2003, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 403-414 When Does a National Innovation System Start to Exhibit Systemic Behavior?
by Yongtae Park & Gwangman Park - 415-432 Host-country Absorption of Technology: Evidence from Automotive Supply Networks in Eastern Europe
by Jochen Lorentzen & Peter MØllgaard & Matija Rojec - 433-434 Introduction: Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics in the Experimentally Organized Economy
by Poul Andersen & John Mathews - 435-455 Industrial Dynamics and Endogenous Growth
by Bo Carlsson & Gunnar Eliasson - 457-474 Receptive Capacity of Established Industries as a Limiting Factor in the Economy's Rate of Innovation¹
by Paul Robertson & Eduardo Pol & Peter Carroll - 475-491 The Economy as an Agent-based Whole--Simulating Schumpeterian Dynamics
by Charlotte Bruun - 493-514 An Evolutionary Approach to the Theory of Entrepreneurship
by Thomas Grebel & Andreas Pyka & Horst Hanusch
2003, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 231-253 Does Biotech Reflect a New Science-based Innovation Regime?
by Benjamin Coriat & Fabienne Orsi & Olivier Weinstein - 331-349 Technology Strategy and Knowledge Dynamics: The Case of Biotech¹
by Lionel Nesta & Ludovic Dibiaggio
2003, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 117-143 Turbulence and Competitive Dynamics in the Internet Services Industry
by Jens Frøslev Christensen & Marie Louise Schmidt & Mette Rønberg Larsen - 145-158 The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market? The Counter-case of the Okayama Farm-engine Industrial District in Japan
by Norio Tokumaru - 159-177 The Embeddedness of Selfish Routines: How Routines are Replicated in Business Networks
by Poul Houman Andersen - 179-196 Leading, Following or Cooked Goose? Innovation Successes and Failures in Taiwan's Electronics Industry
by Douglas Fuller & Akintunde Akinwande & Charles Sodini - 197-217 New Product Development and Product Supply within a Network Setting: The Chilled Ready-meal Industry in the UK
by Howard Cox & Simon Mowatt & Martha Prevezer
2003, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction: Regional Growth, Clusters and Institutions
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Bo Carlsson - 5-24 Research Universities and Local Economic Development: Lessons from the History of the Johns Hopkins University
by Maryann Feldman & Pierre Desrochers - 25-39 Does R&D-Cooperation Behavior Differ between Regions?
by Michael Fritsch - 41-63 The Determinants of Spatial Concentration: The Manufacturing and Service Sectors in an International Perspective
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Dan Johansson - 65-73 Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth: The Case of West Germany
by David Audretsch & Michael Fritsch - 75-102 Global Economic Intergration and Regional Attractors of Competence
by Gunnar Eliasson - 103-116 Globalization, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy: A Systems View
by Bo Carlsson & Ram Mudambi
2002, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 147-153 Global Production Networks, Information Technology and Knowledge Diffusion
by Dieter Ernst & Linsu Kim - 155-181 e-Business and Disintegration of the Semiconductor Industry Value Chain
by Jeffrey Macher & David Mowery & Timothy Simcoe - 183-202 Transnational Communities and the Evolution of Global Production Networks: The Cases of Taiwan, China and India
by Annalee Saxenian - 203-225 Beyond the Maquila Model? Nafta and the Mexican Apparel Industry
by Jennifer Bair - 227-247 Electronics Contract Manufacturing: Global Production and the International Division of Labor in the Age of the Internet
by Boy Luthje - 249-265 Global Production Networks and Information Technology: The Case of Taiwan
by Shin-Horng Chen
2002, Volume 9, Issue 1-2
- 1-5 Schumpeter'S "Lost" Seventh Chapter
by John Mathews - 7-22 How Evolutionary Is Schumpeter'S Theory Of Economic Development?
by Ulrich Witt - 23-39 Schumpeter In The Context Of Two Canons Of Economic Thought
by Erik Reinert - 41-78 Railroadization As Schumpeter'S Standard Case: An Evolutionary-Ecological Account
by Esben Sloth Andersen - 79-89 Schumpeter'S "Lost" Seventh Chapter: A Critical Overview
by Helge Peukert - 91-92 The Seventh Chapter Of Schumpeter'S The Theory Of Economic Development Presentation
by Jurgen Backhaus - 93-145 Seventh Chapter Of The Theory Of Economic Development
by Ursula Backhaus
2001, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 241-244 Industrial Dynamics And Knowledge Institutions
by Jens Frøslev Christensen - 245-266 The Technological Performance Of Europe In A Global Setting
by Daniele Archibugi & Alberto Coco - 267-289 New Economy Innovation Systems: Biotechnology In Europe And The Usa
by Philip Cooke - 291-308 Translation Of Innovation Systems Into Industrial Policy: The Healthcare Sector In Australia
by Jane Marceau & Ester Basri - 309-323 Microfoundations Of Knowledge Dynamics Within The Firm
by Margherita Turvani
2001, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 109-111 Introduction
by Bob Hancke & Bruno Amable - 113-133 Innovation And Industrial Renewal In France In Comparative Perspective
by Bruno Amable & Bob Hancke - 135-158 Corporate Governance And The Innovation System In France 1985-2000
by Michel Goyer - 159-178 Bridging Capital Gaps To Promote Innovation In France
by Sylvie Cieply - 179-199 Institutional And Technological Co-Evolution In The French Electronuclear Industry
by Dominique Finon & Carine Staropoli - 201-220 Sources Of Resilience In The Computer And Software Industries In France
by Hiroatsu Nohara & Eric Verdier - 221-239 The Adaptability Of The French Armaments Industry In An Era Of Globalization
by Claude Serfati
2001, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-30 National Institutional Frameworks And The Hybridization Of Entrepreneurial Business Models: The German And Uk Biotechnology Sectors
by Steven Casper & Hannah Kettler - 31-47 Modularity On Industry Structure: The Case Of The World The Effect Of Product Bicycle Industry
by Peter Galvin & Andre Morkel - 49-78 Competitive Dynamics Of Technological Standardization: The Case Of Third Generation Cellular Communications
by Henrik Glimstedt - 79-107 Competitive Interfirm Dynamics Within An Industrial Market System
by John Mathews
2000, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 145-168 Industrial Transformation In Austria, Norway And Sweden
by Rachel Parker - 169-183 Effects Of Firm Performance, Organizational Slack, And Debt On Entry Timing: A Study Of Ten Emerging Product Markets In Usa
by Stefan Wally & Cher-Min Fong - 185-197 Evolution Of Technology Development Strategies For Taiwan'S Semiconductor Industry: Formation Of Research Consortia
by Pao-Long Chang & Chien-Tzu Tsai - 199-221 Acquisition Of Technological Capability Through Special Economic Zones (Sezs): The Case Of Shenzhen Sez
by Xie Wei - 223-243 Resilience In German Technology Policy: Innovation Through Institutional Symbiotic Tension
by Rebecca Harding
2000, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 Frontiers Of Research In Industrial Dynamics And National Systems Of Innovation1
by Henrik Sornn-Friese - 15-32 Local Systems Of Innovation In A Globalized World Economy
by Lynn Mytelka - 33-53 Local Systems Of Innovation In Mercosur Countries
by Jose Eduardo Cassiolato & Helena Maria Martins Lastres - 55-75 Looking At National Systems Of Innovation From The South
by Rodrigo Arocena & Judith Sutz - 77-115 Co-Evolution Within Chemical Technology Systems: A Competence Bloc Approach
by Birgitte Andersen & Vivien Walsh - 117-144 Network Interactions And Mutual Dependence: A Test In The Car Industry
by Bart Nooteboom & Gjalt De Jong & Robert Vossen & Susan Helper & Mari Sako
1999, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 131-151 e-commerce: implications for firm strategy and industry Configuration
by Martin Kenney & James Curry - 153-170 Sectoral Innovation Patterns And The Rise Of New Competitors: The Case Of Civil Aerospace In Asia
by Steven Mcguire - 171-190 Cluster Studies As A Basis For Industrial Policy: The Case Of Denmark
by Ina Drejer Frank Skov Kristensen & Keld Laursen - 191-217 Public/Private Partnerships In The United States
by Albert Link
1999, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Innovation Systems and Industrial Performance Germany in International Perspective
by Karin Wagner & Geoff Mason - 5-24 Can High-technology Industries Prosper in Germany? Institutional Frameworks and the Evolution of the German Software and Biotechnology Industries
by Steven Casper & Mark Lehrer & David Soskice - 25-50 Corporate Governance, Innovation Systems and Industrial Performance
by Mark Lehrer & Andrew Tylecote & Emmanuelle Conesa - 51-68 Interaction of Universities and Industrial Enterprises in Germany and the United States-A Comparison
by Ulrich Schmoch - 69-83 Enterprise-University Co-operation and the Role of Public Research Institutions in Regional Innovation Systems
by Micheal Fritsch & Christian Schwirten - 85-109 Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in Germany and Britain: 'Intermediate Institution' Models of Knowledge Transfer under Strain?
by Geoff Mason & Karin Wagner - 111-129 Research and Technology Outsourcing and Innovation Systems: an Exploratory Analysis
by Jeremy Howells
1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 113-137 The Pardox Of High R&D And Industry Stability: Technology And Structural Dynamics In The Global Hearing Instrument Industry
by Peter Lotz - 139-155 The Socio-Economic Foundations Of Competitiveness: An Econometric Analysis of Italian Industrial Districts
by Carlo Pietrobelli - 157-179 Innovation Through Vertical Relations Between Firms, Suppliers And Customers: A Study Of German Firms
by Najib Harabi - 181-196 Institutional Capacity and National Competitive Advantage: the Rise and Stagnation of the Australian Meat Industry
by Andrew Griffiths - 197-208 A Proposed Industrial Classification System Based on Core Competences
by Dong-Sung Cho & Dong-Hyun Lee - 209-241 Industry and State Partnership: The Historical Role of Theengineering Research Associations in Japan
by Jon Sigurdson
1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-10 Competing in the Global Flat Panel Display Industry: Introduction
by Poh-Kam Wong & John Mathews - 11-34 Flying Geese as Moving Targets: Are Korea and Taiwan Catching up with Japan in Advanced Displays?
by Greg Linden & Jeffrey Hart & Stefanie Ann Lenway & Thomas Murtha - 35-50 The US Display Consortium: Analysis of a Public/Private Partnership
by Albert Link - 51-71 The Hong Kong LCD Industry: Surviving the Global Technology Race
by Stephen Chiu & Ka-chung Wong - 73-91 Case Study From Sweden to Japan: The Case of Canon and Ferroelectric LCDs
by Jon Sigurdson
1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 141-166 Globalization With Borders
by Michael Borrus & John Zysman - 167-182 The Dynamics Of R&D In Industrial Development
by Linsu Kim & Gihong Yi - 183-205 Creation Of A Regional Hub For Flexible Production
by Poh-Kam Wong - 207-232 When Lean Production Meets The 'German Model'
by David Finegold & Karin Wagner - 233-246 Meeting the Challenges of Restructuring
by Monica Tamisari - 247-258 The Deregulation of Taiwan's Electric Power Industry
by George Hsu & Tser-yieth Chen - 259-275 Debate The Closure of a Steelworks and the Limits to Workplace Reform
by Malcolm Abbott - 277-301 Document The Development and Upgrading of Manufacturing Industries in Taiwan
by John Mathews
1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 The German Model in the 1990s: Problems and prospects
by Steven Casper & Sigurt Vitols - 15-36 German Industrial Policy: An Overview
by Sigurt Vitols - 37-51 German Industrial Structure in Comparative Perspective
by Catherine Matraves - 53-73 Banks and Industrial Finance in the 1990s
by Richard Deeg - 75-96 German technology policy, innovation, and national institutional frameworks
by David Soskice - 97-113 Automobile Supplier Network Organisation in East Germany: A Challenge to the German Model of Industrial Organisation
by Steven Casper - 115-140 German Industrial Strategy in Turbulence: Corporate Governance and Managerial Hierarchies in Lufthansa
by Mark Lehrer
1996, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-77 High Technology Industrialisation In East Asia
by John Mathews - 79-102 Innovation And Institutions
by Rajah Rasiah - 103-104 Symposium: Italian Industrial Districts In The I99Os
by Patrizia Tiberi-Vipraio - 105-118 Changing directions in Italy's manufacturing industrial districts
by Fabio Nun & Giulio Caineilli - 119-134 Technology strategies, innovation without R&D
by Giorgio Gottardi - 135-152 From Local To Global Network
by Patrizia Tiberi Vipraio - 153-162 Innovation By Half-Measures in German Manufacturing
by Christiane Bender
1996, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-20 Higher-order industrial Capabilities and competitive advantage
by Nicolai Foss - 21-34 User-producer Interaction and the Case of Biomedical Innovation
by D. Jane Bower - 35-52 Growth And Industrial Organisation
by Wan-Wen Chu & Jla-Jing Li - 53-70 Origins and Evolution of the Australian Machine Tool Industry
by George Argyrous - 71-86 Two Types of Labor Shortage
by Jooyeon Jeong - 87-103 State Supremacy in Decline
by Hans Lofgren
1995, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-18 Systems of innovation and economic integration
by Bjorn Johnson & Birgitte Gregersen - 7-9 Introduction
by John Mathews - 19-33 A networked nation or a complexes issue? Reshaping industry analysis
by Jane Marceau - 35-61 Competing in the global electronics industry: A comparative study of the innovation networks of Singapore and Taiwan
by Wong Poh-Kam - 63-74 Technology and innovation networks in the people's republic of China
by Tim Turpin & Yanhua Lian & Jian Tong & Xin Fang - 75-87 The industrial networks of Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises
by C.J. Lee - 89-109 Local and global linkages the radiocommunications cluster in Northern Denmark
by Bent Dalum - 111-127 Does the recipe work? Structuring for success in Australia's telecommunications sector
by Elizabeth More & Michael McGrath - 129-140 Horizontal networks, appropriability conditions and industry life cycles
by Gerda Gemser & Nachoem M. Wijnberg
1995, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Joseph Lee - 5-26 Industrial Policies In A Maturing Taiwan Economy
by Chi Schive - 27-56 An Overview Of Policy Priorities For Industrial Development In Taiwan
by Gee San - 57-68 Foreign Direct Investment
by Tain-jy Chen & Yi-Ping Chen - 69-82 Taiwan's Industrial Technology
by Jiann-Chyuan Wang & Kuen-Hung Tsai - 83-94 Taiwan'S Venture Capital
by Lee-Rong Wang - 95-97 The Evolution of Taiwan's
by George Hsu
1994, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-22 Bargaining For Competitive Advantage
by Ann Capling - 23-42 The Learning Economy
by Bengt-ake Lundvall & Bjorn Johnson - 43-64 Low Trust And Opportunism In Action
by Marek Korczynski - 65-76 Surviving Competition Through Cooperation
by Antonello Zanfei - 77-90 The Birth of New Firms In Italian Manufacturing
by Sterlacchini Alessandro - 91-101 Innovation Alliances In Taiwan
by Linda Weiss & John Mathews
1993, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-15 Inter-Firm Industrial Networks:
by Roberto Camagni - 16-29 Journal of Industry Studies
by Patrizio Bianchi - 30-42 Product Development And Production Networks:
by Rebecca Morales - 43-49 Japanese New-Product Development Techniques
by Yesuhiro Monden - 50-64 Global R&D networks
by D. Jane Bower & Erica Whittaker - 65-74 Tcg R&D Networks
by John Mathews - 75-87 The Volvo Uddevalla Plant
by Christian Berggren - 88-91 Technology For America'S Growth
by William Clinton & A. Gore