1999, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 133-147 Who Speaks for Asia: Media and Information Control in the Global Economy
by Gerald Sussman - 149-163 Commodity, Culture, Common Sense: Media Research and Paradigm Dialogue
by Eileen Meehan
1999, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-18 Weathering A Recession: Effects of Size and Diversification on Newspaper Companies
by Robert Picard & Tony Rimmer - 19-34 The Economic Basis for Radio Deregulation
by Benjamin Bates & Todd Chambers - 35-50 Exploring the Characteristics of Potential High-Definition Television Adopters
by Michel Dupagne - 51-66 Discriminating Audience Donor Factors for Public Radio: A Tale of Two Cities
by John Long & Paul Traudt - 71-72 Book review of Mixed Signals - The Prospects for Global Television News
by William Davie - 73-74 Book review of Radio-Television-Cable Management (Third Edition)
by Angela Powers - 75-81 Book reviews of Toward Competition in Local Telephony; Talk is Cheap: The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications; Wireless: Strategically Liberalizing the Telecommunications Market; Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry; Telecommunications Competition: The Last Ten Miles
by Benjamin Bates
1998, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 3-15 Protection of Domestic TV Programming
by Franco Papandrea - 17-34 The Market Information System and Personalized Exchange: Business Practices in the Market for Television Audiences
by Patricia Phalen - 35-48 Is It a Small Publishing World After All?: Media Monopolization of the Children's Book Market, 1992-1995
by James McQuivey & Megan McQuivey - 51-52 Book review of Vertical Integration in Cable Television
by Todd Chambers - 53-55 Book reviews of Internet Economics; Webonomics. Nine Essential Principles for Growing Your Business on the World Wide Web
by Alan Albarran
1998, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-2 Special issue on the Economic Impacts of the 1996 Telecommunications Act
by Benjamin Bates - 3-20 The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Radio Market Structure
by Bruce Drushel - 21-32 The 1996 Telecommunications Act and TV Station Ownership: 1 Year Later
by Herbert Howard - 33-46 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Convergence: The Strategic Alliances of Broadcasting, Cable Television, and Telephone Services
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted - 47-64 The Impact of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on the Merger of RBOCs and MSOs: Case Study: The Merger of US West and Continental Cablevision
by Kuo-Feng Tseng & Barry Litman
1998, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-18 Competing With Whom? Where? And How? A Structural Analysis of the Electronic Newspaper Market
by Hsiang Iris Chyi & George Sylvie - 19-45 Revisiting Corporate Newspaper Structure and Profit Making
by David Demers - 47-55 A Note on the Relations Between Circulation Size and Newspaper Advertising Rates
by Robert Picard - 57-71 The Political Economy of the Russian Industry
by Soobum Lee - 73-74 Book review of In Defense of Advertising: Arguments: From Reason, Ethical Egoism and Laissez-Faire Capitalism
by Mary Alice Shaver - 75-76 Book review of Risky Business: The Political Economy of Hollywood
by Bryan Denham - 77-80 Book reviews of Counterclockwise: Perspectives on Communication; Illuminating the Blindspots: Essays Honoring Dallas W. Smythe
by Benjamin Bates
1998, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Who's on First? Studying the Scholarly Community of Media Economics
by Todd Chambers - 13-31 The Internot? Understanding the Problem of Internet Congestion
by Laurie Thomas Lee & Preeti Sharma - 33-48 Internet Economics: An Annotated Bibliography
by Bruce Klopfenstein - 49-58 Market Parameters, Marketing Hype, and Technical Standards: The Introduction of DVD
by David Sedman - 59-62 Book review of The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal
by Gerald Sussman - 63-64 Book review of Public Television for Sale: Media, the Market, and the Public Sphere
by John Lombardi - 65-66 Book review of Handbook on Mass Media in the United States: The Industry and Its Audiences
by Paul Crandon
1997, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 3-22 The Peculiar Economics of new Broadcast Network Entry: The Case of United Paramount and Warner Bros
by Larry Collette & Barry Litman - 23-37 Determining the Number of Programming Options in Cable Television
by Eun-mee Kim - 39-58 Development of the German Media Market: Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Media Firms
by Christina Holtz-Bacha - 59-74 Rethinking Program Diversity Assessment: An Audience-Centered Approach
by Philip Napoli - 77-78 Book review of The New Information Industry. Regulatory Challenges and the First Amendment
by Todd Chambers - 79-80 Book review of Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property
by Steven McClung
1997, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 3-16 Theory, Economics, Measurement, and the Principle of Relative Constancy
by Stephen Lacy & Ghee-Young Noh - 17-31 Media Functionality and the Principle of Relative Constancy: An Explanation of the VCR Aberration
by Ghee-Young Noh & August Grant - 33-43 The Theory of the Niche and Spending on Mass media: The Case of the "Video Revolution"
by John Dimmick - 45-50 A Model for Structural Analysis of the Media Market
by Georg Ramstad - 51-52 Book review of The Media in France
by Ronald Taylor - 53-54 Book review of High-Definition Television: An Annotated Multidisciplinary Bibliography
by Benjamin Bates - 55-56 Book review of Signals in the Air: Native Broadcasting in America
by Paul Ashdown
1997, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 3-19 Beyond the Principle of Relative Constancy: Determinants of Consumer Mass Media Expenditures in Belgium
by Michel Dupagne - 21-33 Models for Determining the Economic Value of Cable Television Systems
by Ian Miller - 35-40 The Internet: Nielsen's Longitudinal Research on Behavioral Changes in Use of This Counterintuitive Medium
by Paul Lindstrom - 41-42 Book review of Economics of Regulation and Antitrust
by Louise Benjamin - 43-44 Book review of The Menace of the Corporate Newspaper: Fact or Fiction?
by Fiona McQuarrie - 45-45 Book review of Telecommunications Research Resources: An Annotated Guide
by Benjamin Bates - 47-48 Book reviews of Electronic Commerce: 1996-2006/TV International Advertising Forecasts/European Television: Revenues
by Benjamin Bates - 49-50 Book review of Communication in Eastern Europe: The Role of History, Culture, and Media in Contemporary Conflicts
by Dom Caristi
1997, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's Note
by Alan Albarran - 3-15 Broadband Delivery of Educational Services: A Study of Subscription Intentions in Australian Provincial Centers
by Scott Savage & Gary Madden & Michael Simpson - 17-28 Radio Station Characteristics and the Adoption of Satellite-Delivered Radio Programming
by A. Joseph Borrell - 29-38 Which Factors Primarily Influence the Number of Infomercial Hours a Commercial Television Station Airs?
by Jan LeBlanc Wicks - 39-49 Theorizing Multichannel Media Economics: An Exploration of a Group--Industry Strategic Competition Model
by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted - 51-52 Book review of Join Operating Agreements: The Newspaper Preservation Act and its Application
by Barbara Petersen - 53-55 Book review of Toward Competition in Cable Television
by Alan Albarran - 57-58 Book review of The New Television in Europe
by Jeffrey Wilkinson