March 2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 55-74 Searching for synchrony
by Anne Puonti - 75-94 Analysing network partnerships
by Bob Hudson - 95-111 Managing Risk
by Lucie Rouillard - 113-130 Safer Guildford
by Mike Stephens & Geoff Fowler
December 2003, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 471-490 The multi-layer problem in implementation research
by Michael Hill & Peter Hupe - 491-509 The disclosure of key performance indicators in the public sector
by Anthony Wall & Gary Martin - 511-531 Transforming the professional archetype?
by Ian Kirkpatrick & Stephen Ackroyd - 533-550 ‘… and politics?’
by Kuno Schedler - 551-571 The causes, spread and effects of intermunicipal cooperation and municipal mergers in Switzerland
by Reto Steiner - 573-583 The offspring of new public management in English Universities
by Ameen Ali Talib - 585-595 Rules of engagement
by John Simmons
September 2003, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 307-323 Rethinking the policy of contracting out Social Services to non-governmental organizations
by Hillel Schmid - 325-344 Theorizing the organization and management of non-governmental development organizations
by David Lewis - 345-375 Activity based costing, modernity and the transformation of local government
by Michela Arnaboldi & Irvine Lapsley - 377-399 Beyond public management
by Walter JM Kickert - 401-423 Theorizing collaboration practice
by Chris Huxham - 425-447 A democratic public administration?
by Quim Brugué & Raquel Gallego - 449-459 Making sense of public management reform
by Ian Thynne
June 2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 145-162 Accrual output based budgeting systems in Australia The rhetoric-reality gap
by Tyrone Carlin & James Guthrie - 163-176 Sector choices for public service delivery The transaction cost implications of executive turnover
by Richard Feiock & James Clingermayer & Carl Dasse - 177-196 Objectives, Techniques and valuation of state-owned companies in privatization processes
by José Antonio Gonzalo & Vicente Pina & Lourdes Torres - 197-224 Understanding what can be accomplished through interorganizational innovations The importance of typologies, context and management strategies
by Myrna Mandell & Toddi Steelman - 225-244 Aid dependence, sustainability and technical assistance Designing a monitoring and evaluation system in Tanzania David Hirschmann
by David Hirschmann - 245-266 Controversies and conceptual development Examining public entrepreneurship
by Nick Llewellyn & Geoff Jones - 267-278 Accountability of NGOs in Bangladesh A critical overview
by Mohammad Mohabbat Khan - 279-290 Risk transfer and value for money in PFI projects
by Rob Ball & Maryanne Heafey & David King - 291-302 Handbook on development policy and management
by Mark Turner
March 2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-18 Managing the hollow state Collaboration and contracting
by H. Brinton Milward & Keith Provan - 19-44 NPM merger mania Lessons from an early case
by Martin Kitchener & Linda Gask - 45-62 The UK public sector modernization agenda Reconciliation and renewal?
by Yusuf Ahmad & Mike Broussine - 63-81 Producing human services Why do agencies collaborate?
by Carolyn Hill & Laurence Lynn - 83-97 The ethical climate of government and non-profit organizations Implications for public-private partnerships
by Ken Rasmussen & David Malloy & James Agarwal - 99-113 Reporting public sector financial results
by Ron Hodges & Howard Mellett - 115-132 Planning and performance in public organizations An empirical analysis
by George Boyne & Julian Gould-Williams - 133-139 Reinventing government in the information age. International practice in IT-enabled public sector reform
by Victor Bekkers
January 2002, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 439-459 The Government Service Delivery Project: A Case Study of the Push and Pull of Central Government Coordination
by Robyn Keast & Kerry Brown - 461-484 Gendering and Gender in Public Service Organizations: Changing Professional Identities Under New Public Management
by Annette Davies & Robyn Thomas - 485-504 Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Public Services Research: Lessons from an Early Application
by Martin Kitchener & Malcolm Beynon & Charlene Harrington - 505-528 Modernization, Neighbourhood Management and Social Inclusion
by Helen Sullivan - 529-547 The Private Finance Initiative: Has the Accounting Standards Board Reduced the Scheme's Value for Money?
by Robert Kirk & Anthony Wall - 549-579 Managerial Values and Rationality in the UK National Health Service
by Alistair Hewison - 581-591 From Theory to Practice: Policy Analysis, Cultural Bias and Organizational Arrangements
by Iris Geva-May
January 2002, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 271-274 Comparative Perspectives on Modernizing Local Governance
by Kate McLaughlin & György Jenei - 275-290 Comparative Studies in Public Administration and Public Policy
by Iris Geva-May - 291-307 The Modernization of UK Local Government: Markets, Managers, Monitors and Mixed Fortunes
by Steve Martin - 309-342 Trajectories for Modernizing Local Governance: Revisiting the Flanders Case
by Geert Bouckaert & Wouter van Dooren & Bram Verschuere & Joris Voets & Ellen Wayenberg - 343-365 Modernizing Public Healthcare Governance in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Professional Power in the New Public Management
by Anthony B. L. Cheung - 367-386 Modernizing Local Governance in a Transitional Nation: Evaluating the Hungarian Experience
by György Jenei & Ákos Szalai - 387-404 Local Government Modernization: UK and Comparative Analysis from an Organizational Perspective
by Jean Hartley & Michael J. R. Butler & John Benington - 405-410 Lesson Drawing from the International Experience of Modernizing Local Governance
by Kate McLaughlin - 411-431 Finding a Bowling Partner: The Role of Stakeholders in Activating Civil Society in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom
by Tony Bovaird & Elke Löffler & Salvador Parrado-Díez
January 2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 133-147 Public-Private Partnerships: A UK case study
by Nicholas Deakin - 149-165 Governing Networks in the Hollow State: Contracting out, process management or a combination of the two?
by Erik-Hans Klijn - 167-186 Slack in the Public Sector: A comparative analysis of a private and a public enterprise for refuse collection
by Tor Busch & Ove Gustafsson - 187-208 Reshaping Community Mental Health Services in a Restructured State: New Zealand 1984-97
by Pauline Barnett & Susan Newberry - 209-229 The Commissioning Process in the NHS: The theory and application
by Sue Dopson & Louise Locock - 231-256 Does Privatization Matter? Liberalization and regulation: The case of European electricity
by Christophe Genoud & Frédéric Varone - 257-264 The Non-Profit Sector, Government and Business: Partners in the dance of change - an Irish perspective
by Treasa Hayes
January 2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Lessons from the health sector for public management
by Stephen P. Osborne - 3-22 From 'Market Umpires' yo 'Relationship Managers'? The future of the NHS regional offices in a time of transition
by Beth Kewell & Chris Hawkins & Ewan Ferlie - 23-43 Pathology Services as a Pilot for the Market-led Control of Health Resources in New Zealand
by Necia France & John F. Smith & Stewart Lawrence - 45-61 Closing the Gap Between Research and Practice in Health: Lessons from a clinical effectiveness initiative
by Rebecca Surender & Louise Locock & David Chambers & Sue Dopson & John Gabbay - 63-81 Public Values Lost? Comparing cases on contracting out from Denmark and the United States
by Torben Beck Jørgensen & Barry Bozeman - 83-99 Strategic Management in Hybrid Organizations
by Cisca Joldersma & Vijco Winter - 101-118 Good, Better, Best? Inter-organizational learning in a network of local authorities
by Jean Hartley & Maria Allison
December 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 451-451 Public management reform. A case for national divergence or global convergence?
by Stephen P. Osborne - 453-470 GLOBALIZATION AND CORRUPTION CONTROL IN ASIAN COUNTRIES: The case for divergence
by Jon S. T. Quah - 471-492 CLARIFYING CONVERGENCE. Striking similarities and durable differences in public management reform
by Christopher Pollitt - 493-524 SERVICE CHARTERS - GLOBAL CONVERGENCE OR NATIONAL DIVERGENCE? A comparison of initiatives in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States
by Linda McGuire - 525-550 INNOVATION IN A REGULATED SERVICE: The case of English housing associations
by Richard M. Walker & Emma Jeanes - 551-573 DETERMINANTS OF PUBLIC PENSION PLAN INVESTMENT RETURN. The role of fund value maximization and public choice theory
by Marguerite Schneider & Fariborz Damanpour - 575-592 COMPETITION AND SAFETY IN UK LOCAL AUTHORITIES. An empirical study
by John Hood - 593-616 BUILDING PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: Assessing and managing risks in port development
by Hans Van Ham & Joop Koppenjan - 617-625 PERFORMANCE-RELATED PAY FOR TEACHERS: An examination of the underlying objectives and its application in practice
by Gillian Forrester
September 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 297-303 Towards a post-new public management agenda
by Charles Polidano & David Hulme - 305-324 Performance Contracting In Practice: Experience and lessons from the water sector in Ghana
by George Larbi - 325-343 The New Public Selection? Anti-corruption, psychometric selection and the new public management in Nepal
by Willy McCourt - 345-361 Why Civil Service Reforms Fail
by Charles Polidano - 363-383 Hybrid Forms Of Accountability: Citizen engagement in institutions of public-sector oversight in India
by Anne Marie Goetz & Rob Jenkins - 385-418 Political Underdevelopment: What causes ‘bad governance’
by Mick Moore - 419-443 Constructive Pressures And Incentives To Reform: Globalization and its impact on public sector performance and governance in developing countries
by Harald Fuhr
June 2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 145-165 A Heuristic Framework For Accountability Of Governmental Subunits
by Gary M. Cunningham & Jean E. Harris - 167-189 EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF LEGAL CHANGE ON NON-PROFIT AND FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS - The case of the Israeli longterm care insurance law
by Hillel Schmid - 191-208 GLOBALIZATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM: - What is happening in theory?
by Laurence E. Lynn - 209-230 ‘CAPACITY BUILDING’ AS A PUBLIC MANAGEMENT GOAL - Myth, magic or the main chance?
by Jenny Harrow - 231-254 DOCTORS AS MANAGERS - New Public Management in a New Zealand hospital
by Bill Doolin - 255-269 POLICY MAKING FOR INDUSTRIAL COMPETITIVENESS IN PORTUGAL - Patterns of change in a traditional bureaucracy
by Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves De Araújo - 271-280 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORM UNDER STRESS - The Ukrainian civil service experience
by Stephen E. Condrey & Kelly Purvis & Svitlana S. Slava - 281-293 REFORMING HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES IN POLAND - An overview
by Krystyna Piotrowska-Marczak & Krystyna Kietlińska
January 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 From Public Management to Public Management Review . A new name for a new millennium
by Stephen P. Osborne - 3-17 INNOVATION, SUCCESS AND FAILURE IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT RESEARCH: Some methodological reflections
by Sandford Borins - 19-34 SPATIAL EQUITY AND PUBLIC SERVICES: An empirical analysis of local government finance in England
by George Boyne & Martin Powell & Rachel Ashworth - 35-52 MANAGEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVISION: An analysis of the Tele Danmark company 1990--8
by Carsten Greve & Kim Viborg Andersen - 53-72 A THEORY OF GOVERNING THE PUBLIC'S BUSINESS: Redesigning the jobs of boards, councils, and commissions
by John Carver - 73-94 NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: The effects of contractualism and devolution on political control
by Tom Christensen & Per Lægreid - 95-119 ‘RESILIENCE’ IN ORGANIZATIONAL ACTORS AND REARTICULATING ‘VOICE’: Towards a humanistic critique of New Public Management
by Margaret H. Vickers & Alexander Kouzmin - 121-130 Has Canada Adopted The New Public Management?
by Eleanor D. Glor - 131-139 THE CHANGING ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNDER A DECENTRALIZED STATE: The case of the Philippines
by Perla E. Legaspi - 141-144 Notes On Contributors
by Unknown