2013, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1000-1015 From the New International Economic Order to the G20: how the ‘global South’ is restructuring world capitalism from within
by Philip Golub - 1016-1036 Network Powers: strategies of change in the multipolar system
by Daniel Flemes - 1037-1053 Maritime Strategies of Rising Powers: developments in China and Russia
by Alexandr Burilkov & Torsten Geise - 1054-1074 Contested Cyberspace and Rising Powers
by Hannes Ebert & Tim Maurer - 1075-1090 in the Contemporary World: changing identities, converging interests
by Fabiano Mielniczuk - 1091-1110 Bugger thy Neighbour? and South–South Solidarity
by Philip Nel & Ian Taylor - 1111-1126 When Words are not Enough: assessing the relationship between international commitments and the nuclear choices of Brazil, India and South Africa
by Mariana Carpes - 1127-1144 Shaping the Middle East in the Midst of the Arab Uprisings: Turkish and Saudi foreign policy strategies
by Crystal Ennis & Bessma Momani
2013, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 747-762 The Precariat: a view from the South
by Ronaldo Munck - 763-783 The Local Turn in Peace Building: a critical agenda for peace
by Roger Mac Ginty & Oliver Richmond - 784-799 Policy Coherence for Development and Securitisation: competing paradigms or stabilising North–South hierarchies?
by Nancy Thede - 800-818 The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace
by Catherine Gegout - 819-837 Safeguarding Political Guarantees in the Colombian Peace Process: have Santos and learnt the lessons from the past?
by Andrei Gomez-Suarez & Jonathan Newman - 838-855 Democratisation in the Middle East and North Africa: perspectives from democracy support
by Peter Burnell - 856-872 Structure, Agency And Hezbollah: a Morphogenetic View
by Karim Knio - 873-892 The Rise of a ‘New Slavery’? Understanding African unfree labour through neoliberalism
by Genevieve Lebaron & Alison Ayers - 893-912 Refugees, and Citizenship Rights: the perils of humanitarianism in the African Great Lakes region
by Patricia Daley - 913-928 The fetishism of humanitarian objects and the management of malnutrition in emergencies
by Tom Scott-Smith - 929-941 The Postcolonial World and the Recourse to Myth: a critique of Albert Memmi’s
by Sina Salessi - 942-942 Erratum
by The Editors
2013, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 535-546 The Politics of Debt and Development in the New Millennium: an introduction
by Susanne Soederberg - 547-568 A critical geography of poverty finance
by Katharine Rankin - 569-592 Debt, Uneven Development and Capitalist Crisis in South Africa: from Moody’s macroeconomic monitoring to Marikana microfinance
by Patrick Bond - 593-612 Universalising Financial Inclusion and the Securitisation of Development
by Susanne Soederberg - 613-629 Debt Politics and the Free Trade ‘Package’: the case of the Caribbean
by Gavin Fridell - 630-652 Governance, Representation and International Aid
by Sheila Nair - 653-670 Carbon Markets, Debt and Uneven Development
by Kate Ervine - 671-690 Value-chain Agriculture and Debt Relations: contradictory outcomes
by Philip Mcmichael - 691-709 Liquid Debts: credit, groundwater and the social ecology of agrarian distress in Andhra Pradesh, India
by Marcus Taylor - 710-725 Critical Review: the politics of sovereign debt
by Jesse Hembruff - 726-745 Politicising Debt and Development: activist voices on social justice in the new millennium
by Gavin Fridell
2013, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 357-377 Poverty, Politics and Aid: is a reframing of global poverty approaching?
by Andy Sumner - 378-396 , Tax and Development
by Rhys Jenkins & Peter Newell - 397-404 Has the Green Revolution been a Cumulative Learning Process?
by Jonathan Harwood - 405-422 Social Media and Global Development Rituals: a content analysis of blogs and tweets on the 2010 Summit
by Tobias Denskus & Daniel Esser - 423-440 David Harvey in Tahrir Square: the dispossessed, the discontented and the Egyptian revolution
by Roberto Roccu - 441-457 The Kurdish Spring
by Michael Gunter - 458-469 Constructing the Nation’s Enemy: , popular culture and the Muslim ‘other’ in Bollywood cinema
by Sanjeev Kumar - 470-484 The Long Shadow of Band Aid Humanitarianism: revisiting the dynamics between famine and celebrity
by Tanja Müller - 485-499 ‘Getting in Touch with your Inner Angelina’: celebrity humanitarianism and the cultural politics of gendered generosity in volunteer tourism
by Mary Mostafanezhad - 500-515 Intellectual Property Rights and the Potential for Universal Access to Treatment: , and / medicine
by Adrian Flint & Jill Payne - 516-533 Intellectual Property and Food Security in Least Developed Countries
by Miranda Forsyth & Sue Farran
2013, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 183-193 Introduction: rising powers and the future of global governance
by Kevin Gray & Craig Murphy - 194-213 Capitalist Globalisation and the Problem of Stability: enter the new quintet and other emerging powers
by Achin Vanaik - 214-232 Recasting the Power Politics of Debt: structural power, hegemonic stabilisers and change
by Andreas Antoniades - 233-250 Can China Lead?
by Mark Beeson - 251-270 Sub-imperialism as Lubricant of Neoliberalism: South African ‘deputy sheriff’ duty within
by Patrick Bond - 271-286 Brazil’s Foreign Policy Priorities
by Steen Fryba Christensen - 287-304 The ‘Ankara Moment’: the politics of Turkey’s regional power in the Middle East, 2007–11
by André Bank & Roy Karadag - 305-320 Realising Justice
by Neera Chandhoke - 321-338 Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South–South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance programmes?
by Fahimul Quadir - 339-355 Rising Powers and the Future of Democracy Promotion: the case of Brazil and India
by Oliver Stuenkel
2013, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-21 Curses, Diseases and Other Resource Confusions
by Alfredo Saad-Filho & John Weeks - 23-37 Global : emerging market powers and polycentric governance
by James Mittelman - 39-57 Towards a Typology of Humanitarian Access Denial
by Melissa Labonte & Anne Edgerton - 59-76 Beyond the Ivory Tower: A Case for ‘Praxeological Deconstructionism’ as a ‘Third Way’ in IR Theorising
by Nathan Andrews - 77-108 Livelihoods as Intimate Government: Reframing the logic of livelihoods for development
by Edward Carr - 109-129 Redefining Poverty as Risk and Vulnerability: shifting strategies of liberal economic governance
by Jacqueline Best - 131-150 Quantifying Law: legal indicator projects and the reproduction of neoliberal common sense
by Tor Krever - 151-169 Prizes for Pharmaceuticals? Mitigating the social ineffectiveness of the current pharmaceutical patent arrangement
by Valbona Muzaka - 171-182 Modern Neoliberal Philanthropy: motivations and impact of Pfizer Pharmaceutical’s corporate social responsibility campaign
by Michael Givel
2012, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 1767-1782 Post-development and Poverty: an assessment
by Paul Shaffer - 1783-1801 A New Frontier in Development? The use of cause-related marketing by international development organisations
by Roberta Hawkins - 1803-1820 American Exceptionalism and the bin Laden Raid
by Marouf Hasian - 1821-1836 The Gender Logics of Resistance to the ‘War on Terror’: constructing sex–gender difference through the erasure of patriarchy in the Middle East
by Nicola Pratt - 1837-1853 Municipal Socialism Then and Now: some lessons for the Global South
by Ellen Leopold & David McDonald - 1855-1870 Allegations Lost and Found: the afterlife of Dominican sugar slavery
by Samuel Martinez - 1871-1888 Certifying in Contested Spaces: private regulation in Indonesian forestry and palm oil
by John McCarthy - 1889-1908 A Question of Agency: Africa in international politics
by William Brown - 1909-1924 Leaking Superpower: WikiLeaks and the contradictions of democracy
by Jan Pieterse - 1925-1943 Party aid: democracy promotion's ‘new frontier’ or its final frontier?
by Joel Lazarus - 1945-1963 Flexibility versus Inflexibility: discursive discrepancy in US democracy promotion and anti-corruption policies
by Jeff Bridoux & Anja Gebel
2012, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 1561-1573 ‘Third World’: the 60th anniversary of a concept that changed history
by Marcin Solarz - 1575-1593 Auschwitz's Finale: racism and holocausts
by Shiraz Dossa - 1595-1610 New Orientalism, Securitisation and the Western Media's Incendiary Racism
by Tariq Amin-Khan - 1611-1629 Counter-revolution by Ideology? Law and development's vision(s) for post-revolutionary Egypt
by Mohsen Al Attar - 1631-1645 The War on Drugs in Mexico: a failed state?
by Adam Morton - 1647-1668 Challenging Global Neoliberalism? The global political economy of China's capital controls
by Mattias Vermeiren & Sacha Dierckx - 1669-1683 Offsetting the Development Costs? Brain drain and the role of training and remittances
by Daniel Agbiboa - 1685-1702 The Hidden Effect of Diaspora Return to Post-conflict Countries: the case of policy and temporary return to Rwanda
by Reiko Shindo - 1703-1718 Renewing Global Governance: demanding rights and justice in the global South
by Jean Grugel & Anders Uhlin - 1719-1734 Global and Local Health Governance: Civil society, human rights and
by Christer Jönsson & Kristina Jönsson - 1735-1750 Let's Argue about Migration: advancing a right(s) discourse via communicative opportunities
by Nicola Piper & Stefan Rother - 1751-1765 Ventriloquising ‘the Poor’? Of voices, choices and the politics of ‘participatory’ knowledge production
by Andrea Cornwall & Mamoru Fujita
2012, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1387-1404 The Personal and the Professional: Aid workers' relationships and values in the development process
by Anne-Meike Fechter - 1405-1421 Fellow Travellers in Development
by Rosalind Eyben - 1423-1437 Befriending the Field: culture and friendships in development worlds
by Eric Heuser - 1439-1457 Aid Relations and Aid Legitimacy: mutual imaging of aid workers and recipients in Nepal
by Dorothea Hilhorst & Loes Weijers & Margit van Wessel - 1459-1474 Professionalisation Trends and Inequality: experiences and practices in aid relationships
by Silke Roth - 1475-1491 ‘Living Well’ while ‘Doing Good’? (Missing) debates on altruism and professionalism in aid work
by Anne-Meike Fechter - 1493-1509 ‘Struggling to Do the Right Thing’: challenges during international volunteering
by Katharina Mangold - 1511-1525 Is the Non-unitary Subject a Plausible and Productive Way to Understand Development Bureaucrats?
by Peter Tamás & Chizu Sato - 1527-1543 A Moral Economy? Social interpretations of money in Aidland
by Cathy Shutt - 1545-1559 Effective Aid: the poetics of some aid workers' angles on how humanitarian aid ‘works'
by Raymond Apthorpe
2012, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 1165-1189 When States Die: geographic and territorial pathways to state death
by Brandon Valeriano & John Benthuysen - 1191-1210 Capitalist Philanthropy and Hegemonic Partnerships
by Behrooz Morvaridi - 1211-1229 The Production of Social Science Knowledge beyond Occidentalism: the quest for a post-exotic anthropology
by Serge Elie - 1231-1247 Turning Governance Thinking Upside-down? Insights from ‘the politics of what works’
by Sam Hickey - 1249-1265 The Millennium Development Goals and Ambitious Developmental Engineering
by Clive Gabay - 1267-1283 The End of the Libyan Dictatorship: The Uncertain Transition
by Yahia Zoubir & Erzsébet Rózsa - 1285-1303 Exploring the Paradoxical Consequences of State Collapse: the cases of Somalia 1991–2006 and Lebanon 1975–82
by Ersun Kurtulus - 1305-1321 Everyday Engagement in Spectacular Situations: popular participation in Colombian security provision
by Stacey Hunt - 1323-1336 A Hybrid Peace through Locally Owned and Externally Financed in Rwanda?
by Nina Wilén - 1337-1358 Latin America and China—a new dependency?
by Rhys Jenkins - 1359-1375 Remodelling the Global Development Landscape: the China Model and South–South cooperation in Latin America
by Monica DeHart - 1377-1386 Modernity without Prometheus: on re-reading Marshall Berman's
by Sanjay Seth
2012, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 969-980 Development perspectives from the Antipodes: an introduction
by Susanne Schech - 981-999 Denial and Distancing in Discourses of Development: shadow of the ‘Third World’ in New Zealand
by Priya Kurian & Debashish Munshi - 1001-1017 The Changing Development Landscape in the First Decade of the 21st Century and its Implications for Development Studies
by Patrick Kilby - 1019-1036 Police in the Development Space: Australia's international police capacity builders
by Vandra Harris & Andrew Goldsmith - 1037-1058 Tangled Nets of Discourse and Turbines of Development: Lower Mekong mainstream dam debates
by Ming Yong & Carl Grundy-Warr - 1059-1073 Alter-Native ‘Development’: indigenous forms of social ecology
by Alberto Gomes - 1075-1094 Reframing Development through Collaboration: towards a relational ontology of connection in Bawaka, North East Arnhem Land
by Kate Lloyd & Sarah Wright & Sandie Suchet-Pearson & Laklak Burarrwanga & Bawaka Country - 1095-1112 Contract Scholars, Friendly Philanthropists and Feminist Activists: new development subjects in the Pacific
by Yvonne Underhill-Sem - 1113-1127 Emotional Geographies of Development
by Sarah Wright - 1129-1146 Overcoming Secularism? Catholic development geographies in Timor-Leste
by Andrew McGregor & Laura Skeaff & Marianne Bevan - 1147-1163 A Progressive Authoritarianism? The case of post-2006 Fiji
by Paul Hodge
2012, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 751-768 Altruism but not Quite: the genesis of the least developed country () category
by Djalita Fialho - 769-789 ‘Bankable Slums’: the global politics of slum upgrading
by Branwen Jones - 791-806 The Great Divide? Donor perceptions of budget support, eligibility and policy dialogue
by Nadia Molenaers - 807-824 Education, Development and the Imaginary Global Consensus: reframing educational planning dilemmas in the South
by Beniamin Knutsson & Jonas Lindberg - 825-836 The Wheel of Development: the Millennium Development Goals as a communication and development tool
by Dorine Van Norren - 837-851 Africa's Quest for Developmental States: ‘renaissance’ for whom?
by Timothy Shaw - 853-869 The Boko Haram Uprising: how should Nigeria respond?
by Iro Aghedo & Oarhe Osumah - 871-886 ‘The Shame Games’: a textual analysis of Western press coverage of the Commonwealth Games in India
by Suman Mishra - 887-901 Neo-mercantilist Capitalism and Post-2008 Cleavages in Economic Decision-making Power in Brazil
by Markus Kröger - 903-917 The Rise of Brazil as a Global Development Power
by Peter Dauvergne & Déborah BL Farias - 919-930 The Eclipse of Arab Authoritarianism and the Challenge of Popular Sovereignty
by Hilal Khashan - 931-948 The Collapse of Middle Eastern Authoritarianism: breaking the barriers of fear and power
by Imad Salamey & Frederic Pearson - 949-968 Gender Equality as ? A critique of the 2012
by Adrienne Roberts & Susanne Soederberg
2012, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 573-580 Governing Difference in India and China: an introduction
by Ravinder Kaur & Ayo Wahlberg - 581-601 Imperial Modernity: history and global inequity in rising Asia
by David Ludden - 603-621 Nation's Two Bodies: rethinking the idea of ‘new' India and its other
by Ravinder Kaur - 623-636 China as an ‘Emerging Biotech Power’
by Ayo Wahlberg - 637-655 Post-colonial Renaissance: ‘Indianness’, contemporary art and the market in the age of neoliberal capital
by Manuela Ciotti - 657-672 Making Gujarat Vibrant: , development and the rise of subnationalism in India
by Tommaso Bobbio - 673-688 Between Egalitarianism and Domination: governing differences in a transitional society
by Swagato Sarkar - 689-704 Rule through Difference on China's Urban–Rural Boundary
by Jesper Zeuthen - 705-720 ‘Winning Hearts and Minds’: emotional wars and the construction of difference
by Nandini Sundar - 721-734 Religion, Secularism and National Development in India and China
by Peter van der Veer - 735-750 Between Party, Parents and Peers: the quandaries of two young Chinese Party members in Beijing
by Susanne Bregnbaek
2012, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 383-403 Financial Sector Policy and Development in the Wake of the Global Crisis: the role of national development banks
by Roy Culpeper - 405-422 The Anti-Politics of Development: donor agencies and the political economy of governance
by Wil Hout - 423-439 The Art of Forgetting: imperialist amnesia and public secrecy
by Robert Fletcher - 441-457 ‘High Value’ Migration and Complicity in Underdevelopment and Corruption in the Global South: receiving from the attic
by Hakeem Yusuf - 459-474 Friedrich List's Adam Smith Historiography and the Contested Origins of Development Theory
by Matthew Watson - 475-493 Colonial Amnesias, Photographic Memories, and Demographic Biopolitics at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA)
by Marouf Hasian - 495-510 The EU–SADC Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations: ‘locking in’ the neoliberal development model in southern Africa?
by Stephen Hurt - 511-524 White Turks, Black Turks? Faultlines beyond Islamism versus secularism
by Seda Demiralp - 525-540 Hamas and its Vision of Development
by Guy Burton - 541-558 Consociation in a Constant State of Contingency? The case of the Palestinian Territory
by Laurence Cooley & Michelle Pace - 559-569 North–South, Commemorating the First Brandt Report: searching for the contemporary spatial picture of the global rift
by Marcin Solarz
2012, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 201-204 People Power is Alive and Well
by Joel Rocamora - 205-224 People Power in the Era of Global Crisis: rebellion, resistance, and liberation
by Barry Gills & Kevin Gray - 225-241 (Re)constructing Popular Power in Our America: Venezuela and the regionalisation of ‘revolutionary democracy’ in the ALBA–TCP space
by Thomas Muhr - 243-264 South African People Power since the mid-1980s: two steps forward, one back
by Patrick Bond - 265-291 Democracy and People Power in Africa: still searching for the ‘political kingdom’
by Fantu Cheru - 293-309 The Dilemmas of Korea's New Democracy in an Age of Neoliberal Globalisation
by Kwang-Yeong Shin - 311-332 Competing Ideologies of Political Representation in Southeast Asia
by Garry Rodan - 333-357 Revisited: analysing the socio-political impact of the internet and new social media in East Asia
by Jason Abbott - 359-381 Opposing Neoliberalism? Poland's renewed populism and post-communist transition
by Stuart Shields
2012, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-16 The G20, the Crisis, and the Rise of Global Developmental Liberalism
by Paul Cammack - 17-36 Development Effectiveness and the Politics of Commitment
by Caroline Hughes & Jane Hutchison - 37-53 The Meaning of Work in Neoliberal Globalisation: the Asian exception?
by Trevor Parfitt & Jay Wysocki - 55-70 Regional Energy Integration in Latin America: lessons from Chile's experience with natural gas
by David Mares & Jeremy Martin - 71-89 Fiftieth Anniversary of Decolonisation in Africa: a moment of celebration or critical reflection?
by Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 91-108 African diasporas, development and the politics of context
by Rebecca Davies - 109-124 Religious Institutions and Authoritarian States: church–state relations in the Middle East
by Fiona McCallum - 125-141 Microfinance, the Market and Political Development in the Internet Age
by Jack Barry - 143-160 Co-optation, Cooperation or Competition? Microfinance and the new left in Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua
by Florent Bédécarrats & Johan Bastiaensen & François Doligez - 161-175 Access to Credit in the Developing World: does land registration matter?
by Daniel Domeher & Raymond Abdulai - 177-197 Financial Inclusion and Human Capital in Developing Asia: the Australian connection
by Rashmi Arora
2011, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1703-1714 State Building, Security and Development: state building as a new development paradigm?
by Heather Marquette & Danielle Beswick - 1715-1736 State Building for Peace: a new paradigm for international engagement in post-conflict fragile states?
by Alina Rocha Menocal - 1737-1756 A Human Security Peace-Building Agenda
by Edward Newman - 1757-1776 Globalisation and Power in Weak States
by Mick Moore - 1777-1802 Post-Conflict State Building: the debate on institutional choice
by Stefan Wolff - 1803-1822 Security Sector Reform and State Building
by Paul Jackson - 1823-1841 The Bifurcation of the Two Worlds: assessing the gap between internationals and locals in state-building processes
by Nicolas Lemay-Hébert - 1843-1869 Inclusive Elite Bargains and the Dilemma of Unproductive Peace: a Zambian case study
by Stefan Lindemann - 1871-1890 Donors, State Building and Corruption: lessons from Afghanistan and the implications for aid policy
by Heather Marquette - 1891-1910 Divisive ‘Commonality’: state and insecurity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Zoe Marriage - 1911-1930 Aiding State Building and Sacrificing Peace Building? The Rwanda–UK relationship 1994–2011
by Danielle Beswick
2011, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 1541-1556 Development's Paradox: is Washington DC a Third World city?
by Eve Bratman - 1557-1572 (An)other Way of Being Human: ‘indigenous’ alternative(s) to postcolonial humanism
by Malreddy Kumar - 1573-1587 Human Rights and Democracy Promotion: reflections on the contestation in, and the politico-economic dynamics of, rights promotion
by Milja Kurki - 1589-1605 Conservative Christianity, the Global South and the Battle over Sexual Orientation
by John Anderson - 1607-1621 Is India a Responsible Great Power?
by Amrita Narlikar - 1623-1635 Arab–Kurdish Relations and the Future of Iraq
by Michael Gunter - 1637-1653 Violent Narco-Cartels or US Hegemony? The political economy of the ‘war on drugs’ in Mexico
by Julien Mercille - 1655-1672 Curbing ‘Anti-Systemic’ Tendencies in Peru: democracy promotion and the US contribution to producing neoliberal hegemony
by Neil Burron - 1673-1690 Intellectuals, International Relations and the Constant Emergency
by Mark Lacy - 1691-1702 Academia and the Legitimising of International Politics: studies of democratisation and world politics
by Ali Usul
2011, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 1369-1381 Southern Bodies and Disability: re-thinking concepts
by Raewyn Connell - 1383-1397 Human Rights and the Global South: the case of disability
by Helen Meekosha & Karen Soldatic - 1399-1417 Embodiment and Emotion in Sierra Leone
by Maria Berghs - 1419-1435 Fostering Deaf People's Empowerment: the Cameroonian deaf community and epistemological equity
by Goedele De Clerck