countries
by Mamdouh Refaiy & Ashraf Labib
June 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 117-119 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 120-130 Weblogs for organizational knowledge sharing and creation: a comparative case study
by Stephan Kaiser & Simone Kansy & Gordon Mueller-Seitz & Max Ringlstetter - 131-141 Understanding expert systems applications from a knowledge transfer perspective
by Weizhe Feng & Yanqing Duan & Zetian Fu & Brian Mathews - 142-151 Knowledge management process effectiveness: measurement of preliminary knowledge management implementation
by Chin Wei Chong & Siong Choy Chong - 152-161 Concept maps: a technique for assessing knowledge manager learning needs
by Nigel Martin & John Rice - 162-171 Institutional bridging: change projects as creators and carriers of knowledge
by Eirik J Irgens - 172-177 Towards a method to disseminate knowledge from the post project review
by Davar Rezania & Tony Lingham - 178-180 Technology, knowing and learning
by G Anthony Gorry - 181-182 Knowledge management – systems implementation: lessons from the silicon valley
by Mark E Nissen - 183-185 Knowledge management: social, cultural and theoretical perspectives
by Furrkh Aslam & Brian Lehaney - 186-187 Knowledge management for services, operations and manufacturing
by David J Snowden - 188-189 Reviewers 2008
by The Editors
March 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 4-14 Sharing knowledge, being different and working as a team
by Bastiaan Rosendaal - 15-36 Exploring the relationships between emotional intelligence and the use of knowledge transfer methods in the project environment
by Brent Decker & Rafael E Landaeta & Timothy G Kotnour - 37-51 Building ontology-based knowledge maps to assist knowledge process outsourcing decisions
by Gunjan Mansingh & Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson & Han Reichgelt - 52-64 Knowledge creation in strategic alliances based on an evolutionary perspective: a mathematical representation
by Jih-Jeng Huang - 65-81 A measure of knowledge sharing behavior: scale development and validation
by Jialin Yi - 82-90 The knowledge dimension of innovation management
by Theodora Asimakou - 91-99 Is knowledge management losing ground? Developments among Icelandic SMEs
by Ingi Runar Edvardsson - 100-112 Knowledge management supporting education and research at a university cleanroom
by Linda Nowack & Thomas Maul & Werner Kraus & Walter Hansch - 113-115 Managing flow: a process theory of the knowledge-based firm
by John S Edwards
December 2008, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 257-259 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 260-273 Permanent and temporary work practices: knowledge integration and the meaning of boundary activities
by Eva Maaninen-Olsson & May Wismén & Sven A Carlsson - 274-286 Managing heterogeneous knowledge: a theory of external knowledge integration
by Jeroen Kraaijenbrink & Fons Wijnhoven - 287-297 Towards a post-human distributed cognition environment
by Ali Yakhlef - 298-311 A descriptive model of innovation and creativity in organizations: a synthesis of research and practice
by Amar Dev Amar & Januj A Juneja - 312-321 Instance-based cognitive mapping: a process for discovering a knowledge worker's tacit mental model
by David M Steiger & Natalie M Steiger - 322-333 Defining the problem: key element for the success of knowledge management
by Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela & Gerardo Sanchez-Schmitz & Alonso Perez-Soltero & Fernando Martín Rubio & José Palma - 334-338 Strategic issues in knowledge management in small and medium enterprises
by Rajesh K Pillania - 339-349 The hypothesis testing knowledge blend
by Ted Randles & Christopher D Blades & Adam Fadlalla - 350-356 Knowledge management: a program for education and leadership
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 357-359 Rethinking Expertise
by John S Edwards - 360-361 Perspectives on intellectual capital: multidisciplinary insights into management, measurement, and reporting
by Pascal A J Massawe
September 2008, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 171-172 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 173-186 Tapping tacit local knowledge in emerging markets – the Toyota way
by Kazuo Ichijo & Florian Kohlbacher - 187-198 Special knowledge needs of family enterprises in transition economies: experiences from Slovenia
by Mojca Duh & Jernej Belak - 199-213 Knowledge heterogeneity and social network analysis – Towards conceptual and measurement clarifications
by Mohamed El Louadi - 214-224 A framework for collaborative knowledge creation
by Mark Salisbury - 225-232 Towards a codification of practical knowledge
by Géraldine Rix & Pascal Lièvre - 233-238 Knowledge management and performance in UAE business organizations
by Behdja Boumarafi & Naceur Jabnoun - 239-244 Two forgotten elements of a knowledge management strategy
by Jay Liebowitz - 245-253 Managing knowledge in technical demonstration plans: a template
by Patrick D Allen - 254-255 Physical laws vs sociological laws: Popper's distinction
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
June 2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 103-104 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 105-111 Sharing knowledge in the public sector: two case studies
by G Anthony Gorry - 112-123 Knowledge, knowing, knower: what is to be managed and does it matter?
by Zhichang Zhu