2011, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 151-176 The Organizational Designs of R&D Activities and their Performance Implications: Empirical Evidence for Spain
by Abel Lucena - 177-202 Fast-Follower Industrial Dynamics: The Case of Taiwan's Emergent Solar Photovoltaic Industry
by John Mathews & Mei-Chih Hu & Ching-Yan Wu - 203-225 Patterns and Collaborators of Innovation in the Primary Sector: A Study of the Danish Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industry
by Jesper Lindgaard Christensen & Michael Dahl & Søren Eliasen & Rene Nielsen & Christian Richter Østergaard - 227-248 Creative Distraction: Lack of Collective Learning in Adapting to Online Advertising in Oslo, Norway
by Markus Bugge
2011, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-5 Innovation Networks: Measurement, Performance and Regional Dimensions
by Thomas Brenner & Uwe Cantner & Holger Graf - 7-37 Methodological Issues in Measuring Innovation Performance of Spatial Units
by Thomas Brenner & Tom Broekel - 39-67 Treating Patents as Relational Data: Knowledge Transfers and Spillovers across Italian Provinces
by Mario Maggioni & Teodora Erika Uberti & Stefano Usai - 69-88 The Performance of Gatekeepers in Innovator Networks
by Holger Graf & Jens Kruger - 89-104 Determinants of Collaboration in European R&D Networks: Empirical Evidence from a Discrete Choice Model
by Manfred Paier & Thomas Scherngell - 105-130 Do Firms Know the Scope of their R&D Network? An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Network Awareness on French Survey Data
by Stephane Lhuillery & Etienne Pfister - 131-150 Syndication, Networks and the Growth of Venture Capital in Philadelphia, 1980-99
by Jonathon Mote
2010, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 531-549 Formation Process and Geography of Science-Industry Partnerships: The Case of the University of Poitiers
by Marie Ferru - 551-576 Forms and Determinants of R&D Collaborations: Evidence Based on French Data
by Emilie-Pauline Gallie & Pascale Roux - 577-607 Open, Semi-Open and Closed Innovators: Towards an Explanation of Degree of Openness
by Andres Barge-Gil - 609-628 Combining Innovation and Capacity Utilization in High Throughput Systems: Moving Beyond the Product Life Cycle Model by Introducing Second-Order Innovations
by Arne Fevolden & Terje Grønning
2010, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 445-468 On the Consequences of Patenting University Research: Lessons from a Survey of French Academic Inventors
by Julien Penin - 469-486 The Persistence of Superior Performance at Industry and Firm Levels: Evidence from the IT Industry in Taiwan
by Yi-Min Chen & Feng-Jyh Lin - 487-510 Sourcing Knowledge and Innovation in a Low-Technology Industry
by Tyler Chamberlin & Jerome Doutriaux - 511-530 Complexity, Critical Mass and Industry Formation: A Comparison of Selected Industries
by Jeffrey Funk
2010, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 331-336 Offshoring of Intangibles: Organizational and Strategic Issues
by Rosa Grimaldi & Elisa Mattarelli & Andrea Prencipe & Maximilian von Zedtwitz - 337-371 Role of Corporate-Wide Offshoring Strategy on Offshoring Drivers, Risks and Performance
by Silvia Massini & Nidthida Perm-Ajchariyawong & Arie Lewin - 373-392 A Matter of Coherence: The Effects of Offshoring of Intangibles on Firm Performance
by Federica Ceci & Francesca Masciarelli - 393-413 Leveraging Offshoring: The Identification of New Business Opportunities in International Settings
by Federica Angeli & Rosa Grimaldi - 415-443 Work-Related Identities, Virtual Work Acceptance and the Development of Glocalized Work Practices in Globally Distributed Teams
by Elisa Mattarelli & Maria Rita Tagliaventi
2010, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 241-262 Innovation and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Investigation
by Soogwan Doh & Zoltan Acs - 263-284 Knowledge Bases in Worlds of Production: The Case of the Food Industry
by Jesper Manniche & Stefania Testa - 285-307 Do R&D Spinoffs have Higher R&D Productivity? Evidence from Taiwanese Electronics Firms
by Chih-Hai Yang & Hui-Lin Lin & Hsiao-Yun Li - 309-329 Clustering in the Creative Industries: Insights from the Origins of Computer Software
by Martin Campbell-Kelly & Marina Danilevsky & Daniel Garcia-Swartz & Shane Pederson
2010, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 131-161 Generating Stylistic Innovation: A Process Perspective
by Yen Tran - 163-192 Patterns of Innovation Capabilities in KIBS Firms: Evidence from the 2003 Statistics Canada Innovation Survey on Services
by Nabil Amara & Rejean Landry & Norrin Halilem & Namatie Traore - 193-213 Which Type of Trust for Inter-firm Learning?
by Ayse Eli-super-˙f Sengun - 215-240 Nordic City Regions in the Creative Class Debate—Putting the Creative Class Thesis to a Test
by Kristina Vaarst Andersen & Høgni Kalsø Hansen & Arne Isaksen & Mika Raunio
2010, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-4 Creative Jobs, Industries and Places
by Kevin Stolarick & Charlotta Mellander & Richard Florida - 5-22 Flexible Organizations, Innovation and Gender Equality: Writing for the US Film Industry, 1907-27
by Laurel Smith-Doerr - 23-48 Booming Bohemia? Evidence from the US High-Technology Industry
by David Bieri - 49-69 The Dot-Com Boom and Bust in the Context of Regional and Sectoral Changes
by Cynthia Kroll & Diana Lee & Nadir Shams - 71-89 Art for Business: Creating Competitive Advantage through Cultural Projects
by Claudio Dell'era - 91-111 The Anatomy of the Creative City
by Patrick Cohendet & David Grandadam & Laurent Simon - 113-129 See the Sound, Hear the Style: Collaborative Linkages between Indie Musicians and Fashion Designers in Local Scenes
by Atle Hauge & Brian Hracs
2009, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 545-574 Alternative Paths to Competitive Advantage: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of the Origins of Large Firms
by Joonas Jarvinen & Juha-Antti Lamberg & Johan-Peter Murmann & Jari Ojala - 575-592 Firm Partial Modularity and Performance in the Electronic Manufacturing Services Industry
by Richard Gentry & Heather Elms - 593-612 Worlds Apart? A Comparison of the New Product Development Strategies of Biopharmaceutical Firms in Europe and the USA
by Tianjiao Xia & Stephen Roper - 613-633 Reaping the Benefits of Patenting Activities: Does the Size of Patentees Matter?
by Francesco Schettino & Alessandro Sterlacchini
2009, Volume 16, Issue 4-5
- 369-388 China's System and Vision of Innovation: An Analysis in Relation to the Strategic Adjustment and the Medium- to Long-Term S&T Development Plan (2006-20)
by Shulin Gu & Bengt-Åke Lundvall & Ju Liu & Franco Malerba & Sylvia Schwaag Serger - 389-409 Accelerating Secondary Innovation through Organizational Learning: A Case Study and Theoretical Analysis
by Xiaobo Wu & Rufei Ma & Guannan Xu - 411-434 Building Technological-Innovation-Based Strategic Capabilities at Firm Level in China: A Dynamic Resource-Based-View Case Study
by Ju Liu & Angathevar Baskaran & Shiming Li - 435-461 Knowledge Generation and Innovation in Manufacturing Firms in China
by Ludovico Alcorta & Mark Tomlinson & An Tong Liang - 463-478 Evolution of the Chinese Automobile Industry from a Sectoral System of Innovation Perspective
by Liang Xi & Lin Lei & Wu Guisheng - 479-497 Technology Evolution in China's Color TV Industry
by Jizhen Li & Xin Pu - 499-524 The Emergence and Development of the Vegetable Sector in China
by Shulin Gu - 525-544 Corporate Governance and Technological Capability Development: Three Case Studies in the Chinese Auto Industry
by Jiajia Liu & Andrew Tylecote
2009, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 273-290 Organizing the Innovation Process: Complementarities in Innovation Networking
by James Love & Stephen Roper - 291-314 What Really Drives the Adoption of Modular Organizational Forms? An Institutional Perspective from Italian Industry-Level Data
by Diego Campagnolo & Arnaldo Camuffo - 315-330 R&D, Value Chain Location and Firm Performance in the Global Electronics Industry
by Namchul Shin & Kenneth Kraemer & Jason Dedrick - 331-365 What Drives (or Hampers) Outsourcing? Evidence for a Local Production System in Emilia Romagna
by Massimiliano Mazzanti & Sandro Montresor & Paolo Pini
2009, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 141-165 Regional Innovation Measured by Patent Data—Does Quality Matter?
by Olof Ejermo - 167-195 The Complementary Dynamic Effects of Clusters and Networks
by Evert-Jan Visser - 197-218 Sharing Tacit Knowledge Online: A Case Study of e-Learning in Cisco's Network of System Integrator Partner Firms
by Jarle Moss Hildrum - 219-245 VoIP Diffusion among New Entrants: A Path Dependent Process
by Grazia Cecere - 247-272 Local Knowledge Spillovers and Development: An Exploration of the Software Cluster in Uruguay
by Effie Kesidou & Marjolein Caniëls & Henny Romijn
2009, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-9 When is Regional “Beautiful”? Implications for Knowledge Flows, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
by Bjørn Asheim & Olof Ejermo & Annika Rickne - 11-31 Do Regional and Non-regional Knowledge Flows Differ? An Empirical Study on Clustered Firms in the Dutch Life Sciences and Computing Services Industry
by Anet Weterings & Roderik Ponds - 33-58 Shaken, Not Stirred: The Re-combinatorial Capacity of High-Tech Regions
by Henrich Dahlgren & Finn Valentin - 59-78 Investing in Localized Relationships with Universities: What are the Benefits for R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises?
by Anders Brostrom & Maureen McKelvey & Christian Sandstrom - 79-102 Place, Space and Distance: Towards a Geography of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Innovation
by Richard Shearmur & David Doloreux - 103-121 Location Attributes and Start-ups in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services
by Martin Andersson & Karin Hellerstedt - 123-139 Promoting Regional Innovation Systems in a Global Context
by Cali Nuur & Linda Gustavsson & Staffan Laestadius
2008, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 579-600 Systems of Innovation and Industry Evolution: The Case of Retail Banking in the UK
by Davide Consoli - 601-625 Break on Through: Sources and Determinants of Product and Process Innovation among UK Construction Firms
by Toke Reichstein & Ammon Salter & David Gann - 627-645 Externally Sourcing Research through Acquisition: Should it Supplement or Substitute for Internal Research?
by Karen Ruckman - 647-668 How Demand Sophistication (De-)limits Economic Upgrading: Comparing the Film Industries of South Africa and Nigeria (Nollywood)
by Helena Barnard & Krista Tuomi - 669-686 Combining Resource-Based and Evolutionary Theory to Explain the Genesis of Bio-networks
by Elizabeth Garnsey & Yuen Yoong Leong
2008, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 457-458 Managing Situated Creativity in Cultural Industries
by Fiorenza Belussi & Silvia Rita Sedita - 459-474 Consumer Co-creation and Situated Creativity
by Jason Potts & John Hartley & John Banks & Jean Burgess & Rachel Cobcroft & Stuart Cunningham & Lucy Montgomery - 475-491 From Fashion to Design: Creative Networks in Industrial Districts
by Tine Aage & Fiorenza Belussi - 493-511 Interpersonal and Inter-organizational Networks in the Performing Arts: The Case of Project-Based Organizations in the Live Music Industry
by Silvia Sedita - 513-529 Cultural Events as Potential Drivers of Urban Regeneration: An Empirical Illustration
by M. Paiola - 531-548 Berlin's Creative Industries: Governing Creativity?
by Bastian Lange & Ares Kalandides & Birgit Stober & H. A. Mieg - 549-567 Do Creative Industries Cluster? Mapping Creative Local Production Systems in Italy and Spain
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Rafael Boix & Francesco Capone - 569-578 Network Evolution in Cultural Industries
by Udo Staber
2008, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 351-370 To What Extent do Sectors “Socialize” Innovation Differently? Mapping Cooperative Linkages in Knowledge-Intensive Industries in the Ottawa Region
by David Doloreux & Henrik Mattson - 371-392 Complementarities Affecting the Returns to Innovation
by Jennifer Percival & Brian Cozzarin - 393-409 Innovative Output, Productivity and Profitability. A Test Comparing USPTO and EPO Data
by Enrico Santarelli & Francesca Lotti - 411-433 Systems, Components and Technological Discontinuities: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry
by Jeffrey Funk - 435-455 The Evolution of Network Industries: Lessons from the Conquest of the Online Frontier, 1979-95
by Martin Campbell-Kelly & Daniel Garcia-Swartz & Anne Layne-Farrar
2008, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 233-251 The Role of Time in Assessing the Economic Effects of R&D
by Mario Kafouros & Chengqi Wang - 253-275 Specialization of Regions and Universities: The New Versus the Old
by Pontus Braunerhjelm - 277-296 Configuring Capabilities for Integrated Solutions: Evidence from the IT Sector
by Federica Ceci & Andrea Prencipe - 297-320 Interactive Learning or Technology Transfer as a Way to Catch-Up? Analysing the Wind Energy Industry in Denmark and India
by Kari Kristinsson & Rekha Rao - 321-346 Innovation Clusters in Technological Systems: A Network Analysis of 15 OECD Countries for the Mid-1990s
by Sandro Montresor & Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti - 347-349 Special Issue of Industry and Innovation on
by Grimaldi Rosa & Elisa Mattarelli & Andrea Prencipe & Max von Zedtwitz
2008, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 115-123 Online Communities and Open Innovation
by Linus Dahlander & Lars Frederiksen & Francesco Rullani - 125-143 Of Hackers and Hairdressers: Modularity and the Organizational Economics of Open-source Collaboration
by Richard Langlois & Giampaolo Garzarelli - 145-168 The Role of Participation Architecture in Growing Sponsored Open Source Communities
by Joel West & Siobhan O'mahony - 169-178 Keep it Simple: A Companion for Simple Wikipedia?
by Matthijs Den Besten & Jean-Michel Dalle - 179-197 Communities of Consumption and Made in Italy
by Eleonora Di Maria & Vladi Finotto - 199-221 Leveraging Lead User Knowledge in Software Development—The Case of Weblog Technology
by Stephan Kaiser & Gordon Muller-Seitz - 223-231 Getting Clear About Communities in Open Innovation
by Joel West & Karim Lakhani
2008, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Recent Growth Performance of US Firms in the Industrial Design Sector: An Exploratory Study
by Vida Vanchan & Alan MacPherson - 19-43 “Low-Tech” Innovations
by Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen - 45-67 The Institutional Arrangements of Innovation: Antecedents and Performance Effects of Trust in High-Tech Alliances
by Gjalt De Jong & Rosalinde Klein Woolthuis - 69-92 Innovation Dynamics in Catch-Up Firms: Process, Product and Proprietary Capabilities for Development
by Naushad Forbes & David Wield - 93-114 Exploitative and Explorative Learning as a Response to the TRIPS Agreement in Indian Pharmaceutical Firms
by Dinar Kale & David Wield
2007, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 445-460 On the Shoulders of Giants: Co-location with Dominant Firms in the Emerging Fiber Optics Industry
by Donald Hatfield & William Lamb & Linda Tegarden - 461-476 Open Source Software, Competition and Innovation
by Jurgen Bitzer & Philipp Schroder - 477-496 External Linkages, R&D and Innovation Performance in US Business Services
by James Love & Mica Ariana Mansury - 497-511 Are You Experienced? Prior Experience and the Survival of New Organizations
by Michael Dahl & Toke Reichstein - 513-540 Rents, Rights N'Rhythm: Cooperation, Conflict and Capabilities in the Music Industry
by Birgitte Andersen & Richard Kozul-Wright & Zeljka Kozul-Wright
2007, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 349-357 Internationalization vs. Globalization of the Film Industry
by Mark Lorenzen - 359-384 Hollywood, the Internet and the World: A Geography of Disruptive Innovation
by Andrew Currah - 385-399 The Munich Feature Film Cluster: The Degree of Global Integration and Explanations for its Relative Success
by Robert Kaiser & Michael Liecke - 401-420 Cultural Clusters, Global-Local Linkages and Spillovers: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from an Exploratory Study of Toronto's Film Cluster
by Jan Vang & Cristina Chaminade - 421-443 Finance, Policy and Industrial Dynamics—The Rise of Co-productions in the Film Industry
by Norbert Morawetz & Jane Hardy & Colin Haslam & Keith Randle
2007, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 239-257 Learning Paths to Offshore Outsourcing: From Cost Reduction to Knowledge Seeking
by Peter Maskell & Torben Pedersen & Bent Petersen & Jens Dick-Nielsen - 259-275 Searching Near and Far: Determinants of Innovative Firms' Propensity to Collaborate Across Geographical Distance
by Ina Drejer & Anker Lund Vinding - 277-303 ICT in Industrial Districts: An Empirical Analysis on Adoption, Use and Impact
by Tommaso Ciarli & Roberta Rabellotti - 305-324 Innovation and Dominant Design in Mobile Telephony
by Heli Koski & Tobias Kretschmer - 325-347 Redefining Firm Competencies, Innovation and Labour Mobility: A Case Study in Telecommunication Services
by Matias Ramirez
2007, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 121-128 Local Knowledge Resources and Knowledge Flows
by Thomas Brenner - 129-149 Knowledge in Regional Economic Growth—The Role of Knowledge Accessibility
by Martin Andersson & Charlie Karlsson - 151-175 The Regional Dimension of Knowledge Transfers—A Behavioral Approach
by Tom Broekel & Martin Binder - 177-199 Knowledge Networks and Innovative Performance in an Industrial District: The Case of a Footwear District in the South of Italy
by Ron Boschma & Anne L. J. ter Wal - 201-218 Universities and Innovation in Space
by Michael Fritsch & Viktor Slavtchev - 219-238 Science, Social Networks and Spillovers
by Olav Sorenson & Jasjit Singh
2007, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Dynamics of Industry and Innovation
by Mark Lorenzen - 5-25 The External Sourcing of Technological Knowledge by US Pharmaceutical Companies: Strategic Goals and Inter-organizational Relationships
by Christel Lane & Jocelyn Probert - 27-45 What are Innovative Opportunities?
by Magnus Holmen & Mats Magnusson & Maureen McKelvey - 47-67 Developing Biotechnology Clusters in Non-high Technology Regions—The Case of Austria
by Michaela Trippl & Franz Todtling - 69-94 Cluster-Based Technology Policy—The German Experience
by Dirk Dohse - 95-119 National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool
by Bengt-Åke Lundvall
2006, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 359-370 University Technology Transfer and National Systems of Innovation: Introduction to the Special Issue of Industry and Innovation
by Maryann Feldman & Meric Gertler & David Wolfe - 371-392 University-Industry Interactions: the Case of the UK Biotech Industry
by Helen Lawton Smith & Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 393-414 Comparing a Pharmaceutical and an Agro-food Bioregion: On the Importance of Knowledge Bases for Socio-spatial Patterns of Innovation
by Lars Coenen & Jerker Moodysson & Camille Ryan & Bjørn Asheim & Peter Phillips - 415-435 Pathways and Policies to (Bio) Pharmaceutical Innovation Systems in Developing Countries
by Lynn Mytelka - 437-458 Global Bioregions: Knowledge Domains, Capabilities and Innovation System Networks
by Phil Cooke - 459-479 The Corporate Partners of Higher Education Associations: A Social Network Analysis
by Amy Metcalfe - 481-504 Nascent Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: University Responses to Regional Needs in Thailand
by Daniel Schiller
2006, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 227-261 The Business Governance of Localized Knowledge: An Information Economics Approach for the Economics of Knowledge
by Cristiano Antonelli - 263-289 Exploitation versus Exploration in Market Competition
by John Debenham & Ian Wilkinson - 291-312 Patterns of Innovation in Industrial Districts: An Empirical Analysis
by Alessandro Muscio - 313-334 'Little Ships': The Co-evolution of Technological Capabilities and Industrial Dynamics in Competing Innovation Networks
by Richard Blundel - 335-358 Patterns of Technological Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services
by Mark Freel
2006, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 121-125 Outsourcing Innovation and Relational Governance
by Volker Mahnke & Serden Ozcan - 127-133 Innovation, Uncertainty and Relational Governance
by Anna Grandori - 135-150 The Boundaries of the Firm—A Question of Interpretation?
by Keith Blois - 151-172 A Relational Approach to Organization Design
by Anna Grandori & Giuseppe Soda - 173-187 Innovation, New Market and Governance Choices of Entry: The Internet Brokerage Market Case
by Valerie Claude-gaudillat & Bertrand Quelin - 189-207 Outsourcing Innovative Capabilities for IT-Enabled Services
by Volker Mahnke & Serden Ozcan & Mikkel Lucas Overby - 209-225 Technology-Enabled Innovation, Industry Transformation and the Emergence of Ambient Organizations
by Steve Elliot
2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-20 New Firm Growth: Exploring Processes and Paths
by Elizabeth Garnsey & Erik Stam & Paul Heffernan - 21-39 The Dependence of Innovativeness on the Local Firm Population—An Empirical Study of German Patents
by Thomas Brenner & Siegfried Greif - 41-68 Networks and Rapid Technological Change: Novel Evidence from the Canadian Biotech Industry
by Namatie Traore - 69-95 Competitiveness and an Emerging Sector: The Russian Software Industry and its Global Linkages
by Ashok Deo Bardhan & Cynthia Kroll - 97-106 Schumpeter, Business Cycles and Co-evolution
by William Kingston - 107-116 The Limits of Schumpeter's Business Cycles
by Esben Sloth Andersen - 117-120 Response to Professor Andersen
by William Kingston
2005, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 399-407 Introduction: Knowledge and Geography
by Mark Lorenzen - 409-431 (How) Do (Firms in) Clusters Create Knowledge?
by Anders Malmberg & Dominic Power - 433-463 Epistemic Communities and Cluster Dynamics: On the Role of Knowledge in Industrial Districts
by Lars Håkanson - 465-486 Geographies of Knowledge Formation in Firms
by Ash Amin & Patrick Cohendet - 487-507 Local Nodes in Global Networks: The Geography of Knowledge Flows in Biotechnology Innovation
by M. S. Gertler & Y. M. Levitte
2005, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 303-335 Limits to Modularity: Reflections on Recent Developments in Chip Design
by Dieter Ernst - 337-355 Technological Determinism and Modularity: Lessons from a Comparison between Aircraft and Auto Industries in Europe
by Vincent Frigant & Damien Talbot - 357-381 Innovation Systems in Tourism: The Roles of Attractors and Scene-Takers
by Jan Mattsson & Jon Sundbo & Christjan Fussing-Jensen - 383-398 Innovation in Industrial Districts: Evidence from Italy
by Giulio Cainelli & Nicola De Liso
2005, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 147-152 Introduction: Innovation in Services
by Jan Vang & Christian Zellner - 153-184 Do Services Innovate (Differently)? Insights from the European Innobarometer Survey
by Bruce Tether - 185-203 Organization of Knowledge and Innovation: The Case of Finnish Business Services
by Aija Leiponen - 205-253 Strategic Outsourcing of IT Services: Theoretical Stocktaking and Empirical Challenges
by Volker Mahnke & Mikkel Lucas Overby & Jan Vang - 255-281 Episodic Innovation: R&D Strategies for Project-Based Environments
by Virginia Acha & David Gann & Ammon Salter - 283-301 New Modes of Learning in Services: A Study of Hong Kong's Consulting Engineers
by Erik Baark
2005, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Industry and Innovation: Continuity and Change
by Mark Lorenzen - 5-29 Aerospace Clusters: Local or Global Knowledge Spillovers?
by Jorge Niosi & Majlinda Zhegu - 31-64 Collaborative Public Space in a National Innovation System: A Case Study of the Israeli Military's Impact on the Software Industry
by Dan Breznitz - 65-92 Multinationality Matters in Innovation: The Case of the UK Financial Services
by Marion Frenz & Claudia Girardone & Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 93-115 “Get Rich, or Die Trying”: Lessons from Rambus' High-Risk Predatory Litigation in the Semiconductor Industry
by Richard Tansey & Mark Neal & Ray Carroll - 117-145 Obliging Institutions and Industry Evolution: A Comparative Study of the German and UK Wind Energy Industries
by Shiu-Fai Wong
2004, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 267-272 Farewell Editorial
by John Mathews - 273-297 Indigenous Innovation and Economic Development: Lessons from China's Leap into the Information Age
by William Lazonick - 299-325 Economic Action Does Not Take Place in a Vacuum: Understanding Cisco's Acquisition and Development Strategy
by David Mayer & Martin Kenney - 327-352 Industry-Public Knowledge Infrastructure Interaction: Intra- and Inter-organizational Explanations of Interactive Learning
by Marius Meeus & Leon Oerlemans & Jerald Hage - 353-372 The Changing Technological Profile of the Leading ICT Firms: Evidence from US Patent Data, 1981-2000
by P. M. Rao & Vijaya Vemuri & Peter Galvin - 373-405 Knowledge, Finance and Human Capital: The Role of Social Institutional Variables on Entrepreneurship in Japan
by Michael Lynskey
2004, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 161-165 Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth
by Birgit Soete & Andreas Stephan - 167-191 Sustaining Innovation and Growth: Public Policy Support for Entrepreneurship
by David Audretsch - 193-206 University Spillovers: Does the Kind of Science Matter?
by David Audretsch & Erik Lehmann & Susanne Warning - 207-223 Location Decisions of Spin-offs from Public Research Institutions
by Jurgen Egeln & Sandra Gottschalk & Christian Rammer - 225-248 The Determinants of Debt and (Private) Equity Financing: The Case of Young, Innovative SMEs from Germany
by Dorothea Schafer & Axel Werwatz & Volker Zimmermann - 249-263 The Performance of Venture-Backed Firms: The Effect of Venture Capital Company Characteristics
by Dirk Engel
2004, Volume 11, Issue 1-2
- 5-9 Introduction: Supply Chain Governance and Regional Development in the Global Economy
by Jonathan Zeitlin - 11-44 Governing Decentralized Production: Institutions, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Inter-firm Collaboration in US Manufacturing
by Josh Whitford & Jonathan Zeitlin - 45-79 Emerging Strategies and Forms of Governance in High-Wage Component Manufacturing Regions
by Gary Herrigel - 81-87 Pragmatic Collaborations in Practice: A Response to Herrigel and Whitford and Zeitlin
by Charles Sabel - 89-107 Developing Supplier Capabilities: Market and Non-market Approaches
by Susan Helper & Janet Kiehl - 109-125 The Outsourcing "Prince": Models of Supply Chain Governance in the Italian Automobile Districts
by Serafino Negrelli - 127-153 Transnational Strategies and Regional Development: The Case of GM and Delphi in Mexico
by Jorge Carrillo
2003, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 351-375 Sponsors, Communities, and Standards: Ethernet vs. Token Ring in the Local Area Networking Business
by Urs von Burg & Martin Kenney - 377-401 Transforming Industrial Districts: Large Firms and Small Business Networks in the Italian Eyewear Industry
by Arnaldo Camuffo