2009, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 36-56 Cinema Demand in Korea
by Sangho Kim
2008, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 217-233 Earnings Management of Acquiring Firms in Stock-for-Stock Takeovers in the Telecommunications Industry
by Hyeongjik Lee & Seongcheol Kim & Changi Nam & Seung Hun Han - 234-257 Price Discrimination and Audience Composition in Advertising-Based Broadcasting
by Roberto Roson - 258-263 Rational Foolishness Would Destroy a Public Service Broadcasting System
by Sune Tjernstrom & Emilia Tjernstrom - 264-269 Public Service Broadcasters Will Survive Without Expensive Sports Programs: A Response to Tjernstrom and Tjernstrom
by Harry Arne Solberg - 270-272 Editors' Note
by Stephen Lacy & Steve Wildman
2008, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 131-157 Adoption of New Movie Distribution Services on the Internet
by Dominik Papies & Michel Clement - 158-190 The Economic Advantage of Being the “Voice of the Majority”
by Joana Resende - 191-216 An Examination of the Host Country Factors Affecting the Export of U.S. Video Media Goods
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted & Jiyoung Cha & Goro Oba
2008, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 79-96 Advertising and Media Market Concentration
by Jonas Hackner & Sten Nyberg - 97-113 Factors Affecting Hits in Japanese Popular Music
by Sumiko Asai - 114-130 A Content Analysis Guide for Media Economics Scholars
by Frederick Fico & Stephen Lacy & Daniel Riffe
2008, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-27 Economic and Cultural Influences on the Theatrical Consumption of Foreign Films in Singapore
by W. Wayne Fu & Tracy Lee - 28-52 Economic Growth and Advertising Expenditures in Different Media in Different Countries
by Richard van der Wurff & Piet Bakker & Robert Picard - 53-77 Commentary: Value and Digital Rights Management—A Social Economics Approach
by Benjamin Bates
2007, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 239-258 The Influence of a Shortened Magazine Supply Duration on Newsstand Magazine Sales
by Dieter Tscheulin & Martin Dietrich & Jorg Lindenmeier & Thomas Hafele - 259-287 Media Exposure or Media Hype: Evidence from Initial Public Offering Stocks in Taiwan
by Woan-Yuh Jang - 289-309 COMMENTARY: Sports Broadcasting: Is it a Job for Public Service Broadcasters?-A Welfare Economic Perspective
by Harry Arne Solberg
2007, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 167-188 Theatrical Feature Film Trade in the United States, Europe, and Japan Since the 1950s: An Empirical Study of the Home Market Effect
by Sang-Woo Lee & David Waterman - 189-210 Market Competition and Media Performance: Reexamining the Media Performance of the Cable Television Industry in Taiwan
by Shu-Chu Sarrina Li & Yu-Li Liu & Chi-Ho Chen - 211-233 Competition for Viewers and Advertisers in a TV Oligopoly
by Hans Jarle Kind & Tore Nilssen & Lars Sørgard - 235-238 Review
by Justin Brown
2007, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 77-105 Do Critics Make Bestsellers? Opinion Leaders and the Success of Books
by Michel Clement & Dennis Proppe & Armin Rott - 107-137 Completion or Abandonment of Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from the Newspaper Industry, 1981-2000
by Katrin Muehlfeld & Padma Rao Sahib & Arjen van Witteloostuijn - 139-156 Effects of Market Competition on Taiwan Newspaper Diversity
by Ya-Ching Lee - 157-159 Richard van der Wurff and Edmund Lauf (Eds.). Print and Online Newspapers in Europe: A Comparative Analysis in 16 Countries
by George Sylvie - 161-165 Yochai Benkler. The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
by Benjamin Bates
2007, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-28 The Evolution of Cable Regulatory Policies and Their Impact: A Comparison of South Korea and Israel
by Amit Schejter & Sahangshik Lee - 29-53 Access Pricing to a Digital Broadcasting Platform
by Germa Bel & Joan Calzada - 55-75 Profit Sharing in a Closed Content Market
by Jungsuk Oh
2006, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 221-240 Retransmission Consent, Network Ownership, and the Programming Decisions of Cable Operators
by Michael Clements & Amy Abramowitz - 241-258 Cognitive Shortcuts, the Constraints of Commitment, and Managers' Attitudes About Newspaper-TV Partnerships
by Wilson Lowrey - 259-278 Cultural Discount and Cross-Culture Predictability: Examining the Box Office Performance of American Movies in Hong Kong
by Francis Lee - 279-285 Book Review
by Benjamin Compaine
2006, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 147-162 TV Sports Programs—Who is Willing to Pay to Watch?
by Randi Hammervold & Harry Arne Solberg - 163-192 Software-Platform Integration, Incompatibility, and System-User Switching
by Sang-Yong Tom Lee & W. Wayne Fu - 193-220 The Impact of Media Attention: Evidence From the Automobile Insurance Industry
by M. Martin Boyer
2006, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 83-98 The Distributional Effects of State-Financed Broadcasting
by Liam Delaney & Francis O'Toole - 99-118 Self-Dealing or Market Transaction?: An Exploratory Study of Vertical Integration in the U.S. Television Syndication Market
by Goro Oba & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted - 119-136 Ownership Structure of Publicly Traded Newspaper Companies and Their Financial Performance
by Soontae An & Hyun Seung Jin & Todd Simon - 137-140 Book Review
by Barbara Cherry - 141-145 Book Review
by Peter Yu
2006, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-5 Repositioning the Journal of Media Economics: A Brief Note From the Editors
by Johannes Bauer & Stephen Lacy & Steven Wildman - 7-32 Dynamics of Illegal Participation in Peer-to-Peer Networks—Why Do People Illegally Share Media Files?
by Jan Becker & Michel Clement - 33-54 Changing Market Information Regimes: A Case Study of the Transition to the BookScan Audience Measurement System in the U.S. Book Publishing Industry
by Kurt Andrews & Philip Napoli - 55-79 A Deeper Look at the Economics of Advertiser Support for Television: The Implications of Consumption-Differentiated Viewers and Ad Addressability
by Eun-mee Kim & Steven Wildman
2005, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 233-246 Toward an Economic Theory of Media Diffusion Based on the Parameters of the Logistic Growth Equation
by John Dimmick & Tao Wang - 247-269 Devising a Practical Model for Predicting Theatrical Movie Success: Focusing on the Experience Good Property
by Byeng-Hee Chang & Eyun-Jung Ki - 271-284 Revealing a Double Jeopardy Effect in Radio Station Audience Behavior
by Walter McDowell & Steven Dick - 285-289 Reflections by an Editor: Journal of Media Economics, 1997-2005
by Alan Albarran
2005, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 167-182 Interindustry and Intraindustry Competition in Satellite Broadcasting: A Comparative Case Study on the United States, Japan, England, and France
by Seunghye Sohn - 183-202 Impacts of Media Conglomerates' Dual Diversification on Financial Performance
by Jaemin Jung & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted - 203-214 Competition's Eclipse: Brazilian Wireless Telephony
by Patrick Burkart - 215-231 An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Education and Recruitment of Entry-Level Broadcast Salespeople
by Jerry Condra
2005, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 85-103 Diversification Strategy of Global Media Conglomerates: A Comment
by Michael Stephan - 105-107 Response to "Diversification Strategy of Global Media Conglomerates: A Comment"
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted - 109-129 Multimedia, Entertainment, and Business Software Copyright Piracy: A Cross-National Study
by Hans van Kranenburg & Annelies Hogenbirk - 131-142 Willingness to Pay for Online News: An Empirical Study on the Viability of the Subscription Model
by Hsiang Iris Chyi - 143-159 Business Magazine Market Performance: Magazines for the Agricultural, Business Services, and Transportation Sectors in the Netherlands
by Richard van der Wurff - 161-165 Book Review
by Tyrone Adams
2005, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-19 The FCC's Media Ownership Rules and the Implications for the Network-Affiliate Relation
by Marianne Barrett - 21-33 Economic Concentration in Agricultural Magazine Publishing: 1993-2002
by Mark Stuhlfaut - 35-53 Local Advertising Decision Makers' Perceptions of Media Effectiveness and Substitutability
by Leonard Reid & Karen Whitehill King & Hugh Martin & Hyeonjin Soh - 55-66 Rate-Setting Procedures for Preprint Advertising at Nondaily Newspapers
by Ken Smith & Eric Wiltse - 67-69 Book Review
by Philip Napoli - 71-73 Book Review
by Jaemin Jung - 75-78 Book Review
by Chang-Hoan Cho - 79-82 Book Review
by Gracie Lawson-Borders
2004, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 241-260 Interactivity Potentials and Usage of German Press-Title Web Sites: An Empirical Investigation
by Torsten Gerpott & Hendrik Wanke - 261-278 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Media Industries: Were Failures Really Unforeseeable?
by Stephanie Peltier - 279-294 Market Competition and the Media Performance of Taiwan's Cable Television Industry
by Shu-Chu Sarrina Li - 295-308 Vertical Integration and Excess Capacity Investment Policies and Decisions by Swedish Regional Newspapers
by Stefan Melesko - 309-320 Exploring a Free Association Methodology to Capture and Differentiate Abstract Media Brand Associations: A Study of Three Cable News Networks
by Walter McDowell
2004, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 163-176 The Effect of Screen Quotas on the Self-Sufficiency Ratio in Recent Domestic Film Markets
by Byoungkwan Lee & Hyuhn-Suhck Bae - 177-192 Changes and Consistency: China's Media Market After WTO Entry
by Mu Lin - 193-205 Public Television Programming Strategy Before and After Competition: The Greek Case
by George Tsourvakas - 207-217 A Note on Economic Losses Due to Theft, Infringement, and Piracy of Protected Works
by Robert Picard - 219-227 A Balance Between Imitation and Contrast: What Makes Newspapers Successful? A Summary of Internationally Comparative Research
by Klaus Schoenbach - 229-232 Book Review
by Shane Mitchell Greenstein - 233-235 Book Review
by Ping-Hung Chen - 237-239 Book Review
by Louisa Ha
2004, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 85-86 Introduction to the Special Issue
by John Dimmick - 87-104 Measurement of International and Product Diversification in the Publishing Industry
by Hans van Kranenburg & John Hagedoorn & Jacqueline Pennings - 105-121 The Effect of New Networks on U.S. Television Diversity
by Daniel McDonald & Shu-Fang Lin - 123-143 Cultural Diversity in the Movie Industry: A Cross-National Study
by Francois Moreau & Stephanie Peltier - 145-155 Broadcast Network Television, 1955-2003: The Pursuit of Advertising and the Decline of Diversity
by Mara Einstein
2004, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Financial Interest and Syndication Rules and Changes in Program Diversity
by Mara Einstein - 19-33 Competition Between the Internet and Traditional News Media: The Gratification-Opportunities Niche Dimension
by John Dimmick & Yan Chen & Zhan Li - 35-50 Acquisitions or Joint Ventures: Foreign Market Entry Strategy of U.S. Advertising Agencies
by Jaemin Jung - 51-69 Managing Radio Market Clusters: Orientations of General Managers
by Kenneth Loomis & Alan Albarran - 71-73 Book Review
by David Waterman - 75-77 Book Review
by Louisa Ha - 79-81 Book Review
by Benjamin Bates
2003, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 213-233 Diversification Strategy of Global Media Conglomerates: Examining Its Patterns and Determinants
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted & Byeng-Hee Chang - 235-251 Sport and the Transnationalizing Media Corporation
by David Andrews - 253-264 Wall Street Made Me Do It: A Preliminary Analysis of the Major Institutional Investors in U.S. Newspaper Companies
by Miles Maguire - 265-280 The Impact of Incentive Regulation on Service Quality in Telecommunications in the United States
by Noel Uri - 281-282 Book Review
by Robin Gormly - 283-286 Book Review
by Richard Schaefer
2003, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 141-157 A Structural Analysis of Media Convergence: Cross-Industry Mergers and Acquisitions in the Information Industries
by Bum Soo Chon & Junho Choi & George Barnett & James Danowski & Sung-Hee Joo - 159-173 Predictors of Audience Interest in Adopting Digital Television
by David Atkin & Kim Neuendorf & Leo Jeffres & Paul Skalski - 175-188 Interfering Owners or Meddling Advertisers: How Network Television News Correspondents Feel About Ownership and Advertiser Influence on News Stories
by Cindy Price - 189-205 Deliver on Sunday? Analysis of Daily Newspapers' Entry to Sunday Edition Publishing
by W. Wayne Fu - 207-209 Book Review
by Benjamin Compaine - 211-212 Book Review
by Gillian Doyle
2003, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 71-86 Books and Digital Technology: A New Industry Model
by Dan Shaver & Mary Alice Shaver - 87-95 The Effects of Differential Textbook Pricing: Online Versus In Store
by Sarah Maxwell - 97-120 The Rise and Not-Quite Fall of the American Book Wholesaler
by Laura Miller - 121-138 Structure, Conduct, and Performance of the Agricultural Trade Journal Market in The Netherlands
by Richard van der Wurff
2003, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-21 Theorizing the Strategic Architecture of a Broadband Television Industry
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted & Jae-Won Kang - 23-40 Horizontal Integration in the Cable Television Industry: History and Context
by Patrick Parsons - 41-59 Structural Changes in Small Media Markets
by Todd Chambers - 61-63 Book Review
by Clyde Bentley - 65-67 Book Review
by Marianne Barrett
2002, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 227-239 Network Revenues and African American Broadcast Television Programs
by Keith Brown & Roberto Cavazos - 241-258 Theoretical Approaches to the Management of the Public Service Media Firm
by Sune Tjernstrom - 259-272 Measuring Regulatory Effects With Stock Market Evidence: Cable Stocks and the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984
by Anne Hoag - 273-291 The Peoplemeter Wars: A Case Study of Technological Innovation and Diffusion in the Ratings Industry
by Karen Buzzard - 293-295 Book Review
by Benjamin Bates - 297-298 Book Review
by Alan Albarran
2002, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 151-152 Economics of the Multichannel Video Program Distribution Industry
by Michael Wirth - 153-174 Strategic Competition in the Multichannel Video Programming Market: An Intraindustry Strategic Group Study of Cable Programming Networks
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted & Jack Li - 175-191 Market Structure and Local Signal Carriage Decisions in the Cable Television Industry: Results From Count Analysis
by Michael Zhaoxu Yan - 193-207 Digital Cable: Exploring Factors Associated With Early Adoption
by Myung-Hyun Kang - 209-225 The Economics of Video On Demand: A Simulation Analysis
by Ronald Rizzuto & Michael Wirth
2002, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 73-89 Competition for Circulation Among Japanese National and Local Daily Newspapers
by Hiromi Cho & Stephen Lacy - 91-106 An Explorative Study on the Market Relation Between Online and Print Newspapers
by Hsiang Iris Chyi & Dominic Lasorsa - 107-123 Mobility and Market Structure in the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market Segments
by Hans van Kranenburg - 125-139 An Economic Analysis of the Movie Industry in Japan
by Sang-Woo Lee - 141-142 Book Review
by Max Grubb - 143-144 Book Review
by Jerry Condra - 145-147 Book Review
by Dane Claussen - 149-150 Book Review
by Justin Brown
2002, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-19 Rosse's Model Revisited: Moving to Concentric Circles to Explain Newspaper Competition
by Janet Bridges & Barry Litman & Lamar Bridges - 21-40 Competition for Readers Among U.S. Metropolitan Daily, Nonmetropolitan Daily, and Weekly Newspapers
by Stephen Lacy & David Coulson & Hiromi Cho - 41-55 Who Owns Cable Television? Media Ownership Concentration in Taiwan
by Ping-Hung Chen - 57-58 Book Review
by Jeffrey Wilkinson - 59-61 Book Review
by Gracie Lawson-Borders - 63-64 Book Review
by Eric Chiang
2001, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 197-212 Network Radio Oligopoly, 1926-1956: Rivalrous Imitation and Program Diversity
by John Dimmick & Daniel McDonald - 213-229 Impact of Moderate and Ruinous Competition on Diversity: The Dutch Television Market
by Richard van der Wurff & Jan van Cuilenburg - 231-248 The Medium is Global, the Content is Not: The Role of Geography in Online Newspaper Markets
by Hsiang Iris Chyi & George Sylvie - 249-265 Household Demand for Internet Connection
by Ross Kelly & Philip Lewis - 267-269 Book Review
by Louisa Ha - 271-274 Book Review
by Benjamin Bates - 275-276 Book Review
by George Sylvie
2001, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 133-146 Crossing Borders: Media Management Research in a Transnational Market Environment
by C. Ann Hollifield - 147-168 Competitive Strategies in the Internationalization of Television: CNNI and BBC World in Asia
by Seema Shrikhande - 169-187 Global Parents, Local Partners: A Value-Chain Analysis of Collaborative Strategies of Media Firms in India
by Geetika Pathania-Jain - 189-191 Book Review
by Douglas Gomery - 193-194 Book Review
by Alan Albarran - 195-196 Book Review
by Walter McDowell
2001, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 61-76 Economic Effects of Consolidations of Publishers and Newspapers in The Netherlands
by van Kranenburg - 77-86 Toward Monopolistic Competition in U.S. Local Television News
by Angela Powers - 87-104 Measuring Productivity Change for Regulatory Purposes
by D. Mark Kennet & Noel Uri - 105-119 Market Competition and Programming Diversity: A Study on the TV Market in Taiwan
by Shu-Chu Sarrina Li & Chin-Chih Chiang - 121-124 Book Review: Benjamin M. Compaine and Douglas Gomery. Who Owns the Media?
by Richard Gershon - 125-127 Book Review: Susan Tyler Eastman, Douglas A. Ferguson, and Robert A. Klein (Eds.). Promotion and Marketing for Broadcasting and Cable, Third Edition
by Dane Claussen - 129-132 Book Review: Brian Kahin and Hal R. Varian (Eds.). Internet Publishing and Beyond: The Economics of Digital Information and Intellectual Property
by Eric Chiang
2001, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-14 Effects of Recessions on Advertising Expenditures: An Exploratory Study of Economic Downturns in Nine Developed Nations
by Robert Picard - 15-30 To Each According to Its Niche: Analyzing the Political and Economic Origins for a Structural Segregation in Chinese Press
by Zhongshi Guo - 31-44 International Trade in Film and the Self-Sufficiency Ratio
by Jeongho Oh - 47-49 Book Review: L. Jean Camp, Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce
by Anne Hoag - 51-52 Book Review: Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, 6th Edition
by Steven Dick - 53-55 Book Review: Ardyth Broadrick Sohn, Jan LeBlanc Wicks, Stephen Lacy, and George Sylvie, Media Management: A Casebook Approach, Second Edition
by Geoffrey Hull - 57-60 Book Review: James Redmond and Robert Trager, Balancing on the Wire: The Art of Managing Media Organizations
by Frank William Biglow
2000, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 215-232 Who Wants You When You're Old and Poor? Exploring the Economics of Media Pricing
by Martin Koschat & William Putsis - 233-247 Choice Versus Chance: Using Brand Equity Theory to Explore TV Audience Lead-in Effects, A Case Study
by Walter McDowell & John Sutherland - 249-259 Readers' Attitudes Toward Press Advertising: Are They Ad-Lovers or Ad-Averse?
by Nathalie Sonnac
2000, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 153-169 The Economics of American Theatrical Movie Exports: An Empirical Analysis
by Krishna Jayakar & David Waterman - 171-185 Some Economic and Social Aspects of Residential Internet Use in Australia
by Gary Madden & Scott Savage - 187-200 The Essential Economic Problem of the Media: Working Between Market Failure and Cross-Financing
by Johannes Ludwig - 201-206 Book Review: Bruce M. Owen, The Internet Challenge to Television and Dan Schiller, Digital Capitalism: Networking the Global Market System
by Jack Li - 207-208 Book Review: Deborah Hurley and James H. Keller (Eds.), The First 100 Feet: Options for Internet and Broadband Access
by Hugh Fullerton - 209-210 Book Review: Peter K. Pringle, Michael F. Starr, and William E. McCavitt, Electronic Media Management, 4th Edition
by Max Grubb - 211-212 Book Review: Charles P. Daly, Patrick Henry, and Ellen Ryder, The Magazine Publishing Industry
by Barbara Straus Reed
2000, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 55-56 Special Issue on Trends in Media Management for the 21st Century
by Mary Alice Shaver - 59-79 A Portfolio Theory Approach to Network Program Selection
by Barry Litman & Seema Shrikhande & Hoekyun Ahn - 81-101 The Transnational Media Corporation: Environmental Scanning and Strategy Formulation
by Richard Gershon - 103-121 Corporate News Structure and the Managerial Revolution
by David Demers & Debra Merskin - 123-142 Management Control in German Television: Delivering Numbers for Management Decision
by Rainer Geisler - 143-151 Media Convergence/Management Change: The Evolving Workflow for Visual Journalists
by Susan Zavoina & Tom Reichert
2000, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-14 Preserving Free Television? Some Empirical Evidence on the Efficacy of Must-Carry
by George Ford & John Jackson - 15-25 Some Economic Issues in Licensing of Music Performance Rights: Controversies in Recent ASCAP-BMI Litigation
by William Nye - 27-44 Modeling Media Markets: How Important is Market Structure?
by David Young - 45-46 Book Review: Monroe E. Price (Ed.). The V-Chip Debate: Content Filtering From Television to the Internet
by Milagros Rivera-Sanchez - 47-48 Book Review: John E. Kwoka, Jr. and Lawrence J. White (Eds.). The Antitrust Revolution: Economics, Competition, and Policy, Third Edition
by Douglas Gomery - 49-51 Book Review: Robert Albon and Franco Papandrea. Media Regulation in Australia and the Public Interest
by Allan Brown
1999, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 233-245 Preprints Versus Display Advertising: Which is More Profitable for Nondaily Newspapers?
by Ken Smith - 247-263 Legal and Economic Aspects in Theft of Newspapers: Using a Model of Newspaper Value
by Robert Picard & Stephen Lacy - 265-277 Product Differentiation in Cable Programming: The Case in the Cable National All-News Networks
by Hyuhn-Suhck Bae
1999, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 165-180 The Impact of Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions on Corporate Concentration in the U.S. Book Publishing Industry: 1989-1994
by Albert Greco - 181-199 The Economics of French Cable Systems as Reflected in Media Policy
by Niels Lutzhoft & Marcel Machill - 201-224 Retransmission Consent, Cable Franchising, and Market Failure: A Case Study Analysis of WOOD-TV 8 Versus Cablevision of Michigan
by Richard Gershon & Bradley Egen
1999, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 85-87 Special issue on the Political Economy of Communications
by Gerald Sussman - 89-101 The Legacy of Robert A. Brady: Antifascist Origins of the Political Economy of Communications
by Dan Schiller - 103-116 New York.Com: A Political Economy of the "Informational" City
by Vincent Mosco - 117-132 Common Markets: Corporate Ambitions and Communication Trends in the UK and Europe
by Graham Murdock & Peter Golding