January 2025, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-3 Methodological foundations of media political economy: a critical review of “Political economy of media and communication: methodological approaches”
by Alireza Pirverdizade - 4-19 Digital transformation’s impact on media concentration and news diversity: a network analysis of cross-platform news usage in Germany
by Ingo Knuth & Thomas Petzold & Florian Richter - 20-45 Towards the measurement of consumer trust in media brands—scale development and validation
by Steffen Heim & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted & Claudia Fantapié Altobelli & Michael Fretschner & Lisa-Charlotte Wolter
October 2024, Volume 36, Issue 3-4
- 47-73 Demand and supply side effects of COVID-19 on music streaming
by Janek Meyn & Sönke Albers - 74-92 Domestic vs. foreign football matches: are viewers interested in the same features?
by Thadeu Gasparetto & Erik Abgaryan & Sergei Batargaleev - 93-111 Effect of media freedom on liquidity and information asymmetry: evidence from non-U.S. stocks in the NYSE
by Darius Fatemi & Hyun Joung Jin & Jang-Chul Kim & Yunna Rhee
April 2024, Volume 36, Issue 1-2
- 1-28 How brand live streaming affects brand attachment in social commerce: from the perspective of IT affordances
by Tian Wang & Yanglu Wang & Yening Wen & Chenyue Wang - 29-46 Moviegoing in the wake of a pandemic: Re-evaluating the attitudes, intentions, and behaviors of U.S. Moviegoers in the streaming era
by Chris DeFelice & Lance Porter & Seon-Woo Kim
October 2023, Volume 35, Issue 3-4
- 63-86 The show must go on(line): the impact of content and system quality on the usage of television streaming content libraries
by Christian Zabel & Reinhard E. Kunz & Verena Telkmann & Daniel O’Brien - 87-107 Newly subscribed! Effects of e-mail newsletters on news-reading habit and subscriber retention during onboarding: evidence from clickstream and subscription data
by Su Jung Kim & Ho Kim & Jaewon R. Choi & Edward C. Malthouse
April 2023, Volume 35, Issue 1-2
- 1-27 Applying option thinking to value experiential marketing content
by Franziska Völckner & Martin Spann & Henrik Sattler & Rouven Schwerdtfeger & Thorsten Hennig-Thurau & Martin Hirche - 28-62 Influencer transgressions: The impacts on endorser and brand
by Walter von Mettenheim & Klaus-Peter Wiedmann
October 2022, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 213-242 Content-, system-, and hardware-related effects on the experience of flow in VR gaming
by Reinhard E. Kunz & Christian Zabel & Verena Telkmann - 243-265 Does star power mitigate the negative effect of cultural distance on box office revenue? Evidence from Taiwan
by Pei-An Liao & Min-Xue Zhuang & Wen-Jhan Jane & Yuan-Lin Hsu - 266-283 Gender Bias in German Media Reports
by Lea Bernhardt & Ralf Dewenter
July 2022, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 135-151 Television and women’s reproductive behavior: evidence from Uganda
by Ishraq Ahmed - 152-175 Externalities across advertising markets
by Rémi Devaux & Olivier Bomsel - 176-193 Power, linkages and space: an exploratory study of China’s film cluster from 2010 to 2020
by Ying Zhou - 194-211 The effectiveness of event marketing in an attention economy: Findings from Twitch live-stream esports tournament events
by Eric Mao
April 2022, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 63-90 Predicting movie revenue before committing significant investments
by Chiranjib Paul & Prabir Kumar Das - 91-116 Analyzing prerelease consumer buzz and information cascades within the film industry: are there differences by gender and age groups?
by Sofia Izquierdo-Sanchez & Alan Shaw - 117-133 The impact of protectionism on cultural industries: the effect of China’s film policies on imported films
by Jimmyn Parc & Patrick Messerlin & Kyuchan Kim
January 2022, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-28 Understanding mediators in location-based mobile marketing and why commuting hubs are so effective—a mediation analysis of a randomized field experiment
by Patrick Felka & Cristina Mihale-Wilson & Oliver Hinz - 29-61 Free lunch for all? – A path analysis on free mentality, paying intent and media budget for digital journalism
by Daniel O’Brien
October 2020, Volume 33, Issue 3-4
- 31-48 Cultural dimensions of online vs. offline media competition: an application of niche theory
by Sung Wook Ji & Junwon Lee - 49-73 Violent Video Games and Crime
by Joost Impink & Patrick Kielty & Han Stice & Roger White
April 2020, Volume 33, Issue 1-2
- 1-12 Packaging deals in the entertainment industry: a bargaining approach
by Thomas J. Miceli - 13-29 Media corruption perceptions and US foreign direct investment
by Mohammad Refakar & Jean-Pierre Gueyie
October 2019, Volume 32, Issue 3-4
- 57-81 Genuine Liking or the Need for Closure? The Differential Effects of Consumers’ TV Drama Viewing Motivations on Commercial Viewership
by Yang Shi & Tingting Wang - 82-98 The effects of first and second screen marketing on TV viewing activity
by Lena Hoeck & Martin Spann - 99-130 Detecting coverage bias in user-generated content
by Anna Kerkhof & Johannes Münster
April 2019, Volume 32, Issue 1-2
- 1-16 On the pricing of quality attributes at movie theaters
by Julio C. Arteaga & Daniela Coronado & Daniel Flores - 17-34 Effects of China’s “limited entertainment order” policy on program diversity: an analysis based on panel threshold model
by Jingwei Cheng & Chen Wu & Jianyu Chi - 35-55 When journalists become stars: drivers of human brand images and their influence on consumer intentions
by Nina Klaß & Christian-Mathias Wellbrock
October 2018, Volume 31, Issue 3-4
- 75-95 The economics of social media (super-)stars: an empirical investigation of stardom and success on YouTube
by Oliver Budzinski & Sophia Gaenssle - 96-116 Geography and consumption of local media
by Orsa Kekezi & Charlotta Mellander - 117-132 Cross-country variation in the share of national movies in total box office revenue
by M. Utku Özmen
April 2018, Volume 31, Issue 1-2
- 1-5 Agenda 2020: Research Opportunities with Managerial and Economic Impact
by Michel Clement & Jan U. Becker - 6-26 A thirty-year retrospective of the Journal of Media Economics: who wrote what, and how?
by Jaemin Jung & Youngju Kim & Haeyeop Song - 27-35 Promotional effects and the determination of royalty rates for music
by T. Randolph Beard & George S. Ford & Michael Stern - 36-49 A comparative study: Performance of Hollywood and Korean sequel films in Korea
by Dam Hee Kim & Seongcheol Kim - 50-67 IDEA FORUM: the impact of subscription-based video on demand on traditional distributors’ value chains and business models
by Michel Clement & Cord Otten & Rouven Seifert & Ole Kleinen & Mark B. Houston & Ekaterina V. Karniouchina & Christoph Heller - 68-74 Overlooked history in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
by Noel Packard
October 2017, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 173-190 Feedback effect of brand extension in cable networks established by parent newspaper brands: applying expectation disconfirmation theory
by Sang Ki Baek & Sang-Hyun Nam & Byeng-Hee Chang - 191-214 Federal Reserve Communication and the Media
by Carola Binder - 215-231 Intrafirm competition and release dates: evidence from the recorded music industry
by Kellie Konsor
July 2017, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 97-98 Influence of quality and exclusivity in two-sided markets, effects of infinite durability on the consumption of information goods, and improving sales forecasting for media products
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 99-120 Platform Competition in the Video Game Console Industry: Impacts of Software Quality and Exclusivity on Market Share
by Haeyop Song & Jaemin Jung & Daegon Cho - 121-142 The introduction of infinite durability to an information good and the decision to buy or rent: evidence from the film industry
by Gabriel Pablo Axarlian - 143-171 Sales Forecasting of New Entertainment Media Products
by Christina Hofmann-Stölting & Michel Clement & Steven Wu & Sönke Albers
April 2017, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 47-64 Media pluralism: What matters for governance and regulation?
by Henry Allen & Sara Connolly & Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap - 65-81 Profitably Bundling Information Goods: Evidence From the Evolving Video Library of Netflix
by R. Scott Hiller - 82-95 Information Asymmetry and Investor Reaction to Corporate Crisis: Media Reputation as a Stock Market Signal
by Zhe OuYang & Jia Xu & Jiuchang Wei & Yang Liu
January 2017, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-2 Relationships between Media Freedom and Social Capital, Evaluating Newspaper Responses to Internet Competition, and Audience Demand for Television Broadcasts of International Football Games
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 3-18 Media Freedom and Social Capital
by Sanghoon Lee - 19-30 Evaluating Strategic Approaches to Competitive Displacement: The Case of the U.S. Newspaper Industry
by Bozena I. Mierzejewska & Dobin Yim & Philip M. Napoli & Henry C. Lucas & Abrar Al-Hasan - 31-45 Game Outcome Uncertainty and the Demand for International Football Games: Evidence From the German TV Market
by Dominik Schreyer & Sascha L. Schmidt & Benno Torgler
October 2016, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 1-1 EoV
by The Editors - 153-166 Which New Forms of Television Advertising Are Most Strongly Recalled? A Quantitative Analysis
by María Arrazola & José de Hevia & Pedro Reinares - 167-180 Repeat Consumption of Media Goods: Examining Factors Affecting Repeat Theatrical Viewing of Movies
by Byeng-Hee Chang & Sang-Hyun Nam & Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted & Hun Kim - 181-195 The More You Know … The More You Enjoy? Applying ‘Consumption Capital Theory’ To Motion Picture Franchises
by Christian Opitz & Kay H. Hofmann
July 2016, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 107-107 Award of Honor 2016
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 108-110 Effects From Privatizing A Television Market, the Influence of Mobile Advertising on Movie Box Office, and Causal Relationships Between Word of Mouth and Movie Ticket Sales
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 111-124 Media Control: A Case for Privatization in Transitional Economies
by Fran Galetić & Marina Dabić & Timothy Kiessling - 125-138 Boost Movie Ticket Sales by Location-Based Advertising: A Bayesian VAR Approach
by Zheng Fang & Yang Yang & Yanyan Xu & Wei Li - 139-152 Bidirectional Causality for Word of Mouth and the Movie Box Office: An Empirical Investigation of Panel Data
by Yuan-Lin Hsu & Wen-Jhan Jane
April 2016, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 49-50 Advertising Content and Avoidance, New Media or Old Media, and Media Coverage of Celebrity Suicides
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 51-72 Advertising Content and Television Advertising Avoidance
by Kenneth C. Wilbur - 73-91 Do New Media Substitute for Old Media?: A Panel Analysis of Daily Media Use
by Shinjae Jang & Minsoo Park - 92-105 Does Media Coverage of a Celebrity Suicide Trigger Copycat Suicides?: Evidence from Korean Cases
by Yun Jeong Choi & Hyungna Oh
January 2016, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-3 Scandal Reporting and Business Outcomes, Welfare Effects from Internet Access, and Welfare Effects from Public Broadcasting
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 4-15 The Economics of Sensationalism: The Lack of Effect of Scandal-Reporting on Business Outcomes
by Brinja Meiseberg & Jochen Lengers & Thomas Ehrmann - 16-30 The Value of the Internet as Entertainment in Five European Countries
by Smaranda Pantea & Bertin Martens - 31-48 Measuring the Welfare Effects of Public Television
by Joost Poort & Barbara Baarsma
October 2015, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 181-183 Vertical Integration and Concentration in Cable Television Markets, the Accuracy and Entertainment in Local Newspapers, and Effects of Movie Stars on the Volatility of Box Office Revenue
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 184-216 Vertical Integration, Regional Concentration, and Availability in Cable Programming Networks
by Sung Wook Ji - 217-245 Pin-ups and Journalists: A Model of Media Market with News and Entertainment
by Maria Rosa Battaggion & Alessandro Vaglio - 246-267 Movie Stars and the Volatility of Movie Revenues
by Amit Joshi
September 2015, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 119-122 Drivers of Media Bias, Welfare Effects of Multi-Mode Television Service, and Effects of Television Service Agreements on Local News Coverage
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 123-141 What Drives Media Bias? New Evidence From Recent Newspaper Closures
by Cagdas Agirdas - 142-161 A Welfare Analysis on Introducing Multi-Mode Service in Korea
by Suil Lee - 162-180 Local TV, Localism, and Service Agreements
by Danilo Yanich
June 2015, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 61-62 Movie Performance and Recent Trends in Music and Video File-Sharing
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 63-83 Elvis Is Returning to the Building: Understanding a Decline in Unauthorized File Sharing
by Joost Poort & Jarst Weda - 84-99 Superstars as Emotion-Eliciting Objects. An Examination of the Effect of the Emotion Mix of Movie Stars
by Ana Suárez-Vázquez - 100-118 Does 3D Make Sense for Hollywood? The Economic Implications of Adding a Third Dimension to Hedonic Media Products
by Ann-Kristin Knapp & Thorsten Hennig-Thurau
March 2015, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-3 Spanish TV Regulations and Audiences for Soccer Matches, Factors Influencing Utility from Watching TV, and How Media Coverage Influences Financial Returns for Australian Companies
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 4-4 Valedictory from the Outgoing Editor
by Nodir Adilov - 5-6 Incoming Editor Note
by Hugh J. Martin & Adam D. Rennhoff - 7-19 Are Broadcast Sporting Events of "General Interest"? A Regional Panel Data Analysis of TV Ratings for Spain's La Liga
by Levi Pérez & Víctor Puente & Plácido Rodríguez - 20-40 State-Dependent Choice Model for TV Programs with Externality: Analysis of Viewing Behavior
by Keita Kinjo & Takeshi Ebina - 41-60 Trial by Media: An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Reputation and Stock Returns in Australia
by Elisabeth Sinnewe & Scott J. Niblock
December 2014, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 177-180 How Media Coverage Affects Employer Reputation, How Negative Cover Stories Increase Magazine Sales, and How Bandwagon Effects Drive Audience Selection of Foreign Movies
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 181-198 The Effect of Media Coverage on Employer Reputation
by Martina Panico & Sascha Raithel & Elena Michel - 199-214 Bad News Sells: The Demand for News Magazines and the Tone of Their Covers
by Maria Arango-Kure & Marcel Garz & Armin Rott - 215-233 Aggregate Bandwagon Effects of Popularity Information on Audiences' Movie Selections
by Xuexin Xu & W. Wayne Fu
September 2014, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 117-117 Journal of Media Economics Award of Honor 2014
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 118-119 The Role of Bargaining Power for Media Bias, Redlining in the IPTV Market, and Long Tail Economy in Online News
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 120-136 Media Bias When Advertisers Have Bargaining Power
by Wen-Chung Guo & Fu-Chuan Lai - 137-157 Diffusion of the New Video Delivery Technology: Is There Redlining in the Internet Protocol TV Service Market?
by Sung Wook Ji - 158-176 Application of the Long Tail Economy to the Online News Market: Examining Predictors of Market Performance
by J. Sonia Huang & Wei-Ching Wang
June 2014, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 57-59 Revisiting Financial Commitment in a European Context, Developing a Consumer-Based System for Classifying Movies, and Reflecting on 25 Years of the Journal of Media Economics
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 60-78 The Relationship of Competition and Financial Commitment Revisited: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in European Newspaper Markets
by Loris Russi & Gabriele Siegert & Matthias A. Gerth & Isabelle Krebs - 79-106 Classifying Movies Based on Audience Perceptions: MTI Framework and Box Office Performance
by Ji-Hyun Shon & Young-Gul Kim & Sang-Jin Yim - 107-108 Reflections on a Quarter Century of JME Publication
by Robert G. Picard - 109-112 Journal of Media Economics 25th Anniversary Essay
by Alan B. Albarran - 113-115 Media Economics in Four Observations
by Ben Compaine
March 2014, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-2 Competition in the Broadcast Market, Program Diversity, and Movie Demand Patterns
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 3-19 Equilibria in a Random Viewer Model of Television Broadcasting
by Bodil O. Hansen & Hans Keiding - 20-37 An Examination of Terrestrial and Broadcasting Satellite Broadcasters' Programming by Type: What Factors Influence Program Diversity in the Multi-channel Era?
by Sumiko Asai - 38-55 Seasonality in the Non-U.S. Motion Picture Industry: A Case of South Korea
by Joonhyuk Yang & Wonjoon Kim
December 2013, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 167-169 Bundling Telecommunications Services in Korea, Finding the Value of Public Broadcasting in Taiwan, and Competition to Provide TV Ratings in India
by Hugh J. Martin & Nodir Adilov - 170-185 Churn Management and Policy: Measuring the Effectiveness of Fixed-Mobile Bundling on Mobile Subscriber Retention
by Myengja Yang - 186-202 Assessing the Economic Value of Public Service Broadcasting in Taiwan Using the Contingent Valuation Approach
by Yih-Ming Lin & Tsu-Tan Fu & Powen Yeh & Mei-Ying Huang - 203-219 Audience Measurement and Media Fragmentation: Revisiting the Monopoly Question
by Harsh Taneja
September 2013, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 115-119 Editors' Note on Future Directions for the Journal of Media Economics
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 120-121 Editors' Preface: Media Bias and the Effect of Patriotism on Baseball Viewership
by Hugh J. Martin & Nodir Adilov - 122-147 Framing the Right Suspects: Measuring Media Bias
by Wayne R. Dunham - 148-161 The Effects of Outcome Uncertainties, Patriotism, and Asian Regionalism in the World Baseball Classic
by Yi-hsuan Chiang & Wen-jhan Jane
June 2013, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 57-59 Editors' Preface: Some Effects From the Consumption of Newspapers, Television Programs, and Internet Movie Reviews
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 60-81 Do Newspapers Matter? Short-Run and Long-Run Evidence From the Closure of The Cincinnati Post
by Sam Schulhofer-Wohl & Miguel Garrido - 82-97 Attracted but Unsatisfied: The Effects of Sensational Content on Television Consumption Choices
by Luca Stanca & Marco Gui & Marcello Gallucci - 98-114 Exploring the Effects of Online Word of Mouth and Expert Reviews on Theatrical Movies' Box Office Success
by Sang Ho Kim & Namkee Park & Seung Hyun Park
March 2013, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editors' Preface: Press Freedom, Media Plurality, and Public Broadcasting Service Program Content
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 4-20 The Role of Press Freedom in Economic Development: A Global Perspective
by Abdullah Alam & Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah - 21-40 Public Service Broadcasting of Sport, Shows, and News to Mitigate Rational Ignorance
by Julia Rothbauer & Gernot Sieg - 41-55 Media Plurality and the Intensity of Readers' Political Preferences
by Armando J. Garcia Pires
December 2012, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 179-180 In Memoriam
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh Martin - 181-181 Journal of Media Economics Award of Honor 2012
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 182-183 Editors' Preface: Changing Patterns of Demand for Magazines and Film, Valuing Television Audiences and Video Game Start-Ups
by Hugh J. Martin & Nodir Adilov - 184-197 Magazine “Companion Websites” and the Demand for Newsstand Sales and Subscriptions
by Ulrich Kaiser & Hans Christian Kongsted - 198-219 The Changing Role of Hollywood in the Global Movie Market
by W. D. Walls & Jordi McKenzie - 220-243 Every Viewer has a Price: On the Differentiation of TV Channels
by Jonas Häckner & Sten Nyberg - 244-260 Key Value Drivers of Startup Companies in the New Media Industry—The Case of Online Games in Korea
by Changsok Yoo & Dongwoo Yang & Huykang Kim & Eunnyeong Heo
September 2012, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 131-132 Advertising Volume, Gender Gap in News Consumption, and File Sharing
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 133-146 Ad Pricing by Multi-Channel Platforms: How to Make Viewers and Advertisers Prefer the Same Channel?
by Øystein Foros & Hans Jarle Kind & Guttorm Schjelderup - 147-167 An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in News Consumption
by Christine Benesch - 168-178 On File Sharing With Indirect Network Effects Between Concert Ticket Sales and Music Recordings
by Ralf Dewenter & Justus Haucap & Tobias Wenzel
July 2012, Volume 25, Issue 2
June 2012, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 73-74 Editors' Preface: Book Sales and Word-of-Mouth, Media and Employment Discrimination, Public Policy and Soccer Broadcasts
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin
January 2012, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 109-129 The Media as a Policy Instrument in Influencing the Business Model of Professional Soccer: Evidence From Italy
by Paolo Di Betta & Carlo Amenta
February 2012, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 98-108 The Power of Media and Changes in Discriminatory Behavior Among Employers
by Magnus Carlsson & Dan-Olof Rooth
February 2012, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Valedictory from the Outgoing Editors
by Ben Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 3-4 Incoming Editors' Note
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 5-7 Editors' Preface: Happiness, Reviewer Effect, and Government Intervention
by Nodir Adilov & Hugh J. Martin - 8-34 Does Media Consumption Make Us Happy? Evidence for Spain
by Juncal Cuñado & Fernando P�rez de Gracia - 35-53 The Impact of Movie Reviews on Box Office: Media Portfolios and the Intermediation of Genre
by Martin A. Koschat - 54-72 Underneath the Red Carpet: Government Intervention in the Spanish Movie Industry
by Victor Fernández-Blanco & Ricard Gil
November 2011, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 217-220 Editors' Preface: A Fresh Application of Network Analysis on Audience Behavior and a Double Helping of Media Integration Implications
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 221-236 Metafrontier Production Function Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Korea's Cable TV Industry
by Ahreum Hong & Daeho Lee & Junseok Hwang - 237-251 A Network Analytic Approach to Understanding Cross-Platform Audience Behavior
by Thomas B. Ksiazek - 252-269 The Effects of Vertical Integration on the Release of New Films
by Claudio A. Agostini & Eduardo H. Saavedra
September 2011, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 133-138 Editors' Preface: Think Global. Drink Local. National Studies with Transnational Appeal
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 139-157 Are News Media Substitutes? Gratifications, Contents, and Uses
by Richard van der Wurff - 158-173 Efficiency of Japanese Local Broadcasters
by Sumiko Asai - 174-200 Examining the Factors Affecting the Rate of IPTV Diffusion: Empirical Study on Korean IPTV
by Dong-Hee Shin & Yongsuk Hwang - 201-213 Converging Competitors? Board Interlocks in the Changing Media Landscape
by Charlene N. Simmons
June 2011, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 65-69 Three Industries, Three Issues, But a Common Thread of Solid Analytics
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 70-97 Consequences of Vertical Separation and Monopoly: Evidence From the Telecom Privatizations
by Bruno E. Viani - 98-110 The Threshold Effect of Advertising on the Intensity of Price Promotions: Using a Rational Expectations Model
by Guan Ru Chen - 111-131 Market Size, Preference Externalities, and the Availability of Foreign Language Radio Programming in the United States
by Xiaofei Wang & David Waterman
2011, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-5 Bundling, Books, and Trust
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 6-23 Bundling Information Goods Under Endogenous Quality Choice
by Nodir Adilov - 24-47 Success Drivers of Fiction Books: An Empirical Analysis of Hardcover and Paperback Editions in Germany
by Christina Schmidt-Stolting & Eva Blomeke & Michel Clement - 48-63 Trust and Trustworthiness in Anonymous Virtual Worlds
by Sascha Fullbrunn & Katharina Richwien & Abdolkarim Sadrieh
2010, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 187-191 Standards, Technology Adoption, and Ownership—But Not All in One Place
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 192-215 Introduction to the Non-Cooperative Approach to Coalition Formation: The Case of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Standards' War
by Nabyla Daidj & Cristina Grazia & Abdelhakim Hammoudi - 216-230 Comparison Between Early High-Definition Television Owners and Non-Owners
by Michel Dupagne & Paul Driscoll - 231-248 Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out: Radio Listening, Ownership Policy, and Technology
by Catherine Tyler Mooney
2010, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 111-116 Addressing Real Issues for the Uncertain and Challenging Environment of the Media Industry
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 117-142 To Bundle or Not to Bundle? How Western European Newspapers Package Their Online Content
by Valerie-Anne Bleyen & Leo Van Hove - 143-164 Adoption of Mass-Customized Newspapers: An Augmented Technology Acceptance Perspective
by Johannes Putzke & Detlef Schoder & Kai Fischbach - 165-179 The Impact of Network Size and Financial Incentives on Adoption and Participation in New Online Communities
by Jan Becker & Michel Clement & Ute Schaedel - 180-185 Eli Noam, Media Ownership and Concentration in America
by Benjamin Compaine
2010, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 47-50 Exceptional Research or Why Harry Truman Sought a One-Handed Economist
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 51-67 Does Ownership Matter? Localism, Content, and the Federal Communications Commission
by Danilo Yanich - 68-89 Effects of Mergers and Competition on Consumer Benefits in the Multi-Channel Video Programming Industry in Korea
by Hongjai Rhee & Sang-Woo Lee - 90-110 The Impact of Corporate Media News on Market Valuation
by Beatriz Cuellar-Fernandez & Yolanda Fuertes-Callen & Jose Antonio Lainez-Gadea
2010, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-4 Scholars Help Answer John Wanamaker's Query: Which Half of My Advertising Is Wasted?
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 5-16 Effects of Celebrity Media Exposure on Box-Office Performance
by Julianne Treme - 17-23 The TV News Scheduling Game: When the Face of the Newscaster Matters
by Jean Gabszewicz & Didier Laussel & Nathalie Sonnac - 24-41 The Impact of Fantasy Sports on Television Viewership
by Todd Nesbit & Kerry King - 42-45 Chris Gratton and Harry Arne Solberg, The Economics of Sports Broadcasting
by Roger Noll
2009, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 185-187 Modeling Media Outcomes: Theories Behind the Curtain
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 188-210 Information Manipulation Through the Media
by Hanjoon Michael Jung - 211-238 Circulations, Revenues, and Profits in a Newspaper Market with Fixed Advertising Costs
by Agostino Manduchi & Robert Picard - 239-252 Creative Inputs as the Cause of Baumol's Cost Disease: The Example of Media Services
by Paschal Preston & Sergio Sparviero
2009, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 115-118 Nonprofit Models, Media Ownership and Diversity, and Advertising Prices
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 119-133 The Nonprofit Business Model: Empirical Evidence From the Magazine Industry
by Miles Maguire - 134-163 Media Concentration With Free Entry
by Guillaume Roger - 164-183 What Influences Advertising Price in Television Channels?: An Empirical Analysis on the Spanish Market
by Germa Bel & Laia Domenech
2009, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 57-58 Editors' Note
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 59-80 Screen Survival of Movies at Competitive Theaters: Vertical and Horizontal Integration in a Spatially Differentiated Market
by W. Wayne Fu - 81-101 Sales Patterns of Hit Music in Japan
by Sumiko Asai - 102-113 The Music Industry in the Digital Era: Toward New Contracts
by Nicolas Curien & Francois Moreau
2009, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editors' Note
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 4-5 Editors' Preface
by Benjamin Compaine & Brendan Cunningham - 6-19 The Role of Patriotism in Explaining the TV Audience of National Team Games—Evidence From Four International Tournaments
by Stephan Nuesch & Egon Franck - 20-35 Robust Analysis of Movie Earnings
by W. D. Walls