2009, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 1215-1225 Tied Food Aid: export subsidy in the guise of charity
by Christie Kneteman - 1227-1236 Beyond Orientalist, Colonial and Nationalist Models: a critical mapping of Maghribi studies (1951–2000)
by Ali Ahmida
2009, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 829-830 Introduction: remapping development studies
by David Simon & Frans Schuurman - 831-848 Critical Development Theory: moving out of the twilight zone
by Frans Schuurman - 849-884 From the Holocaust to Development: reflections of surviving development pioneers
by David Simon - 885-904 Development as Zombieconomics in the Age of Neoliberalism
by Ben Fine - 905-920 The Unhappy Marriage between Gender and Globalisation
by Tine Davids & Francien Van Driel - 921-935 The Future of Gender and Development after 9/11: insights from postcolonial feminism and transnationalism
by Marianne Marchand - 937-951 The Role of Religion, Spirituality and Faith in Development: a critical theory approach
by Jenny Lunn - 953-968 Rethinking Political Ecologies of Water
by Alex Loftus - 969-989 Natural Resource Management and Development Discourses in the Caribbean: reflections on the Guyanese and Jamaican experience
by Jayalaxshmi Mistry & Andrea Berardi & Duncan Mcgregor - 991-1005 Health Reform in Latin America and Africa: decentralisation, participation and inequalities
by Katie Willis & Sorayya Khan - 1007-1025 Critically Understanding Asian Perspectives on Ageing
by Vandana Desai & Matthew Tye - 1027-1044 Young People as Agents in Development Processes: reconsidering perspectives for development geography
by Stephen Bell & Ruth Payne - 1045-1067 Technological Revolution, Evolution and New Dependencies: what's new about ?
by Dorothea Kleine & Tim Unwin
2009, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 635-648 Countdown to Ecstasy: development as eschatology
by Trevor Parfitt - 649-661 The World Social Forum: postmodern prince or court jester?
by Owen Worth & Karen Buckley - 663-684 The ‘Humanitarian Frontline’, Development and Relief, and Religion: what context, which threats and which opportunities?
by Bruno De Cordier - 685-700 Bringing ‘Light, Life and Happiness’: British American Tobacco and music sponsorship in sub-Saharan Africa
by Preeti Patel & Cassandra Okechukwu & Jeff Collin & Belinda Hughes - 701-721 Regional Integration and Africa's Development Trajectory: meta-theories, expectations and reality
by Richard Gibb - 723-742 Placing Ethical Trade in Context: and the South African wine industry
by Cheryl McEwan & David Bek - 743-760 Mapuche Protest, Environmental Conflict and Social Movement Linkage in Chile
by David Carruthers & Patricia Rodriguez - 761-777 The Limits of Studies in Comparative Development of East Asia and Latin America: the case of land reform and agrarian policies
by Nicolas Grinberg & Guido Starosta - 779-793 Chinese Soft Power, Insecurity Studies, Myopia and Fantasy
by Shogo Suzuki - 795-811 The Identity of Turkey: Muslim and secular
by Ayla Göl - 813-828 The Rise of Militant Islam and the Security State in the Era of the ‘Long War’
by Tariq Amin-Khan
2009, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 435-452 Who Works for Globalisation? The challenges and possibilities for international labour studies
by Marcus Taylor - 453-468 Modes of Production, Rules for Reproduction and Gender: the fabrication of China's textile manufacturing workforce since the late Empire
by Étienne Cantin - 469-483 Gendering Liberalisation and Labour Reform in Malaysia: fostering ‘competitiveness’ in the productive and reproductive economies
by Juanita Elias - 485-501 China's New Labour Contract Law: is China moving towards increased power for workers?
by Haiyan Wang & Richard Appelbaum & Francesca Degiuli & Nelson Lichtenstein - 503-517 From Fields of Power to Fields of Sweat: the dual process of constructing temporary migrant labour in Mexico and Canada
by Leigh Binford - 519-534 Disciplining Capital: export grape production, the state and class dynamics in northeast Brazil
by Ben Selwyn - 535-550 Legal Liminality: the gender and labour politics of organising South Korea's irregular workforce
by Jennifer Jihye Chun - 551-565 The Radicalisation of the New Chinese Working Class: a case study of collective action in the gemstone industry
by Leung Pak Nang & Pun Ngai - 567-579 Local Worker Struggles in the Global South: reconsidering Northern impacts on international labour standards
by Don Wells - 581-598 Labouring under an Illusion? Lesotho's ‘sweat-free’ label
by Gay Seidman - 599-615 Jumping Scale and Bridging Space in the Era of Corporate Social Responsibility: cross-border labour struggles in the global garment industry
by Jeroen Merk - 617-625 Afterword: beyond the ‘new’ international labour studies
by Ronaldo Munck - 627-633 Power, Production and Solidarity: trends in contemporary international labour studies
by Andrew Stevens
2009, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 271-284 Moving Beyond North–South Theatre
by Thomas Weiss - 285-300 Choosing Words with Care? Shifting meanings of women's empowerment in international development
by Rosalind Eyben & Rebecca Napier-Moore - 301-317 Bono's Product (RED) Initiative: corporate social responsibility that solves the problems of ‘distant others’
by Stefano Ponte & Lisa Richey & Mike Baab - 319-330 Latin America's Left Turns: an introduction
by Jon Beasley-Murray & Maxwell Cameron & Eric Hershberg - 331-348 Latin America's Left Turns: beyond good and bad
by Maxwell Cameron - 349-370 Understanding the Politics of Latin America's Plural Lefts (Chávez/Lula): social democracy, populism and convergence on the path to a post-neoliberal world
by John French - 371-395 The Left Turns as Multiple Paradigmatic Crises
by Juan Luna & Fernando Filgueira - 397-413 Engaging Modernity: the political making of indigenous movements in Bolivia and Ecuador, 1900–2008
by Timo Schaefer - 415-433 Gender, Sexuality and the Latin American Left: testing the transformation
by Elisabeth Friedman
2009, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-16 War, Peace and Progress: conflict, development, (in)security and violence in the 21st century
by Mark Berger & Heloise Weber - 17-34 The Failure of State Building and the Promise of State Failure: reinterpreting the security–development nexus in Haiti
by Kamil Shah - 35-52 State Building or Crisis Management? A critical analysis of the social and political implications of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands
by Shahar Hameiri - 53-68 What Sustains ‘Internal Wars’? The dynamics of violent conflict and state weakness in Sudan
by Benjamin Maitre - 69-80 Realities of War: global development, growing destructiveness and the coming of a new Dark Age?
by John Arquilla - 81-112 The Logic of Warlord Politics
by Gordon Mccormick & Lindsay Fritz - 113-127 ‘Sons of the Soil’ and Contemporary State Making: autochthony, uncertainty and political violence in Africa
by Kevin Dunn - 129-146 Violence and Victory: guerrilla warfare, ‘authentic self-affirmation’ and the overthrow of the colonial state
by Sebastian Kaempf - 147-162 Displacing Insecurity in a Divided World: global security, international development and the endless accumulation of capital
by Marcus Taylor - 163-179 The Pedagogy of Global Development: the promotion of electoral democracy and the Latin Americanisation of Europe
by Teivo Teivainen - 181-204 Global Development and Human (In)security: understanding the rise of the Rajah Solaiman Movement and Balik Islam in the Philippines
by Douglas Borer & Sean Everton & Moises Nayve - 205-225 The Rise of a Global God-Image? Spiritual internationalists, the international left and the idea of human progress
by Sebastian Job - 227-245 Securing the State and Developing Social Insecurities: the securitisation of citizenship in contemporary Colombia
by Cristina Rojas - 247-262 Contemporary Contradictions of the Global Development Project: geopolitics, global ecology and the ‘development climate’
by Philip Mcmichael - 263-270 Human (In)Security and Development in the 21st Century
by Heloise Weber & Mark Berger
2008, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 1473-1474 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 1475-1489 Development Made Sexy: how it happened and what it means
by John Cameron & Anna Haanstra - 1491-1507 The Fallacy of the ‘Failed State’
by Charles Call - 1509-1526 The Stop Climate Chaos Coalition: climate change as a development issue
by Clare Saunders - 1527-1544 Transnational Capital, the US State and Latin American Trade Agreements
by Ronald Cox - 1545-1562 Hinduising India: secularism in practice
by Omar Khalidi - 1563-1584 Iraqi Refugees in Syria: causing a spillover of the Iraqi conflict?
by Reinoud Leenders - 1585-1599 The Ascendance of Political Islam: Hamas and consolidation in the Gaza Strip
by Beverley Milton-Edwards - 1601-1620 On the Danger and Necessity of Democratisation: trade-offs between short-term stability and long-term peace in post-genocide Rwanda
by Sebastian Silva-Leander - 1621-1637 Hollywood and the Popular Geopolitics of the War on Terror
by Klaus Dodds - 1639-1652 Beyond Impoverished Anti-poverty Paradigms
by James Mittelman
2008, Volume 29, Issue 7
- 1223-1226 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 1227-1246 Globalisation, Governance and Migration: an introduction
by Ronaldo Munck - 1247-1264 Globalisation, International Labour Migration and the Rights of Migrant Workers
by Piyasiri Wickramasekara - 1265-1285 The Ideal Immigrant? Gendered class subjects in Philippine–Canada migration
by Pauline Gardiner Barber - 1287-1303 Feminisation of Migration and the Social Dimensions of Development: the Asian case
by Nicola Piper - 1305-1322 The Myth of Invasion: the inconvenient realities of African migration to Europe
by Hein de Haas - 1323-1339 Globalisation and Migrant Labour in a ‘Rainbow Nation': a fortress South Africa?
by Nicos Trimikliniotis & Steven Gordon & Brian Zondo - 1341-1358 ‘Keeping Them in Their Place’: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa
by Oliver Bakewell - 1359-1374 Capitalist Restructuring, Development and Labour Migration: the Mexico–US case
by Raúl Delgado Wise & Humberto Covarrubias - 1375-1388 The Violence of Development and the Migration/Insecurities Nexus: labour migration in a North American context
by Marianne Marchand - 1389-1409 ‘Remittances are Beautiful’? Gender implications of the new global remittances trend
by Rahel Kunz - 1411-1429 Development and Return Migration: from policy panacea to migrant perspective sustainability
by Marieke van Houte & Tine Davids - 1431-1447 Migrant Workers in the 's Report: a critical appraisal
by Ben Rogaly - 1449-1459 Towards a Theory of Illegal Migration: historical and structural components
by Martin Baldwin-Edwards - 1461-1471 A Critique of Global Policy Discourses on Managing International Migration
by Gerard Boucher
2008, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 1033-1034 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 1035-1049 The Role of the Privileged in Responding to Poverty: perspectives emerging from the post-development debate
by Sally Matthews - 1051-1067 Discourses on Poverty: emerging perspectives on a caring economy
by Anita Wenden - 1069-1086 Rethinking ‘Citizenship’ in the Postcolony
by Steven Robins & Andrea Cornwall & Bettina von Lieres - 1087-1099 Neoliberal Law: unintended consequences of market-friendly law reforms
by Ioannis Glinavos - 1101-1118 Bush's America and the New Exceptionalism: anti-Americanism, the Holocaust and the transatlantic rift
by David MacDonald - 1119-1137 Legacies of Leftism: ideology, ethnicity and democracy in Benin, Ghana and Mali
by J Dickovick - 1139-1152 The Indian Industry and Neoliberalism: the irony of a mythology
by Jyoti Saraswati - 1153-1174 The Developmental State under Global Neoliberalism
by Hugo Radice - 1175-1188 Assessing the New Washington Pluralism from the Perspective of the Malaysian Model
by Robbert Maseland & Jan Peil - 1189-1203 Whither the Developmental State? Explaining Singapore's continued Developmentalism
by Alexius Pereira - 1205-1221 Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: reviewing the past, assessing the present and predicting the future
by Joel Lazarus
2008, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 835-837 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 839-849 Tourism and Development in the Global South: the issues
by Frances Brown & Derek Hall - 851-868 Pro-poor Tourism: a critique
by David Harrison - 869-871 Pro-poor Tourism: a response
by Harold Goodwin - 873-901 Consequences of Climate Policy for International Tourist Arrivals in Developing Countries
by Stefan Gössling & Paul Peeters & Daniel Scott - 903-917 Buying Innocence: child-sex tourists in Thailand
by Heather Montgomery - 919-937 Using Authenticity to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Medical Tourism in the English-speaking Caribbean
by Donna Chambers & Bryan McIntosh - 939-959 Politics, Economics and Tourism Development in Egypt: insights into the sectoral transformations of a neo-patrimonial rentier state
by Thomas Richter & Christian Steiner - 961-978 Tourism and Sustainable Livelihoods: the case of Taiwan
by Ming-Huang Lee - 979-993 Cuba's Tourism ‘Boom’: a curse or a blessing?
by Stephen Wilkinson - 995-1002 Influencing Tourism at the Grassroots Level: the role of Tourism Concern
by Tricia Barnett - 1003-1020 Mapping Educational Tourists' Experience in the UK: understanding international students
by Rong Huang - 1021-1032 Finding a Way Forward: an agenda for research
by Derek Hall & Frances Brown
2008, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 671-673 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 675-689 Dividing the World: conflict and inequality in the context of growing global tension
by Hermann Kreutzmann - 691-710 Global Disorder and the Limits of ‘Dialogue’
by Jeremy Salt - 711-729 Better (Red)™ than Dead? Celebrities, consumption and international aid
by Lisa Richey & Stefano Ponte - 731-748 Class/Race Polarisation in Venezuela and the Electoral Success of Hugo Chávez: a break with the past or the song remains the same?
by Barry Cannon - 749-766 Geography in Ominous Intersection with Interrogation and Torture: reflections on detention in Israel
by Ghazi-Walid Falah - 767-786 The Asian Development Bank and Developmental Regionalism in East Asia
by Christopher Dent - 787-803 The Zuma Affair, Labour and the Future of Democracy in South Africa
by Carolyn Bassett & Marlea Clarke - 805-818 Reconciliation through Sports? The case of South Africa
by Kristine Höglund & Ralph Sundberg - 819-834 Development Discourse of the Globalists and Dependency Theorists: do the globalisation theorists rephrase and reword the central concepts of the dependency school?
by Dhammika Herath
2008, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 391-392 Acknowledgements
by The Editors - 393-395 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 397-428 Introduction: nationalisms and their understandings in historical perspective
by Radhika Desai - 429-445 Nationalism and poverty: discourses of development and culture in 20th century India
by Sumit Sarkar - 447-465 The Cultural Career of the Japanese Economy: developmental and cultural nationalisms in historical perspective
by Laura Hein - 467-482 From Post-imperial to Late Communist Nationalism: historical change in Chinese nationalism from May Fourth to the 1990s
by Guoguang Wu - 483-496 Radical Islamism and Failed Developmentalism
by Saeed Rahnema - 497-519 From ‘Class’ to ‘Social Strata': grasping the social totality in reform-era China
by Ann Anagnost - 521-540 Beyond Bandung: developmental nationalism and (multi)cultural nationalism in Indonesia
by Joshua Barker - 541-554 Islamic Cultural Nationalism and Gender Politics in Iran
by Haideh Moghissi - 555-574 Hermeneutics against Instrumental Reason: national and post-national Islam in the 20th century
by Mohammed Bamyeh - 575-591 Nationalism and the Radical Intelligentsia in Thailand
by Thongchai Winichakul - 593-609 From Islamisation to Shariatisation: cultural transnationalism in Pakistan
by Farzana Shaikh - 611-629 A Nationalism without Politics?The illiberal consequences of liberal institutions in Sri Lanka
by Jonathan Spencer - 631-646 From Developmental Nationalism to the End of Nation-state in Iraq?
by Martin Bunton - 647-670 Conclusion: from developmental to cultural nationalisms
by Radhika Desai
2008, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 215-216 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 217-238 Global Governance and the Democratic Deficit: stifling the voice of the South
by John Glenn - 239-253 Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: have we reached a policy ‘tipping point’?
by Andrew Sumner - 255-274 Examining the State: a Foucauldian perspective on international ‘governance indicators’
by Oded Löwenheim - 275-289 Transitional Justice as Global Project: critical reflections
by Rosemary Nagy - 291-314 China's Environmental Governance: the domestic – international nexus
by Gerald Chan & Pak Lee & Lai-Ha Chan - 315-337 Transformation and Decay: the de-institutionalisation of party systems in South America
by Omar Sanchez - 339-356 Africa's Futures: from North – South to East – South?
by William Martin - 357-374 From Guerrillas to Government: post-conflict stability in Liberia, Uganda and Rwanda
by David McDonough - 375-390 The Integration of Western Modernism in Postcolonial Arabic Literature: a study of Abdul-Wahhab Al-Bayati's Third World poetics
by Saddik Gohar
2008, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-3 Notes on contributors
by The Editors - 5-23 Thinking past ‘Western’ IR?
by Pinar Bilgin - 25-44 From Colonization to Separation: exploring the structure of Israel's occupation
by Neve Gordon - 45-61 A Preference for Deference: reforming the military's intelligence role in Argentina, Chile and Peru
by Gregory Weeks - 63-87 Imperialism and Resistance: Canadian mining companies in Latin America
by Todd Gordon & Jeffery Webber - 89-105 China in Africa: challenging US global hegemony
by Horace Campbell - 107-124 Challenges to the Theory and Practice of Polyarchy: the rise of the political left in Korea
by Kevin Gray - 125-141 Crossing the Boundaries between ‘Third Sector’ and State: life-work histories from the Philippines, Bangladesh and the UK
by David Lewis - 143-165 Religion and Foreign Policy Making in the USA, India and Iran: towards a research agenda
by Jeffrey Haynes - 167-180 Facing the Giant: Southern perspectives on the European Union
by Lorenzo Fioramonti & Arlo Poletti - 181-197 EU Negotiations with and Mercosur: integration into the world economy or market access for EU firms?
by Alfredo Robles - 199-214 Veiling the Obvious: African feminist theory and the hijab in the African novel
by Shirin Edwin
January 2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-3 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 5-22 Fighting words: naming terrorists, bandits, rebels and other violent actors
by Michael V Bhatia - 23-37 Imaging terror: logos, pathos and ethos
by James Der Derian - 39-54 Al-Qaeda—terrorists, hypocrites, fundamentalists? The view from within
by Christina Hellmich - 55-65 Savagery in democracy's empire
by Robert L Ivie - 67-86 Bandits and blanket thieves, communists and terrorists: the politics of naming Sandinistas in Nicaragua, 1927 – 36 and 1979 – 90
by Michael J Schroeder - 87-100 Liberation struggle or terrorism? The politics of naming the ltte
by Suthaharan Nadarajah & Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah - 101-116 Terrorists, bandits, spooks and thieves: Russian demonisation of the Chechens before and since 9/11
by John Russell - 117-131 Savage wars? Codes of violence in Algeria, 1830s – 1990s
by James McDougall - 133-152 Israeli snipers in the Al-Aqsa intifada: killing, humanity and lived experience
by Neta Bar & Eyal Ben-Ari - 153-172 Words as interventions: naming in the Palestine – Israel conflict
by Julie Peteet - 173-197 Know thy enemy: Hizbullah, ‘terrorism’ and the politics of perception
by Mona Harb & Reinoud Leenders - 199-213 Themes in official discourses on terrorism in Central Asia
by Stuart Horsman
December 1998, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 825-825 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors - 827-846 Deterritorialised territories, borderless borders: the new geography of international medical assistance
by François Debrix - 847-872 Globalisation and environmental resistance politics
by James H Mittelman - 873-892 Public action and its limits: re-examining the politics of hunger alleviation in eastern India
by Bob Currie - 893-915 Civil society and democratisation in comparative perspective: Latin America and the Middle East
by Mehran Kamrava & Frank O Mora - 917-934 Mapping the prospects for regional co-operation in southern Africa
by Ian H Rowlands - 935-949 Is comparative politics dead? Rethinking the field in the post-Cold War era
by Howard J Wiarda - 951-961 The Eurocentrism of dependency theory and the question of ‘authenticity’: a view from Turkey
by Haldun Gülalp - 963-969 On South Asian states and the state of the nations in South Asia
by Amalendú Misra - 971-983 WorldViews Resource Guide
by The Editors - 984-985 Book review panel
by The Editors - 986-987 Information for Authors
by The Editors - 988-992 Contents of Volume 19 1998
by The Editors - 993-993 Author index
by The Editors