June 2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 124-140 Streams of shared knowledge: computational expansion of knowledge-flow theory
by Mark E Nissen & Ryan J Orr & Raymond E Levitt - 141-154 A framework for scientific knowledge generation
by Mariana van der Walt & Gideon de Wet - 155-163 Customer relationship management and customer recovery and retention: the case of the 407 express toll route
by Brent McKenzie - 164-165 Intension (connotation) vs extension (denotation)
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 166-168 Trust and distrust in organizations: dilemmas and approaches
by Rodney L Buckwalter - 169-170 Reviewers 2007
by The Editors
March 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 5-12 Stuff or love? How metaphors direct our efforts to manage knowledge in organisations
by Daniel G Andriessen - 13-22 On doing knowledge management
by Joseph M Firestone - 23-25 Implicit knowledge
by Carl Frappaolo - 26-30 Back to the future for KM: the case for sensible organisation
by Helen Hasan - 31-40 In search of a missing link
by Clyde W Holsapple & Jiming Wu - 41-46 Some directions for research in knowledge sharing
by Jonathan H Klein - 47-51 ‘Think of others’ in knowledge management: making culture work for you
by Jay Liebowitz - 52-61 Managing personal human capital for professional excellence: an attempt to design a practical methodology
by José Maria Viedma Martí & Mihaela Enache - 62-76 Management knowledge and knowledge management: realism and forms of truth
by John Mingers - 77-89 A review of the main approaches to knowledge management
by M Begoña Lloria - 90-99 Auditing knowledge management practices: model and application
by Meliha Handzic & Amila Lagumdzija & Amer Celjo - 100-101 Kant's reciprocity of sensations and concepts
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 227-228 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 229-236 Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in companies
by Sidonia C von Ledebur - 237-247 Knowledge mobilisation in communities through socio-technical systems
by Helen Hasan & Kathryn Crawford - 249-259 Integrating knowledge transfer and computer-mediated communication: categorizing barriers and possible responses
by David G Schwartz - 261-270 New Learning: a different way of approaching conference evaluation
by Diane D Chapman & Colleen Aalsburg Wiessner & Julia Storberg-Walker & Tim Hatcher - 271-285 Harmonising codification and socialisation in knowledge management
by Dimitris Apostolou & Andreas Abecker & Gregoris Mentzas - 287-296 Knowledge transfer by sharing task templates: two approaches and their psychological requirements
by Uwe V Riss & Ulrike Cress & Joachim Kimmerle & Stefan Martin - 297-311 Integrated use of technologies and techniques for construction knowledge management
by Kirti Ruikar & Chimay J Anumba & Charles Egbu - 313-314 Mutual interdependence between theory and practice: Kant's lessons
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 315-316 Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management
by John S Edwards
August 2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 159-160 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 161-172 Challenges to knowledge sharing across national and intra-organizational boundaries: case studies of IKEA and SCA Packaging
by Anna Jonsson & Thomas Kalling - 173-185 Ethnicity-based cultural differences in implicit managerial knowledge usage in three Australian organizations
by Debbie Richards & Peter Busch & Krishna Venkitachalam - 186-198 The impact of rewards within communities of practice: a study of the SAP online global community
by Richard Fahey & Ana C Vasconcelos & David Ellis - 199-212 Trust as an antecedent to knowledge sharing in virtual communities of practice
by Abel Usoro & Mark W Sharratt & Eric Tsui & Sandhya Shekhar - 213-221 The knowledge audit: Meta-Matrix analysis
by Ronald Dattero & Stuart D Galup & Jing ‘Jim’ Quan - 222-223 Type and token, schema and actualisation: hierarchies of knowledge
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 224-225 Knowledge innovation: strategic management as practice
by John S Edwards
May 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 73-74 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 75-92 The development of an instrument to measure readiness for knowledge management
by Daniel T Holt & Summer E Bartczak & Steven W Clark & Martin R Trent - 93-109 Towards a model to explain knowledge sharing in complex organizational environments
by Rachelle Bosua & Rens Scheepers - 110-116 Who needs memory? the case for the Markovian organisation
by Jonathan Klein & Con Connell & Sajjad Jasimuddin - 117-125 Fostering learning – the role of mediators
by Annukka Jyrämä & Anne Äyväri - 126-135 The value creation cycle: moving towards a framework for knowledge management implementation
by Nikhil Mehta - 136-150 A contingency view on knowledge transfer: empirical evidence from the software industry
by Thomas Hutzschenreuter & Florian Listner - 151-153 A system of five object types of a posteriori knowledge
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 154-156 Knowledge Leadership: The Art and Science of the Knowledge-Based Organization
by Elayne Coakes - 157-158 Reviewers 2006
by The Editors
February 2007, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 3-12 Reproducing knowledge: Xerox and the story of knowledge management
by Andrew Cox - 13-21 Stimulating situated learning within projects: personalizing the flow of knowledge
by Andrew J Sense - 22-33 A knowledge schema for organisational learning in academic libraries
by Farhad Daneshgar & Mehri Parirokh - 34-43 Enhancing knowledge transfer in multinational corporations: a dynamic capabilities driven model
by Paul N Gooderham - 44-53 Language as a vehicle of knowing: the role of language and meaning in constructing knowledge
by Birgit Renzl - 54-63 An assessment of knowledge growth stages in organizations
by Jeffrey W Alstete - 64-65 Kant's two paths of knowledge creation: a priori vs a posteriori
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 66-68 The Future of Knowledge Management
by John B Kidd - 69-70 Stealth KM: Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Public Sector
by Elayne Coakes - 71-72 New Frontiers of Knowledge Management
by Yanqing Duan
November 2006, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 259-260 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 261-274 Learning cycles in knowledge-intensive organisations: an exploratory study of the nature and dimensions of knowledge development in four departments
by Bastiaan Rosendaal - 275-282 Knowledge management in SMEs: the case of Icelandic firms
by Ingi R Edvardsson - 283-292 Knowledge sharing and rewards: a game-theoretical perspective
by Ulrike Cress & Stefan Martin - 293-309 Applying the KnowCis methodology to a Greek municipality: a case study
by Kostas Ergazakis & Kostas Metaxiotis & John Psarras & Kostas Grammatikos - 310-318 Knowledge creation through boundary-spanning
by Rebecca Mitchell & Stephen Nicholas - 319-330 Knowledge management and scientific knowledge generation
by Mariana van der Walt - 331-332 Mittelstrass's triad: information, knowledge, opinion
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
August 2006, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 173-174 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 175-186 Knowledge sharing and team trustworthiness: it's all about social ties!
by Jaw-Kai Wang & Melanie Ashleigh & Edgar Meyer - 187-196 Using peer-to-peer technology for collaborative knowledge management: concepts, frameworks and research issues
by Saurabh Gupta & Robert Bostrom - 197-206 Supporting complex problems: an examination of Churchman's inquirers as a knowledge management foundation
by Todd A Peachey & Dianne J Hall - 207-215 Multiple intelligence theory, knowledge identification and trust
by Joyce Martin - 216-226 Linking intellectual capital and knowledge management: an analysis of Kyoto and Detroit
by Denise J Luethge & Philippe Byosiere - 227-239 Understanding the complexity of human characteristics on e-learning systems: an integrated study of dynamic individual differences on user perceptions of ease of use
by Ashok Jashapara & Wei-Chun Tai - 240-249 Activating quasi-organizational memory in environmental scenario building
by Adele Celino & Grazia Concilio - 250-251 Eysenck's advice: why and when to define knowledge
by Heiner Mueller-Merbach - 252-253 Knowledge Management and Higher Education: A Critical Analysis
by Jeffrey W Alstete - 254-255 Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity
by John B Kidd - 256-257 Reviewers 2005
by The Editors
May 2006, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 81-82 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 83-105 The theoretical foundations of knowledge management
by Richard Baskerville & Alina Dulipovici - 106-115 Nonaka meets Giddens: A critique
by Zhichang Zhu - 116-124 Making knowledge work: five principles for action-oriented knowledge management
by Heather A Smith & James D McKeen & Satyendra Singh - 125-137 Using decision support systems to facilitate the social process of knowledge management
by Gilberto Montibeller & Duncan Shaw & Mark Westcombe - 138-148 Knowledge sharing in a cross-cultural context: Nordic expatriates in Japan
by Vesa Peltokorpi - 149-161 Live capture and reuse of project knowledge in construction organisations
by Hai Chen Tan & Pat Carrillo & Chimay Anumba & John M Kamara & Dino Bouchlaghem & Chika Udeaja - 162-169 Knowledge creation for science and technology in academic laboratories: a pilot study
by Quamrul Hasan & Marcelo Machado & Masatoshi Tsukamoto & Katsuhiro Umemoto - 170-171 Heraclitus: philosophy of change, a challenge for knowledge management?
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
February 2006, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 3-16 Perceived value of knowledge: the potential informer's perception
by Dianne P Ford & D Sandy Staples - 17-25 Recipients: the key to information transfer
by Carol Davy - 26-35 Impact of organizational support on organizational intention to facilitate knowledge sharing
by Hsiu-Fen Lin - 36-45 Knowledge governance in a Japanese project-based organization
by Vesa Peltokorpi & Emiko Tsuyuki - 46-59 A coherent framework for building successful KCs in the context of the knowledge-based economy
by Kostas Ergazakis & Kostas Metaxiotis & John Psarras - 60-69 Towards conceptual clarity for ‘tacit knowledge’: a review of empirical studies
by Stephen Gourlay - 70-72 Knowledge management: a neuro-hemispherical view of the field
by Amir M Sharif - 73-74 Three kinds of knowledge, reflecting Kant's three kinds of action
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 75-76 Case Studies in Knowledge Management
by Mark Nissen - 77-79 Strategic Knowledge Management Technology
by Michael J D Sutton
November 2005, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 185-186 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 187-196 Reflections on knowledge management from a critical systems perspective
by Mike C Jackson - 197-205 Science-based innovation: the blind spot of knowledge management theory
by Alexander Styhre - 206-217 Successful knowledge management requires a knowledge culture: a case study
by Wing Lam - 218-228 Composite diversity, social capital, and group knowledge sharing: a case narration
by Fu-Sheng Tsai - 229-243 Rewarding knowledge sharing under measurement inaccuracy
by Dong-Joo Lee & Jae-Hyeon Ahn - 244-252 The effect of network size on intra-network knowledge processes
by Donald Hislop - 253-261 On the interaction between humans and Knowledge Management Systems: a framework of knowledge sharing catalysts
by Christina Evangelou & Nikos Karacapilidis - 262-263 Schopenhauer's doubts: knowledge for which purpose?
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
August 2005, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 123-124 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 125-135 How organisations evaluate their knowledge management projects: a meta-study of the period 1992–2002
by Jozef Loermans & Dieter Fink - 136-145 Classification of different knowledge management development approaches of SMEs
by John Sparrow - 146-155 A culturally aware model of inter-organizational knowledge transfer
by El-Sayed Abou-Zeid - 156-165 Personal knowledge management: supporting individual knowledge worker performance
by Kirby Wright - 166-172 Using intellectual capital statements to determine value drivers and priorities for organizational change: a portfolio selection approach
by Andreas Andrikopoulos - 173-182 Management by issues: an organizational system for processing problems and opportunities
by Ido Millet - 183-184 How to structure knowledge: Aristotle and the four causes
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
May 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 47-48 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 49-59 Evaluation of knowledge management systems: Insights from the study of a technical support knowledge base
by J P Brown & Anne P Massey & Elizabeth Boling - 60-68 What is the value of intellectual capital?
by Elayne Coakes & Anton Bradburn - 69-86 Funding intellectual-capital-abundant technology development: empirical evidence from the Finnish biotechnology business
by Antti-Jussi Tahvanainen & Raine Hermans - 87-96 On IT systems and knowledge sharing in MNCs: a lesson from Siemens AG
by Francesco Ciabuschi - 97-105 Exploring knowledge sharing: moves, problem solving and justification
by Hans Berends - 106-114 Knowledge characteristics of communities of practice
by Jonathan H Klein & N A D Connell & Edgar Meyer - 115-116 The shadows of reality: Plato's doctrine of ideas
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 117-119 Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques: Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions
by John Kidd - 120-121 Reviewers 2004
by The Editors
March 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 3-9 Information visualisation: a holistic tool to discover knowledge. Case study – what video-telephone care? What elderly?
by Antonia Arnaert & Lucas Delesie - 10-23 Trade-offs between knowledge exploitation and exploration activities
by Ilan Oshri & Shan L Pan & Sue Newell - 24-36 Knowledge management in a decentralized global financial services provider: a case study with Allianz Group
by Marcus Spies & Andrew J Clayton & Masoud Noormohammadian - 37-44 Precariousness under the new psychological contract: the effect on trust and the willingness to converse and share knowledge
by Rob Sharkie - 45-46 Francis Bacon's praise: Knowledge, the source of power
by Heiner Müller-Merbach
December 2004, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 135-136 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 137-146 Managing the knowledge environment: a case study from healthcare
by Randal Ford & Ingo Angermeier - 147-154 Knowledge management: Taxis Parisiens case study
by W Skok - 155-168 A sensemaking model of knowledge in organisations: a way of understanding knowledge management and the role of information technologies
by Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic - 169-183 Agent-based modeling of knowledge dynamics
by Mark E Nissen & Raymond E Levitt - 184-193 Narrative approaches to the transfer of organisational knowledge
by N A D Connell & Jonathan H Klein & Edgar Meyer - 194-199 Value networks: how organisations really work An Interview with Verna Allee
by Alexander Schieffer - 200-200 Is knowledge merely perception?
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 201-201 Erratum: Spanish savings banks: a view on intangibles
by Carlos Serrano-Cinca & Cecillo MarMoliero & Fernando Chaparro - 201-201 Erratum: Managing and leveraging knowledge for organisational advantage
by Elayne Coakes & Anton Bradburn & Gill Sugden
August 2004, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 65-66 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 67-79 Knowledge management: towards a universal concept or cross-cultural contexts?
by Zhichang Zhu - 80-94 Knowledge management system: an agent-based approach
by Chun-Che Huang & Gu-Hsin Lai - 95-102 Medical knowledge discovery systems: data abstraction and performance measurement
by Albert L Harris & Charlie C Chen & William J Perkins - 103-117 Spanish savings banks: a view on intangibles
by Carlos Serrano-Cinca & Cecillo MarMoliero & Fernando Chaparro - 118-128 Managing and leveraging knowledge for organisational advantage
by Elayne Coakes & Anton Bradburn & Gill Sugden - 129-130 Creative conflict
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 131-132 Beyond Knowledge Management
by John Kidd - 133-134 Leading with Knowledge: Knowledge Management Practices in Global Infotech Companies
by John Kidd
April 2004, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 3-12 On studying organizational knowledge
by Gerardo Patriotta - 13-23 CICBS: a methodology and a framework for measuring and managing intellectual capital of cities. A practical application in the city of Mataró
by José María Viedma - 24-34 Employee relationship and knowledge sharing: a case study of a Taiwanese finance and securities firm
by Shu-hsien Liao & Juo-chiang Chang & Shih-chieh Cheng & Chia-mei Kuo - 35-47 Reflecting on quality practices through knowledge management theory: uncovering grey zones and new possibilities of process manuals, flowcharts and procedures
by Elena Bou & Alfonso Sauquet - 48-57 Cross-hierarchical interconnectivity: forms, mechanisms and transformation of leadership culture
by Alexander Fliaster - 58-60 KM Standards: developments in Australia
by The Editors - 61-62 Knowledge is more than information
by Heiner Müller-Merbach - 63-64 Managing Software Engineering Knowledge
by Kevin C Desouza
December 2003, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 67-68 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 69-76 Aggressively pursuing knowledge management over 2 years: a case study at a US government organization
by Jay Liebowitz - 77-85 Knowledge creation through the synthesizing capability of networked strategic communities: case study on new product development in Japan
by Mitsuru Kodama - 86-94 Knowledge management and intellectual capital: an empirical examination of current practice in Australia
by Albert Z Zhou & Dieter Fink - 95-101 The enterprise knowledge dictionary
by Stuart D Galup & Ronald Dattero & Richard C Hicks - 102-112 Community of practice and metacapabilities
by G P Furlong & L Johnson - 113-119 Innovation as an objective of knowledge management. Part I: The landscape of management
by Dave Snowden - 120-122 Review of Enterprise Information Portals and Knowledge Management
by Marcus Spies
July 2003, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by John S Edwards - 2-10 The knowledge-creating theory revisited: knowledge creation as a synthesizing process
by Ikujiro Nonaka & Ryoko Toyama - 11-27 Knowledge sharing in a multi-cultural setting: a case study
by Dianne P Ford & Yolande E Chan - 28-38 R&D collaboration: role of Ba in knowledge-creating networks
by Malin Brännback - 39-48 Critical role of leadership in nurturing a knowledge-supporting culture
by Vincent M Ribière & Aleša Saša Sitar - 49-60 Knowledge management research & practice: visions and directions
by John S Edwards & Meliha Handzic & Sven Carlsson & Mark Nissen - 61-63 Handbook on Knowledge Management (2 volume set)
by John Kidd - 64-66 The New Knowledge Management – Complexity, Learning and Sustainable Innovation
by Con Connell